2024 General Studies Questions_5 SET

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u©g-cab tQUIT5] c9]Fqu -L]LLL]uLq.

LILi§ §ITLb>

Part-B (General Studies - Degree Standard)

6fl6ITIT65dbch : 1ol-2oo G`LDIT§§ i]]gLiG\u6indbch : 15o

Questions : 101-200 Total Marks :150

101. Which is true of Scientific temper?
©9| eip6fluch LD6FTpcO6DcOuL] QLlng§§6ucOIT gL6dr6nLD

ppS§ LD6FTL]uIT6ircoLD LD®erLb e]Fquo=ITfr GpfrcoLD

(8) keen observation

po5B6Hd5coons $6fl FTLD IT05ds d56u6rfls§ch

(C) intelligence and memory

E5J dr6rm-giv6H LJJ®g| Lb Pco6FT6ud5Lb

(D) appreciation of science

aD6fl uco6oLI LI ITITITL®§ch

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6D

EOIGS/2024 30
102. Match the following.

(a) Charles Darwin 1. Genetics

d=ITfr606fo LITfr6fl6ir LD7L9u®i,

a) Gregor Mendel 2. Evolution

chfld;fr a LD6drLch L]fl6mITLDLb

(c) Robert Koch 3. Modern Microbiology

ITITL] frL GO;ITS: pof6FT9dr99]uf\fluch
(d) Clande Bernard 4. Physiology
ch6ITITL a Ll fr6FTIT® gLL®Qo=u6fluch

(AIJE qu)1
(8) 2 3
(C) 3 1 4
(D) 3 4 1
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6D

31 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
103. Read the following passage and answer the question using your
reasoning capacity :
The Spinal column is composed of Bones overtebrae) that are separated
by Cartilaginous Pads (Discs) that act as shock absorbers for the
column. Nerves run through openings in the vertebral bones of the
Spinal Cord to the periphery. These nerves run very close to the Discs,
which is why protruding discs can cause pain along those nerves.
In the above passage what is being explained?
L9ch6u®b uS96Duh L]+Sg], ag®d5ITen Gg5ch6flds© gLrfugongj L]©Sgp6HS9p6nen
gLUGUITfl§8j ug6Odrfldso5quLb :

GLDGa> gLdron Li§g ufld> 6T6ir6FT 6flondsd5LI LI L®dr6ngi 7

(A) Structure of Backbones


(8) Discussing the Intervening causal Mechanism

©cOLL] ULL c5IT76an-ScO§L] L]®F 6flou ITgj;ap8H

96ir6flLLb Srii@ Sdr® acFch8uLb 6uL®, p7LbH 6u6flcou] a-®Lj®§8uLb 6fl§Lb

(D) Vertebral Disc serving as a kind of shock absorber

cpg]od58uLbH 6uL® ®® 6u6Dd5u]rT6RT agfrda 8Lp©auIT8 QGuchu®flpgi
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL G\§flu6flchco6D

EOIGS/2024 32
104. Identify the condition of Chromosomal mutation which results in Down's

:L£:gigggc:IT;ro;'. c§ITdrp ©GITITGLDITcd=ITmch 9®u®fo L]©gLDngp flcococou

(A) 2n+2 (B)tfn+1

(C) 2n-2 (D) 2n-1
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6o

105. Identify the Ammonifving bacterium

e|GLDIT6flu ITds©§66`ch FT®u ®Lb L] IT65L&flusco§ d5dr® LEI +d5d5quLb.

(A)fu#acill us ramosus (8) Staphylococcus aureus

GLJJ\ch606fo FTITGLJ) ITd=6fu ch)G\Lo°oL9G6DITGdirTd5ch)qbfluch)

(C) Rhizobium leguminosarum (D) Streptococcus aureus

co 7Gd:ITLfl u Lb G\6u©LflG6ITrrd:ITITLb ch) LQ ITL] GLITd;ITdsd5ch) qbfl u ch)

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL G\§fl u6flchco6o

33 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
106. Inculation of Scientific temper could be achieved except by
c9iF6fluch LD6FTL]L]IT6ircoLDcOu, £B 8Ldr6IT6u®Fch 6T5| §6flIT LDfDpcO6u Li©§§ co+uiLb 7

(i) Asking Questions

cO;dr6fld5dr Gd5LLch

(ii) Reading Literatures

goo;6FTGOu QOu6rflufl LL] LILL e]®6fluch §d56uchd5coonL] LI +§§ch

(iii) Doing Experiments

Gd=IT§cO6FTd5dr od=ul§d>

(iv) Memorising
LD6FTL]LJ ITLLb Od:ulgch

(A) (i) only (8) (ii)only

(i) LDL®Lb (ii) LDL®Lb

(C) (iii) only (D) rfv) only

(iii) LDL®Lb (iv) LDL®Lb

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco60

E0IGS/2024 34
107. Which of the following is/are correct?
In Nuclear Reactors the materials used as moderators have

Qd5ITdr+®ds05 G6udr®Lb 7

(1) High Atomic weight

eigd; ei9pi 6T6wL Qd5IT6inLcO6u

(2) High Absorption cross section for Neutrons

p9L7ITcO6uT 8LLd5Ou®Lb ©9uds© QOuL®L]LIITLILi eipd5Lb Qd5IT6drLcO6u

(3) Low Atomic weight

©cOp¢§ ei9p] 6T6nL G\d5IT6drLcO6u

(4) Low Absorption cross section for Neutrons

p9LITITcoen 8LLd56u®Lb ©grd;©Q6uL®L] LIITL]Li ©cOpS§ eionqu Qd5IT6irLcO6u

(A)Vf3) and (4) only correct (8) (3) only correct

t3j LD®erLb t4j LDL®Lb d=fl (5) LDL®Lb d:fl

(C) (1) and (2) only correct (D) (1) and (4) only correct
tij LD®erLb t2] LDL®Lb dFfl (1) LD®orLb t4) LDL®Lb cFfl

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL G\?fl u6flchco6D

108. Who described Gopal Krishna Gokhale as the `Diamond of India', the
`Jewel of Maharashtra' and the `Prince of Workers'

Gd5ITUIT6D fl®dr+6m Gd5ITg5G6DcO6u, `@SpuIT6flch cO6uITLb', `LDd5IT7IT6*+ITIT6ig\6ir

eiofld56Odr' LI]fbgrLb `Q§ITgiv6DIT6ITfrd5ofl6ir ©6" Fd=dr' 6Tchgr Ltd;Pep?6u fr

(A) Mahatma Gandhi (8) Lala Lajput Rai


(C) Jawaharlal Nehru (D#?aIT:aaenHgpadIT=:rTiiak

936ud5fr6OITch Gpo L] ITcO 05ri]c5rT§p-g6Ddifr

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL G\§fl u6flchcoco

35 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
109. Which of the following statements are true about smoke free
environment bill of Newzealand?
pgJ\6DIT¢gdr Licod5uflch6DIT apgrd©t9ch LDGd=ITgIT6D6uH u®pu Lflch6u®fo thfD9jd5ofd>
6T6u>6Li gL6dr6u> Llju IT6uT6u>6il 7

(i) Legislation was passed on December 2022

cFLLLb +cFLbL]fr, 2022ch p6npG6upu8i

(ii) Anyone born after 2008 will never be able to buy cigarettes or
tobacco products
2OO8ds© Lflp© Lgpf696ufrd5dr ®®GUIT5]Lb ad5G\FL ad>6D8H Li6Dd5uflcoco
a LI IT®Ld5cO6IT Ou ITrfud5 cp+iil ITgI

(iii) Nicotine levels in tobacco products to be reduced.

