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Marketing Mentality of the Modern Age: Digital Marketing

Conference Paper · July 2022

DOI: 10.33422/5th.conferenceme.2022.07.25


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1 author:

V. Özlem Akgün
Selcuk University


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Marketing Mentality of the Modern Age: Digital
V. Özlem Akgün1, Beyza Nur Arslan2
Associate Prof., Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Departmant of
International Trade and Finance, Selcuk University, Turkey
Graduate student, Selcuk University, Turkey


Technological developments, especially in the period from the 1990s until today, have caused
many changes in the field of marketing as well as in many other fields. Considering today's
conditions, it is an undeniable fact that the internet is widely used and covers an important part
of modern life with the concept of digitalization. Not only businesses have been affected by
the concept of digitalization brought about by developing technology, but this has made it
possible for consumer perception and marketing activities to be transformed as well. The
change in the understanding of marketing with the effect of technological advances has
revealed the concept of digital marketing. Especially since the internet and digital media are
widely used in today's marketing environment, consumers' attitudes and desires have also kept
up with this change. Consumers of the modern age, who have become more conscious, demand
to research the goods or services they are considering buying, to compare them with each other
and to have much more detailed information about the products. It is extremely critical for
businesses trying to get used to this situation to transform their marketing activities to adapt to
the new order.
Today, it is seen that the internet is widely used, and digital platforms are increasingly
diversified day by day. It is very important to reach consumers who are actively involved in
digital environments quickly. In this context, many businesses that want to stand out from their
competitors and gain competitive advantage aim to be successful by using different digital
marketing methods.
In this study, the concept of digital marketing, which is revealed by the changing marketing
understanding in the modern marketing environment, where the internet plays a very important
role in every field, is discussed from a conceptual point of view. In this context, various aspects
of digital marketing, especially current issues such as the definition, scope, advantages, and

disadvantages of digital marketing, have been discussed and domestic and foreign studies on
digital marketing have been included so far.

Keywords: Search engine optimization (SEO); search engine marketing (SEM); mobile
marketing; social media marketing; viral marketing


According to the Electronic Commerce Information Form (ETBIS) announced by the Ministry
of Commerce for the first 6 months of 2021, the e-commerce volume in Turkey increased by
75.6% compared to the same period of the previous year and reached 161 billion TL. In the
first 6 months of 2021, the number of orders increased by 94.4 percent from 850.7 million to 1
billion 654 million. In addition, as of the first 6 months of 2021, the number of businesses
engaged in e-commerce activities reached 321,742. While 23,373 of these enterprises operate
as service providers registered with ETBIS, 312,532 of them operate in e-commerce
marketplaces (E-Commerce Info Platform, 2022). As can be understood from the relevant data,
the volume of trade carried out over the internet and the number of businesses operating in e-
commerce marketplaces are increasing day by day. One of the main reasons for the rapid
increase in the recent period is the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been effective for more
than two years. In the face of this situation, many consumers who could not go out of their
homes had to radically change their consumption habits. Consumers who cannot go to shopping
centers and often have difficulty in reaching the market for their basic needs, have turned to
digital stores rather than physical stores. In the face of this change, businesses that have the
ability to maintain their products with digital marketing methods have taken an advantageous
position over their competitors in the face of consumers' demands and demands and have
played an active role in the market.
This study, consists of two main parts. In the part that constitutes the conceptual structure; The
concept of digital marketing has been examined in detail. In the second part of the study, the
literature on previous studies is included.

1. Literature Review
The UK Marketing Institute (CIM) defines marketing as “a management process that identifies,
identifies and satisfies the consumer's wants and needs in an effective and profitable manner”
(Brassington & Pettitt, 1997). Traditional marketing, which includes non-online marketing, is
a form of marketing preferred by many, generally dominated by one-sided communication, and
using traditional tools and channels. The tools and channels used more in this form of
marketing are mail, telephone, newspaper, magazine, radio, billboards. When we look at the
historical development of the concept of marketing, it is said that it has been transformed over
time with technological developments and increasing competition conditions, and this

transformation is especially affected by consumer behavior. In the 1990s, the penetration of
personal computers into consumers' homes and the widespread use of the Internet made it
possible to experience extremely important developments in the field of marketing. Since this
process, the concept of digital marketing has changed consumer perception and businesses have
turned their direction to customers through digital channels. In this way, businesses plan to
reach all target audiences by using the fast information flow together with the internet and to
increase their power by maintaining their position in the market.

