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FOR BASIC 7 – 10
(SHS 1-3)

September, 2023
Enquiries and comments on this Curriculum should be addressed to:
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National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA)
Ministry of Education
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©2023 National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA)

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Education, Ghana.


Through the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA), Ghana’s The curriculum for Senior High School (SHS), Senior High Technical School
Ministry of Education has introduced a series of curriculum reforms to improve (SHTS) and Science, Technical, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), which
the quality and relevance of learning experiences in pre-tertiary schools in constitutes the next phase, is designed to ensure the continuation of learning
the country. These reforms will improve learning through the introduction of experiences from JHS. It introduces flexible pathways for progression to facilitate
innovative pedagogies that encourage critical thinking and problem-solving. For the choice of subjects necessary for further study, the world of work and adult
a long time, our learners memorise facts and figures, which does not develop life. The new SHS, SHTS and STEM curriculum emphasises the acquisition of
their analytical and practical skills. The Ministry recognises that learners need 21st Century skills and competencies, character development and instilling of
to be equipped with the right tools, knowledge, skills and competencies to deal national values. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), Information Communications
with the fast-changing environment and the challenges facing their communities, Technology, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion, have all been integrated into
the nation and the world. the curriculum. Assessment – formative and summative has been incorporated
into the curriculum and aligned with the learning outcomes throughout the
These curriculum reforms were derived from the Education Strategic Plan
three-year programme.
(ESP 2018-2030), the National Pre-tertiary Education Curriculum Framework
(NPTECF) and the National Pre-Tertiary Learning Assessment Framework The Ministry of Education’s reform aims to ensure that graduates of our secondary
(NPLAF), which were all approved by Cabinet in 2018.The new standards-based schools can successfully compete in international high school competitions and,
curriculum implemented in 2019 in basic schools, aims to equip learners to at the same time, be equipped with the necessary employable skills and work
apply their knowledge innovatively to solve everyday problems. It also prioritises ethos to succeed in life. The Ministry of Education, therefore, sees the Senior
assessing learners’ knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values, emphasising their High School (SHS) curriculum as occupying a critical place in the education
achievements. The content of the basic school standards-based curriculum was system – providing improved educational opportunities and outcomes for further
therefore designed to promote a curriculum tailored to the diverse educational studies, the world of work and adult life – and is consequently prioritising its
needs of the country’s youth. It addresses the current curriculum’s deficiencies implementation.
in learning and assessment, especially in literacy and numeracy. These reforms
have been carried out in phases.The curriculum for the basic school level – KG,
Primary and Junior High School (JHS) – was developed and implemented from
2019 to 2021.


This standards-based SHS curriculum was created using the National Pre- made by personnel from various universities, colleges of education Industry
Tertiary Learning Assessment Framework (NPLAF), the Secondary Education players, Vice Chancellors Ghana, Vice Chancellors Technical Universities as well
Assessment Guide (SEAG), and the Teacher and Learner Resource Packs which as educators and learners working within the Ghana education landscape.
include Professional Learning Community (PLC) Materials and Subject Manuals
Special appreciation is extended to consultants who contributed to development
for teachers and learners. All the above-mentioned documents were developed by
of the curriculum. The development process involved multiple engagements
the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA).The Ministry of
between national stakeholders and various groups with interests in the curriculum.
Education (MoE) provided oversight and strategic direction for the development
These groups include the teacher unions, the Association of Ghana Industries,
of the curriculum with NaCCA receiving support from multiple agencies of
and heads of secondary schools.
the MoE and other relevant stakeholders. NaCCA would like to extend its
sincere gratitude, on behalf of the MoE, to all its partners who participated in
the professional conversations and discussions during the development of this
SHS curriculum.
In particular, NaCCA would also like to extend its appreciation to the leadership
of the Ghana Education Service (GES), the National School Inspectorate Authority
(NaSIA), the National Teaching Council (NTC), the Commission for Technical
and Vocational Education and Training (Commission for TVET), West African
Examinations Council (WAEC) and other agencies of the MoE that supported the
entire process. In addition, NaCCA acknowledges and values the contributions





The vision for this curriculum is to ensure the nation has a secondary education the use of ICT, literacy and mathematics, Social Emotional Learning, Gender
system that enables all Ghanaian children to acquire the 21st Century skills, Equality and Social Inclusion as tools for learning and skills for life. Shared
competencies, knowledge, values and attitudes required to be responsible citizens, Ghanaian values are also embedded in the curriculum.
ready for the world of work, further studies and adult life.The nation’s core values The curriculum writing process was rigorous and involved developing and using
drive the SHS curriculum, and it is intended to achieve Sustainable Development a Curriculum Writing Guide which provided systematic instructions for writers.
Goal 4: ‘Inclusive, equitable quality education and life-long learning for all’. Above The process was quality assured at three levels: through (a) evaluation by national
all, it is a curriculum enabling its graduates to contribute to the ongoing growth experts, (b) trialling curriculum materials in schools and (c) through an external
and development of the nation’s economy and well-being. evaluation by a team of national and international experts. Evidence and insights
The curriculum is inclusive, flexible, and robust. It was written under the auspices from these activities helped hone the draft’s final version. The outcome is a
of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment by a team of expert curriculum coherently aligned with national priorities, policies and the needs
curriculum writers across Ghana. It reflects the needs of critical stakeholders, of stakeholders. A curriculum tailored to the Ghanaian context ensures that all
including industry, tertiary education, the West African Examination Council, SHS learners benefit from their schooling and develop their full potential.
learners, teachers, and school leaders. It has been written based on the National The following section highlights the details of the front matter of the draft
Pre-Tertiary Learning and Assessment Framework and the Secondary Education curriculum.The vision, philosophy and goal of the curriculum are presented.This is
Policy. followed by the details of the 21st Century skills and competencies, teaching and
The key features of the curriculum include: learning approaches, instructional design and assessment strategies.The template
for the curriculum frame, which outlines the scope and sequence, the design that
• flexible learning pathways at all levels, including for gifted and talented learners
links the learning outcomes to particular 21st Century skills and competencies,
and those with deficiencies in numeracy and literacy, to ensure it can meet
as well as Gender Equality and Social Inclusion, Social and Emotional Learning and
the needs of learners from diverse backgrounds and with different interests
Ghanaian values are presented together with the structure of the lesson frame
and abilities.
showing the links between the content standards, learning indicators with their
• the five core learning areas for secondary education: science and technology, corresponding pedagogical exemplars and assessment strategies.
language arts, humanities, technical and vocational and business; with emphasis
placed on STEM and agriculture as integral to each subject.
• a structured, standards-based approach that supports the acquisition of
knowledge, skills and competencies, and transition and seamless progress
throughout secondary education, from JHS to SHS and through the three
years of SHS.
• a focus on interactive approaches to teaching and assessment to ensure
learning goes beyond recall enabling learners to acquire the ability to
understand, apply, analyse and create.
• guidance on pedagogy, coupled with exemplars, demonstrating how to
integrate cross-cutting themes such as 21st Century skills, core competencies,


Effective implementation of this Senior High School (SHS) curriculum is the Goal of Senior High School Curriculum
key to creating a well-educated and well-balanced workforce that is ready to The goal of the curriculum is to achieve relevant and quality SHS through the
contribute to Ghana’s progress by harnessing the potential of the growing youth integration of 21st Century skills and competencies as set out in the Secondary
population, considering the demographic transition the country is currently Education Policy. The key features to integrate into the curriculum are:
experiencing (Educational Strategic Plan [ESP] 2018-2030). SHS curriculum aims
to expand equitable, inclusive access to relevant education for all young people, • Foundational Knowledge: literacy, numeracy, scientific literacy, information,
including those in disadvantaged and underserved communities, those with special communication and digital literacies, financial literacy and entrepreneurship,
educational needs and those who are gifted and talented. Senior High School cultural identity, civic literacy and global citizenship
allows young people to develop further skills and competencies and progress • Competencies: critical thinking and problem-solving, innovation and creativity,
in learning achievement, building from the foundation laid in Junior High School. collaboration, and communication
This curriculum intends to meet the learning needs of all high school learners • Character Qualities: discipline, integrity, self-directed learning, self-confidence,
by acquiring 21st Century skills and competencies to prepare them for further adaptability and resourcefulness, leadership, and responsible citizenship.
studies, the world of work and adult life. Changing global economic, social and The JHS curriculum has been designed to ensure that learners are adequately
technological context requires life-long learning, unlearning, and continuous equipped to transition seamlessly into SHS, where they will be equipped with
processes of reflection, anticipation and action. the relevant knowledge, skills and competencies.The SHS curriculum emphasises
character building, acquisition of 21st Century skills and competencies and
Philosophy of Senior High School Curriculum nurturing core values within an environment of quality education to ensure the
The philosophy underpinning the SHS curriculum is that every learner can develop their transition to further study, the world of work and adult life. This requires the
potential to the fullest if the right environment is created and skilled teachers effectively delivery of robust secondary education that meets the varied learning needs of
support them to benefit from the subjects offered at SHS. Every learner needs to be the youth in Ghana.The SHS curriculum, therefore, seeks to develop learners to
equipped with skills and competencies of interest to further their education, live a become technology-inclined, scientifically literate, good problem-solvers who can
responsible adult life or proceed to the world of work. think critically and creatively and are equipped to communicate with fluency, and
possess the confidence and competence to participate fully in Ghanaian society
Vision of Senior High School Curriculum as responsible local and global citizens – (referred to as ‘Glocal citizens’).
The vision of the curriculum is to prepare SHS graduates equipped with relevant skills
and competencies to progress and succeed in further studies, the world of work and The SHS curriculum is driven by the nation’s core values of truth, integrity,
adult life. It aims to equip all learners with the 21st Century skills and competencies diversity, equity, discipline, self-directed learning, self-confidence, adaptability
required to be responsible citizens and lifelong learners. When young people are and resourcefulness, leadership, and responsible citizenship, and with the intent
prepared to become effective, engaging, and responsible citizens, they will contribute of achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 4: ‘Inclusive, equitable quality
to the ongoing growth and development of the nation’s economy and well-being. education and life-long learning for all’. The following sections elaborate on the
critical competencies required of every SHS learner:

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) based, inquiry-based, and other learner-centred pedagogy should be used. As well
• Appreciate their uniqueness about others. as aligning with global best practices, these approaches also seek to reconnect
• Pay attention to the uniqueness and unique needs of others. formal education in Ghana with values-based indigenous education and discovery-
based learning which existed in Ghana in pre-colonial times. This is aligned with
• Value the perspective, experience, and opinion of others.
the ‘glocal’ nature of this curriculum, connecting with Ghana’s past to create
• Respect individuals of different beliefs, political views/ leanings, cultures, and confident citizens who can engage effectively in a global world. Digitalisation,
religions. automation, technological advances and the changing nature of work globally
• Embrace diversity and practise inclusion. mean that young people need a new set of skills, knowledge and competencies
• Value and work in favour of a democratic and inclusive society. to succeed in this dynamic and globalised labour market.
• Be conscious of the existence of minority and disadvantaged groups in society
and work to support them. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Competency
• Gain clarity about misconceptions/myths about gender, disability, ethnicity, • Ability to question norms, practices, and opinions, to reflect on one’s values,
age, religion, and all other excluded groups in society perceptions, and actions.
• Interrogate and dispel their stereotypes and biases about gender and other • Ability to use reasoning skills to come to a logical conclusion.
disadvantaged and excluded groups in society. • Being able to consider different perspectives and points of view
• Appreciate the influence of socialisation in shaping social norms, roles, • Respecting evidence and reasoning
responsibilities, and mindsets.
• Not being stuck in one position
• Identify injustice and advocate for change.
• Ability to take a position in a discourse
• Feel empowered to speak up for themselves and be a voice for other
• The overarching ability to apply different problem-solving frameworks to
disadvantaged groups.
complex problems and develop viable, inclusive, and equitable solution options
21st Century Skills and Competencies that integrate the above-mentioned competencies, promote sustainable
In today’s fast-changing world, high school graduates must be prepared for the development,
21st Century world of work. The study of Mathematics, Science, and Language
Arts alone is no longer enough. High school graduates need a variety of skills Creativity
and competencies to adapt to the global economy. Critical thinking, creativity, • Ability to identify and solve complex problems through creative thinking.
collaboration, communication, information literacy, media literacy, technology • Ability to generate new ideas and innovative solutions to old problems.
literacy, flexibility, leadership, initiative, productivity, and social skills are needed. • Ability to demonstrate originality and flexibility in approaching tasks and
These skills help learners to keep up with today’s fast-paced job market. Employers challenges.
want workers with more than academic knowledge.The 21st Century skills and • Collaborating with others to develop and refine creative ideas
competencies help graduates navigate the complex and changing workplace. • Ability to incorporate feedback and criticism into the creative process
Also, these help them become active citizens who improve their communities. • Utilising technology and other resources to enhance creativity
Acquisition of 21st Century skills in high school requires a change in pedagogy
• Demonstrating a willingness to take risks and experiment with new approaches
from the approach that has been prevalent in Ghana in recent years. Teachers
• Adapting to changing circumstances and further information to maintain
should discourage and abandon rote memorisation and passive learning. Instead,
they should encourage active learning, collaboration, and problem-solving, project-

• Integrating multiple perspectives and disciplines to foster creativity • Demonstrate mastery of skills in literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy.
• Ability to communicate creative ideas effectively to a variety of audiences • Develop an inquiry-based approach to continual learning.
• Be able to understand higher-order concepts and corresponding underlying
Collaboration principles.
• Abilities to learn from others; to understand and respect the needs, • Participate in the creative use of the expressive arts and engage in aesthetic
perspectives, and actions of others (empathy) appreciation.
• Ability to understand, relate to and be sensitive to others (empathic leadership) • Use and apply a variety of digital technologies
• Ability to deal with conflicts in a group • Be digitally literate with a strong understanding of ICT and be confident in
• Ability to facilitate collaborative and participatory problem-solving its application.
• Ability to work with others to achieve a common goal. • Be equipped with the necessary qualifications to gain access to further and
• Ability to engage in effective communication, active listening, and the ability higher education and the world of work and adult life
to compromise. • Ability to apply knowledge practically in the workplace so that they are able
• Ability to work in groups on projects and assignments. to utilise theory by translating it into practice.
• Develop their abilities, gifts and talents to be able to play a meaningful role
Communication in the development of the country
• Know the specific literacy and language of the subjects studied • Be able to think critically and creatively, anticipate consequences, recognise
• Use language for academic purposes opportunities and be risk-takers
• Communicate effectively and meaningfully in a Ghanaian Language and English • Ability to pursue self-directed learning with the desire to chart a path to
Language become effective lifelong learners.
• Communicate confidently, ethically, and effectively in different social contexts. • Independent thinkers and doers who show initiative and take action.
• Communicate confidently and effectively to different participants in different • Ability to innovate and think creatively, building on their knowledge base so
contexts that they take risks to achieve new goals
• Ability to communicate effectively verbally, non-verbally and through writing. • Ability to think critically and solve problems so that they become positive
• Demonstrate requisite personal and social skills that are consistent with change agents at work, in further study and in their personal lives.
changes in society • Be motivated to adapt to the changing needs of society through self-evaluation
• Ability to express ideas clearly and persuasively, listen actively, and respond and ongoing training
appropriately • Be able to establish and maintain innovative enterprises both individually and
• Ability to develop digital communication skills such as email etiquette and in collaboration with others.
online collaboration. • Be able to ethically prioritise economic values to ensure stability and autonomy
• Ability to engage in public speaking, debate, and written communication. • Show flexibility and preparedness to deal with job mobility
• Be committed towards the improvement of their quality of life and that of
Learning for Life
• Understand subject content and apply it in different contexts
• Feel empowered in decision-making processes at various levels e.g., personal,
• Apply mathematical and scientific concepts in daily life group, class, school, etc.

