CLASS – 7 SUB- ENGLISH M.M- 80 TIME- 2.30 Hrs ✼ General Instructions: 1.This question paper, consists of 3 pages containing 14 Questions, is divided into three sections. SECTION -A- READING: 15 MARKS SECTION - B- WRITING & GRAMMAR:25 MARK2S SECTION -C – LITERATURE: 40 MARKS 2. All the questions are compulsory. 3. Attempt all the questions section wise. You may attempt any section at a time. 4. You may attempt any section at a time. 5. Read each question carefully and follow the instructions. [SECTION – A- READING] - 15 Marks Q1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. [8] Rabindranath Tagore was a poet, writer, musician, and philosopher. He was born in 1861 in Kolkata to Debendranath Tagore and Sarada Devi. Young Tagore was popularly called “Rabi” Music was an important part of the Tagore family. Rabi too liked poetry and music. He wrote his first poem “Ban Phool” when he was just 15. It was later published in a magazine. Rabindranath had a keen interest in the folk music of Bengal. He used it in many of his songs. Our national Anthem, “Jana- Gana -Mana” was composed by him. Tagore wrote nearly 50 books and more than 3000 poems. He was awarded the Noble Prize for literature in 1913 for his book “Gitanjali”. Rabindranath believed that education was the only means through which India could progress. He founded a school at Shantiniketan in 1901. It is now known as the Vishwa Bharati University. Tagore devoted a great deal of his time to this school. He lived there till he passed away in 1914. Rabindra Sangeet, the music of Tagore, is very popular today. It is sung and enjoyed by people all over the world. (a) Who was Rabindranath Tagore? (i) writer and poet (ii)a poet, writer, and a philosopher (iii) a poet, writer, musician, and philosopher (iv)a poet and philosopher (b)What was his nickname when he was a young child? (i)Raja (ii)Rabindranath (iii)Rabi (iv)Rakesh (c)How old was Tagore when he wrote his first poem “Ban Phool”? (i)10 years old (ii)15 years old (iii)20 years old (iv)25 years old (d)Which of Tagore’s famous works earned him the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913? (i)Gitanjali (ii)Jana-Gana-Mana (iii)Rabindra Sangeet (iv)Vishwa Bharati University (e)What did Rabindranath Tagore believe was the key to India’s progress? (i)Industrialization (ii)Agriculture (iii)Political reform (iv)Education (f)When was Shantiniketan founded? What is it known as today? (g)State whether the given sentence is TRUE or FALSE. Rabindranath Tagore’s family had no interest in music. (h)Fill in the blank with suitable word. Rabindranath Tagore had a keen interest in the folk music of _____________. [PAGE-1 OF 3] Q2. Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions given below [7] Man is the wisest of all animals by virtue of only one thing – his extraordinary power of thinking and emoting. Stripped of this power, he will be no better species than other multitude animals. Except knowledge, all other animals have the same necessities as man has- food, shelter, and clothing. The third, of course, is naturally provided to animals in the form of long hair and fur to enable them to face adverse weather conditions. Man’s necessities are four in number – food, shelter, clothing, and education. As the modern world is completely propelled by knowledge acquired, education to all has become the focus of attention all over the world. Those countries which cannot provide it equitably, to all their citizens, are considered backward, however affluent, and resourceful they may be materially. Illiteracy is identified as the root cause of most of the social evils. (a)What protects the animals from the adverse weather conditions? (b)Mention the necessities of man. (c)How is man different from other animals? (d)What is the root cause of all the social evils? (e)Which countries are considered backward? (f)Find out a word from the passage which means ‘a large number of people or things’. (g)Pick out from the passage the antonym of the word ‘favourable.’
Q3. You are Raksha /Rakesh of class VII. You have lost your library book somewhere in the school campus. Write a Lost Notice to be put up on the school notice board. [5] OR You are Mohita/ Mohita studying in Shiksha Niketan School in class VII. Write an application to the principal of your school to issue you a Transfer Certificate. Reason- for higher studies. Q4. Write a paragraph on any one of the following in about 100 to 120 words. [5] (a)Importance of Tree (b) Importance of Reading Books Q5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words given in the bracket. [2] (a) How do you like my _________kitchen garden? Big enough for you, is it? (roof/tiny) (b) As soon as he caught ________of the teacher, Mohan started writing. (sight/eye) Q6. Convert the following sentence into passive voice: [4] (a) Anu learns science. (b) We solve all questions. (c) Mother is cooking. (d) I have done it. Q7. What is an adjective? Write its kinds. [4] Q8. Fill in ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ in the given blank. [1] On my way to _____ house of Rakesh, I met a European. Q9. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles: [4] (a) _______ dog is _____ pet animal. (b) _______ Earth is _____ planet. (c) You are _______ officer. (d) It is ______ ant. [SECTION -C- Literature] – 40 Marks Q10. Rewrite the following passage inserting the punctuation marks wherever necessary. bring the notebook here i will give you the answer now ajay waited for a miracle to happen father studied the sum for a second and asked what is the price of ten mangoes ajay looked at the sum to find which part of the sum contained an answer to this question i don’t know you seem to be an idiot now read the sum [4] [PAGE-2 OF 3] Q11. Short Answer Type Questions: [4x2=8] Answer any 4 questions out of given 6 questions: a) What is the overall mood of ‘The Little Green Orchard’? b) Describe the role of soldier ants. c) Why is junk food becoming very fashionable among children and teenagers? d) What made Henry terrified? e) How did the Olympic games begin? f) How did the war prove to be a turning point in Ashoka’s life?
Q12. Long Answer Type Questions: [5x4=20]
Answer any 5 questions out of given 6 questions:
a) Describe the war ‘Ashoka’ fought in ‘Kalinga’?
b) What is the main message of the poem ‘The Things That Haven’t Been Done Before’? c) “Our government hospitals may not have too many facilities, but at least the poor can get treatment here for almost free” Who said this statement and Why? d) What medicine was used during earlier days while operation on patients? e) Why is ‘Ashok’ called a great king? f) What is the motto of Olympic? Q13. Answer the following questions with reference to the given line: “He took little from the world and left it much. He did not get; he gave.” a) Who is referred as he here? [1] b) What little he took from the world? [2] c) hat much he left for the world? [2]
Q14. Who is the poet of “Long Long Ago”? Write a stanza of this poem. [1+2=3]
The Bible, That is, The Holy Scriptures Conteined in the Olde and New Testament, Translated According to the Ebrew and Greeke, And Conferred With the Best Translations in Diuers Languages. (London - Robert Baker, 1595)