Licodiuflco6O §u ITfl L] Lid56Tflch pGd5IT+ch c9]Onqu ©copdsd5Li uL G6udr® Lb

(A) (i)only (8) (i) and (iii) only

(i) LDL®Lb

(C) (ii) and (iii) only (D#iL?i)grafon(d±±:}±±?L®fo

(ii) LD®orLb (iii) LDL®Lb (i), (ii) LD®gHLb (iii)
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6D

EOIGS/2024 36
110. Which State has exported locally grown `Birds Eye Chilli' or `Thai Chilli'
to the USA?
6TS§ LI]ITF6OLb 9_drfbITL+ch 6flco6ITULb `Llpco6ud5dr d5dr L6\6ITd5ITul' eich609 `§ITul
Lfl6ITd5ITcOu' eiG\ LI]fl65d;ITofljD© 9fbgr LDg Qd=iii5I dr6ngH 7

(A) Andhra pradesh

ITL] Lfl 7G§d:Lb


(C) Telengana

(D) Maharastra

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6nchco60

111. How the gravitational waves are formed?

FTfrL]Li e|cO6i>d5dr 6Tch6tl ITgr gL®Ou ITflchp6uT 7

@ITdr® 05®S8ico6IT05(gd;© @cOLufl6OIT6FT GLDIT§6@ch @®SgH

(8) From a collision between two galaxies

@ITdr® 6fl6irL8ch PITdro5(gds© @coLufl6DITen GLDIT§Gflch @®SgH

(C) From a collision between two stars

a ITdr® f5LO:Sp 7rfudit86;© @cOLufl6OIT6FT GLDIT§Gflch @®S8]

(D) From a collision between two planets

a FTdr® fl ITd5rfu05(gds© @cOLufl6OIT6FT GLDIT§Gflch @®$5]

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6o

37 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
112. What is the atomic number and mass number of recently discovered
isotope of uranium discovered by Japan physicists?

8g:ITITG¥L:I flen9 :®£uerco#;ITfochp co;us;Hip:chew:ch® fl +dsdsL I LL uGIT6ffl u fo

(A) 240,92
(Byf92, 241
(C) 90,241
(D) 241,91
(E) Answer not known
6ncoL Q§flu6flchcoco

113. Within how many days of the date of formation of a political party an
application has to be put up before the Election Commission of India for
getting it registered?

30 pITLdidr

(8) 60 days
60 pITLd5dr

(C) 90 days
90 pITLdidr

(D) 180 days

180 PITLd5ch

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6o

EOIGS/2024 38
114. In June 2022 movement was launched in Tamil Nadu "to clean
up the cities and make them garbage free''.
grch 2022 ©ch j5d5ITrild5oflch d+_§gLb Qd=ulou?®©Lb ei6H®cop ©L]coLIo5dr
@ch6OIT u©guITd;d5 §Lfl© PITL+ch @udsd5Lb Q§ITLrfud5LiuLLS

(A) The cleanliness campaign

g[Tiil co LDds05IT6uT LI]d5d5dr © udsd5Lb

(C) The clean cities movement

g[Tul co LI]u IT6uT pd5 ITriid5dr a u55d5Lb

(D) The clean garbage movement

©L]cOLld5dr gop ©udsd;Lb
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL G\§flu6flchco6D

115. The Finance Ministry though its office issued detailed guidelines to
states for the construction of
pp e|cOLD6=tFd5§gch G\d=606fl6RT 9|copiLIIT6ngn 6TcO§ g®LI®§guou§®© 6flflorIT6zfT
6Ligivd5ITL® G\pp(pcopd5coon LI]ITp6Orild5(9ds© 6ut9rilchu|dr6ng|.

(A) Sports university

®®grcoLD 6Hdid5 6H6ITITd5Lb

(C) Research centre

±ITITuldfl 6WLDULb

(D) Skill Development centre

®pdr 6u6TTfr¢fl 6nLDULb

(E) Answer not known

6ncoL Q§fl u6flchco60

39 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
116. Which among the following are the least producer of tobacco in India?
n6drou®Ou6FTOufbgivch, ©Sgu IT6flch Lfl6;ds ©cOp6Li IT6FT Licod5uflcoco g2_®LI§gu IT6rTfrd;dr

(A) Andhra pradesh-

gS97L] L9FG§d=Lb

(8) Karnataka

§L6\EP f5IT®

(D) Bihar

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL G\§flu6fld)co6D

117. The biodegradation process, breaks down biomass either in the presence
of aerobic respiration or anaerobic respiration.
2(CH 20) + C02(8) + CH 4(8)
The above equation represents
gLuflfrJ J\cO§qu Qd=uch(!pcOp, d5rtygrp6n6O di6uITd=Lb eich609i d5IT®pch6OIT a+6HITd=Lb
qbch u6u®F 6ir (pch6rflco6Dufl ch 9_ufl frL]G\ LI IT®coon g2_cOLdschpgu

2(C;H 20) i C02(g) + CH 4(8)

GLDG6D gLdron o=LDchLJrr® (5PL]LJgi

(A) Biodegradation process

gLufl frJ flco§6H Qd=ud>cocop

(8) Aerobic process

05rtyFch6DIT Qd=uchcpcop

(D) Photosynthesis

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6o

EOIGS/2024 40
118. Match correctly the vegetation type and Average annual rainfall (in cm).
gIT6uIT 6u6Dd5 LDporLD d=ITITO:fl qbdr® LDcot9L]oL]ITfco6u (QO:.LfiLLfr) O=fluITd5L]

Vegetation type Average Annual rainfall (in cm)

§ITOu IT 6Li6nd5d5dr d=ITITd=fl qbdr® LDcOE9L]QL]ITfqu (G\O=.LB)

(a) Evergreen forests 1. Above 200 cm.

L]di6n LD LDxp ITdsd5rT®g;dr 200 Qd:.LBLL®S5© CLDch

a) Monsoon forests 2. 100 -200 cm.

L]®6u LDcoEgds o5rT®o;dr loo - 200 Qd:.L8.

(c) Dry forests 50 - 100 cm.

Oup6drLd; d5IT®d5dr 50 - loo 0d:.L8.

(d) Desert forests 4. Below50cm.

LI IT6n606H 6FT d5IT®d5dr 50 QO=.L6LL®d;©Lb ©cop6uITc5

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL G\§flu6flchco6o

41 HOIGS/2024
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119. Reason and Assertion type

th®or LD®orLb d5ITIT6mLb Gu6mdi

Assertion [A] : North Indian Rivers are perennial

thfb8u [A] : 6uL ©f5guIT6fld> diIT6mLiu®Lb c8ord5dr 6u®pITBcO6u.

:ITeITa£°ro+E]] :: :houez IThgradsY: ¥a®tirfoti=:=¥:°hau;:hpreH yQe::.gr ©®dsch chpen.

(A)rfA] is true but [R] is false

[A] d[fl ±6FTITch [R] §Ougr.

(8) Both [A] and [R] are true.

[A] LD®guLb [R] a:fl

(C) [A] is false, [R] istrue

[A] gGuor [R] d[fl

(D) Both [A] and [R] are true but [R] is not correct explanation of [A]
[A] LD®8HLb [R] d:fl. 86mch [R] 6Tdrugi [A] ds© d=fluIT6FT 6fl6TT65d5LDch6D

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6o

120. In India, the Himalayas are divided into ranges.

©S9 u IT6flch g2_chow a LOU roco6D ±d; Lg fldsd;L] I L®dr6IT6FT.

(A) Two parallel

a ITdr® ©cO6md5dr
(Brfhree parallel
eech9u a cO6md5dr
(C) Four parallel
pITdr© ©cO6md5dr
(D) Six parallel
±9J ©co6md5dr
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6o

E0IGS/2024 42
121. Due to the efforts made by the Government passed the
Native Marriage Act in 1872 A.D.
GLD®Q05ITdrL (!pu®flufl6ir 05ITIT6mLDITd5 fl.Lfl. 1872-ch gfrofld5 g®LD6md
d=LL§co§ eiFdi ©u®Fu5J

(A) Shripad Banerji

gu ITS L]IT6ITfrao

tBrf:::SavH: Chandra sen

Gd;dy6u dFS97 Qo:ch

(C) Raja Ram Mohan Roy


(D) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

FT6inou fr cFfbg IT 6fl§u ITffIT05fr

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6o

122. Which is the most important reason to consider India as a secular state?
@fbpuIT LD§8ITfrL]®p pIT® 6T6IT thguGu§®© 6T5| (!pdsflu d5ITIT6mLb?