• Be able to seek and respond to assistance, guidance and/or support when • Ability to negotiate values, principles, goals, and targets, in a context of conflicts
needed. of interests and trade-offs, uncertain knowledge and contradictions
• Ability to make and adhere to commitments.
Anticipatory Competency
• Adopt a healthy and active lifestyle and appreciate how to use leisure time
well. • Ability to understand and evaluate multiple futures – possible, probable, and
• Be enthusiastic, with the knowledge, understanding and skill that enable them desirable
to progress to tertiary level, the world of work and adult life. • Ability to create one’s vision for the future.
• Ability to transition from school to the world of work or further study by • Ability to apply the precautionary principle
applying knowledge, skills and attitudes in new situations. • Ability to assess the consequences of actions
• Be independent, have academic and communication skills such as clarity of • Ability to deal with risks and changes
expression (written and spoken), and the ability to support their arguments.
Strategic Competency
• Be innovative and understand the 21st Century skills and competencies and
apply them to everyday life. • Ability to collectively develop and implement innovative actions that further
a cause at the local level and beyond.
Global and Local (Glocal) Citizenship • Ability to understand the bigger picture and the implications of smaller actions
• Appreciate and respect the Ghanaian identity, culture, and heritage on them
• Be conscious of current global issues and relate well with people from different
Self-Awareness Competency
• Act in favour of the common good, social cohesion and social justice • The ability to reflect on one’s role in the local community and (global) society
• Have the requisite personal and social skills to handle changes in society • Ability to continually evaluate and further motivate one’s actions
• Appreciate the impact of globalisation on the society. • Ability to deal with one’s feelings and desires
• Ability to be an honest global citizen displaying leadership skills and moral Social Emotional Learning (SEL): Five Core Competencies with
fortitude with an understanding of the wider world and how to enhance
Ghana’s standing.
1. Self-Awareness
Systems Thinking Competency
Understanding one’s emotions, thoughts, and values and how they
• Ability to recognise and understand relationships influence one’s behaviour in various situations. This includes the ability
• Ability to analyse complex systems to recognise one’s strengths and weaknesses with a sense of confidence and
• Ability to think of how systems are embedded within different domains and purpose. For instance:
different scales
• Integrating personal and social identities;
• Ability to deal with uncertainty
• Identifying personal, cultural, and linguistic assets;
Normative Competency • Identifying one’s emotions;
• Ability to understand and reflect on the norms and values that underlie one’s • Demonstrating honesty and integrity;
actions • Connecting feelings, values, and thoughts;

• Examining prejudices and biases; adapting to diverse social and cultural demands and opportunities, taking the
• Experiencing self-efficacy; initiative, and asking for or offering assistance when necessary. For instance:
• Having a growth mindset; • Communicating effectively;
• Developing interests and a sense of purpose; • Building positive relationships;
• Demonstrating cultural competence;
2. Self-Management
• Working as a team to solve problems;
The capacity to control one’s emotions, thoughts, and actions in a
• Constructively resolving conflicts;
variety of situations and to realise one’s ambitions. This includes delaying
obtaining one’s desires, dealing with stress, and feeling motivated and accountable • Withstanding negative social pressure;
for achieving personal and group goals. For instance: • Taking the initiative in groups;
• Seeking or assisting when needed;
• Managing one’s emotions;
• Advocating for the rights of others.
• Identifying and utilising stress-management strategies;
• Demonstrating self-discipline and self-motivation; 5. Responsible Decision-Making
• Setting personal and group goals; The capacity to make thoughtful and constructive decisions regarding
• Using planning and organisation skills; acting and interacting with others in various situations. This includes
• Having the courage to take the initiative; weighing the pros and cons of various personal, social, and group well-being
• Demonstrating personal and collective agency; actions. For example:
• Demonstrating curiosity and an open mind;
3. Social Awareness
• Solving personal and social problems;
The capacity to comprehend and care for others regardless of their backgrounds,
• Learning to make reasonable decisions after analysing information, data, and facts;
cultures, and circumstances.This includes caring for others, understanding larger
historical and social norms for behaviour in different contexts, and recognising • Anticipating and evaluating the effects of one’s actions;
family, school, and community resources and supports. For instance: • Recognising that critical thinking skills are applicable both inside and outside of the
• Recognising others’ strengths
• Reflecting on one’s role in promoting personal, family, and community well-being;
• Demonstrating empathy and compassion
• Evaluating personal, interpersonal, community, and institutional impacts
• Caring about others’ feelings
• Understanding and expressing gratitude Learning and Teaching Approaches
• Recognising situational demands and opportunities Learning and teaching should develop learners as self-directed and lifelong learners.
• Understanding how organisations and systems influence behaviour Learners must be helped to build up deep learning skills and competencies
to develop the ability to acquire, integrate and apply knowledge and skills to
4. Relationship Skills solve authentic and real-life problems. Learners need to be exposed to a variety
The capacity to establish and maintain healthy, beneficial relationships and adapt of learning experiences to enable them to collaborate with others, construct
to various social situations and groups. This includes speaking clearly, listening meaning, plan, manage, and make choices and decisions about their learning.This
attentively, collaborating, solving problems and resolving conflicts as a group, will allow them to internalise newly acquired knowledge and skills and help them

to take ownership of their education.The 21st Century skills and competencies a problem or scenario and are asked to work together to find a solution.This
describe the relevant global and contextualised skills that the SHS curriculum approach encourages learners to take an active role in their learning and helps
is designed to help learners acquire in addition to the 4Rs (Reading, wRiting, them develop important skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving.
aRithmetic and cReativity).These skills and competencies, as tools for learning and One of the main benefits of problem-based learning is that it encourages
teaching and skills for life, will allow learners to become critical thinkers, problem- learners to take ownership of their learning. By working together to solve
solvers, creators, innovators, good communicators, collaborators, digitally literate, problems, learners can develop important skills such as collaboration and
and culturally and globally sensitive citizens who are life-long learners with a keen communication. Additionally, problem-based learning can help learners develop
interest in their personal development and contributing to national development. a deeper understanding of the material as they apply it to real-world situations.
Given the diverse needs of learners, teachers need to have a thorough grasp • Project-Based Learning: Project-based learning is a hands-on approach to
of the different pedagogies as they design and enact meaningful learning learning that involves learners in creating a project or product.This approach
experiences to meet the needs of different learners in the classroom. The allows learners to take an active role in their learning and encourages them to
teaching-learning techniques and strategies should include practical activities, develop important skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration,
discussion, investigation, role play, problem-based, context-based, and project- and communication. One of the main benefits of project-based learning is
based learning. Active learning strategies have become increasingly popular in that it allows learners to apply what they have learned in the classroom to
education as they provide learners with meaningful opportunities to engage real-world situations. Additionally, project-based learning can help learners
with the material. These strategies emphasise the use of creative and inclusive develop important skills from each other and develop a deeper understanding
pedagogies and learner-centred approaches anchored on authentic and enquiry- of the material.
based learning, collaborative and cooperative learning, differentiated teaching and • Talk for Learning Approaches: Talk for learning approaches (TfL) are a
learning, holistic learning, and cross-disciplinary learning.They include experiential range of techniques and strategies that are used to encourage learners to
learning, problem-based learning, project-based learning, and talk-for-learning talk by involving them in discussions and debates about the material they are
approaches. Some of the pedagogical exemplars to guide learning and teaching learning. This approach encourages learners to take an active role in their
of the SHS curriculum include: learning and helps them develop important skills such as critical thinking,
collaboration and communication and also makes them develop confidence.
• Experiential Learning: Experiential learning is a hands-on approach to One of the main benefits of TfL is that it encourages learners to think deeply
learning that involves learners in real-world experiences.This approach focuses about the material they are learning. By engaging in discussions and debates,
on the process of learning rather than the result. Learners are encouraged to learners can develop a deeper understanding of the material and make
reflect on their experiences and use them to develop new skills and knowledge. connections between different concepts.
Experiential learning can take many forms, including internships, service
• Initiating Talk for Learning: Initiating talk for learning requires the use
learning, and field trips. One of the main benefits of experiential learning is
of strategies that would encourage learners to talk in class. It helps learners
that it allows learners to apply what they have learned in the classroom to
to talk and participate meaningfully and actively in the teaching and learning
real-world situations. This can help them develop a deeper understanding of
process. Apart from developing skills such as communication and critical
the material and make connections between different concepts. Additionally,
thinking, it also helps learners to develop confidence. Some strategies for
experiential learning can help learners develop important skills such as critical
initiating talk among learners are Activity Ball; Think-Pair-Share; Always,
thinking, problem-solving and communication.
Sometimes, Never True; Matching and Ordering of Cards.
• Problem-Based Learning: Problem-based learning is an approach that
• Building on What Others Say: Building on what others say is an approach
involves learners in solving real-world problems. Learners are presented with
that involves learners in listening to and responding to their classmates’

ideas. This approach encourages learners to take an active role in their or sticky notes with different ideas or concepts into a diamond shape, with
learning and helps them develop important skills such as critical thinking the most important idea at the top and the least important at the bottom.
and communication. One of the main benefits of building on what others The Diamond Nine activity encourages learners to think critically about a
say is that it encourages learners to think deeply about the material they topic and prioritise their ideas. It also promotes collaboration and discussion
are learning. By listening to their classmates’ ideas, learners can develop a among group members.Teachers can use this activity to introduce a new topic,
deeper understanding of the material and make connections between different review material, or assess student understanding.
concepts. Additionally, building on what others say can help learners develop • Group Work/Collaborative Learning: Group work or collaborative
important skills such as collaboration and reflection. Some of the strategies learning are effective strategies for managing talk for learning in the classroom.
to encourage learners to build on what others say are brainstorming, concept These strategies encourage learners to work together to solve problems, share
cartoons, pyramid discussion, and 5 Whys, amongst others. ideas, and learn from each other. Group work and collaborative learning also
• Managing Talk for Learning: Managing talk for learning requires the use of promote communication and collaborative skills that are essential for success
various strategies to effectively coordinate what learners say in class. Effective in the workplace and in life. To implement group work effectively, teachers
communication is a crucial aspect of learning in the classroom.Teachers must must provide clear guidelines and expectations for group members. They
manage talk to ensure that learners are engaged, learning, and on-task in should also monitor group work to ensure that all learners are participating
meaningful and purposeful ways. Some strategies for managing learners’ and on-task. Teachers can also use group work as an opportunity to assess
contributions are debates, think-pair-share, sage in the circle etc. individual student understanding and participation.
• Structuring Talk for Learning: One effective way to shape learners’ • Inquiry-Based Learning: Learners explore and discover new information
contributions is to structure classroom discussions. Structured discussions by asking questions and investigating.
provide a framework for learners to engage in meaningful dialogue and develop • Problem-Based Learning: Learners are given real-world problems to solve
critical thinking skills. Teachers can structure discussions by providing clear and must use critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
guidelines, such as speaking one at a time, listening actively, and building on • Project-Based Learning: Learners work on long-term projects that relate
each other’s ideas. One popular structured discussion technique is the “think- to real-world scenarios.
pair-share” method. In this method, learners think about a question or prompt • Flipped Classroom: Learners watch lectures or instructional videos at
individually, and then pair up with a partner to discuss their ideas. Finally, home and complete assignments and activities in class.
the pairs share their ideas with the whole class. This method encourages all
• Mastery-Based Learning: Learners learn at their own pace and only move
learners to participate and ensures that everyone has a chance to share their
on to new material once they have mastered the current material.
thoughts. Another effective way to structure talk for learning is to use open-
• Gamification: Learning is turned into a game-like experience with points,
ended questions. Open-ended questions encourage learners to think deeply
rewards, and competition.
and critically about a topic. They also promote discussion and collaboration
among learners. Teachers can use open-ended questions to guide classroom These strategies provide learners with opportunities to engage with the material
discussions and encourage learners to share their ideas and perspectives. in meaningful ways and develop important skills such as critical thinking, problem-
Other strategies that can be used are Concept/Mind Mapping, “Know,” “Want solving, collaboration, and communication. By incorporating these strategies into
to Know,” “Learned” (KWL); Participatory Feedback; and the 5 Whys. their teaching, teachers can help learners develop a deeper understanding of the
material and prepare them for success in the real world. Effective communication
• Diamond Nine: The Diamond Nine activity is a useful tool for managing talk
is essential for learning in the classroom. Teachers must manage talk to ensure
for learning in the classroom. This activity involves ranking items or ideas in
that learners are engaged in learning and on-task. Strategies such as structuring
order of importance or relevance. Learners work in groups to arrange cards

talk for learning, using Diamond Nine activities, and implementing group work/ as analysis, evaluation, and creation, which are essential for success in today’s
collaborative learning can help teachers manage talk effectively and promote complex and rapidly changing world. This framework is a valuable tool for
student learning and engagement. By implementing these strategies, teachers educators who want to design effective learning experiences that challenge
can create a positive and productive learning environment where all learners students at the appropriate level and help them develop higher-order thinking
can succeed. skills. By understanding the six levels of learning and incorporating them into their
teaching, educators can help prepare students for success in the 21st century.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in the SHS Curriculum The six hierarchical levels of the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy are:
The design of the curriculum uses UDL to ensure the creation of flexible learning
1. Remember – At the foundation is learners’ ability to remember. That is
environments that can accommodate a wide range of learner abilities, needs, and
retrieving knowledge from long-term memory. This level requires learners
preferences.The curriculum is designed to provide multiple means of engagement,
to recall concepts—identify, recall, and retrieve information. Remembering is
representation, and action and expression, so teachers can create a more inclusive
comprised of identifying, listing, and describing. Retrieving relevant knowledge
and effective learning experience for all learners. UDL is beneficial for all learners,
from long-term memory includes, recognising, and recalling is critical for this
but it is particularly beneficial for learners needing special support and learners
who may struggle with traditional teaching approaches. The integration of UDL
in the pedagogy is aimed at making learning accessible to everyone and helping 2. Understand – At understanding, learners are required to construct meaning
all learners reach their full potential. For instance, teachers need to: that can be shown through clarification, paraphrasing, representing, comparing,
contrasting and the ability to predict. This level requires interpretation,
• incorporate multiple means of representation into their pedagogy, such as demonstration, and classification. Learners explain and interpret concepts at
using different types of media and materials to present information. this level.
• provide learners with multiple means of action and expression, such as giving 3. Apply – This level requires learners’ ability to carry out procedures at the
them options for how they can demonstrate their learning. right time in a given situation.This level requires the application of knowledge
• consider incorporating multiple means of engagement into their choice to novel situations as well as executing, implementing, and solving problems.
of pedagogy, such as incorporating games or interactive activities to make To apply, learners must solve multi-step problems.
learning more fun and engaging. 4. Analyse – The ability to break things down into their parts and determine
By doing these, teachers can help ensure that the curriculum is accessible and relationships between those parts and being able to tell the difference between
effective for all learners, regardless of their individual needs and abilities. what is relevant and irrelevant. At this level, information is deconstructed, and
its relationships are understood. Comparing and contrasting information and
Curriculum and Assessment Design: Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy organising it is key. Breaking material into its constituent parts and detecting
and Webb’s Depth of Knowledge how the parts relate to one another and an overall structure or purpose is
The design of this curriculum uses the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy and Webb’s required. The analysis also includes differentiating, organising and attributing.
Depth of Knowledge (DoK) as frameworks to design what to teach and assess. 5. Evaluate – The ability to make judgments based on criteria. To check
The Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy provides a framework for designing effective whether there are fallacies and inconsistencies.This level involves information
learning experiences. Understanding the different levels of learning, informed the evaluation, critique, examination, and formulation of hypotheses.
creation of activities and assessments that challenge learners at the appropriate 6. Create – The ability to design a project or an experiment. To create, entails
level and help them progress to higher levels of thinking. Additionally, the learners bringing something new.This level requires generating information—
framework emphasises the importance of higher-order thinking skills, such planning, designing, and constructing.

Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DoK) is a framework that helps educators and The main distinction between these two conceptual frameworks is what is
learners understand the level of cognitive engagement required for different measured. The revised Bloom’s Taxonomy assesses the cognitive level that
types of learning tasks.The framework includes four levels. By understanding the learners must demonstrate as evidence that a learning experience occurred.
four DoK levels, educators can design learning activities that challenge students The DoK, on the other hand, is focused on the context—the scenario, setting, or
to engage in deeper thinking and problem-solving. DoK is an essential tool for situation—in which learners should express their learning. In this curriculum, the
designing effective instruction and assessments. By understanding the different revised Bloom’s taxonomy guided the design, and the DoK is used to guide the
levels of DoK, teachers can design instruction and assessments that align with assessment of learning.The taxonomy provides the instructional framework, and
what they intend to achieve. DoK is a useful tool for differentiating instruction the DoK analyses the assignment specifics. It is important to note that Bloom’s
and providing appropriate challenges for all learners. Teachers can use DOK to Taxonomy requires learners to master the lower levels before progressing to the
Agricultural Science 
identify students who need additional support or those who are ready for more next. So, suppose the goal is to apply a mathematical formula. In that case, they
advanced tasks. The four levels assessment
of Webb’s’ task DoKrequires
assessment learners to analyse are:
framework and evaluate must
first real-world
be able toproblems with formula
identify that predictable and outcomes.
its primaryA learner
purpose must(remember
apply logic,
employ problem-solving strategies, and use skills from multiple subject areas to generate solutions. Multitasking is
and understand).The cognitive rigour is therefore presented in incremental expected of learners at this steps
• Level 1: Recall and Reproduction
3. Level 4: Extended– Assessment Critical at this level isand
Thinking on recall
Reasoning – At this level of assessment, the learner’s extended thinking to solve complex and
demonstrate the
belearning progression. Wheninvestigate,
measuring andassessments
reflect while in DoK,
of facts, concepts, information, and procedures—this
authentic involves basic
problems with unpredictable knowledge
outcomes is the goal. learner must able to strategically analyse, working
to specific
solve a problem, learners move fluidly through all levels. In the same example, while solving a
acquisition. Learners are asked questionsortochanginglaunch their approach
activities, to accommodate new information. The assessment requires sophisticated and creative thinking. As
part of this assessment, the learner must know how to evaluate problem theirwith a formula,
progress learners recall
and determine whether thethey
formula are on(DoK
track1)totoa solve
feasiblethe problem
solution for
and assessments.The assessment is focused on recollection and reproduction.
themselves. (DoK 2 and DoK 3). Depending on the difficulty of the problem to be solved,
• Level 2: Skills of Conceptual
The main Understanding
distinction between – Assessment
these two at this level
conceptual the learner may progress to DoK 4.
goes beyond simple recall to includeismaking
frameworks what connections
is measured. between The revised pieces of
information. The learner’s Taxonomy
application assesses
of skillsthe andcognitive
conceptslevel isthat learners
assessed. The must Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Assessment
demonstrate as evidence that
assessment task is focused more on the use of information to solve multi-stepa learning experience
occurred. The DoK, on the other hand, is focused on the Extende
problems. A learner is required
context—theto make decisions
scenario, aboutorhow
setting, to apply facts
situation—in which
Basic Skills/
Thinking d
and details provided to them.
learners should express their learning. In this curriculum, the g

• Level 3: Strategic Reasoning – At this

revised Bloom's level, theguided
taxonomy learner’s strategic
the design, andthinking
the DoK is Create
used toand
and reasoning which is abstract guide the assessment
complex is assessed. of The
learning. The taxonomy
assessment task

provides the instructional framework, and the DoK analyses

requires learners to analyse and evaluate composite real-world problems with Evaluate
the assignment specifics. It is important to note that Bloom's
predictable outcomes. ATaxonomy
learner must requiresapplylearners
logic, employ
to master problem-solving
the lower levels
strategies, and use skillsbefore
from multiple
progressing subject
to theareasnext. toSo,generate
suppose the solutions.
goal is to Analyse
Multitasking is expectedapply
of learners at this level.
a mathematical formula. In that case, they must first be
• Level 4: Extended Critical able toThinking
identify that and formula
Reasoning and –itsAtprimarythis level purpose
of Apply DOK 2
(remember and understand). The cognitive rigour is
assessment, the learner’stherefore
thinking in to incremental
solve complex and authentic
steps to demonstrate DOK 1

problems with unpredictable outcomes

the learning is the goal.When
progression. The learner
measuring mustassessments
be able to in Understand

strategically analyse, investigate, and reflect

DoK, learners movewhilefluidlyworking
throughtoallsolve levels.a problem,
In the same
or changing their approach example, while solvingnew
to accommodate a problem
information.with Thea formula,
assessmentlearners Remember
recall the formula (DoK 1) to solve the
requires sophisticated and creative thinking. As part of this assessment, the problem (DoK 2 and
DoK 3). Depending on the difficulty of the problem to be
learner must know howsolved,to evaluate their progress and determine whether
the learner may progress to DoK 4.
they are on track to a feasible solution for themselves. Figure 1: Revised Bloom Taxonomy combined with Webb’s Depth of Knowledge for Teaching and Assessment

The structure of teaching and the assessment should align with the six levels of Bloom’s knowledge hierarchy and DoK shown in Figure 1. Each level of
16 | COMPUTING DoK should be used to assess specific domains of Bloom’s Taxonomy as illustrated in the table below:
Depth of Knowledge (DoK) Bloom’s Taxonomy applied to DoK
Level 1: Recall and Reproduction Remembering, Understanding, Application, Analysis and Creation
Level 2: Basic Skills and Concepts Understanding, Application, Analysis and Creation
The structure of teaching and the assessment should align with the six levels should be used to assess specific domains of Bloom’s Taxonomy as illustrated
of Bloom’s knowledge hierarchy and DoK shown in Figure 1. Each level of DoK in the table below:

Depth of Knowledge (DoK) Assessment Bloom’s Taxonomy applied to DoK

• Level 1: Recall and Reproduction • Remembering, Understanding, Application, Analysis and Creation
• Level 2: Basic Skills and Concepts • Understanding, Application, Analysis and Creation
• Level 3: Strategic Thinking • Understanding, Application, Analysis, Evaluation and Creation
• Level 4: Extended Reasoning • Understanding, Application, Analysis, Evaluation and Creation
In line with the National Pre-Tertiary Learning and Assessment Framework, comprehension, whereas higher DoK levels might be more appropriate for
the Secondary Education Assessment Guide (SEAG) requires that classroom assessing more complex skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
assessments should cover Assessment as learning (AaL), Assessment of • Develop assessment items that align with the DoK levels and the skills and
learning (AoL) and Assessment for learning (AfL). Therefore, teachers competencies you want to assess. These items should be designed to elicit
should align the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy with the DoK framework of evidence of learning across the different levels of the DoK framework.
assessment. Formative assessments should include classroom discussions, project- • Administer the assessment and collect data. Analyse the data to gain insights
based assignments, and self-reflection exercises, while summative assessments into student learning and identify areas where learners may need additional
should include standardised tests and rubric-based evaluations of learners’ work. support or instruction.
It is important to seek feedback from learners themselves, as they may have The DoK framework is a powerful tool for assessing the acquisition of 21st
unique insights into how well they are developing these skills in the classroom. Century skills and competencies in the classroom, helping teachers to better
To assess 21st Century skills and competencies in the classroom, teachers will understand how learners are learning and identify areas for improvement.
have to use a combination of both formative and summative assessments to Educational success is no longer about producing content knowledge, but rather
evaluate learners’ acquisition of these skills and competencies. For instance: about extrapolating from what we know and applying the knowledge creatively
• Identify the specific 21st Century skills and competencies to be assessed. For in new situations.
instance, you might want to assess critical thinking, problem-solving, or creativity. The overall assessment of learning at SHS should be aligned with the National
• Align the skills and competencies with the DoK levels. For example, lower Pre-Tertiary Learning and Assessment Framework and the Secondary Education
DoK levels might be more appropriate for assessing basic knowledge and Assessment Guide. Formative and summative assessment strategies must be used.

Definition of Key Terms and Concepts in the Curriculum
• Learning Outcomes: It is a statement that defines the knowledge, skills, • Assessment: It is the systematic collection and analysis of data about
and abilities that learners should possess and be able to demonstrate after learners’ learning to improve the learning process or make a judgement
completing a learning experience.They are specific, measurable, attainable, and on learner achievement levels. Assessment is aimed at developing a deep
aligned with the content standards of the curriculum. It helps the teachers understanding of what learners know, understand, and can do with their
to determine what to teach, how to teach, and how to assess learning. Also, knowledge because of their educational experiences. Assessment involves the
it communicates expectations to learners and helps them to better master use of empirical data on learners’ learning to improve learning. Assessment is
the subject. an essential aspect of the teaching and learning process in education, which
• Learning Indicators: They are measures that allow teachers to observe enables teachers to assess the effectiveness of their teaching by linking learner
progress in the development of capacities and skills. They provide a simple performance to specific learning outcomes.
and reliable means to evaluate the quality and efficacy of teaching practices, • Teaching and Learning Resources: Teaching and learning resources are
content delivery, and attainment of learning outcomes. essential tools for teachers to provide high-quality education to their learners.
• Content Standards: It is a statement that defines the knowledge, skills, and These resources can take various forms, including textbooks, audiovisual
understanding that learners are expected to learn in a particular subject area materials, online resources, and educational software. It is also important to
or grade level.They provide a clear target for learners and teachers and help avoid stereotypes and use inclusive language in teaching and learning resources.
focus resources on learner achievement. This means avoiding language that reinforces negative stereotypes and using
• Pedagogical Exemplars: They are teaching examples used to convey values language that is respectful and inclusive of all individuals regardless of their
and standards to learners. Pedagogical Exemplars are usually demonstrated background. Using a consistent tone, style, and design is very important.
through teacher behaviour.


Philosophy This Computing Curriculum will develop the desire and competencies in learners
The next generation of ethical creators and developers of technology can be to use ICTs, equip secondary school computing graduates with ICT skills, infuse
empowered through observation, curiosity, exposure to related computing ICT into education management, and transform teacher development and
concepts and opportunities that leverage hands-on activities in a learner-centred secondary education through technology-based teaching and learning.
environment leading to local and global relevance.
Vision The accelerated expansion of computing technologies and artificial intelligence in
To prepare learners with 21st Century skills and competencies to ethically design, the world requires that learners have to understand the principles of Computing
develop and apply computing systems to solve real-world problems. now, more than ever before. It is necessary for learners to understand the
ethical and social role of computers in society, in the areas of digital electronics,
Goal computing technologies, and Computational thinking, which are some of the
To equip learners with knowledge, skills and tools to create and develop most fundamental skills acquired through the study of computing. It shares
technologies in a responsible manner that will solve problems in society and characteristics with other sciences, such as problem-solving, abstraction and
promote lifelong learning. logical reasoning. However, computational thinking involves the implementation
of solutions using automation, programming and computer systems. Learners
Contextual Issues studying this subject will gain both theoretical and practical skills that are valuable
Ghanaian schools lack ICT infrastructure, due to the high cost of computers and beyond the classroom and are applicable in many contexts.
other technologies, poor internet connectivity, intermittent power fluctuations,
and teachers’ inadequate knowledge or technical know-how in using ICT tools
in teaching are the associated contextual issues with the integration of ICT.
Again, Security Concerns,Widening Skill Gaps,The Rise of Robotics, and Business
Continuity are some of the contextual issues that have been looked at in this
Computing Curriculum.
Some contemporary issues in computing that need immediate action are
cyberbullying, copyright infringement, green technology, and Internet addiction.
There is, therefore, the need to promote Computing through responsible thinking,
mutual understanding, and alertness of everyone on the Internet.


WRITERS 2. Haruna Sulemana Dagbon State Senior High Technical School,

Name Institution
3. Seidu Mohammed Awal Tamale Girls Senior High School, Tamale
1. Victor King Anyanful OLA College of Education, Cape Coast
4. Akati Kofi Pius Tamale Girls Senior High School, Tamale
2. Kwasi Abankwa Anokye Science Education Unit, (National STEM
Resource Center), GES HQ, Accra 5. Yabang Ambrose Kalpohin Senior High School, Tamale
3. Victoria Boafo Mampong Technical College of Education, 6. Joseph Mwinemaalu Wondoh Kalpohin Senior High School, Tamale
Asante Mampong NaCCA TEAM
4. Frank Appoh Regional Education Office, GES, Greater 1. Prof K. O. Kwarteng 12. Bridget Anku
Accra 2. Prof Edward Appiah 13. Anthony Sarpong
5. Mark Anibrika Tema Metro Education Office, Tema 3. Mr Matthew Owusu 14. Seth Nii Nartey
REVIEWERS 4. Reginald Quartey 15. Kenneth Wontumi
Name Institution 5. Joana Vanderpuije 16. Sharon Antwi-Baah
1. Dr Ephrem Kwaa-Aidoo University of Education, Winneba 6. Anita Collison 17. Dennis Adjasi
2. Dr Gaddafi Abdul-Salaam
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science 7. Rebecca Abu Gariba 18. Ogyampo S. Amankwah
and Technology, Kumasi 8. Genevieve Mensah 19. Abigail Owusu Oduro
CURRICULUM WRITING GUIDE TEAM 9. Veronica Odom 20. Priscilla B. Plange
Name Institution 10. Joachim Seyram Honu 21. Abigail Birago Owusu
1. Prof Winston Abroampa Kwame Nkrumah University of Science 11. Dr Mercy Nyamekye 22. Uriah Otoo
and Technology, Kumasi
2. Cosmos Eminah University of Education, Winneba
1. Prof Kwame Akyeampong 4. Dr Esinam Avornyo
3. Aaron Akwaboah Ministry of Education, Accra
2. Dr Jane Cullen 5. Dr Christopher Yaw Kwaah
4. Evans Odei Achimota School. Accra
3. Dr Sean Higgins
5. Paul Michael Cudjoe Prempeh College, Kumasi
6. Ahmed Kobina Amihere University of Education, Winneba
Name Institution
1. Mohammed Abdul-Samed Dagbon State Senior High Technical School,


Computing Summary
1. Computer Architecture Data Storage and Manipulation 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 3
and Organisation Computer Hardware and Software 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2
Data Communication and Network Systems 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3
2. Computational Thinking Algorithm and Data Structure 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
(Programming Logic) App Development 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2
Web Technologies and Databases 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 3
Total 6 6 15 6 6 15 6 6 15

Overall Totals (SHS 1 – 3)

Content Standards 18
Learning Outcomes 18
Learning Indicators 46



Learning Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Competencies GESI1, SEL2 and Shared National Values
Apply Computer Architecture Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: GESI: As all learners are supported in an inclusive
concepts related to the design of Learners exhibit the ability to analyse, evaluate, environment and given equal opportunities they will;
modern processors, memories, and solve complex problems using logical and • appreciate, value, and embrace diversity as they work in
Input and Output to manipulate creative thinking in the Application of Computer groups.
data. Architecture concepts. • learn to amicably resolve conflicts and embrace different
Creativity and Innovation: Learners exhibit • develop emotional intelligence as their submissions are
the capacity to generate original ideas, think critiqued by others.
outside the box, and approach tasks with a fresh
perspective with respect to the Application of SEL: Learners strive to attain and utilise knowledge, skills,
Computer Architecture concepts. and attitudes that enable them to:
• cultivate a positive sense of self and foster healthy
Collaboration and Teamwork: The ability to relationships with different identities while applying
work effectively in diverse groups, value different Computer Architecture concepts.
perspectives, and contribute collectively towards • effectively navigate and regulate their emotions.
shared goals. • set and accomplish personal and collaborative objectives.
• demonstrate understanding and compassion towards
others, exhibiting empathy.
• create and sustain supportive connections with peers and
individuals around them.
• exercise thoughtful judgement and act responsibly and
compassionately in decision-making processes.



