I want to personally congratulate you on your decision to consider insurance as a viable career option. Well-trained, knowledgeable
representatives are an essential resource for insurance policyholders in North Carolina. A consumer who has confidence in a conscientious,
well-informed agent is one who will make the best purchase decisions. When unexpected losses occur, our consumers rely on the
support of proficient insurance adjusters to provide assurance that claims will be handled in a timely and efficient manner.
In North Carolina, agents and adjusters must meet certain standards to qualify for an insurance license. To help you meet those standards,
we have developed an insurance prelicensing education program that offers each applicant a foundation in insurance principles, laws,
and products. In addition we require a licensing examination by which you demonstrate what you’ve learned about insurance and by
statute; insurance producers and public adjuster applicants are now required to submit their fingerprints for a state and federal criminal
record search.
I believe you will find the Agent Services Division of the North Carolina Department of Insurance very helpful to you as you pursue
your quest to engage in the business of insurance. The professionals in this Division are extremely knowledgeable about the licensing
process and will assist you as you acquire and renew your insurance licenses. I also hope you will find our processes to be efficient; for
example, you are now able to print your own license, rather than wait for our staff to process, print and mail to you.
Wayne Goodwin
Commissioner of Insurance
The North Carolina Department of Insurance has the sole responsibility for the content and procedures described herein.
HOW TO OBTAIN A North Carolina
3. After you pass the examination, Pearson VUE transmits examination result
to NIPR.
Step 7-10 should not be completed before step 4
because it delays the license review/decision process.
7. Take forms (see #6) to a local law enforcement office that does Live Scan
electronic fingerprints. (DOI accepts only electronic prints and will return
fingerprint cards.)
8. After prints are taken, the law enforcement office will sign the SBI Electronic
Fingerprint Submission Release of Information form and give to applicant.
You must fax pages 1-4 (see #6) to Agent Services Division. (See page 21 in
Candidate Guide.)
9. The Live Scan fingerprints are sent electronically to the SBI for state and
national criminal check.
Contact Information
Candidates may contact Pearson VUE with questions about this guide or about an
upcoming examination. Candidates may contact the North Carolina Department State Licensing
of Insurance with questions about obtaining or maintaining a license after the Information
examination has been passed. Candidates may contact the
North Carolina Department
of Insurance with questions
about obtaining or maintaining
Reservations a license after the examination
Before making an exam reservation has been passed.
Candidates should thoroughly review this guide, which contains examination content North Carolina
Department of Insurance
outlines and important information regarding eligibility and the examination and Agent Services Division
licensing application process. 1204 Mail Services Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1204
Making an exam reservation (919) 807-6800 (phone)
(919) 715-3794 (fax)
Candidates may make a reservation by either calling (800) 274-0668 or by visiting Email Candidates should make a reservation by phone at least three [email protected]
(3) business days before the desired examination date or online at least four (4) business For Licensing Status,
days before the desired examination date. Walk-in examinations are not available. Continuing Education and
Other Information, visit the
Candidates may request special accommodations by using the Special Accommodations following website:
Request Form located in the back of this guide.
Schedules & Fees Candidates may contact
Test Center locations Pearson VUE with questions
about this guide or about
A list of test centers appears on the back cover of this guide. Candidates should an upcoming examination.
contact Pearson VUE to confirm specific locations and examination schedules.
Pearson VUE
North Carolina Insurance
Exam fees Attn: Regulatory Program
5601 Green Valley Dr.
The fee is $51.50 for EACH examination attempt. Bloomington, MN 55437
All fees must be paid at the time of reservation by credit card, debit card, voucher, (800) 274-0668
or electronic check. Payment will not be accepted at the test center. Examination pearsonvuecustomerservice@
fees are non-refundable and non-transferable, except as detailed in the Change/
Cancel Policy (page 10). Website
Registration, License, and Criminal Record Check Fees
Schedule of license, registration, and criminal record check fees by license
NIPR Electronic
type are available in the Resident Prelicensing and Exam Exemptions
chart available on the Department’s website in the following location:
Candidates may contact
Follow the steps on the How to Obtain a North Carolina Producer License Checklist NIPR with general questions
handy tear-out sheet within this candidate guide. on electronic licensing,
customer support and billing.
(816) 783-8468
[email protected]
Exam procedures
Candidates should report to the test center at least thirty (30) minutes before the
examination begins to complete registration. The time allotted for the examination
varies (as detailed on page 12), and each candidate will leave the test center with an
official score report in hand. (See sample score report at end of candidate guide.)
Content Outlines............................. S1-S19
Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Resident applicants are required to take pre-licensing education and/or pass a state examination for some insurance licenses.
See below chart for exam and education requirements (license types listed alphabetically):
Casualty Agent (Major Line Yes Twenty (20) hrs pre-licensing Accredited Advisor in Insurance NONE
of Authority) education for Casualty from (AAI), Associate in Risk
approved provider and pass Management (ARM), Certified
state examination. Fingerprints Insurance Counselor (CIC),
for Criminal History check are holder of degree in insurance
required. (associate or bachelor),
Chartered Property Casualty
Underwriter (CPCU).
