ADVANCE-EXCEL Computer Fundamental
ADVANCE-EXCEL Computer Fundamental
ADVANCE-EXCEL Computer Fundamental
Computer Fundamental
1. Which printer uses a combination of laser-beam & electro photographic techniques?
A. Laser printers B. Line printer C. Dot-Matrix D. Daisy wheel Right Answer- A
2. A multi programming system is one that can
A. run very fast B. share hardware resources with many programs simultaneously
C. compute many programs simultaneously D. use many operating systems Right Answer- B
3. Off-line operation is the operation of devices without the control of?..A. Memory B. CPU
C. ALU D. Control unit Right Answer- B
4. The system unit of a personal computer typically contains all of the following except
A. microprocessor B. disk controller C. serial interface D. modem Right Answer- D
5. Which of the following is an example of Cooperative Multi-Tasking OS?
A. Lynx OS B. Mac OS C. None of the above D. MS DOS Right Answer-B
6. A memory space used for the temporary storage of data is
A. PROM B. SAM C. Scratchpad storage D. Buffer Right Answer-C
7. Which type device is a piece of equipment that receives information from a CPU?
A. Input B. Output C. CPU D. Memory Right Answer- B
8. The personal computer industry was started by
A. IBM B. Apple C. Compaq D. HCL Right Answer - D
9. The first electronic computer in the world was A. UNIVAC B. EDVAC C. ENIAC D. All of
Right Answer- C
10. Which of the following is not currently a topic in computer science?
A. Speech recognition B. Artificial intelligence C. Thermodynamics D. Multiprocessing
Right Answer:- C
11. What is the name of the logic circuit which can add two binary digits?
A. Full adder B. Half adder C. Buffer D. Register Right Answer:- B
12. One millisecond is
A. 1 second B. 10th of a seconds C. 1000th of a seconds D. 10000th of a seconds
Right Answer:- C
13. Which access method is used for obtaining a record from a cassette tape?
A. Direct B. Sequential C. Random D. All of the above Right Answer:- B
14. Which of the following items are examples of storage devices?
A. Floppy / hard disks B. CD-ROMs C. Tape devices D. All of the above
Right Answer:- D
15. The section of the CPU that selects, interprets and sees to the execution of program instructions
A. Memory B. Register unit C. Control unit D. ALU Right Answer:- C
16. Where does a computer add and compare data
A. Hard disk B. Floppy disk C. CPU chip D. Memory chip Right Answer:- C
17 . Which of the following can store information in the form of microscopic pits on metal disks.
A. Laser disks B. Tape cassettes C. RAM cartridge D. Punched cards Right Answer: A
18. Which device of computer operation dispenses with the use of the keyboard?
A. Joystick B. Light pen C. Mouse D. Touch Right Answer: C
19. Which disk interface standard includes support for up to eight peripheral devices
A. ST50G/412 B. IDE C. SCSI D. ESDI Right Answer: C
20. The binary system uses powers of
A. 2 B. 10 C. 8 D. 16 Right Answer: A
21. The central processor of a modern digital computer consists of
A. control unit B. primary memory C. control unit and primary memory D. All of the above
Right Answer: C
22. Any device that performs signal conversion is
A. Modulator B. Modem C. Keyboard D. Plotter Right Answer: A
23. UNIVAC is
A. Universal Automatic Computer B. Universal Array Computer C. Unique Automatic Computer
D. Unvalued Automatic Computer Right Answer: A
24. Which of the following are(is) Language Processor(s)
A. assembles B. compilers C. interpreters D. All of the above Right Answer: D
25. An error in computer data is called ?...A. Chip B. Bug C. CP Storage device D. Storage
device Right Answer: B
26. FAT stands for ? A. File Allocation Table B. File Application Table C. First Allocation Table
D. First Application Table Right Answer: A
27. A temporary storage area, attached to the CPU, for I/O operations is a:?
A. chip B. buffer C. register D. core Right Answer: B
28. Process is..? A. program in High level language kept on disk B. contents of main memory
C. a program in execution D. a job in secondary memory Right Answer: C
29. 1024 bytes represent a ? A. Megabyte B. Gigabyte C. Kilobyte D. None of the above
Right Answer: C
30. A language which is close to that used within the computer is
A. High-level language B. Assembly language C. Low-level language D. All of the above
Right Answer: C
31. A applied by Intel corp. to high speed MOS technology is called
A. HDLC B. LAP C. HMOS D. SDLC Right Answer: C
32. Which is a unit representing the no bits of discrete.
A. Baud B. Byte C. Bit D. All of the above Right Answer: A
33. - Which of the following instruction steps, would be written within the diamond-shaped box, of a
A. S = B – C B. IS A<10 C. PRINT A D. DATA X,4Z Right Answer: B
34. Which type device is a piece of equipment that receives information from a CPU?
A. Input B. Output C. CPU D. Memory Right Answer: B
35 . Which of the following is intended to be used in all applications runs on mainframe computers.
A. LOGO B , APL C. PL/1 D. OCCAM Right Answer: C
36. The silicon chips used for data processing are called A. RAM chips B. ROM chips C. Micro
processors D. PROM chips Right Answer: D
37. The brain of any computer system is A. ALU B. PRINT A C. CPU D. Control unit
Right Answer: C
38. Control unit A. Resembles digital computer B. Resembles analog computer
C. Resembles both a digital and analog computer D. None of the above Right Answer: C
39. The function of CPU is..? A. to provide a hard copy B. to read, interpret and process the
information and instruction C. to communicate with the operator D. to provide external storage of
Right Answer: B
40. Which is used for manufacturing chips?
A. Bus B. Control unit C. Semiconductors D. A and b only Right Answer: C
41. What type of device is computer keyboard?
A. Memory B. Output C. Storage D. Input Right Answer: D
42. Before a disk can be used to store data. It must be……
A. Formatted B. Reformatted C. Addressed D. None of the above Right Answer: A
43. Which of the following systems software does the job of merging the records from two files into one?
A. Security software B. Utility program C. Networking software D. Documentation system
Right Answer: B
44. Name of the first guided weapon in the world which used a programmable digital computer:
A. Sting Ray Torpedo B. Mk 46 Torpedo C. Air-Launched Cruise Missile (ALCM)
D. Tomahawk Missile
Right Answer: A
45. MICR stands for ? A. Magnetic Ink Character Reader B. Magnetic Ink Code Reader
C. Magnetic Ink Cases Reader D. None Right Answer: A
46. The complete picture of data stored in database is known as
A. Record B. Schema C. System flowchart D. DBMS Right Answer: B
47. Which of the following require large computer memory
A. Imaging B. Graphics C. Voice D. All of the above Right Answer: D
48. Which printer uses a combination of laser –beam & electro photographic techniques.
A. Laser printers B. Dot-Matrix C. Line printer D. Daisy wheel Right Answer: A