Study Material Sem 5 CC11 Hobbes and Locke Comparative Analysis of Social Contract Theory

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The Social Contract Theories of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke: Comparative

Article in Shanlax International Journal of Arts Science and Humanities · July 2021
DOI: 10.34293/sijash.v9i1.4042


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1 author:

John Michael Sasan

PAU Excelencia Global Academy Foundation, Inc.


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International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities

The Social Contract Theories of Thomas

Hobbes and John Locke: Comparative
Manuscript ID: John Michael V Sasan
ASH-2021-09014042 PAU Excellencia Global Academy Foundation, Phillippines
Volume: 9
Issue: 1 This study engages in the concept of social contract of Hobbes and Locke, and the similarities and
differences of their ideas. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke both begin their political ideas with
a discussion on the state of nature and the danger of living outside the community. For Thomas
Month: July Hobbes, the state of nature is chaotic; it is in the state of mutual competition. He claims that the
state of nature is a state of war, every man against everybody. Due to a constant competition for
Year: 2021 power and reputation, the man’s equality leads the state of nature into chaos. Man who is bestowed
with equal capacities for thinking and reasoning is moved by whatever he wants for survival and
preservation no matter what it takes. This state of nature, according to Thomas Hobbes, is a state
P-ISSN: 2321-788X
of egoistic self-preservation and necessity for survival. Meanwhile, John Locke is rather optimistic
in his view in the state of nature, compared to the pessimistic view of Thomas Hobbes. He sees
E-ISSN: 2582-0397 humans as decent species which are capable of knowing what is right and wrong. Although man in
the state of nature lives with full freedom, yet he is still at risk of harm and invasion. The property is
Received: 20.04.2021 very unsafe and unsecure, however, free yet full of fears. On this matter, man realizes and decides
to create a contract and agree to the terms for peaceful and secure life for the safe and security
of their liberty and possession. Furthermore, for Thomas Hobbes, social contract is a mutual
Accepted: 25.06.2021 transferring of rights to the sovereign. For him, social contract is responsible for the morality and
the conception of right and wrong, just and unjust. Hence, social contract is very significant to
Published: 01.07.2021 every individual because it is the source of law and regulations and basis of morality. For Locke,
the chief reason why man in creating an agreement or contract is the property. The main argument
is Locke’s social contract.
Keywords: Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Social contract theory, Comparative study,
Sasan, John Michael V. Leviathan, Second Treatise of Civil Government
“The Social Contract
Theories of Thomas
Hobbes and John Locke:
In every field of political study, man is the most important subject. No
Comparative Analysis.”
society can be imagined without a man. “Greeks called a man a political animal”
Shanlax International
Journal of Arts, Science (Papadis, 2006). Man is not an individualistic being for he does not live only
and Humanities, vol. 9, by his own accord. He seeks to live in a society where he can be who he is and
no. 1, 2021, pp. 34-45. become who he will be.
History tells us how humans live in a small group, in a small family, or a
DOI: small community. The concept of balangay, for instance, in Philippine history, has the attributes of a paternal commonwealth run or ruled by a datu or a
sijash.v9i1.4042 chieftain.
Long before the Spaniards came from the Philippines, Filipinos had a
civilization of their own (Mabahague). This civilization partly came from the
Malay settlers and slowly adapted to the new environment (Mabahague). So,
This work is licensed
with this, we see how a man lives as a group, a tribe, as a community, and as a
under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
International License The concept of the Social Contract Theory is that in the beginning man lived
in the state of nature. A state where there is no government, no common power,
laws, and regulations (Elahi).