Variable Life and Variable No Applicants must: Hold a Life N/A NONE
Annuity Agent (Major Line of Agent license; and demonstrate
Authority) that their FINRA licenses are
registered with Securities
Div. of NC Secretary of State
Fingerprints for Criminal History
check are required.
Submit request for PLE or exam waiver with proof of PLE exemption certification to NCDOI/Agent Services Division by fax (919) 715-3794.
See pages 9 and 15 for examination reservation procedures and test center policies.
Practice tests are offered exclusively online at, giving candidates
even more opportunity to succeed on insurance examinations. Our practice tests
You must have a will not only help prepare candidates for the types of questions they will see on the
valid Examination licensure exam, but also familiarize them with taking computer-based examinations.
Admission Ticket
to test. Pearson VUE offers practice tests in the areas of Life, Accident and Health and/
or Sickness, Property and Casualty that contain questions developed by subject
matter experts using concepts found in the general portion of the licensure
examination. The tests closely reflect the format of the real licensure examination,
can be scored instantly, and provide immediate feedback to help candidates identify
correct and incorrect answers. Candidates can purchase practice tests anytime at
Available Exams
A list of available examinations appears on the back cover of this guide.
All Surplus Lines agents must become a member of the North Carolina Surplus
Lines Association. The address of the Association is PO Box 41368, Raleigh, NC
27629. The telephone number is (919) 876–0687.
When you pass the examination complete your application at
Content Outlines
Each examination is based on a detailed content outline of topics, subtopics, and
references to applicable state laws, statutes and regulations. These content outlines are
provided to publishers of study materials and to state-approved education providers
for their use in developing and updating their educational materials and programs.
Content outlines are updated periodically to reflect changes in practice, state laws,
and regulations. North Carolina offers these content outlines as a part of this guide.
Exam Content
The content of the general examination is based upon information obtained from
a job analysis performed by Pearson VUE. Responses from insurance professionals
were analyzed to determine the nature and scope of tasks they perform and the
knowledge and skills needed to perform them. This information is the basis upon
which examination questions are written and ensures that examinations reflect
the practice of insurance. The examination has been developed to reflect the laws,
statutes, rules, and regulations for the practice of insurance in North Carolina, and
has been reviewed and approved by North Carolina insurance professionals.
4. D C 3. 2. D B 1.
Online Reservations
Candidates may make a reservation online by visiting and
clicking on Make an Exam Reservation. First-time users must obtain a check-in code
and will be asked to provide name, email address and phone number, as well as
a personal password. Candidates will receive a check-in code immediately upon
submitting the requested information.
Candidates will be prompted with step-by-step instructions on completing the online
Reservation Request Form. Once the online request has been submitted, Pearson VUE
will send via email a confirmation of the examination date, time, and location, or
will contact candidates whose choices are not available. Candidates may also review,
change, or even cancel an existing reservation after the Reservation Request Form has
been submitted by following the instructions.
Online reservations should be made at least four (4) days before the desired
examination date.
Phone Reservations
Candidates may call (800) 274-0668* to make an examination reservation.
Pearson VUE Hours
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Sunday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time
Before calling, candidates should have the following:
• Legal name, address, daytime telephone number, email address
and date of birth
• The name of the examination(s)
• The preferred examination date and test center location (a list of test
centers appears on the back cover of this guide)
• A failing score report (if retaking an examination)
• The appointing company number if applying for an adjuster license.
(Your adjusting firm will provide this number. If a Self-Employed or
Public Adjuster, use the number “0500.”)
Candidates are responsible for knowing which examination they need to take.
A representative will help candidates select a convenient examination date and
location and will answer questions.
Candidates should make a reservation by phone at least three (3) business
days before the desired examination date. Candidates should be mindful of the
expiration of the Examination Admission Ticket in relation to test availability.
Exam Fees
The exam fee is $51.50 for each exam attempt. The fee must be paid at the time of
reservation by credit card, debit card, voucher, or electronic check.
Payment for the examination fee will not be accepted at the test center.
*Telecommunication Examination fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
for the Deaf
Pearson VUE is equipped with Vouchers
TDD (Telecommunication Candidates may pre-pay examination fees and receive a voucher to use when they
Devices for the Deaf) to assist contact Pearson VUE to make an examination reservation. The number listed on
deaf and hearing-impaired
the voucher will be accepted by Pearson VUE as payment for the examination fee.
TDD calling is available Vouchers may be purchased for one fee or many; therefore, companies may buy
8:00 am to 5:00 p.m. (EST) vouchers in bulk and distribute them to candidates as desired.
Monday through Friday,
toll-free at (866) 274-4777. Those who wish to purchase a voucher should send a Voucher Request Form (found
This TDD phone option is in the back of this guide), along with proper payment. Pearson VUE will process
for individuals equipped with voucher requests within one (1) week of receipt. Vouchers are valid for one (1) year
compatible TDD machinery. from the issue date.
