Learning outcomes:
Optimal physical fitness not only facilitates the performance of everyday tasks,
but also provides additional vitality for leisure activities, assuring the body's ability to
cope with unforeseen environmental shifts and daily stressors. Physical fitness may be
categorized into two types: Health-related Physical Fitness and Sports-related Physical
1. Body Mass Index - a numerical figure calculated based on weight and height.
BMI = weight ÷ height2
BMI = weight (kg) ÷ height2 (meters)
BMI = weight (lb) ÷ height2 (inches) * 703
or use online calculator:
Underweight - below 18.5.
Normal range - 18.5 to 22.
Overweight - 23 to 24.
Obesity - 25 to 30.
Severe obesity – above 30
2. Waist-to Hip Ratio - is the dimensionless ratio of the circumference of the waist to
that of the hips.
WHR= waist circumference / hip circumference
< 0.96 LOW
0.96 – 1.00 MODERATE
1.01– 1.03 HIGH
> 1.03 VERY HIGH
< 0.81 LOW
0.81 - 0.85 MODERATE
0.85 - 0.88 HIGH
> 0.88 VERY HIGH
Under 25 26 - 35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 and over Age / Fitness
50-76 51-76 49-76 56-82 60-77 59-81 Excellent
77-93 77-94 77-88 83-101 78-100 78-100 Good
94-100 95-102 89-105 102-111 101-109 103-110 Average
101-157 103-110 106-113 112-119 110-117 111-118 Below Average
108-157 111-161 114-163 120-159 118-154 119-151 Poor
Under 25 26 - 35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 and over Age / Fitness
52-81 58-80 51-84 63-91 60-92 70-92 Excellent
82-102 81-101 85-104 92-110 93-111 93-111 Good
103-110 102-110 105-112 101-118 112-118 112-121 Average
111-120 111-119 113-120 119-124 119-127 122-126 Below Average
121-169 120-171 121-169 125-174 128-174 127-155 Poor
4. Sit-and Reach – test the linear flexibility test that assesses the flexibility of the
hamstrings and lower back.
Direction: Lean forward at the hips, maintain straight legs, and slide your hand up
the ruler / tape measure as far as possible in a slow, steady motion. Record
the result in centimeters, perform the task three times, and select the highest
5. Under 25 26 - 35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 and over Age / Fitness
> 22 > 20 > 20 > 19 > 17 > 17 Excellent
20 – 21 18 -19 18 -19 16 -18 14 -16 14 -16 Good
18 – 19 17 16 – 17 14 – 15 13 12 - 13 Above Average
14 – 17 13 - 16 12 - 15 10 -13 9 – 11 8 – 11 Average
12 – 13 10 – 12 8 – 11 7–9 6-8 5-7 Poor
< 11 <9 <7 <6 <5 <4 Very Poor
Under 25 26 - 35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 and over Age / Fitness
> 23 > 23 > 22 > 21 > 20 > 20 Excellent
22 21 -22 20 19 - 20 18 - 19 <23 Good
20 – 21 20 18 – 19 17 -18 19 - 17 <22 Above Average
17 – 19 18 - 19 17 15 – 16 15 <21 Average
15 - 16 14 - 17 13 - 16 11 - 14 10 - 14 10 - 14 Poor
<14 < 13 < 12 < 10 <9 <9 Very Poor
Push-up (modified for girls) - Evaluate the strength and endurance of the upper
6. Squat test - Measure the strength and endurance of the lower body.
Direction: Stand with feet at shoulder's width apart, facing away from it. Position
the hands on the hips and lower the body into a squatting position.
