CE 8th SEM AICTE111220012243

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July 2017-18 batch

Contact Hours Per
Maximum Marks Allotted
Category Week
Subject Name Theory Practical
Mid Sem.
Structural Design & Drawing-IV
Estimating Costing and Tendering
Professinal Elective Course-Ill
Open Elective Course-lV
Project-Il (Testing &

NS SNcc/Swachhata Abhiyan/Rural Outreach

Note: Departmental BOS will decide list of four elective subjects for each PEC (Program Elective Course) / OEC (Open E1:ctive Course).

Professional Elective Course-III Open Elective Course-IV

Subject Code Subject Name Subject Code Subject Name
Pre-Stressed Concrete Finite Element Method

Pavement Design Air Quality Monitoring &

Traffic Engineering FRP Composites
Professional Elective (Branch Specific), OEC: Open Elective Course (Interdisciplina.y), PCC: Professional Core Course, DLC/PI: Digital Leaming
I hour lecture (L) : I credit I hour Tutorial (T) : 1 credit 2 hour Practical (P): I credit
Subject Category Code
Course Subject Title Code Hours/week

Structural Design & Drawing

-lV (Steel)

Estimate loads on steel sffucture like girders, bridges, chimneys etc.

Analyse the steel structures on the basis of estimated loads
Design plate Girder Bridge, trussed girder bridges and bearings for bridges, steel
water tanks, guyed self supporting steel stacks Bunkers, Silos and Towers.

List of Experiment
I Design aid drawing of riveted plate girder bridge.
2. Design and drawing of welded plate girder bridge.
3. Design and drawing of truss girder bridge.
4. Self supporting stack design and drawing.
5 .Design and drawing of pressed steel tank/rectangular tank,
6. Design and drawing of hemispherical bottom circular tank.
7. Design and drawing of steel bunker.
8. Design and drawing of steel silo.
Course Subject Title Subject Code Code Hours/week

Estimating Costing and

Tendering 3-0-2


Course Outcomes-
After the completion of this course student will be able to-
col Illustrate various type of estimate, their purpose and importance.
coz Analyse the rates of important item, material and labour requirement for various
co3 Prepare detailed estimates of construction works such as building, earth work, water
supply, etc.
c04 Evaluate gross income based on depreciation of property, mortgage and lease

Introduction: Purpose and importance of estimates, principles of estimating. Methods of
taking out quantities of items of work. Mode of measurement, measurement sheet and
abstract sheet; bill of quantities. Types of estimate, plinth area rate, cubical content rate,
preliminary, original, revised and supplementary estimates for different projects.

Rate Analysis: Task for average artisan, various factors involved in the rate of an item,
material and labour requirement for various trades; preparation for rates of important items of
work. Current schedule of rates. (C.S.R.)
Detailed Estimates: heparing detailed estimates of various types of buildings, R.C.C. works,
earth work calculations for roads and estimating of culverts Services for building such as
water supply, drainage and electrification.
Cost of Works: Factors affecting cost of work, overhead charges, Contingencies and work
charge establishment, various percentages for different services in building. Preparation of
valuation: Purposes, depreciation, sinking fund, scrap value, year's purchase, gross and net
income, dual rate interest, methods of valuation, rent fixation of buildings.

Reference books:-
1. Hakraborti IvI "Estimating and costing" Published by. the author zl B,
Bhabananda Road,Calcu tta.2002.

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2. Dutta B N "Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering" UBS Publishers' Distributors
Ltd.. New Delhi, 1999.
3. Birdie G S "Estimating and Costing" Dhanpat Rai & Sons" Delhi.1994.
4. Kohli D. D.,Kohli R.C.,'Estimating and Costing",S.Chand & Company,New Delhi,2004
5.Spence Gedder,"Building and Public Works Administration. Estimating
and Costing",Nelynes Publishers,London.UK, I 950.


1. Preparation of detailed estimate.

2. Detailed estimate for services of plumbing and water supply or Electrification work.
3. Detailed estimate for earth work for the road construction or arched culvert.
4. Rate analysis for at least 8 items of construction.
5. Preparation of DPR of Civil Engineering Project.

