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ADVANCE-EXCEL Computer Fundamental

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Computer Fundamental
1. Which printer uses a combination of laser-beam & electro photographic techniques?
A. Laser printers B. Line printer C. Dot-Matrix D. Daisy wheel Right Answer- A
2. A multi programming system is one that can
A. run very fast B. share hardware resources with many programs simultaneously
C. compute many programs simultaneously D. use many operating systems Right Answer- B
3. Off-line operation is the operation of devices without the control of?..A. Memory B. CPU
C. ALU D. Control unit Right Answer- B
4. The system unit of a personal computer typically contains all of the following except
A. microprocessor B. disk controller C. serial interface D. modem Right Answer- D
5. Which of the following is an example of Cooperative Multi-Tasking OS?
A. Lynx OS B. Mac OS C. None of the above D. MS DOS Right Answer-B
6. A memory space used for the temporary storage of data is
A. PROM B. SAM C. Scratchpad storage D. Buffer Right Answer-C
7. Which type device is a piece of equipment that receives information from a CPU?
A. Input B. Output C. CPU D. Memory Right Answer- B
8. The personal computer industry was started by
A. IBM B. Apple C. Compaq D. HCL Right Answer - D
9. The first electronic computer in the world was A. UNIVAC B. EDVAC C. ENIAC D. All of
Right Answer- C
10. Which of the following is not currently a topic in computer science?
A. Speech recognition B. Artificial intelligence C. Thermodynamics D. Multiprocessing
Right Answer:- C
11. What is the name of the logic circuit which can add two binary digits?
A. Full adder B. Half adder C. Buffer D. Register Right Answer:- B
12. One millisecond is
A. 1 second B. 10th of a seconds C. 1000th of a seconds D. 10000th of a seconds
Right Answer:- C
13. Which access method is used for obtaining a record from a cassette tape?
A. Direct B. Sequential C. Random D. All of the above Right Answer:- B
14. Which of the following items are examples of storage devices?
A. Floppy / hard disks B. CD-ROMs C. Tape devices D. All of the above
Right Answer:- D
15. The section of the CPU that selects, interprets and sees to the execution of program instructions
A. Memory B. Register unit C. Control unit D. ALU Right Answer:- C
16. Where does a computer add and compare data
A. Hard disk B. Floppy disk C. CPU chip D. Memory chip Right Answer:- C
17 . Which of the following can store information in the form of microscopic pits on metal disks.
A. Laser disks B. Tape cassettes C. RAM cartridge D. Punched cards Right Answer: A
18. Which device of computer operation dispenses with the use of the keyboard?
A. Joystick B. Light pen C. Mouse D. Touch Right Answer: C
19. Which disk interface standard includes support for up to eight peripheral devices
A. ST50G/412 B. IDE C. SCSI D. ESDI Right Answer: C
20. The binary system uses powers of
A. 2 B. 10 C. 8 D. 16 Right Answer: A
21. The central processor of a modern digital computer consists of
A. control unit B. primary memory C. control unit and primary memory D. All of the above
Right Answer: C
22. Any device that performs signal conversion is
A. Modulator B. Modem C. Keyboard D. Plotter Right Answer: A
23. UNIVAC is
A. Universal Automatic Computer B. Universal Array Computer C. Unique Automatic Computer
D. Unvalued Automatic Computer Right Answer: A
24. Which of the following are(is) Language Processor(s)
A. assembles B. compilers C. interpreters D. All of the above Right Answer: D
25. An error in computer data is called ?...A. Chip B. Bug C. CP Storage device D. Storage
device Right Answer: B
26. FAT stands for ? A. File Allocation Table B. File Application Table C. First Allocation Table
D. First Application Table Right Answer: A
27. A temporary storage area, attached to the CPU, for I/O operations is a:?
A. chip B. buffer C. register D. core Right Answer: B
28. Process is..? A. program in High level language kept on disk B. contents of main memory
C. a program in execution D. a job in secondary memory Right Answer: C
29. 1024 bytes represent a ? A. Megabyte B. Gigabyte C. Kilobyte D. None of the above
Right Answer: C
30. A language which is close to that used within the computer is
A. High-level language B. Assembly language C. Low-level language D. All of the above
Right Answer: C
31. A applied by Intel corp. to high speed MOS technology is called
A. HDLC B. LAP C. HMOS D. SDLC Right Answer: C
32. Which is a unit representing the no bits of discrete.
A. Baud B. Byte C. Bit D. All of the above Right Answer: A
33. - Which of the following instruction steps, would be written within the diamond-shaped box, of a
A. S = B – C B. IS A<10 C. PRINT A D. DATA X,4Z Right Answer: B
34. Which type device is a piece of equipment that receives information from a CPU?
A. Input B. Output C. CPU D. Memory Right Answer: B
35 . Which of the following is intended to be used in all applications runs on mainframe computers.
