Transforming services, promoting rights
QualityRights is WHO’s global initiative to improve In the wider community context, people with mental health
the quality of care provided by mental health and conditions and psychosocial, intellectual or cognitive
social services and promote the human rights of disabilities are subjected to stigma and extensive
people with mental health conditions and inequalities that permeate all aspects of their lives. They
psychosocial, intellectual or cognitive disabilities1. It are discriminated against in education, employment,
offers a new approach to mental health care which housing and social services. They are often excluded from
is rights-based and recovery-oriented. social, cultural and leisure activities and denied the right to
fundamental civil and political rights such as the right to
marry, have children, to vote or be to elected. Also, they
Within the mental health care context, many people are more likely to experience emotional, physical and
using services are exposed to inhuman living sexual abuse than the rest of the population.
conditions, harmful treatment practices, violence,
neglect and abuse. Many are also systematically
detained and treated without their informed consent. Through QualityRights, WHO is supporting countries to
People report that services do not respond to their put in place policies, strategies, laws and services that are
needs, nor support them to live the lives they wish in line with international human rights standards including
to lead in the community - instead their experience the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
leaves them feeling hopeless about their lives and (CRPD) .
disempowered. 1covering dementia, autism and other diagnoses related to mental
1 Build capacity to combat stigma and discrimination and promote human rights and
2 Promote the participation of persons with lived experience and support civil society.
3 Create community-based services and supports that respect and promote human rights.
Reform national policies and legislation in line with the CRPD and other international
4 human rights standards.
WHO QualityRights training tools
As part of the QualityRights Initiative, WHO has developed a comprehensive package of core and specialized
training materials to build capacity on rights based, person centred care & support for all stakeholders including
healthcare workers; people with mental health conditions & psychosocial, intellectual or cognitive disabilities;
support persons & families; policymakers; NGOs; organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs); advocates;
lawyers; academics; teachers & students; community & spiritual leaders; and others. The training modules cover
a wide range of issues in the fields of mental health, human rights, legal capacity, recovery & ending coercion.
Core modules: Specialised modules:
WHO MiNDbank
WHO MiNDbank is an online platform providing quick and easy access to international
resources and national/regional level policies, strategies, laws and service standards for
mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, NCDs, human rights and
development, children and youth, and older persons.
Policy, Law & Human Rights (PLR), Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Dr Michelle Funk, Unit Head; Ms Natalie Drew, Technical Officer; Ms Patricia Robertson, Administrative Officer