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Password Reset B2+ WB U1
Password Reset B2+ WB U1
ARY socialising
1 Write words which match definitions a–f. Then use the 3 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into English.
words in the correct form to complete the text below.
Paul Are you going 1 (uczestniczyć
a a party with many guests: b d w zjeździe rodzinnym) next month?
b a place where an organised event takes place: Luke I’m not sure yet. Why?
Paul I’m supposed to 2 (pomóc
c a meeting between people who haven’t seen one another zorganizować to spotkanie). So I’m trying to find out
for a long time: r what the guests are expecting.
d a meeting held for a specific purpose: g
Luke Just make sure it’s not in the same place as last year!
e a relaxed social occasion: g -t The food in the restaurant was awful.
f a reservation: b Paul I know! But I’m not responsible for
(zarezerwowanie lokalu).
Luke So what exactly is your job?
I must say the school 1 was truly a night Paul Generally speaking, I’m to handle the social media.
to remember. To begin with, it didn’t resemble I need 4 (utworzyć wydarzenie)
the informal 2 from previous years. on Facebook. I’m going to post important
This time the organisers threw a 3 , information and some old family pictures.
with more than 200 guests. They managed to Luke How’s it going so far?
a conference hall at the Holiday Inn! Paul Not so good. Very few people 5
(przyjęło zaproszenie). We’re worried that the party
I have to say that the choice of the 5 was might turn out to be a flop.
perfect – the party was very elegant, and we all felt really Luke Cheer up! I’m sure the Facebook event will encourage
special. In fact, I liked the place so much I might even some people to come. Why don’t you run a poll to
consider organising our next family 6 there. make sure everyone can have a say?
Vocabulary challenge! Student’s Book, page 112, UNIT 1, ex. 1
listening for gist and detail • holidays and celebrations 1
1 Read the text and choose the correct answers. 3 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
1 Do you think we should put on / up more decorations?
2 We had quite an enjoyable / a perfect time
at the barbecue last weekend.
3 The concert they had arranged made their engagement
party a night to remember / recall.
4 If you were to name a forgetful / an unforgettable
experience from your childhood, what would it be?
5 Quite unexpectedly, when John’s father was making
a speech, he burst into tears / cry in front of the guests.
D espite being criticised by many people, break-up 1 I’d like to propose a toast. Congratulations my
baby girl, who grew up to be a beautiful, smart woman with
parties are growing in popularity. Their main aim
a brilliant career ahead of her. May this degree be the first of
is to offer help and support to those who need to cope many outstanding achievements in her life.
with a difficult change in their lives. Usually thrown
by friends and family, break-up parties are seen as 2 Brian, this company wouldn’t be the same without you.
a social occasion to announce that someone’s single Congratulations all your achievements that
have made this business so successful. We’re going to miss
again and open to new experiences. You might consider you, mate!
throwing a big do for a friend who has just broken up
with their boyfriend or girlfriend unless they clearly 3 Let’s make a toast! Maggie, Ben – it’s been wonderful and
disapprove of such a party. However, remember that inspiring to watch your relationship grow over the last twenty
years. wishes for the future!
your friend might still be miserable, despite the positive
attitude they show on the outside. So, here are some 4 There is nothing more exciting than to watch our family get
DOs and DON’Ts to bear in mind … bigger. Here’s the baby boy who will keep me
busy in my retirement!
1 Break-up parties are a good occasion to
a change something in your life. 5 Complete the words with the missing letters.
b celebrate your new status in life.
1 Everyone was impressed by the o _ _ s _ _ n _ _ _ g
2 To organise a break-up party for your friend,
celebration the Greens organised – it was excellent.
you need to
2 At the family reunion, I had a chance to talk to some
a make sure that the person wants to have one.
distant r _ l _ _ i _ _ s whom I’d never met before.
b wait until they feel better about the situation.
