Research by Trisnaini (2013) in Ogan Ilir Regency found that there were 13 depot refill drinking water
which water samples were positive for Coliform. Data by the Environmental Health Engineering Center of
Palembang on 136 depot found that not all depot were not suitable with the requirements of Ministry of
Health Regulations RI Number492/2010. The impact is low drinking water quality that potentially cause
diseases. The purpose of this study was to analyze the quality of depot refill drinking water in the city of
Palembang based on the parameters of Coliform, Escherecia Coli, and pH. This research used a quantitative
design, with a survey method. The research was conducted in the city of Palembang. The research population
was 136 depot refill drinking water in the city of Palembang. Sampling was using proportionate stratified
random sampling. Based on the results of laboratory tests, it was found that from 36 depot refill drinking
water there were 2 (5.8%) which showed positive results of water samples containing Coliform, 2 (5.8%)
which were positive for Escherecia Coli, and most of (91%) water samples examined did not suitable the
health requirements on the parameter of pH. It is concluded that most of the water samples from the depot
refill drinking water studied had met the health requirements based on the parameters of Coliform and
Escherecia Coli, but most did not suitable the health requirements for the pH parameter based on the
Ministry of Health Regulations RI Number 492/2010.The need for increased supervision of refill drinking
water depots
Keywords: spatial analysis, water quality, refill drinking water, sanitation hygiene
Penelitian oleh Trisnaini (2013) di Kabupaten Ogan Ilir menemukan bahwa terdapat 13 depot air minum isi
ulang (32,5%) yang sampel airnya positif mengandung bakteri Coliform. Data hasil uji oleh Balai Teknik
Kesehatan Lingkungan Kota Palembang pada 136 unit depot menemukan bahwa tidak semua depot air
minum dikelola dengan baik sesuai dengan persyaratan Permenkes Number492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010.
Dampaknya adalah rendahnya jaminan kualitas air minum yang berpotensi menimbulkan kerugian bagi
kesehatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk menganalisis kualitas air minum isi ulang yang ada di Kota
Palembang berdasarkan parameter kandungan bakteri koliform dan Escherecia Coli, serta berdasarkan
parameter pH. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan desain kuantitatif, dengan metode survey.
Penelitian dilakukan di Kota Palembang. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh Depot Air Minum Isi Ulang di
Kota Palembang yaitu sebanyak 136. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan menggunakan teknik proportionate
stratified random sampling. Berdasarkan hasil uji laboratorium, didapatkan bahwa dari 36 depot air minum
isi ulang terdapat 2 (5,8%) yang menunjukkan hasil sampel airnya positif mengandung bakteri Coliform, 2
(5,8%) yang positif mengandung bakteri Eschericia Coli, serta sebagian besar (91%) depot yang diteliti
sampel airnya tidak memenuhi syarat kesehatan pada parameter derajat keasaman (pH). Sebagian besar
sampel air dari depot air minum isi ulang yang diteliti sudah memenuhi syarat kesehatan berdasarkan
parameter kandungan bakteri Coliform dan Escherecia Coli, namun sebaliknya sebagian besar belum
memenuhi syarat kesehatan untuk parameter pH berdasarkan Permenkes Number492/menkes/per/IV/2010.
Perlunya peningkatan pengawasan kepada depot air minum isi ulang.
Kata kunci: analisis spasial, kualitas air, air minum isi ulang, higiene sanitasi
Correspondence Address: Inoy Trisnaini, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sriwijaya, Jl. Palembang-Prabumulih KM 32 Ogan
Ilir, 30662, Indonesia, E-mail: [email protected]
March 2023 27
Trisnaini et al. / Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, March 2023, 14 (1): 27 – 40
Received : January 2, 2023 Accepted : March 1, 2023 Published: March 30, 2023
Water is a very crucial component for life, especially living things. Daily water needs are
different for every future life. Usually, the higher the standard of living of living things, the higher
the amount of water needs. Humans need water especially for drinking. Meanwhile, the availability
of water, especially fresh water in the world is only about 3% and the other 97% is sea water.
Water that can be used to meet human needs is only about 0.3%.1 Refill drinking water is an
alternative option to meet people's need for drinking water.2 This drinking water can be drunk
directly without boiling it first, because it has undergone a purification process either by ultraviolet
irradiation, ozonation, or both. In recent years, technological advances in the refill drinking water
business have developed rapidly in several cities in Indonesia, including the city of Palembang.
