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1 Syllogisms

A syllogism is a two-premised, conclusive de- contradicting oneself, the reasoning in such

ductive argument in reasoning. The most com- syllogisms is sound.
mon type is a categorical syllogism, in which the
premises and conclusion are both straightfor- Components of Syllogism
ward declarative statements that are connect-
Consider the three statements given here.
ed by just three simple terms, each of which
appears twice (as a subject and a predicate): 1. All horses are mammals.

y “All athletes are cricketers; Major Premise [Component―1]

y no graduate are cricketer; 2. Rustam is a horse.

y therefore no athletes are graduates.” Minor Premise [Component―2]

Because it would be impossible to affirm the 3. Ranjeev is Rustam’s jockey.

premises and reject the conclusion without Conclusion [Component―3]

Types of Syllogism

Major Premise All cycles have pedals.

Minor Premise I own a cycle.
Conclusion My cycle has pedals.

Major Premise Vandana loves watches.

Conditional Minor Premise Vandana loves to watch with leather straps.
Syllogism If Vandana loves watches, she must wear a watch with
a leather strap.

Major Premise Candy is either orange or blackberry.

Minor Premise It is not blackberry.
Conclusion Therefore, it must be orange.

Major Premise Alcohol ups the cholesterol levels in human body.

People with hypertension should control cholesterol
Minor Premise
Enthymemes levels in their body.
Therefore, people with hypertension should not
consume alcohol.

Major Premise All Toyota cars are purple.

Fallacy Minor Premise The car in my garage is purple.
Conclusion My car is Toyota.

Syllogisms 5
The Venn diagram method is a useful tool Categorical propositions are statements
for quickly testing syllogisms. We presume that demonstrate the relationship between
that you have prior knowledge of diagram- two sets, e.g., ‘All stars are five-pointed’ is a
ming categorical propositions. However, let’s categorical proposition since it tells us that
review your understanding of categorical the items in the first set, ‘stars’, belong in
statements. the second set, ‘five-pointed’.

Four Basic Forms of Categorical

Designated As Its Venn Diagram

All S is P


No S is P


Some S is P

I S × P

Some S is not P

O S × P

Important Points alone is inadequate to demonstrate that the

A syllogism is a two-premise argument with conclusion must follow.
three words, each of which is employed
twice. A circle can symbolise each phrase
(major, minor, and intermediate terms).
Since a syllogism is only true if the prem-
isses imply the conclusion, diagramming the
premisses reveals the logical geography of
the conclusion in a valid syllogism. If the syl- M
logism is invalid, a diagram of the premises

6 Syllogisms
Given that there are three classes, we antic- 2. The shading indicates that there are no
ipate three overlapping circles. individuals in that location. Empty space
1. The region within the circle denotes indicates that no information is available
the location of class participants, while about that region.
the area beyond the circle symbolises 3. The letter X relates to the word
all other persons (the complementary ‘some’ since it symbolises ‘at least one
class). The numerous schematic areas (person)’.
are noted above.

Some Typical Examples of Syllogisms Are Shown Here by Their Mood and Figure


The syllogism consists of an E statement This syllogism consists solely of A

for the main premiss, an A statement for assertions, with the M-terms also
the minor premiss, and an E statement for organised in the ‘left-hand wing’.
the conclusion. Its form is written out as
By convention, S (the minor term) is the
All M are P
subject and P (the major term) is the
All S are M
predicate for the conclusion. Left wing
describes the location of the middle word. All S are P
The form written out is Note in the picture below how the sole
No M is P portion of S that is not coloured is present
All S are M in all three classes. Important to note is
that this region of S is totally contained
No S is P
within the P class. The AAA―1 syllogism is
Note how the region shared by S and P has therefore always valid.
been fully blocked out in the picture below, The AAA―1 and EAE―1 syllogisms are
suggesting that ‘No S is P’. by far the most frequent in the question
Upon diagramming simply, the two premises, papers.
the conclusion has been achieved. Each and
every syllogism of the type EAE―1 is valid. S P


Syllogisms 7

The M-terms are put in the subject position

The AII―2 has the M words in both
on the right side of the AII―3 block.
premises’ predicates.
This syllogism sets up as The syllogism is written out as
All M is P
All P is M
Some M is S
Some S is M
Some S is P
Some S is P
Observe how you are ‘forced’ to place the
‘X’ from the minor premise in the region The graphic demonstrates that ‘X’ might
of the diagram shared by all three classes be in either the SMP or SPM region.
while drawing the syllogism. Since we do not sure precisely which
The ‘X’ cannot be placed on the P-line, as section it is in, we have marked the line
the shade indicates that this portion of with a ‘X’ as depicted.
the SM area is vacant. This ‘logical’ forcing When a ‘X’ appears on a line, its precise
permits you to deduce ‘Some S is P’. location cannot be determined with
This syllogism is an excellent illustration certainty.
of why the universal premiss should be Therefore, we cannot locate the conclusion
diagrammed before the specific premiss. when we attempt to read it. The AII―2
If we were to initially diagram the specific logical fallacy is faulty because the
premise, the ‘X’ would be placed on the line. conclusion cannot be interpreted with
Then, we would have to shift it when
diagramming the universal premise, as the S P
universal premise leaves an empty space
where the ‘X’ might have been.

S P ×

8 Syllogisms

The EAO―4, the final syllogism given here, poses several intriguing challenges. Observe
that this syllogism contains universal premises and a specific conclusion.
Its form is written out as

No P is M
All M is S

Some S is not P

And its diagram is rather easily drawn as


When we attempt to read the conclusion, we see that the SMP class contains no ‘X’. We
must infer that the syllogism is incorrect since ‘Some S is not P’ cannot be written down.

Nevertheless, if we know that M exists, all members of M must belong to the SMP class.
These M’s are also S’s. Consequently, we know that some S’s are not P’s. In other words,
the EOA―4 syllogism is correct if the additional premise ‘M exists’ is known beforehand.

The majority of current logicians have reached the conclusion that we should not infer
the existence of any class without proof.
y We wish to discuss hypothetical entities without presuming their reality.
y For instance, in science and mathematics, our logic applies when discussing circles,
points, frictionless planes, and freely falling things, despite the fact that these phenomena
do not exist physically.
y This graphic depicts the modern subject known as the dilemma of existential significance.
When can we conclude that something exists? How does this result impact our logical
validity theory?

1. It is necessary to draw all conceivable 3. If the conclusion can be derived from
Venn diagrams. one of the two potential Venn diagrams
2. If a conclusion can be inferred from all but not from the other, the conclusion is
feasible solutions, then it is valid. considered incorrect.

Syllogisms 9
Practice Exercise 1

1. Directions: In the following questions a Solutions

set of statements are followed by con- (A) If only conclusion I follows.
clusions numbered I and II. You have to (B) If only conclusion II follows.
take the given statements to be true even (C) If both conclusions I and II follow.
if they seem to be at variance with com- (D) If either conclusion I or II follows.
monly known facts. Read all the conclu- (E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
sions and then decide which of the giv-
3. Directions: In the following questions a
en conclusions logically follows the given
set of statements are followed by con-
statements disregarding common facts.
clusions numbered I to IV. You have to
take the given statements to be true even
No Wi-Fi is tablet.
if they seem to be at variance with com-
Some tablets are pen drives.
monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
All pen drives are watches.
sions and then decide which of the given
conclusions logically follows the given
I. No watch is Wi-Fi.
statements disregarding common facts.
II. Some watches are tablets.
Some greens are pinks.
(A) If only conclusion I follows.
Some pinks are reds.
(B) If only conclusion II follows.
All reds are yellows.
(C) If both conclusions I and II follow.
No yellow is white.
(D) If either conclusion I or II follows.
(E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
I. Some yellows are greens.
2. Directions: In the following questions a II. Some reds are white.
set of statements are followed by con- III. Some greens are reds.
clusions numbered I and II. You have to IV. No white is red.
take the given statements to be true Solutions
even if they seem to be at variance with (A) If only conclusion I follows.
commonly known facts. Read all the con- (B) If only conclusion I and II follow.
clusions and then decide which of the (C) If both conclusions II, and III follows.
given conclusions logically follows the (D) If only conclusions III, and IV follow.
given statements disregarding common (E) If only conclusion IV follows.
4. Directions: In the following questions a
set of statements are followed by conclu-
All controls are passes.
sions numbered I to IV. You have to take
All passes are clicks.
the given statements to be true even if
they seem to be at variance with common-
I. All clicks are controls.
ly known facts. Read all the conclusions
II. All passes are controls.