A. LOGO B , APL C. PL/1 D. OCCAM Right Answer: C
36. The silicon chips used for data processing are called A. RAM chips B. ROM chips C. Micro
processors D. PROM chips Right Answer: D
37. The brain of any computer system is A. ALU B. PRINT A C. CPU D. Control unit
Right Answer: C
38. Control unit A. Resembles digital computer B. Resembles analog computer
C. Resembles both a digital and analog computer D. None of the above Right Answer: C
39. The function of CPU is..? A. to provide a hard copy B. to read, interpret and process the
information and instruction C. to communicate with the operator D. to provide external storage of
Right Answer: B
40. Which is used for manufacturing chips?
A. Bus B. Control unit C. Semiconductors D. A and b only Right Answer: C
41. What type of device is computer keyboard?
A. Memory B. Output C. Storage D. Input Right Answer: D
42. Before a disk can be used to store data. It must be&hellip;&hellip;
A. Formatted B. Reformatted C. Addressed D. None of the above Right Answer: A
43. Which of the following systems software does the job of merging the records from two files into one?
A. Security software B. Utility program C. Networking software D. Documentation system
Right Answer: B
44. Name of the first guided weapon in the world which used a programmable digital computer:
A. Sting Ray Torpedo B. Mk 46 Torpedo C. Air-Launched Cruise Missile (ALCM)
D. Tomahawk Missile
Right Answer: A
45. MICR stands for ? A. Magnetic Ink Character Reader B. Magnetic Ink Code Reader
C. Magnetic Ink Cases Reader D. None Right Answer: A
46. The complete picture of data stored in database is known as
A. Record B. Schema C. System flowchart D. DBMS Right Answer: B
47. Which of the following require large computer memory
A. Imaging B. Graphics C. Voice D. All of the above Right Answer: D
48. Which printer uses a combination of laser –beam & electro photographic techniques.
A. Laser printers B. Dot-Matrix C. Line printer D. Daisy wheel Right Answer: A

49. The time for which a piece of equipment operates is called

A. Seek time B. Effective time C. Access time D. Real time Right Answer: B
50. The part of machine level instruction, which tells the central processor what has to be done, is
A. Operation code B. Address C. Locator D. Flip-Flop Right Answer: A
51. A single packet on a data link is known as
A. Path B. Frame C. Block D. Group Right Answer: B
52. An AND gate
A. implements logic addition B. is equivalent to a series switching circuit C. is an any or all
gate D. is equivalent to a parallel switching circuit Right Answer: B
53. The symbols used in an assembly language are
A. Codes B. Mnemonics C. Assembler D. All of the above Right Answer: B
54. When did arch rivals IBM and Apple Computers Inc. decide to join hands?
A. 1978 B. 1984 C. 1990 D. 1991 Right Answer: D
55. Which programming language is based on Algol60.
56. The person contributing the idea of the stored program was
A. John von Neumann B. Charles Babbage C. Howard Aiken D. Basic Pascal
Right Answer: A
57. Which language was devised by Dr. Seymour Aubrey Papert?
58. A memory space used for the temporary storage of data is
A. OCR B. OMR C. ODR D. All of the above Right Answer: A
59. Which of the following are the two main components of the CPU
A. John von Neumann B. registers and main memory C. control unit and ALU
D. ALU and bus Right Answer: C
60. Which is a device that changes information into digital form?
A. Modem B. Digitizer C. Mouse D. Light pen Right Answer: B
61. The examination and changing of single bits or small groups of his within a word is called
A. Bit B. Byte C. Bit manipulation D. Bit slice Right Answer: C
62. The octal equivalence of 111010 is? A. 81 B. 72 C. 71 D. None of above Right Answer: B
63. How many types of storage loops exist in magnetic bubble memory?
A. 8 B. 4 C. 16 D. 2 Right Answer: D
64 . Which part of the computer is used for calculating and comparing?