International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities shanlax

There were hardships and oppression in this state social contract in the discussion of the state of nature.
and, to overcome this hardship, they entered into two The state of nature is a state before the formation of
agreements which are: pactum unionis and pactum government or societies without a common power or
subjectionis (Elahi). common law. The state of nature may be considered
In the first union, people sought the protection of as a historical fact or hypothetical claim (Steele,
their lives and property. As a result of it, a society 1993).
was formed where people promise to respect each According to Dean Allen Steele, it is not important
other and ought not to harm one another (Elahi). In if this state of nature existed or not nor does it matter
the second pact, people unite together and pledge to if there are still men living in this situation today.
obey one authority (Elahi). What is important is that assuming that this state of
Hobbes and Locke were not the first to use the nature allows one to analyze society in such a way as
Social Contract Theory as a tool to explain the to provide a good solution presented in the state of
foundations of human society (Mourtiz, 2010). The nature or in a way we can have direction on how or
theory can be traced further back to Ancient Greece. what to do in the society (Steele, 1993).
We find, in Plato’s Republic, a friendly communal Though in the state of nature man lived in
debate about the meaning of justice (Mourtiz, 2010). unbounded liberty, yet this liberty can be very
Hobbes and Locke both share a vision of the dangerous and harmful to the neighbor and even to
Social Contract Theory as an instrument in a state of themselves because of no common power to keep
political stability. However, their theory has a starkly them in awe, no rules, and regulations (Browne).
contrasting vision of human nature (Mourtiz, 2010). Nature bestowed man with equal freedom and faculty
Thus, this study shows the comparison and contrast in mind and body and also the equality in need. We
of ideas of the two modern social contract theorists have the same basic needs, such as food, clothing,
namely; Thomas Hobbes and John Locke attempt and shelter. The problem here is that we do not have
to design an effective and efficient government an unlimited supply of these basic needs, such as
that creates peace, long-lasting defense, and ideal food, clothing, and shelter (Browne). Man has their
to live in. Hence, this study compares and analyzes desire. Some desire for reputation, authority, power,
the concept of social contract of the mentioned glory, or to be master of other people, and others are
philosophers above. greedier. Though some are selfless, compassionate,
merciful, and kind, yet we cannot reject the fact that
Methodology we have our limits and that we are not infinitely
The researcher employs qualitative research compassionate so taken all together here arises the
methodology that aims to analyze and understand real problems in the state of nature (Browne).
Thomas Hobbes’ and John Locke’s concept on Social
Contract Theory. It also seeks to find the similarities The State of War
and differences of their ideas after exposing them. Thomas Hobbes presented the worst scenario in
This research will give much attention on the the state of nature: a place of no industry, no culture
primary sources, namely: Leviathan of Thomas exist, no knowledge of the face of the earth, and no
Hobbes and Second Treatise of Civil Government arts.
of John Locke to avoid huge misinterpretations. There is no place of industry because fruit thereof is
Furthermore, the researcher utilizes some electronic uncertain and consequently no culture of the earth,
sources, secondary resources and commentaries no navigation, nor use of commodities, buildings,
from the different authors to gain more information no instruments of moving and removing such things
as require much force, no knowledge of the face of
and sufficient ideas on the said endeavor.
the earth, no account of time, no arts, no letters, no
society and which is the worst of all, continual fear and
Thomas Hobbes Theory of Social Contract danger of violent death and the life of man is solitary,
State of Nature poor nasty, brutish and short. (Hobbes, 1950, p. 10)
Thomas Hobbes begins his philosophy in the 35
International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities

Hobbes gave three causes of quarrel: first Thomas Hobbes describes the state of nature
competition, second the diffidence, and lastly the without a common power to keep them in awe, a
glory. First, they fight for gain. They use violence to common power to fear of and the condition of the
overcome the other person and claim his property. state without rules and regulations. Hobbes explains
Next, they will defend their lives, their family, that the social contract is the responsibility of
and their loved ones for preservation and survival. moral obligation and the one who gives rules and
Finally, they fight for the reputation (Cottingham, regulations to the society (Browne).
2008). In the state of nature, there is constant The social contract is the source of law and the
destruction and continuous fear. concept of justice and injustice. In short, the social
According to Thomas Hobbes, nature bestowed contract is the basis for morality. The construction of
man equal in faculty in the body and mind though the social contract is to promote equality and fairness
we have seen sometimes that some are wise and and to have the concept of right and wrong justice
stronger body than the others for as the strength of and injustice (Browne).
the body the weakest can kill the strongest either by John Rawls, one of the contemporary
secret machination or by assassination or with the philosophers, defends the question of whether the
help of the others (Pojman, 1996). Though we have social contract had a basis in history. He said that
seen in nature that some are wiser and more learned social contract is not necessary to refer to a historical
than others, yet we cannot argue the fact that there event but the social contract is a justification of moral
are so many who are as wise as themselves (Pojman, principles (Browne).
1996). Hence, if two men desire or love the same For Hobbes, the only way to solve the problem
thing and they cannot enjoy it, both they will become in the state of nature and to avoid war is to enter into
enemies and try to destroy one another and this a social contract. Every individual must enter into
is what Hobbes called the state of war (Stumpf & a covenant with every other person, agreeing not
Fieser, 2003). to harm one another and aim to achieve peace and
Hereby it is manifest that during this situation order in the society. However, agreement alone is not
men live with no law, no fear of punishment; they sufficient for peace and harmony. Therefore, a social
are in the condition of war (Pojman, 1996). The contract requires a powerful sovereign to oversee the
war consists not in actual fighting only but known society and to provide peace (Mourtiz, 2010).
disposition according to Hobbes (Pojman, 1996).
The state of war is lawless, no common power to The Common Wealth
keep them in awe and men live according to their Love of liberty and dominion over others are the
perspective and for their survival and nothing else final cause, end, design of men particularly (Pojman,
(Steele, 1993). 1996). The construction of the commonwealth is
to acquire peace, to prevent the worst evil which is
Social Contract death, and getting themselves out of the miserable
The rise of the Social Contract Theory is the condition of war (Cottingham, 2008). The only
possibility of peace, social order, and the preservation reason to put up such power is the defense from the
of lives (Browne). Thomas Hobbes (1950) defined a foreign invaders, preventing injuries and providing
social contract as the mutual transferring of rights to common security for all, protecting businesses,
the sovereign in exchange for protection and security. infrastructure, industry, culture, property in the long
The agreement of the social contract is the basis for term (Minton, 2008). The only way to establish such
morality and moral obligation (Rusling). Hobbes power is that all men give their rights and will to one
describes life without a social contract is known as single man, so that their strengths may be reduced
the state of nature (Rusling). Social contract plays to one strength, their powers to one power, their
a big role in the lives of the individual and in their wills to one will, and their judgment to his judgment
moral duty (Rusling). (Castel, 1963). This is more than consent, it is more
than agreement and this is real unity and this is the

