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Chapter 07: Male Reproductive System
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1. The primary male sex organ(s) is(are) the

a. testes
b. scrotum
c. penis
d. semen
ANS: A REF: 257 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

2. The term that means the foreskin of the penis is

a. prostate gland
b. epididymis
c. penis
d. prepuce
ANS: D REF: 258 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

3. The scrotum encases the

a. seminal vesicles
b. prostate gland
c. testes
d. glans penis
ANS: C REF: 258 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

4. The duct that carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra is the
a. prostate gland
b. vas deferens
c. spermatic cord
d. prepuce
ANS: B REF: 258 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

5. Which statement is true about the prostate gland?

a. is a male sex hormone
b. suspends the testes in the scrotum
c. is the primary male sex organ
d. secretes a fluid that aids in the movement of the sperm
ANS: D REF: 258 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

6. Sperm originate in the

a. vas deferens
b. seminal vesicles
c. epididymis
d. seminiferous tubules
ANS: D REF: 257 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy
7. The fluid that aids in the movement of the sperm is secreted by the
a. prostate gland
b. seminal vesicles
c. vas deferens
d. seminiferous tubules
ANS: A REF: 258 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

8. The gland(s) that secrete a thick fluid that becomes part of the semen is the
a. seminal vesicles
b. epididymis
c. seminiferous vesicles
d. vas deferens
ANS: A REF: 258 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

9. The structure that encircles a proximal section of the urethra is the

a. vas deferens
b. prostate gland
c. epididymis
d. seminiferous tubules
ANS: B REF: 258 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

10. The coiled tube atop each of the testes that provides for storage, transit, and maturation of
sperm is(are) the
a. epididymis
b. seminiferous tubules
c. vas deferens
d. spermatic cord
ANS: A REF: 258 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

11. Which of the following terms is spelled incorrectly?

a. seminal vesicle
b. prostrate gland
c. scrotum
d. epididymis
ANS: B REF: 258 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

12. The combining form that means glans penis is

a. vesicul/o
b. prostat/o
c. balan/o
d. vas/o
ANS: C REF: 259 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts

13. The combining form that means male is

a. sperm/o
b. test/o
c. vas/o
d. andr/o
ANS: D REF: 261 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts

14. The combining form that means testis, testicle is

a. balan/o
b. vesicul/o
c. prostat/o
d. orchi/o
ANS: D REF: 259 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts

15. The combining form for vessel, duct is

a. vas/o
b. orchid/o
c. balan/o
d. vesicul/o
ANS: A REF: 259 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts

16. The combining form that means testicle is

a. balan/o
b. vas/o
c. orchid/o
d. vesicul/o
ANS: C REF: 259 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts

17. The suffix -ism is defined as

a. pertaining to
b. state of
c. resembling
d. without
ANS: B REF: 261 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts

18. The term balanorrhea is defined as

a. a protrusion of the glans penis
b. discharge from the prostate gland
c. a stone in the prostate
d. discharge from the glans penis
ANS: D REF: 262 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts

19. The term that means undescended testes is

a. cryptorchidism
b. prostatovesiculitis
c. anorchism
d. orchiepididymitis
ANS: A REF: 262 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts

20. The term that means inflammation of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles is
a. prostatocystitis
b. prostatolith
c. prostatovesiculitis
d. benign prostatic hyperplasia
ANS: C REF: 262 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts

21. The term anorchism is defined as

a. inflammation of the prostate gland
b. excessive discharge from the glans penis
c. excessive development of the prostate gland
d. state of absence of testis
ANS: D REF: 262 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts

22. The term orchiepididymitis means inflammation of the

a. testes
b. epididymis
c. testes and epididymis
d. penis and epididymis
ANS: C REF: 262 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts

23. The term that means inflammation of the prostate gland and bladder is
a. prostatitis
b. prostatocystitis
c. prostatolith
d. prostatovesiculitis
ANS: B REF: 262 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts

24. The term that means a nonmalignant excessive development of the prostate gland is
a. cryptorchidism
b. prostatovesiculitis
c. benign prostatic hyperplasia
d. prostate cancer
ANS: C REF: 262 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts

25. Scrotal swelling caused by a collection of fluid is called

a. phimosis
b. prostatitis
c. varicocele
d. hydrocele
ANS: D REF: 265 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts

26. The inability to achieve or maintain a penile erection sufficient to perform sexual intercourse
is called
a. varicocele
b. testicular cancer
c. erectile dysfunction
d. phimosis
ANS: C REF: 265 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts

27. The term that means tightness of the prepuce is

a. phimosis
b. priapism
c. testicular torsion
d. erectile dysfunction
ANS: A REF: 265 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts

28. The term that means enlarged veins of the spermatic cord is
a. hydrocele
b. balanocele
c. priapism
d. varicocele
ANS: D REF: 266 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts

29. Testicular torsion is the medical term that means

a. persistent abnormal erection
b. cancer of the testicle
c. twisting of the spermatic cord
d. tightness of the prepuce
ANS: C REF: 266 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts

30. The term that means incision into the prostate gland to remove stone(s) is
a. prostatocystotomy
b. prostatolithotomy
c. prostatovesiculectomy
d. prostatectomy
ANS: B REF: 268 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts

31. The term balanoplasty is defined as

a. the surgical fixation of a testicle
b. the surgical repair of the glans penis
c. an excision of the prostate gland
d. an incision into a testicle
ANS: B REF: 268 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts

32. The term that means incision into the prostate gland and bladder is
a. prostatectomy
b. prostatolithotomy
c. orchidectomy
d. prostatocystotomy
ANS: D REF: 268 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts

33. The term orchidopexy is defined as

a. surgical fixation of a testicle
b. excision of the seminal vesicles
c. incision into the testes
d. surgical repair of the glans penis
ANS: A REF: 268 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts

34. The creation of artificial openings between ducts is called

a. vesiculectomy
b. vasovasostomy
c. orchiocelioplasty
d. prostatolithotomy
ANS: B REF: 269 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts

35. Male sterilization is performed by

a. vasectomy
b. vasovasostomy
c. orchiectomy
d. orchidotomy
ANS: A REF: 269 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts

36. The term vesiculectomy is defined as

a. male sterilization
b. excision of the seminal vesicle
c. incision into the testes
d. excision of the prostate gland
ANS: B REF: 269 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts

37. The term that means excision of the prostate gland is

a. prostatocystotomy
b. prostatectomy
c. vesiculectomy
d. prostatolithotomy
ANS: B REF: 268 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts

38. Which of the following terms is spelled incorrectly?

a. orchiopexy
b. epididymectomy
c. orchioplasty
d. prostratectomy
ANS: D REF: 268 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts

39. The surgical removal of pieces of the prostate gland tissue by using an instrument inserted
through the urethra is called
a. perineal prostatectomy
b. transurethral resection of the prostate gland
c. suprapubic prostatectomy
d. hydrocelectomy
ANS: B REF: 272 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts

40. The term circumcision is defined as

a. surgical removal of the prepuce
b. male sterilization
c. fixation of the testis
d. penile implant
ANS: A REF: 271 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts

41. A treatment that eliminates excess tissue present in benign prostatic hyperplasia using heat is
a. transurethral resection of the prostate gland
b. transurethral microwave thermotherapy
c. transurethral incision of the prostate
d. transrectal ultrasound
ANS: B REF: 272 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts

42. A physical examination in which the health care provider palpates the prostate gland to screen
for BPH and prostate cancer is called
a. transurethral resection of the prostate gland
b. transrectal ultrasound
c. transurethral incision of the prostate
d. digital rectal examination
ANS: D REF: 276 OBJ: 5
TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts
43. The dissolution of sperm is called
a. priapism
b. oligospermia
c. spermatolysis
d. andropathy
ANS: C REF: 277 OBJ: 6
TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts

44. The medical term that means disease specific to the male is
a. priapism
b. oligospermia
c. spermatolysis
d. andropathy
ANS: D REF: 277 OBJ: 6
TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts

45. The term spermatolysis is built from which of the following combinations of word parts?
a. a prefix, a word root, and a suffix
b. two word roots, a combining vowel, and a suffix
c. a word root, a combining vowel, and a suffix
d. a prefix, a word root, a combining vowel, and a suffix
ANS: C REF: 277 OBJ: 6
TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts

46. Human papillomavirus is also called

a. Chlamydia
b. venereal warts
c. human immunodeficiency virus
d. trichomoniasis
ANS: B REF: 279 OBJ: 6
TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts

47. The term that means lack of live sperm in the semen is
a. artificial insemination
b. azoospermia
c. genitalia
d. ejaculation
ANS: B REF: 278 OBJ: 6
TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts

48. The period when secondary sex characteristics develop is called

a. coitus
b. orgasm
c. condom
d. puberty
ANS: D REF: 279 OBJ: 6
TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts

49. A chronic infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, which is usually
transmitted by sexual contact, is called
a. syphilis
b. genital herpes
c. gonorrhea
d. Chlamydia
ANS: A REF: 279 OBJ: 6
TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts

50. The silent STD caused by C. trachomatis is called

a. trichomoniasis
b. Chlamydia
c. gonorrhea
d. syphilis
ANS: B REF: 278 OBJ: 6
TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts

51. The term that means climax of sexual stimulation is

a. ejaculation
b. coitus
c. genitalia
d. orgasm
ANS: D REF: 279 OBJ: 6
TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts

52. The surgical procedure that renders an individual unable to produce offspring is
a. coitus
b. sterilization
c. circumcision
d. vasovasostomy
ANS: B REF: 279 OBJ: 6
TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts

53. Which of the following is the abbreviation for a blood test in which an elevated result may
indicate prostate cancer?
a. STD
b. PSA
c. BPH
d. HPV
ANS: B REF: 282 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations

54. Which of the following is a surgical procedure in which pieces of the prostate gland tissue are
surgically removed?
d. PSA
ANS: C REF: 282 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations

55. The abbreviation for the medical term meaning nonmalignant enlargement of the prostate
gland is
a. DRE
b. HPV
d. BPH
ANS: D REF: 282 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations

56. The surgeon, who incised the prostate gland to remove a stone, performed a
a. prostatostomy
b. suprapubic prostatectomy
c. vesiculectomy
d. prostatolithotomy
ANS: D REF: 268 OBJ: 8 TOP: Practical Application

57. After marrying a second time, the patient wanted to reverse the vasectomy he had several
years before. The physician suggested the creation of artificial openings between ducts, or a
a. balanoplasty
b. vasovasostomy
c. prostatocystotomy
d. vesiculectomy
ANS: B REF: 269 OBJ: 8 TOP: Practical Application

58. The couple’s probable cause of infertility was a condition of scanty sperm or
a. priapism
b. oligospermia
c. spermatolysis
d. aspermia
ANS: B REF: 277 OBJ: 8 TOP: Practical Application

59. Males may be asymptomatic or develop urethritis, an enlarged prostate gland, or epididymitis
when diagnosed with an STD caused by a one-cell organism called
a. Chlamydia
b. gonorrhea
c. genital herpes
d. trichomoniasis
ANS: D REF: 279 OBJ: 8 TOP: Practical Application

60. The couple’s physician suggested artificial insemination due to a reduced or absent ability to
become pregnant or
a. puberty
b. infertility
c. coitus
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d. phimosis
ANS: B REF: 279 OBJ: 8 TOP: Practical Application

61. The doctor discharged the patient with instructions that the Foley catheter was to stay in place
until his follow-up office visit. The patient was recovering from a TURP or a
a. transurethral incision of the prostate gland
b. radical prostatectomy
c. transurethral resection of the prostate gland
d. transurethral microwave thermotherapy
ANS: C REF: 272 | 282 OBJ: 8 TOP: Practical Application


Match each item with the correct description below.

a. prostate gland
b. epididymis
c. vas deferens
d. testosterone
e. seminal vesicles
f. testes
g. semen
h. scrotum
i. genitalia
j. prepuce
k. glans penis

1. two main glands that secrete a thick fluid, which forms part of the semen
2. primary male sex organs
3. composed of sperm, seminal fluids, and other secretions
4. secretes a fluid that aids in movement of sperm and ejaculation
5. fold of skin covering the glans penis
6. principal male sex hormone
7. coiled tube atop each of the testes
8. enlarged tip on the end of the penis
9. sac containing the testes and epididymis
10. duct carrying the sperm from the epididymis to the urethra
11. reproductive organs (male or female)

1. ANS: E REF: 258 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

2. ANS: F REF: 257 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy
3. ANS: G REF: 258 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy
4. ANS: A REF: 258 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy
5. ANS: J REF: 258 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy
6. ANS: D REF: 257 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy
7. ANS: B REF: 258 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy
8. ANS: K REF: 258 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy
9. ANS: H REF: 258 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy
10. ANS: C REF: 258 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy
11. ANS: I REF: 258 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

Match each item with the correct description below.

a. orchid/o
b. vas/o
c. andr/o
d. -ism
e. spermat/o
f. balan/o
g. vesicul/o
h. epididym/o
i. prostat/o

12. glans penis

13. state of
14. prostate gland
15. epididymis
16. testis, testicle
17. vessel, duct
18. spermatozoon, sperm
19. male
20. seminal vesicle

12. ANS: F REF: 259 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts

13. ANS: D REF: 261 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts
14. ANS: I REF: 259 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts
15. ANS: H REF: 259 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts
16. ANS: A REF: 259 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts
17. ANS: B REF: 259 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts
18. ANS: E REF: 261 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts
19. ANS: C REF: 261 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts
20. ANS: G REF: 259 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts

Match each item with the correct description below.

a. prostatolith
b. hydrocele
c. orchidopexy
d. balanoplasty
e. circumcision
f. chlamydia
g. spermatocele
h. cryptorchidism
i. prostatorrhea
j. phimosis

21. surgical fixation of a testicle

22. scrotal swelling caused by distention of the epididymis
23. a tightness of the foreskin of the penis
24. discharge from the prostate gland
25. state of hidden testes
26. stone(s) in the prostate gland
27. surgical repair of the glans penis
28. surgical removal of the prepuce
29. scrotal swelling caused by a collection of fluid
30. sometimes referred to as a silent STD

21. ANS: C REF: 268 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms

22. ANS: G REF: 265 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
23. ANS: J REF: 265 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
24. ANS: I REF: 262 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
25. ANS: H REF: 262 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
26. ANS: A REF: 262 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
27. ANS: D REF: 268 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
28. ANS: E REF: 271 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
29. ANS: B REF: 265 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
30. ANS: F REF: 278 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms

Match each item with the correct description below.

a. infertility
b. orchiditis
c. priapism
d. vasectomy
e. vesiculectomy
f. aspermia
g. anorchism
h. vasovasostomy
i. semen analysis
j. oligospermia

31. condition of without sperm

32. excision of the seminal vesicle
33. state of absence of testis
34. creation of artificial openings between ducts
35. inflammation of the testis or testicle
36. microscopic observation of ejaculated semen
37. persistent abnormal erection of the penis
38. condition of scanty sperm
39. excision of a duct
40. reduced or absent ability to become pregnant

31. ANS: F REF: 277 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms

32. ANS: E REF: 269 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
33. ANS: G REF: 262 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
34. ANS: H REF: 269 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
35. ANS: B REF: 262 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
36. ANS: I REF: 276 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
37. ANS: C REF: 265 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
38. ANS: J REF: 277 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
39. ANS: D REF: 269 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 TOP: Medical Terms
40. ANS: A REF: 279 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 TOP: Medical Terms

Match each item with the correct description below.

c. HIV
d. STD
f. HPV
g. ED
i. DRE
j. PSA

41. sexually transmitted disease

42. digital rectal examination
43. transurethral surgical resection of the prostate
44. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
45. prostate-specific antigen
46. transurethral incision of the prostate
47. human papillomavirus
48. human immunodeficiency virus
49. transrectal ultrasound
50. erectile dysfunction