A. Disk unit B. Control unit C. ALU D. Modem Right Answer: C
65 . A datum that indicates some important state in the content of input or output is
A. Sequence B. Sentinel C. SIO D. Sibling Right Answer: B
66. A technique used by codes to convert an analog signal into a digital bit stream is known as
A. Pulse code modulation B. Pulse stretcher C. Query processing D. Queue management
Right Answer: A
67. Which of the following is used to insure the high quality of computer output?
A. computer output microfilm B. output controls C. voice output systems D. liquid crystal
Right Answer: B
68. A software package to perform calculations on data arranged in an array is
A. System software B. Utility programs C. Electronic spread sheet D. Application programs
Right Answer: C
69 . Which of the following memory is capable of operating at electronics speed
A. Semiconductor memory B. Magnetic disks C. Magnetic drums D. Magnetic tapes
Right Answer: A
70. What does that acronym VGA stand for
A. Extended Graphics Adapter B. Enhanced Graphics Array C. Video Graphics Array
D. Color Graphics Array Right Answer: C
71. Which of the following is an example of Cooperative Multi-Tasking OS?
A. Lynx OS B. Mac OS C. MS DOS D. None of the above Right Answer: B
72. The system unit of a personal computer typically contains all of the following except
A. microprocessor B. disk controller C. serial interface D. modem Right Answer: D
73 A byte consists of
A. One bit B. Four bits C. Eight bits D. Sixteen bits Right Answer: C
74. Which of the following is not used on multiprogramming systems?
A. Memory Management B. File Management C. Process Management D. None of the
Right Answer: A
75. What was the total number of UNIVAC-I sold eventually and by which company
A. 30, British Tabulating Machine Co. (BTM) B. 40, International Business Machines (IBM)
C. 48, Remington Rand D. 40, International Computer Ltd. (ICL) Right Answer: C
76. How many bit code is used by Murray code for TELEPRINTER machines.
A. 4 B. 5 C. 9 D. 25 Right Answer: B
77. A characteristic of card systems is
A. slowness in processing data B. using cards as records of transactions C. needing a larger DP
D. all the above Right Answer: D
78. The personnel who deals with the computer & its management put together are called
A. Software B. Human ware C. Firmware D. Hardware Right Answer: B
79. Which is another name for functional language?
A. Machine B. Application language C. Low-level language D. High-level language
Right Answer: B
80. A program that converts computer data into some code system other than the normal one is known as
A. Encoder B. Simulation C. Emulator D. Coding Right Answer: A
81. A part located in the central processing unit that stores data & information is known as
A. Core memory B. PROM C. EPROM D. ROM Right Answer: A
82. Off-line operation is the operation of devices without the control of
A. Memory B. CPU C. ALU D. Control unit Right Answer: B
83 A computer program that converts assembly language to machine language is
A. Compiler B. Interpreter C. Assembler D. Comparator Right Answer: C
84. Offline device is ?
A. A device which is not connected to CPU B. A device which is connected to CPU
C. A direct access storage device D. An I/O device Right Answer: A
85. In which year was chip used inside the computer for the first time?
A.1964 B. 1975 C.1999 D. 1944 Right Answer: B
86. A systems programming language for microcomputers in the Intel family is
A.PL/C B.PL/CT C.PL/M D.PLA Right Answer: C
87. Which of the following are (is) considered to be video component?
A. Resolution B. Color depth C. Refresh rate D. All of the alcove Right Answer: D
88. A memory that does not change its contents without external causes is known as
A. Dynamic memory B. Static memory C.RAM D. EEPROM Right Answer: B
89. The first computer introduced in Nepal was
A. IBM 1400 B. IBM 1401 C.IBM 1402 D.IBM 1406 Right Answer: B
90. A computer has a 1024K memory. What does the letter K stand for
A. Kilometre B. Thousand C.1024 D.MB Right Answer: C
91. The list of coded instructions is called
A. Computer program B. Algorithm C. Flowchart D. Utility programs
Right Answer: A
92. A group of magnetic tapes, videos or terminals usually under the control of one master is
A. RAM B. Cluster C. Surface D. Track Right Answer: B
93. Fifth generation computers are likely to exhibit
A. artificial intelligence B. heuristicbehaviour C. advanced parallel processing
D. All of the above Right Answer: D
94. A multi programming system is one that can
A. run very fast B. share hardware resources with many programs simultaneously
C. compute many programs simultaneously D. use many operating systems
Right Answer: B
95. Which is the type of memory for information that does not change on your computer?
A. RAM B.ROM C. ERAM D. RW / RAM Right Answer: B
96. 101 - ALU is
A. Arithmetic Logic Unit B. Array Logic Unit C. Application Logic Unit D. None of above
Right Answer: A
97. An optical input device that interprets pencil marks on paper media is
A. O.M.R B. Punch card reader C. Optical scanners D. Magnetic tape Right Answer: A
98. Which part of the computer were is used for calculating and comparing
A. Disk unit B. Control unit C. ALU D. Modem Right Answer: C
99. Which method is used to connect a remote computer?
A. Device B. Dialup C. Diagnostic D. Logic circuit Right Answer: B
100. Which of the following is not an input device?
A. OCR B. Optical scanners C. Voice recognition device D. COM (Computer Output to Microfilm)
Right Answer: D
101. Which is a secondary memory device
A. CPU B. ALU C. Floppy disk D. Mouse Right Answer: C

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