Electronic Checks
Candidates who choose to pay the examination fee by electronic check must have
a personal checking account, and must be prepared to provide to Pearson VUE the
following information:
• Bank name
• Bank routing number
• Driver license number
• Name and address on the account
• Account number
Using this information, Pearson VUE can request payment from the candidate’s bank
account just as if the candidate had submitted an actual paper check.
Change/Cancel Policy
Candidates should call (800) 274-0668 at least four (4) business days before the
examination to change or cancel a reservation. Candidates who change or cancel
a reservation with proper notice may either transfer the fee to a new reservation or
request a refund. Candidates who change or cancel a reservation without proper
notice will forfeit the examination fee.
Candidates are individually liable for the full amount of the examination fee once a
reservation has been made, whether individually or by a third party.
Absence/Tardiness Policy
Candidates who are unable to attend a scheduled examination may be excused for
the following reasons:
• Illness of the candidate or a member of the candidate’s immediate family
• Death in the immediate family
• Disabling traffic accident
• Court appearance or jury duty
• Military duty
• Weather emergency
Candidates who are otherwise absent from or late to an examination and have not
changed or canceled the reservation according to the Change/Cancel Policy will
not be admitted to the examination and will forfeit the examination fee. Written
What to Bring
Required Materials Important
All candidates are required to bring identification that is deemed acceptable, as listed
under Acceptable Forms of Candidate Identification, to the test center on the day of
Candidates have ninety (90)
examination. days from the prelicensing
The following is also required for applicants: course completion date or
a maximum of five (5) times
• Prelicensing Examination Admission Ticket. Life, Accident and Health or to take the examination,
Sickness, Property, Casualty, Personal Lines, or Medicare Supplement/ whichever comes first.
Long-Term Care candidates must have their certificate validated by an
approved prelicensing school. Those taking the adjuster examination
should be sure that the adjuster section of the Examination Admission
Ticket is completed.
• Written documentation of any name change, along with the change of
address or name form. This documentation may be a copy of a marriage
license, divorce decree, or other official documentation.
Candidates who do not present the required items will be denied admission to
the examination, will be considered absent, and will forfeit the examination fee.
Exam Procedures
Candidates should report to the test center thirty (30) minutes before the examination
and check in with the test center administrator. The candidate’s identification and other
documentation will be reviewed and he or she will be photographed for the score report.
Candidates are required to review and sign a Candidate Rules Agreement form.
If the Candidate Rules Agreement is not followed and/or cheating or tampering
with the examination is suspected, the incident will be reported as such and the
appropriate action will be taken. The examination fee will not be refunded, the
exam may be determined invalid, and/or the state may take further action such as
prohibiting candidates from retaking the examination and/or denying a license.
Candidates will have an opportunity to take a tutorial on the PC on which the
examination will be administered. The time spent on this tutorial will not reduce
the examination time. The examination administrators will answer questions, but
candidates should be aware that the administrators are not familiar with the content of
the examinations or with the state’s licensing requirements. Examination administrators
have been instructed not to advise candidates on requirements for licensure.
Once candidates are familiar with the examination unit, they may begin the
examination. The examination begins the moment a candidate looks at the first
question. The time allotted for each examination is detailed on page 12. After the
examination time has expired, the examination unit will automatically turn off.
Candidates will leave the test center with their official scores in hand.
Score Reporting
When candidates complete the examination, they will receive a score report marked
“pass” or “fail.”
Candidates who fail the examination will receive a score report that includes a numeric
score and diagnostic information relating to the general portion of the examination,
as well as information about re-examination. Reservations for re-examination are
not made at the test center. Candidates must wait twenty-four (24) hours before
scheduling a re-examination.
Examination results are confidential and are released only to the candidate and the
North Carolina Department of Insurance.
To protect candidates’ privacy and to maintain the confidentiality of results,
Pearson VUE does not give score information over the telephone.
Candidates who fail a major lines or adjuster examination receive diagnostic reports on
the failing score report that provide the candidates with a list of the areas on the content
outline in which the candidate performed unsatisfactorily. (Candidates do not have to
pass all components to pass the examination. The total number of questions answered
correctly determines whether or not the candidate passes the licensing examination.)
Review of Exams
For security reasons, examination material is not available to candidates for review.
Score Explanation
The passing score for the examination is determined by the North Carolina
Department of Insurance. Through standardization and control, Pearson VUE
ensures that no individual has an unfair disadvantage or advantage because of a
particular examination format.
Exam Security
Pearson VUE maintains examination administration and examination security
standards designed to ensure that all candidates are given the same opportunity to
demonstrate their abilities and to prevent some candidates from gaining an unfair
advantage over others because of testing irregularities or misconduct. Pearson VUE
routinely reviews irregularities and examination scores believed to be earned under
unusual or nonstandard circumstances.