41. ANS: D REF: 279 | 282 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations

42. ANS: I REF: 276 | 282 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations
43. ANS: H REF: 272 | 274 | 282 OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
44. ANS: A REF: 278 | 282 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations
45. ANS: J REF: 266 | 275 | 282 OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
46. ANS: B REF: 272 | 274 | 282 OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
47. ANS: F REF: 279 | 282 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations
48. ANS: C REF: 279 | 282 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations
49. ANS: E REF: 266 | 275 | 282 OBJ: 7
TOP: Abbreviations
50. ANS: G REF: 265 | 282 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations
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151st Regiment, Field Artillery
(1st Minnesota)
Regimental Staff and Officers

Colonel GEORGE E. LEACH, 2429 Pillsbury Ave., Minneapolis,

Lieut.-Col. WILLIAM H. DONAHUE, Lake St. near Henn. Ave.,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Major JOHN F. McDONALD, 1600 Edmund St., St. Paul,
Major CHARLES A. GREEN, 2433 Aldrich Ave., South,
Minneapolis, Minn.
Capt. LEWIS C. COLEMAN, 1774 Sheridan Ave., St. Paul,
Capt. ERWIN H. SHERMAN, 1776 Humboldt Ave., South,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
1st Lieut. (Chaplain) WILLIAM J. HARRINGTON, 519 Lake
St., Ishpeming, Michigan.
Reserve Officers

1st Lieut. ARTHUR S. CHASE, Charlevoix, Michigan.

1st Lieut. EDWARD D. HARRIS, Maple Lawn Inn, Chestnut Hill,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
2d Lieut. EDMUND ARTHUR HALL, Minnetrista Blvd.,
Munsie, Indiana.
2d Lieut. ORVILLE G. CONOVER, 203 W. Mt. Pleasant Ave.,
Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
2nd Lieut. WILLIAM GATES, JR., 151 N. Negley Ave.,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
2d Lieut. CHANNING M. HALL, Williamsburg, Virginia.
2d Lieut. EDWARD W. HARTLEY, 2320 Rucker Ave., Everett,
2nd Lieut. STANLEY O. LAW, 325 Graham St., Pittsburgh,
2d Lieut. JOHN A. McMANUS, 6621 Musgrove St., Philadelphia,
2nd Lieut. GEORGE C. MUSCIO, 38 Grove St., Waterbury,
2d Lieut. REUBEN M. PALMER, Delaware Water Gap,
2nd Lieut. CHARLES GLEN ROBERTS, 138–A W. Peachtree
St., Atlanta, Georgia.
Medical Corps

Major JOHN L. HASKINS, 201 Walnut St. Southeast,

Minneapolis, Minn.
1st Lieut. JOHN P. ROSENWALD, 902 W. Franklin Ave.,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
1st Lieut. J. E. SOPER, 1922 Clinton Ave., Minneapolis,
1st Lieut. ELMER W. BERG, 3028 Flora Ave., Kansas City,
1st Lieut. LOUIS CRUTTENDEN, Northfield, Minnesota.
ANDERSON, ANTON R., Pvt., 2932 Bryant Ave., North,
Minneapolis, Minn.
ACKERMAN, CLARENCE B., Pvt., 2019 Fremont Ave., North,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
BUCK, CARPENTER F., Pvt., 315 W. Broadway, Winona, Minnesota.
BUCK, ROGER L., Pvt., 315 W. Broadway, Winona, Minnesota.
CHAPMAN, WALTER S., Pvt., 3512 Minnehaha Ave., Minneapolis,
CODE, FRANK J., Pvt., 3104 Portland Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
EICHINGER, HOWARD, Pvt., Canby, Minnesota.
EMERSON, GORDON E., Pvt., 2215 Dupont Ave., Minneapolis,
GLENZKE, CLAYTON H., Pvt., Glen Lake, Hopkins, Minnesota.
HORTON, FRANK C., Pvt., Bald Eagle, White Bear, Minnesota.
HURST, WILLIAM W., Pvt., 311 S. 4th St., Stillwater, Minnesota.
JOHNSON, HENRY, Pvt., Canby, Minnesota.
KOTOWSKI, WALTER F., Pvt, Ivanhoe, Minnesota.
McDOWELL, JAMES, Pvt., 2429 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis,
NELSON, VICTOR O., Pvt., 2319 27th Ave., South, Minneapolis,
NEWMAN, NORMAN P., Sgt., 3325 Park Ave., Minneapolis,
PETERSON, HAROLD E., Pvt., Isanti, Minnesota.
PETERSON, PAUL E., Pvt., 2028 Willow Ave., North, Minneapolis,
PETERSON, THEODOR, Sgt., 99 Central Ave., Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
REED, LEONARD C., Pvt., 1609 Stevens Ave., Minneapolis,
SULLIVAN, EUGENE J., Pvt., 1837 Dayton Ave., St. Paul,
TANGEN, WARREN A., Pvt., Taylors Falls, Minnesota.
THOMPSON, HARVEY E., Pvt., 3007 Fremont Ave., North,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
WENELL, CARL, Pvt., 3724 17th Ave., South, Minneapolis,
Headquarters Company

Captain JOSEPH L. McKINNEY, 215 I Ave., Lawton, Oklahoma.