(A) Government works for the welfare of people of all religions

e+cO6FT§5| LD§§g6uT®ds©Lb eiITd:ITrfuc5 G6ucO6D

(B)rfuinority religions are given special protection

LD§ J\or u ITchcoLDufl6IT®ds© J\pLi Li L] IT8id5ITL] Li

(C) Peoples of different religions live in India

ud>G6uor LD§§cO§ gITfrS§ LDd505dr @Spu ITofld> 6uJ\6;@chpITfr05dr

(D) Religion is separated from politics

LD§Lb 6Tchu8u c9+ITJ\u6flch @®$5| Lflfls8i cO6ud;05L]uL®dr6noi

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§fl u6flchcoa)

43 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
123. Who worked as the Chief Engineer of the Mullaiperiyar Dam in 1895?
1895-Lb g6in® d5LLLjuLL och6n6o QufluITfr gco6mufldr g6Da>coLD QL]ITFUIT6ITfr
lu IT fr ?

(A) Paul Benfield

LI ITch a ucho°oLflch®

(8) Edwar.d Lutyens

6TLOu fro 9uL+u6ir6in

d5fr6FTch 83 ITch a L16dr6ffl ©6fls5

(D) Col. James. A.Fuller


(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6o

124. Which tree was considered as supreme deity during the Indus Valley
fl$5i d=LDQ6uofi pITd5ffd5$gch Gunoj 6TS§ LDFLb 8Ldg Gi§ul6uLDITg g5®§L]L]LL5i 7

(A) Banyan

(8) Neem

(C) Palm



(E) Answer not known

6flcoL O§flu6flchco6o

EOIGS/2024 44
125. Which of the following statements are true about `EK Bharat Shreshtha
Lgdr6u®6u6ITGufD8udr `9ds uITFT$ 6rtyGITchjgIT L]ITITS' gLLLb u®Fu th®or 0:fluIT6nol.

(i) It was announced on the occasion of the 140th birth anniversary of

`Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel'.
d:fr§ITfr 6uchcoL]ITul L]GL6fl6ir i4O-Ougi LflpS§ pITdr e+chor e|Foflds05L]L]LL5].

(ii) The objective was to celebrate the unity in diversity of our nation.
pLD5i G?O=§gch ®®grcoro ro®grfo L16ir(!pdi§§6ircoLj]couds Qd5ITdrLIT®6uG§ ©§6ir

(iii) To create an environment to learn the best practices of other

LD®p pIT®dsofl6ir J`pSg f56utL(!pcopd5cOGITd; d5®ordsQ05rrdr6u§®05ITen ©E9cO6D

(A) (i)only
(i) LDL®Lb

(8) (i) and (iii) only

(i) LD®orLb (iii) LDL®Lb

tcyf±, and t±±, only

(i) LD®g]Lb (ii) LDL®Lb

(D) (ii) and (iii) only

(ii) LD®8uLb (iii) LDL®Lb

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6o

45 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
126. Which Mughal Prince album is still preserved in the library of the
Indian office at London?
6TS§ QLljITd56i>ITu ©6ITOuITd=fl6ir LIL§Q§IT©LH ©ch9|fo 6D6drL6flch gLch6IT ©Sgu
ae2i6u6Ddi 5IT6Dd5Sgch L] ngHd5ITL] u ITdi 6D6u65d5L]uL®dr6IT8 7

(A) Jawan Bakht

936u ITdr L]dss

(8) Azam shah

tfldFITLb Q±IT

(C) Bahadur shah zafar


(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§fl u6fld)co6o

127. The Bahmani Sultan's kept his personal bodyguards called the
LIITLfl6fl d+d>§IT6ird;dr
6T6FT acoE9dsd5L]u®Lb §LD8u §6flLiL]LL


(8) Amir-ul-Umra

(C) Kiledars

(D) Mansabs

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§fl u6fld)co6D

EOIGS/2024 46
128. Which of the following inscriptions belong to Samudragupta?
£Bd;d5drL6u®ordr 0:(!p§gFT ©L]gfr 05IT6D§cO§d 0:ITfrSg d5chQOu LOO;dr 6T6D6u 7

I. Allahabad pillar Inscription

e|6Dd5ITLIIT§ g[Tdr d5chG\OuL®05dr

11. Nalanda copper plate

f5IT6nggIT6= Qd=L]LiL] L]LLULb

Ill. Eran stone Inscription

FTITITch 05chQ Ou L®d5dr

IV. Mehruauli pillar Inscription

a LDdsIT6o g[Tdr d5chG\GUL®c5ch

I,11,Ill LD®9JLb IV

(8) I,IIandlv

1' 11 LD®grLb Ill

(D) I,IIIandIV
I,Ill LD®grLb IV

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6o

47 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
129. Arrange the following committees in chronological order.
£9Ou®Ou6FT6u®cOp a6n6u acoLI]d;d5L] LILL g6in+ch a +L] LicoLuflch 6u flcoo=L]LI®§gug

1. AshokMehta committee
aGO:IT65 cLDSpIT ©®

2. GVKRaocommittee
GVK 7ITch ©®

3. L.M. Singhvi committee

L.M. arij6fl ©®

4. Balwant Rai Mehta committee

Lich6uSS ITITul cLDS§IT Gce

tArf, 1, 2, 3
(8) 3,4,2,1
(C) 2,1,4,3
(D) 4,3,2,1
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6o

130. Which of the following does out come under the subordinate courts of the
LDITF6Orfud5dich Lg\chou®Ou6FTOu®grdr 6Tgi 5ico6m Sg LDchpri]d5Gf\ch £B 6u®Ougchcoco 7

(A) Criminal courts

©®p6fl uch Sg LI]chp rfud5dr
(BLrfonsumer courts

(C) Civil courts

©+6u>LI] Sg rochp rild5dr

(D) Revenue courts

Ou®6u ITii] Sg L[]drp riid5dr

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL G\§flu6flchco6D

E0IGS/2024 48
131. With respect to the 9th schedule of the Indian constitution, which of the
following statements are not correct?
9 6u9 e|LL6HcO6mcouL] LI®Fu £©d5d5IT6nyTL]LI®Lb OuITds@urfudioflch 6Tgi/6TcOOu

(A) 9th schedule is an unusual feature of the constitution

9 ou5I eiLL6uco6uuT f5Lb cgiITJ\uch eicoLJJL]Li tFITd=en-§Pch eid=IT§ITIT6m eiLbdLb

(8) About 300 Acts are listed in the 9th schedule

9 6Hg| eiLL6uco6muflch flLL§LL 3oo d=LLriid5dr LIL+u6flLL]LIL®dr6IT6FT

(C) Art. 31 declares that all the acts under 9th schedule are not immune
from judicial review
eiITJlu6DcoLDL]L| a:LL 6fl9 31 ch LI+ 9 oug| eiLLouco6muflch gLdron eico6zIT§g|
d=LLrildit9Lb Sg Li6uTITITul6flfb© 82_LLI Lng| 6T6irgr Q§fl6flds@6irp9p

(D)Vrfts of the 9th schedule are not immune to judicial review on the
ground of violation of a fundamental right
ei+L]LicoL gLflcoL[] L6pchd5(gs5©, 9 6Hgb eiLL6uco6mulch d:LLrilg5dr
Sg Li enITITul 6fl®© 8LLLJ LngH

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6D

132. The representation of the people Act of 1951, as amended in 2010 gives
voting rights to
2Oio dj g®§§LiL]LL 1951 c2bLb g6rfu+6ir LDd595dr n7pppS8al6uLb ©F§§ 6:LLLb
ds(g ou ITdsd5Oflds©Lb gLflcoLJ)sou oupri]©flpg|

