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Save Nature to Survive

15(4): 429-432, 2020



Department of Agronomy,2 Department of Agricultural Microbiology,
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural chemistry
Zonal Agricultural and Horticultural Research Station, Babbur farm, Hiriyur, Karnataka - 577 598, INDIA
e-mail: [email protected]

Desi cow A laboratory experiment was undertaken in the Zonal Agricultural and Horticultural research station, Babbur
HF breeds farm, Hiriyur with view to know the nutrient contents and microbial load in dung and urine of Hallikar and HF
Cow dung breeds cow. The Hallikar cow dung and urine were noticed highest amount of nutrient viz., N, P and K (0.81
Cow urine and 1.10, 018 and 0.22, 0.61 and 1.04 %) and highest number of viable microorganisms viz., bacteria (79.33
and 51.33 x 105), fungi (4 x 104), actinobacteria (18 x 103), N2- fixers (48 and 22 x 105), P-solubilizers (7.33 and
Received on : 2.0 x 105), Pseudomonas sp. (66 x 105) respectively as compared to dung and urine of HF cow breed. The fungal,
17.06.2020 actinobacteria, Pseudomonas sp. and Trichoderma sp. growth were not observed in cow urine sample.

Accepted on :


INTRODUCTION 6,896,907 and 6,410,059 (Gosavi et al., 2011; Randhawa

2010). There are several evidences to show that fresh cow
Cow dung is the excreted undigested residue of consumed dung and cow urine are antifungal and antiseptic in
food material of herbivorous bovine animal species mixed of antimicrobial metabolites by cow dung micro flora. Therefore,
feces and urine in the ratio of 3:1 and mainly consists of lignin, the comparative study was conducted to isolate the
cellulose and hemicelluloses (Gupta et al., 2016). A total of microorganisms from cow dung and cow urine of desi and
24 different minerals such as nitrogen, potassium, along with HF cow breed.
trace amount of sulfur, iron, magnesium, copper, cobalt and
manganese are found in cow dung (Garg and Mudgal, 2007).
Cow dung and cow urine are traditionally used as organic MATERIALS AND METHODS
fertilizer in Indian sub-continental farming for centuries. The Samples of cow dung and cow urine were collected from desi
addition of cow dung increases the mineral status of soil, and HF cow breed in dairy farm at Zonal agricultural and
enhances resistance of plant against pests and diseases; Horticultural Research station, Babbur farm, Hiriyur aseptically
stimulate plant growth (Naskar and Ray, 2003) and other in sterile poly bags and transported to laboratory of the
beneficial activities such as sulphur oxidation and Department of Plant Pathology, College of Horticulture, Hiriyur,
phosphorous solubilization. Normally, composition of cow for the evaluation of microbial analysis and Nutrient analysis
dung is about 80% water and supports a matrix of undigested in the Department of Soil Science, KVK, Hiriyur.
plant material that is rich in nutrients, micro-organisms, and Nitrogen
their by-products. Cow dung micro flora contains abundant The nitrogen was determined by Kjeldahl’s digestion-
number of bacilli, lactobacilli and cocci and some identified distillation method as described by Jackson (1973). In this
and unidentified fungi and yeasts (Muhammad and Amusa, method 10 g or ml of dung or urine sample was digested with
2003). Conc.H 2 SO 4 in presence of digestion mixture (K 2 SO 4 :
Cow urine is an integral part and most effective substance of CuSO4.5H2O:Se) in the proportion of (100:20:1) and distilled
animal origin with innumerable therapeutic value in ancient under alkaline medium. The liberated NH3 was trapped in
boric acid containing mixed indicator and titrated against
Indian Ayurvedic literature such as Charak Samhita and
standard H2SO4 (Jackson, 1973).
Sushruta Samhita (Dhama et al., 2005). Medicinal properties
of CU such as bioenhancer, antibiotic, antifungal, and Digestion of plant samples with di-acid mixture
anticancer have been patented under US patent number A dung or urine sample of 1 g or ml was pre-digested with 5

A. H. KUMAR NAIK et al .,

ml of concentrated HNO3 and again digested with a di-acid (Aneja, 2003).