3 If you want to throw your birthday party in this
2 MP3 01 Listen to four people talking about special restaurant, you’d better make a _ o _ _ i _ g soon.
occasions. Complete the sentences. 4 I thought Ellen would help us organise the event,
but I was sadly _ _s _ _k _ n.
Text 1
5 You could see that Dennis was _ h _ _ _ l _ d with his
The gifts that the woman had received were going to
birthday present – he couldn’t stop smiling!
come handy because
. 6 The concert hall was p _ _ k _ _ with fans –
the organisers should have chosen a bigger venue.
Text 2 7 It would be inappropriate to wear this shirt to
The wedding reception was far from perfect in spite of the a wedding _ _ c _ p _ _ _ n!
fact that
. 6 Write 4–5 sentences about the most memorable party
Text 3 or celebration you’ve ever been to.
It was the first time someone in the girl’s family
Text 4
At the beginning of the evening, the man was astonished
Tense contrast: present perfect simple, present perfect continuous, past simple
Czasu present perfect simple używamy, aby opisać swoje lub czyjeś Czasów present perfect simple oraz present perfect
doświadczenia bez określania, kiedy miały one miejsce. Aby opisać continuous używamy, aby opisać czynności i wydarzenia, które
czynności i wydarzenia, które miały miejsce w określonym momencie rozpoczęły się w przeszłości i nadal trwają. Aby podkreślić
w przeszłości, stosujemy czas past simple. skutek jakiejś czynności, stosujemy present perfect simple.
I’ve met some of my dad’s relatives. Aby podkreślić samą czynność i jej czas trwania, stosujemy
I met some of my cousins last summer. present perfect continuous.
Czasu present perfect simple używamy, aby opisać sytuację trwającą John has sent out 50 invitations.
w przedziale czasowym, który się jeszcze nie zakończył. Czasu past John has been sending out invitations all morning.
simple używamy, aby opisać sytuację trwającą w przedziale czasowym, Past simple – typowe określenia czasu:
który już się zakończył. (two days) ago, in (2019), last (month),
I’ve taken part in two wedding receptions this year. When …?, then, after that.
As a child, I didn’t take part in many family meetings. Present perfect – typowe określenia czasu:
Czasu present perfect simple używamy, aby opisać czynności this (morning), never, ever, so/thus far, since (November),
i wydarzenia, które miały miejsce do chwili obecnej i mogą wydarzyć How long …?, recently, lately, for (the past few months),
się ponownie. Czasu past simple używamy, aby opisać czynności just, already, yet.
i wydarzenia, które miały miejsce w przeszłości i już się nie wydarzą.
As a journalist, Mark has written more than 20 front-page articles.
Charles Dickens wrote more than ten novels.
1 Choose the correct answers. 3 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
1 I my room all morning. I’m almost done now. Sometimes both answers are correct.
a have painted b have been painting 1 Tom and I have worked / have been working on this
2 Judy Russian as a child, but she’s forgotten most project for so long that we cannot wait to finally show it
of it now. to everyone.
a has been learning b learned 2 Dave has been saving / has saved for months to buy
3 It seems Dave visiting his parents a long time ago. a new Xbox. So far, he has been saving / has saved
a has stopped b stopped half the sum he needs.
4 My grandma the best Christmas parties out of all 3 How long have you lived / have you been living with
the family. I wish she was still with us. your aunt?
a organised b has been organising 4 You ’ve been watching / ’ve watched TV all morning.
5 Patty’s been sitting in front of the TV all day. I wonder Don’t you think it’s time to stop?
how many films she . 5 How many people have been responding /
a has been watching b has watched have responded to the online invitation?
6 Nobody him since last week. 6 So far, we ’ve been booking / ’ve booked the venue
a saw b has seen and the band, and we are currently choosing flowers
7 Do you know if any of your friends an invitation? for the ceremony.
a have received b received 4 Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs below.
2 Complete the sentences with appropriate words. Write one graduate be appear gain study help
word in each gap.