(A) All the Indian citizens

e]6u)en§gi @S9u (5+LDd505(gd;(5Lb

(8) Migrants from other nations

Lflp jbIT®d5Gflch ©OS8i ©+cuFu6ufrd5dr

(C) People deported from India

@SguIToflch @®Sg| PIT®05LS§L]uLL
(D)rfverseas Indian passport holders
QOudipIT®d5oflch 8Ldr6IT ©Sgu LIITch>GLI ITfrL cOOu§p®L]LIOufrd5dr

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6D

49 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
133. In the Indian parliament, who decides whether a bill is a money bill or
non money bill
@Sgu t5ITL(8LD6irp§pch LDcd=IT§ITcOGu pg LDcd=IT§IT eich6D8i d=IT§ITF6m LDGg:IT§IT 6T6FT
ce+q Qd=ulou5] urTfr7

(A) President
©+uJITd+ §co606nfr

(8) Chairman ofRajya sabha

g=u IT pITu]g5fr

(D) Deputy chairman of Rajya sabha

©ITITau d=cOLluflch g|cO6m §cO606ufr

(E) Answer not known

6fl6u)L Q§fl u6flchco6o

134. Article 360 of the Indian constitution deals about

@Sgu eiFTau6OcOLDL]Lflch 360 6u8u 6flguIT6FT5| 6T§6D6FTLl u®F ©FL]Lg®flp8i 7

(A) National emergency

G§flu a6tldFIT pcO6D

(8) State emergency

P9 9oud=7 Pcoco
(D) Judicial emergency
Sp§g|cOp aoud=IT pcO6D
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6o

E0IGS/2024 50
135. Which committee recommends the establishment of a judicial tribunal in
each state to adjudicate controversies about election of Panchayat Raj
=gpF:;§gITfoTaesp§grcopsfrL HQIT§uIT§L::ITHenflSgg#%Fgdiulco;On©® §#§®© ®ch Qou IT®

(A) Balwant Raj Mehta

L.M. arfu6fl

(C) V.R.Rao

(D) P.K. Thungon

P.K. gHriJo5ch

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6D

136. Name the chief Justice of India who acted as president of India, when
the offices of president and vice president fell vacant

(A) Justice K.N. Wanchou
SgLJP K.N. 6uITchd©
(Bysustice M. Hidayatullah
SgLJg M. gfl§ug|ch6oIT
(C) Justice Y.V. Chandrachud
Sgu9 Y.V. d=SgFT©L
(D) Justice B.P. Sinha
SgLJg B.P. flchd5IT
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§fl u6fld)co6D

51 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
137. Assertion [A] : Effective economic development depends on `Planning
for development.
di®gJ [A] : ;::nddrLoncocoL°5T#ff§T:;IT Ou6ITfrJfl 6TdrHg 6uonfrdfldsd5ITen

Reason[R]: It has become imperative on the part of modern

Government to have a planning body for economic
°5ITIT6mLD [R] i:i#ro|®::7HofgLLG:roroupIT#PdiITon #IT=:gLgcoon gce:;HcoflH:

(A) [A] is true, but [R] is false

[A] d=fl ±6ITITd> [R] §Ougr

(B)V#th [A] and [R] are true; and Ht] is the correct explanation
of [A]
[A] LD®grfo pe] ©Fdr®in Ffl LD®grfo [R] 6T6irL15j [A]-dsd5IT6IT FfluIT6FT

(C) [A] is false, [R] istrue

[A] §Gu8u, Ht] 6T6iru5] d=fl

(D) Both [A] and [R] are true, and [R] is not the correct explanation of
[A] is correct
[A] LD®eprb [R] ©Fdr®fo a:fl LD®orfo [R] 6Tchu8u [A] a;a;IT6RT d=fluITen

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL O§fl u6flchco6o

EOIGS/2024 52
138. Which type of unemployment is included in full employment?
GOu6u76Op6u>p6ii F 68>6D 6TchLlgu 6Tdl6il6u>d5u IT6FT G6Li68>6Ou£1drco LD6u>u gLdr6ITLdsfl u9H 7

(A) Disguised
LDcOPcpg; Gouco60ufl chcoLD

(8) Structural
d5LLcOLDL] Li GOucOcouldrcoLi]

(C) Technological
G\§ITgivch E5J LLJ G6uco60uflchcoLD

L9p©Jfl dirT6o Gouco6i)ulchcoD

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6fld)co6D

53 E0IGS/2024
[Turn over
139. The components of Evergreen Revolution are
S+S8u pcO6Dd5©Lb LjdicoLDL] L] 7Lfl ufldr g2_Ld5®S8io5ch

(1) Produce more using fewer resources

©copfb§ @®QUIT®Ld5of ch apd5 9_®usg

(2) Using renewable sources of energy

Li8iL]Lfl6595S§ds05 0:65g uudrL] IT®

(3) Maintaining environment for soil health

LDdr6u6IT`Lb L] IT5]d5ITdsdi d+®erd©BcOcO cuegD]gch

(4) Prevention of land subdivision

1, 2, 3 LDL®Lb

(8) 2,3,4only
2, 3, 4 LDL®Lb

(C) 1,3,4only
1, 3, 4 LDL®Lb

(D) 2,1,4only
2, 1, 4 LDL®Lb

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL O§flu6flchco6o

EOIGS/2024 54
140. The Committee's main function is to examine the appropriation
of sums granted by the Parliament for the expenditure of the
Government of India
©@oflch (!pdschu L16ofl 6TchLlgu ©Sgu eiITdITrfucBJ QdF6Oqu65d5ITd5

QL]ITg|65 di6md5©ds ©®

(8) The Estimates Committee


(C) The Committee on Public Undertaking

a LJ ngl§gH copd5(gdse5ITen ©(!p

(D) Budget Committee

OuFTqu Qd=6Dqu 9LLds ©®

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§fl u6flchcoco

141. Which of the following is not a feature of GST?

Lfl6irou®Li6FTOu®grdr 6Tgb gITds© LD®grLb Gd=cOOu 6uflulch ©uchLi ©chco60 9

(A) tax on supply of goods and services

&8u QL]IT®drd5dr LI]®orLb Gg=cOoud5ctflch c9]of L]Lflch L88H of\g65d5L]u®flp5]

(8) single tax

@5J ®®cecoen 6uflurT©Lb
(C) input tax credit is available
92_drof®d5drflch LB§IT6FT Oufl Ou IT6H ©gch 82_dr6TT9H

(Dyrf?no GST on manufacturers on raw material

§uITflL]LIIT6TTfrd5dr 6tlITrfu©Lb (!p6OLIQilIT®dr L85i 6ufl chcoLUIT5i

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6o

55 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
142. If the RBI wishes to practice cheap money policy, it may leads to
©S9u flo:frch 6urij@ LD6fl6H u6md;Qd5ITdr6Dd;Gnu Lflchu®p cp+Q6u®SgITd) tflgdr

(A) Self Government securities

e]ITfl6ir usgITrfud5coon 6fl®uco6IT Qd=ul ui Lb

(8) raise bank's required reserve ratios

6Llri]fld5dich @®L] Li§Q§ITcodi Ofgsco§ apdiflds©Lb

(C)Vfiwer the bank rate

6Lirfufl owl+ of§§cO§g ©cOp65©Lb

(D) discourage member banks from borrowing from the RBI

6urfu@d5dr md:frch 6urfuauflLLb d5Ldr Quor6ucO§ d5L®L]u®S8uLb

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6D

143. Who decide, production, distribution and decision in a Socialist pattern

of Economy?
®® a:LD§frLDri ouIT®6ITIT8ITF gcoLDL]Lfld> 9_®usg, u@frq LD®orLb Sfr6Hd56D6IT ®+qu
Qo=ul6ug| 6T6n6u ?