By integrating these SEL features into the teaching of
Computer Architecture concepts, teachers can create a
supportive and inclusive learning environment. This approach
promotes learners' emotional well-being, enhances their
collaborative and communication skills, and fosters
responsible decision-making in applying Computer
Architecture concepts related to the design of modern
processors, memories, Input and Output to manipulate data

National core values:

• Tolerance
• Integrity
• Accountability
• Humility
• Assertiveness
• Patriotism


Content Standards Learning Indicators and Pedagogical Exemplars with 21st Century and GESI Assessment
1.1.1.CS.1 1.1.1.LI.1 1.1.1.AS.1
Demonstrate knowledge Describe Information as Bit Patterns Level 1 Recall
and understanding of data Level 2 Skills of
representation and Data Group Work/Collaborative Learning: Interactive presentations, video analysis and debate. conceptual
Manipulation e.g., Divide the class into two mixed-ability groups and task them to Describe Information as understanding
Bit Patterns. The groups must respond to inclusivity and equity. For example, learners with Level 3 Strategic
visual impairment, dyslexia, and dysgraphia should be considered. reasoning
Level 4 Extended critical
thinking and reasoning
1.1.1.LI.2 1.1.1.AS.2
Apply knowledge of Cache Memory to solve runtime issues. (e.g., opening Level 1 Recall
browsers). Level 2 Skills of
Group Activity: understanding
• In groups, let learners brainstorm on the purpose and functioning of cache (temporal local Level 3 Strategic
storage) in modern processors. reasoning
• Have learners apply their understanding by analysing and discussing real-world scenarios Level 4 Extended
where cache utilisation can enhance system performance. critical thinking and
• Provide opportunities for individual or group practice to identify and troubleshoot runtime reasoning
errors caused by cache-related issues.
1.1.1.LI.3 1.1.1.AS.3
Discuss at least four major functions and the parts of the CPU; Arithmetic and Level 1 Recall
Logic Unit (ALU), Control Unit (CU) and registers Level 2 Skills of
Using Talk for Learning approaches (TfL) or snowballing: understanding
• Task each learner to state a specific function or method in programming, and then Level 3 Strategic
randomly call on another learner to explain the purpose, input, and expected output of the reasoning
stated function. Level 4 Extended critical
• Assess learners based on the accuracy and clarity of their explanations, as well as their thinking and reasoning
ability to demonstrate comprehension of functions and their application in data


1.1.1.LI.4 1.1.1.AS.4
Understand and explain the control bus, address bus, data bus and the internal Level 1 Recall
clock, Machine Cycle, Von Neumann architecture (Fetch–Decode–Execute-Store Level 2 Skills of
Cycle), instruction set for a CPU, Harvard architecture and embedded systems conceptual
Group Activity: Level 3 Strategic
• In groups, let learners collaborate and brainstorm on the following components and reasoning
concepts of Computer Architecture: Control Bus, Address Bus, Data Bus, Internal Clock, Level 4 Extended critical
Machine Cycle, Von Neumann architecture (Fetch-Decode-Execute-Store Cycle), and thinking and reasoning
Instruction set for CPU.
• Guide the group discussions by providing prompts and questions that encourage in-depth
exploration of each component or concept.
• Assess learners based on their ability to articulate the purpose, functioning, and
interconnections among these components and concepts, as well as their ability to relate
them to data manipulation.
Teaching and Learning • Notepad or exercise book • Desktop computers • The iBox/iCampus (CENDLOS)
Resources • Pen • Tablets • Productivity tools ix. Subject-based
• Smartphones • TV and Radio application software
• Laptops • Open Educational Resources • Instructional Laboratories (with
(including YouTube, MOOCs - multimedia equipment and
Udemy/Coursera, Khan Academy, smartboards)
and TESSA) • Maintenance and repair workshops



Learning Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Competencies GESI, SEL and Shared National
Explain the relationships between Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Learners exhibit the GESI: As all learners are supported in an
the components of a computer and ability to analyse, evaluate, and solve complex problems using logical inclusive environment and given equal
how data are transferred among the and creative thinking in components of a computer and how data opportunities they will;
components. are transferred among the components. • embrace tolerance and empathy among
Explain types of Software and their each other.
functions Communication: The skill to effectively express ideas and • learn to resolve conflicts and embrace
information through various mediums and engage in active listening differing opinions amicably.
and sharing information by peer-to-peer, presentation etc. • develop emotional intelligence as
others critique their submissions.
Collaboration and Teamwork: The ability to work
effectively in diverse groups, value different perspectives, SEL: Learners acquire and use knowledge,
and contribute collectively towards shared goals. skills, and attitudes to:
• reflect on their own understanding of
Digital Literacy: The competence to use digital technologies, computer components, data transfer
navigate online information, and apply digital tools effectively and and software functions.
responsibly. • effectively navigate and regulate their
emotions and self-confidence.
• set and accomplish personal and
collaborative objectives.
• create and sustain supportive
connections with peers and individuals
around them.
• set and pursue both personal and
shared goals.


• inform decisions when selecting
appropriate processors, memories, and
input/output devices to optimise data

By integrating these SEL features into

teaching of the components of a computer,
teachers can create a supportive and
inclusive learning environment. This
approach promotes learners' emotional
well-being, enhances their collaborative and
communication skills, and fosters
responsible decision-making in explaining
the relationships between the components
of a computer and how data are
transferred among the components.

National core values:

• Hard work
• Integrity
• Accountability
• Humility
• Assertiveness
• Patriotism


Content Standards Learning Indicators and Pedagogical Exemplars with 21st Century and GESI Assessment

1.1.2.CS.1 1.1.2.LI.1 1.1.2.AS.1

Demonstrate knowledge and Explain the features of the hardware components of a computer (input hardware, Level 1 Recall
understanding of processing hardware, output hardware, storage hardware and communication Level 2 Skills of
components of Computer hardware). conceptual
Hardware and types of understanding
Software Group Work/Talk for Learning: Level 3 Strategic
• Use think-pair-share to discuss the features of the hardware components of a computer reasoning
• In groups, brainstorm on the features of the hardware components of a computer (input Level 4 Extended critical
hardware, processing hardware, output hardware, storage hardware and communication thinking and reasoning
hardware). Give all learners equal opportunity and use webbing to organise the views of
the learners.

SEL: When teaching about the hardware components of a computer teachers can integrate
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) principles to create an engaging and supportive learning
experience. Here are some SEL features you can incorporate into this specific topic:
• provides opportunities for self-assessment of their skills and progress in applying these
concepts to manipulate data.
• helps students recognise their emotions and attitudes towards the topic, supporting their
self-confidence and self-efficacy.

• guides students in setting goals and planning their work
• fosters resilience and perseverance by supporting students in managing challenges and
setbacks they may encounter during the learning process.

Social awareness:
• promotes collaborative learning by assigning group projects or activities to learners
• encourages students to share their knowledge and expertise with their peers, creating a
supportive learning community.


Relationship skills:
• promotes teamwork and collaboration by encouraging students to work together to
solve complex problems and share their insights and solutions.
• emphasises the value of giving and receiving constructive feedback

Responsible decision-making:
• encourages learners to make informed decisions.
• encourages critical thinking and reflection
1.1.2.LI.2 1.1.2.AS.2
Describe the categories of Computer Hardware Level 1 Recall
Level 2 Skills of
Problem-Based Learning Approach: In different task groups, Task learners to identify conceptual
and explain the categories of Computer Hardware: understanding
• input devices Level 3 Strategic
• processing devices reasoning
• output devices Level 4 Extended critical
• storage devices. thinking
• communication devices. and reasoning

Groups working on different tasks present their tasks for comments. Groups should be
tolerant of others’ views.
Teaching and Learning • Notepad or exercise book • Desktop computers • The iBox/iCampus (CENDLOS)
Resources • Pen • Tablets • Productivity tools ix. Subject-based
• Smartphones • TV and Radio application software
• Laptops • Open Educational Resources • Instructional Laboratories (with
(including YouTube, MOOCs - multimedia equipment and
Udemy/Coursera, Khan Academy, smartboards)
and TESSA) • Maintenance and repair workshops



Learning Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Competencies GESI, SEL and Shared National
Use skills and knowledge to identify Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Learners exhibit the GESI: Providing the opportunity for
and differentiate between the ability to analyse, evaluate, and solve complex problems using logical diverse learners to actively participate in all
different types of Network Systems and creative thinking in identifying and differentiate between the lessons in an inclusive manner and using
different types of Network Systems GESI responsive language as pedagogy
Creativity and Innovation: Learners exhibit the capacity to • awareness of personal biases and
generate original ideas, think outside the box, and approach tasks stereotypes in the area of analysing the
with a fresh perspective with respect to the Application of scope of common methods in
Computer Architecture concepts computing.
• respect and tolerance for an
Digital Literacy: The competence to use digital technologies, individual’s uniqueness and peculiarities.
navigate online information, and apply digital tools effectively and • sensitivity to the interrelatedness of
responsibly. the various spheres of life, groups, and

SEL: Learners gain and utilise knowledge,

abilities, and mindsets to:
• cultivate a robust and optimistic self-
perception, fostering the growth of
healthy identities.
• skillfully handle their emotions,
fostering emotional well-being.
• establish and achieve personal and
collaborative objectives, nurturing
progress and accomplishment.


• nurture empathy towards others,
exhibiting understanding and
• build and maintain supportive
connections, fostering a sense of
• exercise responsible and
compassionate judgment, considering
the well-being of themselves and

By integrating these SEL features into the

teaching of Network Systems, teachers can
create a supportive and inclusive learning
environment. This approach promotes
learners' emotional well-being, enhances
their collaborative and communication
skills, and fosters responsible decision-
making in using skills and knowledge to
identify and differentiate between the
different types of Network Systems.

National core values:

• Patriotism
• Faithfulness
• Honesty
• Loyalty
• Discipline
• Respect
• Humility
• Assertiveness
• Good citizenship


Content Standards Learning Indicators and Pedagogical Exemplars with 21st Century and GESI Assessment
1.1.3.CS.1 1.1.3.LI.1 1.1.3.AS.1
Demonstrate knowledge Explain Computer Networks and how they work Level 1 Recall
and understanding of Level 2 Skills of conceptual
network design Using the Collaborative Learning Approach: Demonstrate the process of designing a understanding
network topology based on specific requirements and explain the rationale behind the chosen Level 3 Strategic
design. reasoning
Level 4 Extended critical
Using the Problem-Based Learning Approach: Explore and discuss the concepts of thinking and reasoning
control bus, address bus, data bus, cache, internal clock, machine cycle, and the fetch-decode-
execute cycle to deepen understanding.

SEL: When teaching students about Computer Networking, you can integrate Social
Emotional Learning (SEL) principles to create an engaging and supportive learning experience.
Here are some SEL features you can incorporate into this specific topic:

• provides opportunities for self-assessment of their skills and progress in applying these
concepts to manipulate data.
• helps students recognise their emotions and attitudes towards the topic, supporting their
self-confidence and self-efficacy.

• guides students in setting goals and planning their work
• fosters resilience and perseverance by supporting students in managing challenges and
setbacks they may encounter during the learning process.

Social awareness:
• promotes collaborative learning by assigning group projects or activities to learners
• encourages students to share their knowledge and expertise with their peers, creating a
supportive learning community.


Relationship skills:
• promotes teamwork and collaboration by encouraging students to work together to solve
complex problems and share their insights and solutions.
• emphasises the value of giving and receiving constructive feedback

Responsible decision-making:
• encourages learners to make informed decisions.
• encourages critical thinking and reflection
1.1.3.LI.2 1.1.3.AS.2
Identify at least 3 Types of Network Systems Level 1 Recall
Level 2 Skills of conceptual
Problem-Based Learning: Analyse and present the features and functions of hardware understanding
components commonly found in network systems, such as routers, switches, network interface Level 3 Strategic reasoning:
cards (NICs), and modems. Level 4 Extended critical
thinking and reasoning
1.1.3.LI.3 1.1.3.AS.3
Differentiate among the 3 Types of Network Systems Level 1 Recall
Level 2 Skills of conceptual
Using the Collaborative Learning Approach: understanding
• engage in a group brainstorming session to identify and classify various types of network Level 3 Strategic reasoning
systems. Level 4 Extended critical
• provide examples for each type to support your classification and explain the thinking and reasoning
characteristics that distinguish them.
Teaching and • Notepad or exercise book • TV and Radio
Learning Resources • Pen • Open Educational Resources (including YouTube,
• Smartphones MOOCs - Udemy/Coursera, Khan Academy, and TESSA)
• Laptops • The iBox/iCampus (CENDLOS)
• Desktop computers • Productivity tools ix. Subject-based application software
• Tablets • Instructional Laboratories (with multimedia equipment
and smartboards)
• Maintenance and repair workshops



Learning Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Competencies GESI, SEL and Shared National
Apply knowledge of data structures Communication: The skill to effectively express ideas and • GESI: As facilitators steer discussions,
to explain their real-life applications information through various mediums and engage in active listening they are mindful to stay off biases,
effectively. by peer-to-peer method, presentation etc. stereotypes, and prejudices and place
efforts to provide well-balanced
Collaboration and Teamwork: The ability to work effectively in examples. This will make learners;
diverse groups, value different perspectives, and contribute • aware of their personal biases and
collectively towards shared goals while explaining data structures. stereotypes, embrace diversity, and
practise inclusion.
Digital Literacy: The competence to use digital technologies, • embrace tolerance and empathy among
navigate online information, and apply digital tools effectively and each other.
responsibly. • develop emotional intelligence as
others critique their submissions.
• learn to listen to others of different
genders and abilities, thus developing
tolerance and listening skills.

SEL: Learners acquire and apply

knowledge, skills, and attitudes in order to:
• foster a strong and positive sense of
self, nurturing the development of
healthy identities.
• effectively manage their emotions,
promoting overall emotional well-


• set and achieve personal and collective
goals, fostering growth and
• cultivate empathy for others,
demonstrating understanding and
• establish and sustain supportive
relationships, promoting a sense of
• make responsible and compassionate
decisions, taking into consideration the
well-being of themselves and others.

By integrating these SEL features into the

teaching of data structures, teachers can
create a supportive and inclusive learning
environment. This approach promotes
learners' emotional well-being, enhances
their collaborative and communication
skills, and fosters responsible decision-
making in using knowledge of data
structures to explain the applications in
real life.

National core values:

• Tolerance
• Friendliness
• Open-mindedness
• Patience
• Commitment
• Hard work


Content Standards Learning Indicators and Pedagogical Exemplars with 21st Century and GESI Assessment
1.2.1.CS.1 1.2.1.LI.1 1.1.1.AS.1
Demonstrate knowledge Explain in detail the concepts of Data Structures and their importance in organising Level 1 Recall
and understanding of and manipulating data efficiently. Level 2 Skills of
Data Structures conceptual
Problem-Based Learning: Brainstorm and discuss the importance and practical applications of understanding:
data structures, providing examples to illustrate their relevance in different scenarios. Level 3 Strategic
Group Work/Talk for Learning: Engage in collaborative activities such as think-pair-share or Level 4 Extended critical
small group discussions to define data structures in their own words, promoting a deeper thinking and reasoning:
understanding through shared perspectives.

SEL: When teaching students about Data Structures and their importance, you can integrate
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) principles to create an engaging and supportive learning
experience. Here are some SEL features you can incorporate into this specific topic:

• provides opportunities for self-assessment of their skills and progress in applying these
concepts to manipulate data.
• helps students to recognise their emotions and attitudes towards the topic, and support their
self-confidence and self-efficacy.

• guides students in setting goals and planning their work
• fosters resilience and perseverance by supporting students in managing challenges and
setbacks they may encounter during the learning process.

Social awareness:
• promotes collaborative learning by assigning group projects or activities to learners
• encourages students to share their knowledge and expertise with their peers, creating a
supportive learning community.


Relationship skills:
• promotes teamwork and collaboration by encouraging students to work together to solve
complex problems and share their insights and solutions.
• emphasises the value of giving and receiving constructive feedback.

Responsible decision-making:
• encourages learners to make informed decisions.
• encourages critical thinking and reflection.
1.2.1.LI.2 1.1.1.AS.2
Differentiate between the types of Data Structures Level 1 Recall
Level 2 Skills of
Problem-Based Learning: Engage in brainstorming activities to explore and discuss the conceptual
different types of data structures, highlighting their characteristics and advantages in managing and understanding
processing data effectively. Level 3 Strategic
Level 4 Extended critical
thinking and reasoning
Teaching and • Notepad or exercise book • Desktop computers • The iBox/iCampus (CENDLOS)
Learning Resources • Pen • Tablets • Productivity tools ix. Subject-based
• Smartphones • TV and Radio application software
• Laptops • Open Educational Resources • Instructional Laboratories (with
(including YouTube, MOOCs - multimedia equipment and
Udemy/Coursera, Khan Academy, smartboards)
and TESSA) • Maintenance and repair workshops



Learning Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Competencies GESI, SEL and Shared National
Apply Algorithms in various real-life Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Learners exhibit the GESI: Promoting inclusivity in the
and programming situations or ability to analyse, evaluate, and solve complex problems using logical classroom by encouraging every learner to
problems and creative thinking in applying Algorithms in various real-life and actively participate in lessons, cross-sharing
programming situations or problems of ideas and thoughts between and among
groups and individuals ensures;
Creativity and Innovation: Learners exhibit the capacity to • respecting individuals of varying beliefs,
generate original ideas, think outside the box, and approach tasks religions and cultures
with a fresh perspective with respect to the Application of • being sensitive to the inter-relatedness
Computer Architecture concepts of the various spheres of life, groups
and individuals
Digital Literacy: The competence to use digital technologies, • being aware of personal biases and
navigate online information, and apply digital tools effectively and stereotypes
responsibly. • embracing diversity and practise

SEL: Learners acquire and employ

knowledge, skills, and attitudes in order to:
• foster the development of a resilient
and optimistic self-perception,
nurturing the cultivation of healthy
• skillfully navigate and regulate their
emotions, thereby promoting overall
emotional well-being.
• establish and achieve personal and
collaborative goals, fostering personal


growth and collective
• cultivate empathy for others, actively
demonstrating understanding and
• foster the establishment and
maintenance of supportive
relationships, promoting a profound
sense of belonging.
• exercise conscientious and
compassionate decision-making, taking
into account the well-being of both
themselves and others.