1 We’ve had terrible weather last month. Dear Sir/Madam,
2 How have they been waiting for the guests I’m writing in connection with the advertisement that
to arrive? 1
in the last issue of Weekly Career. I would like
3 did Stephanie attend the school reunion? to apply for the position of a children’s party planner at your
4 Lucy has been organising her wedding reception company.
months. Since I 2 pedagogy at university and
5 You can’t change your mind now! I’ve 3
with a BA degree, I am convinced that
bought the tickets for the concert. I4 the necessary qualifications to work with
6 Tom was sick week and stayed at home. children.
7 She’s lost two umbrellas week. Since my graduation, I 5 my aunt run
8 I’ve read three of Andrzej Sapkowski’s novels her business – organising birthday parties for children.
far, and I have to say he’s a great writer. I6 responsible for making all the bookings and
9 Have you considered getting married checking the venues before the events, which I believe further
without having a big reception? makes me a suitable candidate for the job. I hope you will
10 A: Have you invited your grandparents? consider my application.
B: Well, I haven’t called them , but I’ll do it Yours faithfully,
today. Margaret Green
5 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into 6 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same
English. as the first. Use the word given.
Lucy 1
(Zaplanowałeś) all the 1 I last spoke to Timmy over two years ago.
activities for the games night at your place I for over two years. NOT
next week yet? 2 It’s a long time since we ate out together.
Mark I’m afraid not. 2 (Myślę o tym) We a long time. FOR
for a week, but I am not sure what the guests 3 Sue began reading when she came home, and she hasn’t
would like. 3 (Dotąd kupiłem) stopped yet.
a few board games, but it might not be Sue came home. BEEN
enough. 4 The last time there was a wedding in my family was in 2018.
Lucy I guess you’re right. Kevin 4 There 2018. NO
(przyniósł) some board games for 5 We still need to book a venue for the reception.
Tom’s birthday party and many guests We . YET
(uważało, że były nudne). 6 Paul has been out for three hours now.
Mark So what should I do? I guess I 6 Paul . AGO
(skończyły mi się) of ideas. 7 How long has it been raining?
Lucy Why don’t you ask someone for help? When ? START
Someone who 7 (brał udział
w) a similar event. Take Peter, for example, 7 Write answers to the questions below.
last summer 8 (urządzał) such 1 How long have you been living in your house?
parties at his house regularly.
Mark Sounds like a good idea. But we’re not very 2 How many times have you thrown a party this year?
close friends.
Lucy Don’t worry! We 9 (znamy się) 3 When did you last attend an unforgettable celebration?
for years. I’ll talk to him for you.
Speculating about the present and past: may / might / could / can’t / must
Konstrukcji may / might / could / can’t / must + bezokolicznik bez to Grammar challenge! S tudent’s Book, page 112, UNIT 1
oraz may / might / could / can’t / must + be + -ing używamy, aby
wyrazić przypuszczenie dotyczące teraźniejszości lub przyszłości. W odniesieniu do zdarzeń ogólnych używamy czasowników
The film starts in 5 minutes. I’m afraid we might be late. can i could; natomiast aby powiedzieć, że coś jest możliwe
They can’t be friends – they never talk to each other. w konkretnej sytuacji, używamy czasowników may, might i could:
The lights are on. They must be at home. A tennis match can / could last for a couple of days.
Call them. They may be waiting for you in a different café. Sally may / might / could be at home now.
Konstrukcji may / might / could / can’t / must + have + past participle
używamy, aby wyrazić przypuszczenie dotyczące przeszłości.
1 Write sentences to speculate about each picture.
The lights are off – Sue must have left.
Look at this mess! Who may have made it?
Czasowników may, might i could używamy, gdy chcemy powiedzieć, 1 He must
że jakieś zdarzenie jest prawdopodobne. .
Lucy may / might / could be at home now. 2 He can’t
(It is likely that she is at home.)
She may / might / could have forgotten about the party.