(A) Market

(B)Vrfentral Planning Commission

LDS9u gLLd5©®

(C) Behaviours and traditional activities

LJB5;05 6u E9ds85(!PLb, LDITL|d5(€5Lb

(D) Private sector


(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6o

EOIGS/2024 56
144. (i) The Indian National Congress was founded during the British
colonial times in A.D. 1885
@S9u Ggflu o5ITriJflFTch) fl.Lfl. 1885 @ch LflflL+6fy o5IT6D6fl§gi6u o5IT6ospd)

(ii) The founders included Allan Octavian Hume, Dadabhai Naoroji and
Dinshaw Wacha

fggrchb g#%TidiIT¥FchIT ±g@%:ITfr¥LGEL+gouufrch apgLb. §IT§ITLJITul Qfb6ITGITITch

(iii) This became a pivotal participant in the Indian Economic movement

©gal @S9uL] G`uIT®6ITITgITFT @ud;05§gch ®® (!p65flu uri]Gg5®L]ITonITITd5 LDITFugj

Which of the above statement/s is/are true?

GLI]G6O d5rT6mL] LI®Lb ch®grd5oflch d=flu IT6ngp /coon 6T9i /6TcOOu 7

(A) (i) and (iii) only

(i) LD®orLb (iii) LDL®Lb

(8) (ii) and (iii) only

(ii) LD®orLb (iii) LDL®Lb

(C) (iii) and (i`i) only

(iii) LD®orLb (ii) LDL®Lb

(Dyfi) and (ii) only

(i) LD®orLb (ii) LDL®Lb

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6fld)co6o

145. Rajaram Mohan Roy was a strict believer of

G\c5ITdrcod5uflch §oflIT pLbLgdscocE
§diIT:gITL#di Gife;gITfr?ITul tfl 6u frd5dr

(A) Atheism (B#onotheism

pITSpg5Lb ®flcopds G\d;ITchcoes

(C) Mormonism (D) Polytheism

LD8u£ITcOLDL] L| @udsdiLb LJ60Q§ulou 6HgivLJIT®

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6o

57 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
146. Regarding the partition of India, which of the following statements are
©Spu Lflfl6flcoens o§ITLfruIT6 Lgdr6u®Lb 6uIT6auri]d5did> 6T6D6u d=fluITen6D6u?

1. The congress accepted the partition.

L9 fl6flco6FTcouds d5ITriich ITch a rfufo5fls§5j

2. Mountbatten put his plan for the partition of India on

June 2nd 1947
oLD6ITdrLGLILLdr ©SguL Lflfl6flcoon§ gLL§gco6FT 83®6ir 2, i947ch Ou©§§ITfr

3. The Act of 1947 provided for the creation of two independent

i947Lb g6in®¢ dFLLfo ©Fdr® digsgF pIT®dicoon 82_®6uITs8 6ugr Qd:ulg8u.

(A) 1only
1 LDL®Lb

(8) 2only
2 LDL®Lb

(C) Bothland2

1, 2 LJJ®9jLb 3

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6D

147. How many Satyagrahis were participated in the Vedaranyam March

under Rajaji in Tamilnadu?


(8) 95
::-:' :: (D} 100
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6D

E0IGS/2024 58
148. Who renamed Andaman and Nicobar Islands as Shaheed and Swaraj
islands respectively?
eiS§LDITch LD®9|Lb pG05ITUITfr $6Hdicoon (!pcOpGu ap9SIS LD®8uLb ch>6uFTITa 6T6FT Quufr
LDrtypLb QO:ul§gH uITfr7

(A) Sohan singh Bhakna (8) Rashbihari Bose

Gg=ITapch J\ ri] Llds6FTIT p-FdyLflap ITfl GL] IT6fo

(C) Satyendranath Bose

0:§GuSP ITfbIT§ GLJ IT6iv
(D#:bash Chandra Bose
diuIT6fy 0:SgF GUIT6fo

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL G\§flu6flchcoco

59 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
149. Rabindranath early writings were published in the family magazines
©F6flSgITPITS g6FTeal 8H6us505 d5ITcO 6T®S8] L]gqd5coon ©®Lbu @§enGcO
Q6udiuflL®dronITfrgch6fl§© 6T6FT c9icog)e5d5L] LJ LL5i

(A) Lotus (8) Nature


(C) Sun (D#harati

©fludr LJITF9

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchcoco

E0IGS/2024 60
150. Which of the following are correctly matched?
dfluIT6FT6u®copL] QUIT®Sgu05 .

Founder personalities associated with Swadeshi movement of British

Lg flL+dy ©Spu IToflch diGgfl ©ud;d5§gi L6ir Q§ITLfrLicoLu qb(9cOLI]d5dr

1. Swadeshivastu pracharini
sabha Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak
a+G§flouch)gH L9ITd:ITfl6fl a:LJIT G6DITd5LJ)ITchu urT6D d5ri]d5ITgIT 96od;

2. Swadeshi sangam Subramania Bharathi

dic§a a:rfuo5Lb dill ITLD6rflu uITITg

3. Swadeshi Steam
Navigation company \ V.O. Chidambaram
drG§fl 6fo+Lb Gp6flGd5apch

por6u6FTLb v.o. a§LbL] FLb

4. Swadesh Bandhab smiti G. Subramanian

diG§fl L]6inLd5L] cFLflp G. dill ITLDenfluch

(A)rf 2 and 3 (a) 2 and 4

1, 2 LJJ®9|Lb 3 2 LD®guLb 4

(C) 3and4 (D) 1 and 4

3 LD®grLb 4 1 LI]®gprLb 4

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6fld)co6D

61 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
151. Who started the Journal namely `Malai Mani'?

a6dr6mIT 5icoIT

(8) E.V. Ramasamy


(C) Karunanithi

(D) M.G. Ramachandran

6TLb.ed. FTITLDdSg IT6ir

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6D

E0IGS/2024 62
152. Which of the following are incorrectly paired?
Lfl6ir6H®6u6uTOu®g]dr Fflu ITd; G\LIIT®§§L] LI LIT§cO§ Ohgrd;.

1. SIPA South Indian People's Association

SIPA G\§dr6fflSg u LI]dsd5dr dFriid;Lb

2. SILF South Indian Legal Federation

SILF G\§6ir6flSpu 6:LL chLLcOLDL]Li

3. AMS Andhra Mahasabha


4. MPA Madras Presidency Assembly

MPA LD?U-rTch) LDITd5IT6m d=LLd=6nLI

(A) 1 and2 areincorrect

1 LD®guLb 2Lb §ougu

(8) 2 and 3 are incorrect

2 LD®orLb 3Lb §6uor

(Cyrf and 4 are incorrect

2 LD®8HLb 4Lb §6uer

(D) 1 and 4 are incorrect

1 LD®gHLb 4Lb g6ugH

(E) Answer not known

6fl6nL G\§fl u6flchco6D

63 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
153. Match the following
£Bd5drL6u®cOp a LI IT®§gid5

(a) Vaithiyanatha Iyer Madurai Harvey Industry strike

cOOu§pupIT? aulufr LD5icoIT apITfrofl Q§ITgiv® d=riid5 G6HcO6O

a) Rukmani Lakshmipathi 2. LionofAndhra
®dsLD6nd o6OLCLL6` Ljg gfbp IT65 Gd5d[fl
(c) Prakasam 3. Deputy speaker
galco6m d:L] ITPITu]05fr

(d) Vartharajulu Naidu 4. Temple Entry

6u FT§FITg3e2I f5rTui®
±6Du E5JcOE96H

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL G\§flu6flchco6D

EOIGS/2024 64
154. What was the impact of Zamindari Abolition Act of 1951?
1951 qbLb ±6dr® 83Ls6ir§ITfr ®givL]L| cecop d=LL§gch 6flco6IT6H ulIT5i 7

(A) Success for land reforms

P6D ffr9®S§riJdioflch 06u®F
(8) Its measures would improve the efficiency of land use
ei§6ir pL6u+ds6u>d5esdr p6O LluchLiITL+6ir Qd=uch gpco6uT GLI]LbLI®§9bLb

(C) Empowering the status of peasants

ofi6uO=ITund5ofich p6D6OcOu cLDLbu®$5]flp5i

(D)flenants and sharecroppers gained ownership of 62 lakh hectares of

©S§cO85§ITITfr05dr LD®orfo uril©§ITFTfr05dr 62 6OLafo QapdsGLfr pGO§gch
gLflcoLI]cOuLI a L|®p6FTfr

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6D

155. Which social activist is said to have had link with Irish Revolutionaries?
6TS§ dFeed56: QdFu®uITLLIT6ITfr 83fl6rty Li7LJ\uIT6ITfrd5t8Lch G`§ITLfrLi Q05ITdr+®S§ITfr
6Tdror QFITch6OL L]®flp8al 7

(A) Annie Besant

c9i6ir6fl QLIO=chL

(8) Colonel Alcott

d5G60 IT6FTch ±d)d5ITL

(Crf argaret Noble


(D) Helena Blavatsky

a ap606FTIT L9 6IT6tl L6ivfl

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6fld)coco

65 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
156. Which of the following are true about Velu Thambi?
©cooud5dich Gou9u §LbL9\couL LI®givu d=fluIT6FT th®coP 6Tqpg|.

