Steffes Flare Solutions Specifications

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Flare Solutions - Specifications

Includes models: SHC-6, SHP-6, 4Dual SHC-6, 8Dual SHC-6, Tri SHC-6,
Quad SHC-6, SVG-3B4, SAA-2, SAA-4, SVG-80, SVG-140, SPL-2, SPL-1.

Document #: 1201085

ECO#: 185932 REV# 7

3050 Highway 22 North | Dickinson, ND 58601 | 701-483-5400 |

Page | 2
Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 4

Flare Specifications Table ............................................................................................................. 6

Variable Orifice High Pressure Flares ......................................................................................... 7

Graph 1 - High Pressure Flares: Pressure vs. Flow Rate ............................................................. 8

Variable Orifice Low Pressure Flares .......................................................................................... 9

Graph 2 - SVG-3B4 Low Pressure Flare: Pressure vs. Flow Rate .............................................. 10
Graph 3 - SVG-3B4 Low Pressure Flare: Allowable Flow Rate ................................................ 10

Air Assist Flares ............................................................................................................................ 11

Graph 4 - SAA-4 & SAA-2 Air Assist Flares: Pressure vs. Flow Rate ........................................... 12
Graph 5 - SAA-2 Air Assist Flare: Allowable Flow Rate ........................................................... 12
Graph 6 - SAA-4 Air Assist Flare: Allowable Flow Rate ........................................................... 13

Gas Assist Ring .............................................................................................................................. 14

Graph 7 - Gas Assist Rings SVG-80 & SVG-140: Pressure vs. Flow .......................................... 14

40 CFR 60.18 Compliant Flow Rates ............................................................................................. 15

Spacing Distance Table for 40 CFR 60.18 Compliant Flow Rates ............................................. 16
Radiant Heat Intensity Graphs for 40 CFR 60.18 Complaint Flow Rates .................................18
Graph 8 - Quad SHC-6 ............................................................................................................18
Graph 9 - Tri SHC-6 ................................................................................................................ 18
Graph 10 - 8 inch Dual SHC-6 & 4 inch Dual SHC-6 .............................................................. 19
Graph 11 - Single SHC-6 ......................................................................................................... 19
Graph 12 - Dual SHP-6 ............................................................................................................ 20
Graph 13 - Single SHP-6 ......................................................................................................... 20
Graph 14 - SAA-4 (Model 4) ................................................................................................... 21
Graph 15 - Dual SAA-2 (Model 2) .......................................................................................... 21
Graph 16 - Single SAA-2 (Model 2) ........................................................................................ 22
Graph 17 - Dual SVG-3B4 ....................................................................................................... 22
Graph 18 - Single SVG-3B4 .................................................................................................... 23

Max Flow Rates ............................................................................................................................. 25

Spacing Distance Table for Max Flow Rates ............................................................................. 26
Max Flow Radiant Heat Intensity Graphs .................................................................................. 28
Graph 19 - Quad SHC-6 ......................................................................................................... 28
Graph 20 - Tri SHC-6 .............................................................................................................. 28
Graph 21 - 8 inch Dual SHC-6 & 4 inch Dual SHC-6 ........................................................... 29
Graph 22 - Single SHC-6 ........................................................................................................ 29
Graph 23 - Dual SHP-6 ........................................................................................................... 30
Graph 24 - Single SHP-6 ........................................................................................................ 30
Graph 28 - Dual SVG-3B4 ...................................................................................................... 31
Graph 29 - Single SVG-3B4 .................................................................................................... 31

Note: Air Assist Max Flow Rates are the same as

40 CFR 60.18 Compliant Flow Rates found on page 21-22.

Page | 3

The Steffes Variable Orifice Flares give optimum system performance over a wide range of gas
flows for both high pressure and low pressure gases. Configure your flare system with singular or
multiple flare tips to maximize performance.
High Pressure
Models: SHP - 6, SHC - 6, and SVG - 3B4 Flare Tip
Low Pressure
Flare Tip


SHP-6 SHC-6 SVG-3B4 8” Series

Enlarged View Enlarged View

High Pressure Type 310 Low Pressure
Type 316
Flare Tip Stainless Flare Tip
Gas Flow
Gas Flow




Page | 4 Overview

The Steffes Air Assist Flares burn low pressure gas over a wide
range of flow rates. Low pressure gas is mixed with air from a
variable speed fan to provide a clean burn.