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covenant of every man to every man and in such a obligation of conscience. Hence, the obligation of
manner as if everyone should say to every man. conscience is indispensable, but covenants without
I authorize and give up my rights to governing a sword are insufficient. Therefore, it is necessary
myself to this man and I authorize all his actions in a to keep everyone in awe, for mutual peace and
like manner (Hobbes, 1950). understanding and common defense against external
This, done in multitude so united in one person, is enemies (Hood, 1964).
called a commonwealth, the generation of the great
leviathan of that “mortal god” which we owe under The Commonwealth by Acquisition
immortal god our peace and defense. The essence of The second form of the commonwealth is the
the commonwealth is one person, of whose act a great
commonwealth by acquisition wherein the sovereign
multitude, by a mutual covenant of one another, have
power is acquired by force (Hobbes, 1950).
made themselves everyone as the author to the end, he
According to Thomas Hobbes (1950), this form of a
may use the strength and means of them all. (p. 143)
commonwealth is formed by the result of fear so that
The commonwealth, as it expressed in its
the men who chose their sovereign did it out of fear
definition and its essence, may use strength and
either of one another or of him whom they instituted.
impose law and willed punishment to obtain common
Some physical concurrence and punishment are
defense, order, and security to all. Hobbes (1950)
necessary to have a strong and firm commonwealth.
said that a “covenant without the sword are but
Some change their will because of fear but the power
words and of no strength to secure them all” (p. 139).
of the mighty can lead the multitude of men to their
In any way and in what meaning with or without the
end (Hood, 1964).
consent of everyone, he can use his strength to secure
Everyone seeks their preservation and it is up to
the community no matter what it takes.
them to choose how they give their will and rights.
The end of the commonwealth is mutual peace,
They renounce voluntarily or through force. It is
security, common defense, and the necessary means
up to their judgment about the best way to preserve
to keep them in awe and to preserve the lives of the
oneself (Gert, 2010).
citizens (Hood, 1964). Law of nature forbids the
individual to do such evil action; the commonwealth
The Sovereign
on the other hand imposes and implements such law.
The sovereign is the source of law because when
There is no peace, no harmony, and no security if
we speak of a sovereign, we think of a person or
there is no commonwealth.
rather a king. The king has the absolute authority to
decide whatever is best for everyone in maintaining
Commonwealth by Institution
peace and harmony. His decision is irrevocable and
There are two ways to form commonwealths
cannot be challenged (Gert, 2010). The sovereign
according to Thomas Hobbes: the commonwealth by
holds absolute authority and unlimited power. The
an institution and the commonwealth by acquisition.
sovereign is committed to the power of rewarding
The commonwealth is instituted when a multitude of
with riches or honor and of punishing corporal
men do agree, and covenant of men shall be given
or pecuniary punishment or with ignominy every
by the major part, the right to present the person of
subject according to the law he has formerly made
them all, everyone as well he that voted for it as he
(Hobbes, 1950).
that voted against it, shall authorize all the actions
The sovereign may have dominion over everything
and judgment of that man or assembly of men, in the but the rights and consequences of his sovereignty are
same manner, as if they were his own to the end, to the same. His power cannot, without his consent, he
live peacefully among themselves and he protected transferred to another. He cannot forfeit. He cannot be
against other men (Hobbes, 1950). The definition accused by any of his subjects for inquiries. He cannot
and essence of the commonwealth by institution be punished by them, he decides what is necessary for
express the absolute power and will and complete peace, and makes a judgment on doctrines. He is the
trust, in exchange for protection against external sole legislator and the supreme judge of controversies.
attack. Every member of the covenant carries an In an occasion of war and peace, to him belongs the 37
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power to choose magistrates, counselors, commanders, The reason why man lived in peace and harmony
and all other officers, and ministers. He determines is that man is governed by the law of nature and
rewards and punishment, honor and order. (p. 168) the law of nature teaches man the ideal concept of
Hobbes advocated absolute monarchy and he morality. John Locke (1980) said that the reason
presented the three kinds of the commonwealth. which is that laws teach anyone who takes the
These are monarchy, democracy, and aristocracy. trouble to consult it is that because we are all equal
When it is ruled by a single person or one ruler, it and independent, no one ought to harm anyone else
is called monarchy. When there is an assembly of in his life, health, liberty, and possessions. The state
all, it is a democracy or popular commonwealth. of nature has the law of nature and the law of nature
When the assembly is only a part, it is called an is governed by right and moral reason. This natural
aristocracy (Hobbes, 1950). Thomas Hobbes prefers law is not just simply selfishly self-preservation but
monarchy because for him a kingdom divided in instead, it is positive recognition of a person’s value
itself cannot stand (Hobbes, 1950) and regulate its and dignity as his status as created by God out of
power effectively and efficiently. love (Locke, 1980).
The difference between these three kinds of a The state of nature, although a state wherein
commonwealth consists not in the difference of there was no civil authority or government to punish
power but in the difference of the convenience or people for committing bad or causing harm to their
aptitude to produce peace and security of the people neighbor, yet is not state without morality. This state
(Hobbes, 1950). The people acquire the same rights of nature is pre-political but not pre-moral (Elahi).
in monarchy, democracy, and aristocracy. Hence, The state of nature governed by the law of
monarchy is the source of genuine harmony between nature creates obligations and duties for everyone;
private interest and public interest. The corrupt and everybody is obliged to preserve his life, liberty,
ambitious members of the assembly will seek their health, and goods, so that all men might be prohibited
riches, glory, honor, and fortune (Hood, 1964). to invade one’s life, liberty, and possessions. He may
Thomas Hobbes’ purpose in his absolute be forbidden to harm his neighbor and may be forced
sovereign is to have an organized and peaceful human to maintain order and peacefulness (Locke, 1980).
society. Generally speaking, Thomas Hobbes lived Everyone in the state of nature has the right
in the era of war. The 33 years of war (1618-1648) to preserve their life and the life of others, their
and is a good illustration of how the weak sovereign property, and their possessions but all men are
can provide and maintain the peace and order of the restrained to invade one’s right, possession, liberty,
society and the necessity to have absolute power in and life (Minton, 2008). This idea of restriction
government (Mourtiz, 2010). So, therefore, Thomas comes from the law of nature that teaches man what
Hobbes’ argument in the absolute sovereign is based is wrong and what is not. The execution of the law
on experience. in the state of nature under the law of nature is that
everyone has the right to punish the criminal to stop
John Locke’s Theory of Social Contract the violent crime (Minton, 2008). Everyone has the
The State of Nature right to preserve the whole of humanity so John
John Locke starts his Social Contract Theory in Locke (1980) said, “for this reason, every man has
the state of nature. Locke (1980) said “to understand the right to enforce the law of nature and punish the
the political power correctly and derive it from its offenders” (p. 4). So to preserve humanity and to
original we must consider what state all men are protect property, every man has the power to execute
naturally in, and that is the state of perfect freedom, the law and punish the offender for every evil he has
without asking anyone’s permission” (p. 3). The done.
state of nature of John Locke is the state of equality
wherein there is no greater power, no superior and The State of War
inferior (Minton, 2008). Everyone is born with the The difference between the state of war and
same privileges, benefits, and the same faculty. the state of nature is that the state of nature means