(She probably forgot about the party.)
She’s not answering the phone – she may / might / could be
sleeping. (Perhaps she is sleeping.)
Czasownika modalnego must używamy, gdy jesteśmy w dużym stopniu 3 She must be
pewni naszych przypuszczeń. .
You must be tired. (I’m sure you are tired.) 4 She might have
He must have returned by now. .
(It is certain that he has returned by now.)
She must be waiting at the bus stop.
(I’m sure she’s waiting at the bus stop.)
Czasownika modalnego can’t używamy, gdy jesteśmy pewni, że coś się
nie dzieje lub się nie wydarzyło.
She’s got naturally blonde hair. She can’t be Japanese. (I’m sure 5 They could be
she’s not Japanese.) .
She can’t have done it. (I’m sure she didn’t do it.) 6 They might have
Tom can’t be telling the truth. (I’m sure Tom isn’t telling the truth.) .
2 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. 5 Add five missing words to the email below.
1 Can you hear the music? The neighbour must practise /
must be practising the violin. Mark,
2 The school-leaving party can’t have been planned / Just a quick one to let you know that Betty hasn’t shown up
can’t be planned by a professional. It was a disaster. for grandma and grandpa’s anniversary. Can you believe it?
3 I can’t find my phone, and I don’t know where to look She must known the celebration is today. I mean, she accepted
for it. It must / could be anywhere. the invitation. Nobody really knows what’s happened. She
4 Stella can’t / might refuse to come to your birthday might have missed her train and might waiting to catch the
party as she doesn’t like such occasions.
next one. But she have her phone with her, right? She have left
5 Congratulations on passing the exam with such a great it at home! She can’t that careless, right? Anyway, if she contacts
result. You might / must have worked very hard.
you, let me know.
6 You’ve forgotten to book a table? You can’t / must be
joking! Henry
7 It can’t / might be raining in the afternoon, so you’d
better take an umbrella. 6 Write a sentence to speculate about each situation.
8 Laura must go / must have gone shopping. She said 1 Your friend is falling asleep during a lesson.
she needed a new dress for the wedding reception.
2 You can see your friend carrying some flowers.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct modal verbs.
Sometimes more than one answer is possible. 3 Some of your classmates didn’t come to your birthday party.
1 Sarah have stolen the money. She’s too
honest to do such a thing. 4 Your cousin has called off her wedding unexpectedly.
2 The baby has been crying for ten minutes.
It be hungry. 5 Your mum has been in a very good mood all day.
3 Look at that man waving. He be trying to
get your attention.
4 It’s a pity she didn’t decide to continue her education. Grammar challenge! Student’s Book, page 112, UNIT 1, ex. 1
She have become a very good doctor.
5 I haven’t got my keys. Ah, I have left 7 Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences below.
them in the office. Hold on, I’ll be back in a minute. Some sentences are correct.
6 Have you seen Harry’s new car?! It’s a Ferrari! 1 Peter can be abroad at the moment. Try calling him when
It have cost a fortune! he’s back.
7 You’re going to buy Mary a day at a spa 2 Eating too much could make you sleepy.
as a graduation gift? You be serious! 3 Do you think your ex-boyfriend can show up at the party?
8 I wouldn’t ignore his opinion. He know 4 If you don’t know the way, you could easily get lost
more than we think. in the dark.
5 I love my younger brother, but he may be so annoying
4 Complete the mini–dialogues with modal verbs and at times.
the correct forms of the words in brackets.
6 It might get very cold here at this time of the year.
1 A Where is Toby? 7 Ask Peter! He might remember Alice’s phone number.
B I don’t know. He (have / lunch)
in the cafeteria.
2 A Have you got any idea who made the booking 8 CUMULATIVE GRAMMAR Translate the Polish parts of the
for Friday? sentences into English.
B It (not be / Jeff) – he isn’t 1 (Jak długo mieszkasz) in this
organising our party. neighbourhood?