Models: SAA - 2 and SAA - 4


The Steffes Gas Assist is used to reduce smoke from low

pressure flares, in cases on high BTU gas, or the flow rate is
to low or to high. It is intended to fit the low pressure model
(SVG-3B4) of the Variable Orifice Flares.

Models: SVG-80 and SVG-140


SVG-80, SVG-140

Steffes is committed to working with our customers to provide the simplest, most efficient, and
most reliable solutions for flaring requirements. Our flares are designed to help operators meet
the EPA 40 CFR 60.18 requirements, including our patented technology, the variable orifice design.

Document is for reference only. This document is assuming the flares are running in
accordance to recommended Steffes Operating and Maintenance Procedures found in each
product manual. Call Steffes Technical support for more specific information.

Overview Page | 5
*1 Installations
Back Rated Flow Max Flow Power Pipe
Flare Tip Model Technology Compliant 40 CFR 60.18

Page | 6
Pressure* Capacity Required Connections Produced Tank
Gas Gas

High SHP-6 5.5 - 10 PSI 1.1 MMSCFD 2.2 MMSCFD*2 X

Variable 4”
Pressure SHC-6 4 - 6 PSI 3.0 MMSCFD 10.0 MMSCFD*2 No X
SVG-3B4 3 - 5 OSI 180 MSCFD 750 MSCFD*3 3” X
Low SAA-2 0 - 3 OSI 200 MSCFD See chart 5 120 V 3” X
Pressure Air Assist 480 V 3
SAA-4 0 - 1 OSI 600 MSCFD See chart 6 4” X
8” Dual SHC-6 4-6 PSI 6.0 MMSCFD 20 MMSCFD X
8” High
Capacity 8” Tri SHC-6 4-6 PSI 9.0 MMSCFD 30 MMSCFD 120 V 8” X
8” Quad SHC-6 4-6 PSI 12.0 MMSCFD 40 MMSCFD X
SPL-1 8 PSI 264 SCFD Spark 3/8”
X or
Pilot Pilot N/A System Compres-
SPL-2 20 PSI*5 420 SCFD Propane
Required sion

Measured at flare tip.
Flare Specifications Table

”Rated Flow” is the flow rate used by independent third parties to confirm Steffes’ flare compliance with the prescriptive
provisions of 40 CFR 60.18. Gas flow rates that do not exceed these values can be assumed to comply with all relevant EPA flare
performance requirements.

“Max Flow Capacity is the highest flow rate allowed by Steffes for use in each specified flare. Flow Rates above the “Max Flow
Capacity” may void warranties.

Flare can meet requirements of 40 CFR 60.18 if smokeless operation is confirmed by Method 22. Also will need to be evaluated
for flame stability, re-light capability, and radiation.

SPL-1 Pilot can run at 6 – 10 PSI. Flow rate will vary by pressure (224-292 scfd) and gas composition. Flow rate was measured
with propane, to calculate natural gas multiply by 1.6.

SPL-2 Pilot can run at 6 - 30 PSI. Flow rate will vary by pressure (224-538 scfd) and gas composition. Flow rate was measured
with propane, to calculate natural gas multiply by 1.6.

Flare Specifications Table

Variable Orifice High Pressure Flares

Maximum Rate
Minimum Rate Gross Heating Specific Gravity at
Model Tested by 3rd
Tested Value During Testing 40 psig and 100oF
SHP-6 1.1 MMSCFD .05 MMSCFD 1550 BTU/SCF 0.89
SHC-6 3 MMSCFD .05 MMSCFD 1500 BTU/SCF 0.89

Pressure was measured in main barrel on tip during third party testing.

