ACC limited
ACC limited
ACC limited
To get a realistic and holistic view of the MIS, MIS of ACC Limited was
taken as a case study. To get a more detailed understanding of a
particular function of the company, we studied the need, uses and
benefits of MIS with respect to the Material Department of the company.
Inventory Management was of prime focus in our study.
ACC Limited is one of the first Indian companies to realize the potential
and importance of information technology and adopt automation and IT.
The organization started computerizing its systems as early as 1968.
The organization has travelled a long way from the days in 1968 when it
was using simple keypunching machines. Significant improvements have
been made in the application systems and infrastructure. From Batch
processing to on-line systems, from IBM1401 to the latest UNIX and
Windows 2003 based machines it has made timely transitions determined
by available technologies and business requirements. The MIS has greatly
facilitated and synchronized the information flow in the organization and
the management feels that is has played a role in the growth and
increased performance of the company.
The study focus was analysing the business needs of the organization, key
challenges or desired functional requirements of the MIS, the IT solution
that is currently implemented and the outcome of such a system.
ACC Ltd. requires MIS to map internal processes and interaction with the
external environment to the technology and ensure the solution delivers
real benefits to the business.
The scope of our study is to understand the reasons behind the need of
MIS in ACC. The study would develop knowledge of what information is
needed on a regular basis for decision making purposes and how it is
sought and used by ACC with the help of MIS .During the study , the MIS
support to the Company as a whole with special emphasis on Inventory
Management practiced in the Material Stores Department of the company
is covered .
The Secondary Data was taken from various online sources like the
website of the company and various reference
books on MIS.
MIS are not just statistics and data analysis. They have to be used as an
MBO (Management by Objectives) tool. They help:
ACC’s brand name is synonymous with cement and enjoys a high level of
equity in the Indian market. It is the only cement company that figures in
the list of Consumer Super Brands of India.
ACC has rich experience in mining, being the largest user of limestone,
and it is also one of the principal users of coal. As the largest cement
producer in India, it is one of the biggest customers of the Indian
Railways, and the foremost user of the road transport network services for
inward and outward movement of materials and products.
ACC has also extended its services overseas to the Middle East, Africa,
and South America, where it has provided technical and managerial
consultancy to a variety of consumers, and also helps in the operation and
maintenance of cement plants abroad.
With inventory management you can set your product catalogue to hide
products that are not in stock, or change prices based on the amount of
products available in the warehouse. The quantity available can be
displayed to the shopper and this can prevent unnecessary confusion
when the shopper adds items not available to a shopping cart. The store
buyer can be automatically notified about low inventory levels.
ACC is one of the first Indian companies to realize the potential and
importance of information technology and adopt automation and IT. The
organization started computerizing its systems as early as 1968.The
organization has traveled a long way from the days in 1968 when it was
using simple keypunching machines. Significant improvements have been
made in the application systems and infrastructure. From Batch
processing to on-line systems, from IBM1401 to the latest UNIX and
Windows 2003 based machines it has made timely transitions determined
by available technologies and business requirements.
ACC has made a quantum jump from in-house developed systems using
Oracle 9i and Developer 6i to an ERP based solution. This decision was
solely based on its strategic objectives and the business benefits that are
expected to follow. With this move people, business processes and
technologies across the country are aligned.
Weigh Bridge
500x2 = 1000
Commercial Applications
Marketing accounting and analysis System
Vehicle Movement
– Medicines 806
– Stationary 807
– Repair Order 808
– Transportation Order 809
– Raw materials 810
– Capital Orders 811
– Job Orders 812
– Laboratory Items 813
– Direct book orders 814
Indent Posting & Sanctioning
Indent Type Updating
Order Preparation
Order Printing