Grounding and Bonding
Grounding and Bonding
Grounding and Bonding
• The primary purpose of grounding and bonding is electrical safety, but does
safety cover personal protection or equipment protection, or both?
• Most people would equate electrical safety with personal protection (and
rightfully so), but equipment protection may be viewed as an extension of
personal protection.
• This is why even though personal safety is the prime concern, equipment
protection is also worthy of consideration when configuring a grounding
system methodology.
• Two microelectronic devices that communicate with each other and interpret
data require a common reference point from which to operate.
• The ground plane for such devices should provide a low-impedance reference
plane for the devices, and any electrical noise induced or propagated to the
ground plane should have very minimal impact on the devices.
• The resistance of an average human under conditions when the skin is dry is
about 100 kΩ or higher.
• However, the phase that is contacting the frame will be brought to the ground
potential and the person touching the frame is not in danger of receiving an
electric shock.
• On the other hand, consider Figure b, where the motor frame is not bonded to
a ground. If the source feeding the motor were a grounded source,
considerable leakage current would flow through the body of the person.
• The current levels can reach values high enough to cause death.
• If the source is ungrounded, the current flow through the body will be
completed by the stray capacitance of cable used to connect the motor to the
• Ex For a 1/0 cable the stray capacitance is of the order of 0.17μF for a 100-ft
cable. The cable reactance is approximately 15,600Ω.
• Currents significant enough to cause a shock would flow through the person
in contact with the motor body.
3. Concrete-encased electrodes
4. Ground ring
• The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that the ground electrode system
is large enough to present low impedance to the flow of fault energy.
• It should be recognized that, while any one of the ground electrodes may be
adequate by itself, bonding all of these together provides a superior ground
grid system.
• Why all this preoccupation with ground systems that are extensive and
• When electrical charges associated with lightning strike a building and its
electrical system, the lightning energy could pass safely to earth without
damaging electrical equipment or causing injury to people.
• The earth resistance test is a means to ensure that the ground electrode
system of a facility has adequate contact with earth.
• Figure shows how an earth resistance tester is used to test the resistance
between the ground grid and earth.
• The most common method of testing earth resistance is the fall of potential
test, for which the earth resistance tester is connected as shown in Figure.
• The voltage drop is measured between the reference ground electrode and
the potential rod.
• The ground resistance is calculated as the ratio between the voltage and the
• The tester automatically calculates and displays the resistance in ohms. The
potential rod is then moved to another location and the test repeated. The
resistance values are plotted against the distance from the reference rod.
• The earth resistance is represented by the value corresponding to the flat
portion of the curve.
• In typical ground grid systems, the value at a distance 62% of the total
distance between the reference electrode and the current rod is taken as the
resistance of the ground system with respect to earth.
• The distance between the reference electrode and the current rod is determined
by the type and size of the ground grid system. For a single ground rod, a
distance of 100 to 150 ft is adequate.
• For large ground grid systems consisting of multiple ground rods, ground
rings, or concrete-encased systems, the distance between the reference ground
electrode and the current rod should be 5 to 10 times the diagonal measure of
the ground grid system.
• The reason is that, as currents are injected into the earth, electrical fields are
set up around the electrodes in the form of shells.
• To prevent erroneous results, the two sets of shells around the reference
electrode and the current electrode should not overlap.
• The greater the distance between the two, the more accurate the ground
resistance test results.
• For large buildings and facilities that house sensitive loads, a resistance value
of 10 Ω is typically specified.
• For buildings that contain sensitive loads such as signal, communication, and
data-processing equipment, a resistance of 5 Ω or less is sometimes specified.
• Earth resistance depends on the type of soil, its
mineral composition, moisture content, and
• Ground grids can take different forms and shapes. The ultimate purpose is to
provide a metal grid of sufficient area of contact with the earth so as to
derive low resistance between the ground electrode and the earth.
• Two of the main requirements of any ground grid are to ensure that it will be
stable with time and that it will not form chemical reactions with other metal
objects in the vicinity.
Ground rods should be not less than 8 ft long and should consist of the
• Electrodes of conduits or pipes that are no smaller than 3/4-inch trade size;
when these conduits are made of steel, the outer surface should be galvanized
or otherwise metal-coated for corrosion protection
• Electrodes of rods of iron or steel that are at least 5/8 inches in diameter; the
electrodes should be installed so that at least an 8-ft length is in contact with
• Typically, copper-clad steel rods are used for ground rods. Steel provides the
strength needed to withstand the forces during driving of the rod into the
soil, while the copper coating provides corrosion protection and also allows
copper conductors to be attached to the ground rod.