Data is from third party test report. Flare is designed to operate with 1100 to 2500 BTU/SCF gas.
Performance can be affected by specific gas composition.

Flares are able to handle more flow than the current ratings allow, however “Max Flow Capacity”
is the highest flow rate allowed by Steffes for use in each specified flare. Flow rates above the
“Max Flow Capacity” may void warranties.

Data is for reference only.

Smokeless operation is achieved by building pressure in the flare, and the Minimum Rate is
defined as typical flow required to begin building pressure in flare barrel. Minimum Rate can
be affected by conditions restricting the proper seating of the translating tip and the barrel
resulting in lower operating pressures. Flares operating at pressures less than those shown on
chart can still meet the requirements of 40 CFR 60.18 if verification of smokeless operation is
confirmed by Method 22.

A properly sized, installed, and maintained liquid knockout vessel will help optimize performance
by reducing chance of smoke, freeze up, ETC. Contact Steffes for help on how to properly size
and install vessel.

Third Party has also confirmed the presence of a standing pilot flame monitored by a
thermocouple on all Steffes flares in compliance with EPA 40 CFR 60.18.

Variable Orifice High Pressure Flares Page | 7

Graph 1 - High Pressure Flares: Pressure vs. Flow Rate
High Pressure Flares: Pressure vs. Flow Rate
Curves developed using air
14 Individual results may vary depending on composition of gas
Customer is responsible for performing Method 22 to comply to 40CFR60.18
y = -0.000000000000092x2 + 0.00000094466*x + 3.07821
12 y = -0.00000000000040x2 + 0.000003847*x + 5.1148



Pressure (psi)

4 SHP-6
Poly. (SHP-6)
Poly. (SHC-6)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Flow Rate (MMSCFD)

Page | 8 Variable Orifice High Pressure Flares

Variable Orifice Low Pressure Flares

Maximum Rate Minimum Rate Gross Heating

Tested by 3rd Party Tested Value During Testing
65 MSCFD 18 MSCFD 2294 BTU/SCF (Propane)

Low Pressure curves represent testing data done with air as a medium, and pressure was
measured at the test port main barrel.

Low Pressure Flares (SVG-3B4) meet requirements of 40 CFR 60.18 up to flow rates of 750 mscfd
if verification of smokeless operation is confirmed by method 22.

Flares are designed to operate with 1100 to 2500 BTU/SCF gas. Performance can be affected by
specific gas composition.

Low Pressure curves represent the nominal to max pressure.

Data is for reference only.

Smokeless operation is achieved by building pressure in the flare, and the Minimum Rate is
defined as typical flow required to begin building pressure in flare barrel. Minimum Rate can
be effected by conditions restricting the proper seating of the translating tip and the barrel
resulting in lower operating pressures. Flares operating at pressures less than those shown on
chart can still meet the requirements of 40 CFR 60.18 if verification of smokeless operation is
confirmed by Method 22.

A properly sized, installed, and maintained liquid knockout vessel will help optimize performance
by reducing chance of smoke, freeze up, ETC. Contact Steffes for help on how to properly size
and install vessel.

Third Party has also confirmed the presence of a standing pilot flame monitored by a
thermocouple on all Steffes flares in compliance with EPA 40 CFR 60.18.

Variable Orifice Low Pressure Flares Page | 9

Graph 2 - SVG-3B4 Low Pressure Flare:
SVG-3B4 Low Pressure Flare
Pressure vs.
Pressure vs.Flow
Curves developed using air
Individual results may vary depending on composition of gas
Customer is responsible for performing Method 22 to comply to 40CFR60.18

5 y = -0.0000000000195*x2 + 0.00001510*x + 3.8342

Pressure (osi)

1 SVG-3B4


Poly. (SVG-3B4)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Flow Rate (MSCFD)

Graph 3 - SVG-3B4 Low Pressure Flare:

SVG-3B4 Low Pressure Varible Orfice Flare
Allowable Flow
Allowable FlowRate
for EPA 40 CFR 60.18
EPA 40CFR60.18 Compliance



700 1) For reference only

2) The allowable flow rate to meet calculated exit velocity and
approximate smokeless requirements in 40 CFR 60.18 is in shaded area.
600 3) When operated above shaded area, flare will need to be evaluated for flame
stability, re-light capability, radiant heat, and smokeless operation per Method 22.
4) Actual smokeless results may differ from rating due to variations in atmospheric
Flow Rate (mscfd)

500 conditions, gas composition, and liquid saturation of gas.