3 A I can’t find my jacket anywhere. 2 (Niemożliwe, że Betty zapomniała)
B You (leave) it in the locker – about your birthday.
I’m pretty sure you came home without it. 3 (Znalazłeś te klucze? Szukasz ich) for
4 A You (be / hungry) . You’ve only three hours now!
just eaten! 4 How many times (Ken wygrał odkąd
B I wouldn’t say ‘only just’. I had lunch more than zaczęliście) playing?
30 minutes ago … 5 As a teenager, (nie miałem zbyt
5 A I haven’t found any suitable accommodation for my wielu) friends.
stay in New York. 6 They (wzięli ślub na studiach i są
B Betty (agree) to put you up for szczęśliwi) ever since.
a few nights. Just give her a call. 7 I’ve been collecting stamps for years
6 A So the graduation ceremony is next week. and I (udało mi się zebrać)
You (be / thrilled) . some pretty valuable ones.
B I am! I am really looking forward to it. 8 Sheila (potrafi być bardzo towarzyska)
when it suits her.
8 Challenge! task
reading for gist and detail • games and fun activities 1
1 Read the text below and answer the question.
What’s the best title for this text? Join us to celebrate
a How rich kids have fun
b Birthday parties are getting more and more expensive
Amy Malory’s
c There are many ways to celebrate coming of age Sweet Sixteen
Saturday, August 5 at 6.00 p.m.
2 Read the text again and answer the questions (1–5).
SWEET 102 Maple Lane
Woodbury CT 06798
The birthday which marks the crossing of the
RSVP to Michelle 555-159-951
threshold between childhood and adulthood is
by July 21
always considered a reason for a special celebration.
Typically, this is when one legally comes of age,
i.e. acquires certain legal rights such as voting or This is a formal ball, often held at a restaurant or country club.
marrying. In the United States, however, there are There may be more than a hundred guests at such events. The
often different legal ages for voting, buying alcohol guests receive beautiful invitations, which usually announce
or marrying, depending on the state you live in. that you are cordially invited to the Sweet Sixteen of such and
To somehow work around the problem, Americans such and that an RSVP is required if they wish to attend. The
have settled on what’s known as the sweet sixteen food at such parties is supplied by professional caterers, and the
as the party that welcomes the birthday boy or girl place is usually lavishly decorated, while the guests are required
into adulthood. to wear either formal gowns or tuxedos. The birthday girl is
Most people organise a conventional family queen for a night. She wears a tiara and a gorgeous ball gown.
gathering or a private party for friends to celebrate The highlight of the evening is when she dances with her father.
their sweet sixteen. However, more and more Needless to say, there are also the children of millionaires,
teenagers are growing tired of regular parties whose parties are so ridiculously extravagant that the celebrity
and go for something totally different. Popular magazines gossip about them for weeks afterwards. To please
alternatives to traditional restaurant dinners their sweet sixteen-year-olds, richer parents rent out hip‑hop
include fancy picnics or murder mystery dinners clubs for theme parties or have top celebrities, such as Jay-Z or
where someone pretends to be murdered and the Kanye West, to entertain the guests. They may even present
other guests have to guess who did it. Others take their kids with the latest model of Mercedes or Range Rover.
their friends out and go go‑cart racing, spend a day The general impression is one of showing off and outdoing
at an amusement park or go away for the weekend everyone else. For most people, however, the sweet sixteen is
on a camping trip. not about how much money one has: it’s more about spending
Another idea that seems to be gaining in popularity, the day in a way that guarantees you’ll always look back on it
especially for girls, originated in Latin America. with fondness.
1 Why did Americans choose the sweet sixteen as the coming-of-age celebration?
2 What are the most conventional ways of celebrating sweet sixteen?
3 What is a typical venue for a formal ball?
4 What seems to be the main idea behind the extravagant parties held by affluent families?
5 What is the main purpose of the text?
3 Match the expressions in bold from the text with the definitions
a an abbreviation used on written invitations asking to say
whether or not you will attend:
b a social occasion where the food, decorations and clothes
are related to a particular subject or a historical period:
4 Complete the sentences with appropriate words or phrases 6 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of
from exercise 3 on page 9 in the correct form. the words below.
