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1. What is Topology and Why it is used in computer network? Explain its types with
2. Design full ISO/OSI reference model. Also mention its difference from TCP/IP
3. Explain transmission media in detail.
4. What is ISDN? Explain difference between Broadband and Narrowband ISDN.
5. Define Checksum.
6. What is Aloha? Differentiate between pure Aloha & Slotted Aloha.
7. What is HDLC? Explain its stations, response modes & frame format.
8. A 10011101 bit stream is transmitted using the standard CRC method. The generator
polynomial is x3+1. What is the actual bit string transmitted? Suppose the third bit
from the left is inverted during transmission. How will receiver detect this error?
9. Define CRC with the help of example?
10. Out of Hub & Switch which one do you consider as intelligent. Justify with reason.
11. What are different Switching techniques used in Computer Network?
12. Explain Stop & Wait and Sliding Window Protocol in detail.
13. What do you understand by CSMA? Explain CSMA/CD in detail.
14. Explain Error detection and correction.
15. Differentiate Pure Aloha and Slotted Aloha with diagram.
16. Write Short Notes on following: MAC Address, CSMA/CD, DHCP, CSMA, ATM,
HDLC, CSMA/CA, Multimedia, SNMP, DNS, MIME, FTP, Multiplexing and

17. Why Transport Layer is called end-to-end protocol?

18. Differentiate between TCP and UDP.
19. Discuss TCP header format along with various field?
20. Explain transport layer congestion control policy?
21. Explain SSL and TLS with its function and working.
22. What is cryptography?
23. Explain Electronic Mail?
24. Explain Firewall with its advantage and services?
25. Explain RSA Algorithm
26. Explain attack and counterattacks in network.
27. IEEE 802.11 is known as?
28. Explain error detection and error correction algorithm.
29. Write short notes on QoS.
30. Explain firewall with its advantages and services.
31. Compare connection oriented and connectionless protocols.
32. Explain in details – Data Link layer, Transport Layer, and Application Layer.
33. Explain the operation of the bit-oriented protocol HDLC with the required frames.
34. Explain the various error detection and correction Mechanisms used in computer
35. Discuss about – GO BACK N ARQ, SELECTIVE ARQ
36. Explain about the Elementary data link protocols?
37. Discuss stop and wait protocol.
38. Explain MAC sub layer protocols and frame structure of IEEE 802.11.
39. Compare and distinguish in detail the concept of Virtual-Circuit and Datagram
40. Explain the duties of transport layer.
41. Write short notes on performance issues of transport layer
42. Show the different approaches in Packet Switching. Explain them in detail.
43. Enumerate the mechanism of three way handshake protocol for TCP
44. Explain in detailed about the Transport Layer.
45. Describe about a) TCP connection management. b) Avoidance of congestion in TCP
46. Explain the function of TCP/IP protocol.
47. Explain about elements of transport protocols
48. Briefly explain the internet transport protocols
49. Discuss TCP and its various operations
50. Write short notes on User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
51. Explain the operation of TCP with neat sketch.
52. Discuss the various timers used by TCP to perform its various operations.
53. Explain how security is provided in interact operations in detail.
54. Explain the working of Electronic mail. How SMTP used in E-mail applications.
55. List and discuss the types of DNS records.
56. Discuss in detail about world wide web. Explain the encryption and decryption
57. Discuss Application layer in details
58. Explain in detail about function and structure of e-mail protocol.
59. Discuss the File transfer Protocol (FTP)with a neat diagram.
60. Explain briefly simple network management protocol
61. Write short notes on IMAP and MIME with an example.
62. Discuss the features of HTTP and also discuss how HTTP works.
63. Explain about Application layer and its services in detail?
64. Describe the role of a DNS on a computer network with reference to its components.
65. Write briefly about World wide web.
66. Use IEEE 802.3 and IEEE 802.11 to build three differences between wired and
wireless LANS.

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