(i) Thambi had planned a secret attack with the native people
@6ufr gfrofg Lod5O;coonuiLb GO=frs8i @IT05flu gIT65©§cO6O pLS§ gLLL6\LLITfr

(ii) He was a Tahsildar incharge of a southern Travancore tract

g)Ou fr Q§®© g®6fl§ITri]thfr u©pds© §ITflch§ITITITds @®S§ITfr

(iii) He worked closely with the British Government

Sou fr Lg fl L+6ky aITd:ITri]d5S8iL6ir Qp®ds85LDITg L]6oflungF6FTITfr

(A) (iii) only

(iii) LDL®Lb

(8) (i)only
) LDL®Lb

(crfii) only
(ii) LDL®Lb

(D) (i) and (ii) only

(i) LO®orLb (ii) LDL®Lb

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6o

E0IGS/2024 66
157. Assertion [A] Dantaka forest was the birth place of cotton plant.
6u6fluigus§d)[A] L]®§gS Qd:+ufl6ir LflpL]Lf\LLb §6dru5rT 05IT®.

Reason [R] : Neolithic man learnt to spin the cotton fibre into thread
and weave the thread into cotton cloth.
`d5ITIT6mLi) [R] : Ligu 05®05ITa> LD6fl§ch u®Sp @cOE9cOu BiTajITd5 dit9®p6HLb, orcoGo
L]®Sg gHofluflch Qpd:6H Qd:uluqLb d5®ord; Qd5IT6drLITch.

(A) [A] is truebut Ht] is false

[A] 0:fl B6ITITch H`] §6uor

(8) Both [A] and [R] are true and [R] is the correct explanation of [A]
[A] LD®8uLb [R] @Fdr®Lb a:fl [R] [A]of\®© gfluIT6FT 6fl6ITs5d5Lb

(C) [A] is false, [R] is true

[A] gGu8u [R] d:in

(D}/Both [A] and [R] are true but [R] is not the correct explanation of
[A] LDfDgrLb [R] @ITdr®Lb o=fl qbenITch [R] [A]Ofl®© g:fluIT6FT 6flon65diLDch6o

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6o

158. Which of these items were shipped to King Solomon from Tamil Nadu in
the loth Century BC?
fl.(!p. L]S§rTLb E5]T®pIT6in+ch c9+ITS:6FTITflu d=IT6DLI]g]ds©S §LflB pITL®ds d5L]L]chd5dr
6uITufl6DITd5d; G\d5ITdr® QdFch6OL]uLL QL]IT®L05dr 6T6n6u ?

(A) Peacock feather, rice, ginger

LDufld> G§ITcod5, e]flfl, ©©fl

LDufld> G§ITco65, u]ITcoen§ §S§Lb, 6uITo=6D6FTL] QUIT®Ld5dr

(C) Ginger, Tippili, Perfumes

@©fl, pL]Lfl6fl, 6uITO=6D6FTL] oL]IT®Ldidr

(D) Ginger, Tippili, Rice

@©a, 9L]Lfl6fl, gflfl
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6o

67 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
159. " ............ in the household reign,
This is of life the perfect grace and gain''.
Which of the two graces are mentioned as necessary for a successful
marital life in the above Thirukkural?
" ......... 8L6nLsgITufldr ©ch6uIT$6;6utd5

L16inLiLb LliL19prLb 9gi"

GLDfbd5IT9iLb g®ds©pdich 6TcOOu ©ITdrcoL§ g®6ucht9Oufr ©chouIT©dscod5d5© gLd5¢§5i

6T6FT65 ©pL]n®flpITfr 7

(A) Virtue and wealth

apcoLb QUIT®©Lb

(8) Attribute and use

achLiLi] ap9pr Lb

(D) Gold and wealth

QL]IT6irgLb QUIT®©Lb

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL O§fl u6flchcoco

E0IGS/2024 68
160. Thiruvalluvar's political, economic, social thought treasures are found
in which of the following parts of Thirukkural?
Oudr(g6ufldr eiITJ\uch, GILIIT®6ITIT§ITIT, d=(!p§ITUJ flS§6u>6FTd5ofl6ir d56IT©J\uLDITd5
eicoLDuiLb g®ds©p6Tfl6ir a LI IT®§§LDIT6FT Lfl florITd5 6TcO§ds dap6DITLb 7

(A) Aarathupal (Virtue)


(B,V#Ltpal Ovealth)

(C) Kamathupal (Nature of love)


(D) All of the above three

GLI]®65chL ee6irgi Lb

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6o

69 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
161. Choose the correct answer :
£g2ds85ITg9]Lb th®ordsctflch dFfluIT6FT 6flcoLcOuS c§frSQ§®d;05qu Lb :

1. Kadavul Vazhthu, Van Sirappu, Neethaar Perumai, Aran

Valiyurathal - all four parts (Adhigarams) are called as Payiram.
d5Lqudr 6uITSSgi, 6uITdrapLiLi, SS§ITfr ou®cOLD, apdr 6u66\ui9]S±ch 6Tchp
pITch© ei9o5ITITriJd5(gLb LJrrufl FLb 6T6FT e]cog}65diL] u ® Lb.

2. In Invocation, the word `Kadavul' takes place in three places.

g®ds©pdr diL6Hdr 6uITEp$gch, dsLqudr 6T6irp QFITch eechgu ©pdrd5dich 6u®flp8i

3. In part, `Van Sirappu', the word ` Varuna Devan' does not take
6uIT6ir flpL]Li 6Tchp agd5ITF§gd> 6H®6mG§Ouch 6Tchp QO:ITd> 6uF6flchco60.

4. According to valluvar, Being pure at heart is virtue.

LD6FTsgch ©®pLflch6OITLDch @®L]L]G§ gpLb 6T6ir@pITfr 6udr©6ufr.

(A) 1, 2 and3arecorrect
1, 2, 3 dFfl

(B)V£ 3 and 4 are correct

1, 3, 4 d=fl

(C) 1, 2 and4arecorrect
1, 2, 4 o:fl

(D) 2, 3 and4arecorrect
2, 3, 4 d=fl

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§fl u6fld)coco

EOIGS/2024 70
162. Which literature is considered as the first field research of Tamil?
§L6\ench t!p§ch 0;On abul6H 5IT6DITO;d; d5®§L]L]®6ugal 6T8] 7

1. Periyapuranam

2. Thiruvasagam

3. Thirumanthiram
4. Thirupallaandu

1 LDL®Lb o=fl

(8) 2 alone is correct

2 LDL®Lb a:fl

(C) 3 alone is correct

3 LDL®Lb a:fl

(D) None of the above is correct

6TgJqu Lb d=fl ufl chco6D

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL G\§fl u6fld)co6o

71 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
163. Identify the authors with their books :
a:fluIT6IT gflflufr, grch g)co6mco6uds d5drLfflfbgl ouIT®Sglg

Author Book
±J\flufr orch
(a) Chandilyan 1. Kadal sonna Kathai
FIT6in+chuck d;Lch Glo=IT6ir6FT d;cog

@) Vannanilavan 2. Aazhisool ulagam

8or©B gL6D©
(c) Joe D'Cruz 3. Kadalpura
Gg3IT + ©®6iv 05Ld, LIPIT

(d) Vareethiah Konstantine 4. Kadal purathil

ouffco§ u IT d5 ITch6iv§S§ d5Lch LiIT§gde

A# @!
(8) 4 3
(C) 2 1
(D) 1 4
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL G\§flu6flchco6D

EOIGS/2024 72
164. Identify the wrong statement about Mudumozhi Kaanchi stated below :
£©dsd5ITgp|Lb th®gHdiofld) (pgiG\LDITfd; d5IT©fl ©FS§ Qgul9esoflch ®® Qd:ulp
§OuPIT6UT6U)§ 6T®§5J 6T({P9Hd5.