1.1. The Concept of Digital Marketing

When the competitive conditions of today's market environment are evaluated, it is an
undeniable fact that the old market understanding has been replaced by global markets. For this
reason, businesses have to compete with their global competitors as well as their current
competitors and at the same time, they have to catch the chance to reach new markets by
maintaining their current position in the market. In today's digital marketing environment, it is
stated that businesses that closely follow technological developments will follow the
opportunities much more closely in terms of consumer satisfaction and thus gain significant
competitive advantages. When the 2021 TSI Household Information Technologies (IT) Usage
Survey data are examined, it is seen that while the rate of households with internet access was
90.7% in 2020, this rate was 92% in 2021. While it was 0, it is seen that this rate increased to
82.6% in 2021 (TSI, 2021). As can be understood from these data, the increase observed in the
number of individuals and households using the internet throughout Turkey shows that the
customer portfolio that is open and ready for interaction increases more when businesses turn
to digital marketing activities.
Digital marketing is an advantageous and highly preferred form of marketing because it
provides a faster and more interactive communication compared to traditional marketing,
which enables to present goods and services in electronic environment (Schnaars, 1991). The
Digital Marketing Institute (DMI) defines the concept of digital marketing as the use of digital
technologies to create an integrated, targeted and measurable communication that helps to
acquire and retain customers while establishing deeper relationships with customers (Wymbs,
2011). In short, digital marketing is the marketing activities of a business or brand on digital
With the increase in digitalization, businesses are able to closely monitor and analyze
customers' requests and needs through digital marketing activities, and develop a specific
marketing strategy with the information they collect (Kannan & Li, 2016). Digital marketing
is radio, newspaper, TV, etc. used in traditional marketing tools. Apart from the tools, it also
benefits from mobile, internet and other interactive platforms that aim to promote and support
the business or product. In addition, digital marketing includes functions such as web, search,
social media, e-mail and media buying with digital advertising. The concept of digital
marketing can also be referred to as interactive marketing, online marketing and web marketing
(Sweetwood, 2016; Alijı, 2016).

1.1.1. Differences Between Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing

The understanding of marketing, which has changed with the developing technology over time,
reveals differences compared to traditional marketing methods with the effect of digitalization.
These differences can be summarized as follows (Zengin, 2017; Özkavcı, 2021; Gökşin, 2018):
 Analyzing the customer portfolio and accessing the customer's information in the
traditional marketing method is a very costly and long process. Since digital marketing
provides the opportunity to reach the customer 24/7 through digital channels, customer
reaction, demand and requests can be easily determined.
 While there is a one-sided interaction from the business to the customer in the traditional
marketing method, there is a two-sided interaction from the business to the customer or
from the customer to the business in digital marketing.
 With traditional marketing, it is aimed to reach the entire customer base at the same time,
but this is a very costly process. The digital marketing method, on the other hand, is a less
costly and faster marketing method since it can provide one-on-one reaching to a specific
target audience or to each customer through digital channels.
 While traditional marketing mostly uses marketing channels such as magazines,
newspapers, radio and television; digital marketing uses channels with technological
 While traditional marketing appeals to more local people, digital marketing can appeal to
both local and international audiences.

1.1.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Marketing

Using the strengths of digital marketing correctly offers significant benefits for many
businesses that compete with their competitors. There are various advantages of digital
marketing, especially speed, interaction, accurate targeting and cost advantage. Many
customers complain about the time they spend while shopping at physical stores or the traffic
density. In the purchasing activity carried out through digital channels, transactions are carried
out without loss of time. In addition to being able to shop easily and comfortably, advantages
such as evaluating and comparing different product alternatives are among the important
advantages for customers. In addition, customers can easily choose the delivery method of the
product they will buy through digital marketing.
In today's marketing conditions, it is stated that businesses tend to digital marketing especially
due to the following factors (Akar & Kayahan, 2007): (a) Sales: The availability of products
that are more affordable to consumers than products sold on a larger product scale or through
other channels has led to increased sales. (b) Service: Provides customers with information
about the development of products through online feedback and adds value to the business. (c)