By integrating these SEL features into the

teaching of Algorithms, teachers can create
a supportive and inclusive learning
environment. This approach promotes
learners' emotional well-being, enhances
their collaborative and communication
skills, and fosters responsible decision-
making in applying Algorithms in various
real-life and programming situations or

National core values:

• Tolerance
• Friendliness
• Open-mindedness
• Patience
• Commitment
• Hard work
• Integrity


Content Standards Learning Indicators and Pedagogical Exemplars with 21st Century and GESI Assessment
1.2.2.CS.1 1.2.2.LI.1 1.2.1.AS.1
Demonstrate knowledge Explain and use Algorithms to solve a real-life problem. Level 1 Recall
and understanding of Identify the stages in the programme development cycle: Level 2 Skills of conceptual
Computational Thinking Analysis, design, coding, testing understanding
(Algorithms and Level 3 Strategic
Programs) Collaborative Learning: reasoning
• Group discussion on the understanding of Algorithms and relate it to real-time problems. Level 4 Extended critical
• Project-based learning within a practical session (individual and mixed ability/gender thinking and reasoning
sensitive groups work with no stereotyping) to use algorithms to solve real-time problems
using the programme development cycle.

SEL: When teaching about Algorithms, integrate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) principles to
create an engaging and supportive learning experience. Here are some SEL features you can
incorporate into this specific topic:

• provides opportunities for self-assessment of their skills and progress in applying these
concepts to manipulate data.
• helps students recognise their emotions and attitudes towards the topic, supporting their
self-confidence and self-efficacy.

• guides students in setting goals and planning their work
• fosters resilience and perseverance by supporting students in managing challenges and
setbacks they may encounter during the learning process.

Social awareness:
• promotes collaborative learning by assigning group projects or activities to learners
• encourages students to share their knowledge and expertise with their peers, creating a
supportive learning community.


Relationship skills:
• promotes teamwork and collaboration by encouraging students to work together to solve
complex problems and share their insights and solutions.
• emphasises the value of giving and receiving constructive feedback

Responsible decision-making:
• encourages learners to make informed decisions.
• encourages critical thinking and reflection.
1.2.2.LI.2 1.2.1.AS.2
Implement Algorithms into programmes with the use of flowcharts, pseudocode Level 1 Recall
and programming languages such as Python, HTML, etc. Level 2 Skills of
Explain the steps in planning a programme putting actions in the right order conceptual
Collaborative Learning: Level 3 Strategic
• Use an algorithm to plan a programme (finding the sum of two numbers, the sum of an reasoning
area of a rectangle, circle, triangle etc.) Level 4 Extended
• Use variables, data types (integers, strings…etc.) critical thinking and
Teaching and • Notepad or exercise book • Desktop computers • The iBox/iCampus (CENDLOS)
Learning Resources • Pen • Tablets • Productivity tools ix. Subject-based
• Smartphones • TV and Radio application software
• Laptops • Open Educational Resources • Instructional Laboratories (with
(including YouTube, MOOCs- multimedia equipment and
Udemy/Coursera, Khan Academy, smartboards)
and TESSA) • Maintenance and repair workshops



Learning Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Competencies GESI, SEL and Shared National Values
Explain the basic principles of web Communication: The skill to effectively express ideas and GESI: As all learners are supported in an
design and identify the modern information through various mediums and engage in active inclusive environment and given equal
technologies used in web design. listening by peer-to-peer presentations, etc., in explaining the opportunities they will;
basic principles of web design • appreciate, value, and embrace diversity
as they are made to work in groups.
Collaboration and Teamwork: The ability to work effectively • learn to amicably resolve conflicts and
in diverse groups, value different perspectives, and contribute embrace differing opinions.
collectively towards shared goals. • develop emotional intelligence as their
submissions are critiqued by others.
Digital Literacy: The competence to use digital technologies, • embrace tolerance and empathy among
navigate online information, and apply digital tools effectively and each other.
responsibly. • learn to resolve conflicts and embrace
differing opinions amicably.
• develop emotional intelligence as others
critique their submissions.

SEL: Learners acquire and apply knowledge,

skills, and attitudes to:
• foster the development of a strong and
positive self-image, nurturing the
cultivation of healthy identities.
• effectively manage their emotions,
promoting emotional well-being and
• set and accomplish personal and
collective goals, fostering growth and


• cultivate empathy for others,
exemplifying understanding and
• establish and sustain supportive
relationships, nurturing a sense of
belonging and community.
• make responsible and compassionate
decisions, prioritising the welfare of
themselves and others.

By integrating these SEL features into teaching

the basic principles of web design, teachers
can create a supportive and inclusive learning
environment. This approach promotes
learners' emotional well-being, enhances their
collaborative and communication skills, and
fosters responsible decision-making in
explaining the basic principles of web design
and describes the modern technologies used
in web design principles.

National core values:

• Tolerance
• Integrity
• Accountability
• Humility
• Assertiveness
• Patriotism


Content Standards Learning Indicators and Pedagogical Exemplars with 21st Century and GESI Assessment
1.2.3.CS.1 1.2.3.LI.1 1.2.3AS.1
Demonstrate knowledge Identify and describe the key components of a Web page, including headings, Level 1 Recall
and understanding of menus, links, text, images, and other relevant elements. Level 2 Skills of conceptual
Web Development understanding
Group Work/Talk for Learning: Level 3 Strategic reasoning
• Identifying components of a web page. Level 4 Extended critical
• Utilise think-pair-share or similar collaborative approaches to facilitate discussions among thinking and reasoning
learners and identify the various components found in a web page. Encourage learners to
list and describe the components they identify.

SEL: When teaching about Web Development, you can integrate Social Emotional Learning
(SEL) principles to create an engaging and supportive learning experience. Here are some SEL
features you can incorporate into this specific topic:

• provides opportunities for self-assessment of their skills and progress in applying these
concepts to manipulate data.
• helps students recognise their emotions and attitudes towards the topic, supporting their
self-confidence and self-efficacy.

• guides students in setting goals and planning their work
• fosters resilience and perseverance by supporting students in managing challenges and
setbacks they may encounter during the learning process.

Social awareness:
• promotes collaborative learning by assigning group projects or activities to learners
• encourages students to share their knowledge and expertise with their peers, creating a
supportive learning community.


Relationship skills:
• promotes teamwork and collaboration by encouraging students to work together to solve
complex problems and share their insights and solutions.
• emphasises the value of giving and receiving constructive feedback

Responsible decision-making:
• encourages learners to make informed decisions.
• encourages critical thinking and reflection.
1.2.3.LI.2 1.2.3AS.2
Draw and explain 2 Web Outline plans showing the wireframes Level 1 Recall
Level 2 Skills of conceptual
• Brainstorming on what is a website map, and web outline plan using the wireframes. understanding
• Engage learners in a brainstorming session to explore the concept of website mapping and Level 3 Strategic reasoning
the creation of web outline plans using wireframes. Level 4 Extended
• Encourage learners to draw and explain two web outline plans, demonstrating their critical thinking and
understanding of wireframes as a visual representation of a website's structure. reasoning
Teaching and • Notepad or exercise book • Tablets • Productivity tools ix. Subject-based
Learning Resources • Pen • TV and Radio application software
• Smartphones • Open Educational Resources • Instructional laboratories (with
• Laptops (including YouTube, MOOCs - multimedia equipment and
• Desktop computers Udemy/Coursera, Khan Academy, smartboards)
and TESSA) • Maintenance and repair workshops
• The iBox/iCampus (CENDLOS)





Learning Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Competencies GESI3, SEL4 and Shared National Values
Develop knowledge and skills in Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Learners exhibit GESI: Ensuring all learners in class irrespective
implementing and applying the ability to analyse, evaluate, and solve complex problems of the diversity in ability, socio-cultural
programme execution and logic using logical and creative thinking in the application of backgrounds, and gender and soliciting
instructions effectively. programme execution and logic instructions contributions from all learners ensures;
• respect for individuals of varying beliefs,
Digital Literacy: The competence to use digital technologies, religions, backgrounds, and cultures.
navigate online information, and apply digital tools effectively • knowledge of themselves and others’
and responsibly. peculiarities, strengths, and weaknesses.
• tolerance for diversity and respect for all.

SEL: Learners adopt and utilise knowledge,

skills, and attitudes to:
• cultivate a resilient and positive sense of
self, fostering the growth of healthy
• skillfully manage their emotions, promoting
overall emotional well-being and harmony.
• set and achieve personal and collective
goals, fostering continuous growth and
• develop empathy for others, actively
demonstrating understanding and



• establish and maintain supportive
relationships, nurturing a sense of belonging
and connectedness.
• exercise conscientious and compassionate
decision-making, considering the well-being
of themselves and others in their choices.

By integrating these SEL features into the

teaching of programme execution and logic
instructions, teachers can create a supportive
and inclusive learning environment. This
approach promotes learners' emotional well-
being, enhances their collaborative and
communication skills, and fosters responsible
decision-making in using knowledge and skills in
implementations and applications of programme
execution and logic instructions.

National core values:

• Tolerance
• Friendliness
• Open-mindedness
• Patience
• Commitment
• Hard work


Content Standards Learning Indicators and Pedagogical Exemplars with 21st Century and GESI Assessment
2.1.1.CS.1 2.1.1.LI.1 2.1.1.AS.1
Demonstrate knowledge Determine critical points of Logic Operations and apply them to solve problems Level 1 Recall
and understanding of efficiently. Level 2 Skills of
Programme Execution conceptual
and Logic Instructions Group Work/Collaborative Learning: Identifying and discussing Mass Storage Media: understanding
Engage in interactive presentations, video analysis, and debates by dividing the class into mixed- Level 3 Strategic
ability groups. Task the groups with identifying, classifying, and discussing three different Mass reasoning
Storage Media. Ensure the group promotes inclusivity and equity, considering the needs of Level 4 Extended critical
individuals with visual impairment, dyslexia, dysgraphia, and other diverse learning needs. thinking and reasoning

SEL: When teaching students about Logic Operations, you can integrate Social Emotional
Learning (SEL) principles to create an engaging and supportive learning experience. Here are
some SEL features you can incorporate into this specific topic:

• provides opportunities for self-assessment of their skills and progress in applying these
concepts to manipulate data.
• helps students to recognise their emotions and attitudes towards the topic, supporting their
self-confidence and self-efficacy.

• guides students in setting goals and planning their work
• fosters resilience and perseverance by supporting students in managing challenges and
setbacks they may encounter during the learning process.

Social awareness:
• promotes collaborative learning by assigning group projects or activities to learners
• encourages students to share their knowledge and expertise with their peers, creating a
supportive learning community.


Relationship skills:
• promotes teamwork and collaboration by encouraging students to work together to solve
complex problems and share their insights and solutions.
• emphasises the value of giving and receiving constructive feedback

Responsible decision-making:
• encourages learners to make informed decisions.
• encourages critical thinking and reflection
2.1.1.LI.2 2.1.1.AS.2
Apply the Concepts of Boolean Expressions to simplify complex circuits Level 1 Recall
Level 2 Skills of
Group Work/Collaborative Learning: conceptual
• Utilise interactive presentations, video analysis, and debates by dividing the class into mixed- understanding
ability groups. Task the groups with applying the Concepts of Boolean Expressions to simplify Level 3 Strategic
complex circuits. reasoning
Ensure the groupings foster inclusivity and equity by considering the needs of individuals with Level 4 Extended
visual impairment, dyslexia, dysgraphia, and other diverse learning needs. critical thinking and
2.1.1.LI.3 2.1.1.AS.3
Discuss 3 major Arithmetic Operations and apply them taking into consideration Level 1 Recall
their various functions Level 2 Skills of
Group Work/Collaborative Learning: understanding
• Engage in interactive presentations, video analysis, and debates by dividing the class into Level 3 Strategic
mixed-ability groups. Task the groups with discussing the three major Arithmetic Operations reasoning
and applying them, considering their various functions. Level 4 Extended critical
• Similar to previous indicators, ensure the group division promotes inclusivity and equity, thinking and reasoning
considering the needs of individuals with visual impairment, dyslexia, dysgraphia, and other
diverse learning needs.
Teaching and • Notepad or exercise book • Desktop computers • The iBox/iCampus (CENDLOS)
Learning Resources • Pen • Tablets • Productivity tools ix. Subject-based
• Smartphones • TV and Radio application software
• Laptops


• Open Educational Resources • Instructional Laboratories (with
(including YouTube, MOOCs - multimedia equipment and
Udemy/Coursera, Khan Academy, smartboards)
and TESSA) • Maintenance and repair workshops



Learning Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Competencies GESI, SEL and Shared National
Apply acquired skills and knowledge Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Learners exhibit the GESI: Giving equal opportunities to all
to explain the functioning of input ability to analyse, evaluate, and solve complex problems using logical learners irrespective of their background
and output devices in relation to and creative thinking in explaining how input and output devices and soliciting views from all learners
barcodes and QR codes, as well as function with respect to bar-codes and QR codes and the ensures;
the functionality of an Operating functionality of an Operating System • respect for individuals of varying
System. beliefs, religions, backgrounds and
Creativity and Innovation: Learners exhibit the capacity to cultures.
generate original ideas, think outside the box, and approach tasks • sensitivity to the inter-relatedness of
with a fresh perspective with respect to the Application of the various spheres of life, groups and
Computer Architecture. individuals.
• awareness of personal biases,
Communication: The skill to effectively express ideas and peculiarities and stereotypes.
information through various mediums and engage in active listening • tolerance for diversity
by peer-to-peer, presentation etc.
SEL: Learners acquire and apply
Collaboration and Teamwork: The ability to work effectively in knowledge, skills, and attitudes to:
diverse groups, value different perspectives, and contribute • cultivate a robust and positive self-
collectively towards shared goals. concept, nurturing the development of
healthy identities.
Digital Literacy: The competence to use digital technologies, • effectively regulate and navigate their
navigate online information, and apply digital tools effectively and emotions, promoting emotional well-
responsibly. being and stability.
• set and attain personal and collective
Flexibility and Adaptability: The willingness to embrace change, objectives, fostering growth and
be open to new ideas, and adjust to evolving circumstances. fulfillment.


• foster empathy for others,
demonstrating understanding and
compassion in their interactions.
• establish and sustain supportive
connections, fostering a sense of
belonging and inclusion.
• make responsible and empathetic
decisions, considering the welfare and
needs of both themselves and others.
By integrating these SEL features into
teaching on input and output devices,
teachers can create a supportive and
inclusive learning environment. This
approach promotes students' emotional
well-being, enhances their collaborative and
communication skills, and fosters
responsible decision-making in using the
knowledge acquired to explain how input
and output devices function with respect to
bar-codes and QR codes and the
functionality of an Operating System.

National core values:

• Tolerance
• Friendliness
• Open-mindedness
• Patience
• Commitment
• Hard work
• Honesty
• Truthfulness.


Content Standards Learning Indicators and Pedagogical Exemplars with 21st Century and GESI Assessment
2.1.2.CS.1 2.1.2.LI.1 2.1.2.AS.1
Demonstrate knowledge Demonstrate the creation and utilisation of barcodes and QR codes using various Level 1 Recall
and understanding of input and output devices, such as monitors, system unit, processors, motherboards, Level 2 Skills of
components of Computer hard disks, clock, power unit, network interface cards, scanners, digital cameras, conceptual
Hardware and types of keyboards, microphones, mice, touchscreen sensors for control and monitoring. understanding
Software Level 3 Strategic
Problem-Based Learning Approach: Organise learners into mixed-ability groups and task reasoning
them with brainstorming on the creation and use of barcodes and QR codes, using the listed Level 4 Extended critical
devices in the learning indicator. Allow them to share their thoughts with the whole class while thinking and reasoning
fostering an environment that tolerates different viewpoints.

SEL: When teaching students about components of Computer Hardware and types of
Software, you can integrate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) principles to create an engaging and
supportive learning experience. Here are some SEL features you can incorporate into this
specific topic:

• provides opportunities for self-assessment of their skills and progress in applying these
concepts to manipulate data.
• helps students to recognise their emotions and attitudes towards the topic, supporting
their self-confidence and self-efficacy.

• guides students in setting goals and planning their work.
• fosters resilience and perseverance by supporting students in managing challenges and
setbacks they may encounter during the learning process.

Social awareness:
• promotes collaborative learning by assigning group projects or activities to learners
• encourages students to share their knowledge and expertise with their peers, creating a
supportive learning community.


Relationship skills:
• promotes teamwork and collaboration by encouraging students to work together to solve
complex problems and share their insights and solutions.
• emphasises the value of giving and receiving constructive feedback.