5) Smokeless data achieved by mixing propane and natural gas.

Smokeless Rating
Exit Velocity

Third Party Tested
65 mscfd @ 2294 Btu/scf
Third Party Tested
100 180 mscfd @ 1548 Btu/scf

1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500
BTU Content (Btu/scf)

Page | 10 Variable Orifice Low Pressure Flares

Air Assist Flares

Maximum Rate Minimum Rate Gross Heating

Tested by 3rd Party Tested Value During Testing
SAA-2 200 MSCFD 5 MSCFD 2479 BTU/SCF (Propane)
SAA-4 600 MSCFD 10 MSCFD 2479 BTU/SCF (Propane)

Low Pressure curves represent testing data done with air as a medium, and pressure was
measured at the test port upstream at 14’ 9” from flare inlet.

The minimum rate will be affected by gas composition, fan speed, wind speed and etc.

Flares are designed to operate with 1100 to 2500 BTU/SCF gas. Performance can be affected by
specific gas composition.

Low Pressure curves represent the nominal to max pressure during testing.

Data is for reference only.

The Steffes Air Assist Flares are intended for burning low pressure waste gas on production oil
sites. It was designed to help operators meet the requirements set forth in EPA 40 CFR 60.18.

Establishing the proper assist-air fan speed for this product is the responsibility of the flare
operator after installation. It is recommended that one adjust the assist-air fan speed sufficiently
to eliminate visible emissions and smoke (evaluate using Method 22). However, one must not
set the fan speed too high that it reduces the overall combustion efficiency or eliminates the
visible flame. Generally a visible flame is a strong indication that the flare is operating near its
maximum efficiency.

A properly sized, installed, and maintained liquid knockout vessel will help optimize performance
by reducing chance of smoke, freeze up, ETC. Contact Steffes for help on how to properly size
and install vessel.

Third Party has also confirmed the presence of a standing pilot flame monitored by a
thermocouple on all Steffes flares in compliance with EPA 40 CFR 60.18.

Air Assist Flares Page | 11

Graph 4 - SAA-4 & SAA-2 AirSAA-4
& Flares:
SAA-2 Air Assist Flares
Pressure vs.Flow
Flow Rate
Curves developed using air
Fan at full speed
9.00 Individual results may vary depending on composition of gas
Customer is responsible for performing Method 22 to comply to 40CFR60.18
y = 0.0000000000825x2 + 0.0000010484303x + 0.0094818774263



Pressure (osi)

5.00 SAA-4 Rating

Poly. (SAA-2)





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000
Flow Rate (mscfd)

Graph 5 - SAA-2 Air Assist Flare:

SAA-2 Air Assist Flare
Allowable FlowFlow Rate
Rate forfor
CFR 60.18 Compliance
1) For reference only
1,300 2) The allowable flow rate to meet calculated exit velocity and
approximate smokeless requirements in 40CFR60.18 is in shaded area.
1,200 3) When operated above shaded area, flare will need to be evaluated for flame
stability, re-light capability, radiant heat, and smokeless operation per Method 22.
1,100 4) Actual smokeless results may differ from rating due to variations in atmospheric
conditions, gas composition, and liquid saturation of gas.
1,000 5) Smokeless data achieved by mixing propane and natural gas.