Along with this, nowadays refill drinking water depots that provide ready-to-drink water are
mushrooming. The community's need for drinking water continues to increase along with
population growth, not matched by the availability of clean water. This refill drinking water is one
of the answers to meet the needs of the Indonesian people for drinking water that is cheap and
practical.3 However, the fact that there are still drinking water depots that does not meet health
quality, it shows that more attention is still needed on the high consumption of refill drinking water,
as an example of a study conducted by Khoeriyah. It was showed the result that 75% of drinking
water depots those examined did not meet the health requirements, containing Coliform of 3
The selection of refill drinking water depots as an alternative to meeting drinking water
needs is a risk that can endanger health if the quality of refill drinking water is still in doubt,
especially if consumers do not pay attention to its safety and hygiene. The quality of water
produced by refill drinking water depots has recently been declining with problems in general,
including drinking water depot equipment that is not equipped with a sterilizer, has low killing
power against bacteria, or employers and employees who do not know the quality of the raw water
used, types of good drinking water depot equipment and how to maintain it and handle processed
water.4 The results of Trisnaini's research in Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra in 2018 found that
based on laboratory examinations it was found that 13 Refill Drinking Water Depots (32.5%) had
positive water samples containing Coliform bacteria.5 Data from the test results from BTKL
Palembang City had 136 Refill Drinking Water Depots units with 10 working areas of health
center, but not all drinking water depots were managed properly according to the requirements of
Ministry of Health Regulations RI Number 492/menkes/per/IV/2010. Based on Ministry of Health
Regulations RI Number 416/1990 concerning the requirements and supervision of the quality of
clean water states that the content of Total Coliform bacteria in clean water is 50/100 ml for well
28 March 2023
Trisnaini et al. / Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, March 2023, 14 (1): 27 – 40
water and 10/100 ml for piped water.6 Based on Permenkes Number 492 of 2010 concerning
requirements for the quality of drinking water states that the content of Escherecia Coli bacteria in
drinking water is 0/100ml.7 Various studies have shown that Escherecia Coli bacteria are still
found in refill drinking water samples, such as research by Sampulawa who found a water depot
containing a total Coliform content of 979/100ml.3
Based on the Regulation of Health Ministry Number 492 of 2010 concerning Drinking Water
Quality Requirements Article 1 paragraph (1) and (2), paragraph (1) drinking water is water that
goes through a processing process or without a processing process that meets health requirements
and can be drunk directly, paragraph (2) the organizers of drinking water are state/regional-owned
business entities, cooperatives, private business entities, individual businesses, community groups
and/or individuals who carry out the organization of drinking water supply. In Article 3 Paragraph
1 also states that: "paragraph (1) drinking is safe for health if it meets the physical, microbiological,
chemical and radioactive requirements contained in the mandatory parameters and additional
parameters.8 Therefore, clean water and drinking water must not exceed the specified requirements.
The impact was the low-quality assurance of drinking water which has the potential to cause harm
to health, for example if drinking water and clean water were contaminated with Escherecia Coli
and Total Coliform bacteria which exceed the requirements it will cause diarrhea disease. As an
effort to overcome this problem, the first step was to find out the distribution of drinking water
quality from refill drinking water depots, one of which was by using a Geographic Information
System (GIS) as a system capable of collecting, storing, transforming, displaying, and correlating
data. spatial and geographical phenomena, can be used to obtain distribution. The purpose of this
study was to determine the distribution of drinking water quality based on bacteriological
parameters (Coliform and Escherecia Coli) and chemical parameters (pH) originating from refill
drinking water depots using a Geographic Information System (GIS).
A quantitative design in the terms of survey method was used in this research. The research
was conducted in Palembang City. The research population was all Refill Drinking Water Depots
(in Indonesia: Depot Air Minum Isi Ulang or DAMIU) spread across 10 Districts in Palembang
City, 136 DAMIU.
Using the estimation formula, a sample of 32 DAMIU was obtained. Selection of the
sample using the proportion of random sampling technique. The initial number of stratified sample
March 2023 29
Trisnaini et al. / Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, March 2023, 14 (1): 27 – 40
members was determined by means of proportionate stratified random sampling by using the
proportionate formula:
DAMIU samples were taken from 10 subdistricts in Palembang City, 3 Reffilable Drinking
Water Depots in Alang-Alang Lebar District, 5 DAMIU in Basuki Rahmat District, 4 DAMIU in
Boom Baru District, 2 DAMIU in Bukit Sangkal District, 2 DAMIU in Dempo District, 3 DAMIU
in Nagaswidak District, 3 DAMIU in OPI District, 3 DAMIU in Sekip District, 4 DAMIU in
Sukarami District, 3 DAMIU in Talang Betutu District. Besides, microbiology laboratory tests
(Coliform and Escherecia Coli) and chemical tests (pH) were also carried out on water samples
from each DAMIU. The analytical method for refill drinking water samples for parameters of
Coliform and Escherecia Coli content was using the Most Probable Number (MPN) method with
reference to SNI 1-3554-2006. As for the chemical parameters, the degree of acidity (pH) using the
inspection method based on SNI 6989.11:2019. Then, it was compared based on Ministry of Health
Regulations RI Number 429/2010 concerning Quality of Drinking Water. The maximum level
allowed for Coliform and Escherecia Coli content was 0/100 ml and the pH level was 6.5-8.5.