Responsible decision-making:
• encourages learners to make informed decisions.
• encourages critical thinking and reflection.
2.1.2.LI.2 2.1.2.AS.2
Explain the types of Software and their functions. Level 1 Recall
Level 2 Skills of
Using Problem-Based Learning Approach: Task learners to identify and explain the types conceptual
of software and state their functions. understanding
Level 3 Strategic
Using the Problem-Based Learning Approach: Group learners according to their mixed reasoning
abilities and task them with downloading and installing simple everyday software, such as Level 4 Extended
antivirus programs, games, media players, etc. critical thinking and
Teaching and • Notepad or exercise book • TV and Radio
Learning Resources • Pen • Open Educational Resources (including YouTube,
• Smartphones MOOCs - Udemy/Coursera, Khan Academy, and
• Laptops TESSA)
• Desktop computers • The iBox/iCampus (CENDLOS)
• Tablets • Productivity tools ix. Subject-based application software
• Instructional Laboratories (with multimedia equipment
and smartboards)
• Maintenance and repair workshops



Learning Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Competencies GESI, SEL and Shared National Values
Apply skills and knowledge to Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Learners exhibit the GESI: Giving equal opportunities to all
design and demonstrate ability to analyse, evaluate, and solve complex problems using logical learners irrespective of their background and
simple Network Topologies. and creative thinking in designing simple Network Topology. soliciting views from all learners ensures;
• respect for individuals of varying beliefs,
Creativity and Innovation: Learners exhibit the capacity to religions, backgrounds and cultures.
generate original ideas, think outside the box, and approach tasks with • sensitivity to the inter-relatedness of
a fresh perspective with respect to the Application of Computer the various spheres of life, groups and
Architecture concepts. individuals
• awareness of personal biases,
Collaboration and Teamwork: The ability to work effectively in peculiarities and stereotypes
diverse groups, value different perspectives, and contribute • tolerance for diversity
collectively towards shared goals.
SEL: Learners acquire and employ
Digital Literacy: The competence to use digital technologies, knowledge, skills, and attitudes to:
navigate online information, and apply digital tools effectively and • foster a strong and confident self-image,
responsibly. nurturing the cultivation of healthy
Flexibility and Adaptability: The willingness to embrace change, be • skilfully manage their emotions,
open to new ideas, and adjust to evolving circumstances. promoting emotional well-being and
• set and achieve personal and collective
goals, fostering growth and
• cultivate empathy for others,
exemplifying understanding and
compassion in their interactions.


• establish and maintain supportive
relationships, fostering a sense of
belonging and camaraderie.
• make conscientious and compassionate
decisions, considering the well-being
and welfare of themselves and others.

National core values:

• Tolerance
• Friendliness
• Open-mindedness
• Patience
• Commitment
• Hard work
• Honesty
• Truthfulness


Content Standards Learning Indicators and Pedagogical Exemplars with 21st Century and GESI Assessment
2.1.3.CS.1 2.1.3.LI.1 2.1.3.AS.1
Demonstrate knowledge Design and explain 2 Network Systems Level 1 Recall
and understanding of Level 2 Skills of conceptual
Components of a Interactive student-centred teaching and learning: Explaining network topologies: understanding
Network Utilise interactive teaching methods to engage students in explaining various network topologies Level 3 Strategic reasoning
such as Star, Ring, Bus, and Mesh. Foster student participation and facilitate group discussions to Level 4 Extended
differentiate the concepts of LAN, MAN, WAN, and CAN. critical thinking and
SEL: When teaching about the Components of a Network, teachers can integrate Social
Emotional Learning (SEL) principles to create an engaging and supportive learning experience.
Here are some SEL features you can incorporate into this specific topic:

• provides opportunities for self-assessment of their skills and progress in applying these
concepts to manipulate data.
• helps students to recognise their emotions and attitudes towards the topic, supporting
their self-confidence and self-efficacy.

• guides students in setting goals and planning their work
• fosters resilience and perseverance by supporting students in managing challenges and
setbacks they may encounter during the learning process.

Social awareness:
• promotes collaborative learning by assigning group projects or activities to learners
• encourages students to share their knowledge and expertise with their peers, creating a
supportive learning community.

Relationship skills:
• promotes teamwork and collaboration by encouraging students to work together to solve
complex problems and share their insights and solutions.
• emphasises the value of giving and receiving constructive feedback


Responsible decision-making:
• encourages learners to make informed decisions.
• encourages critical thinking and reflection
2.1.3.LI.2 2.1.3.AS.2
Demonstrate how the system can connect to the Internet. Level 1 Recall
Level 2 Skills of conceptual
Talk for Learning Approach: Connecting systems to the Internet: Divide learners into understanding
small groups to discuss and demonstrate how systems can be connected to the Internet. Level 3 Strategic
Encourage other groups to observe and provide objective feedback. reasoning
Level 4 Extended critical
thinking and reasoning
2.1.3.LI.3 2.1.3.AS.3
Discuss and compare at least three network topologies. Level 1 Recall
Level 2 Skills of
Talk for Learning Approach: Contrasting Network Topologies: Use question-and- conceptual
answer sessions to facilitate discussions among learners on the characteristics of three network understanding
topologies. Invite individual learners to demonstrate how to connect devices like hubs, routers, Level 3 Strategic reasoning
bridges, and switches, while others provide comments and feedback. Level 4 Extended critical
thinking and reasoning
Teaching and • Notepad or exercise book • TV and Radio
Learning Resources • Pen • Open Educational Resources (including YouTube,
• Smartphones MOOCs-Udemy/Coursera, Khan Academy, and TESSA)
• Laptops • The iBox/iCampus (CENDLOS)
• Desktop computers • Productivity tools ix. Subject-based application software
• Tablets • Instructional Laboratories (with multimedia equipment
and smartboards)
• Maintenance and repair workshops



Learning Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Competencies GESI, SEL and Shared National
Apply skills in data storage Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Learners exhibit the GESI: Giving equal opportunities to all
processes to effectively manage and ability to analyse, evaluate, and solve complex problems using logical learners irrespective of their background
utilise data. and creative thinking in data storage processes. and soliciting views from all learners
Creativity and Innovation: Learners exhibit the capacity to • respect for individuals of varying
generate original ideas, think outside the box, and approach tasks beliefs, religions, backgrounds and
with a fresh perspective with respect to the Application of cultures
Computer Architecture concepts • sensitivity to the inter-relatedness of
the various spheres of life, groups and
Collaboration and Teamwork: The ability to work effectively in individuals
diverse groups, value different perspectives, and contribute • awareness of personal biases,
collectively towards shared goals. peculiarities and stereotypes
• tolerance for diversity
Digital Literacy: The competence to use digital technologies,
navigate online information, and apply digital tools effectively and SEL: Learners acquire and utilise
responsibly. knowledge, skills, and attitudes to:
• develop a positive and authentic sense
Flexibility and Adaptability: The willingness to embrace change, of self, nurturing the cultivation of
be open to new ideas, and adjust to evolving circumstances. healthy identities.
• effectively regulate and navigate their
emotions, promoting emotional well-
being and self-awareness.
• set and accomplish personal and
collective goals, fostering growth and


• cultivate empathy for others,
demonstrating understanding and
compassion in their interactions.
• establish and sustain meaningful
relationships, fostering a sense of
connection and belonging.
• make thoughtful and ethical decisions,
considering the well-being and welfare
of themselves and others.

By integrating these SEL features into the

teaching on data storage processes,
teachers can create a supportive and
inclusive learning environment. This
approach promotes students' emotional
well-being, enhances their collaborative and
communication skills, and fosters
responsible decision-making in developing
and using skills in data storage processes.

National core values:

• Tolerance
• Friendliness
• Open-mindedness
• Patience
• Commitment
• Hard work
• Honesty
• Truthfulness


Content Standards Learning Indicators and Pedagogical Exemplars with 21st Century and GESI Assessment
2.2.1.CS.1 2.2.1.LI.1 2.2.1AS.1
Demonstrate State and describe the functions of the Main Memory. Level 1 Recall
knowledge and Level 2 Skills of
understanding of Data Problem-Based Learning: conceptual
Storage • In mixed-ability groups, learners must state and describe the steps to resolve a slow computer understanding
caused by Main Memory overload. Level 3 Strategic
• They must also collaboratively brainstorm and discuss strategies for managing Main Memory to reasoning
improve computer performance. Level 4 Extended critical
thinking and reasoning
SEL: When teaching about Data Storage, usage, and the function of Internet Service Providers
(ISPs), you can integrate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) principles to create an engaging and
supportive learning experience. Here are some SEL features you can incorporate into this specific

• provides opportunities for self-assessment of their skills and progress in applying these
concepts to manipulate data.
• helps students to recognise their emotions and attitudes towards the topic, supporting their
self-confidence and self-efficacy.

• guides students in setting goals and planning their work
• fosters resilience and perseverance by supporting students in managing challenges and setbacks
they may encounter during the learning process.

Social awareness:
• promotes collaborative learning by assigning group projects or activities to learners
• encourages students to share their knowledge and expertise with their peers, creating a
supportive learning community.


Relationship skills:
• promotes teamwork and collaboration by encouraging students to work together to solve
complex problems and share their insights and solutions.
• emphasises the value of giving and receiving constructive feedback
Responsible decision-making:
• encourages learners to make informed decisions.
• encourages critical thinking and reflection.
2.2.1.LI.2 2.2.1AS.2
Explain real-life applications of Data Structures Level 1 Recall
Level 2 Skills of
Problem-Based Learning: conceptual
• In mixed-ability groups, learners must engage in discussions about Data Structures and their understanding
practical applications in solving specific problems. Level 3 Strategic
• They must also explore and analyse how different data structures can be utilised to address reasoning
specific challenges in various fields. Level 4 Extended
critical thinking and
Teaching and • Notepad or exercise book • Productivity tools ix. Subject-based application software
Learning Resources • Pen • Instructional laboratories (with multimedia equipment
• Smartphones and smartboards)
• Laptops • Maintenance and repair workshops
• Desktop computers • Presentation and demonstration
• Tablets • Enquiry on critical infrastructure security
• TV and Radio • Application security
• Open Educational Resources (including YouTube, • Network security.
MOOCs - Udemy/Coursera, Khan Academy, and TESSA) • Cloud security, Internet of Things (IoT) security
• The iBox/iCampus (CENDLOS)



Learning Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Competencies GESI, SEL and Shared National
Demonstrate an understanding of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Learners exhibit the GESI: Using mixed-ability and mixed-
fundamental concepts in text-based ability to analyse, evaluate, and solve complex problems using logical
gender pairings, special attention given to
programming and the programming and creative thinking in text-based programming, programming the catch-up, regular, gifted and talented
process, and apply acquired skills to process learners leads to;
create new functions. • respecting individuals of varying
Creativity and Innovation: Learners exhibit the capacity to abilities, beliefs, religions and cultures.
generate original ideas, think outside the box, and approach tasks • being sensitive to the inter-relatedness
with a fresh perspective with respect to the Application of computer of the various spheres of life, groups
Architecture concepts and individuals.
• being aware of personal biases and
Communication: The skill to effectively express ideas and stereotypes.
information through various mediums and engage in active listening • Embracing diversity and practising
by peer-to-peer, presentation etc. inclusion
Collaboration and Teamwork: The ability to work effectively in
diverse groups, value different perspectives, and contribute SEL: Learners acquire and apply
collectively towards shared goals. knowledge, skills, and attitudes to:
• foster a resilient and empowered self-
Digital Literacy: The competence to use digital technologies, perception, nurturing the development
navigate online information, and apply digital tools effectively and of healthy identities.
responsibly. • skilfully manage and navigate their
emotions, promoting emotional well-
Flexibility and Adaptability: The willingness to embrace change, being and self-care.
be open to new ideas, and adjust to evolving circumstances. • set and achieve personal and collective
aspirations, fostering growth and


• cultivate empathy and understanding
for others, exemplifying compassion
and kindness.
• establish and nurture supportive
connections, fostering a sense of
community and inclusivity.
• make responsible and conscientious
decisions, prioritising the well-being of
themselves and others in their choices.

By integrating these SEL features into the

teaching of text-based programming,
teachers can create a supportive and
inclusive learning environment. This
approach promotes students' emotional
well-being, enhances their collaborative and
communication skills, and fosters
responsible decision-making in explaining
the necessary concepts of text-based
programming, the programming process
and using the skills acquired to write new

National core values:

• Integrity
• Tolerance
• Open-mindedness
• Patience
• Integrity
• Hard work


Content Standards Learning Indicators and Pedagogical Exemplars with 21st Century and GESI Assessment
2.2.2.CS.1 2.2.2.LI.1 2.2.2.AS.1
Demonstrate knowledge Utilise a programming language to develop a program, such as a simple Level 1 Recall
and understanding of calculator. Level 2 Skills of
Computational Thinking conceptual
(Programming) Problem-Based Learning Approach: understanding
• Explain the concept of an expert system and its applications. Level 3 Strategic reasoning
• Identify and describe the essential steps involved in planning a programme. Level 4 Extended critical
• Explain the concept of algorithms by drawing parallels to procedural instructions, thinking and reasoning
including the selection of necessary actions and arranging them in the correct sequence.

SEL: When teaching about Computational Thinking, teachers can integrate Social Emotional
Learning (SEL) principles to create an engaging and supportive learning experience. Here are
some SEL features you can incorporate into this specific topic:

• provides opportunities for self-assessment of their skills and progress in applying these
concepts to manipulate data.
• helps students to recognise their emotions and attitudes towards the topic, supporting
their self-confidence and self-efficacy.

• guides students in setting goals and planning their work.
• fosters resilience and perseverance by supporting students in managing challenges and
setbacks they may encounter during the learning process.

Social awareness:
• promotes collaborative learning by assigning group projects or activities to learners.
• encourages students to share their knowledge and expertise with their peers, creating a
supportive learning community.


Relationship skills:
• promotes teamwork and collaboration by encouraging students to work together to
solve complex problems and share their insights and solutions.
• emphasises the value of giving and receiving constructive feedback

Responsible decision-making:
• encourages learners to make informed decisions.
• encourages critical thinking and reflection.
2.2.2.LI.2 2.2.2.AS.2
Utilise simulation tools in Machine Learning to train a computer to perform Level 1 Recall
specific actions or sets of actions. Level 2 Skills of conceptual
Problem-Based Learning Approach: Level 3 Strategic
• Apply algorithms to design programmes for various tasks, such as calculating the sum of reasoning
Level 4 Extended
two numbers or computing the area of geometric shapes (rectangle, circle, triangle, etc.).
Demonstrate the use of variables and different data types (integers, strings, etc.) in critical thinking and
programming. reasoning
Teaching and Learning • Notepad or exercise book • Tablets
Resources • Pen • TV and radio
• Smartphones • Open Educational Resources (including YouTube,
• Laptops MOOCs - Udemy/Coursera, Khan Academy, and
• Productivity tools ix. Subject-based application software TESSA)
• Desktop computers • The iBox/iCampus (CENDLOS)
• Instructional laboratories (with multimedia equipment
and smartboards)



Learning Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Competencies GESI, SEL and Shared National
Apply acquired skills and knowledge Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Learners exhibit the GESI: As all learners are supported in an
to design and develop simple web ability to analyse, evaluate, and solve complex problems using logical inclusive environment and given equal
pages and creative thinking in designing simple web pages opportunities they will;
• appreciate, value, and embrace
Creativity and Innovation: Learners exhibit the capacity to diversity as they are made to work in
generate original ideas, think outside the box, and approach tasks groups.
with a fresh perspective with respect to the Application of • learn to amicably resolve conflicts and
Computer Architecture concepts embrace differing opinions.
• embrace tolerance and empathy
Collaboration and Teamwork: The ability to work effectively in among each other.
diverse groups, value different perspectives, and contribute • learn to resolve conflicts and embrace
collectively towards shared goals. differing opinions amicably.

Digital Literacy: The competence to use digital technologies, SEL: Learners acquire and employ
navigate online information, and apply digital tools effectively and knowledge, skills, and attitudes to:
responsibly. • cultivate a confident and positive self-
image, nurturing the growth of healthy
Flexibility and Adaptability: The willingness to embrace change, identities.
be open to new ideas, and adjust to evolving circumstances. • effectively regulate and manage their
emotions, promoting emotional well-
being and resilience.
• set and accomplish personal and
collective goals, fostering continuous
growth and achievement.


• foster empathy and understanding for
others, demonstrating compassion and
• establish and sustain supportive
relationships, fostering a sense of
belonging and connection.
• make informed and compassionate
decisions, considering the well-being
and welfare of themselves and others.
By integrating these SEL features into
teaching designing web pages, teachers can
create a supportive and inclusive learning
environment. This approach promotes
students' emotional well-being, enhances
their collaborative and communication
skills, and fosters responsible decision-
making in using knowledge acquired to
design simple web pages.