Conversation: It enables businesses to be closer to consumers. (d) Savings: Digital marketing
contributes to reducing the costs of businesses. For example, sending e-mails online to send
messages to consumers reduces the costs of printing or posting that the business has to
undertake. (e) More Heard: Digital marketing helps the brand or business to be heard more
online. Today, digitalization has become an indispensable element of change for every sector.
With digital transformations in all sectors, business models are re-formed (Dağlı, 2019).
It is possible to talk about the advantages as well as the disadvantages of digital marketing.
(Selçuk, 2020): (a) Inability to Reach the Whole Society: The fact that the Internet is still not
as widespread as television throughout the world causes online advertisements and promotions
to not reach all masses. Therefore, businesses that prefer only online advertising do not reach
everyone. (b) Lack of Attention: Some of the online advertisements can be seen in every corner
of the screen when users are active on the internet. Advertising can be ignored because the
attention of the users is on whatever job they are doing at the moment.

1.1.3. Tools of Digital Marketing

Thanks to technological advances, the internet, which is indispensable for daily life, has also
caused significant changes in consumer perception and consumer behavior. In addition to
obtaining information about goods and services, consumers also use digital channels to shop,
socialize by interacting more with their environment and share their experiences. Many
businesses, which place the customer at the center of the business due to the value-oriented
marketing approach, use digital marketing channels, which are among the internet-oriented
marketing strategies today. Thus, marketing managers, who better evaluate the perceptions and
behaviors of customers, have the opportunity to increase brand awareness and brand loyalty.
Businesses that successfully maintain digital marketing in order to maintain their competitive
edge also gain the advantage of reaching their goals much more easily.
It is extremely important to present meaningful, easy-to-understand and shareable content to
customers in order for the applied marketing activities to achieve a successful result. Choosing
the right marketing channels is also important in that not every marketing channel is suitable
for every customer. The main goal of every marketing expert who applies digital marketing
methods is to provide the most effective channel management by revealing maximum
efficiency with minimum cost. At this point, it is very important for marketers to understand
technology (Calvin & Damian, 2009; Rhan & Jones 2009). Many digital channel options are
used to attract the attention of customers and to interact with them on a common ground. These
are briefly summarized as follows:
Website: When today's conditions are examined, it is an undeniable fact that the internet is
widely used on a global scale. The Internet is among the important promotional tools preferred
by businesses to continue their marketing activities because it creates a fast, cheap and
interactive environment compared to traditional marketing channels. Looking at the consumer
profiles using the Internet, it is said that they are more conscious and researcher compared to

the past. For this reason, many consumers often turn to the Internet to find out what they are
wondering about any snatching for a good or service. When a product is searched on the
internet, the web pages of businesses are at the forefront of the sites that appear to consumers
and give a reliable impression. For this reason, businesses take the first step of digital marketing
activities by establishing a professional website while managing the marketing activities of
their goods and services. The corporate website of a business functions as a showcase of a
product or brand in the digital environment. Potential buyers or all interested users can access
valid and accurate information about goods or services, information about the vision and
mission of the business, or different campaigns implemented on the official websites of the
business. For this reason, there are some important issues that businesses should pay attention
to when designing a website. For example, a website design with an easy-to-understand and
eye-catching design, opening quickly, unique and rich in content, increases the user experience
of potential customers, attracts the attention of visitors and makes it possible to convert them
into consumers. In addition, a carefully prepared web page design allows visitors to spend more
time on the site, making it possible to shop more.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM): One of the
important reasons why businesses engage in digital marketing activities is to make it easy for
potential customers to find goods and services and find products. The fact that there are many
internet pages in the digital environment and that consumers use search engines to reach all
kinds of information and products they are looking for has led businesses to direct their work
to these areas. For this reason, businesses use marketing channels such as SEO and SEM in
order to reach a large consumer audience and to gain an advantage over other businesses in an
intense competitive environment. (Sirovich & Darie, 2007). The word SEO stands for Search
Engine Optimization. Search engine optimization includes all the work carried out to rank sites
or web pages in search engines such as Google. SEO adds value to the website, making it rank
higher in the search engine, and also increasing user traffic.SEM is called Search Engine
Marketing. Search engine marketing is the process of placing paid advertisements through
search engines. Search Engine Marketing (SEM), which enables businesses to target consumers
by placing ads on search engines, is expressed as an effective target audience acquisition
strategy. Unlike traditional online advertising, advertisers only pay when users actually click
on an ad. When implemented successfully, SEM is a method that increases customer traffic
(Panchal, Shah, Kansara, 2021).
Being at the top of search engines is extremely important for businesses. One of the main
reasons for this is that customers usually find the source that ranks first in searches reliable.
Businesses use various methods to be displayed in the first place in search engines. Some of
these are methods such as tagging, adding keywords, using parallel links. All these methods
used are evaluated within the scope of search engine marketing studies. The SEO marketing
method is a process that requires longer time than the SEM marketing method. This period can
usually cover approximately one year. For this reason, since businesses cannot get a response
in a short time with search engine optimization activities, they apply to search engine marketing