• Rectangular or circular plates should present an area of at least 2 ft2 to the
soil. Electrodes of iron and steel shall be at least 1/4 inch in thickness;
• Table gives the earth resistance values for circular plates buried 3 ft below
the surface in soil with a resistivity of 10,000 Ω-cm.
• The ground ring encircling a building in direct contact with the earth should
be installed at a depth of not less than 2.5 ft below the surface of the earth.
• Typically, ground rings are installed in trenches around the building, and
wire tails are brought out for connection to the grounded service conductor at
the service disconnect panel or switchboard. It is preferred that a continuous
piece of wire be used.
• The values contained in the table are intended to point out the variations that
may be obtained using different types of earth electrodes.
• A good ground electrode grid system with low resistance to earth is a vital
foundation for the entire power system for the facility.
• When a ground fault occurs, large ground return currents are set up which
causes the overcurrent protection to open and isolate the load from the power
• The possibility of arcing ground faults in systems rated less than 150 V to
ground should be acknowledged, and ground fault protection against low-
level ground faults should be provided for the power system.
• The ground fault protection is set at levels considerably lower than the phase
fault protection.
• The setting of the ground fault device depends on the degree of protection
required, as this requirement is strictly ground fault protection for equipment.
• The main purpose of the signal reference ground is not personal safety or
equipment protection but merely to provide a common reference low-
impedance plane from which sensitive loads may operate.
• For power frequency, even a few hundred feet of wire can provide adequate
impedance, but the situation is different at high frequencies.
• If a noise current of 100 mA at 1 MHz is to find its way into the ground wire
between the two devices, the noise voltage must be 2 V, which is enough to cause
the devices to lose communication and perhaps even sustain damage, depending
on the device sensitivity.
• This example is a simple situation consisting of only two devices; however,
hundreds and perhaps thousands of such devices or circuits might be present
in an actual computer or communication data center.
• All these devices require a common reference from which to operate. This is
accomplished by the use of the SRG.
• The main purpose of the SRG is not electrical safety, even though nothing that
we do to the ground system should compromise safety;
• rather, the SRG is a ground plane that provides all sensitive equipment
connected to it a reference point from which to operate without being unduly
affected by noise that may be propagated through the SRG by devices external
or internal to the space protected by the SRG.
• What we mean by this is that noise may be present in the SRG, but the presence
of the noise should not result in voltage differentials or current loops of levels
that could interfere with the operation of devices that use the SRG for reference.
• The SRG is not a stand-alone entity; it must be bonded to other building ground
electrodes such as building steel, ground ring, or concrete-encased electrodes.
• Some facilities use a single conductor installed underneath the floor and
looped around the space of the computer center.
• Larger computer data centers use more than one conductor but the
limitations are the same as stated above.
• If the impedance is measured at any two nodes of the SRG and plotted against
frequency, the shape of the frequency characteristics would appear as shown
in Figure.
• The impedance vs. frequency graph should appear the same across any two sets
of nodes of the SRG, as this is the main objective of the SRG.
• Some installations use copper strips instead of circular conductors to form the
• Other facilities might use sheets of copper under the floor of the computer
center as the SRG.
• The SRG is also bonded to the building steel and the stanchions that support the
raised floor of the computer center.
• Such an arrangement provides excellent noise immunity and allows the creation
of a good reference plane for the sensitive circuits.
• Figure depicts how an SRG for a large-sized computer center might be
• The principle behind the configuration of the SRG does not change whether the
ground reference plane is below ground or above ground.
• It is important that all noise producing loads be kept away from the SRG.
• If such loads are present, they should be located at the outer periphery of the data
center and bonded to the building steel, if possible.
• With multipoint grounding, every piece of equipment sharing a common space
or building is individually grounded
• The SRG must also be bonded to the building ground electrode to ensure
personal safety.
• Let’s examine the circuit shown in Figure. Here, the ground plane is at
different potentials for the two devices that share the ground circuit.
• This sets up circulation of currents in the loop formed between the two devices
by the common ground wires and the signal ground conductor.
• For electrical systems, reference is the ground or some other body large
enough to serve in place of the ground, and electrical stability depends on how
sound this reference is.