1 My cousin throws a Halloween every year, be have (x3) fad leisure in on at
and the guests have to dress up as monsters or ghosts. 1 We’ve stuck indoors all week because
2 Do you have any ideas for the guests at of the rain.
my birthday party? I’d like everyone to have a really good 2 Let’s play Ludo again – we a real laugh last
time. time we played.
3 I think the perfect idea for grandma’s birthday would 3 Instead of going out, I’m going to a quiet
be to her to some nice night .
restaurant. 4 I can’t do this puzzle – why don’t you a go
4 The card in the envelope said, ‘You’re cordially invited to it?
the Sweet Sixteen of Mary Jane, August 15. 5 Everyone is big colouring books these days,
please’. but I think they’re just a and will not be so
5 All the students looked so grown up in their popular next year.
and on their prom night 6 Ever since I learned how to spell words, playing Scrabble
that it was difficult to recognise some of them. has been my favourite activity.
6 In Poland, people when they turn 18.
7 There’s no way she could have cooked all that food
herself. She must have hired a professional .
Vocabulary challenge! Student’s Book, page 112, UNIT 1, ex. 2 and 3
speculating about the picture •
answering the three questions
a letter to the editor 1
1 Write sentences from the prompts to describe the 1 Which of the underlined fragments are not suitable for
picture. You will need to change the form of some words a formal letter? Write more formal equivalents.
and add any necessary words.
Dear Newspaper Editor,
I’m writing in response to the article which claims that
young people do not spend their free time in a creative
way, but instead sit in front of their computers all day.
I think that’s an incorrect idea, and I would like to offer
my point of view on the matter.
My best friend and I have been solving word puzzles
for six years. Our interest in word games started with
magazine crosswords, 4but we soon discovered we had
a real talent for them. We became passionate about word
1 it / look / as if / photo / take / picnic
games and began searching bookshops and the Internet
for various kinds of challenges. It soon became more than
2 judge / they / appearance / I / say / they / be / father and
just a form of recreation. Now 5we take great pleasure in
. creating our own word puzzles.
3 I / guess / something / unpleasant / might / happen / boy
From my point of view, this hobby 7is really good for you
. for many reasons. Firstly, our range of vocabulary is much
4 he / cover / face / as if / he / cry / and / he / appear / broader than that of many of our peers. Secondly, we have
rather / upset learned to think creatively and logically. 8Also, we 9make
. up crosswords in 10English and Spanish. We’re learning
5 I / imagine / the father / cheer up / he them at school. I believe it is the reason for our good
. grades in vocabulary quizzes.
2 Match the parts of the sentences. Which question in In conclusion, 11let me emphasise the fact that many
exercise 3 do they help to answer? teenagers have creative hobbies, which range from
constructing model planes to cooking, and I firmly
1 She must be very upset, believe they develop knowledge as well as a sense of taste.
2 They don’t seem to 12
Thank you for your attention,
3 It doesn’t seem
4 She might XYZ
5 Chances are
6 Maybe she’s failed her exams, then she is bound
a have had an argument with either her boyfriend or her
2 Read the writing task in exercise 3. Match the ideas (a–h)
parents. with the correct category. There is one extra idea which
b know how to help her. does not match any category.
