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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Physical Education 10
Third Quarter
Week – 5
Quarter : 3 Week : 5 Day : 3 Activity No. : 5
Competency: : Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities
Objective : Engage to a moderate street and hip hop dance styles.
Topic : Street and Hip-Hop Dance Styles
Materials : LM - Physical Education and Health 10
Reference : (Costales 2000)
Costales, Andrea. Pinterest. 2000. (accessed September
14, 2020).
(L. F.-A. Callo 2015)
Callo, Lualhati F., Mark Kenneth S. Camiling, Johannsen C. Yap, Janeth P. Cagulang,
Jose C. Doria, Encarnita Deveraturda, Jo-Ann G. Grecia. Physical Education
and Health Learner's Material 10. Pasig City: Vibal Group Inc., 2015.

(House of Crews 2011)

(Muzicsoulrhythm 2014)
(MihranTV 2016)
Copyrights : Department of Education
Pending for approval

Concept Notes:
Moderate Physical Activities
Physical activity simply means movement of the body that uses energy. You can choose moderate or vigorous intensity
activities, or a mix of both each week. Activities can be considered vigorous, moderate, or light in intensity. This
depends on the extent to which they make you breathe harder and your heart beat faster.

Street and Hip-Hop Dance Styles

B-Boying or breaking, also called breakdancing, is a style of street dance and the first hip-hop dance style
that originated among Black and Puerto Rican youths in New York City during the early 1970’s. A practitioner of this
dance is called a b-boy, b-girl, or breaker. Although the term breakdance is frequently used to refer to the dance, b-
boying and breaking are the original terms.
Popping was popularized by Samuel "Boogaloo Sam" Solomon and his crew the Electric Boogaloos. It is
based on the technique of quickly contracting and relaxing muscles to cause a jerk in a dancer's body.
The Melbourne Shuffle (also known as Rocking or simply The Shuffle) is a rave and club dance that
originated in the late 1980s in the underground rave music scene in Melbourne, Australia. The basic movements in
the dance are a fast heel-and-toe action with a style suitable for various types of electronic music. Some variants
incorporate arm movements. People who dance the shuffle are often referred to as rockers, due in part to the popularity
of shuffling to rock music in the early 1990s.
It is a creative way of making geometric shapes forming right angle using your body parts. The style was
originally practiced by young funk dancers. It is derived from the positions people were drawn in during the days of
the Ancient Egyptians. Tutting is still greatly respected move and King Tut aka Mark Benson is widely acclaimed for
pioneering the style.

Watch the following Youtube video tutorials:

B-boying -
Popping Footwork -
Shuffling -
Tutting -
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Activity: Choose one from among the street and hip hop dance styles which you know you are capable to do. Make a video
about your performance and send it through group chat. This will serve as you performance. You will be graded by this

Category Excellent Good Fair Poor Score

20 Points 15 Points 10 Points 5 Points
Knowledge of Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Remembers a
Choreography excellent good some few of the
Memory of the
knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of steps/
routine and
execution of the the choreography. choreography, movements
moves looks true to choreography Keeps up with but unsure of and tries, but
the moves that and does it group. Few some looks lost and
well. errors, movements. out of sync
however it Sometimes with others.
does not hesitates/
interfere with watches others
performance. and makes
several errors.
Technical skills Dance Dance Only some Although
Great attention to performed with performed with understanding remembers
body position and
moves are executed great attention attention to of technical some of dance,
smoothly. to quality of details of elements (ie. little attention
movement, technique, has footwork, paid to how
body position, attained quality of movements are
placement on proficiency in movements, done or other
stage and dance style. body positions) details of
other details of demonstrated dance.
dance. Also in
demonstrates performance.
an excellent
of dance style.
Performance The dancer The dancer The dancer is The dancer is
Skills draws the communicates generally not very
Projection of eye
audience to with audience focused, but focused on
contact and cheerful
facial expressions want to watch through eye only some making eye
with the judges. The them and is contact and attempt made contact,
dancer is confident able to engage facial and body to grab concentrated
with movements.
the audience expression. Is attention of the or committed
completely able to engage audience with to
through their the audience. eye contact performance.
performance. A and good facial
true joy to expression.
Rhythm/Tempo Shows a Accurate in Shows a basic Attempts to
Staying on count complete beat, tempo, understanding keep a rhythm,
and with the beats
of the music. understanding rhythms of of tempo and but gets off
of tempo and dance beat, but falls beat and
beat and stays sequences behind and/or speeds up or
on rhythm throughout the speeds up in falls behind
throughout the dance. places or often. Doesn't
dance. makes errors follow beat in
in rhythm. music.

Reflective Questions:

1. What did you feel while doing the activity?

2. Who assisted you while performing the activity?
3. What is the importance of performing your chosen dance style?

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