2024s3_BUSM2570_Assessment 2 - Questions
2024s3_BUSM2570_Assessment 2 - Questions
2024s3_BUSM2570_Assessment 2 - Questions
BUSM2570: Business Decision Making (S3-2024)
Due Date: Week 8, Due 5pm, Friday, 20 Dec 2024 (Vietnam time)
Weighting: 40%
The following assignment format requirements must be met:
• To be submitted through Canvas STUDIO and attach contribution form. Complete and sign the Team Contract.
• Save your completed file with "Assignment_2_BUSM2570_yourClassGroup_yourTeamname " as the filename.
• References should be presented using the RMIT modified Harvard (author-date) referencing system.
• Quotations and sources of figures should be referenced.
• Clearly defined sections and sub-sections.
• To make screen-cast video, you can use Canvas Studio, Zoom meeting, or Team meeting.
Please note that RMIT treats plagiarism very strictly. All your work will be checked by
RMIT Online Detection Plagiarism System (ODPS). I recommend you write the report in
your own words and cite the information sources properly. We are aware of the use of
Artificial Intelligence (AI). Please see our policy here:
In a team of 4 – 5 students, you are required to evaluate competing business projects drawing on a range of
financial and non-financial information. The results of your analysis are to be presented in an impactful report
to the manager.
The purpose of this assessment is for you to demonstrate that you understand data analytical processes and the
types of risk that can arise in a business setting when evaluating and selecting between competing project
alternatives. The assignment also requires you to prepare a powerful report using data visualisation techniques
to justify and communicate the results of your analysis to generate positive change in your organisation.
Good luck with your assignment!
Assessment criteria
Each question in the assessment is awarded a number of marks, as indicated in the question.
CLO1 Describe and implement a structured approach to generating meaningful insights and informing
ethical decision making in business
Select, apply, analyse and evaluate the results of data analyses, analytical models and other
business tools in a socially intelligent manner (PLO 2, PLO3)
Apply digital literacy skills to communicate the results of data analyses and analytical models in
written and visual forms to support organisational decision-making (PLO4, PLO5)
CLO4 Demonstrate effective teamwork skills in business decision making, including collaboration,
communication, and the ability to contribute to shared goals.
Submission instructions
Step Description
Please designate a team member to upload the completed Team Recording Report,
Team Contract and Excel file to Canvas by the due date. You can attach the Team
Contract and Excel file in the comment.
It is imperative to include the team contract in the introduction of your presentation.
Failure to showcase the team's contributions at the outset will result in a deduction of 1
HINT: When calculating your answers, you may find it is easier and quicker to use spreadsheet software
such as Excel or Google Sheets.
Submit Recording files on Canvas:
To submit Video recording files, you click on “Studio” and submit your assignment answers in one go.
Access to the external site to view a video How to submit video using Canvas Studio
Warning: Do not submit multiple times. If so, the latest submission will overwrite the previous submission.
Notes for assignment 2:
- Use your own words to avoid plagiarism. Cite properly any external sources that you use.
- Avoid general answers from Generative AI. It would give you low points and you would learn
less from this course.
- Seek for supports from SAS, workshop lecturers, peers, and any available support from RMIT
if needed.
- DO NOT submit late. A heavy penalty might apply.
- All team members must show up with face and take part in the presentation. No show up, no
point. We can mark individually based on your performance individually in the presentation
and team contract.
Assignment Questions
Over the past few years, fluctuations in crude oil prices have significantly impacted the global economy. As a
key determinant of energy costs, crude oil prices influence various sectors, particularly those reliant on fuel,
energy-intensive processes, or oil-based inputs.
Your firm's senior management is increasingly concerned about how crude oil price volatility affects their
business operations and financial stability. To address these concerns, the management has engaged your
consulting team to conduct a thorough investigation.
Your team has been assigned to focus on one of the following sectors:
• Team 1, 4, 7: Manufacturing
• Team 2, 5, 8: Transportation and Logistics
• Team 3, 6, 9, 10: Airline Industry
Pick a listed company1 (in any country) in your assigned sector, where you can find sufficient information/data
for this assignment. Failure to analyze the assigned sector will result in a penalty of 50% of the assignment mark.
1. The first slide should list your team members, including team contributors and team contract. Failure to
showcase the team's contributions at the beginning will result in a deduction of 1 mark.
• Research and identify at least three firm-level variables2 that are affected by crude oil prices, these
variables should be directly relevant to your assigned sector.