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living together with unconditional freedom without • The absence of established law;
common superiority on earth. On the other hand, the • The absence of an impartial judge;
state of war is a force, or a declared design of force • The absence of natural power to execute natural
upon the person of another, state of enmity, malice, laws.
and violence (Cottingham, 2008). According to John Thus, a man in the state of nature felt the need for
Locke, the state of war is a state of mutual destruction protection of their properties so for this reason men
when someone declares by word or action. That he entered into the social contract (Elahi).
intends to end another man’s life. He puts himself
into a state of war against the other person (Locke, The Social Contract and the Rule of Majority
1980). And, he who attempts to get another man into Man in the state of nature is the king of his own,
absolute power thereby puts himself into the state of free, independent, and subject to no authority. Then,
war (Locke, 1980). Nobody can slave someone or why will he give up control of any power? (Minton,
be subject to his control or power to the right of his 2008) Yes! Everyone in the state of nature has
freedom. Anyone who is treating the freedom and their complete freedom but the enjoyment of their
security of others put himself in the state of war and freedom and property is in the state of continual fear
to be free from such force is the only way to preserve and danger of invasion of others. Putting themselves
his life and his freedom is to look at him as an enemy in the government is the preservation of their life,
(Minton, 2008) for his survival (Minton, 2008). liberty, and estate (Stumpf & Fieser, 2003).
For John Locke, to kill is lawful for that is the Though in the state of nature he has the
risk he ran when he started a war in which he is the unrestricted right to his possessions, he is far from
aggressor (Minton, 2008). The main purpose of the assured that he will be able to get used to them
law is to secure the health and wellness of everyone because they are constantly exposed to invasion by
and to protect the innocent from the harm others. All men are king as much he is, every man
is his equal and most men are not strict observers of
Private Property fairness and justice, so his hold on the property he has
Property plays a big part in Locke’s argument in in this state is very unsafe, very insecure, this makes
his Social Contract Theory. Property is the number him willing to leave a state in which he is in very free
one of Locke’s arguments for the social contract and but which is full of fears and continual dangers and
civil government because it is the protection of their not unreasonably he locks for others with whom he
property (Elahi). When we speak of property in John can enter into a society for the mutual preservation
Locke’s Social Contract Theory, we speak of liberty, of their lives, liberties with I call by general name
state, life, and even one’s body (Elahi). property (Minton, 2008).
At the beginning of Chapter 5, John Locke Everyone wants to establish a well-known law
(1980) quoted Psalm 16, God, as a king David says, and standard for right and wrong and give due
has given the earth to the children of me and given punishment to the offender and enforcer to maintain
it to mankind in common. Locke said that the right peace and order. John Locke said that when any
to private property precedes the civil law, for it is numbers of men have in this way consented to make
grounded on the natural moral law. The justification one community or government that immediately
for this is his labor (Stumpf & Fieser, 2003). Though incorporates them. Turn them into single body
men as a whole own the earth and all inferior politics in which that majority has a right to act on
creatures, every individual man has a property in his behalf of the rest and to bind them by its decisions
person (owns himself)… The labor of his body and (Locke, 1689).
the work of his hands, we may say, are strictly his Also, he said that majoritarian rule is the only
(Cottingham, 2008). possibility for united action (Locke, 1689). The
John Locke considered property in the state of consent of the majority made the community; hence,
nature as insecure because of the three conditions; they make one body community with the power to
they are: act as one body which is the only determination and 39
International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities

will of the majority (Smith & Grene, 1957). People the researcher would also identify their points of
agree with other men to make one body community convergence and divergence regarding the subject
for their security, safe and peaceful living. The duty matter.
of the community is impartial execution of equal
laws, to secure all people, and establish to measure Thomas Hobbes’ and John Locke’s Theoretical
one’s property (Stewart et al., 2010). Orientation and Analysis
Thomas Hobbes and John Locke are both modern
The Sovereign and the Division of Power philosophers who advocate the Social Contract
The main purpose of men uniting into the Theory. Thomas Hobbes, a socio-political theorist,
commonwealth and putting themselves under posits his idea to construct a society or government
government is the preservation of their property that will promote long-lasting defense, oversees
(Locke, 1689). John Locke (1689) put the supreme the health and wellness of every individual in the
power to the legislative for legislative is the community, upholds peace and order that will
combined power of every member of the society. protect the citizen from the threat of foreign invasion
He also emphasizes the importance of the division and lastly a government that will support the good of
of executive and legislative (Stumpf & Fieser, multitude (Pojman, 1996).
2003). The supreme power of the legislation does Thomas Hobbes promotes the absolute sovereign
not promote absolute power and has its limit, the in a monarchy form of government as the best of all
legislature can never have the right to destroy or the commonwealths. He describes the state of nature
enslave anybody and the legislature or the supreme without the civil government as a state of war, wary
authority cannot give itself the power to rule of every man against every man. He designs a strong
by sudden arbitrary decrees (Locke, 1689). The and firm government with absolute power to keep
legislative power has the right to direct how the force every member of community safe (Hobbes, 1950).
of the commonwealth shall be employed for the good John Locke was influenced by Thomas Hobbes
of all (Locke, 1689). in his political theory specifically in the theory of
John Locke carefully separates the legislative social contract. John Locke formulates his design
power and executive power for one reason: of government as a majoritarian rule. Locke posits
corruption. He said that it is too great a temptation the importance of the government in the life, liberty,
to human power-seeking frailty for the very people and property of the individual. The main duty of the
who have the power to enforce them, for if they government is to secure the property of the individual
did, they might to come to exempt themselves from and to protect them from harm (Stewart et al., 2010).
obedience to the laws they made and to adapt the
law both in making and enforcing it to their private The Similarities Between Thomas Hobbes’ and
advantage (Locke, 1689). There must always be John Locke’s Concept of Social Contract
executive power to enforce the law and always in In this part, the researcher would present the
existence (Locke, 1689). His supreme power is not converging points of Thomas Hobbes’ Social
so as a supreme legislature but as a supreme executor Contract Theory and John Locke’s Social Contract
of the law. He can claim obedience not as a private Theory. In this section, the researcher would present
person but only as the public person vested with the and identify all the important details on what
power of the law (Locke, 1689). particular points are similar.
Thomas Hobbes’ the Beginning of
Comparative Analysis Commonwealth and John Locke’s the Beginning of
In this chapter, the researcher would further the Political Societies
dig, interpret and explain Thomas Hobbes’ Social Thomas Hobbes, in his cause, generation, and
Contract Theory and John Locke’s theory of social definition of a commonwealth, posits the idea of why
contract, basing their claims on how they came up people transfer their rights and makes a covenant,
with the idea as such. Moreover, in this chapter, pact or contract to create a government. The only