Pearson VUE maintains the right to question any examination score whose validity
is in doubt because the score may have been obtained unfairly. Pearson VUE
first undertakes a confidential review of the circumstances contributing to the
questions about score validity. Then, if there is sufficient cause to question the score,
The following questions are part of the online electronic license application that must be completed at after passing
the exam. The candidate must read very carefully and answer every question truthfully. IF A FOLLOW-UP INVESTIGATION
Candidates who disqualify on any screening question must provide the documents specified in italics. All required copies of
documents for questions answered with a “yes” must be scanned and submitted electronically to the NIPR Attachment Warehouse.
All written statements submitted by the candidate must include an original signature. Submit the required documents with a
copy of the examination pass notice.
The Applicant must read the following very carefully and answer every question. All written statements submitted by the
Applicant must include an original signature:
1. Have you ever been convicted of a crime, had a judgment withheld or deferred, or are you currently Yes No
charged with committing a crime?
“Crime” includes a misdemeanor, felony or a military offense. You may exclude misdemeanor traffic citations or
convictions involving driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI), driving without
a license, reckless driving, or driving with a suspended or revoked license and juvenile offenses. “Convicted”
includes, but is not limited to, having been found guilty by verdict of a judge or jury, having entered a plea of
guilty or nolo contendre, or having been given probation, a suspended sentence or a fine.
“Juvenile Offense” is an offense adjudicated through the juvenile justice system pursuant to Chapter 7B of the
North Carolina General Statutes. Any offense adjudicated through the regular criminal justice system, where
the defendant was tried and convicted as an adult, is not a juvenile offense and must be reported on this
application, regardless of the age of the defendant at the time of conviction.
If you answer yes, you must attach to this application:
a) a written statement explaining the circumstances of each incident,
b) a copy of the charging document,
c) a copy of the official document, which demonstrates the resolution of the charges or any final judgment, and
If you have a felony conviction, have you applied for a waiver as required by 18 USC 1033? Yes No
If so, was that waiver granted? (Attach copy of 1033 waiver approved by home state.) Yes No
2. Have you ever been named or involved as a party in an administrative proceeding regarding any Yes No
professional or occupational license or registration?
“Involved” means having a license censured, suspended, revoked, canceled, terminated; or, being assessed a
fine, a cease and desist order, a prohibition order, a compliance order, placed on probation or surrendering a
license to resolve an administrative action. “Involved” also means being named as a party to an administrative
or arbitration proceeding which is related to a professional or occupational license. “Involved” also means
having a license application denied or the act of withdrawing an application to avoid a denial. INCLUDE
any business so named because of your actions in your capacity as an owner, partner, officer, director, or
member or manager of a Limited Liability Company. You may EXCLUDE terminations due solely to
noncompliance with continuing education requirements or failure to pay a renewal fee.
a) a written statement identifying the type of license and explaining the circumstances of each incident,
b) a copy of the Notice of Hearing or other document that states the charges and allegations, and
c) a copy of the official document, which demonstrates the resolution of the charges or any final judgment.
3. Has any demand been made or judgment rendered against you or any business in which you are or were Yes No
an owner, partner, officer or director, or member or manager of a limited liability company, for overdue
monies by an insurer, insured or producer, or have you ever been subject to a bankruptcy proceeding?
Do not include personal bankruptcies, unless they involve funds held on behalf of others.
If you answer yes, submit a statement summarizing the details of the indebtedness and arrangements for
repayment, and/or type and location of bankruptcy.
4. Have you been notified by any jurisdiction to which you are applying of any delinquent tax obligation Yes No
that is not the subject of a repayment agreement?
If you answer yes, identify the jurisdiction(s): ______________________________________________
5. Are you currently a party to, or have you ever been found liable in, any lawsuit or arbitration or mediation Yes No
proceeding involving allegations of fraud, misappropriation or conversion of funds, misrepresentation or
breach of fiduciary duty?
If you answer yes, you must attach to this application:
a) a written statement summarizing the details of each incident,
b) a copy of the Petition, Complaint, or other document that commenced the lawsuit or arbitration, or
mediation proceedings, and
c) a copy of the official document which demonstrates the resolution of the charges or any final judgment.
6. Have you or any business in which you are or were an owner, partner, officer or director, or member Yes No
or manager of a limited liability company, ever had an insurance agency contract or any other business
relationship with an insurance company terminated for any alleged misconduct?
If you answer yes, you must attach to this application:
a) a written statement summarizing the details of each incident and explaining why you feel this incident
should not prevent you from receiving an insurance license, and
b) copies of all relevant documents.
• License decision cannot be made until a thorough review of the documents required
for “yes” responses to any of the seven screening questions. Preferred method to submit
the documents is to use the NIPR Attachment Warehouse process when completing
the electronic application. Applicant may attach to Warehouse after the application is
submitted at:
• Applicant may also fax the required documents to ATTN: DQ at (919) 715-3794.
Please be advised that faxing documents may delay the review of your application. To
expedite processing, use the NIPR Attachment Warehouse.
The SBI Release Form
must be signed and sent
to Agent Services Division.
Upon issuance of the license, the applicant is an insurance agent for the line of
insurance shown on the license record displayed at the Agent Information Portal
on the Department’s website at However, an agent may not sell
insurance until appointed by one or more insurance companies. The agent can
sell only the products of those insurance companies for which he or she has been
appointed and for which he or she is duly licensed. Companies are required to appoint
and terminate agents and the agent record on the Department’s website displays all
active company appointments.
