Dithering Increases Dynamic Range in Digital-Radio System
Dithering Increases Dynamic Range in Digital-Radio System
Dithering Increases Dynamic Range in Digital-Radio System
Dithering increases
dynamic range
in digital-radio system
pplications such as test equipment and dig-
integrated noise power for dithering of add to the unit cost in production? How
40 dBm, NN0 10log(2 MHz)G; risky is the design of the dithering cir-
G40 dBmⳮ(144 dBm/Hz)63 cuitry? What are the economic benefits
dB; and G41 dB, where G is gain. The of the program as a result of the increase
next problem involves combining the in dynamic range that the dithering cir-
noise and the signal. To minimize signal- cuit yields? Whether it’s a radio network
path loss, also a figure of merit, a designer requiring fewer base stations as a result
could use a 20-dB coupler, but this ap- of increased range or a piece of test
proach reduces the noise power by 20 dB. equipment gaining a competitive advan-
Thus, the required gain is actually 61 dB. tage, dithering will become increasingly
Note also that some extra lowpass filter- commonplace as its implementation be-
ing may be necessary, again increasing comes simple.왏
the required gain.
Both methods require a large upfront References
design effort and potentially add expen- 1.“Overcoming Converter Nonlinear-
sive circuitry, which leads to the eco- ities with Dither,” Analog Devices Appli-
nomic question: Is it worth it? An alter- cation Note AN-410.
native is to use a self-contained dithering 2. “SHF Interoperability Phase Shift
module, which can tip the scales toward Keying (PSK) and Performance Stan-
employing dithering using the added- dards for SHF Satellite Communications
noise method. This type of device has a PSK Modems,” Military Standard 188-
signal-input port and an output of signal 165, Jan 13, 1995.
plus dithering noise. The noise is suffi- 3. Pearce, Jim, “What’s All This Eb/N0
ciently strong enough and filtered to not Stuff Anyway?” Spread Spectrum Scene
encroach on the signal, even in the pres- Online, Volume 7, No. 1, Fall 2000,
ence of aliasing. The signal-insertion loss www.sss-mag.com/newiss4.html#5.
is less than 1 dB, making it comparable
to a good low-noise amplifier. Having no Author’s bio graphy
active components in the signal path Patrick Robbins is director of the Noise
means that compression or distortion is Products Division of Micronetics Inc
not a problem. (Hudson, NH). He previously worked at
There are always design alternatives to KnowledgeXtensions, developing applica-
any problem. Looking at the big picture, tions for its Java/XML-based e-learning
a quick economic analysis is useful. How software platform. He has a bachelor’s de-
much will the upfront design effort cost? gree in interdisciplinary science from Rens-
How much does the dithering circuitry selaer Polytechnic Institute (Troy, NY).
74 edn | May 26, 2005 www.edn.com