Exit Velocity
800 Smokeless Rating
Flow Rate (mscfd)







100 Third party tested

200 mscfd @ 2479 Btu/scf
1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500

BTU Content (Btu/scf)

Page | 12 Air Assist Flares

Graph 6 - SAA-4 Air Assist Flare:
SAA-4 Air Assist Flare
Allowable FlowFlow
for for
4040CFR60.18 Compliance
CFR 60.18 Compliance
Exit Velocity
Smokeless Rating
Flow Rate (mscfd)

600 1) For reference only
500 2) The allowable flow rate to meet calculated exit velocity and
approximate smokeless requirements in 40CFR60.18 is in shaded area.
3) When operated above shaded area, flare will need to be evaluated for flame
300 stability, re-light capability, radiant heat, and smokeless operation per Method 22. Third party tested
4) Actual smokeless results may differ from rating due to variations in atmospheric 600 mscfd @ 2479 Btu/scf
conditions, gas composition, and liquid saturation of gas.
5) Smokeless data achieved by mixing propane and natural gas.
1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500

BTU Content (Btu/scf)

Air Assist Flares Page | 13

Gas Assist Ring

Graph 7 - Gas Assist Rings SVG-80

SVG-80 & SVG-140:
& SVG-140 Gas Assist Ring
Pressure vs.vs. Flow
Flow Rate
Developed by Steffes testing media of air
Individual results may vary depending on composition of gas
For use with flare models SVG-3B4
Model # SVG-140
Qty 4 0.140" & Qty 4 0.109" Orifices
Trendline of data taken with flow meter from 5 to 30 PSI
50000 Trendline Equation y=1783.4x+8508.5
Flow Rate (SCFD)


30000 SVG-140


Model # SVG-80
10000 Qty 8 0.078" Orifices
Trendline of data taken with flow meter from 14 to 30 PSI
Trendline extended to 5 PSI
Trendline Equation y=759.05x+5601.5
5 10 15 20 25 30
Pressure (PSI)

The gas assist ring fits the Steffes Variable Orifice Low Pressure Flare (SVG-3B4).

Smokeless operation to comply with Method 22 is the responsibility of the customer.

Data is for reference only.

Call factory for more specifics.

Page | 14 Gas Assist Ring

40 CFR 60.18 Compliant Flow Rates
40 CFR 60.18 Compliant Flow Rates: Spacing Distance Table & Notes

Radiant Heat Intensity Graphs for 40 CFR 60.18 Complaint Flow Rates

40 CFR 60.18 Compliant Flow Rates Page | 15

Minimum Recommended Ground Level Distance for 40 CFR 60.18 Compliant Flow Rates
Second Flare
Flare Quad Tri Dual Single Dual Single Dual Single Dual Single

Page | 16
SAA-4*8 Controllers Vegetation*10
Model SHC-6 SHC-6 SHC-6*12 SHC-6 SHP-6 SHP-6 SAA-2 SAA-2 SVG-3B4 SVG-3B4
Gas Heat
Flare Flow Rate Height
Content 30 20 11 20 13 11 5 1
Model (mmscfd) (ft)

Quad 1700 60 50 40 90 40 110 120

SHC-6*11 1100 50 40 30 80

Tri 1700 60 50 40 80 40 100 110

SHC-6*11 1100 30 50 40 30 70
2400 60 50 40 80 40 100 110
6 1700 60 50 40 60 30 80
1100 50 40 30 50
2400 50 40 70 40 80
3 1700 50 40 60 20 70
1100 40 30 40 20 60
2400 50 40 70 60 40 80
2.2 1700 50 40 20 50
Spacing Distance Table

1100 40 30 20 40
2400 40 60 40 70
1.1 1700 11 40 50 40 60

First Flare
1100 40 60 40 30 50
0.60 2400 90 80 70 60 40 20 40
SAA-4*8 0.84 1700 20 90 80 60 40 50 40 30 20 30
0.94 1100 40 30 40 30 20 20
0.40 2400 90 80 70 60 40 30 20 30
0.71 1700 13 90 80 60 40 50 40 30 20 30
0.50 1100 30 40 30 40 30 20 20
0.2 2400 90 80 70 60 40 30 20 30 20
0.355 1700 90 80 60 40 50 40 30 20 30
0.25 1100 30 40 30 40 30 20 20
0.13 2400 40 20 20
0.32 1700 11 40 30 20 40 30 20 30
1.50 1100 30 20 30 20 40
0.065 2400 40 20 20
0.160 1700 40 30 20 40 20 10 20
0.750 1100 30 20 30 20 10 30 20

*See 40 CFR 60.18 Compliant Flow Rates spacing Spacing Distance Table Notes on next page.