When a licensed agent approaches an insurance company to be appointed, the
insurance company should request verification that the applicant is licensed for the
appropriate line(s) of insurance. Check license status through the Agent Information
Portal at
Some licenses must renew annually by paying an annual license fee. The Department
sends a reminder e-mail to the licensee’s e-mail address on record; the licensees must
pay the renewal fee on line via
Life and Accident and Health or Sickness N.C. Life & Health Exam Preparatory Textbook
North Carolina Life Insurance 8th edition, copyright 2005, The Agent’s Choice Insurance School
1st Edition, copyright 2007, Insurance Educational Systems Winston-Salem, NC
(800)-437-2161 (800) 941-9440
Website: Website:
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
N.C. Agent’s Study Manual Life, Accident and Health Concepts North Carolina Accident and Health Insurance
18th edition, 2003 copyright, DF Institute, Inc. d/b/a Kaplan 1st Edition, copyright 2007, Insurance Educational Systems
Financial. (800)-437-2161
(800) 428-1324 ext: 4139 Website:
Email: [email protected]
North Carolina Life and Health Study Manual
1979-2007 copyright, A.D. Banker & Company, L.L.C. Property — Casualty
(800) 866-2468
North Carolina Property and Casualty Study Manual
Life & Health Study Manual & N.C. Law and Regulations 1979-2007 copyright, A.D. Banker & Company, L.L.C.
The Insurance School, Inc. (800) 866-2468
(704) 531-6616
Website: N.C. Personal Lines Principles and N.C. Laws and Regulations
Email: [email protected] 1st edition, copyright 2004, Insurance Educators
(919) 361-0780
Life, Health, Disability Insurance and N.C. Law Website:
William J. Rendleman, Jr., CLU, ChFC Email: [email protected]
8th edition, 2004 copyright, The Rendleman Company
(336) 851-6002 N.C. Property & Liability Law Digest
Website: 1st edition, copyright 2004, Insurance Educators
Email: [email protected] Website:
Email: [email protected]
N.C. Law and Regulations
Pentera Group, Inc. N.C. Property & Liability Exam Preparatory Textbook
(800) 829-7247 5th edition, copyright 2005, The Agent’s Choice Insurance School
(800) 941-9440
North Carolina Life and Health Insurance Law Digest Website:
2002 copyright, DF Institute, Inc. d/b/a Kaplan Financial Email: [email protected]
(800) 428-1324
N.C. Property and Casualty
N.C. Life & Health Principles & N.C. Laws & Regulations Version # 1737 EN, copyright 2004, Able Incorporated
1st Edition, 2004 copyright, Insurance Educators Website:
(919) 361-0780 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] North Carolina Property and Casualty Insurance
1st Edition, copyright 2007, Insurance Educational Systems
N.C. Life & Health (800)-437-2161
Version # 2068 EN, 2004 copyright, Able Incorporated Website:
(800) 586-2253 x2922 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
When contacting any of the above providers, candidates should request the most recent publication.
Life and Accident and Health or Sickness Medicare Supplement/Long-Term Care Prelicensing Study Guide
and Property & Casualty William J. Rendleman, Jr., CLU, ChFC
2nd edition, 1994 copyright, The Rendleman Company
Risk and Insurance
(336) 851-6002
Mark R. Green and James S. Trieschmann
8th edition, 1998 copyright, Copies are in the library
Email: [email protected]
Fundamentals of Risk Insurance
N.C. Medicare Supplemental/Long Term Care Exam Preparatory
Emmett J. Vaughan
8th edition, 1996 copyright, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
5th edition, copyright 2005, The Agent’s Choice Insurance School
(212) 850-6000 Fax request
(800) 941-9440
Risk and Insurance Website:
James L. Athearn and S. Travis Pritchett Email: [email protected]
6th edition, 1989 copyright, West Publishing Company
Title 11, Chapter 12, Section .0800, Medicare Supplement
Principles of Insurance 1st edition, copyright, Office of Administrative Hearings
George E. Rejda (919) 733-2678
4th edition, 1992 copyright, Scott, Foresman and Company
Title 11, Chapter 12, Section .1000, Long-Term Care
N.C. Property & Liability Principles & N.C. Laws & Regulations 1st edition, copyright, Office of Administrative Hearings
1st edition, copyright 2004, Insurance Educators (919) 733-2678
(919) 361-0780
Medicare Benefits Guide
Social Security Administration
Email: [email protected]
(800) 234-5772
Introduction to Insurance
A Guide on Medicare, Medigap and Long-Term Care
Mark S. Dorfman
The Insurance School
3rd edition, 1987 copyright, Property-Casualty Concepts
2nd edition date 4/04
1st edition, copyright 1989, DF Institute, Inc. d/b/a Kaplan Financial
(704) 531-6616
(800) 428-1324
N.C. Medicare Supplemental/Long-Term Care
North Carolina Agents’ Licensing Study Manual
Insurance Educators
Property & Casualty
1st edition, copyright 2004
7th edition, 1993 copyright, DF Institute, Inc. d/b/a Kaplan Financial
(919) 361-0780
(800) 428-1324
Property and Liability Insurance Email: [email protected]
S.S. Huebner, Kenneth Black, Jr. & Robert S. Cline
N.C. Medicare Supplemental/Long-Term Care
3rd edition, 1982 copyright, Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Version # 2957 EN, copyright 2004
(800) 285-0693
Able Incorporated,
Property & Liability Study Manual & N.C. Law and Regulations (800) 586-2253
The Insurance School, Inc. Website:
(704) 531-6616 Email: [email protected]
North Carolina Medicare Supplement
Email: [email protected]
and Long Term Care Insurance
1st Edition, copyright 2008, Insurance Educational Systems
Medicare Supplement/Long-Term Care (800)-437-2161
Medicare and Medigap Website:
5th edition, 1996 copyright, DF Institute, Inc. d/b/a Kaplan Financial Email: [email protected]
(800) 428-1324
Long-Term Care
3rd edition, 1996 copyright, DF Institute, Inc. d/b/a Kaplan Financial
(800) 428-1324
When contacting any of the above providers, candidates should request the most recent publication.