1st Lieut. FRED M. FEUCKER, Riverview, Cold Springs,
2nd Lieut. CHARLES J. BRADLEY, P. O. Box 212, St. Louis
Park, Minn.
ALLEY, VERTO R., Musician, 314 W. 34th St., Kansas City, Missouri.
ARNOLD, LOREN F., Bugler, 3046 Blaisdell Ave., Minneapolis,
ASKEGAARD, ARTHUR C., Musician, Comstock, Minnesota.
ATHEY, FREDERICK A., Musician, Grand Forks, North Dakota.
BACH, LELAND J., Band Corp., Dassel, Minnesota.
BARKOFF, FRANK, Pvt., St. Paul, Minnesota.
BECK, RASMUS B., Corp., Jutland, Denmark.
BECKLUND, ERNEST E., Pvt., Milaca, Minnesota.
BEINHORN, WILLIAM P., Pvt., 710 Pelham St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
BLACKMAR, RAY C., Pvt., Leroy, Minnesota.
BONGARD, SAMUEL P., Pvt., 301 2nd Ave., South, St. Paul,
BONHAM, GEORGE, Pvt., Bridgeton, New Jersey.
BOYER, MAURICE, Pvt., Cloquet, Minnesota.
BRADDY, HARRY J., Pvt., 1200 Penn Ave., North, Minneapolis,
BRENNAN, LEO, Corp., Proctor, Minnesota.
BRIEMO, NELS M., Corp., Fosston, Minnesota.
BROWN, JOHN C., Pvt., Trenton, Wisconsin.
BROWN, EDWARD M., Color Sgt., 4609 Abbot Ave., South,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
BURKE, ROBERT E., Pvt., 1742 Stillwater Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota.
CADWELL, HARRY W., Pvt., 779 Summit Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota.
CALLAHAN, JOHN L., Pvt., Waterville, Minnesota.
CANUTE, RAY B., Corp., 810 30th Ave., North, Minneapolis,
CARON, OCTAVE, Corp., Cloquet, Minnesota.
CAYO, VICTOR C., Pvt., 520 W. 7th St., Duluth, Minnesota.
CHATFIELD, DAVID S., Pvt., 4736 S. Emerson Ave., Minneapolis,
CHELLIS, LUTHER, Musician, Peever, Minnesota.
CHRISTENSON, GEORGE W., Band Sgt., Hutchinson, Minnesota.
COLE, MERLE W., Pvt., 1020 Hawthorn Ave., Minneapolis,
COLEMAN, FRANK H., Pvt., 5101 France Ave., Minneapolis,
COLEMAN, JOSEPH A., Bugler, 5017 Zenith Ave., Minneapolis,
CULLUM, NORMAN E., Mech., 1935 Fremont Ave., Minneapolis,
DAML, VICTOR P., Pvt., Princeton, Minnesota.
DILLON, JAMES J., Corp., 3312 Egbert St., Sioux City, Iowa.
DREFAHL, HERBERT, Corp., 435 Winslow Ave., St. Paul,
DRISCOLL, LAWRENCE J., Color Sgt., 4115 Quincy Ave., Northeast,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
EICKSTADT, JOHN F., Pvt., Alexandria, Minnesota.
ENGEL, WILSON, Supply Sgt., 2415 N. Upton Ave., Minneapolis,
EUSTIS, GLEN W., Pvt., 2208 Humboldt Ave., South, Minneapolis,
FAIRCLOUGH, GORDON, Pvt., 844 Fairmount Ave., St. Paul,
FRARY, LOUIS S., Corp., 1019 28th Ave., Northeast, Minneapolis,
FRASER, WILLIAM K., Pvt., 1607 Fremont St., North, Minneapolis,
FUZZEY, FRANK G., Pvt., 1901 Lyndale Ave., South, Minneapolis,
FUZZEY, GERALD H., Saddler, 1901 Lyndale Ave., South,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
GROVER, SILAS A., Pvt., Waterville, Minnesota.
GIVING, ERNEST E., Pvt., 1631 Artesian Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
GUSTAVSON, IRVIN, Pvt., Alta, Iowa.
HAGMAN, DEWEY, Pvt., 2815 S. 8th St., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
HAGSTROM, WILLIAM E., Sgt. Maj., Cononer, Wisconsin.
HALE, HERBERT W., Corp., 3229 5th Ave., South, Minneapolis,
HARDING, JAMES R., Pvt., Faribault, Minnesota.
HARTIN, JOHN C., Corp., Edgewood, Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota.
HEATH, HOWARD V., Musician, Benson, Minnesota.
HEGG, ELMER R., Musician, Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
HENDERSON, ANGUS F., Corp., 1404 W. 36th St., Minneapolis,
HENDERSON, RODERICK W., Pvt., 1404 W. 36th St., Minneapolis,
HENDRICKSON, NORMAN E., Sgt.-Maj., 3909 Lyndale Ave., South,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
HEWETT, NEIL V., Pvt., Stillwater, Minnesota.
HILL, DAVID P., Cook, c|o George E. Wert, Cornwall, Ontario,
HILL, EARL B., Pvt., Medora, North Dakota.
HUBBARD, JOHN D., Pvt., 1819 Lyndale Ave., South, Minneapolis,
INCE, EUGENE S., Pvt., 1617 Carpenter Ave., Des Moines, Iowa.
JALMA, MICHAEL, Band Leader, 438 19th Ave., Northeast,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
JENSEN, WALTER S., Musician, Hutchinson, Minnesota.
JEROME, CLINTON A., Pvt., 392 Edmund St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
JEWELL, PAUL M., Pvt., Washington, District of Columbia.
JOHNSON, ERNEST R., Musician, 1609 7th St., Southeast,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
KACZMARZYNSKI, LUKE M., Asst. Band Leader, 1818 5th St.,
Southeast, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
KAROW, ALFRED B., Pvt., Morristown, Minnesota.
KELLER, FRANK W., Musician, 4011 Colfax Ave., Minneapolis,
KELLER, FRED A., Band Sgt., 2007 13th Ave., South, Minneapolis,
KEMPTON, WILLIAM E., Pvt., Morgan, Minnesota.
KERR, RUSSELL, Musician, 314 W. 15th St., Minneapolis,
KLOYDA, GEORGE J., Pvt., Waterville, Minnesota.
KNUTSON, SALMER, Pvt., Canby, Minnesota.
KNUTSON, WESLEY, Pvt., Bellingham, Washington.
KOLARS, JOSEPH E., Pvt., New Prague, Minnesota.
KROMPASKY, EDWARD J., Pvt., Aurora, Minnesota.
KRUGER, ROY, Pvt., 116 N. 63d Ave., West, Duluth, Minnesota.
KUHL, EDWARD, Horseshoer, Alexandria, Minnesota.
LaCROSSE, LEON N., Sgt., Baker, Montana.
LA FEX, WALTER P., Corp., 2604 W. Michigan St., Duluth,
LARSON, JADY H., Musician, Dassel, Minnesota.
LEE, EDWARD A., Pvt., 73 Marcus St., Stratford, London, England.
LEONARD, LEROY W., Sgt., 1002 12th Ave., Southeast,
Minneapolis, Minn.
LIBBY, MEREDITH F., Pvt., 3304 Harriet Ave., Minneapolis,
LILLY, GLEN A., Pvt., 612 W. 35th St., South, Minneapolis,
LINDELL, EDWIN L., Corp., 2218 7th St., South, Minneapolis, Minn.
LITZEY, FRED F., Pvt., Scranton, Iowa.
LITZINGER, JOSEPH R., 1st Sgt., Waite Park, Minnesota.
LOOMIS, ALLEN E., Corp., 1080 15th Ave., Southeast, Minneapolis,
LUCE, CLIFFORD F., Pvt., Claremont, Minnesota.
McCLURE, NORMAN A., Pvt., 1964 Dayton Ave., St. Paul,
McCUNE, GUY E., Sgt. Bugler, Benson, Minnesota.
McDUFFEE, GEORGE J., Pvt., 2540 3rd Ave., South, Minneapolis,
McGAVIN, WALTER, Pvt., 808 Oak Grove St., Detroit, Minnesota.
McINTYRE, ROBERT C., Pvt., 608 W. 24th St., Minneapolis,
McLEOD, WILLIAM, Pvt., Excelsior, Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota.
McMILLAN, BURNS R., Musician, Winona, Minnesota.
McMURRAY, HAROLD V., Pvt., St. Petersburg, Indiana.
MADIGAN, MARK, Sgt.-Maj., Maple Lake, Minnesota.
MALONEY, ARTHUR S., Corp., R.R. 1, Hopkins, Minnesota.
MATLAND, MERLE E., Band Corp., Madelia, Minnesota.
MAY, GUS, Sgt., 275 E. 8th St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
MILLER, LAWRENCE R., Pvt., P. O. Box 486, Grand Rapids,
MINNICH, HARRY, Pvt., Marshall, Minnesota.
MURPHY, FRANK G., Pvt., Edmonton, Alta., Canada.
NELSON, EMIL W., Pvt., 333 Grove St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
NELSON, GEORGE H., Pvt., 812 3rd Ave., South, Minneapolis,
NELSON, LESTER N., Pvt., 1013 W. 7th St., Mankato, Minnesota.
O’HAIR, FRED F., Pvt., Waverly, Minnesota.
OHMAN, ERHARD A., Sgt., Meadowlands, Minnesota.
PALES, JAMES W., Pvt., 429 Totowa Ave., Paterson, New Jersey.
PAPE, GUSTAVE F., Pvt., Princeton, Minnesota.
PARE, ARMUND A., Corp., 516 25th Ave., West, Duluth, Minnesota.
PEACOCK, BERNARD R., Pvt., Bloomington, Wisconsin.
PETERSON, CARL E., Pvt., 1627 Logan Ave., Superior, Wisconsin.
PETERSON, JOHN M., Pvt., 99 Cent Ave., Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
PLUMSTEAD, ABNER C., Pvt., 3300 Lyndale Ave., South,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
PRAGER, ANTONY, Pvt., Albany, Minnesota.
PRESTON, LEWIS R., Sgt., 9600 Hough Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.
RABB, WILLIAM S., Pvt., Golden Rule Department Store, St. Paul,
RALPH, CARLTON E., Sgt., 1965 Laurel Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota.
RALSTON, CHARLES E., Pvt., 3rd & Wabasha Sts., St. Paul, Minn.
RARDIN, GEORGE L., Musician, 1225 W. 3rd St., Faribault,
RARDIN, HARRY E., Musician, 1225 W. 3rd St., Faribault,
RAYMOND, ALFRED J., Pvt., 601 Main St., Northeast, Minneapolis,
REESE, CARL E., Pvt., Devils Lake, North Dakota.
RICE, BENJAMIN F., Pvt., St. Peter, Minnesota.
ROBERTS, WALTER A., Pvt., Cobalt, Ontario, Canada.
ROBERTSON, FRED H., Pvt., Alden, Minnesota.
ROGERS, GEORGE D., Pvt., 318 3rd St., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
ROGERS, JOHN, Pvt., 137 Miller St., Newark, New Jersey.
ROSENFIELD, HARRY, Pvt., 616 James Ave., Minneapolis,
ROWLEY, ARTHUR, Pvt., 131 Chatsworth St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
ROY, ELMER W., Pvt., Leroy, Minnesota.
SAGER, AARON, Pvt., 410 Madison Ave., Leeds, Iowa.
SCHAEFR, CHARLES D., Cook, New Durham, New Jersey.
SCHWEISO, CLIFFORD C., Pvt., 3905 10th Ave., South,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
SCOTT, EDWARD, Pvt., 1133 Broadway, Brooklyn, N. Y.
SLOPER, WILLIAM, Pvt., 321 Jamison St., Red Wing, Minnesota.
SMITH, D. WILBUR, Pvt., Pipestone, Minnesota.
SMITH, WARD E., Pvt., 319 7th Ave., North, Jamestown, North
SPENCER, JOHN HENRY, Musician, 2206 Dudley Ave., St. Paul,
STALCUP, HORATIO B., Pvt., 1635 N. 25th St., Lincoln, Nebraska.
STILES, VAN M., Pvt., Leroy, Minnesota.
STOMMEL, CLEMENT, Pvt., 229 Broad St., Menasha, Wisconsin.
STONEMAN, HARRY L., Corp., 3444 Blaisdell Ave., Southwest,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
STRUSS, ALBERT A., Pvt., White Earth, Minnesota.
STUTSMAN, HOWARD L., Pvt., 3803 Thomas Ave., South,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
SUNDBY, GEORGE, Musician, 2023 3rd St., South, Minneapolis,
THOMPSON, ARTHUR E., Musician, Milan, Minnesota.
THORPE, CLARANCE J., Pvt., 665 Holly Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota.
TORWEDO, WILLIAM, Pvt., Chaska, Minnesota.
VROOMAN, LEWIS E., Musician, 3034 Stevens Ave., Minneapolis,
WADSWORTH, HENRY J., Pvt., 168 College Ave., St. Paul,
WARREN, EUGENE H., Bugler, Leroy, Minnesota.
WASCHER, HAROLD A., Sgt., 505 S. Walnut St., Urbana, Illinois.
WIBERG, AXEL H., Musician, 882 Clark St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
WICKMAN, MARTIN F., Band Corp., 1320 Edgerton St., St. Paul,
WILLIAMS, ELMER J., Corp., 227 W. 3rd St., Duluth, Minnesota.
WILLIAMS, LORING L., Sgt., 1009 43rd Ave., South, Minneapolis,
WILSON, ROLAND K., Sgt., 2014 W. 21st St., Minneapolis,
WILTSE, MARMADUKE J., Corp., 1924 Carroll Ave., Minneapolis,
WORLEIN, RALPH T., Pvt., Waterville, Minnesota.
YOUNG, JOSEPH EARL, Pvt., 111 E. 25th St., Minneapolis,
Supply Company