10 Syllogisms
and then decide which of the given con- (B) If only conclusion II, and III follow.
clusions logically follows the given state- (C) If only conclusion I, III, and IV follows.
ments disregarding common facts. (D) If only conclusions II, III, and IV follow.
Statements (E) All the conclusions follow.
All planes are computers.
6. Directions: In the following questions a
All computers are books.
set of statements are followed by conclu-
All books are shoes.
sions numbered I to IV. You have to take
All shoes are boats.
the given statements to be true even if
they seem to be at variance with com-
I. Some boats are books.
monly known facts. Read all the con-
II. All computers are shoes.
clusions and then decide which of the
III. Some shoes are planes.
given conclusions logically follows the
IV. All planes are shoes.
given statements disregarding common
(A) If only conclusion I, II, and III follow.
(B) If only conclusion I, II, and IV follow.
Some heaters are sweaters.
(C) If only conclusion II, III, and IV follows.
Some tumblers are heaters.
(D) If only conclusion I, III, and IV follow.
All sweaters are generators.
(E) If all conclusions follow.
5. Directions: In the following questions a I. Some sweaters are heaters.
set of statements are followed by con- II. Some sweaters are not heaters.
clusions numbered I to IV. You have to III. Some generators are heaters.
take the given statements to be true IV. Some tumblers is sweaters.
even if they seem to be at variance with Solutions
commonly known facts. Read all the con- (A) If only conclusion I and II follows.
clusions and then decide which of the (B) If only conclusion I and III follow.
given conclusions logically follows the (C) If only conclusion III, and IV follows.
given statements disregarding common (D) If only conclusions I to IV follow.
facts. (E) None of these.
7. Directions: In the following questions a
Some fish are insects.
set of statements are followed by con-
Some insects are animals.
clusions numbered I and II. You have to
No animal is mammal.
take the given statements to be true
even if they seem to be at variance with
I. Some fish are mammals.
commonly known facts. Read all the con-
II. Some fish are animals.
clusions and then decide which of the
III. Some animals are insects.
given conclusions logically follows the
IV. No insect is mammal.
given statements disregarding common
(A) If only conclusion III follows.

Syllogisms 11
Statements take the given statements to be true even
No ball is base. if they seem to be at variance with com-
Some bases are baseballs. monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
All baseballs are baselines. sions and then decide which of the given
Conclusions conclusions logically follows the given
I. No baseline is ball. statements disregarding common facts.
II. Some baselines are bases. Statements
Solutions All creams are chutneys.
(A) If only conclusion I follows. All chutneys are jams.
(B) If only conclusion II follows. Conclusions
(C) If both conclusions I and II follow. I. All jams are creams.
(D) If either conclusion I or II follows. II. All chutneys are creams.
(E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows. Solutions
(A) If only conclusion I follows.
8. Directions: In the following questions a
(B) If only conclusion II follows.
set of statements are followed by con-
(C) If both conclusions I and II follow.
clusions numbered I and II. You have to
(D) If either conclusion I or II follows.
take the given statements to be true even
(E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
if they seem to be at variance with com-
monly known facts. Read all the conclu- 10. Directions: In the following questions a
sions and then decide which of the given set of statements are followed by con-
conclusions logically follows the given clusions numbered I to IV. You have to
statements disregarding common facts. take the given statements to be true even
Statements if they seem to be at variance with com-
No stabiliser is cockpit. monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
Some cockpits are rudders. sions and then decide which of the given
All rudders are spoilers. conclusions logically follows the given
Conclusions statements disregarding common facts.
I. No spoiler is cockpit. Statements
II. Some spoilers are cockpits. Some lotteries are donations.
Solutions Some donations are taxes.
(A) If only conclusion I follows. All taxes are penalties.
(B) If only conclusion II follows. No penalty is refund.
(C) If both conclusions I and II follow. Conclusions
(D) If either conclusion I or II follows. I. Some penalties are lotteries.
(E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows. II. Some taxes are refund.
III. Some lotteries are taxes.
9. Directions: In the following questions a IV. No refund is tax.
set of statements are followed by con- Solutions
clusions numbered I and II. You have to
(A) If only conclusion I follows.

12 Syllogisms
(B) If only conclusion I and II follow. Statements
(C) If both II, and III follows. Some shafts are blocks.
(D) If only III, and IV follow. Some blocks are pistons.
(E) If only IV follows. No pistons are bearings.
11. Directions: In the following questions a
I. Some shafts are bearings.
set of statements are followed by con-
II. Some shafts are pistons.
clusions numbered I to IV. You have to
take the given statements to be true even III. Some pistons are blocks.

if they seem to be at variance with com- IV. No block is bearing.

monly known facts. Read all the conclu- Solutions
sions and then decide which of the given (A) If only conclusion III follows.
conclusions logically follows the given (B) If only conclusion II, and III follow.
statements disregarding common facts. (C) If only conclusion I, III, and IV follows.
Statements (D) If only conclusions II, III, and IV follow.
All fish are tunas. (E) All the conclusions follow.
All tunas are toads.
13. Directions: In the following questions a
All toads are sharks.
set of statements are followed by con-
Some sharks are whales but no whale is
clusions numbered I to III. You have to
either toad, tuna, or fish.
take the given statements to be true even
if they seem to be at variance with com-
I. Some whales are tunas.
monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
II. Some sharks are fish.
sions and then decide which of the given
III. Some sharks are tunas.
conclusions logically follows the given
IV. All fish are toads.
Solutions statements disregarding common facts.

(A) If only conclusion I, II and III follow. Statements

(B) If only conclusion II, III, and IV follow. Some boys are grooms.
(C) If only conclusion I, III, and IV follows. Some grooms are fathers.
(D) If only conclusion I, III, and IV follow. Some fathers are teachers.
(E) If only conclusions III, and IV follow. Conclusions
I. Some boys are fathers.
12. Directions: In the following questions a II. Some grooms are teachers.
set of statements are followed by con- III. Some boys are teachers.
clusions numbered I to IV. You have to Solutions
take the given statements to be true even
(A) If only conclusion I and II follows.
if they seem to be at variance with com-
(B) If only conclusion I and III follow.
monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
(C) If only conclusion III, and IV follows.
sions and then decide which of the given
(D) If only conclusions I to IV follow.
conclusions logically follows the given
(E) None of these.
statements disregarding common facts.

Syllogisms 13
14. Directions: In the following questions a Solutions
set of statements are followed by con- (A) If only conclusion I follows.
clusions numbered I and II. You have to (B) If only conclusion II follows.
take the given statements to be true even (C) If both conclusions I and II follow.
if they seem to be at variance with com- (D) If either conclusion I or II follows.
monly known facts. Read all the conclu- (E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
sions and then decide which of the given
16. Directions: In the following questions a
conclusions logically follows the given
set of statements are followed by con-
statements disregarding common facts.
clusions numbered I and II. You have to
take the given statements to be true even
All human are batman.
if they seem to be at variance with com-
No batman is Tarzan.
monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
Some Tarzans are superman.
sions and then decide which of the given
conclusions logically follows the given
I. No batman is human.
statements disregarding common facts.
II. Some human are superman.
All vehicles are trucks.
(A) If only conclusion I follows.
Some trucks are cars.
(B) If only conclusion II follows.
(C) If both conclusions I and II follow.
I. Some cars are vehicles.
(D) If either conclusion I or II follows.
II. No car is vehicle.
(E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
15. Directions: In the following questions a (A) If only conclusion I follows.
set of statements are followed by con- (B) If only conclusion II follows.
clusions numbered I and II. You have to (C) If both conclusions I and II follow.
take the given statements to be true (D) If either conclusion I or II follows.
even if they seem to be at variance with (E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
commonly known facts. Read all the con-
17. Directions: In the following questions a
clusions and then decide which of the
set of statements are followed by con-
given conclusions logically follows the
clusions numbered I to IV. You have to
given statements disregarding common
take the given statements to be true even
if they seem to be at variance with com-
monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
Some cups are laptops.
sions and then decide which of the given
Some laptops are grippers.
conclusions logically follows the given
All grippers are laptops.
statements disregarding common facts.
I. Some laptops are laptops.
No TV is a USB.
II. Some laptops are cups.
Some USB are signals.