International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities shanlax

reason is that people naturally love liberty and The Difference between Thomas Hobbes’ and
preserve their lives and to have a contented life and John Locke’s Social Contract Theory
a force to defend them from the foreign invasion and In this section, the researcher would present all
harm and injury from the neighbor (Hobbes, 1950). the differences between Thomas Hobbes’ Social
For Thomas Hobbes, social contract is the root Contract Theory and John Locke’s theory of social
of morality and moral obligation (Rusling). As contract. The researcher mainly focuses on the
discussed above, social contract plays a big role in divergence of their opposing ideas regarding the
the concept of morality. The social contract is the subject matter.
source of law and justice. To solve the problem of
the state of nature of Thomas Hobbes which is the Thomas Hobbes’ State of Nature and John
state of war, everybody should enter into a contract Locke’s State of Nature
and make a covenant not to harm one another and Thomas Hobbes describes the state of nature as a
respect one’s right (Browne). state of war, in the state of nature everybody is equal
John Locke’s the beginning of the political and equally has the right to whatever they want on
societies emphasizes the unified single body, that by what they need for their survival. The equality here
agreeing with others to make one body politic under for Hobbes is that people are capable of harming
one government for the preservation of their lives, their fellow human beings. It is a state of competition
liberties, and estates which he calls in general name for power and glory. Thomas Hobbes firmly said that
as a property (Stumpf & Fieser, 2003). it is a state of war of everybody against everybody
Property plays a big role in Locke’s concept of (Cottingham, 2008).
social contract. Property is the main reason why man Though in the state of nature man is all free and he
creates a contract and makes one body government can do what he wants, yet this liberty can be harmful
because when we speak of property in John Locke’s to other people because of no government to keep
terminology we speak of life, freedom, and even them in awe and no fear of punishment (Browne).
one’s body (Elahi). John Locke’s state of nature is a state of perfect
Thus, Thomas Hobbes’ and John Locke’s chief freedom, a state of equality where there is no superior
purpose in creating a contract is the preservation of and born with the same privileges and under with no
property which is life, state, liberty and to create a authority. This state of nature is a state of liberty,
long-lasting defense, and to make a peaceful society. enjoyment of freedom, and independence and
subjected to any political power without his consent
Thomas Hobbes’ Concept of Law of Nature and (Minton, 2008).
John Locke’ Concept of Law of Nature The state of nature, although a state wherein
Thomas Hobbes posits the law of nature as lay there was no civil authority or government to punish
down by nature and covered by the right reason. This people for committing bad or causing harm to their
law of nature is common to all human beings and the neighbor, yet is not state without morality. This state
law of nature is universally valid. The law of nature of nature is pre-political but not pre-moral (Elahi).
is not the same as civil law or municipal law; it is The reason why man lived in peace is because of
simply a precept of what ought to do and not to do the law of nature. The law of nature teaches mankind
(Hobbes, 1950). the concept of what is good and what is right. Gives
John Locke’s state of nature, as he stated, has the an idea of what is just and unjust.
law of nature. The law of nature is governed by the The difference between Thomas Hobbes’ and
right reason and reasoning and in this matter the law John Locke’s concept of the state of nature is that
of nature obliges everybody to act accordingly and for Hobbes’ the state of nature is a state of war for
rightfully. The law of nature which is governed by the reason that man is egoistic by nature. For Locke,
the right reason teaches all mankind about morality the reason why man lived peacefully in the state of
and consults everyone that no one ought to harm nature is that man is governed by the law of nature
another life, health, and liberty (Locke, 1980). and also because man is good by nature. 41
International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities

