The Vanishing Forest GS1 Assessment
The Vanishing Forest GS1 Assessment
The Vanishing Forest GS1 Assessment
average precipitation of at least 60 mm. A subset of the tropical forest biome that often occurs within the
28-degree latitudes, true rainforests are typically found between 10 degrees north and south of the equator
(see map) (in the equatorial zone between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn). Tropical
rainforests are a form of tropical moist broadleaf forest (also known as tropical wet forest) within the
World Wildlife Fund's taxonomy of biomes, which also includes the vaster seasonal tropical forests.
Two words best describe tropical rainforests: hot and wet. Because of the leaching of the soluble nutrients
from the soil, this high quantity of precipitation frequently causes poor soils.
High amounts of biodiversity can be found in tropical rainforests. For 40% to 75% of all biotic species, the
rainforests are home. Half of all plant and animal species on the world live in rainforests. Rainforests are
home to two-thirds of all flowering plants. A rainforest's one hectare may support up to 807 trees of 313
varieties, 42,000 different insect species, and 1,500 distinct species of higher plants. Tropical rainforests
have been dubbed the "world's largest pharmacy" because they contain about 25% of all known natural
medications. There are probably millions more plant, insect, and microbial species in tropical rainforests
like the United States and Europe are directly contributing to the devastation of rainforests by purchasing
specific wood products. While there are ways to log that cause less harm to the ecosystem, most logging in
According to research, there are far fewer species in logged rainforest than there are in pristine or
"primary" rainforest. Numerous species that live in rainforests cannot thrive in the new habitat. For
building materials and firewood, locals frequently collect wood from rainforests. Today, however, the
sheer volume of individuals harvesting wood from a rainforest can be quite harmful in areas with a high
human population. For instance, the woodlands around the refugee camps in Central Africa (Rwanda and
Congo) were almost entirely depleted of trees in certain places during the 1990s.
Farming is also an act that can cause damage to the forest if practised wrong, like agriculture and cattle
nutrient-deficient, acidic
commercial agricultural
there. Additionally, a single cold spell or drought can devastate a substantial segment of the agricultural
Since the 1960s, land speculators and cattle ranchers have been responsible for most of the deforestation in
the Amazon Basin by burning vast swaths of rainforest for pasture. However, Brazil is not the only country
where large areas of rainforest have been turned into cattle pastures. In the 1970s and early 1980s, large
areas of rainforest in Costa Rica, Honduras, and El Salvador were also burned and turned into cattle
pasture lands to satisfy American demand for meat. Because a major percentage of it was situated on the
rare fertile rainforest soils, the cattle pasture area set aside in Central America throughout the 1970s and
1980s was a particularly bad decision (volcanic and floodplain soils). In Latin America, large areas of
rainforest are cut down and used as pasture ground for cattle. Land clearing is an excellent hedge against
inflation when real pastureland prices are higher than real forest land prices, which has occasionally been
And finally, another act that cause the destruction of the tropical rainforest is mining and drilling, the
tropical rainforests are key sources of gold, copper, diamonds, and other precious metals and gemstones.
Destruction of the Tropical Rainforest for Mining
The process of extracting these natural resources is frequently damaging, harming the ecosystem of the
rainforest and posing issues for locals who live close to and downstream of mining activities. Alluvial gold
resources are the main focus of mining nowadays in the Amazon rainforest. Large-scale mining operations,
particularly those that employ open-pit mining methods, can cause significant deforestation through forest
destruction and the building of roads that make isolated forest areas accessible to roving settlers, land
speculators, and small-scale miners. The ecosystem of the tropical rainforest is arguably more under risk
from these settlers and miners than from corporate mining activities.
Now that you know the main causes of the deforestation of the tropical rainforest, those acts have an
impact on the world, animals are forced to move because of forest devastation. It is believed that SARS-
CoV2, the virus that causes COVID-19, moved from animals to people.
A 2021 study from the Harvard School of Public Health suggests modifying agriculture practises and
Native people either cultivate crops in fertile soil or directly harvest plant species found in forests for food
and medicine. As a result of deforestation, which primarily serves to make land available for traditional
agriculture, these people are deprived of the resources necessary to plant food for survival, which causes
food insecurity.
consequences of forestry industry activities must be lessened in order to address the issue of climate
Around 50% of all life on land inhabits rainforests. According to data from the United Nations Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO) around 80% of all amphibious species, 75% of birds, and almost 70% of
Destruction of the Animals Habitats Representation
mammals live in rainforests. Deforestation has also been linked to the extinction of monarch butterflies
that pollinate numerous wildflowers as well as serve as a vital food source for tiny animals.
To stop that terrible problem, here are ways that we can conserve the tropical rainforest in a sustainable
Firstly, sustainability can be defined as the capacity to constantly support or maintain a process across
time. This has primarily been accomplished through the adoption of sustainable business practises and
Incredibly, we can extract the resources of the tropical rainforests sustainably, using the methods below,
wealthier nations have consented to the debt cancellation in exchange for the preservation of the rainforest.
Brazil will conserve its Atlantic coastal rainforest, as well as the Cerrado and Caatinga habitats, with the
2. It seeks to safeguard the rainforest through educating people. A portion of the money made goes toward
rainforest preservation. As a result, the rainforest can continue to provide benefits to people without being
permanently harmed.
and woodlands (forestation) that have been depleted, usually through deforestation, but also after
4. It stops soil erosion and provides crops with nutrients from decomposing organic materials.
Reforestation of the Tropical Rainforest Representation
Now that you learn how important is the tropical rainforest, please as Brazilians and global citizens, we
should be concerned about the tropical rainforest since, as I previously stated, it is practically extinct and is
expected to disappear by the end of the century. The tropical rainforest is home to 75% of all life, it stops
global warming by absorbing CO2, an important gas that increases global warming, it protects the soil
from flood, drought, and erosion, making it rich, it is home to most medicines made in the world, and so
on. If we, as humans, extinct this rich place, we will not only harm animals' lives, but our lives as well, we
are responsible for making the difference, please, save the tropical rainforests!
Essay Written By: Victor Leonardo Rodrigues Medeiros