Course Subject Title Subject Code Code Hours/week

Pre-stressed Concrete PEC 3-0-0

Course Outcomes-
After the completion of this course student will be able to-
col Explain different types of pre-stressing systems.
coz Analyze different types of prestressed concrete structural members.
co3 Design pre-stressed concrete simple & continuous beam, slab, column and
miscellaneous structural members.
c04 calculate pre-stressing losses, short term, long term deflection and crack width

Pre-stressing Systems and losses of pre-stressing, introduction various systems of pre-
stressing, Types of loss and their analysis.
Working Stress Design of Simple Beams : Critical load conditions allowable stresses,
flexural design criteria axially pre-stressed members design of pre-stressing cable for a given
cress section, design procedure based on flexure, design by load balancing method and
multiple stage pre-stressing.
Continuous Beams : Analysis of two span beam analysis of two span beam with eccentricities
at outer supports, continuous beams with variable section design of continuous beam.
Miscellaneous Structural Members : Columns subjected to combined bending and axial force,
piles, poles, piers and abutments, Tension members, ring beams circular tanks and pipes
pavement sleepers roads and runways.
MODULE - III : Limit State Design of Beams : Limit state of strength in flexure, shear and
torsion permissible stresses limit state of serviceability against deflection. Cracking and
durability, design of simply supported and continuous beams.
Bond and Anchorage of Pre-stressing cables Bond in pre tensioned and post tensioned
construction, prestressing cable at centroid axis symmetric multiple cables causing axial
thrust cable with eccentricity,
inclined pre-stressing cable spanning stress, end zone reinforcement.
Pre-stressed Concrete Slabs : One way slab two way slabs, pre-stressed concrete beam slab
construction, pre-stressed flat slab.
Deflection and Crack Width : Factors influencing deflection, short term deflections of un
cracked members, long term deflection deflections of cracked members. Estimation of crack
width using British code and FIP recommendations.
Reference Books:
l. N.Krishna Raju, Pre-stressed Concrete, Tata Mc Graw Hill Book Co.
2. P. Dayaratran, Pre-stressed Concrete Structures, Oxford & IBH Co. Delhi.
3.Jain & Jai Krishna, Plain & Reinforced Concrete Vol - II Nem chand & Bros Roorkee.
4. IS 1343-980 code ofPractice for Pre-stressed Concrete Bureau of India Standards New

Course Subject Title Subject Code Code Hours/week

Pavement Design

calculate ESWL, rgpetition of load and their effects on pavement structures

Determine stresses in flexible and rigid pavements.
Design rigid pavements as per IRC methods, PCA chart methods and AASHTo
Evaluate and strengthen existing pavement by Benkleman beam method and
serviceability index method

Equivalent Single Wheel Load (ESWL) : Definition, calculation of ESWL, repetition of loads
and their effects on the pavement structures.


Flexible Pavements : Component parts of the pavement structures and their fimctions,
stresses in flexible pavements, Stress distribution through various layers, Boussinesque's
theory, Burmister's two layered theory, methods of design, group index method, cBR
method, Burmister's method and North Dakota cone method.

Rigid Pavements : Evaluation of subgrade, Modulus-K by plate bearing test and the test
details, Westergaard's stress theory stresses in rigid pavements, Temperature stresses,
warping stresses, frictional stresses, critical combination of stesses, critical loading positions.


Rigid pavement design : IRC method, Fatigue analysis, PCA chart method, joints, design and
construction & types, AASHTO Method, Reliability analysis.


Evaluation and Stengthening of Existing Pavements : Benkleman beam method,

Serviceability Index Method. Rigid and flexible overlays and their design procedures.

Reference Books :--

l. Principles of pavement design by E.J.Yoder & M.W. Witczak

2. AASTHO, "A'r{SHO Interim Guide for Design of Pavement Structures", Washington,
3. Portland Cement Association, Guidlines for Design of Rigid Pavements, Washington
4. DSIR, Conc. Roads Design & Construction.
5 Srinivasan M. "Modem Permanent Way".

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Course Subject Title Subject Code Code Hours/week

Traffic Engineering PEC 3-0-0

Course Outcomes-
After the completion of this course student will be able to-
col Illustrate traffic characteristics, its impact on road traffic, various problems on mass
transportation and road accidents
coz Practice different traffic studies and give its practical significance
Design different traffic signal system, traffic islands and street liehtine