• Use academic papers, research articles, and other credible sources to support your identification of these
• Explain the theoretical relationship between crude oil prices and each variable. Discuss how and why
these variables are expected to change in response to crude oil prices fluctuations.
Task 2: Data Collection and Descriptive Statistics
• Collect quarterly or annual data for the identified firm-level variables from the chosen firm’s financial
• The crude oil prices should have the same frequency (time unit) as firm-level variables.
A listed company is a company that sells shares of its stock on a stock market
Firm-level variables are specific financial or operational metrics that reflect a company's performance, activities, or
financial health. These variables are typically found in a company’s financial statements, such as the income statement,
balance sheet, or cash flow statement. Examples include revenue, operating costs, profit margins, debt levels, inventory,
and cash flow.
• Ensure you have at least 15 data points for each variable for meaningful analysis.
• Generate summary descriptive statistics for all collected data, including the Mean, Median, Standard
Deviation, Maximum, and Minimum.
• Comment on any significant findings from the descriptive statistics. Highlight any trends or anomalies
that may be relevant to your analysis.
• Use appropriate data visualization tools to illustrate trends and patterns in the collected data.
• Create charts, graphs, or tables that clearly show the relationship between changes in crude oil prices
and the selected firm-level variables.
• Analyze and discuss the visualizations you create. Explain what the visualizations reveal about the data,
highlighting key trends, correlations, or anomalies. Discuss how these insights align with theoretical
expectations from Task 1.
Task 4: Correlation and Causal Analysis
• Investigate the correlation between crude oil prices and the firm-level variables you have selected.
• Present your correlation findings appropriately (e.g., correlation matrix, scatter plots).
• Conduct simple linear regression analysis to explore the causal relationship between crude oil prices
and each firm-level variable.
• Interpret the regression results. Provide insights into how crude oil prices may be driving changes in the
firm-level variables, and discuss how these insights align with theoretical expectations from Task 1
Task 5: Recommendations
• Based on the results of your analyses, provide practical recommendations to the firm’s management.
• Your recommendations should address how the firm can mitigate the negative effects of crude oil prices
or capitalize on any opportunities.
• Ensure your recommendations are actionable and directly linked to the findings from your analysis.
Appendix 1. Data structrure.
The data in your Excel file should look something like this before starting the analysis.
Note: This is only the basic setting, if you want to get more insights from the data, you need to collect more
information and adjust the template.
Submission format
Screen-cast presentation.
Do you want to ask questions?
if you have questions, please consult with your workshop lecturer.
If unforeseen circumstances have impeded your assessment preparation, you may be eligible for an extension.
Submit requests for extensions to the course coordinator using this Link, at least one working day before the
assessment deadline. The extension request form is available HERE.
Eligibility Criteria: Examples of circumstances that may be considered include: a) Unexpected short-term
physical or mental illness b) Primary carer responsibility for a family member with an unexpected illness c)
An unexpected, unavoidable employment commitment d) Other unexpected personal circumstances outside
your control such as: Bereavement, Being the victim of a crime or other trauma, Severe disruption to living
arrangements, Financial hardship, such as the sudden loss of employment or income
If you are seeking an extension on or after an assessment due date, or you require an extension of more than 7
days, you must apply for special consideration. This is a confidential process.
More information on the RMIT Extensions website.
Referencing guidelines
Use RMIT Harvard referencing style for this assessment.
You must acknowledge all the sources of information that you have used in your assessments.
Refer to the RMIT Easy Cite referencing tool to see examples and tips on how to reference in the appropriate
style. You can also refer to the library referencing page for more tools such as EndNote, referencing tutorials
and referencing guides for printing.
Academic integrity and plagiarism
Academic integrity is about honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledging the work of
others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas.
You should take extreme care that you have:
• Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of others you have quoted
(i.e., directly copied), summarised, paraphrased, discussed or mentioned in your assessment through
the appropriate referencing methods
• Provided a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the source if necessary.
This includes material taken from internet sites
If you do not acknowledge the sources of your material, you may be accused of plagiarism because you have
passed off the work and ideas of another person without appropriate referencing, as if they were your own.
RMIT University treats plagiarism as a very serious offence constituting misconduct.
Plagiarism covers a variety of inappropriate behaviours, including:
For further information on our policies and procedures, please refer to the University website.
Assessment declaration
When you submit work electronically, you agree to the assessment declaration.