(A)VfMudhumozhi' means `Pazhamozhi', Kanchi means `Nilaiyamai'.

This shows Nilayamai (uncertainity)
g)p#roroITIT#cherF6ir;PCOIT:ITcO=#Lro:ITfinch;;©fl 6TchpITch FcO6OuITcOLI>. ©9

(8) Mudhumozhi Kanchi was written by Koodalur Kizhar

©cO§ 6T({ggu6tlfr chLorfrds chpITfr

(C) There poems are from `Ammai enum Vanappu' mentioned by

o§ITchd5ITL] Lg ufr dng]Lb eiLbcoLD 6Tchg| Lb Ou6FTL] Lflch ©L] LIITLchd5dr eiLril©Lb

(D) Mudhumozhi Kanchi is considered to be the forerunner of the book

cab§p©+ grch05t865© (±pdrG6FTIT+ (!p8]Q LDIT#65 a;IT©fl

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6o

73 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
165. The ancient Rock Paintings found at the places of
L16drcoLu LIITcOp ®6]£1urfud5dr chcoLds©Lb ©Lrfu05ch

(i) Mallapadi
LDch6l)L] LJIT+

(ii) Peru Mukkal

Ou® a)d595ch

(iii) Paiyampalli

(iv) Siru Malai

J\gr LD6n6O

(A) (i), (ii) only

(i), (ii) LDL®Lb

(8) (ii), (iii) only

(ii), (iii) LDL®Lb

(C) (iii)' (iv) only

(iii), (iv) LDL®Lb

aco6FT§9uLb d=flu ITcOOu

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Qgfl u6flchco6o

EOIGS/2024 74
166. `Operation Blackboard' was implemented in India to provide basic
amenities in eduction in schools.
@SguIT6flch, Lldrofld5oflch ei+L]LlcoLds dich6fl§ G§cOOucOuL] gfr§g
QO:ul6u§®d5ITg5 `C5®Lbu6Dcod5S gLLLb' Qd:uchu®S§L]uLL8|


(8) Middle

(C) Higher secondary


(D) Rural

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6D

75 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
167. Match the following :
G'uIT®$5Jdi :

Scheme Marriage Assistance

P®LD6an gLg6fl
(a) Dr. Dharmambal Ammaiyar 1. for Intercaste marriage
LITdsLfr gfrLDrTLbu ITdr e]LbcoLDurrfr
d56DL]Li g®LD6mLb

a) EVR Maniammaiyar Ninaivu 2. fororphan girls

EVR LI]diu LbcoLDU IT fr pcO6FTqu
96ITITcO? a L16drd5ch
(c) Dr. Muthulakshmi (Reddy) Ninaivu 3. for daughters of poor
LIT65Lfr. (±p$5]06DLCFLfl (GIFL+) P6Denqu

(d) Annai Therasa Ninaivu 4. for widow remarriage
tflchcoen GlgFTd=IT Pcoenqu
6fl§cOOu LDgrro6mLb

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchcoco

EOIGS/2024 76
168. Indian Constitution does not define OBC, but makes a reference, identify
the article
©Spu eiITJ\u6DcoroL]Li LgfDH®§§L]LILL Ou©L]L|d5coon 6ucOITugrdso;of\chco60, qb6FTITch
®® ©givL]coLJ Qd=ulflp5i, eiS§ Lflflcoor eicoLUIT6ITLb d5rT6mquLb

tArfeticie i6t4)
L9flQi 16(4)

(8) Article 17
Lflfl6H 17

(C) Article 18(A)

Lflflqu 18(A)

(D) Article 344

L9flqu 344

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6fld)co6o

169. Tamil Nadu State Human Development Report 2017, in this District
level low income districts like

§LflBf5IT® LDITP6o LD6fl§ GLDLbuITL® e]F65codi 2017 ufld> LDrT6uLL 6urTfluITdi 6ugrcoLD
LI]®grLj] Ou®OuITul pcO6Ouflch £S ©®ds©Lb

(A) Kancheepuram

(C) Chennai

(D) Cuddalore

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6o

77 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
170. What is the purpose of introduction of `Makkal Portal' in Tamil Nadu?
gLflE9diSSch tflpcpd;Lju®SgLiuL®dron LDd;d5dr GUITfrL6flch GPITa8b u]ITg 7

(A) Alternate to AAI)HAap

g§IT®ds© LDIT®8u

(8) To maintain government employees data base in digital form

au-d+ g29givu frd5of6ir 6flou 7riid5coon L6\ch6FTggpr cOcOpuflch LIITITLDfl§§ch

LI]ITpcO 96IT6fl6DIT6FT ce®cOLDiLIIT6FT ©+ufl®L]GLIITfr §IT6Lid5cO6IT Lfl6ir6FT9gr

cpcop uflch P frou@S§ch

(D) Alternate to NPR
NPR a;© LDrtyor

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL O§fl u6flchco6o

171. In Tamil Nadu the largest area of land is used for the cultivation of
§L6lt905S9ch 6TSg uuflfr 8LfbuSgd;d5ITdi Lfldi ggd56TTqu p6DLluFhH

(A) Sugarcane


(C) Groundnut
P 6Dd5d5L6n6D
(D) Coconut

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL O§flu6flchco6D

E0IGS/2024 78
172. STEP denotes support to Training -cum - for women.
sTEp 6T6iru8i, QL]dr65t8g©Li uufl®J\ LD®orLb 65d;IT6FT g§ITcOouds

(A) Education


(C) Empowerment
(D) Entrepreneurship
O§ITgivcho)coenGou IT fr Ppch

(E) Answer not known

GflcoL Q§fl u6flchcoa)

79 HOIGS/2024
[Turn over
173. Match the following :
QLJIT®$5Jg :
List I/aLLorco6m I List II/gLLouco6m 11
(a) Beti Bachao, Beti padhao Prevention of Trafficking
@en 6uofd5 QgITLfrLi §®LiH
a) RGSEAG 2. Improving sex ratio and
ensuring girls education
RGSEAG LIIT6§lon 6flch§ (!p6irG6FT®pLb
LD®or Lb a u dr 05ch6fl
(c) IGMSY All round development of
adolescent girls
IGMSY 6u6ITfr ©6ITLb LI®Ou QL16drd5erfl6ir

®L®Q LJ)ITS§ cochG6FT®PLb

(d) Ujjawala Cash incentives for pregnant
and lactating women
d5®qu®p LD®9]Lb uITorL®Lb
Qudrd5©t£© L]6m 8L§6fl

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL G`§flu6flchcoco

E0IGS/2024 80
174. Who represented the Women's organisations of India at the second
Round Table conference in 1931?
1931ufld> pLS§ @FTdrLITLb 6uLLGLDcog LDITPITL+ch ©SguIT6fl6ir Qu6dro5dr
e]cOLDL]Li05ofch Lg\ITgpp uITfr7

(Ay€arojini Naidu
d=c7ITao6fl f5ITui®

(8) Muthulakshmi Reddy

cosgH06DLdiL6\ G\ITL+

(C) Annie Besant

a6ir6ffl Qud=drL

(D) Vijayalakshmi pandit

6fl83uG\cOLdiL6` L]6in+L

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§fl u6fld)coco

175. Who advised education is necessary for women as it is for males through
his educational philosophy, he also advised them not to marry at an
early age and go for higher education?
qbdrdi(gds©ds dichofl ei6uJ\uLb 6TchLIg| GLIITed Qudrd5(9ds©Lb 05chofl ei6uJ\uLb.
oL16ind5dr J\g| OuugG6DGu p®LI>6mLb QFulgu Qd5ITdr6ITITLj]ch gLufr d5chof\ds©d QCFch6O
GOudr®Lb 6Tchp G05ITLLIITL+ch Ougivds d5chofl QLigr§cO6065 ©F§5i eiFqucoIT diELj\uoufr
u IT fr ?