14 Syllogisms
All signals are set boxes. 19. Directions: In the following questions a
Conclusions set of statements are followed by conclu-
I. Some TV are signals. sions numbered I to IV. You have to take
II. All set boxes are signals. the given statements to be true even if
III. Some set boxes are USB. they seem to be at variance with com-
IV. No set box is TV. monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
Solutions sions and then decide which of the giv-
(A) If only conclusion I and II follow. en conclusions logically follows the given
(B) If only conclusion II, III, and IV follow. statements disregarding common facts.
(C) If only III follows. Statements
(D) If only III to IV follow. All libraries are laboratories.
(E) If either II or IV and III follows. All laboratories are research-centres.
18. Directions: In the following questions a All research-centres are universities.
set of statements are followed by con- Conclusions
clusions numbered I to IV. You have to I. Some universities are libraries.
take the given statements to be true even II. All laboratories are universities.
if they seem to be at variance with com- III. Some research-centres are libraries.
monly known facts. Read all the conclu- IV. All laboratories is libraries.
sions and then decide which of the given Solutions
conclusions logically follows the given (A) If only conclusion I and II follows.
statements disregarding common facts. (B) If only conclusion II and III follow.
Statements (C) If only conclusion III and IV follows.
All capsules are drops. (D) If only conclusions I and IV follow.
All drops are stones. (E) None of these.
All stones are cards.
20. Directions: In the following questions a
Some cards are systems but no system
set of statements are followed by con-
is either stone, drop or a capsule.
clusions numbered I to IV. You have to
take the given statements to be true even
I. Some systems are drops.
if they seem to be at variance with com-
II. Some cards are capsules.
monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
III. Some cards are drops.
sions and then decide which of the given
IV. All capsules are stones.
conclusions logically follows the given
statements disregarding common facts.
(A) If only conclusion I, II and III follow.
(B) If only conclusion II, III, and IV follow.
Some laptops are machines.
(C) If only conclusion I, III, and IV follows.
All machines are gadgets.
(D) If only conclusion II to IV follow.
Some gadgets are tools.
(E) If only conclusions III to IV follow.

Syllogisms 15
Conclusions commonly known facts. Read all the
I. Some machines are tools. conclusions and then decide which of
II. All laptops are gadgets. the given conclusions logically follows
III. Some laptops are gadgets. the given statements disregarding com-
IV. No machine is tool. mon facts.
Solutions Statements
(A) If only conclusion I follows. No penguin is oyster.
(B) If only conclusion II follow. Some oysters are quails.
(C) If only conclusion III follows. All quails are sharks.
(D) If only conclusions I and II follow. Conclusions
(E) If either conclusion I or IV and III I. No shark is oyster.
follow. II. Some sharks are oysters.
21. Directions: In the following questions a
(A) If only conclusion I follows.
set of statements are followed by con-
(B) If only conclusion II follows.
clusions numbered I and II. You have to
(C) If both conclusions I and II follow.
take the given statements to be true even
(D) If either conclusion I or II follows.
if they seem to be at variance with com-
(E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
sions and then decide which of the given 23. Directions: In the following questions a
conclusions logically follows the given set of statements are followed by con-
statements disregarding common facts. clusions numbered I and II. You have to
Statements take the given statements to be true even
No Trojan is virus. if they seem to be at variance with com-
Some viruses are goodies. monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
All goodies are bugs. sions and then decide which of the given
Conclusions conclusions logically follows the given
I. No bug is Trojan. statements disregarding common facts.
II. Some bugs are viruses. Statements
Solutions All eggplants are fruits.
(A) If only conclusion I follows. All fruits are spheres.
(B) If only conclusion II follows Conclusions
(C) If both conclusions I and II follow. I. All spheres are eggplants.
(D) If either conclusion I or II follows. II. All fruits are eggplants.
(E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows. Solutions
(A) If only conclusion I follows.
22. Directions: In the following questions a
(B) If only conclusion II follows.
set of statements are followed by con-
(C) If both conclusions I and II follow.
clusions numbered I and II. You have to
(D) If either conclusion I or II follows.
take the given statements to be true
(E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
even if they seem to be at variance with

16 Syllogisms
24. Directions: In the following questions a Some frogs are players but no player is
set of statements are followed by con- either metal, soup or a shoe.
clusions numbered I to IV. You have to Conclusions
take the given statements to be true even I. Some players are soups.
if they seem to be at variance with com- II. Some frogs are shoes.
monly known facts. Read all the conclu- III. Some frogs are soups.
sions and then decide which of the given IV. All shoes are metals.
conclusions logically follows the given Solutions
statements disregarding common facts. (A) If only conclusion I, II and III follow.
Statements (B) If only conclusion II, III, and IV follow.
Some cakes are biscuits. (C) If only conclusion I, III, and IV follows.
Some biscuits are breads. (D) If only conclusion II, and IV follow.
All breads are wafers. (E) If only conclusions III to IV follow.
No wafer is muffin.
26. Directions: In the following questions a
set of statements are followed by con-
I. Some wafers are cakes.
clusions numbered I to IV. You have to
II. Some breads are muffin.
take the given statements to be true even
III. Some cakes are breads.
if they seem to be at variance with com-
IV. No muffin is bread.
monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
sions and then decide which of the given
(A) If only conclusion I follows. conclusions logically follows the given
(B) If only conclusion I and II follow. statements disregarding common facts.
(C) If both II and III follows.
(D) If only III and IV follow.
Some cabins are rooms.
(E) If only IV follows.
Some rooms are flats.
No flat is apartment.
25. Directions: In the following questions a
set of statements are followed by con-
I. Some cabins are apartment.
clusions numbered I to IV. You have to
II. Some cabins are flats.
take the given statements to be true
III. Some flats are rooms.
even if they seem to be at variance with
IV. No room is apartment.
commonly known facts. Read all the con-
clusions and then decide which of the
given conclusions logically follows the (A) If only conclusion III follows.
given statements disregarding common (B) If only conclusion II and III follow.
facts. (C) If only conclusion I, III, and IV follows.
(D) If only conclusions II, III, and IV follow.
(E) All the conclusions follow.
All shoes are soups.
All soups are metals. 27. Directions: In the following questions
All metals are frogs. a set of statements are followed by

Syllogisms 17
conclusions numbered I to III. You have Solutions
to take the given statements to be true (A) If only conclusion I follows.
even if they seem to be at variance with (B) If only conclusion II follows.
commonly known facts. Read all the con- (C) If both conclusions I and II follow.
clusions and then decide which of the (D) If either conclusion I or II follows.
given conclusions logically follows the (E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
given statements disregarding common
29. Directions: In the following questions a
set of statements are followed by con-
clusions numbered I and II. You have to
Some glasses are plastics.
take the given statements to be true
Some plastics are carbons.
even if they seem to be at variance with
Some carbons are graphites.
commonly known facts. Read all the con-
clusions and then decide which of the
I. Some glasses are carbons.
given conclusions logically follows the
II. Some plastics are graphites.
given statements disregarding common
III. Some glasses are graphites.
(A) If only conclusion I and II follows.
Some farmers are workers.
(B) If only conclusion I and III follow.
Some workers are managers.
(C) If only conclusion II and III follows.
All managers are doctors.
(D) If conclusions I, II and III follow.
(E) If none of the conclusions follow.
I. Some doctors are workers.
28. Directions: In the following questions a II. Some doctors are farmers.
set of statements are followed by con- Solutions
clusions numbered I and II. You have to (A) If only conclusion I follows.
take the given statements to be true (B) If only conclusion II follows
even if they seem to be at variance with (C) If both conclusions I and II follow.
commonly known facts. Read all the con- (D) If either conclusion I or II follows.
clusions and then decide which of the (E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
given conclusions logically follows the
30. Directions: In the following questions a
given statements disregarding common
set of statements are followed by con-
clusions numbered I and II. You have to
take the given statements to be true even
No typist is editor.
if they seem to be at variance with com-
Some editors are managers.
monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
All managers are ladies.
sions and then decide which of the given
conclusions logically follows the given
I. No lady is typist.
statements disregarding common facts.
II. Some ladies are editors.

18 Syllogisms
Statements conclusions numbered I to IV. You have
All potholes are circles. to take the given statements to be true
Some circles are rims. even if they seem to be at variance with
Conclusions commonly known facts. Read all the
I. Some rims are potholes. conclusions and then decide which of
II. No rim is pothole. the given conclusions logically follows
Solutions the given statements disregarding com-
(A) If only conclusion I follows. mon facts.
(B) If only conclusion II follows. Statements
(C) If both conclusions I and II follow. All roofs are skates.
(D) If either conclusion I or II follows. All skates are windows.
(E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows. All windows are doors.
Some doors are driveways but no drive-
31. Directions: In the following questions a
way is either window, skate, or a roof.
set of statements are followed by con-
clusions numbered I to IV. You have to
I. Some driveways are skates.
take the given statements to be true even
II. Some doors are roofs.
if they seem to be at variance with com-
III. Some doors are skates.
monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
IV. All roofs are windows.
sions and then decide which of the given
conclusions logically follows the given
(A) If only conclusion I, II and III follow.
statements disregarding common facts.
(B) If only conclusion II, III, and IV follow.
(C) If only conclusion I, III, and IV follows.
No stapler is a pin.
(D) If only conclusion I, III, and IV follow.
Some pin are punches.
(E) If only conclusions III and IV follow.
All punches are clips.
Conclusions 33. Directions: In the following questions a
I. Some stapler are punches. set of statements are followed by con-
II. All clips are punches. clusions numbered I to IV. You have to
III. Some clips are pin. take the given statements to be true
IV. No clip are stapler. even if they seem to be at variance with
Solutions commonly known facts. Read all the con-
(A) If only conclusion I and II follow. clusions and then decide which of the
(B) If only conclusion II, III, and IV follow. given conclusions logically follows the
(C) If only III follows. given statements disregarding common
(D) If only III to IV follow. facts.
(E) If either II or IV and III follows. Statements
All seeds are soaps.
32. Directions: In the following questions
All soaps are salts.
a set of statements are followed by
All salts are sugars.