Traffic Characteristics: (i) Road user's characteristics - general human characteristics,
physical, mental and emotional factors, factors affecting reaction time, PIEV theory. (ii)
Vehicular characteristics: Characteristics affecting road design-width, height, length and
other dimensions.
weight, power, speed and braking capacity of a vehicle.
Traffic Studies: (i) Spot Speed Studies and Volume Studies.(ii) Speed and Delay Studies
purpose, causes of delay, methods of conducting speed and delay studies. (iii) Origin and
destination Studies (O & D): Various methods, collection and interpretation of dat4 planning
and sampling. (iv)Traffic Capacity Studies: Volume, density, basic practical and possible
capacities, level of service. (v) Parking Studies: Methods of parking studies cordon counts,
space inventories, parking practices.
Traffic Operations and Control: (i) Traffic regulations and various means of control.(ii) One
way streets- advantages and limitations. (iii) Traffic signals- isolated signals, coordinated
signals, simultaneous, alternate, flexible and progressive signal systems. Types of traffic
signals, fixed time signals, traffic actuated signals, speed control signals, pedestrian signals,
flashing signals, clearance interval and problems on single isolated traffic signal.
Street Lighting: (i) Methods of light distribution.
(ii) Design of street lighting system. (iii)
Definitions- Luminaire, foot candle, Lumen, utilization and maintenance factors. (iv)
Different types of light sources used for street lighting. (v) Fundamental factors of night
Accident Studies & Mass Transportation: (i) Accident Studies: Causes of accidents, accident
studies and records, condition and collision diagram, preventive measures. (ii) Expressways
and freeways, problems on mass transportation and remedial measures, brief study of mass
transportation available in the country.

Reference Books :-
1. Traffrc F,ngineering and Transport Planning by L.R. Kadiyali, Khanna Publishers, Delhi
2. Traffic Engineering by tvlatsorL W.S.Smith& F.W. Hurd
3. G.J. Pingnataro, hinciples of Traffrc Engineering
4. D.R.Drew, Traffic Flaw Theory
uTrafftc Engg"
5. W.R. Mchsne and R.P. Roess
6. Wohl& Martin, Traffic System Analysis for Engineering & Planners
Course Subject Title Subject Code Code Hours/week

Finite Element Method OEC 3-0-0


Course Outcomes-
After the completion of this course student will be able to-
col Explain concepts of FEM, plane stress, strain and discretization of structures.
co2 Derive shape functions for various Epe of elements
co3 Determine stiffness matrix for spring, bar and beam elements.
c04 Perform numerical integration using Gauss Quadrature.

Introduction- [ntroduction to Finite Element Method, Comparison with other methods, Basic
concepts of finite element method, Introduction to boundary value and initial value problems,
Introduction to stiffness matrix and boundary conditions.
Shape Functions & Discretization of Structures- Introduction of shape functions,
polynomials, convergence requirements of shape functions, derivation of shape functions,
Hermite and Lagrange polynomials. Introduction to discretization of structure, Nodes as
discontinuities, Refining mesh, Use of symmetry, Element aspect ratio, Higher order element,
Elements numbering.
Spring, Bar & Beam Element- One dimensional second order equations, Derivation of
stiffness matrix for a spring element, Direct stiffness method, Potential energy approach to
derive spring element equations, Derivation of stiffness matrix for a bar element in local
coordinates, Selection of approximation function, Beam stiffness, assemblage of beam
stiffness matrix, potential energy approach to derive beam element equations, Analysis of
beam using two noded elements, Galerkin's Residual method.
Plane stress and plane strain problems- Introduction, CST (Constant Strain Triangle) element,
finite element solution of plane strain problem, Explicit expression for CST stiffness matrix.
Isoparametric formulation- Coordinate transformation, Bar element, Rectangular plane stress
element, Numerical integration, Gauss Quadrature.
Reference Books:
l. Chandrupatla, T.R., and Belegundu, A.D., "Introduction to Finite Element in Engineering",
Third Edition, hentice Hall, India, 2003.
2. Bhavikati, S. S., "Finite Element Analysis", New Age International Publishers,2OO5.
3. Daryl L. Logan, "A First Course in the Finite Element Method", Cengage Learning, 201 l.
4. J. N. Reddy, "An Introduction to Finite Element Method", McGraw-Hill, Intl. Student
Edition, 1985.
5. Zienkiewics, "The finite element method, Basic formulation and linear problems", Vol.1,
4/e, McGraw-Hill, Book Co.
6. S. S. Rao, "The Finite Element Method in Engineering", Pergaman Press, 2003.
7. C. S. Desai and J. F. Abel, "Introduction to the Finite Element Method", Affiliated East
West Press, 1972.
Course Subject Title Subject Code Code Hours/week