Furthermore, the results of laboratory test data carried out spatial analysis. The activities carried out
at this stage are the map overlay method or map overlay through the Arc program's Geographic
Information System (GIS).7 Some of the overlays that were carried out in this study were maps of
the research area with survey data to produce a map of the characteristics of drinking water quality
from refill drinking water depots from 32 depots spread across 10 sub-districts in Palembang City.
This research had been declared ethical by the Ethics Committee of Health Research Public Health
Faculty of Sriwijaya University based on certificate No: 306/UN9.1.10/KKE/2022.
The results of mapping using GIS based on laboratory test data on the parameters of
Coliform and Escherecia Coli content and the degree of acidity (pH) of 10 villages in Palembang
City; Alang-Alang Lebar, Basuki Rahmat, Boom Baru, Bukit Sangkal, Dempo, Nagaswidak, OPI,
Sekip, Sukarami, Talang Betutu. The laboratory test results were then compared with the
Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 429 of 2010 concerning
Drinking Water Quality. The maximum level of Coliform and Escherecia Coli content that is
allowed is 0/100 ml and a pH level of 6.5-8.5. Overall the results obtained were that the majority of
the water samples examined contained Coliform and Escherecia Coli and the degree of acidity was
still below the maximum limit based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 429 of 2010. the results obtained as follows:
30 March 2023
Trisnaini et al. / Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, March 2023, 14 (1): 27 – 40
Table 1. Microbiology (Coliform and Escherecia Coli) and Chemistry (pH) Laboratory Test
Results for Water Samples from Refill Drinking Water Depots in Palembang City in 2021.
Based on the results of laboratory tests, as shown in Table 1, out of 36 DAMIU, most of the
DAMIU (94.2%) of the water samples met the health requirements for the content of Coliform and
Escherecia Coli. Meanwhile, the degree of acidity (pH) showed that the majority (91%) of the
water samples did not meet health requirements.
March 2023 31
Trisnaini et al. / Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, March 2023, 14 (1): 27 – 40
Figure 3. Map of Distribution of Water Chemical Quality (pH) at Refill Drinking Water
Depots (DAMIU) in Palembang City in 2021.
32 March 2023
Trisnaini et al. / Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, March 2023, 14 (1): 27 – 40
The distribution map shown in Figure 3, there were 36 DAMIU in 10 Districts in Palembang
City, it reported that most of the water samples taken from the DAMIU did not meet the health
requirements based on the Ministry of Health Regulations RI Number 492/2010 concerning the
Quality of Drinking Water, 0/100 ml of water. There were only a few samples of DAMIU water
that met health requirements, DAMIU located in Dempo District, Boom Baru District and OPI
Laboratory test results showed that out of 36 DAMIU, there were 2 DAMIU (5.8%) showed
that the results of the water sample did not meet the health requirements for Coliform content,
while the majority (94.2%) of the water samples met the health requirements. Various other studies
in several regions have also shown the presence of Coliform bacteria in refill drinking water.9-13
Among them, research conducted by Fitri Mairizki in Riau, that the entire Drinking Water Depot
around the Riau Islamic University Campus which became a research analysis unit found that all
the samples studied were positively contaminated with Coliform bacteria and did not meet drinking
water quality requirements based on biological parameters.2 The presence of Coliform in raw water
indicated that the water has been contaminated with feces of humans/warm-blooded animals/other
feces. Coliforms could survive in shallow groundwater for more than 2 months. Coliforms were
bacteria that lived in the human intestine, so if drinking water contained Coliforms it was an
indicator that the drinking water has been contaminated with feces. This situation may be caused by
the poor health of the handlers, the physical quality of the DAMIU, poor raw water sources or
inadequate sanitary hygiene and sanitation facilities, all of which were interrelated and cannot be
separated. Coliform was not a disease-causing bacteria, but could be used as an indicator for the
presence of pathogenic bacteria that can cause various diseases.1 Many factors can influence the
occurrence of Coliform bacteria contamination in refill drinking water, one of which is cross
contamination by the depot operator.