activities for certain fees and can move their websites to the top in a short time (Puchkov, 2016;
Moran & Hunt, 2015; Ramos & Cota, 2008). When examined from a global perspective, the
most preferred search engines are; It is expressed as Google, Yahoo and Yandex.

Email Marketing: Email marketing is a widely used marketing tool around the world.
Especially Gmail, Hotmail etc. Free e-mail account definition for all members of e-mail
applications plays an active role in the realization of this situation (Penpece, 2013). E-mail is
an electronic messaging application used by a wide range of users in the digital environment
to communicate with each other. Email marketing is a marketing method that businesses use
to reach a certain customer portfolio. E-mail marketing, which is a part of electronic marketing,
is preferred to increase site traffic and support sales. Email marketing is the targeted sending
of a detailed list of commercial and non-commercial messages to the relevant email addresses
of recipients. It is sometimes called a newsletter or electronic newsletter. Also, emails that are
sent regularly to registered customers, usually in HTML format. It is also described as a popular
marketing tool that is preferred because it is modern and inexpensive. Campaign information,
customer satisfaction survey, response to requests or complaints, etc. This method is frequently
used because of its advantages (Hudak, Kianickova, Madlenak, 2017). One of the most
important advantages of e-mail marketing is that it offers businesses the opportunity to
communicate with customers one-on-one. Especially in a process where people are closed to
their homes due to the Covid-19 epidemic, many businesses have tried to turn this situation
into an advantage and have succeeded in increasing their sales. It is important to use a
marketing strategy that will be determined correctly. Namely, an important concept
encountered in e-mail marketing is mass advertising mails called spam. These e-mails, which
are described as an attack on personal rights and data in many countries on a global scale, have
been legally prohibited. However, it is still preferred by many businesses because it is seen as
a low-cost promotional tool. Businesses organize various campaigns, sweepstakes or different
promotion campaigns in order to reach more users and allow users to send e-mails, and during
their application to these, they obtain communication permission from customers through
digital channels.

Social Media Marketing and Influencer Marketing: Social media marketing is a marketing
method in which marketing activities such as promoting a product on social media, advertising
and increasing brand awareness are carried out. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and
Youtube are shown as examples of social media networks. While social media marketing is
used as a pull strategy, it is a method that enables customers to communicate one-on-one about
the product or brand they are interested in. This communication can be in the form of blogs,
social networks, bilateral communication and social networks (Alan, Kabadayı, Erişke, 2018).
Social media are online resources that individuals use to share content such as videos, photos,
images, articles, cartoons, ideas, news, and these resources include blogs, vlogs, social
networks, message boards, podcasts and wikis. Common examples of social media applications