Syllogisms 19
Conclusions conclusions numbered I and II. You have
I. Some sugars are seeds. to take the given statements to be true
II. All soaps are sugars. even if they seem to be at variance with
III. Some salts are seeds. commonly known facts. Read all the
IV. All soaps is seeds. conclusions and then decide which of
Solutions the given conclusions logically follows
(A) If only conclusion I and II follows. the given statements disregarding com-
(B) If only conclusion II and III follow. mon facts.
(C) If only conclusion III to IV follows. Statements
(D) If only conclusions I to IV follow. No autoplay is auto-mode.
(E) None of these. All auto-links are autoplays.
34. Directions: In the following questions a Some auto-modes are autorickshaws.
set of statements are followed by con- Conclusions
clusions numbered I to IV. You have to I. No autoplay is auto-link.
take the given statements to be true even II. Some auto-links are autorickshaws.
if they seem to be at variance with com- Solutions
monly known facts. Read all the conclu- (A) If only conclusion I follows.
sions and then decide which of the given (B) If only conclusion II follows.
conclusions logically follows the given (C) If both conclusions I and II follow.
statements disregarding common facts. (D) If either conclusion I or II follows.
Statements (E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
Some rubbers are glasses.
36. Directions: In the following questions a
All glasses are asbestosis.
set of statements are followed by con-
Some asbestosis are plastics.
clusions numbered I and II. You have to
take the given statements to be true
I. Some glasses are plastics.
even if they seem to be at variance with
II. All rubbers are asbestosis.
commonly known facts. Read all the con-
III. Some rubbers are asbestosis.
clusions and then decide which of the
IV. No glass is plastic.
Solutions given conclusions logically follows the
given statements disregarding common
(A) If only conclusion I follows.
(B) If only conclusion II follow. facts.

(C) If only conclusion III follows. Statements

(D) If only conclusions I and II follow. Some hips are lips.
(E) If either conclusion I or IV and III Some lips are knees.
follow. All knees are elbows.
35. Directions: In the following questions I. Some elbows are lips.
a set of statements are followed by II. Some elbows are hips.

20 Syllogisms
Solutions Some gold are ivories.
(A) If only conclusion I follows. All ivories are oranges.
(B) If only conclusion II follows. Conclusions
(C) If both conclusions I and II follow. I. Some snow are ivories.
(D) If either conclusion I or II follows. II. All oranges are ivories.
(E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows. III. Some oranges are gold.
IV. No orange is snow.
37. Directions: In the following questions a
set of statements are followed by con-
(A) If only conclusion I and II follow.
clusions numbered I and II. You have to
(B) If only conclusion II, III, and IV follow.
take the given statements to be true even
(C) If only III follows.
if they seem to be at variance with com-
(D) If only III to IV follow.
monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
(E) If either II or IV and III follows.
sions and then decide which of the given
conclusions logically follows the given 39. Directions: In the following questions a
statements disregarding common facts. set of statements are followed by conclu-
Statements sions numbered I to IV. You have to take
All talons are raptors. the given statements to be true even if
Some raptors are molars. they seem to be at variance with com-
Conclusions monly known facts. Read all the con-
I. Some molars are talons. clusions and then decide which of the
II. No molar is talon. given conclusions logically follows the
Solutions given statements disregarding common
(A) If only conclusion I follows.
(B) If only conclusion II follows Statements
(C) If both conclusions I and II follow. Some clouds are smokes.
(D) If either conclusion I or II follows. Some smokes are planes.
(E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows. All planes are birds.
38. Directions: In the following questions a I. All smokes are birds.
set of statements are followed by con- II. Some birds are clouds.
clusions numbered I to IV. You have to III. Some clouds are planes.
take the given statements to be true
IV. All smokes are either clouds or
even if they seem to be at variance with
commonly known facts. Read all the con-
clusions and then decide which of the
(A) If only conclusion I, II and III follow.
given conclusions logically follows the
(B) If only conclusion II, III, and IV follow.
given statements disregarding common
(C) If only conclusion I, III, and IV follows.
(D) None of the conclusions follow.
(E) All the conclusions follow.
No snow is gold.

Syllogisms 21
40. Directions: In the following questions a Solutions
set of statements are followed by con- (A) If only conclusion I follows.
clusions numbered I to IV. You have to (B) If only conclusion II follows.
take the given statements to be true even (C) If both conclusions I and II follow.
if they seem to be at variance with com- (D) If either conclusion I or II follows.
monly known facts. Read all the conclu- (E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
sions and then decide which of the given
42. Directions: In the following questions a
conclusions logically follows the given
set of statements are followed by con-
statements disregarding common facts.
clusions numbered I and II. You have to
take the given statements to be true even
All sugars are crystals.
if they seem to be at variance with com-
All crystals are powders.
monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
All powders are seeds.
sions and then decide which of the given
conclusions logically follows the given
I. Some seeds are sugars.
statements disregarding common facts.
II. All crystals are seeds.
III. Some powders are sugars.
All journals are periodicals.
IV. All crystals is sugars.
Some periodicals are books.
(A) If only conclusion I and II follows.
I. Some books are journals.
(B) If only conclusion II and III follow.
II. No book is journal.
(C) If only conclusion III to IV follows.
(D) If only conclusions I to IV follow.
(A) If only conclusion I follows.
(E) None of these.
(B) If only conclusion II follows.
41. Directions: In the following questions a (C) If both conclusions I and II follow.
set of statements are followed by con- (D) If either conclusion I or II follows.
clusions numbered I and II. You have to (E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
take the given statements to be true even
43. Directions: In the following questions a
if they seem to be at variance with com-
set of statements are followed by con-
monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
clusions numbered I to IV. You have to
sions and then decide which of the given
take the given statements to be true even
conclusions logically follows the given
if they seem to be at variance with com-
statements disregarding common facts.
monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
sions and then decide which of the given
No expression is script.
conclusions logically follows the given
Some scripts are phonologies.
statements disregarding common facts.
All phonologies are rhythms.
No samosa is a dosa.
I. No rhythm is script.
Some dosa are jalebis.
II. Some rhythms are scripts.

22 Syllogisms
All jalebis are laddos. 45. Directions: In the following questions a
Conclusions set of statements are followed by con-
I. Some samosas are jalebis. clusions numbered I to IV. You have to
II. All laddos are jalebis. take the given statements to be true even
III. Some laddos are dosas. if they seem to be at variance with com-
IV. No laddo is samosa. monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
Solutions sions and then decide which of the given
(A) If only conclusion I and II follow. conclusions logically follows the given
(B) If only conclusion II, III, and IV follow. statements disregarding common facts.
(C) If only III follows. Statements
(D) If only III to IV follow. All speakers are devices.
(E) If either II or IV and III follows. All devices are modules.
All modules are cooling-fans.
44. Directions: In the following questions a
set of statements are followed by con-
I. Some cooling-fans are speakers.
clusions numbered I to IV. You have to
II. All devices are cooling-fans.
take the given statements to be true even
III. Some modules are speakers.
if they seem to be at variance with com-
IV. All devices is speakers.
monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
sions and then decide which of the given
(A) If only conclusion I and II follows.
conclusions logically follows the given
(B) If only conclusion II and III follow.
statements disregarding common facts.
(C) If only conclusion III to IV follows.
(D) If only conclusions I to IV follow.
All accounts are passwords.
(E) None of these.
All passwords are handles.
All handles are Sims. 46. Directions: In the following questions a
Some Sims are profiles but no profile is set of statements are followed by con-
either handle, password or an account. clusions numbered I and II. You have to
Conclusions take the given statements to be true even
I. Some profiles are passwords. if they seem to be at variance with com-
II. Some Sims are accounts. monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
III. Some Sims are passwords. sions and then decide which of the given
IV. All accounts are handles. conclusions logically follows the given
Solutions statements disregarding common facts.
(A) If only conclusion I, II and III follow. Statements
(B) If only conclusion II, III, and IV follow. All organisms are sponges.
(C) If only conclusion I, III, and IV follows. Some sponges are fungi.
(D) If only conclusion I, III, and IV follow. Conclusions
(E) If only conclusions III to IV follow. I. Some fungi are organisms.
II. No fungi is organism.

Syllogisms 23
Solutions conclusions logically follows the given
(A) If only conclusion I follows. statements disregarding common facts.
(B) If only conclusion II follows. Statements
(C) If both conclusions I and II follow. All rocks are stones.
(D) If either conclusion I or II follows. All stones are walls.
(E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows. All walls are castles.