Capt. WILLIAM HOAG, 552 Evergreen Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

1st Lieut. HURLEY O. RICHARDSON, 730 25th St., Newport
News, Va.
ANDERSON, OTTO D., Wagoner, Britt, Iowa.
ANTWINE, VERNIE E., Horseshoer, Arlington, Iowa.
BAUERS, ELMER, Wagoner, Faribault, Minnesota.
BAXTER, FRED, Wagoner, 3739 4th St., North, Minneapolis,
BEATY, ARTHUR A., Wagoner, Isanta, Minnesota.
BECKER, FREDERICK W., Wagoner, Watkins, Minnesota.
BEHM, FRANK, Wagoner, Deerbrook, Wisconsin.
BLOOM, FREDERICK W., Horseshoer, Chester, Iowa.
BRITTON, HARRY R., Pvt., 929 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis,
BROWN, DON, Wagoner, Malad, Idaho.
BURGOIN, HAROLD S., Wagoner, 3939 Cook Ave., St. Louis,
BUSH, FRANK, Saddler, 905 Mongolia St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
CARLSON, CHARLES W., Wagoner, 1508 Irving Ave., North,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
CHALMERS, THOMAS C., Sgt., Galesburg, Illinois.
CHRISTIANSON, CHRISTIAN, Stable Sgt., 1614 Susquehanna Ave.,
Superior, Wisconsin.
CLEMENTS, FRANK W., Wagoner, 1430 Adams St., Northeast,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
CLEWETT, HENRY A., Wagoner, Salono, Minnesota.
COLLINS, LAWRENCE, Wagoner, Leslie, Michigan.
CUNNINGHAM, CHARLES J., Wagoner, Pipestone, Minnesota.
CURRIE, CLARENCE W., Wagoner, Breckenridge, Minnesota.
DAVIS, GEORGE, 1st Sgt., 1160 N. Snelling Ave., St. Paul,
DENZENE, ALFRED J., Wagoner, Sauk Centre, Minnesota.
DINGMAN, CLARENCE C., Wagoner, Ironton, Minnesota.
DUCHARME, CHARLES A., Wagoner, 166 W. George St., St. Paul,
DUFF, FRIEND, Wagoner, Meigs, Ohio.
DUMM, GEORGE H., Cook, Mifflinton, Pennsylvania.
ERLANDSON, ANNAR, Pvt., Climax, Minnesota.
FRANG, LINCOLN S., Sgt., 3520 Bryant Ave., South, Minneapolis,
FRY, CLARENCE M., Wagoner, Hibbing, Minnesota.
GASIOR, WALTER, Wagoner, None.
GILLESPIE, EDWIN D., Wagoner, Forest River, North Dakota.
GORD, STANLEY J., Wagoner, 224 2nd Ave., Northeast,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
GUSTAFSON, FRANK, Wagoner, 625 3rd Ave., Northeast,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
HABERTHUR, MORRIS, Wagoner, Madretsch bei Bienne, Bern,
HAUGE, ARNE, Wagoner, Ada, Minnesota.
HENKE, WILLIAM C., Wagoner, 4019 2nd St., Northeast,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
HOWELL, FRANK E., Wagoner, Anoka, Minnesota.
HOWELL, THOMAS A., Wagoner, Anoka, Minnesota.
HULL, ROY, Wagoner, Dassel, Minnesota.
IVES, RUSSELL B., Sgt., 406 5th St., South, Minneapolis,
JERSEY, BERT, Mech., Cumberland, Wisconsin.
JERSEY, FRANK, Wagoner, Cumberland, Wisconsin.
JOHNSON, HERMAN, Wagoner, None.
JOHNSON, JOHN, Wagoner, Odin, Minnesota.
JOHNSON, LEIGHTON D., Pvt., 1065 44th St., Des Moines, Iowa.
KELLY, CORNELIUS, Saddler, 34 Woolman St., Butte, Montana.
KENYON, KEITH L., Pvt., None.
KING, BARTON B., Supply Sgt., 3529 Portland Ave., Minneapolis,
LANTZ, SAMUEL F., Wagoner, Cosenza, Italy.
LARSON, ARTHUR, Corp., Hamilton, Montana.
LAURIDSEN, NELS, Pvt., Guthrie Center, Iowa.
LILJIBLAD, OSCAR, Sgt., 813 5th St., South, St. Paul, Minnesota.
LOFDAHL, RALPH W., Wagoner, Taylor Falls, Minnesota.
LUNDALE, CHESTER, Wagoner, 186 W. Winnifred St., St. Paul.
LYONS, HAROLD H., Corp., 5220 45th Ave., South, Minneapolis,
McALLISTER, FAYE, Pvt., Anoka, Minnesota.
McDONALD, JOHN A., Wagoner, Winnipeg, Canada.
McGUILPIN, CHARLES A., Wagoner, 2531 Nicollet Ave.,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
McGUIRE, MIKE, Wagoner, None.
MACKENZIE, ROSCOE A., Pvt., Crystal, North Dakota.
MALKOVITCH, NICK, Pvt., 416 Poplar St., Chisholm, Minn.
MALM, FRANG, Pvt., Marma, Sweden.
MELANDER, HARRY, Wagoner, Hopkins, Minnesota.
MENDENHAL, EUGENE A., Wagoner, 715 25th Ave., North,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
MILLER, FRANK, Wagoner, Washburn, Wisconsin.
MILLER, HARRY, Wagoner, 1223 Aldrich Ave., Minneapolis,
MONSON, MONS, Wagoner, 526 Cedar St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
MORSE, AUBRY, Pvt., Kinney, Minnesota.
MUMMEY, JACK S., Wagoner, Odeblot, Iowa.
MURPHY, DONALD F., Pvt., 3119 2nd Ave., South, Minneapolis,
MURPHY, RAY M., Pvt., 221 2nd Ave., Northeast, St. Cloud,
PARRISH, ARCHIE L., Wagoner, None.
PAULSON, HENRY, Wagoner, Menehga, Minnesota.
PERSON, JOHN, Wagoner, 47 Edgerton St., S. Manchester, Conn.
PETERSON, WILHELM, Wagoner, R.R. 5, Harlan, Iowa.
RAMIE, JOHN A., Wagoner, 1310 E. 18th St., Los Angeles,
RANDOLPH, WALTER H., Wagoner, Excelsior, Minnesota.
RAY, CHARLES J., Wagoner, 1745 Washtanan Ave., North, Chicago,
REED, RAYMOND R., Wagoner, Malta, Montana.
ROBB, JOHN, Wagoner, 610 N. 7th St., Mankato, Minnesota.
ROLAND, MAYO A., Pvt., Pinkstaff, Illinois.
SANSAM, FRANK, Wagoner, Linden, Michigan.
SEAMAN, DAVE S., Wagoner, Bighart, Oklahoma.
SELVOG, OLE J., Wagoner, Drake, North Dakota.
SERVENT, FRANK, Wagoner, 630 W. 2nd St., Duluth, Minnesota.
SOMMERVILLE, JOHN G., Wagoner, Nokomis, Sask.
SPENCER, FRANK M., Wagoner, Watts, Oklahoma.
SPICER, JAMES H., Wagoner, Pascagoula, Mississippi.
STROM, CHARLES, Wagoner, 4217 18th Ave., South, Minneapolis,
SULZDORF, FRANCIS B., Wagoner, 250 E. Annapolis St., W. St.
Paul, Minnesota.
TEETERS, JOHN, Wagoner, Greely, Colorado.
TODD, GEORGE, Cook, 3616 29th Ave., South, Minneapolis,
TOLLEFSON, HERBERT T., Wagoner, Grantsberg, Wisconsin.
VAN DYKE, MILTON, Pvt., 1212 Mary Place, Minneapolis,
VAN PELT, WAYNE, Wagoner, Clam Falls, Wisconsin.
WARRINER, ROY S., Pvt., Aitkin, Minnesota.
WOODBURN, BENIDICT F., Pvt., 172 Carroll Ave., St. Paul,
Battery A