Thomas Hobbes’ Absolute Monarchy and John power by the individual in the community. John
Locke’s Majoritarian Form of Commonwealth Locke divided the power into two: the legislative and
Thomas Hobbes elaborates the three kinds of the executive power. The legislature has the supreme
the commonwealth: the monarchy, aristocracy, and power that has the power to direct how the force of
democracy. The difference between these three the commonwealth shall be employed for preserving
kinds of the commonwealth is not in the difference the lives of the individual members. The executive
of power but in the difference of the convenience, power has the power to enforce and execute the law
the aptitude to produce peace, order, and security; (Locke, 1689).
the people in the three forms of government share For John Locke, majoritarian rule is the only
the same rights and privileges; the only thing is the possibility for unified action. The one body
capability of the government to protect the people government with the power to act and move as
from harm and danger. Thomas Hobbes’ monarchy one is the best way to form a strong and powerful
is the best form of government for according to him government (Smith & Grene, 1957).
a kingdom divided in itself and cannot stand. The Hence, Thomas Hobbes and John Locke differ in
commonwealth can use its sword to protect and the idea of forming a good and strong government.
secure the security and welfare of the individual in Hobbes advocates an absolute monarchy ruler with
the community (Hobbes, 1950). absolute authority and power. Meanwhile, John
Thomas Hobbes posits absolute sovereignty, Locke prefers the majoritarian form of government
a man with absolute power, the combined power as the only way to make a strong government.
of legislative, executive, and judicial power. His
power is no limit, he cannot be accused, he cannot Summary
be punished, he is the judge of what he thinks is Hobbes and Locke both supported Social
necessary for peace and harmony, he is the supreme Contract Theory, that is, they held that the authority
judge, and he is the law and the commander in chief of the government to rule over us, as subjects or as
(Hobbes, 1950). citizens, is that we agree to empower it because it is
Hobbes’ main purpose in his absolute monarchy in our best interest as individuals to do so. To gain
is to have a peaceful society and to create a firm and the various benefits of living within a stable society,
strong government. For him, a weak government we agree to curtail our behavior in certain ways as
cannot provide a long-lasting defense and cannot dictated by the explicit terms of our agreement to
maintain peace and order (Mourtiz, 2010). ensure the stability of society and the integrity of the
John Locke’s form of government is that the contract.
people are the sovereign. He posits the rule of the The dissimilarities of Hobbes’ and Locke’s
majority. The people are the source of power and political views begin with their different accounts of
authority. The people form one body politic and the state of nature. Locke did not hold as pessimistic
act as one body, the majority gives the power to the a view of human nature as Hobbes. According
legislative and appoints enforcer to impose the law, to Locke, humanity is decent with only a few
and the majority has the right to give power and to exceptions, in contrast to Hobbes who believed that
employ officials and also has the power to take it humanity is egoistic.
back if the authority does not meet the need of the Hobbes and Locke held similar positive views in
people (Stewart et al., 2010). entering into a commonwealth that is for protection
John Locke’s extent of the legislative power against intruders and those who attempt to harm the
puts the supreme power in the legislative; he can property or person.
make edicts that have the force of law and create According to Hobbes, nature made man equal in
obligations as a law does unless the majority has faculty body, thinking, and reason, though we found
been permitted to do this. The legislature does not some are stronger, wiser, and more learned than the
have arbitrary power over the lives and property of others yet, even the weakest can kill the strongest
the people. The legislative power is the combined (Pojman, 1996). Thomas Hobbes describes the