Under 25 26 - 35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 and over Age / Fitness
7. > 49 > 45 > 41 > 35 > 31 > 28 Excellent
44 – 49 40 - 45 35 -41 29 - 35 25 - 38 22 -28 Good
39 - 43 35 - 39 30 - 34 25 - 38 21 – 24 19 - 21 Above Average
35 – 38 31 - 34 27 - 29 22 – 24 17 – 20 15 – 18 Average
12 – 13 10 – 12 8 – 11 18 – 21 13 – 16 11 – 14 Below Average
25 - 30 22 - 28 17 - 22 7–9 9 – 12 7 – 10 Poor
< 25 < 22 <17 <9 <9 <7 Very Poor
Under 25 26 - 35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 and over Age / Fitness
> 43 > 39 > 33 > 27 > 24 > 23 Excellent
37 - 43 33 - 39 27 - 33 22 - 27 18 - 24 17 – 23 Good
33 – 36 29 - 32 23 – 26 18 - 21 13 - 17 14 – 16 Above Average
29 – 32 25 - 28 19 - 22 14 – 17 10 – 12 11 – 13 Average
25 - 28 21 - 24 15 - 18 10 - 13 7-9 5 – 10 Below Average
18 - 24 13 - 20 7 - 14 5-9 3-6 2-4 Poor
<18 < 20 <7 <5 <3 <2 Very Poor
1-Minute Sit-Up - This test assesses the power and endurance of the abdominal and
hip-flexor muscles.
Direction: In a supine position on a mat, with the knees flexed at approximately
90 degrees and both feet resting flat on the ground. Place both hands in a
relaxed position on thighs.
Under 20 20 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 and over Age / Fitness
> 61 > 54 > 50 > 46 > 42 > 38 Excellent
51 - 61 47 - 54 43 - 50 39 - 46 35 – 42 30 - 38 Good
47 – 50 42 - 46 39 - 42 34 – 38 28 – 34 22 – 29 Average
41 – 46 38 – 41 35 – 38 29 – 33 24 – 27 19 – 21 Below Average
36 - 40 33 – 37 30 – 34 25 – 28 19 – 23 15 – 18 Poor
< 36 < 33 <30 < 24 < 19 < 15 Very Poor
Under 20 20 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 and over Age / Fitness
> 54 > 50 > 41 > 37 > 29 > 27 Excellent
46 - 54 44 - 50 35 – 41 29 - 37 24 - 29 17 - 27 Good
36 - 45 38 - 43 29 - 34 24 – 28 20 – 23 11 – 16 Above Average
32 - 35 32 – 37 25 - 28 20 - 23 14 - 19 6 – 10 Average
28 - 31 24 - 31 20 - 24 14 - 19 10 - 13 3–5 Poor
< 28 < 24 < 20 < 14 < 10 <3 Very Poor
Activity 1
Reflection: Highlight what has been learned and how the experience has contributed to
PATHFIT development.
Activity 2
Written Task: Answer the following questions below.
1. The physical performance is influenced by the method in which carry out daily
tasks and the way we live.
A) Muscular strength B) Flexibility
C) Cardiovascular endurance D) Agility
2. The fitness component that pertains to the capacity to quickly and efficiently
change and manage the body's direction and posture is known as agility.
A) Flexibility B) Agility
C) Muscular strength D) Body composition
3. Which of the following statements about physical fitness tests is true.
A) They have no impact on overall health
B) They should be conducted randomly
C) They assess only one component of fitness
D) They promote sedentary lifestyle
4. Which fitness component involves the ability of muscles to continue to perform
without fatigue.
A) Muscular strength B) Muscular endurance
C) Cardiovascular endurance D) Flexibility
5. Which test is used to assess the flexibility of the shoulders and upper back.
A) Sit-and-reach test B) Trunk lift test
C) Back scratch test D) Shoulder flexibility test
6. Which of the following is a component of physical fitness.
A) Intelligence B) Social skills
C) Flexibility D) Creativity
7. BMI is used primarily to assess.
A) Muscular strength B) Cardiovascular endurance
C) Flexibility D) Body composition
8. The purpose of conducting physical fitness tests includes:
A) Monitoring academic performance B) Evaluating overall health and fitness
C) Assessing musical talent D) Measuring social skill
9. Which of the following fitness components is essential for maintaining proper
posture and preventing injuries.
A) Muscular strength B) Cardiovascular endurance
C) Flexibility D) Body composition
10. The flexibility of which body part is often measured in the sit-and-reach test.
A) Arms B) Neck
C) Lower back and hamstrings D) Quadriceps
Activity 3
Performance Task: Perform the Physical Fitness Test and record the result on the
Physical Fitness Test form below.