Capt. CHARLES F. BAIRD, Box 101, Gilliam, Missouri.

1st Lieut. LEVENS D. WILLIAM, 44 N. 16th St., Minneapolis,
1st Lieut. HARLOU P. NEIBLING, 703 W. Lake St.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
2d Lieut. BARRETT B. NASH, Conneautville, Pennsylvania.
2d Lieut. CARL E. SAGER, 35 Groveland Terrace, Minneapolis,
AAL, TEGNEAR A., Pvt., Glenwood, Minnesota.
AKINS, JOS., Pvt., Waverly, Minnesota.
AKINS, MAURICE L., Pvt., Waverly, Minnesota.
ANDERSON, HARRY, Pvt., Wausau, Wisconsin.
ANDERSON, HEDENE, Pvt., Waverly, Minnesota.
ANGLE, JAMES G., Pvt., Saginaw, Michigan.
ANTONIO, MONGOLIA, Pvt., 916 Pennsylvania St., Sharpsburg, Pa.
AVOLES, TONY, Pvt., 405 E. 7th St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
BAKKEN, NELS, Pvt., 3010 4th St., SE., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
BASHRO, REUBEN, Pvt., 1404 13th Ave., N. Minneapolis,
BEHAN, ROBERT, Pvt., 201 Pearl St., Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
BLAIS, LAWRENCE C., Pvt., Dayton, Minnesota.
BODINE, ELMER C., Pvt., 3809 Park Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
BOSTOSCE, JOSEPH L., Saddler, 269 W. 9th St., Duluth,
BOYER, ROBERT G., Pvt., 1655 Capitol Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
BRABEC, CLARENCE R., Pvt., Plentywood, Montana.
BRENNA, KNUTE, Pvt., Lidgerwood, North Dakota.
BURNS, JOHN T., Corp., 642 Adams St., N.E., Minneapolis.
CALLAN, PETER A., Pvt., 1401 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis,
CAMPBELL, HARLAND A., Pvt., Blanchard, Iowa.
CARLSON, CARL. Pvt., Chaffey, Wisconsin.
CARLSON, PAUL C., Pvt., 602 Sims St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
CARRIER, ADOLPH, Pvt., Robbinsdale, Minnesota.
CARSON, JAMES J., Pvt., Pipestone, Minnesota.
CASEY, MATT, Pvt., 75 9th St., S., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
CHILSTROM, TELFORD, Pvt., St. Anthony Falls Bk., Minneapolis,
COLEMAN, CHESTER L., Sgt., Glenwood, Minnesota.
COLMAN, PETER, Pvt., 554 7th Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
COLLINS, LEE, Pvt., Cloverdale, Indiana.
COOPER, JOHN E. T., Corp., 3567 E. 5th St. Blvd., Los Angeles,
CORNELL, FRED, Pvt., Benson, Minnesota.
CROSS, JOHN A., Pvt., Renova, Minnesota.
DELIZ, JAMES, Pvt., 65 Antwyne St., Winot, Michigan.
DE MARCE, PAUL, Corp., Currie, Minnesota.
DINON, RUBY M., Pvt., 867 E. 6th St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
DOLINDO, JOSEPH, Pvt., 225 E. 7th St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
DUGAN, HAL, Pvt., Newton, Iowa.
DUNPHY, JOHN J., Sgt., 952 Ashland Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota.
EDWARD, ROBERT, Sgt., 1825 Warren St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
EGGEN, EDWARD E., Pvt., Porter, Minnesota.
ENGWALL, PETER, Pvt., Nekoosa, Wisconsin.
ERICKSON, CHARLES C., Pvt., Anoka, Minnesota.
EVERSOLE, WILLIE, Corp., 320 S. Clay St., Louisville, Kentucky.
FADER, PERCY, Pvt., 1468 W. Minnehaha St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
FALK, OSCAR J., Pvt., 749 Fauquier St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
FIENSTEIN, BEN, Pvt., 1051 Tiffany St., Bronx, New York.
FISCHER, FREDERICK W., Pvt., 1178 30th St., Milwaukee,
FLEETHAM, CARL, Pvt., 718 13th Ave., S.E., Minneapolis,
FOSTER, ALBERT J., Pvt., 29 E. 22nd St., Chicago, Illinois.
FOG, JOHN, Pvt., 941 Tiffany St., Bronx, New York.
FRABEL, ROBERT W., Corp., Gen. Del., Dubuque, Iowa.
GANFIELD, GORDON, Pvt., 721 Snelling Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota.
GEHRKEN, WALTER, Pvt., 518 S. 5th St., Vandalia, Illinois.
GESSNER, CECIL, Pvt., 3857 38th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
GETTEN, THEO. C., Pvt., Wayzata, Minnesota.
GOHDE, DANIEL W., Corp., 352 Ramsey St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
GOLDNER, CHAS., Pvt., 937 Fullerton Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
GOLDSTEIN, LOUIS, Pvt., 911 Freemont Ave., N., Minneapolis,
GRADIN, ALGOT, Pvt., Isanti, Minnesota.
GRANSTROM, JOHN B., Pvt., 3116 14th Ave., S., Minneapolis,
GREEN, JOHN, Horseshoer, 3916 24th Ave., S., Minneapolis,
GRIFFITHS, CLARANCE M., Sgt., 3409 Aldrich Ave., Minneapolis,
GRINDELAND, INGOLF, Pvt., Warren, Minnesota.
GRZYBACZ, STEVE, Pvt., 2952 W. 53rd St., Chicago, Illinois.
GUSTAFSON, HENRY J., Pvt., 2111 Oakland Ave., Minneapolis,
HACKNEY, HAROLD, Mechanic, 727 Fry St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
HANER, EMIL, Pvt., Enterprise, Kansas.
HANSEN, HAROLD, Pvt., Kankakee, Illinois.
HARCH, CHARLES, Pvt., Interstate Mining Co., Virginia,
HARRINGTON, FRANK E., Pvt., Westport, Minnesota.
HAYNES, GEO., Pvt., 514 1st Ave., Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
HEGG, RAYMOND O., Pvt., Copas, Minnesota.
HEILLE, CARL, Pvt., Casselton, North Dakota.
HELM, OSCAR B., Pvt., Red Lake Falls, Minnesota.
HENDERSCHOTT, ARTHUR M., Pvt., 568 W. 3rd St., Bloomsburg,
HESSLER, THEODORE, Pvt., 44 Page St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
HOFFMAN, WILLIAM A., Pvt., Brownton, Minnesota.
HOLDEN, FERN W., Corp., 3924 Clinton Ave., S., Minneapolis,
HOSSTETTLER, RUDIE, Pvt., Plainview, Minnesota.
HUNT, EDWARD, Pvt., Pipestone, Minnesota.
HUNTRESS, FRANK H., Pvt., 290 E. Lucy St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
JACKSON, CHARLEY, Pvt., 62 N. Phalen Cr., St. Paul, Minnesota.
JACOBSON, CARL B., Pvt., 35 Aurora Ave., St. Paul, Minneapolis.
JAHNKE, RAYMOND G., Pvt., Watertown, Minnesota.
JENSEN, CHRISTIAN B., Pvt., Frederick, Wisconsin.
JENSEN, GEORGE E., Pvt., Alden, Wisconsin.
JOHNSON, CARL O., Pvt., Leinsburg, Kansas.
JOHNSON, THORWALD, Pvt., Brahan, Minnesota.
JOHNSON, WILLIAM H., Pvt., 755 Curfew Ave., St. Paul,
JOHNSON, WILLIAM J., Pvt., Luck, Wisconsin.
JOHNSTON, JAMES E., Pvt., Twin Brook, South Dakota.
JONES, JOHN, Corp., Oregon, Illinois.
JONES, PAUL, Pvt., Farmington, Minnesota.
KAISER, ALBERT J., Cook, 502 Lincoln St., Hibbing, Minnesota.
KEMMITT, CHARLES, Pvt., 1524 E. 22nd St., Minneapolis,
KEENAN, EMMETT A., Pvt., Litchfield, Minnesota.
KEMNA, HUGH, Pvt., 2543 11th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