National core values:

• Tolerance
• Integrity
• Accountability
• Humility
• Assertiveness
• Patriotism


Content Standards Learning Indicators and Pedagogical Exemplars with 21st Century and GESI Assessment
2.2.3.CS.1 2.2.3.LI.1 2.2.3.AS.1
Demonstrate knowledge Demonstrate the use of web page editors and design elements, including Level 1 Recall
and understanding of Web sections, text, images, GUI/UI/UX, and multimedia integration. Level 2 Skills of
Development and conceptual
Databases Project-Based Learning Approach: understanding
• Engage in whole-class discussions to explore different web page editors and their Level 3 Strategic reasoning
features, such as Notepad, Atom, Visual Studio Code, Notepad++, etc. Level 4 Extended critical
• Conduct practical sessions with individuals and in mixed-ability/gender-sensitive groups, thinking and reasoning
utilising text editors' features.
• Employ interactive multimedia presentations and video analysis to facilitate discussions
and demonstrate techniques for creating web pages using various editors. Ensure
inclusivity and equity by considering different learners' abilities and providing
appropriate input devices for data analysis.

SEL: When teaching about Web development and databases, usage, and the function of
Internet Service Providers (ISPs), teachers can integrate Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
principles to create an engaging and supportive learning experience. Here are some SEL
features you can incorporate into this specific topic:

• provides opportunities for self-assessment of their skills and progress in applying these
concepts to manipulate data.
• helps students to recognise their emotions and attitudes towards the topic, supporting
their self-confidence and self-efficacy.

• guides students in setting goals and planning their work
• fosters resilience and perseverance by supporting students in managing challenges and
setbacks they may encounter during the learning process.

Social awareness:
• promotes collaborative learning by assigning group projects or activities to learners


• encourages students to share their knowledge and expertise with their peers, creating
a supportive learning community.

Relationship skills:
• promotes teamwork and collaboration by encouraging students to work together to
solve complex problems and share their insights and solutions.
• emphasises the value of giving and receiving constructive feedback.

Responsible decision-making:
• encourages learners to make informed decisions.
• encourages critical thinking and reflection.
2.2.3.LI.2 2.2.3.AS.2
Design an e-commerce web page for a selected company or organisation. Level 1 Recall
Level 2 Skills of conceptual
Project- Based learning: understanding
• Participate in practical sessions, both individually and in mixed-ability/gender-sensitive Level 3 Strategic reasoning
group work, to create web pages using available tools. Level 4 Extended critical
• Utilise interactive multimedia presentations and video analysis to explore concepts and thinking and reasoning
techniques specific to e-commerce web page design.

2.2.3.LI.3 2.2.3.AS.3
Create a relational database model of a database. Level 1 Recall
Level 2 Skills of conceptual
Project-Based Learning Approach: understanding
• Engage in whole-class discussions to explore databases Level 3 Strategic reasoning
• Conduct practical sessions in individual and mixed-ability/gender-sensitive group work. Level 4 Extended critical
• Employ interactive multimedia presentations and video analysis to facilitate discussions thinking and reasoning
and demonstrate techniques for creating a relational database model
Teaching and Learning • Notepad or exercise book • TV and Radio
Resources • Pen • Open Educational Resources (including YouTube,
• Smartphones MOOCs - Udemy/Coursera, Khan Academy, and
• Laptops TESSA)
• Desktop computers • The iBox/iCampus (CENDLOS)


• Tablets • Productivity tools ix. Subject-based application software
• Instructional Laboratories (with multimedia equipment
and smartboards)
• Maintenance and repair workshops




Learning Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Competencies GESI5, SEL6 and Shared National Values
Apply acquired knowledge and skills Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Learners exhibit GESI: Ensuring all learners in class irrespective of
of programme execution, logic the ability to analyse, evaluate, and solve complex problems the diversity in ability, socio-cultural backgrounds,
instructions, and arithmetic using logical and creative thinking in designing and gender and soliciting contributions from all
operations in the CPU to solve implementations and applications of programme execution learners ensures;
real-life problems. and logic instructions. • respect for individuals of varying beliefs,
religions, backgrounds and cultures.
Creativity and Innovation: Learners exhibit the capacity • knowledge of themselves and others’
to generate original ideas, think outside the box, and peculiarities, strengths and weaknesses.
approach tasks with a fresh perspective with respect to the • tolerance for diversity and respect for all.
Application of Computer Architecture concepts
SEL: Learners acquire and apply knowledge, skills,
Digital Literacy: The competence to use digital and attitudes to:
technologies, navigate online information, and apply digital • develop a strong and authentic sense of self,
tools effectively and responsibly. nurturing the cultivation of healthy identities.
• effectively navigate and regulate their
emotions, promoting emotional well-being
and self-awareness.
• set and attain personal and collective goals,
fostering growth and accomplishment.
• cultivate empathy and compassion for others,
demonstrating understanding and kindness.



• establish and foster supportive relationships,
promoting a sense of belonging and
• make conscientious and considerate
decisions, taking into account the well-being
of themselves and others.

By integrating these SEL features into the teaching

programme execution and logic instructions,
teachers can create a supportive and inclusive
learning environment. This approach promotes
students' emotional well-being, enhances their
collaborative and communication skills, and
fosters responsible decision-making in developing
knowledge and skills in designing implementations
and applications of program execution and logic

National core values:

• Tolerance,
• Friendliness,
• Open-mindedness
• Patience
• Commitment
• Hard work


Content Standards Learning Indicators and Pedagogical Exemplars with 21st Century and GESI Assessment
3.1.1.CS.1 3.1.1.LI.1 3.1.1.AS.1
Demonstrate knowledge Determine and apply critical points of Logic Operations to solve a problem Level 1 Recall
and understanding of Level 2 Skills of conceptual
Programme Execution Group Work/Collaborative Learning: understanding
and Logic Instruction • Organise interactive presentations, video analysis, and debates. Level 3 Strategic reasoning
• Divide the class into mixed-ability groups and task them with designing and applying Level 4 Extended
programme execution and logic instructions to solve an identified problem. critical thinking and
• Ensure the group division promotes inclusivity and equity, considering the needs of learners reasoning
with visual impairment, dyslexia, dysgraphia, etc.

SEL: When teaching students about Programme Execution and Logic Instruction, you can
integrate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) principles to create an engaging and supportive
learning experience. Here are some SEL features you can incorporate into this specific topic:

• provides opportunities for self-assessment of their skills and progress in applying these
concepts to manipulate data.
• helps students to recognise their emotions and attitudes towards the topic, supporting
their self-confidence and self-efficacy.

• guides students in setting goals and planning their work.
• fosters resilience and perseverance by supporting students in managing challenges and
setbacks they may encounter during the learning process.

Social awareness:
• promotes collaborative learning by assigning group projects or activities to learners.
• encourages students to share their knowledge and expertise with their peers, creating a
supportive learning community.


Relationship skills:
• promotes teamwork and collaboration by encouraging students to work together to solve
complex problems and share their insights and solutions.
• emphasises the value of giving and receiving constructive feedback,

Responsible decision-making:
• encourages learners to make informed decisions.
• encourages critical thinking and reflection.
3.1.1.LI.2 3.1.1.AS.2
Describe the arithmetic operations in the CPU, specifically Rotation and Shift Level 1 Recall
Operations, and explain their real-life applications. Level 2 Skills of
Group Work/Collaborative Learning Approach: understanding
• Conduct interactive presentations, video analysis, and debates. Level 3 Strategic reasoning
• Divide the class into mixed-ability groups and ask them to describe Rotation and Shift Level 4 Extended critical
Operations in their own words. thinking and reasoning
• Foster inclusivity and equity in the group division, accommodating learners with different
3.1.1.LI.3 3.1.1.AS.3
Discuss 3 major Arithmetic Operations and apply them taking into consideration Level 1 Recall
their various functions. Level 2 Skills of
Group Work/Collaborative Learning: understanding
• Engage in interactive presentations, video analysis, and debates. Level 3 Strategic reasoning
• Divide the class into mixed-ability groups and assign them the task of identifying the major Level 4 Extended critical
problems that Arithmetic Operations can solve and determining how to carry out those thinking and reasoning
• Ensure inclusivity and equity in the groups, considering the needs of learners with visual
impairment, dyslexia, dysgraphia, etc.
Teaching and • Notepad or exercise book • Flash Drive • The iBox/iCampus (CENDLOS)
Learning Resources • Pen • Desktop computers • Productivity tools ix. Subject-based
• Smartphones • Tablets application software
• Laptops • TV and Radio


• Projector • Open Educational Resources • Instructional laboratories (with
(including YouTube, MOOCs - multimedia equipment and
Udemy/Coursera, Khan Academy, smartboards)
and TESSA) • Maintenance and repair workshops



Learning Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Competencies GESI, SEL and Shared National Values
Explain the roles of Operating Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Learners GESI: Promoting inclusivity through the use of
Systems and Utility Software as exhibit the ability to analyse, evaluate, and solve complex various group activities and supporting individual
components of System Software, problems using logical and creative thinking in describing learners to take initiative ensures;
demonstrating an understanding of the roles of Operating Systems and Utility Software • being gender responsive and having the ability to
their functions. tackle injustice, being aware of personal biases
Creativity and Innovation: Learners exhibit the and stereotypes,
Perform the installation and capacity to generate original ideas, think outside the box, • embracing diversity and practise inclusion.
management of an operating and approach tasks with a fresh perspective with respect • being sensitive to the inter-relatedness of the
system, showcasing proficiency in to the Application of Computer Architecture concepts various spheres of life, groups, and individuals,
the process. • being aware of personal biases and stereotypes.
Digital Literacy: The competence to use digital
technologies, navigate online information, and apply digital SEL: Learners acquire and utilise knowledge, skills,
tools effectively and responsibly. and attitudes to:
• cultivate a resilient and positive self-perception,
nurturing the development of healthy identities.
• skillfully manage and respond to their emotions,
promoting emotional well-being and self-care.
• set and achieve personal and collective
objectives, fostering growth and success.
• cultivate empathy and compassion for others,
demonstrating understanding and kindness.
• establish and maintain supportive connections,
fostering a sense of belonging and community.
• make responsible and ethical decisions,
considering the well-being and welfare of
themselves and others.


By integrating these SEL features into the teaching of
the roles of Operating Systems and Utility Software,
teachers create a supportive and inclusive learning
environment. This approach promotes learners'
emotional well-being, enhances their collaborative
and communication skills, and fosters responsible
decision-making in using skills and knowledge
acquired to describe the roles of Operating Systems
and Utility Software as components of System

National core values:

• Resourcefulness
• Self-discipline
• Leadership
• Truth
• Diversity
• Equity
• Adaptability
• Responsible citizenship
• Honesty
• Law-abiding
• Patriotism
• Faithfulness
• Loyalty


Content Standards Learning Indicators and Pedagogical Exemplars with 21st Century and GESI Assessment
3.1.2.CS.1 3.1.2.LI.1 3.1.2.AS.1
Demonstrate knowledge Demonstrate the roles of Operating Systems and Utility Software as components Level 1 Recall
and understanding of of System Software. Level 2 Skills of
components of Computer conceptual
Hardware and types of Problem-Based Learning: Ask learners to provide clear and concise explanations of the understanding
Software roles and functions of Operating Systems and Utility Software as a System Software, Level 3 Strategic reasoning
demonstrating comprehension through examples and illustrations. Level 4 Extended critical
thinking and reasoning
SEL: When teaching students about the components of Computer Hardware and types of
Software, teachers can integrate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) principles to create an
engaging and supportive learning experience. Here are some SEL features you can incorporate
into this specific topic:

• provides opportunities for self-assessment of their skills and progress in applying these
concepts to manipulate data.
helps students to recognise their emotions and attitudes towards the topic, supporting
their self-confidence and self-efficacy.

• guides students in setting goals and planning their work.
• fosters resilience and perseverance by supporting students in managing challenges and
setbacks they may encounter during the learning process.

Social awareness:
• promotes collaborative learning by assigning group projects or activities to learners.
• encourages students to share their knowledge and expertise with their peers, creating a
supportive learning community.

Relationship skills:
• promotes teamwork and collaboration by encouraging students to work together to solve
complex problems and share their insights and solutions.


• emphasises the value of giving and receiving constructive feedback.

Responsible decision-making:
• encourages learners to make informed decisions.
• encourages critical thinking and reflection.
3.1.2.LI.2 3.1.2.AS.2
Demonstrate the process of installing and managing an operating system: Level 1 Recall
Level 2 Skills of conceptual
In mixed-ability groups, let learners brainstorm on the procedures of downloading, installing understanding
and managing an operating system. Level 3 Strategic reasoning
Level 4 Extended
critical thinking and
Teaching and • Notepad or exercise book • Desktop computers • The iBox/iCampus (CENDLOS)
Learning Resources • Pen • Tablets • Productivity tools ix. Subject-based
• Smartphones • TV and Radio application software
• Laptops • Open Educational Resources • Instructional laboratories (with
(including YouTube, MOOCs - multimedia equipment and
Udemy/Coursera, Khan Academy, smartboards)
and TESSA) • Maintenance and repair workshops




Learning Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Competencies GESI, SEL and Shared National
Utilise knowledge of networking Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: GESI: Involving all learners in class
topologies to design and configure • Learners exhibit the ability to analyse, evaluate, and solve irrespective of their varying abilities, gender
network systems to meet specific complex problems using logical and creative thinking in and backgrounds, supporting them to share
requirements. designing simple network topology their views and thoughts ensures;
• Learners exhibit the capacity to generate original ideas, think • respect for individuals of varying
outside the box, and approach tasks with a fresh perspective beliefs, religions, backgrounds and
with respect to the Application of Computer Architecture cultures
concepts • sensitivity to the inter-relatedness of
the various spheres of life, groups and
Digital Literacy: The competence to use digital technologies, individuals
navigate online information, and apply digital tools effectively and • awareness of personal biases,
responsibly. peculiarities and stereotypes
• tolerance for diversity.
Self-Direction and Self-Regulation: The capability to set goals,
manage time effectively, and take ownership of one's learning and SEL: Learners acquire and apply
behaviour. knowledge, skills, and attitudes to:
• foster a confident and empowered
Critical Evaluation of Information: The skill to assess the self-image, nurturing the development
credibility, accuracy, and relevance of information in a variety of of healthy identities.
contexts. • effectively navigate and regulate their
emotions, promoting emotional well-
being and self-awareness.
• set and attain personal and collective
goals, fostering growth and


• cultivate empathy and understanding
for others, demonstrating compassion
and respect.
• establish and sustain supportive
relationships, promoting a sense of
belonging and collaboration.
• make thoughtful and ethical decisions,
considering the well-being and welfare
of themselves and others.

By integrating these SEL features into the

teaching of Network Topology, teachers
can create a supportive and inclusive
learning environment. This approach
promotes students' emotional well-being,
enhances their collaborative and
communication skills, and fosters
responsible decision-making in using skills
and knowledge to demonstrate and design
simple Network Topology.

National core values:

• Tolerance
• Friendliness
• Open-mindedness
• Patience
• Commitment
• Integrity


Content Standards Learning Indicators and Pedagogical Exemplars with 21st Century and GESI Assessment
3.1.3.CS.1 3.1.3.LI.1 3.1.3.AS.1
Demonstrate knowledge Design and explain two network systems, considering factors such as topology, Level 1 Recall
and understanding of scalability, and security (password, internet safety, malware awareness, data Level 2 Skills of conceptual
Components of a backups, securing personal devices and good security practices), transmission understanding
Network media and bandwidth. Level 3 Strategic reasoning
Level 4 Extended critical
Project-Based Learning Approach: thinking and reasoning
• Engage in whole-class discussions to explore network systems
• Conduct practical sessions in individual and mixed-ability/gender-sensitive group work.
• Employ interactive multimedia presentations and video analysis to facilitate discussions
and demonstrate techniques to consider factors such as topology, scalability and security.

SEL: When teaching students about the Components of a Network, its usage, and the
function of Internet Service Providers (ISPs), teachers can integrate Social Emotional Learning
(SEL) principles to create an engaging and supportive learning experience. Here are some SEL
features you can incorporate into this specific topic:

• provides opportunities for self-assessment of their skills and progress in applying these
concepts to manipulate data.
• helps students to recognise their emotions and attitudes towards the topic, supporting
their self-confidence and self-efficacy.

• guides students in setting goals and planning their work.
• fosters resilience and perseverance by supporting students in managing challenges and
setbacks they may encounter during the learning process.

Social awareness:
• promotes collaborative learning by assigning group projects or activities to learners.
• encourages students to share their knowledge and expertise with their peers, creating a
supportive learning community.


Relationship skills:
• promotes teamwork and collaboration by encouraging students to work together to
solve complex problems and share their insights and solutions.
• emphasises the value of giving and receiving constructive feedback.