47. Directions: In the following questions a Conclusions

set of statements are followed by con- I. Some castles are rocks.
clusions numbered I to IV. You have to II. All stones are castles.
take the given statements to be true III. Some walls are rocks.
even if they seem to be at variance with IV. All stones is rocks.
commonly known facts. Read all the con- Solutions
clusions and then decide which of the (A) If only conclusion I and II follows.
given conclusions logically follows the (B) If only conclusion II and III follow.
given statements disregarding common (C) If only conclusion III and IV follows.
facts. (D) If only conclusions I and IV follow.
Statements (E) None of these.
No motherboard is a processor.
Some processors are cards. 49. Directions: In the following questions a
All cards are cases. set of statements are followed by con-
Conclusions clusions numbered I and II. You have to
I. Some motherboard are cards. take the given statements to be true even
II. All cases are cards. if they seem to be at variance with com-
III. Some cases are processors. monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
IV. No case is motherboard. sions and then decide which of the given
Solutions conclusions logically follows the given
(A) If only conclusion I and II follow. statements disregarding common facts.
(B) If only conclusion II, III, and IV follow. Statements
(C) If only III follows. All disasters are incidents.
(D) If only III to IV follow. Some incidents are events.
(E) If either II or IV and III follows. Conclusions
I. Some events are disasters.
48. Directions: In the following questions a II. No event is disaster.
set of statements are followed by con- Solutions
clusions numbered I to IV. You have to
(A) If only conclusion I follows.
take the given statements to be true even
(B) If only conclusion II follows.
if they seem to be at variance with com-
(C) If both conclusions I and II follow.
monly known facts. Read all the conclu-
(D) If either conclusion I or II follows.
sions and then decide which of the given
(E) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.

24 Syllogisms
50. Directions: In the following questions a All writers are readers.
set of statements are followed by con- All readers are customers.
clusions numbered I to IV. You have to Conclusions
take the given statements to be true I. Some customers are writers.
even if they seem to be at variance with II. All authors are readers.
commonly known facts. Read all the con- III. Some readers are editors.
clusions and then decide which of the IV. All editors are readers.
given conclusions logically follows the Solutions
given statements disregarding common (A) If only conclusion I, II, and III follow.
facts. (B) If only conclusion I, II, and IV follow.
Statements (C) If only conclusion II, III, and IV follows.
All editors are authors. (D) If only conclusion I, III, and IV follow.
All authors are writers. (E) If all conclusions follow.


1. (B) Analysis of Conclusions:

Reference diagram: Conclusion I: Invalid
Conclusion II: Invalid
Wi-Fi 3. (E)
Reference diagram:

Greens Pinks Yellows Whites

Tablets Watches

Conclusion I: Invalid
Conclusion II: Valid
So, conclusion II follows. OR

2. (D) Greens

Reference diagram:
Whites Yellows

Passes Reds


Analysis of Conclusions:

Syllogisms 25
We can see that in both cases only con- Fish Insects Animals Mammals
clusion IV is valid.

4. (E)
Reference diagram:

Shoes Computers Conclusion I: Not valid
Boats Planes Conclusion II: Not valid
Conclusion III: Valid
Conclusion IV: Valid


Analysis: Fish Insects

Conclusion I: Valid
Conclusion II: Valid
Conclusion III: Valid
Conclusion IV: Valid
Therefore, all the four given conclusions Animals

Conclusion I: Valid
5. (A) Conclusion II: Valid
Reference diagram: Conclusion III: Valid
Conclusion IV: Valid
Mammals Fish Insects Animals
Analysis of Conclusions: There are three
major cases as shown above, and we can
see only conclusion III is consistently
valid. So, option (A) is correct answer.

6. (B)
Conclusion I: Valid Ist, IInd, diagram is incorrect.
Conclusion II: Not valid Reference diagram:
Conclusion III: Valid Sweaters

Conclusion IV: Valid

Heaters Generators


26 Syllogisms
Conclusion I: Valid Analysis:
Conclusion II: Not valid Conclusion I: Invalid
Conclusion III: Valid Conclusion II: Valid
Conclusion IV: Valid So, conclusion II follows
8. (D)
Tumblers Heaters Sweaters
Generators Incorrect answer and diagram
Reference diagram:
Conclusion I is valid, but II is not valid.

Conclusion I: Not valid Stablizers

Conclusion II: Not valid
Conclusion III: Valid
Conclusion IV: Not valid
Heaters Rudders

Conclusion II is valid, but I is invalid.


Stablizers Rudders

Conclusion I: Valid Cockpits Spoiler
Conclusion II: Not valid
Conclusion III: Valid 9. (D)
Conclusion IV: Valid Reference diagram:
Analysis of Conclusions: As can be seen
here, in all the cases conclusion I and III
II are always valid. Therefore, option (B)
is the correct answer.

7. (B)
Reference diagram:
Analysis of Conclusions:
Conclusion I: Invalid
Conclusion II: Invalid
Bases Baseline

Syllogisms 27
10. (E) Conclusion III Valid
Write analysis of both diagrams- Conclusion IV Valid
Reference diagram: Therefore, only conclusions II, III, and IV
Lotteries Donations Panelties Refunds
12. (A)
Reference diagram:

Bearings Shafts Blocks Pistons



Lotteries Conclusion I: Valid

Conclusion II: Not valid
Conclusion III: Valid
Conclusion IV: Valid
Refunds Panelties

Shafts Blocks Pistons Bearings


Analysis of Conclusions:
We can see that in both cases only con-
clusion IV is valid.
Conclusion I: Not valid
11. (B) Conclusion II: Not valid
Reference diagram: Conclusion III: Valid
Tunas Conclusion IV: Valid
Toads Fish
Sharks OR

Whales Fish Insects

Conclusion I Invalid
Conclusion II Valid

28 Syllogisms
Conclusion I: Valid Superman
Conclusion II: Valid
Conclusion III: Valid Trazens

Conclusion IV: Not valid

Analysis of Conclusions: There are three Batman
major cases as shown above, and we can
see only conclusion III is consistently Humans
valid. So, option (A) is correct answer.

13. (B) Analysis:

Incorrect analysis and answer. Conclusion I: Invalid
Reference diagram: Conclusion II: Valid
Boys Grooms Fathers Teachers So, conclusion II follows.

15. (A)
Incorrect answer, diagram and analysis.
Reference diagram:
OR Cups

Boys Fathers


Grooms Teachers Conclusion I: Invalid
Conclusion II: Valid
Analysis of Conclusions: As can be seen So, only conclusion I follows.
here, in all the cases conclusion I and II
are always valid. Therefore, option (B) is 16. (D)
the correct answer. Reference diagram:

Vehicles Vehicles
14. (B)
Incorrect answer, diagram and analysis.
Reference diagram:

Trucks Trucks

Syllogisms 29
Analysis of Conclusions: Analysis:
Conclusion I is particular affirmative. Conclusion I: Invalid
Conclusion II is universal negative Conclusion II: Valid
proposition. Conclusion III: Valid
Hence, either conclusion I or conclusion Conclusion IV: Valid
II follows. Therefore, the given conclusions II, III,
and IV follow.
17. (C)
Reference diagram: 19. (E)
Reference diagram:
Signals Laboratories
Research-centres Libraries



Tvs USBs

Analysis of Conclusions: Conclusions I,

II, and III follow but conclusion IV does
not. Now, option (A) suggest only I and
II follow, so it is incorrect as III also fol-
lows. Option (B) suggest only II and III
Analysis of Conclusions:
follow, whereas I also follow. Option
In first case, only conclusions III to IV
(C) and (D) mentions IV as valid con-
are valid; whereas in second case con-
clusion, thus making these options as
clusions I and III are valid. Therefore, we
incorrect. Since, none of the options
now conclusion III is always valid.
tells that all the three (I, II, and III) fol-
18. (B) lows, therefore, we will mark (E) as the
Reference diagram: correct option.

Drops 20. (C)

Stones Capsules
Cards Both diagrams are same. Make different
cases as required by the question.
Reference diagram:


30 Syllogisms
Laptops So, conclusion II follows
Machines 22. (B)
Diagram is incorrect.
Reference diagram:
Incorrect: Conclusion I is valid, but II is
not valid.

