For the seawater desalination facilities based on reverse osmosis (RO), the pretreatment technologies, such as sand filtration
and UF filtration, is essential to maintain the performance of RO membranes. To ensure the stable performance of the solid-
liquid separators as pretreatment processes, prior to them, a foam fractionator is proposed to firstly remove turbid
components, transparent exopolymer particles (TEP), and biopolymers, and its performance was reported in this paper. In lab-
scale experiments, we have verified the performance of the foam fractionator and studied the effect of TEP on the treatment
performance of RO membranes. We also conducted pilot-scale experiments to verify the effectiveness of the foam
fractionator during long-term continuous operations carried out both in Tokyo, Japan, and in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Keywords: Foam Fractionator, Pretreatment, Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP), Biopolymers, Seawater desalination,
Fouling, Reverse osmosis, Sand filter, Ultrafiltration, Turbidity
membranes was quantitatively evaluated by the lab- 2.2 Lab-scale experiments to verify the
scale experiments firstly. In order to enhance the performance of foam fractionator
pretreatment of seawater desalination, the incorporation (1) The foam fractionator
of a foam fractionator before the conventional Figure 2 shows an image diagram of the foam
pretreatment processes was proposed, and the removal fractionator. With the simple structure, the fractionator
effect on the organic substances that caused membrane consists of a raw-water supply pipe, an effluent pipe, an
fouling was investigated. This paper reported the results air supply pipe, and a discharge pipe for generated
in the lab-scale experiments to evaluate the performance foam. As for the basic removal mechanisms, as shown
of the foam fractionator, and in the pilot-scale in Figure 3, the hydrophobic organic substances could
experiments to verify its effectiveness during long-term adhere to the surface of foam, and separate and
operations carried out in Jakarta, Indonesia and in discharge out together with the foam from the upper
Tokyo, Japan, with a foam fractionator prior to the sand part of the fractionator after the concentration. The
filtration. foam fractionator offers the advantages of the low cost
of equipment, the small footprint and space savings
2. Material and methods
because the contact time is as short as 1.5 to 3 minutes.
2.1 Effects of foulants on the performance of RO The effluent of the foam fractionator was then treated
membrane with a solid-liquid separator (a sand- or membrane-
The effect of organic foulants on the performance of based filter) and then supplied to RO membranes.
RO filtration was investigated by the lab-scale filtration (2) Experimental methods
experiments. The experiments were conducted by The performance of the foam fractionator was evaluated
measuring the permeability of RO membrane by the lab-scale experiments (Figure 4), according to the
quantitatively using the seawater added with xanthan removal rates of turbidity and organic foulants, using
gum (XG) as the TEP source. Figure 1 shows the lab- TEP and biopolymer as the indicator. The seawater
scale experimental equipment. 20 L seawater, after from Tokyo Bay was used as the raw water.
filtration with UF membrane and addition with the XG The detailed experimental procedures are described
of 0 – 1 200 mg, was used as the raw water. The RO as follows.
filtration was operated with the raw water flow rate of (i) A
dd 1.9 L of seawater to the foam fractionator.
5.5 L/min and operational pressure of 5.0 MPa. Both (ii) A
rrange the fractionator with the foam separator,
permeate water and concentrated water were returned air stone, etc.
to the raw water tank and circulated continuously. The (iii) A
erate 1 to 4 minutes.
permeability of RO membrane was calculated by the (iv) C
ollect water samples together with foam from
permeate flux and operational pressure measured after the upper part of the fractionator
1-day continuous operation since the addition of XG. (v) S
top the operation after designated time.
The corresponding permeability was obtained for the (vi) M
easure the volume of the residual liquid inside
different addition amount of XG. the fractionator, and take samples as the treated
(vii) A
nalyze the samples.
(3) Analytical methods
Total organic carbon (TOC) is typical indicator for the
organic substances. However, only a part of organic
components are strongly correlated to the membrane
fouling. As mentioned above, TEP and biopolymer were
measured as the indicator of organic since they contribute
Fig. 1 Laboratory Test Equipment to membrane fouling mainly. The measurement method
Fig. 4 Foam Fractionator Tokyo, Japan to confirm its enhancement effect on the
Line 1 Line 2
Fig. 10 Changes in Turbidity (The upper and lower charts show changes in turbidity and changes in removal rate, respectively)
(2) Combination of foam fractionator with sand benefited from the effective removal of turbidity and
filtration in a pilot system in Japan consequent lower increase rate of filtration resistance.
Figure 12 shows typical changes in filtration resistance Figure 13 shows the concentrations of TEP for the
observed immediately after sand-filtration backwash in raw water and sand-filtrated water. The concentrations
Line 2 (foam fractionation + sand filtration) and Line 1 of TEP in treated water were 0.25 mg-XG/L for Line 1
(sand filtration only). When the filtration resistance and 0.19 mg-XG/L for Line 2, for 1.2 mg-XG/L in raw
reached 10 kPa, the operational time was only approximate water. The concentration of TEP in Line 2 with foam
13.5 hours in Line 2 with the foam fractionator, and fractionator was reduced by approximately 20 %
obviously longer than that in Line 1, approximate 5.5 hours, compared to that in Line 2. The decrease in the
with the conventional pretreatment as reference. concentration of TEP for the influent of RO contributed
Furthermore, the increase rates of filtration resistance to the slow development of membrane fouling.
were 0.49 kPa/h and 1.35 kPa/h with and without foam
4. Conclusions
fractionator in Line 2 and Line 1, respectively. The
increase rate in Line 2 was only approximate 1/3 of that This study identified the effect of organic substances,
in Line 1, which was resulted from the effect removal of such as TEP and biopolymer, which came from the fed
turbid substances by the foam fractionator, which came seawater, on the membrane fouling development for
from seawater or generated during flocculation. SWRO system, and investigated their removal by the
The advantages of foam fractionator include the foam fractionator as an easy and innovative pretreatment
capability of continuous operation to remove the technologies by both lab-scale and pilot-scale experiments.
turbidity and no requirement of backwash process The results of lab-scale experiments confirmed that the
especially. Consequently, the treated water can be permeability of RO membrane decreased with the
continuously supplied to a sand filter. Furthermore, increase of TEP addition amount. Both lab-scale and pilot-
after the installation of a foam fractionator, it could be scale experiments demonstrated the removal ability of
obtained, for the sand filter, the longer filtration foam fractionator for TEP and other substances, which
duration, the less backwash frequency, and the higher caused RO membrane fouling. After employed the foam
linear filtration velocity to help reducing the size, fractionator, the fluctuation of turbidity load could be
reduced effectively, which contributed to the
enhancement of the pretreatment of SWRO system
obviously. This study demonstrated the potential
application of foam fractionator as an innovative
pretreatment technology of SWRO, and could contribute
to relieve the global water scarce by the more wide
application of SWRO.