KENNEDY, FRANK T., Pvt., 761 Sylvan St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
KENNEDY, JOS. P., Pvt., 761 Sylvan St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
KROLL, CARLL, Corp., Jasper, Minnesota.
KUDLACZ, MICHAEL, Pvt., 1145 W. Superior Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
LESSMAN, AMBROSE, Pvt., 712 E. 4th St., Winona, Minnesota.
LING, PERRY, Pvt., Madison, Minnesota.
LOKKEN, CARL R., Pvt., Milan, Minnesota.
LOMMEN, THORSTEN E., Pvt., 1941 Aldrich Ave., Minneapolis,
LUND, JAMES P., Sgt., Jasper, Minnesota.
McNALLAN, DENNIS, Pvt., Kellogg, Minnesota.
McOSKER, BRYAN, Pvt., 601 E. Washington St., Greenville, Illinois.
MANNING, WM., Pvt., Beavertown, Michigan.
MARQUARDT, ARTHUR, Sgt., 604 15th St., Racine, Wisconsin.
MARTINSON, NELS, Pvt., Maglehem, Sweden.
MESSIG, CHAS., Pvt., 5300 Knox Ave., So., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
MESSICK, MEREDITH G., Pvt., 719 E. State St., Eagle Grove, Iowa.
MENTER, FRANK B., Pvt., Hammond, Wisconsin.
MILLER, PETER G., Pvt., Comstock, Minnesota.
MILLER, OLF R., Pvt., Christiania, Norway.
MOLINEK, EMANNUEL, Pvt., Carrolville, Wisconsin.
MURPHY, THOS., Pvt., 177 York St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
MUTZ, SIGFIELD, Pvt., Pipestone, Minnesota.
NADEAU, ARTHUR, Pvt., 477 Beaumont St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
NELSON, ARTHUR, Pvt., Milaca, Minnesota.
NELSON, BENHART W., Mechanic, 887 St. Clair St., St. Paul,
NILES, LESLIE, Pvt., 660 Stryker Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota.
OCHUS, MIKE, Pvt., Curtis Bay, Baltimore, Maryland.
O’GRACY, JOHN G., Sgt., 181 Aurora Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota.
O’HANSON, ANTON, Pvt., 122 Viola St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
OLSON, JOHN, Pvt., 1315 Clinton Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
OLSON, GUNNAR, Sgt., 823 Hamline Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota.
OLSON, EDWARD, Pvt., Marietta, Minnesota.
ORDEMAN, HAROLD G., Chief Mech., 456 Collins St., St. Paul,
PAULSTON, LLOYD, Corp., Silverton, Oregon
PEASE, ALPHEUS T., Pvt., 79 S. 9th St., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
PEDERSON, MELVIN, Pvt., Madison, Minnesota.
PETERSON, ARTHUR E. F., Pvt., R. 4, Box 36, Kenmare, North
PETERSON, CLARENCE A., Pvt., Mankato, Minnesota.
PETERSON, EDWARD G., Pvt., 247 25th Ave., S., Minneapolis,
PERRY, GEO. W., Pvt., 1513 Madison St., N.E., Minneapolis, Minn.
PETERSON, LESTER W., Pvt., Pipestone, Minnesota.
PETERSON, LOUIS, Pvt., 3372 S. Sherman, Inglewood, Denver,
PETERSON, PETER M., Pvt., Litchfield, Minnesota.
PIERI, PALMER, Pvt., 2509 6th Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
PLAISTED, EARL R., Pvt., Breckenridge, Minnesota.
PODGORSKI, JOSEPH, Pvt., 852 Germania St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
QUAY, ARTHUR, Pvt., Wayzata, Minnesota.
RAMBERG, ALBERT G., Pvt., Isanti, Minnesota.
RAYKMAN, ROY, Corp., 13½ 5th St., N.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
REID, GEO. B., Pvt., 618 7th Ave., S.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
REYNOLDS, MAURICE G., Pvt., 905 Randolph Ave., Clinton, Iowa.
RING, EMMETT M., Pvt., 2915 California, N.E., Minneapolis, Minn.
ROBINSON, EUGENE H., Sgt., 4202 Maryland Blvd., St. Louis, Mo.
ROY, ALBERT J., Pvt., Warread, Minnesota.
RUMANES, NICK, Pvt., 728 6th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
RUSTE, OLE C., Pvt., Brown’s Valley, Minnesota.
RYAN, DAVID J., Pvt., 3233 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
SATHER, EUGENE W., Bugler, Glenwood, Minnesota.
SCHMIDT, JULIUS E., Corp., 525 McBean St., Peoria, Illinois.
SCHULTZ, ALBERT W., Pvt., Faribault, Minnesota.
SCHULTZ, JACK, Pvt., 4242 Nicollett Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
SERSTOCK, EDWARD O., Horseshoer, 820 N.W. Bldg.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
SHABRAM, FRANK M., Pvt., 251 E. Miller Ave., Akron, Ohio.
SHERMAN, EDWIN A., Sgt., Monterey, Minnesota.
SISSON, CLARK R., Pvt., 5030 Du Pont Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn.
SKOGLUND, ANARD J., Pvt., 233 34th Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn.
SHOOK, FRANK M., Pvt., 1224 1st Ave., E., Faribault, Minnesota.
SKOV, JULIUS, Pvt., Box 32, R. 2, Robbinsdale, Minnesota.
SMITH, ALBERT T., Sgt., Cheyenne, Wyoming.
SMITH, GEO., Pvt., 339 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pennsylvania.
SMITH, VERN, Pvt., Preston, Minnesota.
SNELL, LAWRENCE H., Pvt., Alexandria, South Dakota.
SPECK, CHAS., Cook, Deer Lodge, Montana.
STEVENS, MILTON C., Pvt., 225 W. 7th St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
SULLIVAN, JOHN, Pvt., 152 E. Jessimine St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
SUMMERS, JAMES, Pvt., 11 Irwin St., Toronto, Canada.
SUTTON, ALEXANDER, Pvt., 2711 E. 28th Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
SUTTON, RAY, Pvt., Howell, Indiana.
SWAN, SEARLE, Pvt., 2103 Colfax Ave., S. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
TRUMAN, RALPH E., Pvt., Hopkins, Minnesota.
WARWICK, FRED H., Sgt., 1366 Summitt Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota.
WAX, DAVID, Pvt., 302 E. Houston St., New York City.
WEBSTER, RAY B., Pvt., Dancy, Wisconsin.
WEED, RICHARD, Pvt., Ortonville, Minnesota.
WEEKS, ORVIN L., Pvt., Eagle Grove, Iowa.
WEST, ARTHUR, Pvt., London, England.
WEYMOUTH, RAY, Pvt., 1636 Capitol Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota.
WHITE, HARRY, Cook, Alleyhaus, Pennsylvania.
WIETECKI, TUFIL, Pvt., 951 Cornwell Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota.
WILEY, CARL M., Sgt., 2321 Pleasant Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
WISE, FRANK M., Pvt., 530 W. 66th St., Chicago, Illinois.
WOHLERS, HANS H., Pvt., 258 E. Annapolis St., St. Paul,
WOLFF, GEORGE R., Pvt., Hopkins, Minnesota.
ZECHER, FRED J., Pvt., 639 Audubon St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
ZWOLINSKI, PETER, Pvt., West Allis, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Battery B