c like the girl has been hurt. Positive aspects of using technology:
d or so it seems, because she’s crying. Ways of avoiding the negative effects:
e that she has received some bad news. a always in touch with friends and family
f to feel terribly depressed and that’s why she needs her b it’s easy to follow the events in our friends’ lives
friends. c meeting people in real life, not just online
d it’s easy to organise social events
3 Describe the picture and answer the questions.
e limiting the amount of time spent in front of
TEST IT! 3 minuty the computer
f there are many dangers present for children on
the Internet
g social media remind us about people’s birthdays
h talking to people instead of texting them
1 Find and correct one grammatical mistake in each 4 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the
sentence. One sentence is correct. words in brackets. Add any necessary words. Write no
1 Bad music can make your guests to leave a party early. more than five words in each gap.
2 A fight with her boyfriend caused Mandy go home. 1 Doing yoga (enable / I / keep / fit)
3 I can’t help thinking that we should have done more and relax at the same time.
for her. 2 He said he was my cousin? He (must / be / mistake)
4 Can you help me setting the table? – I’m not related to anyone by that
5 I’ve been enjoying snowboarding since I was five. name.
6 What took you so long? I sat here for 45 minutes! 3 I (be / stick / indoors) two weeks
now because of my broken leg.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the 4 It (be / commonly / believe) that
verbs below. word games improve your memory.
happen mean arrange bother regret miss fail avoid 5 She (play / chess) since she was
a little girl – no wonder she’s so good at it.
1 I’ve been to ask you for ages – could you
6 The Willards have renovated their house. They (might /
give me the recipe for your amazing blueberry muffins?
think / sell) it.
2 I not taking my phone to Justin
7 We’re throwing Sam a surprise party. He (bound / be /
Timberlake’s concert – he was taking selfies with anyone
thrill) .
who asked for one!
8 I’m sorry, I don’t (seem / remember / meet)
3 If you to talk to Sandra, please give her my
you. What’s your name again?
9 The teacher (listen / student / play)
4 Don’t asking Chloe for help. She always
the whole piece before giving his comments.
5 Now that I’ve moved out, I chatting with 5 Choose the correct answers. Sometimes two or all three
my family at the dinner table every night. options are correct.
6 I to see what all the excitement about
1 Jake! I haven’t seen you for ages! What all this
escape rooms is.
7 They to meet in secret because they didn’t
a did you do b have you done
want the paparazzi to follow them.
c have you been doing
8 I knew something was wrong when she
2 Although Sarah is a very busy person, she me
looking me in the eye.
with all the preparations for the party.
3 Complete the text with appropriate words. Write one word a is helping b has helped c has been helping
in each gap. 3 Have you heard? Jake has cancelled tonight’s party.
He must .
a be having problems with his parents
When was the last time you attended b have a good reason for doing it
a wedding reception? I’ve been c have changed his mind and decided to study for
three lately, and I’m tomorrow’s finals after all
confused. I understand that everyone 4 The concert is in Berlin. It be difficult to convince
wants to have a big do, but do we have mum to let us go.
a might b can c could
to play games all night? At the last one
5 My brother has always enjoyed being at parties.
I went to, all the guests 2
a a scream b a good sport
to take part in different contests. We c the centre of attention
played tug-of-war, and then the bride went missing and we 6 I’m sure he’s gone. I saw him so fast that he
had to participate in a scavenger hunt to help the groom almost hit the gatepost.
get her back from the ‘kidnappers’. Some people might have a get in the car and leave b got in the car and left
a real laugh but not me. Whatever happened to c getting in the car and leaving
good old‑fashioned dancing and catching 4 with 7 Furthermore, allow me to draw your attention to the fact
relatives that you often only get to see at such events? Now that young people do not seem to have much time to
with their friends as they believe they have too
I am helping my daughter, Marta, organise her 18th birthday
many responsibilities.
party. We’ve already put 5 a guest list and booked a hang out b mess about c socialise
a venue. But now I’m stuck because I started thinking that 8 I must say that I you my secrets.
possibly people 6 be expecting games at birthday a am regretting to tell b now regret telling
parties as well. Marta 7
reading about celebrities c have often regretted telling
– should I hire one to come as a guest? My sister says I should. 9 If you want to find Sam, you his sister – she
It’s the first time I 8 heard of such a thing, but usually knows where he is.
