Gr Worksheet -1_AD Analysis_Batch 2026 (1)
Gr Worksheet -1_AD Analysis_Batch 2026 (1)
Gr Worksheet -1_AD Analysis_Batch 2026 (1)
Grade 11
Worksheet 1
Area of Exploration: Readers, Writers and Text: aims to study the
non-literary texts focusing on the nature of language and
communication. It involves close reading and analysis, and the
ways in which texts can be read, interpreted and responded to.
Concepts: Representation and Communication
Paper 1: Guided Textual Analysis
Guiding question
Comment on how the advertisement uses language and visuals to promote a change
in consumer behavior.
(A thesis statement is a statement of one's core argument, the main idea, and/or a concise
summary of an essay, research paper, etc. It is usually expressed in one or two sentences
near the beginning of a paper, and may be reiterated elsewhere, such as in the conclusion.
Pragraph 1
1. What are the two visual elements that are important in conveying the main message? State
them as your topic statement.
2. How do the techniques aid in persuading the audience to embrace change in their current
consumer behaviour?
3. Provide evidence: (visual element font/prop/camera style etc...) to justify your point of view.
Comment on the ways it impacts the audience.
4. To what extent did you find the technique effective in conveying the intent of the
Paragraph 2
1. What are the two prominent literary/ linguistic techniques that are important to the
advertisement? - frame your topic statement.
4. Can you mention the literal techniques used that prove to be effective and state their impact
on the audience.
5. Are there any facts and stats that help in conveying the creator’s message?
6. To what extent did you find these techniques effective in changing the consumer behaviors?
2. State your understanding about the topic and the intent of the author?
3. Do you think this advert is biased? Do you think this advertisement has employed
propaganda techniques or a positive message to campaign about a change? If yes, please
explain in brief how does it achieve this.
You can refer to the following link to understand about transitions between the paragraphs
so that you too can have a fluid structure to your response