Arihant - Class X - Life Processes _ Nutrition [ (Chapter - 6 (a) ] (1)

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Arihant - Class X - Life Processes : Nutrition [ (Chapter -

6 (a) ] Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

27. Digestive enzymes are also called as 39. The diagram shows the inside of the small
hydrolases. Why? intestine. Using the structure shown, explain
how structure of the lining of the small
28. Lipase solution was added to milk. After 30 intestine help to absorb more food.
minutes, the milk had become more acidic.
What was the substrate and end products in
this reaction?

29. In a particular experiment, milk produces

red precipitate when heated with the
Benedict's solution. According to you which
nutrients are present in the milk?

30. How do the guards cells regulate the

process of opening and closing of stomatal 40. How is the required pH maintained in the
pores? stomach and small intestine?

31. Name the components which you will 41. How is egestion different from ingestion?
observe when you focus the stomata slide
under high power objective of a microscope. 42. Why does our mouth water when we eat
32. What is photolysis and when does it occur?
43. Why does a piece of bread start tasting
33. Name any two parasitic plants and two sweeter after it is chewed for some time?
parasitic animals.
44. Why is small intestine in herbivores
34. Match the following columns. longer than in carnivores?
Column I Column II
45. Two green plants are kept separately in
A. Autotrophic nutrition Leech
oxygen free containers, one in the dark and
B. Heterotrophic nutrition Paramecium other in the continuous light. Which one will
C. Parasitic nutrition Deer live longer? Give reasons.
D. Digestion in food vacuoles Gree plant
46. Plaque is a deposit, which collects around
teeth. The following table shows the pH value
35. Draw a labelled diagram of cross-section of the plaque surrounding the teeth of a girl
of a leaf. over 4 hrs.
Time /h pH

36. (i) Which part of the alimentary canal ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

0 7. 0
helps in eliminating the unabsorbed food?
(ii) How is the exit of waste material 1 7. 0

regulated? ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
2 7. 1

7. 2¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
37. Which is the largest digestive gland in
human body? What is its function? 4 4. 1


38. How would digestion of food be affected if (i) Other than food remains, state three
the bile duct is completely blocked? constituents of plaque.
(ii) State the time during the day, when
conditions are most favorable for the process
of tooth decay.

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Arihant - Class X - Life Processes : Nutrition [ (Chapter -
6 (a) ] Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

47. Food does not pass through the digestive 56. Name the correct substance for the
system by 'gravity'. This is clear from the fact following enzymes.
that we can digest the food even if we are (a) Trypsin (b) Amylase
lying down. Explain the logic behind the (c) Pepsin (d) Lipase
passage of food through our digestive system.
57. (i) Why is nutrition a necessity for an
48. Name the following. organism? State three reasons.
(i) The process in plants that links light (ii) What is likely to happen if green plants
energy with chemical energy. disappear from Earth?
(ii) Organisms that can prepare their own
food. 58. Describe the holozoic nutrition in details
(iii) The cell organelle where photosynthesis using one example.
(iv) Cells that surround a stomatal pore. 59. Explain the process of digestion of food in
(v) Organisms that cannot prepare their own mouth, stomach and small intestine in
food. human body.
(vi) An enzyme secreted from gastric glands
in stomach that acts on proteins. 60. (i) Draw a diagram depicting human
alimentary canal and label the components
49. What are the adaptations of leaf for gall bladder, liver and pancreas in it.
photosynthesis? (ii) State the role of liver and pancreas.
(iii) Name the organs which perform the
50. List the three events that occur during the following functions in humans.
process of photosynthesis. Explain the role of (a) Absorption of digested food
stomata in this process. (b) Absorption of water

51. In each of the following situations what 61. (i) Mention the role of HCl in the stomach.
happens to the rate of photosynthesis? (ii) What function is served by the following?
(i) Cloudy days (a) Gastric sphincter
(ii) No rainfall in the area (b) Anal sphincter
(iii) Good manuring in the area

52. Write a short note on different types of

heterotrophic nutrition.

53. Explain with the help of neat and well-

labelled diagrams the different steps involved
in the nutrition in Amoeba.

54. Give one word for the following:

(i) I am secreted from the walls of stomach.
I kill all the harmful germs present in food
and help my friend pepsin to work in aidic
(ii) We are the biocatalysts. We enhance the
rate of metabolic activities.
(iii) We push the food forward by a rhythmic

55. State the function of the following in the

alimentary canal:
(i) Liver (ii) Gall bladder (iii) Villi
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Arihant - Class X - Life Processes : Nutrition [ (Chapter -
6 (a) ] Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

62. The graph shows how the amount of 64. A student prepared the temporary mount
carbon dioxide taken in by a plant varies of stained leaf peel. After observing the slide
through a 24 hour period. under microscope, he drew the following
sketch. Correct the parts A, B, C and D labelled
by him.

(i) At what time did photosynthesis start?

(ii) At what time was the rate of 65. A student could not clearly observe the
photosynthesis greatest? stomata from mount of leaf peel. Give reason
(iii) At what time of the day did it get dark? for this happening.
(iv) (a) How does plant obtain CO2?
(b) What happens to this CO2? 66. In an experiment to prepare temporary
stained mount of a leaf epidermal peel, how
(v) What other factors could affect the rate of
can extra stain be removed? What possible
outcome would be observed if it is removed
with cotton wool?
63. Figure A shows the human alimentary
67. Explain, why only turgid leaf is selected
for the preparation of temporary mount of a
leaf peel?

68. Geetika after coming home told her

mother that she wants to plant some trees as
she needs to know and observe how plants
grow by preparing their own food and
transfer it to other organs. She placed two
potted plants in her room and observed after
3-4 weeks that leaves had become pale-yellow
(i) In fig. A, label structures T, U and V
in colour instead of green in colour. She
(ii) Name the secretion, which passes down
realised her error and placed the plants in
tube W and explain how it helps in fat
Read the passage given below and answer the
(iii) In case of diarrhoea, name the major
questions that follow:
process in region X, which is no longer
(i) What is photosynthesis? Also mention the
occurring normally.
conditions necessary for photosynthesis.
(ii) What according to you was the condition
missing in the given case that leads to that
improper growth of plant?
(iii) What values are observed in Geetika's

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Arihant - Class X - Life Processes : Nutrition [ (Chapter -
6 (a) ] Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

69. Smriddhi's father has a plot of land in the

city where he wants to construct a house. The Fill OMR Sheet*
area has few trees, which are very dear to her
father and he does not want to cut the trees, *If above link doesn't work, please go to test link
as trees provide us oxygen which is very from where you got the pdf and fill OMR from
essential for living organisms. Her father also there
desperately needs a house for his family.
Read the given passage and answer the
following questions:
(i) Should Smriddhi's father construct the
house after cutting the trees?
(ii) How can the family compensate for the
loss in terms of oxygen supply?
(iii) What practices will be required after
planting the trees?
(iv) What values are shown by Smriddhi's days of ANY
NEETprep course
70. Neeraj, class IX student is extremely fond
of chocolates and junk food. He often
complains of pain in his teeth and misses
school many times. Due to which, he is
lacking in his studies too. Teacher called up
his father and asked him to take Neeraj to the
dentist. The dentist, after examining
suggested that Neeraj is suffering from tooth
decay and advised him to quit eating
unhealthy and outside food.
On the basis of above text, answer the
following questions.
(i) What do you know about the term tooth
(ii) How does tooth decay occur? Suggest any
one treatment for it.
(iii) What values should Neeraj incorporate in
himself for good health of his teeth?

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