active learning1
active learning1
active learning1
Post-it Parade
Think Aloud
Case Studies
Pro-Con Grids
Buzz Groups
Round Tables
15 Active Learning
Strategies and Examples
Active learning has taken modern education and corporate learning and
development (L&D) by storm. It is a learner-centred approach that
emphasises engagement, interaction, and reflection.
This paradigm shift from traditional teaching to active learning
underscores the learner’s role in constructing knowledge. Rather than
being just a recipient of information, the learner becomes an active
participant in a two-way process, whereby learning is imprinted through
memorable, interactive activities and challenges.
With today’s dynamic global environment, active learning has become
more critical in L&D than ever before. This teaching approach
encourages employees to play an active role in their own education,
fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptability, vital in the
ever-evolving world of work.
What is Active Learning and How Does it
First defined in 1991 by educational theorists Charles C. Bonwell and
James A. Eison, the method includes “anything that involves students in
doing things and thinking about the things they are doing.” It’s a
reciprocal process where cognition and demonstration combine to
reinforce key learning points.
A recent study conducted at Carnegie Mellon University’s Human-
Computer Interaction Institute concluded that “active learning can put
students in the driver’s seat of their lessons. Active learning techniques
encourage students to produce thoughts and get feedback through
interactive settings rather than passively receiving information as is
common in pervasive approaches to education like lectures and
Active learning allows students to analyse, synthesise and apply
knowledge rather than passively receive information. It fosters learner
engagement, interaction, and deeper understanding, moving beyond the
memorization of facts to cultivate higher-order thinking skills.
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Boosting Retention
Active learning strategies help learners retain information better. When
learners actively engage with content—discussing, debating, teaching, or
applying it—they’re more likely to remember it. Part of the reason for this
is that activities help personalise the learning content, creating
appreciation and some of the positive emotions that make an experience
memorable. Information Processing Theory explains retention in three
stages – sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory.
Critical Thinking
Active learning cultivates critical thinking skills. Learners don’t just absorb
information; they analyse, evaluate, and synthesise it, fostering problem-solving
and decision-making skills. Critical thinking is considered a soft skill and is
essential to any modern educational programme, from social science to the
humanities, hard science, and vocational subjects.
Active learning often involves teamwork and collaboration. Through group
activities and discussions, learners develop interpersonal skills and learn to work
effectively as a team. This is particularly helpful in workplace settings where
learners can support one another in the shared goal of picking up new skills they
can use at work.
Increasing Engagement
Active learning increases learner engagement. Interactive activities
stimulate interest and motivate learners, contributing to a more
enjoyable and effective learning experience. By creating engaging
interactive content, you can avoid the glazed eyes or after-lunch slump
of less involving courses!
1. Think-Pair-Share
Think-Pair-Share encourages collaboration and peer learning. Learners think about
a question or problem individually, pair up to discuss their thoughts, then share
their insights with the larger group. This method combines social learning
activities like collaboration and reflection in a way that draws out the strengths of
both modalities.
2. Three-Step Interviews
Three-Step interviews allow learners to apply different questioning strategies and
reflect on understanding. They take turns acting as the interviewer, interviewee, and
observer, promoting active engagement and deep reflection. This kind of active
learning works particularly well for courses emphasising social and negotiation
skills, including hospitality, politics, journalism, and sales.
3. Case Studies
Using case studies enables learners to apply concepts to real-world scenarios. This
strategy fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills, linking theoretical
learning to practical application. Case studies should be designed to chime with
course participants’ lives and experiences, allowing them to offer their own
personal insights. This allows them to become emotionally and intellectually
involved in the subject under discussion, and the learning is likely to stick.
4. Role-Play
Role-play enhances empathy and problem-solving skills. By acting out scenarios,
learners gain insights into different perspectives and learn to navigate complex
situations. It can be particularly instructive to ask learners to inhabit both sides of
an interaction, for instance, a police officer and suspect, or sales professional and
buyer. Not all students will be comfortable in such a performative exercise,
5. Flipped Classroom
In a flipped classroom, learners explore content independently before class, freeing
up classroom time for active discussions and problem-solving activities. This
method works best in a highly motivated educational setting, such as vocational
training resulting in professional qualifications. An obvious drawback is that, if
students don’t prepare, they’ll get very little out of the class-based content. It’s also
important for participants to reflect on in-class discussions after each session.
9. Peer Teaching
Peer teaching reinforces understanding and builds confidence in knowledge. By
teaching their peers, learners gain a deeper understanding and consolidate their
learning. The classic American “show and tell” in junior school is an example of
this, but adult learners can also benefit from sharing their experiences or explaining
a point with reference to an example from their own working lives.
Final Insights
Active learning, with its focus on engagement, reflection, and application, offers
numerous benefits. It boosts retention, enhances critical thinking, fosters
collaboration, and increases engagement.
At Skillshub, we fully commit to active learning, and incorporate many of its
strategies into our learning solutions, creating eLearning content which is
engaging, active and involving.
Our offerings are designed to facilitate active learning, equipping learners with the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to thrive in today’s dynamic world.
If you’re ready to incorporate active learning into your L&D strategy with the help
of an eLearning company, get in touch with us today!
Sean McPheat
Sean is the CEO of Skillshub. He’s a published author and has been featured on
CNN, BBC and ITV as a leading authority in the learning and development
industry. Sean is responsible for the vision and strategy at Skillshub, helping to
ensure innovation within the company.