40 CFR 60.18 Compliant Flow Rates

Spacing Distance Table Notes
Spacing distance table notes apply to the entire table unless otherwise noted.

1. For reference only.

2. For Steffes flare products only.
3. Data collected using Flaresim
4. Distances in feet.
5. Atmospheric conditions used; temperature 110°F, wind velocity 35 mph,
humidity 50%, barometric 30 in Hg, and solar radiation 254 Btu/hr-ft^2.
6. Worst case shown with 2nd flare non-operational because gas and air flow in
2nd flare provides cooling of internal parts.
7. Distances based on temperature that internal components can handle.
Decreasing distance may result in premature failure of internal parts.
8. Assumed SAA-4 fan is facing or crosswind of other flare. Facing fan completely
away from 1st flare may reduce distance.
9. Distances are from center to center of bases.
10. Vegetation is assuming dead standing grass. Temperature for other forms of
vegetation may vary.
11. Chance of smoking increases as heat content exceeds 1700 Btu/ft^3.
Customer may need to perform method 22 testing.
12. Includes 8SHC-6 and 4SHC-6
13. Contact Steffes for other options.

40 CFR 60.18 Compliant Flow Rates Page | 17

Radiant Heat Intensity Graphs

Graph 8 - Quad SHC-6

Graph 9 - Tri SHC-6

Page | 18 40 CFR 60.18 Compliant Flow Rates

Graph 10 - 8 inch Dual SHC-6 & 4 inch Dual SHC-6

Graph 11 - Single SHC-6

40 CFR 60.18 Compliant Flow Rates Page | 19

Radiant Heat Intensity Graphs

Graph 12 - Dual SHP-6

Graph 13 - Single SHP-6

Page | 20 40 CFR 60.18 Compliant Flow Rates

Graph 14 - SAA-4 (Model 4)

Graph 15 - Dual SAA-2 (Model 2)

40 CFR 60.18 Compliant Flow Rates Page | 21

Radiant Heat Intensity Graphs

Graph 16 - Single SAA-2 (Model 2)

Graph 17 - Dual SVG-3B4

Page | 22 40 CFR 60.18 Compliant Flow Rates

Graph 18 - Single SVG-3B4

40 CFR 60.18 Compliant Flow Rates Page | 23

Page | 24
Max Flow Rates
Max Flow Rates: Spacing Distance Table & Notes

Radiant Heat Intensity Graphs for Max Flow Rates

Note: Air Assist Max Flow Rates are the same as

40 CFR 60.18 Compliant Flow Rates on page 21-22.

Max Flow Rates Page | 25

Minimum Recommended Ground Level Distance for Maximum Flow Rates
Second Flare
Flare Quad Tri Dual Single Dual Single Dual Single Dual Single

Page | 26
SAA-4*8 Controllers Vegetation*10
Model SHC-6 SHC-6 SHC-6*12 SHC-6 SHP-6 SHP-6 SAA-2 SAA-2 SVG-3B4 SVG-3B4
Gas Heat
Flare Flow Rate Height
Content 30 20 11 20 13 11 5 1
Model (mmscfd) (ft)

Quad 1700 80 70 60 130 60 170

SHC-6*11 1100 50 40 50 40 80 30 100

Tri 1700 80 70 60 120 110 60 150

SHC-6*11 1100 30 50 40 50 40 60 30 90
2400 80 70 60 130 60 160 170
20 1700 80 70 60 50 90 30 120
1100 50 40 50 40 30 30 60
2400 70 60 70 60 40 100 40 130
10 1700 70 60 50 40 90 80 30 110 120
1100 40 30 40 70 20 90
2400 70 60 70 60 50 40 80 40 100
4.4 1700 70 60 50 40 70 40 80 90
1100 50 30 40 30 60 30 70
Spacing Distance Table