Please complete the following with your current name and address.
If the above information was different at the time you tested, please indicate original information.
Licensing Jurisdiction:
Voucher Request Form
Last Name:
Email Address (if you would like Pearson VUE to email the voucher#):
Name of Examination:
Make all checks payable to Pearson VUE and mail this form to:
Pearson VUE
62160 Collections Center Drive
Chicago, IL 60693-0621
Special Accommodations
Request Form
Any individual who has a physical or mental impairment or limitation described as a disability under the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) may request special examination arrangements.
Candidates who wish to request special accommodations for ADA should fax this form to Pearson VUE at
(610) 617-9397. Certain documentation must be faxed along with this form, as detailed on page 11.
All requests must first be approved by Pearson VUE. Candidates must wait for confirmation of the
approval before scheduling an examination.
Last Name:
Description of Disability:
Large-print written exam Marker Additional time Reader Separate testing room
Sign language interpreter
Accommodations previously provided to you (list accommodation and purpose, such as “sign language
interpreter for SAT examination”):
Candidates should contact Pearson VUE with questions about special accommodations.
Pearson VUE Special Accommodations • 3 Bala Plaza West, Suite 300 • Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
Phone (800) 466-0450 • TDD (866) 274-4777 • Fax (610) 617-9397
Note: Only candidates who require special examination accommodations should use this form.
North Carolina Department of Insurance
Examination Admission Ticket
(Admission Tickets can only be used for one examination.)
Name of Applicant
Applicant Signature
Candidates must fill out either Section I or II (see reverse for details)
Complete this section if you require Prelicensing Education
Section I. Candidates Requiring Prelicensing Education Check one Box only:
License Examination
Life 01 Life Agent
Accident and Health or Sickness 02 Accident and Health or Sickness
Property 04 Property Agent
Casualty 05 Casualty Agent
Medicare Supplement/Long-Term Care 21 Medicare Supplement/Long-Term Care Agent
Personal Lines 12 Personal Lines Agent
Name of School
Instructor Signature
Section II. Candidates Not Requiring Prelicensing Education Check one Box only:
License Examination
Company Independent Adjuster 26 Company Independent Adjuster
Hail Adjuster 41 Hail Adjuster
Self-Employed Adjuster 30 Self-Employed Adjuster
Public Adjuster 36 Public Adjuster
Auto Physical Damage 16 Auto Physical Damage Agent
Title 46 Title Agent
Surplus Lines 60 Surplus Lines Agent
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Stock# 1234-01 10/10
The Examination Admission Ticket is divided into three (3) sections. The first section, to be completed by all candidates,
requests that the candidates fill in their name, signature, examination date, and confirmation number (given at the time they
make their telephone examination reservation with Pearson VUE).
Section I and Section II are to be completed as follows:
• Section I is to be completed by candidates taking an examination requiring prelicensing education (Life, Accident, Health
and Sickness, Property, Casualty, Personal Lines, and Medicare Supplement/Long-Term Care). The prelicensing provider is
responsible for entering the correct school number, course completion date, and name of the school, and for indicating the
course completed. The instructor must sign and date the form in the appropriate spaces.
• Section II is to be completed by candidates taking an exam not requiring prelicensing education (adjusters, Auto Physical
Damage and Title & Surplus Lines agents).
Test Center Directions
Site #3446 — Asheville 4/10 mile and turn LEFT on Corporate Dr. (directly across from
Pearson Professional Center Kangaroo gas station). Pearson is at 1105B Corporate Dr., or 2nd
building on LEFT.
One Town Square Blvd, Suite 350
ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 From the EAST: Take U.S. 264 to the intersection of U.S.