are; Instagram and Flickr (online photo sharing site), Wikipedia (information, reference),
Facebook and Myspace (social network), Twitter (microblog), del.icio.us (marking, tagging),
and World of WarCraft (online game) (Barutçu & Tomaş, 2013). We are Social (2020) When
the social media user rates in the report published by Turkey are examined, it is seen that 49%
of the world's population, that is 3.81 billion people, and when the data of the population of
Turkey is examined, it is seen that 64%, that is, 54 million people, are social media users
(Yılmaz, 2021). As it can be understood from the relevant data, it is stated that businesses use
these channels actively due to the fact that social media has a very wide area. Businesses can
communicate with consumers much faster, more effectively and directly through their social
media accounts. In this way, the number of intermediaries between the consumer and the
business decreases, and there is no intermediary, and the loyalty and loyalty of the customers
to the brand increases. Businesses in general; social media, interactive sharing, internet
advertising etc. It also uses social media networks to create identity in various ways. In
addition, social media is preferred because it allows sharing the agenda of social life and current
issues without incurring high promotional costs. Making promotions for the followers of the
business in social media accounts for likes and similar interactions, and maintaining
promotional activities through social media users who can set the agenda are among the low-
cost promotional tools. Ensuring the correct use of such an effective promotional tool requires
creating a planned marketing strategy and working with experts in this regard.
Another widely used digital marketing method today is Influcer marketing activities carried
out on social media. Today, with Influcer marketing, which has come to the fore in recent years
in Turkey, many brands take place in different social media channels in order to increase their
recognition and product sales, and they benefit from influencer marketing carried out through
social media by applying different digital advertising strategies. Influencer marketing involves
businesses selecting and encouraging specific influencers to interact with their followers on
social media to promote their products or brands (Leung, Gu, Li, Zhang, Palmatier, 2022).
Mobile Marketing: In mobile marketing method, customers are more active compared to
traditional marketing. Mobile marketing is an important promotional mix element that enables
businesses to easily and quickly convey their campaigns, discount and promotion
announcements for goods or services. In addition, it is a method frequently preferred by
marketers as it increases brand awareness and enables communication with customers in line
with their needs. Providing ease of payment to customers and sending SMS to customers for
approval processes in terms of security make this method much more popular in today's modern
marketing environment. The benefits of mobile marketing are divided into two according to
their characteristics. One of the biggest reasons why marketers can always reach the target
audience is that mobile devices are qualitatively designed to remain open all the time or most
of the time. Another factor is that the devices are designed in sizes that users can carry with
them. The fact that the devices have these features in terms of usage and qualitatively provides
a significant benefit for marketers. The characteristics of mobile marketing are briefly
summarized as follows (Özel, 2012): It is based on a one-to-one marketing approach since it is

possible to communicate directly with customers, it ensures the execution of transactions by
obtaining approval from the potential customer mass by using the authorized marketing
method, the marketing cost is maximum since it is one of the direct marketing applications, it
is a fast marketing method as the sent SMS, MMS or picture reaches the customer directly
within seconds. Thanks to mobile marketing activities, one-to-one communication with the
consumer also provides fast feedback to businesses.
Viral Marketing: Viral marketing is a marketing method that takes place in the form of
disseminating information about a product to other people in the digital environment. The
concept of viral marketing is named after the virus. The reason for this is that it spreads quickly
like a virus and reaches large masses from one person to another, revealing the snowball model.
Viral marketing, which is basically carried out on the internet, can be called the digital
dimension of word of mouth marketing, which is one of the traditional marketing methods
(Zengin, 2017). The primary target with the viral marketing method is to automatically expand
the promotional area of the product by sharing the customer's satisfaction with the goods or
services used by other groups, and to ensure that the product is known and used by more people.
Viral marketing is an interactive process that requires continuity. That's why businesses need
careful planning and a strong social media strategy. With the emergence of the internet and
social media, shares and likes have increased the spread of viral messages. For this reason, it
is stated that the spread of social networks such as Youtube, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook
plays an important role in making viral marketing a more popular concept.