mixture (HNO3: HClO4 in the proportion of 10:4 ratio). Volume
of the digested sample was made up to 100ml with distilled
water and preserved for P and K analysis (Jackson, 1973).
Phosphorus The present study was attempted to assess the microbial load
in the fresh cow dung and cow urine samples of desi and HF
To a known volume of the di-acid digested extract,
cow breed by using serial dilution plate count technique. The
vanadomolybdate was added to develop yellow colour of
cow dung and urine samples in present investigation were
vanadomolybdo phosphoric acid in nitric acid medium. The
found to harbor a nutrients and huge array of microorganisms
colour intensity was measured at 420 nm wavelength (Jackson
as assumed (Table 1 and Fig 1). The desi cow dung has showed
higher nutrient like total N (0.81 % and 1.10 %), total P (018
Potassium % and 0.22 %.) and total K (0.61 % and 1.04 %) and highest
The potassium content was estimated by atomizing the number of viable microorganisms viz., bacteria (79.33 x 105
digested diluted sample to a calibrated flame photometer cfu /g of dung), fungi (4 x 104 cfu /g of dung), actinobacteria
under suitable measuring conditions as described by Jackson (18 x 103 cfu/ g of dung), N2- fixers (48 x 105 cfu /g of dung), P-
(1973). solubilizers (7.33 x 105 cfu /g of dung), Pseudomonas sp. (66
Procedure for serial dilution plate count technique x 105 cfu /g of dung) respectively as compared to HF cow
breed. This is due to desi cow dung contain higher amount of
Cow dung and urine suspensions were prepared by serial calcium, phosphorus, zinc and copper along with other
dilution method (Bunt and Rovira, 1955). The collected and
labelled, 10 gm/ ml of cow dung/urine samples were mixed in
90 ml sterilized water and vigorously shaked in vortex for 2 Table 1: Nutrient status of cow dung and cow urine of desi and HF
minutes for proper mixing of sample. After dilutions of each cow breed
sample were prepared by using standard dilution method with Particulars Halikar breed HF Breed
the help of sterilized pipette and diluted upto 10-5. From the Cow dung Cow urine Cow dung Cow urine
dilution transferred 0.1 ml aseptically on the respective Total N (%) 0.81 1.1 0.65 0.98
solidified media and plates were kept for incubation at 30º C Total P (%) 0.28 0.22 0.21 0.21
± 1C for a week time and emerged colonies were counted Total K (%) 0.61 1.04 0.53 0.94

Bacteria Fungi

N2 - Fixers Pseudomonas sp
Plate1: Microorganisms isolated form Desi Cow dung


Bacteria Fungi

N2 - Fixers Pseudomonas sp
Plate 2: Microorganisms isolated form HF breed Cow dung
colonies were did not appear/growth in cow urine sample
due to medicinal properties of cow urine such as bioenhancer,
80 antibiotic, antifungal anticancer, antioxidant properties and
70 this will inhibit the fungal growth (Gosavi et al., 2011,
Colony farming unit(CFU)

Randhawa 2010, Sachdev et al., 2012).The indigenous Indian
cow also contain higher amount of calcium, phosphorus, zinc
and copper than the cross-breed cow (Garg and Mudgal 2007,
40 Randhawa and Kullar 2011).

10 Special thanks to Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) project
0 funded by GOK grants, Department of Agriculture, KSDA,
Microorganisms Karnataka and University of Agricultural and Horticultural
Sciences, Shivamogga for providing the necessary facilities to
Figure 1: Microbial Load in cow dung and cow urine of desi and HF
cow breed carry out this study.

nutrients than the cross-breed cow (Garg and Mudgal 2007, REFERENCES
Randhawa and Kullar 2011). Cow dung harbours a rich
microbial diversity, containing different species of bacteria Aneja, K. R. 2003. Staining and biochemical techniques. Edition 4th,
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(Bacillus spp., Corynebacterium spp. and Lactobacillus spp.) PP.97-128.
and yeast (Saccharomyces and Candida) (Randhawa and Kullar
Bunt, J. S. and Rovira, A. D. 1955. Microbiological studies of
2011). subantartic soil. J. Soil Sci. 6: 119-122.
Whereas in cow urine, the desi breed has contained higher Dhama, K., Chauhan R. S. and Singhal, L. 2005. Anti-cancer activity
number of microorganisms like bacteria (51.33 x 105 cfu /ml of cow urine: current status and future directions. Int. J. Cow Sci.
of urine), N2- fixers (22 x 105 cfu /ml of urine), P-solubilizers (2 1:1–25.
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fungi, actinobacteria, Pseudomonas sp. and Trichoderma sp. of Gomeya (cow dung) from Desi and crossbred cows—a comparative

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study. Int. J. Cow Sci. 3:1–2. Naskar, S. K. and Ray, P. R. 2003. Sprouting in plants by cow dung
Gosavi, D. D., Sachdev, D. and Salwe, K. 2011. Immunomodulatory slurry. Validation of Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Agriculture
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Gupta, K. K., Aneja, K. K. and Rana, D. 2016. Current status of cow Ayurveda Int. Med. 1: 240-1.
dung as a bioresource for sustainable development. Bioproc. Bioeng.
3: 28. Randhawa, G. K. and Kullar, J. S. 2011. Bioremediation of
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Jackson, M. L. 1973. Soil chemical analysis, Prentice Hall India Pvt.
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