264/264A/Rt 33 and turn LEFT on U.S. 264A (West) towards
Greenville. Go to Charles Blvd (Route 43S) and turn LEFT (ECU
FROM THE NORTH: Take I-26 East to Exit 37 Long Shoals sign on near right and MacAllister’s Restaurant on far left). Go
Road. Turn left under interstate and continue until you come to 9/10 mile and turn LEFT on Corporate Dr. (directly across from
second stop light. The first light is to go back onto the interstate. Kangaroo gas station). Pearson is at 1105B Corporate Dr., or 2nd
Turn left at the second light into Biltmore Park. building on LEFT. There is free and ample parking.
FROM THE SOUTH/EAST(on I-26): Take I-26 West to Exit 37 Site #3445 — Huntersville Pearson VUE Center
Long Shoals Road. Turn right and proceed to first stop light. Turn Northcross Corp. Center
left at that light into Biltmore Park. 16419 B Northcross Drive
FROM THE WEST: Take I-40 East to I-26 East to Exit 37 Long HUNTERSVILLE, NC 28078
Shoals Road. Turn left under interstate and continue until you DIRECTIONS
come to second stop light. The first light puts you back on the
interstate. Turn left at second light into Biltmore Park. I-77 to exit 25 (Sam Furr Rd/Hwy 73). Go West on Sam Furr Rd.
At the light, turn left onto Northcross Dr. (beside BB&T bank).
FROM THE EAST(on I-40): Take I-26 East to Exit 37 Long Go .3 miles. Across from Outback Steakhouse turn right into
Shoals Road. Turn left under the interstate and continue until you entrance to office park. Pearson test center is on the right
come to second stop light. The first light will put you back on the (16419 – B suite.).
interstate. Turn left at the second light into Biltmore Park. Please
Site #3443 — Raleigh Pearson VUE Center
note: Once you enter the Biltmore Park complex, you come down
a hill and around a circle. We are in the building on your right with 2801 Blue Ridge Rd., Suite 105
the RBC Centura sign on the front. Park behind the building, and RALEIGH, NC 27607
come in the door that faces the lot. Take the elevator to the third DIRECTIONS
floor. Turn left out of the elevator and right down the hallway to
From the North: Merge onto I-95 S via the ramp on the
Suite 350. Free and ample parking is available.
LEFT. Merge onto US-64 W via EXIT 138 toward RALEIGH/
Site #3447 — Greenville NASHVILLE. Take the US-440 W exit – EXIT 419 – toward
Pearson Professional Center US-1/WAKE FOREST.) Merge onto I-440 N. Take the LAKE
1105 Corporate Dr Ste B
TRL. Turn RIGHT onto BLUE RIDGE RD. Turn Left onto
Macon Pond Rd. On the corner of Macon Pond and Blue Ridge Rd.
DIRECTIONS From the South: I-95 N via the exit on the LEFT. Merge
From I-95: Continue to Exit 119 E. Take U.S. 264E 37 miles to onto I-40 W via EXIT 81 toward RALEIGH. Merge onto I-440 E
Greenville. via EXIT 301. Take the LAKE BOONE TR exit – EXIT 5. Turn
RIGHT onto BLUE RIDGE RD. Turn Left onto Macon Pond Rd.
From the WEST: (Also see I-95 directions) take U.S.264E
On the corner of Macon Pond and Blue Ridge Rd.
to Greenville. Upon entering Greenville, go straight when U.S. 264
exits toward Washington. DO NOT TAKE EXIT 73. Continue From the West: Merge onto I-40 E via the ramp on the LEFT
straight to the 4th traffic light (Arlington Blvd). Turn RIGHT at toward BURLINGTON/DURHAM. EXIT 289 toward RALEIGH
First Citizens Bank. Continue on Arlington Blvd 3 miles to Red NORTH/RALEIGH EAST. Take Blue Ridge Rd exit turn left. Go
Banks Road (East Carolina Bank is on left). Turn LEFT. Go 1/4 down through 4 lights and turn left at 5th light onto Macon Pond
mile to Charles Blvd (Route 43 S) and turn RIGHT. Go 4/10 mile Rd. On the corner of Macon Pond and Blue Ridge Rd.
and turn LEFT on Corporate Dr. (directly across from Kangaroo FROM THE East: Merge onto US-264 W/US-64 W via the exit
gas station). Pearson is at 1105B Corporate Dr., or 2nd building on on the LEFT toward RALEIGH. Take the US-440 W exit – EXIT
LEFT. 419 – toward US-1/WAKE FOREST. Merge onto I-440 N.
(8.54 miles) Take the LAKE BOONE TR exit – EXIT 5.
From Route 11/13, proceed to U.S. 264A East (Greenville Blvd
SE) in Greenville (Cracker Barrel on NW corner). Turn east (away
BLUE RIDGE RD. Turn Left onto Macon Pond Rd. On the
from Cracker Barrel) onto U.S. 264 Alt East and go 3 miles. Turn
corner of Macon Pond and Blue Ridge Rd.
right onto Red Banks Rd (BB&T bank on right/Bojangles on left).