So, to minimize the occurrence of this contamination, operators must wear clean work
clothes, uniforms, wear hair caps and wear them specifically when on duty, and wear identification
so that only official workers work. Operators must carry out clean and healthy living behavior
practices, do not smoke while working, don't spit or sneeze carelessly, how to hold a clean gallon
and always make it a habit to wash your hands when serving consumers. Then, DAMIU operators
should have a hygiene course certificate.14 In addition, research conducted by Rido reported factors
that could affect the quality of the water products produced were raw materials, handling of the
buyer's container, operator cleanliness, and depot conditions.15 Improving employee hygiene and
depot sanitation was very important given the high consumption of refill drinking water by the
community. Various factors have led to an increase in the community's need for refill drinking
March 2023 33
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water, such as research by Abu Yazid et al in 2018, that the use of refill drinking water by the
community is increasing, one of the causes was groundwater contamination which was getting
worse to date which may be because of industrial waste. Refill drinking water was one of the
answers to fulfilling the people's need for cheap and practical drinking water. This was the reason
why people chose refill drinking water for consumption.16
The results of laboratory tests for Escherecia Coli content showed that out of 36 DAMIU
there were 2 DAMIU (5.8%) did not meet health requirements for Escherecia Coli content, while
the majority (94.2%) of the water samples met health requirements. The Study data presents that
most of the water samples taken from these DAMIU have met the health requirements based on the
Ministry of Health Regulations RI Number 492/2010 concerning the quality of drinking water,
0/100 ml of water. However, there were DAMIU water samples that do not meet health
requirements, DAMIU located in Alang-ALang Lebar District and OPI District.
Various other studies in several regions have also shown the presence of E.coli bacteria in
refill drinking water.17-22 Among them, there was a research by Nita Rostita in South Tangerang,
which showed that only one refill drinking water depot out of twelve refill drinking water depots
(DAMIU) in South Tangerang, especially around the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta campus, was
suitable for consumption in accordance with Ministry of Health Regulations RI Number 492/2010
concerning the quality of drinking water both in terms of biology, the content of E.coli, the rest did
not meet the requirements for drinking water consumption.9 Diarrheal disease could occur through
water contaminated by bacteria such as Coliform bacteria. Coliform bacteria were a group of
intestinal bacteria, which lived in the human digestive tract which could cause various diseases for
humans, for example diarrhea by Escherichia coli bacteria.23 The presence of E. coli in drinking
water indicated that fecal contamination has occurred from humans and warm-blooded mammals,
which could be interpreted as the presence of other pathogenic micro-organisms in the drinking
water in the form of viruses, bacteria and protozoa. Many strains of E. Coli, some of which were
harmless, it was found in the gastrointestinal tract in humans or warm-blooded animals, but there w
ere several categories of Escherichia coli that were toxic and could cause diarrhea. For
example E. Colienterotoxigenic (ETEC) which was present in water at around 2% -8% could cause
stomach inflammation and severe diarrhea accompanied by stomach cramps and vomiting. 24
Personal hygiene/hygiene for depot workers was essentially a condition that fulfills the
physical health requirements individually or individually. Personal hygiene was very influential in
the occurrence of infectious diseases. To avoid various infectious diseases requires awareness from
individuals to fulfill their need for cleanliness. This could be realized by having clean living
habits.25 The spread of Escherecia Coli bacteria, from humans to other humans, these bacteria were
spread by flies through dirty hands, food or drink contaminated with feces. In addition, the
occurrence of contamination could be caused by the condition of the equipment, especially those
34 March 2023
Trisnaini et al. / Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, March 2023, 14 (1): 27 – 40
used for disinfection (ultraviolet), which were not replaced regularly. In addition, cleaning
equipment and filters that were not routinely carried out could cause contamination.26
Monitoring activities were one of the important elements in maintaining the safety of refill
drinking water. Drinking water quality monitoring activities themselves were regulated in
Permenkes number 736 of 2010 concerning Procedures for Supervision of Drinking Water Quality.
supervision for the quality of drinking water for commercial purposes shall carry out regular
internal and external monitoring and indications of pollution. Sanitary inspections were also carried
out as surveillance efforts. The minimum frequency of sanitation inspections for drinking water
depots was the place of origin of raw water 4 times per year, raw water transport equipment (tank
cars) 4 times per year, water reservoirs 4 times per year, washing gallons and filling gallons 4 times
per year.27
The results of laboratory tests showed that out of 36 DAMIU, there were only 3 DAMIUs
(9%) met the health requirements at the degree of acidity (pH), while the majority (91%) of the
water samples did not meet the health requirements. The distribution map illustrated that from 36
DAMIU in 10 sub-districts in Palembang City did not meet the health requirements based on the
Ministry of Health Regulations RI Number 492/2010 concerning the Quality of Drinking Water,
0/100 ml of water. There were only a few samples of DAMIU water that met health requirements,
DAMIU located in Dempo District, Boom Baru District and OPI District.