Air Quality Monitoring & OEC

Control 3-0-0


Course Outcomes-
After the completion of this course student will be able to-
col Identifu the sources of air pollution.
coz Relate general diseases and toxicity of pollutants.
co3 Explain the design and operation of various air pollution control equipments.
Apply air pollution control legislation, public education pollution standards, etc. to

Air-pollution : Definition, Atmosphere and global effects, Pollutants and their sources,
classification. Air Pollution Meteorology : Interaction of Meteorology parameters, Transport
and Diffi.rsion Models and mechanism, Wind rose diagram, Particulates Visibility. Dynamics
of pollutant dispersion and disposal. Effects on environment including living and non-living
Air Pollutant Chemistry: Properties of Pollutant, Units for expression of concentrations,
Effects on Vegetation, Physical Environment and Human Health Mechanisms of Effect,
Estimation Methodology. Human Health Hazard: Units of Measurement, Measurement of
Concentration on Human Health. Nature of process Emissions: Mobile Combustion. Sources,
Stationary Source, Measurement of Monitoring.
Ambient air quality monitoring techniques: Air pollution indices, standards, norns, rules and
regulations. Removal processes. An introduction to air pollution meteorology. Air Laboratory
- High Volume Sampling, Handy Sampling, Bio aerosols sampling, Indoor Air Sampling,
Stack Sampling.
Prevention and Control of Air Pollution: Regulated Release of Air Pollutant Practicability,
Mechanisms of Control, Equipment Mathematical Model of Control Processes, Mechanical
Collectors, Wet Collectors, Filffation, Electrostatics Precipitators Of Form Bed Reactors and
Ventury Scrubbers, After Burners And Dispersion. Industrial Application: Wood Working
Operation, Open Hearth Neel Making, Manufacture of Sulfuric Acid, Coffee Roasting,
Environmental IndustrialLocation, Theories And Facilities, Impact of Industrial Products.

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Legislation : Standards of Air Qualities in Various Countries, Evolution of Standards,
Standards and Criteria, Emission Standards and Air Qualities Standards, Clean Air Ac! Total
Environmental Protection, Social Responsibility, Economics and hoduction..
Reference Books :

l. "Air Pollution : It's Origin and Control" By Kenneth Wark & Cecil F. Wamer.
2. "Air Pollution Control Volume (I to VII)" By A.C. Stern.
3. "Air Pollution" By Henery C. Perkins (Mc-Graw Hill Publication)
4. "Air Pollution and It's Control" By M.N. Rao & C.S. Rao.
Subject Title Subject Code Hours/week
FRP Composites

Illustrate selection criteria for materials selection.

Choose different types of fibre for FRP composites.
Explain types of molds and manufacturing processes.


Introduction- Composites- Advantages of FRP -Role of resin and reinforcements -

Applications of FRP. Designing in FRP - Selection criteria - material and process selection


Molds for FRP- Polyester resins. Introduction - Plaster mold, wooden Mold - GRP molds-
Epoxide moldsSteel molds- Aluminum alloy molds- Nickel shell molds.


Reinforcements- Introduction - Surfacing tissue -Class fiber - Continuous filament rovings-

Chopped strands- Chopped strand mats- Continuous strand mat Woven glass fabrics- Carbon
fiber- Aromatic polyamide (aramid) fibers - Polyester fibers- Polyacrylonitrile fibers - Nylon
- PVC and PVDC Cotton - Sisal - Asbestos- Jute- Boron fibers


Molding Processes- Introduction - Contact molding -hand lay up - Spray lay-up- Vacuum bag
molding - Pressure bag molding - Resin transfer or resin injection molding-pressure
injection- Vacuum impregnation and injection - Hot press/matched metal molding - Filament
winding- Centrifugal molding - Continuous sheet manufacture - Pultnrsion - Sandwich


Bulk, Dough and Sheet molding Compounds and Prepregs. Introduction- Dough and bulk
molding compounds - sheet mould compounds- manufacture of SMC- Prepregs -
Commercial products.

Reference Books:
2. FIBERREINFORCED COMPOSITES- Materials, Manufacturing, and Design by P.K.
3. COMPOSITES MANUFACTURING- Materials, Product, and Process Engineering by
Sanjay K. Mazumdar
4. Hand book of Reinforcement for plastics - Milewski .

5. M O W Richardson "Polymer Engineering Composite" - Applied Science.

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