Laptops Tools


Conclusion II is valid, but conclusion I is

Machines Gadgets
Penguins Quails
Analysis of Conclusions:
Conclusion I: Valid, only if conclusion IV
is invalid.
Conclusion II: Not valid. Oysters Sharks
Conclusion III: Valid.
Conclusion IV: Valid, only if conclusion I 23. (E)
is invalid. Reference diagram:
21. (B)
Incorrect answer and conclusion.
Reference diagram: Fruits


Analysis of Conclusions
Conclusion I: Invalid
Viruses Bugs
Conclusion II: Invalid

Analysis: 24. (E)

Conclusion I: Invalid Error in the second diagram.
Conclusion II: Valid Reference diagram:

Syllogisms 31
Cakes Biscuits Wafers Muffin Apartments Cabins Rooms Flats


Conclusion I: Valid
Conclusion II: Not valid
Cakes Conclusion III: Valid
Conclusion IV: Valid
Salt Wafers
Cabins Rooms Flats Apartments



Analysis of Conclusions:
We can see that in both cases only con- Conclusion I: Not valid
clusion IV is valid. Conclusion II: Not valid
Conclusion III: Valid
25. (B)
Conclusion IV: Valid
Reference diagram:
Metals Shoes
Frogs Apartments

Cabins Rooms

Conclusion I Invalid Flats
Conclusion II Valid
Conclusion III Valid Conclusion I: Valid
Conclusion IV Valid Conclusion II: Valid
Therefore, conclusions II, III, and IV follow. Conclusion III: Valid
Conclusion IV: Not valid
26. (A)
Analysis of Conclusions: There are three
Reference diagram: major cases as shown above, and we can

32 Syllogisms
see only conclusion III is consistently 29. (A)
valid. So, option (A) is correct answer. Reference diagram:

27. (B) Doctors

Reference diagram:

Glasses Plastics Carbons Graphites


OR Analysis:
Conclusion I: Valid
Glasses Carbons
Conclusion II: Invalid
So, only conclusion I follows.

30. (D)
Reference diagram:

Potholes Potholes

Plastics Graphites

Analysis of Conclusions: As can be seen

here, in all the cases conclusion I and II
Circles Circles
are always valid. Therefore, option (B) is
the correct answer. Rims

28. (B) Analysis of Conclusions:

Reference diagram: Conclusion I is particular affirmative.
Managers Conclusion II is universal negative
Typist proposition.
Hence, either conclusion I or conclusion
II follows.

31. (C)
Reference diagram:

Analysis: Staplers
Conclusion I: Invalid Pins
Conclusion II: Valid
So, conclusion II follows.


Syllogisms 33
OR Analysis of Conclusions: Conclusions I, II,
Clips and III are follow but conclusion IV does
Staplers Pins
not. Now, option (A) suggest only I and
II follow, so it is incorrect as III also fol-
lows. Option (B) suggest only II and III
follow, whereas I also follow. Option (C)
Punches and (D) mentions IV as valid conclusion,

Analysis of Conclusions: thus making these options as incorrect.

In first case, only conclusions III to IV are Since, none of the options tells that all

valid; whereas in second case conclu- the three (I, II, and III) follows, therefore,

sions I and III are valid. Therefore, con- we will mark (E) as the correct option.

clusion III is always valid.

34. (E) and (C)
32. (B)
Reference diagram:
Reference diagram:
Windows Roofs Rubbers
Doors Asbestosis



Analysis: OR
Conclusion I Invalid
Conclusion II Valid Rubbers Plastics
Conclusion III Valid
Conclusion IV Valid
Therefore, conclusions II, III, and IV follow.
33. (E)
Reference diagram:
Soaps Glasses Asbestosis
Salts Seeds
Sugars Analysis of Conclusions:
Conclusion I: Valid, only if conclusion IV
is invalid.
Conclusion II: Not valid.
Conclusion III: Valid.
Conclusion IV: Valid, only if conclusion I
is invalid.

34 Syllogisms
35. (B) Analysis of Conclusions:
Reference diagram: Conclusion I is particular affirmative.
Auto-modes Conclusion II is universal negative
Auto-modes Hence, either conclusion I or conclusion
II follows.
38. (C)
Reference diagram:
Analysis: Golds
Conclusion I: Invalid
Conclusion II: Valid
So, conclusion II follows.
36. (A)
Reference diagram: OR

Elbows Oranges
Hips Snows Golds

Analysis of Conclusions:
In first case, only conclusions III to IV are
valid; whereas in second case conclu-
Conclusion I Valid
sions I and III are valid. Therefore, con-
Conclusion II Invalid
clusion III is always valid.
So, only conclusion I follows.
39. (D)
37. (D)
First diagram is incorrect.
Reference diagram:
Reference diagram:
Tolans Tolans
Clouds Smokes Birds

Raptors Raptors

Syllogisms 35
OR 41. (B)

Clouds Smokes
Conclusion I is valid, but conclusion II is
not valid.
Conclusion I is valid, but conclusion II is
not valid.


Planes Birds

Though conclusions II and III are valid as
per figure 2 above, but as figure I sug- Conclusion II is valid, but I is invalid.
gests none of the given conclusions are
Expressions Phonologies
valid. Therefore, we take (D) as correc-
tion option.

40. (E)
Reference diagram: Scripts Rhythms

Powders Sugars 42. (D)
Seeds Reference diagram:

Journals Journals

Analysis of Conclusions: Conclusions I, II, Periodicals Periodicals

and III are follow but conclusion IV does Books
not. Now, option (A) suggest only I and
II follow, so it is incorrect as III also fol-
lows. Option (B) suggest only II and III Analysis of Conclusions:
follow, whereas I also follow. Option (C) Conclusion I is particular affirmative.
and (D) mentions IV as valid conclusion, Conclusion II is universal negative
thus making these options as incorrect. proposition.
Since, none of the options tells that all Hence, either conclusion I or conclusion
the three (I, II, and III) follows, therefore, II follows.
we will mark (E) as the correct option.

36 Syllogisms
43. (C) 45. (E)
Reference diagram: Reference diagram:

Samosas Devices
Dosas Modules Speakers


Samosas Dosas
Analysis of Conclusions: Conclusions I, II,
and III are follow but conclusion IV does
not. Now, option (A) suggest only I and
II follow, so it is incorrect as III also fol-
lows. Option (B) suggest only II and III

Analysis of Conclusions: follow, whereas I also follow. Option (C)

In first case, only conclusions III to IV are and (D) mentions IV as valid conclusion,

valid; whereas in second case conclu- thus making these options as incorrect.

sions I and III are valid. Therefore, con- Since, none of the options tells that all

clusion III is always valid. the three (I, II, and III) follows, therefore,
we will mark (E) as the correct option.
44. (B)
46. (D)
Reference diagram:
Reference diagram:
Handles Accounts Organisms Organisms

Sponges Sponges

Conclusion I Invalid Analysis of Conclusions:
Conclusion II Valid Conclusion I is particular affirmative.
Conclusion III Valid Conclusion II is universal negative
Conclusion IV Valid proposition.
Therefore, conclusions II, III, and IV follow. Hence, either conclusion I or conclusion
II follows.

Syllogisms 37
47. (C) options as incorrect. Since, none of the
Motherboard options tells that all the three (I, II, and
Processors III) follows, therefore, we will mark (E) as
the correct option.

49. (D)
Cases Reference diagram:
Disasters Disasters
Motherboard Processors

Incidents Incidents
Cards Events

Analysis of Conclusions: Analysis of Conclusions:

In first case, only conclusions III to IV are Conclusion I is particular affirmative.
valid; whereas in second case conclu- Conclusion II is universal negative
sions I and III are valid. Therefore, con- proposition.
clusion III is always valid. Hence, either conclusion I or conclusion
II follows.
48. (E)
Reference diagram: 50. (E)
Stones Reference diagram:
Walls Rocks Writers
Castles Readers Authors
Customers Editors

Analysis of Conclusions:
Conclusions I, II, and III are follow but
conclusion IV does not. Now, option (A) Analysis:
suggest only I and II follow, so it is in- Conclusion I: Valid
correct as III also follows. Option (B) Conclusion II: Valid
suggest only II and III follow, whereas I Conclusion III: Valid
also follow. Option (C) and (D) mentions Conclusion IV: Valid
IV as valid conclusion, thus making these Therefore, all the four conclusions follow.

38 Syllogisms
Practice Exercise 2
(Only and Only a Few)

1. Statements Solutions
Only Digital is Analog. (A) Only I follows.
No Digital is Automatic. (B) Only II follows.
Conclusions (C) Only III follows.
I. Some Digitals are Automatic. (D) II and III follow.
II. Some Analogs can be Automatic. (E) None of the above.
4. Statements
(A) If only conclusion I follows.
Only a few nozzles are taps.
(B) If only conclusion II follows.
Only a few taps are pipes.
(C) If either conclusion I or II follows.
All pipes are grippers.
(D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
(E) If both conclusions I and II follow.
I. All nozzles being tap is a possibility
2. Statements II. No gripper is a nozzle.
Only a few patients are technicians. Solutions
Only a few technicians are doctors. (A) If only conclusion I follows.
No doctor is researchers. (B) If only conclusion II follows.
Conclusions (C) If either conclusion I or II follows.
I. All patients being doctor is a possibility. (D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
II. Some technicians are not researchers. (E) If both conclusions I and II follow.
Solutions 5. Statements
(A) If only conclusion I follows. Only a few pipes are wires.
(B) If only conclusion II follows. Some wire are flats.
(C) If either conclusion I or II follows. Conclusions
(D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows. I. Some pipes are flats.
(E) If both conclusions I and II follow. II. No flat is pipe.
3. Statements
(A) If only conclusion I follows.
Some mothers are aunts.
(B) If only conclusion II follows.
Only a few aunt is daughters.
(C) If either conclusion I or II follows.
All daughters are professors.
(D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
(E) If both conclusions I and II follow.
I. All daughters are mothers.
II. At least some professors are aunts. 6. Statements
III. Some professors being mothers is a All cream is gel.
possibility. Some gel is lotions.
No lotion is a pastes.