International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities shanlax

state of nature as a state of war “everyman against For Locke, just like Hobbes, man is free by
everybody” that there is no manifestation of equal nature, equal and independent and no one can put out
distribution of goods or a man contended by his share. of his estate without his consent (Minton, 2008). For
That if two men love the same thing and they cannot Locke, government comes into existence when men
enjoy it, both they will become enemies and try to come to unite, join, and consented to form one body
destroy one another. He said that if man possesses government, act as one body and one will. Every
a convenient seat, having a good life, authority, and member of the community should be aware and must
property others may probably come to unite with be understood to give up some of their rights and
force and try to deprive him not only the fruit of his will to unite and form a single body government In
labor but also his life or liberty (Pojman, 1996). exchange for protection and security (Stewart et al.,
He presented some reasons why men invade: First 2010).
for gain, second for safety, and lastly for reputation.
Hence in this time without a common power to keep Findings
them in awe the state of nature is in the state of war Hobbes’ political theory in the first place
“every man against every man” (Stephen, 1961, p. involves the acceptance of the law of nature, a nature
185). that strengthens political and human rights, a tool for
There is no law when there is no commonwealth; peace and harmony. Law of nature is a law laid down
when there is no law in the state of nature, there is by nature, a product of human nature, and a law that
no application of justice. The idea of just and unjust is common to all and covered by the right reason.
only exists in the perimeter of law. When there is no Thomas Hobbes posits that the ideal government is
government, there is no common power to fear. They an absolute monarchy, ruled by the absolute king
can do what they want if there is no place of right and or ruler. The source of all power and authority, the
wrong, justice and injustice (Pojman, 1996). mortal god, his power can never be fortified, his word
The only thing to have a standard morality and is absolute. Morality and immorality are just his
law is to form a single body government or to create commands. The ruler invested with the fullest power
a contract. The reason that pushes man to form a of legislative, judicature, and military command.
single body government is the necessity for survival The law means the command of the sovereign or the
and seeking peace, to have a common power to keep leviathan (mortal god) and whatever he commands
them in awe, and the power to fear and punish the is therefore law. The sword of justice belongs to
offender. To make a contract is the solution to solve him. The leviathan has to protect the people against
the horrible problem of the state of nature according foreign enemies as well as to protect each man against
to Hobbes. his neighbor. Locke starts his political theory in the
Meanwhile, Locke is more optimistic of his view account of the state of nature. Locke maintains that
in the state of nature of Thomas Hobbes as a state of before there are any states to make statues men are
war “everybody against every man”. Locke sees the aware of a natural law, which teaches that all men are
state of nature as inferior due to the lack of unity, equal and independent and that no one ought to harm
common power who rule, and standard law for all. one another in his life, health and liberty. A human
For Hobbes, government exists through a social possesses natural rights, particularly the right of life,
contract in which the individual agrees to be bound by self-defense, and freedom. They also have duties,
a single ruler, by the common law which represents in particular, the duty not to give away their rights.
the will of the people. For Locke, the government Locke believed that there was a natural right not just
loses its legitimacy if it fails to represent the will to acquire, but also to inherit private property.
of the people. Locke cites one of the best examples
that social contract exists is that we remain in the Conclusion
country, living under common laws and receiving People only focused on the differences between
benefits from the country for security and peace for Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, such as the
instance (Pojman, 1996). differences in the state of nature. Locke’s idea of 43
International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities

the state of nature is good and pleasant. For him, the raised the purpose of peace and self-preservation.
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due to a lack of governance and lack of stable laws harm of neighbors.
and regulations. The social contract is made for the conservation
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Author Details
John Michael V Sasan, PAU Excellencia Global Academy Foundation, Phillippines,
Email ID: [email protected] 45

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