Continue to 2nd light Charles Blvd (Route 43S). Turn right. Go
Test Center Directions (continued)
Site #3444 — Statesville Pearson VUE Center Site #3442 — Wilmington Pearson VUE
City Center Building Professional Center
211 S. Center St / Suite 218 Market Street Central
STATESVILLE, NC 28687 2709 Market St. / Suite 206
I-77 to exit 50 (1 exit south of I-40). Go west on Broad Street DIRECTIONS
(toward downtown) 1.6 miles to Cooper. Left on Cooper; go .10
mile to parking on left. Building across the street. FROM THE NORTH: Take I-40 South until it ends at North
NOTE: No parking available on Center Street. College Road. Continue south on North College for 2.2 miles.
Turn right onto the ramp exit for Market Street (US 17). At the
From the East: Take I-40 west to Exit 150 (North Center end of the ramp, make a left onto Market Street and continue
Street, Hwy 115). Turn left off ramp onto North Center Street. on Market for appx. 1 mile. The Testing Center will be on your
Go 1.6 miles to Front Street. Take a left at the light, on Front right in the Market Street Central business park (2709 Market
Street, and another left onto Cooper Street at Nationwide Street – directly across from the YMCA – unfortunately, our sign
Insurance Office. Parking is on the right and City Center is difficult to see from the road, so it’s best to use the YMCA as
(206 Cooper Street) is on the left. Enter the building at the green your landmark). Enter the center door from the side parking lot
awning at the large glass wall. Office will be on next level, which is (Chiropractic Central entrance). The Testing Center is upstairs.
the Center Street Level. Go up the stairs. Pearson is the first office
on the left, Suite 218. No charge for parking. No eating or drinking FROM THE SOUTH: US 17 towards Wilmington. US 17
in building. Elevator is available. merges with US 74 becoming US 74/17 after crossing bridge at the
Cape Fear River. Stay on US 17 through town which turns into
From West: Take I-40 east to Exit 150 (North Center Street, Dawson Street. Turn left onto South 17 Street. Turn right onto
Hwy. 115). Turn right off ramp onto Center Street. Go south 1.6 Market Street. The Testing Center is about a mile down Market
miles to Front Street. Take left at light, on Front Street and another Street in the Market Street Central business park – 2709 Market
left onto Cooper Street at Nationwide Insurance office. Parking Street (on your left directly across from the YMCA – unfortunately,
is on right and City Center (206 Cooper Street) is on the left. our sign is difficult to see from the road, so it’s best to use the
Enter the building at the green awning at the large glass wall. YMCA as your landmark). Enter the center door from the side
Office will be on next level which, is the Center Street Level. Go up parking lot (Chiropractic Central entrance). The Testing Center is
the stairs. Pearson is the first office on the left, Suite 218. No charge upstairs.
for parking. No eating or drinking in building. Elevator is available.
FROM THE WEST: US 74/17 becomes US 17 after crossing
From the North: South on I-77 to exit 50. Take right at top the bridge at the Cape Fear River. Stay on US 17 through town
of ramp toward downtown. Go approx. 1.6 miles. Turn left onto which turns into Dawson Street. Turn left onto South 17 Street.
Cooper Street (across from ARP Church). Parking is on left and Turn right onto Market Street. The Testing Center is about a mile
City Center (206 Cooper Street) is on the right. Enter the building down Market Street in the Market Street Central business park –
at the green awning at the large glass wall. Office will be on next 2709 Market Street (on your left directly across from the YMCA
level which, is the Center Street Level. Go up the stairs. Pearson is – unfortunately, our sign is difficult to see from the road, so it’s best
the first office on the left, Suite 218. No charge for parking. to use the YMCA as your landmark). Enter the center door from
No eating or drinking in building. Elevator is available. the side parking lot (Chiropractic Central entrance). The Testing
Center is upstairs.
From the South: North on I-77 to exit 50. Take left at top
of ramp toward downtown. Go approx. 1.6 miles. Turn left onto FROM THE EAST: US 17 towards Wilmington. US 17 becomes
Cooper Street (across from ARP Church). Parking is on left and Market Street at Ogden. Stay on Market Street. You will pass
City Center (206 Cooper Street) is on the left. Enter the building under College Road at the College/Market interchange. Continue
at the green awning at the large glass wall. Office will be on next down Market Street approximately 2 miles. The Testing Center is
level, which is the Center Street Level. Go up the stairs. Pearson is in the Market Street Central business park - 2709 Market Street
the first office on the left, Suite 218. No charge for parking. (on your right directly across from the YMCA - unfortunately, our
No eating or drinking in building. Elevator is available. sign is difficult to see from the road, so it’s best to use the YMCA
as your landmark). Enter the center door from the side parking lot
(Chiropractic Central entrance). The Testing Center is upstairs.
There is free and ample parking.
General Information
Candidates may call (800) 274-0668 to make an exam reservation.
Test Center Locations
Location Schedule
Wilmington Four days a week
04 Property Agent
05 Casualty Agent
46 Title Agent
36 Public Adjuster*
41 Hail Adjuster
30 Self-Employed Adjuster*