Capt. ALFRED H. PAUTOT, 533 W. McKinnie St., Youngstown,

1st Lieut. FRED S. KING, 3529 Portland Ave., South,
Minneapolis, Minn.
1st Lieut. JOHN TOWNSEND, JR., 315 Commerce Bldg., St.
Paul, Minn.
2d Lieut. HAROLD S. JOHNSON, 657 Lincoln Ave., St. Paul,
2nd Lieut. ERNEST W. NICHOLS, Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
ADAMS, GEORGE W., Pvt., Morristown, Minnesota.
ADDISON, THOMAS W., Mech., 109 5th Ave. North, Virginia,
AGNEW, JOHN J., Pvt., 307 1st Ave. South, S. St. Paul, Minnesota.
AKIN, GEORGE E., Pvt., Luck, Wisconsin.
ALLEN, CARROLL, Pvt., Carthage, Tennessee.
ALLEN, MIKE, Cook, 136 W. Isabel St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
ALLIE, FRANCIS, Pvt., 5219 Ramsey St., W. Duluth, Minnesota.
ANDERSON, ART, Pvt., Minnehaha County, North Dakota.
ANDERSON, EVAR, Mech., 206 3rd Ave. North, Virginia,
BAKER, MORRIS T., Pvt., 521 Washington Ave. South, Minneapolis,
BARNES, JERRY, Mess Sgt., 2807 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.
BARNES, JESSE L., Sgt., Manning, Iowa.
BECKMAN, ERNEST H., Pvt., 503 6th St. South, Virginia,
BENNETT, ALBERT R., Pvt., Burtrum, Minnesota.
BERENDS, CLARENCE W., Pvt., Glencoe, Minnesota.
BIMER, MAHLON C., Pvt., 1092 Fairmount Ave., St. Paul,
BLOSSOM, FRANK E., Mech., 873 Gaultier St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
BOFFERDING, FREEMAN A., Pvt., 1410 Emerson Ave.,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
BOWERS, CHARLES F., Pvt., Clinton Bille, Wisconsin.
BRANDENBURG, WILLIAM, Supply Sgt., 110 Oregon St., Merrill,
BRISSON, LAURENCE R., Pvt., 202 9th St., Virginia, Minnesota.
BROWNING, CHARLES A., Pvt., 973 Linwood Place, St. Paul, Minn.
BURNETT, CHESTER A., Pvt., Allenville, Illinois.
BURTON, HARLEY A., Sgt., 1106 Mallory Ave. North, Portland,
CAMPBELL, GALEN S., Pvt., Randall, Minnesota.
CANNON, HERMAN, Pvt., 2310 Polk St., Northeast, Minneapolis,
CARTER, BERT R., Pvt., Madora, Indiana.
CASTER, JOE, Pvt., 400 2nd Ave., S. St. Paul, Minnesota.
CLARK, CHARLES A., Pvt., Bassano, Alberta, Canada.
CLIFFORD, CLARENCE W., Corp., 25 Cook St., West Springfield,
CLOONAN, JOHN J., Sgt. 1st class, 45 Babcock St., Hartford, Conn.
CONAWAY, DAVID, Pvt., Virginia, Minnesota.
CONAWAY, CECIL A., Pvt., Phillips, Wisconsin.
CONWAY, WILLIAM O., Pvt., 1252 Laurel Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota.
CORRIGAN, LOUIS F., Pvt., 212 Nelson Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota.
COWIE, FRANCIS S., Corp., 2057 Grand Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota,
CRISP, RALPH, Corp., 4 Highfield Down Road, Portishead,
Somerset, England.
CURTISS, IRA M., Corp., 705 3rd Ave., South, Virginia, Minnesota.
DEEBACH, WALTER A., Pvt., 909 Front St. North, Mankato,
DUBAN, EMIL J., Pvt., 989 James St., St. Paul, Minnesota.
DUNLOP, FRED J., Corp., 13 Crocus Place, St. Paul, Minnesota.
DUNN, BENJAMIN F., Pvt., Maple Lake, Minnesota.
DUNSTAN, OLIVER, Pvt., 502 Roosevelt Ave., Eveleth, Minnesota.
ERICKSON, DAVID E., Pvt., 2709 12th Ave., South, Minneapolis,
ERICKSON, ENFRED J., Pvt., 333½ Chestnut St., Virginia,
ERICKSON, OSCAR, Pvt., 333½ Chestnut St., Virginia, Minnesota.
FARRELL, LEO B., Pvt., Avoca, Minnesota.
FISK, EDDIE M., Pvt., St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin.
FLATT, ROLLIN P., Pvt., Elk River, Minnesota.
FLEMING, MARTIN J., Pvt., 7 3rd St., East St. Louis, Illinois.
FLIEHS, BERNARD, Pvt., 329 Howard St., Buffalo, New York.
FORD, MAX S., Pvt., St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin.
FORESTER, WILLIAM O., Pvt., 1029 Logan Ave. North,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
FOSTER, REX H., Pvt., Waterville, Minnesota.
FOX, OSCAR, Cook, Waterloo, Iowa.
FRIEDLUND, HARRY, Pvt., 1167 Greenbrier Ave., St. Paul,
FULLER, LYNO, Pvt., Mellen, Wisconsin.
GANZER, GEORGE H., Pvt., 816 8th St., Southeast, Minneapolis,

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