1.1.4. Digital Marketing Models

The right choice and planning of the digital marketing strategy is extremely important for
businesses. After determining their goals and priorities, businesses need to choose a model for
their digital marketing strategy. Some of the prominent digital marketing models are
summarized as follows (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, 2016; hubspot.com; smartinsights.com):
Race Model: In this digital marketing planning model put forward by Chaffey in 2010, there
are 4 basic steps: Reach, Act, Convert, Engage. In the reach phase, the primary purpose is to
promote the brand and make it visible. The act phase is the phase where the consumer interacts
with web assets such as their website and social media accounts. The convert phase aims to
convert it to sale online or offline. The ngage phase is a long-term process and is where
customer relationships are based.
Marketing Funnel: Marketing funnel, one of the widely used models, refers to the customer
journeys of potential customers from the moment they notice a business's products to the
moment they buy it. The awareness phase, which expresses familiarity with the brand, the
evaluation phase, which increases the likelihood that consumers will evaluate a particular brand
and its products while shopping, the conversion phase that encourages customers to buy by
making them believe that the brand they choose offers a suitable solution to their problems or
meets their needs, and a smooth purchasing experience and loyalty stage that supports the
formation of loyalty by offering quality products.

Flywheel Model: The Flywheel model is a marketing model that qualifies a more
comprehensive digital marketing study by considering all the marketing, service and sales
stages in an integrated manner. Attract, engage and delight steps are involved.
Forrester’s 5Is: This model lays out the foreground of the user's engagement with the brand
by focusing on the concepts of involvement, interaction, intimacy, influence and individual.
McKinsey's Consumer Decision Journey: Based on the approach that customers make their
purchasing decisions according to various criteria, in this model, the digital purchasing journey
of the consumer is taken at all stages, from evaluation to purchase.
The Honeycomb Model: This model introduces a framework that defines the use of social
media for businesses.
2. Studies in the Field of Digital Marketing
In this part of the study, it is aimed to include the studies and the results of the studies on the
concept of digital marketing, which has attracted attention by both academics and marketing
managers in recent years.

Table 1. Studies on Digital Marketing

Writers Results
This study aims to identify the digital marketing skill deficiencies faced
by professionals working in the communication sector. In-depth
interviews were conducted with 20 communication industry
Royle&Laing, professionals, followed by a focus group study that tested the accuracy
2014 of the data. As a result of the study, it has been determined that the need
for best practice guidance on evaluation criteria and the lack of smart
planning for the future for dynamic technological change/development
are the skills gaps that are challenging the communication sector.
However, it was found that the difficulty of integrating digital
marketing approaches with established marketing practices was also
revealed as a lack of basic skills, and the Digital Marketer Model was
This study aims to measure the impact of digital marketing on customer
satisfaction. Guaranty Trust Bank Nigeria PLC was chosen for the
universe of the study. In the study, a 7-point Likert scale questionnaire
Najem, 2021 was applied to 384 people. The results of the study show that digital
marketing has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction
at Guaranty Trust Bank Nigeria PLC. The study concluded that social
media, mobile marketing, email marketing and search marketing are of
great importance in using Guaranty Trust Bank customers to satisfy and
generate higher returns.

In the study, it has been tried to determine how digital marketing affects
the consumer behavior of Filipinos. The study was carried out with 334
Astoriano et al., participants using the online survey method. As a result of the research,
2022 it has been observed that digital marketing strategies, especially social
media marketing and e-mail marketing, create an effective consumer
behavior on Filipino consumers.
This study was conducted to determine the effect of digital marketing
on CRM. The survey method was used in the research and the sample
Tandon et al., size was 200 people. The majority of the respondents participating in
2020 the survey are IT and ITES company employees, especially those
operating in the fields of sales, software development and marketing.
As a result of the research, it was revealed that there is a positive and
strong relationship between digital marketing and CRM.
In the study, it was aimed to determine the effect of social media
marketing, which is one of the digital marketing methods, on consumer
purchasing behavior. The research was applied to 400 social media
Kour&Kaur users residing in the Punjab region of India. The online survey method,
2020 which was prepared with a 5-point Likert scale, was chosen as the
research method. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the
perceived value, trust and positive criticisms in social media positively
affect the purchasing behavior of the consumer in social media.
This study examines the effect of digital marketing methods on
consumer purchasing behavior for electronic products. In the study, the
questionnaire method was applied with the participation of 500 people.
Kaushik& As a result of the findings obtained as a result of the study, it was
Prativindhya revealed that e-mail marketing has a significant impact on consumer
2019 purchasing behavior for electronic products. In contrast, affiliate
marketing is the only digital marketing tool for electronic products that
does not have a significant impact on consumer purchasing behavior.
In this study, the effect of social media advertisements on consumer
behavior was investigated. The sample size of the study was determined
as at least 400 people. Consumers residing in Bakırköy district of
Istanbul province and over the age of 18 were selected as the application
Gönül, 2020 universe of the determined research subject. As a result of the study,
which was carried out by choosing the survey method, it was
determined that there is a weak positive relationship between
advertising and instant purchase decision, which is one of the digital
marketing tools. In addition, a weak positive relationship was
determined between the positive attitudes on digital platforms and the
instant purchase decision. In general terms, as a result of the study, it is

seen that consumers make a purchase decision in the face of every
situation that attract s their attention.