apparently it’s possible. But how does one go about it? Anyone a could try calling b must have tried calling
had similar problems? Any suggestions would be welcome! c might be trying to call
matura practice
Rozumienie ze słuchu Dobieranie • Rozumienie pisanych tekstów
Dobieranie • Mówienie Rozmowa na podstawie materiału stymulującego
1 MP3 02 TEST IT! Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery 4 Do the speaking task and answer the questions.
wypowiedzi na temat wydarzeń organizowanych poprzez
TEST IT! Po zakończeniu roku szkolnego i egzaminów
media społecznościowe. Do każdej wypowiedzi (1–4) maturalnych maturzyści postanowili zorganizować
przyporządkuj właściwe zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania imprezę dla wszystkich uczniów ze swojego rocznika,
do tabeli. Uwaga: Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo aby razem świętować ukończenie szkoły. Jesteś jednym
i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi. z organizatorów i masz do wyboru dwa plakaty
This speaker reklamujące tę imprezę.
A doesn’t understand his/her friend’s passion. • Wybierz ten, który najlepiej zachęci absolwentów
B was surprised when it turned out he/she do udziału w imprezie i uzasadnij swój wybór.
needed help. • Wyjaśnij, dlaczego odrzucasz drugą propozycję.
C says organising events is easy thanks to social
media. 2 1 2
4 complaining:
5 behave calmly after being very upset: A must on your party list this summer!
6 crying: 1 Proms are very often organised at school. What are
7 all the stages in dealing with something difficult: the advantages and disadvantages of choosing such
a venue?
8 understand someone’s feelings: 2 How important is it for a school to organise fun events
such as dances, concerts or sports days for the students?
3 TEST IT! Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery fragmenty. Wpisz w luki 1–4 litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące
fragmenty (A–E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga: jeden fragment został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje
do żadnej luki.
Pity Sadness is as much a part of our lives as happiness. Couples break up, students fail important exams, and
teenagers often argue with their parents. 1 In such situations, most people tend to curl up into
a ball, pull the blanket over their head and cry. This is often called having a pity party. But if it’s one of your
friends, you might consider not letting them go through this difficult time alone. Instead, you can do what
many people have been doing lately – taking the ‘party’ part literally. After all, it seems only logical that
since we celebrate the good times with our friends, we should also share the bad ones with them.
So call all your mutual friends and have the most tearful pity party ever. Be careful when putting
together a guest list, though. 2 They need a shoulder to cry on, someone who will sympathise and
continue supplying tissues all night. Decorations are not required, but there are plenty of ‘Life sucks’ and
‘Why me?!’ banners and balloons available if you
want to go all the way. As for the activities, most A All these can cause a person to feel that life’s not
pity parties involve dusk‑till-dawn heartfelt fair and they just can’t go on any longer.
whining and sobbing, depressing music playing in the background, tearful B Once the party is over, get a good night’s sleep
movie marathons and plenty of comfort food, such as junk food and ice cream. and then try to pull yourself together.
Spending an evening together complaining about life instead of trying C A pity party is all about allowing people to feel
to cheer a sad friend up might sound strange at first. 3 However, it’s sorry for themselves, so don’t invite people
who are going to tell the sad person to stop
part of the coping process. We shouldn’t deny ourselves the right to express
negative emotions. Bottled-up grief or anger only tend to blow up in our faces
D That’s why, instead of turning off the phone, you
at the least expected moments. It’s much better to let them out in the safe and
should call them and tell them to bring boxes of
supportive environment of your friends. So, if something horrible happens, tissues and comfort food of your choice.
enjoy your pity party and cry your eyes out – it’s therapeutic. Only don’t make E After all, ours is a culture which favours strength,
a habit of it. 4 After all, the point is not to get stuck in self-pity, but to let and we’re always told to be tough and deal with
go of bad emotions so as to be able to get on with your life. problems.