According to Ministry of Health Regulations RI Number 492/2010, Drinking water that has
gone through a processing process or without a processing process that met health requirements
and could be drunk directly. But now there has been a decline in water quality. One of the causes of
the decline in water quality and supply was due to contamination by industrial waste, household
waste, and other wastes.28 Inspection of the quality of water products was carried out so that the
water produced meets the requirements for drinking water quality according to the Regulation of
the Ministry of Health Regulations RI Number 492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010, which includes
physical, chemical, bacteriological and radioactive parameters. According to chemical parameters,
drinking water must not contain inorganic and organic substances that exceeded the set standards
and have a pH between 6.5-8.5.29
The pH value was influenced by several parameters, including biological activity,
temperature, oxygen content and ions. The pH < 6.5 will cause corrosion on metal (eg. drinking
water pipes) which dissolved lead, copper, cadmium, etc. and is toxic. Likewise, if the pH is > 8.5,
it could form deposits (scale) on metal water pipes which then produced trihalo methane which is
toxic.30 In addition, acidic water could cause aesthetic problems such as metallic or acidic water
and could cause health problems such as acidosis. A pH value higher than 8.5 means the water was
alkaline for human consumption. Alkaline drinking water did not directly cause health problems
but causes aesthetic problems such as an alkaline taste, makes coffee taste bitter, and reduces the
March 2023 35
Trisnaini et al. / Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, March 2023, 14 (1): 27 – 40
efficiency of the water heater.31 Decreasing the quality of existing water would cause disease
outbreaks, where water was the easiest medium for the spread of disease. In Indonesia, cases of
poisoning or waterborne disease were not yet complete, therefore cases of poisoning could be
described as an iceberg phenomenon. Every year there was an increase in cases of poisoning and
the cause is rarely known.32
Operator cleanliness was one of the most important things to reduce contamination in
drinking water, but not all depot operators were aware of this. There were still several depot
operators who did not wash their hands when refilling drinking water, then there were also those
who did it while smoking and all depot operators do not drain the gallons until they were dry after
washing so that the gallons still had washing water left which could be there were bacteria.
Therefore, monitoring the quality of drinking water, especially monitoring bacterial contamination,
must be routinely carried out by the owner of the DAMIU and the local Health Service to ensure
that the drinking water consumed by the public meets the specified requirements, because water
was not safe for human consumption when it was contaminated.33 Based on RI Law Number
7/2004 article 40 paragraph 2 stated that the development of a drinking water supply system was
the responsibility of the government and regional governments, therefore a Regional Drinking
Water Company was established.34 However, the next task was how to improve and maintain the
quality of water produced by the regional company.
This study had limitations regarding the collection of bacteriological (Escherecia Coli and
Coliform) and chemical (pH) data which still used secondary data from the Center for Disease
Control Environmental Health Engineering (BTKLPP) Palembang City where data collection was
not at the same time. Therefore, researchers could not know the process of taking laboratory test
Based on the results of laboratory tests, it was found that out of 36 DAMIU, there were 2
DAMIU (5.8%) had positive results containing Coliform bacteria, 2 DAMIU (5.8%) were positive
for Escherecia Coli bacteria, and the majority (91%) of the DAMIU examined did not meet the
health requirements in terms of the degree of acidity (pH). As for the distribution map, it was
presented that out of 36 DAMIU in 10 Districts in Palembang City Alang-Alang Lebar District and
OPI District were found The DAMIU which positive Coliform bacteria. This study found that most
of the water samples taken from the DAMIU did not meet the health requirements, especially for
the parameter of degree of acidity (pH), especially the DAMIU that located in Dempo District,
Boom Baru District and OPI District. This condition indicated that there was a health risk to
consumers of refill drinking water in Palembang City. So, to overcome the conditions that existed
36 March 2023
Trisnaini et al. / Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, March 2023, 14 (1): 27 – 40
at this time, it was necessary to increase supervision of the application of sanitary hygiene refill
drinking water depots by authorized officers.
The researcher would like to thank the Institute for Research and Community Service at
Sriwijaya University and the Environmental Health Engineering and Disease Control Class 1 in
Palembang City, as well as all parties involved for carrying out and completing this research.
This research was funded by the Institute of Research and Community Service, University of
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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