Syllogisms 39
Conclusions No scooter is bike.
I. Only a few cream is lotion. All bikes are wagons.
II. Some paste being gel is a possibility. Conclusions
Solutions I. All rickshaws are scooter is a possibility.
(A) Either I or II follows. II. Some wagons can never be scooters.
(B) Both I and II follow. Solutions
(C) Only I follows. (A) If only conclusion I follows.
(D) Neither I nor II follows. (B) If only conclusion II follows.
(E) Only II follows. (C) If either conclusion I or II follows.
(D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
7. Statements
(E) If both conclusions I and II follow.
Only documents is reports.
Only a few document is journals. 10. Statements
Few journal is blogs. Some Asians are Americans.
Conclusions Only a few Europeans are Americans.
I. Some reports is blogs. All Europeans are Latins.
II. Some journals is documents. Conclusions
Solutions I. All Americans being Europeans is a
(A) If only conclusion I follows. possibility.
(B) If only conclusion II follows. II. Some Latins are Asians.
(C) If either conclusion I or II follows. Solutions
(D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows. (A) If only conclusion I follows.
(E) If both conclusions I and II follow. (B) If only conclusion II follows.
(C) If either conclusion I or II follows.
8. Statements
(D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
No Xs’ is Ys’.
(E) If both conclusions land II follow.
Only a few Zs’ is As’.
All As’ is Xs’. 11. Statements
Conclusions All teachers are professors.
I. Some Zs’ is Ys’. Some professors are doctors.
II. Zs’ is Ys’. Only a few doctor are interns.
Solutions Conclusions
(A) If only conclusion I follows. I. Some interns can never be teachers.
(B) If only conclusion II follows. II. Some interns can be teachers.
(C) If either conclusion I or II follows. Solutions
(D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows. (A) If only conclusion I follows.
(E) If both conclusions I and II follow. (B) If only conclusion II follows.
9. Statements (C) If either conclusion I or II follows.
Only a few rickshaws are scooters. (D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.

40 Syllogisms
(E) If both conclusions I and II follow. Solutions
(A) Only I follows.
12. Statements
(B) Only II follows.
All visas are warrents.
(C) Only III follows.
Only a few warrent is signal.
(D) Either I or III follows.
Some signals are memos.
(E) None of these.
I. Some memos are not warrent. 15. Statements
II. All signals are visa. Some Systems are algorithms.
III. All warrents are signals is a possibility. No algorithm is software.
Solutions Only a few software are puzzles.
(A) Only I follows. Conclusions
(B) I and II follow. I. All software are puzzles.
(C) I and III follow. II. Some systems are not software.
(D) Only III follows. Solutions
(E) None follows. (A) If only conclusion I follows.
(B) If only conclusion II follows.
13. Statements
(C) If either conclusion I or II follows.
All watches are sunglasses.
(D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
Only a few sunglasses are tiepins.
(E) If both conclusions I and II follow
Some tiepins are bracellets.
Conclusions 16. Statements
I. Some bracellets are not sunglasses. Only a few Printers are Scanners.
II. All tiepins are watches. Only a few Scanners are Keyboards.
Solutions No Keyboard is Cameras.
(A) If only conclusion I follows. Conclusions
(B) If only conclusion II follows. I. Some Printers can be Keyboards.
(C) If either conclusion I or II follows. II. Some Scanners can be Cameras.
(D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows. Solutions
(E) If both conclusions land II follow. (A) If only conclusion I follows.
(B) If only conclusion II follows.
14. Statements
(C) If either conclusion I or II follows.
All Tractors are Bulldozers.
(D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
Some Bulldozer is Crains.
(E) If both conclusions I and II follow.
No Crain is heavy.
Conclusions 17. Statements
I. At least some heavy is Tractor. No Xs’ is Ys’.
II. Few Crain being Tractor is a possibility. Only a few Zs’ is As’.
III. No heavy is Bulldozer. All As’ is Xs’.

Syllogisms 41
Conclusions Only railway stations are bus stands.
I. Some Zs’ is Ys’. Conclusion
II. No Zs’ is Ys’. I. All parking lots can never be runways.
Solutions II. All railway stations are parking lots.
(A) If only conclusion I follows. Solutions
(B) If only conclusion II follows. (A) If only conclusion I follows.
(C) If either conclusion I or II follows. (B) if only conclusion II follows.
(D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows. (C) If either conclusion I or II follows.
(E) If both conclusions I and II follow. (D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
(E) If both conclusions I and II follow.
18. Statements
Only a few Pizzas are Burgers. 21. Statements
No Burgers are Pastas. Only a few jigsaws are patterns.
Conclusions All patterns are mosiacs.
I. Some Pizzas are Pastas. Some mosiacs are designs.
II. All Pizzas can never be Pastas. Conclusions
Solutions I. All designs being pattern is a
(A) If only conclusion I follows. possibility.
(B) If only conclusion II follows. II. All patterns are jigsaws.
(C) If either conclusion I or II follows. Solutions
(D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows. (A) If only conclusion I follows.
(E) If both conclusions I and II follow. (B) If only conclusion II follows.
(C) If either conclusion I or II follows.
19. Statements
(D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
Only a few As’ are Bs’.
(E) If both conclusions I and II follow.
Only a few Bs’ are Cs’.
All Cs’ are Ds’. 22. Statements
Conclusions Few Pens is nibs.
I. Some As’ can be Cs’. Only a few clip is inks.
II. All Bs’ being Cs’ is a possibility. No ink is nibs.
Solutions Conclusions
(A) If only conclusion I follows. I. Some clips being nibs is a possibility.
(B) If only conclusion II follows. II. All pens being nibs is a possibility.
(C) If either conclusion I or II follows. Solutions
(D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows. (A) If only conclusion I follows.
(E) If both conclusions I and II follow. (B) If only conclusion II follows.
(C) If either conclusion I or II follows.
20. Statements
(D) If neither conclusion I nor 11 follows.
Only a few runways are parking lots.
(E) If both conclusions I and II follow.
All bus stands are runways.

42 Syllogisms
23. Statements 26. Statements
All ice cream is vanillas. Some Pillows are Beds.
All vanilla is chocolates. All Beds are Sheets.
Only a few strawberries are chocolates. Some Runners are not Sheets.
Conclusions Conclusions
I. All strawberries are vanilla. I. Some Beds are not Runners.
II. Some ice creams are chocolates. II. Some Beds can never be Pillows.
Solutions Solutions
(A) If only conclusion I follows. (A) If only conclusion I follows.
(B) If only conclusion II follows. (B) If only conclusion II follows.
(C) If either conclusion I or II follows. (C) If either conclusion I or II follows.
(D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows. (D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
(E) If both conclusion I and II follow. (E) If both conclusions I and II follow.

24. Statements 27. Statements

All glasses are pads. Only a few friend is relative.
Only a few pad is gloves. All relative is brother.
All helmet are pads. Some brother is colleagues.
Conclusions Conclusions
I. Few helmet are gloves. I. All brothers is friends is a possibility.
II. Only helmet is glass is a possibility. II. Some relatives is colleagues.
III. All pad is glass is a possibility. Solutions
Solutions (A) If only conclusion I follows.
(A) I and II follow. (B) If only conclusion II follows.
(B) I and III follow. (C) If either conclusion I or II follows.
(C) II and III follow. (D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
(D) All follow. (E) If both conclusions I and II follow.
(E) None of these.
28. Statements
25. Statements Only a few coffees are toffee.
Some websites are apps. Some toffees are stick jaws.
Only a few apps is surveys. Conclusions
No survey is websites. Some coffees are stick jaws
Conclusions No stick jaw is coffee.
I. All surveys being apps is a possibility. Solutions
II. All apps are surveys is a possibility. (A) If only conclusion I follows.
(A) If only conclusion I follows. (B) If only conclusion II follows.
(B) If only conclusion II follows. (C) If either conclusion I or II follows.
(C) If either conclusion I or II follows. (D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
(D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows. (E) If both conclusions I and II follow.
(E) If both conclusions I and II follow.

