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"The Evolution of Atomic

Theory: Dalton to the

Formative Assessment
Ppt made by sparsh sharawat
Table of contents

01 02 03
Dalton's The Higgs- Discovery
Atomic Theory Boson Particle

04 05
Mechanism Significance
Dalton's theory
Dalton's theory
John Dalton's atomic theory is a theory that
describes matter in terms of atoms and their

All matter is comprised of tiny, definite

particles called atoms.
Atoms are indivisible and indestructible.
All atoms of a particular element share
identical properties, including weight.
Atoms of different elements contain
different mass.
Higgs bosson
What is Higgs bosson n why it's called god
particle ? 🌟
The Higgs boson is the fundamental particle
associated with the Higgs field, a field that
gives mass to other fundamental particles
such as electrons and quarks. A particle’s
mass determines how much it resists
changing its speed or position when it
encounters a force. Not all fundamental
particles have mass. The photon, which is the
particle of light and carries the
electromagnetic force, has no mass at all.
Elementary particles gain mass through
interactions with the Higgs field. Similarly, the
Higgs boson gains mass in the same way. It is
called the “God Particle” because it is the basis
of the formation of atoms and keeping the
universe in order. CERN built the LHC to learn
what is a Higgs boson and declared the
discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, after
years of experiments.
Discovery of Higgs
Discovery of higgs boson
The recent observation of the Higgs boson has been hailed as the
scientific discovery of the century and led to the 2013 Nobel Prize in
physics. This book describes the detailed science behind the decades-long
search for this elusive particle at the Large Electron Positron Collider at
CERN and at the Tevatron at Fermilab and its subsequent discovery and
characterization at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Written by
physicists who played leading roles in this epic search and discovery, this
book is an authoritative and pedagogical exposition of the portrait of the
Higgs boson that has emerged from a large number of experimental
measurements. As the first of its kind, this book should be of interest to
graduate students and researchers in particle physics.
Mechanism of
Higgs boson
Mechanism of Higgs boson
In Higgs boson
The Higgs mechanism has a key role in the
electroweak theory, which unifies interactions via
the weak force and the electromagnetic force. It
explains why the carriers of the weak force, the W
particles and the Z particles, are heavy while the
carrier of the electromagnetic…
In subatomic particle: Hidden symmetry
Higgs’s mechanism for symmetry breaking provided
Salam and Weinberg with a means of explaining the
masses of the carriers of the weak force. Their
theory, however, also predicted the existence of
one or more new “Higgs” bosons, which would
carry additional fields needed for the…
Significance of
Higgs boson
Significance of Higgs boson
The particle itself was never of any particular relevance, except
for potential weeding out potential grand-unified theories. The
importance of the discovery of the boson was that it confirmed
that the Higgs FIELD was there, which was the important thing.
For about the last 50 years, particle physics has constructed
itself upon the un-verified assumption that there must be a
Higgs field. However, you can't experimentally probe an empty
field, so to prove it exists you must give it a sufficiently powerful
"smack" to create an excitation of it (a particle).
So the boson itself was pretty meaningless (after all, it was at a
pretty stupid high energy). But it confirmed the existance of the
Higgs field and thus provided a "sanity check" for 50 years of un-
verified assumption.
Group members

01 02 03
Sparsh Kapil Kamal

04 05 06
Prerit Sanu Rohan

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