2400 60 40 60 40 80
2.2 1700 11 60 50 40 60 40 70

First Flare
1100 40 30 50 30 60
0.60 2400 130 120 130 100 80 60 40 30 40
SAA-4*8 0.84 1700 20 130 90 90 90 70 60 40 20 40 30
0.94 1100 80 60 30 70 60 50 30 20 30 20
0.40 2400 130 110 130 100 80 60 40 30 40 30
0.71 1700 13 130 110 90 80 70 60 40 30 40 30
0.50 1100 80 60 30 70 60 50 30 20 30 20
0.2 2400 130 110 130 100 80 60 40 30 20 40 30 30 20
0.355 1700 130 110 90 80 70 60 40 30 40 30 30
0.25 1100 80 60 30 70 60 50 30 20 30 20 20
2400 60 40 20 50
SVG- 1.50 1700 11 60 30 40 20 50
1100 30 20 30 20 40
2400 60 40 30 40 30 20 40
SVG- 0.750 1700 60 30 40 30 40 30 20 10 30
1100 30 20 30 20 30 20 10 30 20

*See Max Flow Rates spacing Spacing Distance Table Notes on next page.

Max Flow Rates

Spacing Distance Table Notes
Spacing distance table notes apply to the entire table unless otherwise noted.

1. For reference only.

2. For Steffes flare products only.
3. Data collected using Flaresim
4. Distances in feet.
5. Atmospheric conditions used; temperature 110°F, wind velocity 35 mph, humidity 50%,
barometric 30 in Hg, and solar radiation 254 Btu/hr-ft^2.
6. Worst case shown with 2nd flare non-operational because gas and air flow in 2nd flare
provides cooling of internal parts.
7. Distances based on temperature that internal components can handle. Decreasing distance
may result in premature failure of internal parts.
8. Assumed SAA-4 fan is facing or crosswind of other flare. Facing fan completely away from 1st
flare may reduce distance.
9. Distances are from center to center of bases.
10. Vegetation is assuming dead standing grass. Temperature for other forms of vegetation may
11. Chance of smoking increases as heat content exceeds 1700 Btu/ft^3. Customer may need to
perform method 22 testing.
12. Includes 8SHC-6 and 4SHC-6
13. Contact Steffes for other options.

Max Flow Rates Page | 27

Max Flow Radiant Heat Intensity Graphs

Graph 19 - Quad SHC-6

Downwind Ground Level Radiant Heat Intensity for Max Flow Rates
Model = Quad SHC-6
Developed using data from Flare Sim 5.0
10000 Inputs:
9500 Flow Rate = 40 mmscfd
9000 Stack Height = 30 ft
Wind Velocity = 35 mph
Solar Radiant Heat = 254 Btu/ft^3
8000 Ambient Temperature = 110°F
Radiant Heat Intensity (Btu/hr-ft^2)

4000 Legend:
3500 Heat Content 1700 BTU/ft^3
3000 Heat Content 1100 BTU/FT^3
1500 Chance of smoking increases
as heat content exceeds 1700
Btu/ft^3. Customer may need
500 to perform method 22 testing.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Distance from center of flare base (ft)

Graph 20 - Tri SHC-6

Page | 28 Max Flow Rates

Graph 21 - 8 inch Dual SHC-6 & 4 inch Dual SHC-6

Graph 22 - Single SHC-6

Max Flow Rates Page | 29

Max Flow Radiant Heat Intensity Graphs

Graph 23 - Dual SHP-6

Graph 24 - Single SHP-6

Page | 30 Max Flow Rates

Graph 25 - Dual SVG-3B4

Graph 26 - Single SVG-3B4

Max Flow Rates Page | 31

3050 Highway 22 North | Dickinson, ND 58601 | 701-483-5400 |

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