Syllogisms 43

1. (D)

Analog Automatic


2. (E)

Patients cians Doctors Resea-

3. (D)

Mothers Aunts Daughters


4. (D)

Nozzle Tap Pipe Gripper

5. (C)

Pipes Wires Flats

44 Syllogisms
6. (E)



7. (B)

Journals Blogs

8. (C)

Zs’ As’

9. (B)

Rickshaws Scooters


10. (A)

Asians Europeans


Syllogisms 45
11. (B)

Teachers Doctors Interns


12. (E)

Signals Memos


13. (D)




14. (B)

Tractors Crains Heavy


15. (B)

Systems Algorithims Softwares Puzzles

46 Syllogisms
16. (E)

Printers Scanners Keyboards Cameras

17. (C)

Zs’ As’

18. (B)


Pizzas Burgers

19. (A)

As’ Bs’ Cs’ Ds’

20. (D)


Parking lots


Syllogisms 47
21. (A)

Jigsaws Patterns Mosiacs Designs

22. (E)

Pens Nibs Inks Clips

23. (B)



24. (C)




48 Syllogisms
25. (A)



26. (D)

Pillows Beds


27. (A)

Friends Relatives Colleagues


28. (C)

Coffee Toffee Stick jaws

Syllogisms 49
Practice Exercise 3
(Possibility Type)

Directions: In the questions below some Solutions

statements are given and these statements (A) Only I follows.
are followed by some conclusions. You have (B) Only II follows.
to take the given statements to be true even (C) Both I and II follow.
if they seem to be at variance from com- (D) Neither I nor II follows.
monly known facts. Read the conclusions (E) Either I or II follows.
and then decide which of the given conclu-
sions logically follows from the given state- 3. Statements
ments, disregarding commonly known facts. All stapler are nails.
No nails is an hammers.
1. Statements All hammers are pliars.
No swimmers is sprinters. Conclusions
All sprinters are players. I. All stapler being pliars is a possibility.
No players is an athletes II. All hammers being stapler is a
Conclusions possibility.
I. No swimmers is an athletes. Solutions
II. All swimmers being players is a (A) If only conclusion I follows.
(B) If only conclusions II follows.
(C) If either conclusion I or conclusion II
(A) If only conclusion I follows. follows.
(B) If only conclusions II follows. (D) If neither conclusion I nor conclusion
(C) If either conclusion I and II follows. II follows.
(D) If neither conclusion I nor conclusion (E) If both conclusion I and conclusion II
II follows. follow.
(E) If both conclusion I and conclusion II
follows. 4. Statements
All Rums are Whiskeys.
2. Statements Some Tonics are Whiskeys.
All Calendars are Calculators. All Tonics are Wines.
No Calculator is Scanners. Conclusions
Some Scanners are Printers. I. Some Tonics being Rum is a possibility
Conclusions II. Some Wines being Rum is a possibility.
I. Some Scanners being Calendars is a Solutions
(A) Only I follows.
II. All the Calculators being Printers is a
(B) Only II follows.
(C) Either I or II follows.

50 Syllogisms
(D) Neither I nor II follows. Conclusions
(E) Both I and II follow. I. All magazines can never be e-books.
II. All journals being e-books is a
5. Statements
Some Sunglasses are Wineglasses. Solutions
All Wineglasses are Tea Cups. (A) If only conclusion I follows.
All Tea Cups are Paper Cups. (B) If only conclusions II follows.
Some Paper Cups are Steel Jugs. (C) If either conclusion I and II follows.
Conclusions (D) If neither conclusion I nor conclusion
I. All Paper Cups being Sunglasses is a II follows.
possibility. (E) If both conclusion I and conclusion II
II. Some Steel Jugs are Tea Cups. follows.
III. All Tea Cups being Wineglasses is a
possibility. 8. Statements
Solutions All Switches are Plugs.
(A) Only I follows. No Plug is a Holder.
Some Holders are Clampers.
(B) Only III follows.
(C) Both I and III follow.
I. Some Holders being Switches is a
(D) Both II and III follow.
(E) Only II follows.
II. Some Clampers being Switches is a
6. Statements possibility.
All Wallets are Purses. III. All Switches being Clampers is not a
Some Purses are Pockets. possibility.
Some Pockets are Lockers. Solutions

Conclusions (A) Only I and II follow.

(B) Only II and III follow.
I. Some Wallets being Pockets is a
(C) Only I and III follow.
(D) Only II follows.
II. Some Wallets are Lockers.
(E) All follow.
(A) Only I follows. 9. Statements
(B) Only II follows. No Kellogg’s are a Nestle.
(C) Either I or II follows. All Nestle are Pepsi.
(D) Neither I nor II follows. All Pepsi are Coke.
(E) Both I and II follow. Conclusions
I. All Nestle are Coke.
7. Statements II. At least some Coke are Pepsi.
Some e-books are blogs. Solutions
All e-books are magazines. (A) If only conclusion I follow.
No magazines is a journals. (B) If only conclusion II follow.

Syllogisms 51
(C) If either conclusion I or conclusion II I. All Coffee are Cookies.
follows. II. No Toffee is a Cookies.
(D) If neither conclusion I nor conclusion Solutions
II follows. (A) If only conclusion I follow.
(E) If both the conclusions follow. (B) If only conclusion II follow.
(C) If either conclusion I or conclusion II
10. Statements
All Laptops are Smartphones.
(D) If neither conclusion I nor conclusion
No Smartphone is an AirPods.
II follows.
Some AirPods are Headphones.
(E) If both the conclusions follow.
I. All Headphones being Laptops is a 12. Statements
possibility. Some Keyboard are Monitor.
II. All Laptops being Headphones is a Some Monitor are Mouse.
possibility. No Mouse is a Computer.
Solutions Conclusions
(A) Only I follows. I. All the Computers being Keyboard is
(B) Only II follows. a possibility.
(C) Either I or II follows. II. All the Keyboard being Computers is
(D) Neither I nor II follows. a possibility.
(E) Both I and II follow. Solutions
(A) Only I follows.
11. Statements
(B) Only II follows.
Some Coffee are Toffees.
(C) Both I and II follow.
All Toffees are Biscuits.
(D) Neither I nor II follows.
No Biscuit is a Cookies.
(E) Either I or II follows.


1. (B)

Swimmers Sprinters Players Athletes

So, only conclusion II follows. Hence, option (B) is correct.

52 Syllogisms
2. (B)
Venn Diagram Representation of the statements:


Calendars Scanners Printers

I. Some Scanners being Calendars is a possibility.
Since all Calendars are Calculators and no Calculator is a Scanner, this conclusion
does not follow.
II. All the Calculators being Printers is a possibility.
This conclusion follows.

Printers Calculators

Calendars Scanners

Therefore, only conclusion II follows. So, (B) is the correct option.

3. (A)

Stapler Nails Hammers Pliars

Hence, only conclusion I follows. Hence, option (A) is correct.

Syllogisms 53
4. (E)
We will first draw a simplistic version of the Venn Diagram and then visualize the possibilities.




Clearly, both the conclusions follow. So, (E) is the correct option.

5. (C)
Venn Diagram Representation of the statements:

Sunglasses Wineglasses Tea Paper

Cups Cups


I. All Paper Cups being Sunglasses is a possibility.
This conclusion follows.
II. Some Steel Jugs are Tea Cups.
This is a probable conclusion. So, it does not follow.
III. All Tea Cups being Wineglasses is a possibility.
This conclusion also follows.
Therefore, conclusions I and III follow. So, (C) is the correct option.

54 Syllogisms
6. (A)
Venn diagram representation of the statements:


Wallets Pockets



Clearly, only conclusion I follows. So, (A) is the correct option.

7. (D)

Journals Magazines E-books Blogs

So, neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows. Hence, option (D) is correct.

8. (D)
Venn diagram representation of the statements:


Switches Holders Clampers


I. Some Holders being Switches is a possibility.
Since all Switches are Plugs and no Holders is a Plug, this conclusion does not follow.
II. Some Clampers being Switches is a possibility.
Clearly, this conclusion follows.
III. All Switches being Clampers is not a possibility.

Syllogisms 55
It is possible for all Switches to be Clampers. So, this conclusion does not follow as well.
Therefore, only conclusion II follows. So, (D) is the correct option.

9. (E)

Kellogg's Nestle Pepsi Coke

Hence, option (E) is correct.

10. (B)
Venn diagram representation of the statements:


Laptops Air pods



I. All Headphones being Laptops is a possibility.
The Headphones which are AirPods cannot be Laptops. So, this conclusion does not
II. All Laptops being Headphones is a possibility.
It is possible for all Laptops to be Headphones. So, this conclusion follows.
Therefore, only conclusion II follows. So, (B) is the correct option.

11. (B)

Coffee Toffee Biscuits Cookies

Hence, option (B) is correct.

56 Syllogisms
12. (C)
Venn diagram representation of the statements:

Keyboard Monitor Mouse Computer

Both the conclusions follow. So, (C) is the correct option.

I. All the Computers being Keyboard is a possibility.


Monitor Mouse Computer

II. All the Keyboard being Computers is a possibility.




Syllogisms 57

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