magbook-general-science-poonam-singh_compress_cutter (4)
magbook-general-science-poonam-singh_compress_cutter (4)
magbook-general-science-poonam-singh_compress_cutter (4)
Second law If same strength of electric current is allowed to Directive property A magnet, when suspended freely,
flow for same time in different electrolytes, then mass of the aligns itself approximately along geographical N-S line.
substance liberated at the electrodes is directly proportional Magnetic poles exist in pairs If a magnet is cut into two
to their chemical equivalent, i.e., equal parts transverse to its length, then N and S-poles of
m1 E1 the magnet do not get separated.
m ∝ E or =
m2 E 2
Domestic Electrification
Magnetic Field
From the distribution, the two terminals are supplied to the The space in the surrounding of a magnet or a current
houses named as live and neutral (neutral is earthed at local carrying conductor in which its magnetic effect can be
substation). The third terminal is introduced as the earth for experienced, is called magnetic field.
the safety in the building. Magnetic lines of force is an imaginary line drawn in
magnetic field at which a magnetic North pole will move,
Lightning Appliances if it is free to do so.
The appliances that give the light instead of electricity A tangent drawn at any point of an magnetic line of
through it are known as lightning appliances such as
force represents the direction of magnetic field at that
incandescent lamp or filament lamp, compact fluroscent
lamps etc.
The magnetic flux linked with a surface is equal to the
The electric discharge occurring between two charged
total number of magnetic lines of force passing through
clouds or between a charged cloud and earth can damage
that surface normally. Its unit is weber.
the houses or buildings. To protect this lightning conductors
are used. Magnetic flux, φ = B. A = BA cos θ