This study examined influencer marketing, which is one of the digital

marketing methods, by evaluating 3 advertising agencies operating in
the field. The 3 selected agencies are as follows: Creatorden, Social
Mert, 2018 Famous and CCMediahouse. As a result of the interviews made as a
result of the research, it has been revealed that Influencer marketing
applications are less costly than other traditional advertising activities.
However, it is thought that these influencer marketing applications,
which have emerged in Turkey in recent years and have no history, will
be an important marketing tool in the future, unlike today.
In this study, it has been suggested that businesses can benefit from
digital marketing promotion tools such as search engine optimization
Bala&Verma, (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), content marketing, influencer
2018 marketing, content automation, e-commerce marketing, campaign
marketing and social media. It has also been noted, based on this study,
that knowing which social media sites a company's target market is
using is another important factor that guarantees successful online
This study aims to determine the expectations and effects of digital
marketing during the pandemic period and to reveal the concept of
Junusi, 2020 digital marketing from an Islamic perspective. The results of the study,
in which the qualitative research method was used, revealed that the
developments in information technology played a role in the
development of digital marketing, especially during the Covid-19
pandemic. It has also been stated that the study contributes to the
development of digital marketing from an Islamic perspective by
introducing and characterizing potential new areas of Islamic marketing
In the study, digital marketing examples of the aviation industry in
Turkey and the world are tried to be analyzed by scanning method. The
digital marketing practices of five airline companies selected for the
research were discussed. These airlines; Southwest, Delta Airlines,
Virgin Atlantic, Turkish Airlines and Pegasus. As a result of the
research, it is seen that influencer marketing, which is one of the digital
Işıklar, 2021 marketing methods, is used in Virgin Atlantic, Turkish Airlines and
Pegasus. In addition, as a result of the research, it was concluded that
customers actively use the possibilities of digital technologies in mobile
applications, online ticket purchase, online check-in, hotel, car rental

and many other services for the airline industry. As a result of the data
obtained in the study, it has been determined that digital marketing
methods have a significant effect on consumers.


In parallel with the development of technology, the understanding of digital marketing is

becoming more and more popular day by day. In this study, the concept of digital marketing,
which has an important role for businesses in today's conditions and plays an important role in
reaching potential consumers and establishing long-term relationships with existing
consumers, is discussed in detail.
Today, with the development of technology, the widespread use of the internet, the fact that
mobile phones and computers have become an indispensable part of people, and changing
consumer behaviors along with this have caused a change in the understanding of marketing. In
today's conditions, businesses should consider the changing differences of consumers in order
to apply the right marketing strategies and to exist in global competition. Especially in the
period after the Covid-19 epidemic, it is seen that consumer behavior has changed visibly.
During this period, consumers who could not leave their homes, carried out most of their needs
through digital channels by taking advantage of the advantages provided by the internet.
Although a serious progress has been made in the course of the epidemic today, it is seen that
consumers cannot give up digital markets, which are the new consumption habits they have
gained during the epidemic. For this reason, it is very important for businesses to consider their
digital marketing activities. In addition, businesses need to follow the change that occurs with
new generations and evaluate this situation while applying a marketing strategy. The reason
for this is that the Y and Z generations, who use the internet more actively, are a more
conscious, researcher and customer base that actively uses social media channels.
In addition to these, borders are being lifted around the world in trade activities and global
markets play an active role. As a result, the advantage of the internet to reach every person in
every country is very important for businesses.
This study is an extremely important guide for those who want to do digital marketing. It is
recommended that those who want to work on the subject in the future should support working
with empirical applications.


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