V. S. Sudarshanam
The minimum detectable phase shift indicated in recent experimental reports of new linear spectrum-
analysis techniques of optical interferometric vibration detection is established as the direct consequence
of the 1/f noise voltage in the system components. The dynamic range and inaccuracy predicted by the
simple theoretical model presented is in good agreement with experimental measurements. The
conclusions of the analysis are compared with experimental reports of heterodyne shot-noise-limited
optical systems. With this effective tool the generic class of spectrum-analysis techniques can be
analyzed and relatively weighed to assess the effect of noise. This analysis is applicable to optical
interferometry in general, although the experiments specificallyinvolved fiber-optic modulators.
0.8 4
0.7 9
0 0.6 e.. o 2 + o
+ 0
'~0.5 X 1
0.4- 0I t + + +++.
0.03 -1 0 o +
o +
0.2 o. -2 o +
0.1 -3
0* -4 o
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Phase shift x (rad) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Fig. 2. Measured phase shift x' and the error Ax = (x' - x) as a Phase x (rad)
function of the expected phase shift x. Dashed curve, Ax; solid Fig. 3. Error Ax in the measured phase shift as a function of the
curve, dx; dotted curve; Ax = x; asterisks, experimental values; phase shift x for different values of K. Asterisks, K = 1/1701;
open circles, x' = x + Ax; crosses, x' = x + dx. open circles, K = 1/3400; crosses, K = 1/5469.
. , g |
2.408 nns . . , .
*.o..o. 0+
2.407 L
f~ 0.01-
*2. 40 ~ 1:: :. :0
00 0 : : 0
oO 0.005 -
I I 4 0 0 ; I
0 I 'f x
2.405- .' .. °° o oW@' + + + 0
-a 0 v
~~ ~~~~~~ 0 + + +
C 0.
i 2.4044 .
2.403 F
Fig. 4. Measured phase shiftx' as a function of the random phase Fig. 5. Error AM in the signal phase shift measured by the Jo ...
shift kofor x = 2.405 rad. The horizontal line at x' = 2.405 rad J2 method as a function of the reference phase shift L, for different
corresponds to K = 0. Asterisks, K = 1/1701; open circles, K = values of signal phase shiftM; K = 1/1701. Exes, M = 0.01 rad;
1/5469. Gaps in the plots indicate discontinuities whose values asterisks, M = 0.3 rad; open circles, M = 1.5 rad; crosses, M = 2
have not been plotted here. rad.
i = xbIB)' 12
, (10)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
in,= (4eIB) , (11)
Signal phase M (rad)
Fig. 6. Error AM in the signal phase shift measured by the Jo ... where I is the photocurrent from each of the interfer-
J 2 method as a function of the signal phase shift M, for different ing beams, e is the electronic charge, and B is the
values of reference phase shift L; K = 1/1701. Asterisks, L = 0.3 detection bandwidth. The MDPS is obtained by
rad; open circles, L = 1.5 rad; crosses, L = 3.7 rad.
equating Eqs. (10) and (11) for a signal-to-noise ratio
(SNR) of 1, and assuming b = 1, as
The analysis presented above explains all the exper-
imentally observed characteristics of the J ... J 4 and MDPS = (8eB/I) 12 ,
the Jo ... J 2 methods. It should be pointed out that = 4(hvBlqP o)"2 ,
several expressions similar to Eqs. (2) and (5) could be (12)
utilized to determine the dynamic phase change. where v is the unshifted optical frequency, h is the
The noise model presented here predicts the MDPS Planck's constant, 'q is the detector quantum effi-
and the accuracy for each such technique and permits ciency, and Po is the laser power. In comparison
a judicious choice of the expression to be used for a with a homodyne Michelson interferometer, the fac-
given application. tor 4 in Eq. (12) arises because (a) the Mach-Zehnder
Comparison with Heterodyne Shot-Noise-Limited configuration has half the sensitivity of the Michelson
one, and (b) the heterodyne method utilizes only one
of the sidebands.3 Substituting the typical numeri-
It would be worthwhile to compare the MDPS achiev- cal values16 for the photomultiplier detection of P =
able from the homodyne J ... J 4 method with that of 17 nW, B = 1 kHz, -t = 5%, and hv = 3.1 x 10-19 Ws,
a heterodyne shot-noise-limited system. In a hetero- we see that the MDPS becomes 2.41 millirad. It is to
dyne interferometer, where the optical frequency in be emphasized that this MDPS holds only when the
one of the arms is shifted by Q, the instantaneous J, component alone is considered. The reason the
voltage V(t) can be written in a like manner to Eq. (1): MDPS (0.1 rad) for the homodyne J ... J 4 method is
much higher than this value is that whereas the noise
V(t) = A + B Jn(x)cos[(f - n)t + 0(t)]. has a 1/f behavior, the Bessel function magnitude at
2 (7) successive frequencies follows Eq. (8) so that the SNR
for successive frequencies decreases rapidly for x <<
It is seen from Eq. (7) that the random phase term 1. However, phase detection by considering only the
10 (t), which now appears as the phase constant of J, component is susceptible to source-intensity
each V(f ), would not affect the measurement of x if changes and visibility fluctuations. It is in overcom-
one utilizes the digital Fourier transform of V(t) and ing this serious problem through linearization by the
reads only the magnitude of the voltage V f ) at each J, ... J4 method that the MDPSis sacrificed.
frequency. It should be pointed out that the approx- From the experimental results of Ref. 16 we have,
imation J + J 0 +,21 2 = 2/(Qrx)utilized in the hetero- for a displacement of 24 nm corresponding to a phase
dyne system of Ref. 4 holds good only for large values shift of 0.336 rad, a shot-noise level of 0.23 nm and a
of x. Moreover, the application of the noise analysis SNR of 52.5 dB for the Jo component. The corre-
presented here in the earlier sections to this expres- sponding value of K determined from these values is
sion has shown that the derivation of x from such a 0.0023. Utilizing this value and modifying the noise
relation results in an oscillatory error and is therefore analysis presented here under the assumption that
not considered here. For comparison of the MDPS shot noise is the same for all frequencies, one can see
here, assume that the signal phase shift x is very a MDPS of 0.0045 rad for the J ... Jo method of Ref.
small, x <<1, so that the following approximation for 16. This is in excellent agreement with the value of
the Bessel function can be used: 0.0032 rad calculated directly from the observed noise
floor level and = 14 jim-l in Ref. 16. In compari-
jn(X) Xn/(2n/n!). (8) son, the MDPS for the J ... J 4 method for a