Responsible decision-making:
• encourages learners to make informed decisions.
• encourages critical thinking and reflection
3.1.3.LI.2 3.1.3.AS.2
Demonstrate how the system can connect to the Internet. Level 1 Recall
• Demonstrate the configuration of network devices (e.g., hub, router, switch) to establish Level 2 Skills of
connectivity within a network. conceptual
• Explain the steps involved in connecting a network system to the internet, including understanding
considerations for network addressing and security measures. Level 3 Strategic reasoning
Level 4 Extended critical
thinking and reasoning
Project-Based Learning Approach:
• Engage in whole-class discussions to explore network devices.
• Conduct practical sessions with individuals and in mixed-ability/gender-sensitive groups.
Employ interactive multimedia presentations and video analysis to facilitate discussions and
demonstrate techniques to discuss network devices.
3.1.3.LI.3 3.1.3.AS.3
Discuss and compare the characteristics and advantages of at least three network Level 1 Recall
topologies. Level 2 Skills of
Project-Based Learning Approach: understanding
• Engage in whole-class discussions to explore network topologies. Level 3 Strategic reasoning
• Conduct practical sessions with individuals and in mixed-ability/gender-sensitive group Level 4 Extended critical
work. thinking and reasoning
Employ interactive multimedia presentations and video analysis to facilitate discussions and
demonstrate techniques for network topologies.


Teaching and • Notepad or exercise book • TV and radio
Learning Resources • Pen • Open Educational Resources (including YouTube,
• Smartphones MOOCs - Udemy/Coursera, Khan Academy, and
• Laptops TESSA)
• Productivity tools ix. Subject-based application software • The iBox/iCampus (CENDLOS)
• Desktop computers • Instructional laboratories (with multimedia equipment
• Tablets and smartboards)
• Maintenance and repair workshops



Learning Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Competencies GESI, SEL and Shared National Values
Develop knowledge and skills in Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Learners exhibit GESI: Using inclusive strategies and
data storage technologies and their the ability to analyse, evaluate, and solve complex problems using pedagogies that promote all learners’ wellbeing
applications. logical and creative thinking in the implementation and and develop their potential and promote;
applications of data storage. • respect for others and alternative views,
as well as the awareness of own biases.
Creativity and Innovation: Learners exhibit the capacity to • protect the weak, work for the
generate original ideas, think outside the box, and approach betterment of society and make learners
tasks with a fresh perspective with respect to the Application of advocate for peace and justice.
Computer Architecture concepts. • exhibit empathy towards people with
special needs,
Communication: The skill to effectively express ideas and
information through various mediums and engage in active SEL: Learners acquire and employ knowledge,
listening by peer-to-peer presentations, etc. skills, and attitudes to:
• cultivate a positive and resilient self-
Collaboration and Teamwork: The ability to work effectively perception, nurturing the development of
in diverse groups, value different perspectives, and contribute healthy identities.
collectively towards shared goals. • skillfully manage and navigate their
emotions, promoting emotional well-being
Digital Literacy: The competence to use digital technologies, and self-awareness.
navigate online information, and apply digital tools effectively and • set and achieve personal and collective
responsibly. goals, fostering growth and fulfillment.
• cultivate empathy and compassion for
Flexibility and Adaptability: The willingness to embrace others, demonstrating understanding and
change, be open to new ideas, and adjust to evolving kindness.
circumstances. • establish and nurture supportive
relationships, promoting a sense of
belonging and community.


• make responsible and ethical decisions,
considering the well-being and welfare of
themselves and others.

By integrating these SEL features into teaching

about data storage, teachers can create a
supportive and inclusive learning environment.
This approach promotes students' emotional
well-being, enhances their collaborative and
communication skills, and fosters responsible
decision-making in implementations and
applications of data storage.

National core values:

• Sacrifice
• Selflessness
• Compassion
• Fairness
• Justice
• Generosity
• Cooperation
• Commitment
• Collaboration
• Excellence
• Resourcefulness
• Self-discipline


Content Standards Learning Indicators and Pedagogical Exemplars with 21st Century and GESI Assessment
3.2.1.CS.1 3.2.1.LI.1 3.2.1.AS.1
Demonstrate knowledge Identify, classify and discuss 3 Mass Storage media. Level 1 Recall
and understanding of Level 2 Skills of
Data Storage Group work/collaborative learning: Divide the class into two groups mixed ability groups conceptual
and task them to: understanding
• Identify, classify, and discuss three types of mass storage media commonly used in Level 3 Strategic
computing systems. reasoning
• Apply knowledge of data storage technologies to solve a given problem, considering factors Level 4 Extended
such as capacity, performance, and reliability. critical thinking and
• Engage in group discussions and collaborative activities to explore and analyse real-world reasoning
scenarios related to data storage solutions, ensuring inclusivity and equity for all learners.

SEL: When teaching students about Data Storage, teachers can integrate Social Emotional
Learning (SEL) principles to create an engaging and supportive learning experience. Here are
some SEL features you can incorporate into this specific topic:

• provides opportunities for self-assessment of their skills and progress in applying these
concepts to manipulate data.
• helps students to recognise their emotions and attitudes towards the topic, supporting
their self-confidence and self-efficacy.

• guides students in setting goals and planning their work.
• fosters resilience and perseverance by supporting students in managing challenges and
setbacks they may encounter during the learning process.

Social awareness:
• promotes collaborative learning by assigning group projects or activities to learners.
• encourages students to share their knowledge and expertise with their peers, creating a
supportive learning community.


Relationship skills:
• promotes teamwork and collaboration by encouraging students to work together to solve
complex problems and share their insights and solutions.
• emphasises the value of giving and receiving constructive feedback.

Responsible decision-making:
• encourages learners to make informed decisions.
• encourages critical thinking and reflection.
Teaching and • Notepad or exercise book • TV and radio • Presentation and demonstration
Learning Resources • Pen • Open Educational Resources • Enquiry on Critical infrastructure
• Smartphones (including YouTube, MOOCs - security
• Laptops Udemy/Coursera, Khan Academy, • Application security, Network
• Desktop computers and TESSA) security.
• Tablets • The iBox/iCampus (CENDLOS) • Cloud security
• Productivity tools ix. Subject-based • Internet of Things (IoT) security
application software
• Instructional laboratories (with
multimedia equipment and
• Maintenance and repair workshops




Learning Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Competencies GESI, SEL and Shared National
Explain the concept of Artificial Creativity and Innovation: Learners exhibit the capacity to GESI: Creating equal opportunities for all
Intelligence and its applications and generate original ideas, think outside the box, and approach tasks learners to participate in class, through
use the knowledge acquired to with a fresh perspective with respect to the Application of gender-balanced groups leads to;
distinguish between conventional Computer Architecture concepts. • tolerance and respect for each other.
systems and intelligent systems. • confidence and efficacy in their ability
Communication: The skill to effectively express ideas and to perform.
information through various mediums and engage in active listening • awareness of themselves and others
by peer-to-peer presentations, etc. taking into consideration their biases
and stereotypes.
Collaboration and Teamwork: The ability to work effectively in
diverse groups, value different perspectives, and contribute SEL: Learners acquire and apply
collectively towards shared goals. knowledge, skills, and attitudes to:
• effectively manage and regulate their
Digital Literacy: The competence to use digital technologies, emotions, promoting emotional well-
navigate online information, and apply digital tools effectively and being and self-awareness.
responsibly. • develop strategies for evaluating and
validating information obtained from
AI systems.
• set and attain personal and collective
goals, fostering growth and
• cultivate empathy and compassion for
others, demonstrating understanding
and kindness.


• establish and sustain supportive
relationships, promoting a sense of
belonging and collaboration.
• think critically about AI concepts and
their application
• Make informed and responsible
decisions, considering the well-being
and welfare of themselves and others.
• encourage the creation of a safe
supportive classroom environment for

By integrating these SEL features into

teaching about the concept of Artificial
Intelligence, teachers can create a
supportive and inclusive learning
environment. This approach promotes
learners' emotional well-being, enhances
their collaborative and communication
skills, and fosters responsible decision-
making in explaining Artificial Intelligence
and its applications. With the knowledge
acquired, students can distinguish between
conventional systems and intelligent

National core values:

• Tolerance
• Friendliness
• Open-mindedness
• Patience
• Commitment
• Integrity


Content Standards Learning Indicators and Pedagogical Exemplars with 21st Century and GESI Assessment
3.2.2.CS.1 3.2.2.LI.1 3.2.2.AS.1
Demonstrate knowledge Describe the fundamental principles and components of Artificial Intelligence, such Level 1 Recall
and understanding of as machine learning, neural networks, and natural language processing. Level 2 Skills of
Computational Thinking conceptual
(Artificial Intelligence) Discuss real-world applications of Artificial Intelligence, such as image recognition, understanding
language translation, and virtual assistants. Level 3 Strategic
Project-Based Learning Approach: Level 4 Extended critical
• Engage in whole-class discussions to explore principles and components of Artificial thinking and reasoning
• Conduct practical sessions with individuals and in mixed-ability/gender-sensitive groups.
• Employ interactive multimedia presentations and video analysis to facilitate discussions and
demonstrate techniques for principles and components of Artificial Intelligence

SEL: When teaching about Computational Thinking, teachers can integrate Social Emotional
Learning (SEL) principles to create an engaging and supportive learning experience. Here are
some SEL features you can incorporate into this specific topic:

• provides opportunities for self-assessment of their skills and progress in applying these
concepts to manipulate data.
• helps students to recognise their emotions and attitudes towards the topic, supporting
their self-confidence and self-efficacy.

• guides students in setting goals and planning their work.
• fosters resilience and perseverance by supporting students in managing challenges and
setbacks they may encounter during the learning process.

Social awareness:
• promotes collaborative learning by assigning group projects or activities to learners.


• encourages students to share their knowledge and expertise with their peers, creating a
supportive learning community.

Relationship skills:
• promotes teamwork and collaboration by encouraging students to work together to solve
complex problems and share their insights and solutions.
• emphasises the value of giving and receiving constructive feedback.

Responsible decision-making:
• encourages learners to make informed decisions.
• encourages critical thinking and reflection.
3.2.2.LI.2 3.2.2.AS.2
Analyse and compare the advantages and limitations of conventional systems and Level 1 Recall
intelligent systems, considering factors such as problem-solving capabilities, Level 2 Skills of
adaptability, and learning capacity. conceptual
Project-Based Learning Approach: Level 3 Strategic
• Engage in whole-class discussions to explore conventional systems and intelligent systems, reasoning
• Conduct practical sessions with individuals and in mixed-ability/gender-sensitive groups. Level 4 Extended
• Employ interactive multimedia presentations and video analysis to facilitate discussions and critical thinking and
demonstrate techniques for conventional systems and intelligent systems. reasoning
Teaching and • Notepad or exercise book • Desktop computers • The iBox/iCampus (CENDLOS)
Learning Resources • Pen • Tablets • Productivity tools ix. Subject-based
• Smartphones • TV and radio application software
• Laptops • Open Educational Resources • Instructional laboratories (with
(including YouTube, MOOCs - multimedia equipment and
Udemy/Coursera, Khan Academy, smartboards)
and TESSA) • Maintenance and repair workshops



Learning Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Competencies GESI, SEL and Shared National
Use skills and knowledge acquired Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: GESI: Creating equal opportunities for all
to design simple web pages Learners exhibit the ability to analyse, evaluate, and solve complex learners to participate in class, through
problems using logical and creative thinking in designing simple web gender-balanced groups leads to;
pages • tolerance and respect for each other.
• confidence and efficacy in their ability
Creativity and Innovation: Learners exhibit the capacity to to perform.
generate original ideas, think outside the box, and approach tasks • awareness of themselves and others
with a fresh perspective with respect to the Application of taking into consideration their biases
Computer Architecture concepts and stereotypes

Digital Literacy: The competence to use digital technologies, SEL: Learners acquire and utilise
navigate online information, and apply digital tools effectively and knowledge, skills, and attitudes to:
responsibly. • cultivate a positive and resilient self-
perception, nurturing the development
of healthy identities.
• skillfully navigate and regulate their
emotions, promoting emotional well-
being and self-awareness.
• set and achieve personal and collective
goals, fostering growth and fulfillment.
• cultivate empathy and understanding
for others, demonstrating compassion
and kindness.
• establish and maintain supportive
relationships, fostering a sense of
belonging and collaboration.


• make thoughtful and ethical decisions,
considering the well-being and welfare
of themselves and others.
By integrating these SEL features into the
teaching of designing web pages, teachers
can create a supportive and inclusive
learning environment. This approach
promotes students' emotional well-being,
enhances their collaborative and
communication skills, and fosters
responsible decision-making in using skills
and knowledge acquired to design simple
web pages.

National core values:

• Tolerance
• Friendliness
• Open-mindedness
• Patience
• Commitment
• Integrity


Content Standards Learning Indicators and Pedagogical Exemplars with 21st Century and GESI Assessment
3.2.3.CS.1 3.2.3.LI.1 3.2.3.AS.1
Demonstrate knowledge Utilise web page editors and design principles to create visually appealing and user- Level 1 Recall
and understanding of friendly web pages, incorporating sections, text, images, and Graphical User Level 2 Skills of
Web development Interface (GUI) elements. conceptual
Integrate multimedia elements such as videos, audio, and interactive features into web pages to Level 3 Strategic reasoning
enhance user engagement. Level 4 Extended critical
thinking and reasoning
Evaluate and compare different web page editors (e.g., Notepad, Atom, VS Code) and discuss
their features and suitability for specific web development tasks.

Engage in project-based learning activities, individually or in mixed-ability and gender-sensitive

groups, to explore and apply web development tools and techniques.

Project-Based Learning Approach:

• Engage in whole-class discussions to explore and integrate multimedia elements.
• Conduct practical sessions with individuals and in mixed-ability/gender-sensitive groups.
• Employ interactive multimedia presentations and video analysis to facilitate discussions to
integrate multimedia elements.

SEL: When teaching students about Web development teachers can integrate Social
Emotional Learning (SEL) principles to create an engaging and supportive learning experience.
Here are some SEL features you can incorporate into this specific topic:

• provides opportunities for self-assessment of their skills and progress in applying these
concepts to manipulate data.
• helps students to recognise their emotions and attitudes towards the topic, supporting
their self-confidence and self-efficacy.

• guides students in setting goals and planning their work


• fosters resilience and perseverance by supporting students in managing challenges and
setbacks they may encounter during the learning process.

Social awareness:
• promotes collaborative learning by assigning group projects or activities to learners
• encourages students to share their knowledge and expertise with their peers, creating a
supportive learning community.

Relationship skills:
• promotes teamwork and collaboration by encouraging students to work together to solve
complex problems and share their insights and solutions.
• emphasises the value of giving and receiving constructive feedback

Responsible decision-making:
• encourages learners to make informed decisions.
encourages critical thinking and reflection.

3.2.3.LI.2 3.2.3.AS.2
Design an e-commerce web page for a selected company or organisation. Level 1 Recall
Level 2 Skills of conceptual
Project-Based Learning: understanding
• Analyse and discuss the concepts and techniques relevant to creating an e-commerce Level 3 Strategic
website, including product catalogue, shopping cart functionality, secure payment reasoning
integration, and user account management. Level 4 Extended
• Utilise interactive multimedia presentations and video analysis to deepen understanding critical thinking and
and proficiency in web development practices, while ensuring inclusive strategies for reasoning
learners with diverse abilities.


3.2.3.LI.3 3.2.3.AS.3
Understand and Apply Basic Cyber Security Best Practices. Level 1 Recall
Level 2 Skills of conceptual
• Define cyber security and discuss its goals (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, understanding
Authentication, Authorization, Auditing). Emphasise its importance and the common cyber Level 3 Strategic
threats (e.g., malware, phishing, social engineering). reasoning
Level 4 Extended
• Demonstrate how to protect personal information (data protection) and set and manage critical thinking and
privacy settings on social media and other online platforms. reasoning

• Explain the best security practices, including using security protocols (e.g., HTTPS, etc.),
password security, software and systems updates and patches, two-factor authentication
(2FA), VPNs, and anti-malware software such as antivirus and antispyware.

• Explain online safety practices (e.g., recognising and avoiding phishing and other social
engineering attacks on email, mobile, etc.)

Project-Based Learning Approach:

• Engage in whole-class discussions to explore best cyber security practices.

• Conduct practical sessions with learners in mixed-ability/gender-sensitive groups.

• Employ interactive multimedia presentations and video analysis to facilitate discussions and
demonstrate techniques to discuss cyber threats.

Teaching and • Notepad or exercise book • Desktop computers • The iBox/iCampus (CENDLOS)
Learning Resources • Pen • Tablets • Productivity tools ix. Subject-based
• Smartphones • TV and radio application software
• Laptops • Open Educational Resources • Instructional laboratories (with
(including YouTube, MOOCs - multimedia equipment and
Udemy/Coursera, Khan Academy, smartboards)
and TESSA) • Maintenance and repair workshops


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