(A)W6r. B.R. Ambedkar

LITdsLfr. Lg\.qbfr. eiLbGu§d5fr

(8) Mahatma Gandhi

LD05ngLD IT d5ITSg

(C) Jawaharlal Nehru

93Ouapfr6DITch Gpo

(D) E.V.R. Periyar

FF.QGu.FIT. G`ufluITfr

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6o

81 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
176. A works 3 times as fast as 8 and is able to complete a task in 24 days
less than the days taken by 8. Find the number of days in which they
can complete the work together?
A gen6ufr 8 6Tchu6u6nFT6 d5ITL+gufo G6u6D6D 0d=ul6upch 3 LDLrfu© G6ud;LDITen6ufr

a6uITITch gfb§ Gorco6ocou 8 6T®§gidsQdiITdrL GPIT§co§6flL 24 f5ITLd5dr ©cop6uITes

6T®SgH cO+dsdi cp+chpgi. ©®Ou®Lb Gd=fr$5i aS§ GOucO6DcOu cp+gdi ±©Lb
pITLd5cO6ITds d5IT6inds.

(A) 6days
6 f5ITL65dr

(8) 7days
7 pITLd;dr

(C) 8days

9 f5ITLd5dr

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL O§flu6flchco6D

177. In the year 2015 ticket to the world cup cricket match was E 1500. This
year the price has been increased by 18%. What is the price of a ticket
this year?
2015 g2_6Ddi Gd5ITLi6Du flfld;Gld5L 6fl6D6ITUITL®h GLJITL+uflch gu6DE9qG SL+ch 6fl6D6D

gLiioo;cOpcOS%ch%¥£, tflgch 6flcoco 18% dB+gd5fls§ITch ©fb# 86in® BicoE9qud

(8) ¥1700
(:)#:;;: (D) ¥ 1800
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§fl u6fld)co6D

EOIGS/2024 82
178. |f 13 + 23 + 33 + . . . + K3 = 44100 then find 1 + 2 + 3 + . . . + K .

13 + 23 + 33 + . . . + K3 = 44|oo 6T6flch 1 + 2 + 3 + . . . + K dr LDPLiLi d5IT6drd5.

(Arflo (8) 2210

(C) 2100 (D) 441
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL a?fl u6flchco6o

179. What is the next number of this sequence

V, X, XX, XL,
n6ir6u®Lb o§ITLfr6uflcod=uflch el®$5]6u®Lb 6Tdr u]ngu ?

V, X, XX, XL,

(A) LX (8) LXX

(cyfLxxx (D) XC
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6o

180. The sum of two numbers is 36 and one number exceeds another by 8.
Then find the smallest number.
©ITdr® 6T6ind5ofl6ir ch®§ch 36. GLDguLb eioufDgrdr ®fr 6T6dr, LI]®GPITfr 6T6inco6m 6flL
8 eigd5Lb 6T6rf\ch eiS§ 6T6ind5ctflch J\givu 6Tdr d;IT6ind5.

(Arf4 (8) 16
(C) 18 (D) 20
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6D

83 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
181. The number of 3 digit numbers that are divisible by 2 but not divisible
©ITdrLITch 6u©LI®Lb qb6FTITch 4 qbch Ou©LILIT§ eechgr ©6Ddsd5 6T6drd5di6dr
6T6drdi 55cod5 6T6ir6FT 7

(A) 200 (Brf5

(C) 250 (D) 450
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6o

182. If LAMBIC is written as 835764 and DIAMOND is written as 2635092,

then BLIND is written as
I.AMBIc 6T6iruco§ 835764 6T6FT6HLb LD®orLb DIAMOND 6T6iruco§ 2635og2
6T6FTqu ro
©Pu£LLITch ©Pj5c5L]uLLITd) BLIND 6Tchugu ©Sdsd5Llu®Lb 6fl§Lb

(A)rf 8692 (8) 78629

(C) 78962 (D) 7 8 9 2 6
(E). Answer not known
6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6o

183. + stands for x , -stands for + , x stands for +, + stands for -then value of
12 -3 + 5 x 20 is
+ 6Tchu8H x, -6Tchu5] +, x 6Tchu8H +, + 6Tdrugi -©psgITdj,12 -3 + 5 x 2o-dr

(roA9* (a) 100

(C) 29 (D) 39
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6o

E0IGS/2024 84
184. Find two consecutive natural numbers whose sum is 75
ei®§§®§§ ©® ©uch 6T6ind5Gflch di®?ch 75 6T6rflch eich6fl® 6T6drd56n6ITds d5IT6drds.

(?)*;; :: (:) ::: ::

(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§flu6nchco60

185. Amutha can weave a saree in 18 days. Anjali is twice as good a weaver
as Amutha. If both of them weave together, in how many days can they
complete weaving the saree?
e](!p§IT, ®® Go=co6ocou 18 pITLc5Oflch Opul6uITfr. e](So=66\, e](!p§ITco6u OflL
Qpul6u9d) @® LDLri]© gpcoLDd=IT6fl. @®6u®Lb ©co6m$5] Opul§ITd), e]S§d
cd=cO6DcOu 6T§§cO6uT pITLd5oflch Qf5iiigH (!p+LI LI IT fr 7

6 pITLc5dr

(8) 9days
9 fbrTLd5dr

(C) 12days
12 pITLd5dr

(D) 24days
24 f5ITLd5dr

(E) Answer not known

6ncoL Q§fl u6flchco60

85 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
186. Two taps A and 8 can fill a cistern is 18 minutes and 24 minutes
respectively. If both taps are opened together, when the tap 8 must be
turned off so that the cistern is filled in 12 minutes?
A LD®grLb 8 6Tchp ©® ©E9ITuld;dr gdr6offr ogITL+6Du cp6DPGu 18 LD®orLb 24
PL6\Lriid5Ofch Sfr PFL]LiLb. @® ©E9ITuldi6D6ITuiLb ®GF GPFS9dj 9psg] 6flLL Lflch,
§drenffr G\§ITL+ 12 PL6\Lriid5dich cocecoLI]ulITds PITLbH Gchdr®Glro6flch ©tgITul
8 sou 6T§§co6FT FL6\L§9ch gcoLdsd;LJLJL G6uch®Lb ?

(A) 2 minutes
2 p L6\Lrfud5ofch

(8) 4minutes
4 P Lfl Lriio5Ofd)

(C) 6minutes

8 F Lfl Lrijo5drflch

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6D

187. The volume of a cylinder is 448%cm3 and height 7 cm. Calculate its
curved surface area.
92® 8L®cO6ITufldr d56FT a6ITqu 448¢ QdE.L63 LD®9iLb gLulFLb 7 QdF.L6 6T6flch gL®coonufldr
OucO6ITLI FLI Li d5IT6drd5.

(A) 342cm2
342 Qo:.L82

(Brf52 cm2
352 Qo:.L62

(C) 362cm2
562 0d=.L62

(D) 372cm2
372 ao:.L62

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6o

E0IGS/2024 86
188. An industrial metallic bucket is in the shape of the frustum of a right
circular cone whose top and bottom diameters are 10 in and 4 in and
whose height is 4 in then outer C.S.A. of bucket is

4L6 6T6flch ©cOLd; d5drL§p6ir 6ucO6ITLIFTL] H(Byfom2
(A) 100m2
(C) 120m2 (D) 220 m2
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6o

189. The difference between compound interest and simple interest on a sum
for 2 years at 8% is €768. Find the sum.
8% 6uL+ Of§Lb ®® Q§ITcod;uflch 2 g6dr+®d5ITen §6flouL+, chL®ouL+ ©GufbF6ir
G6uoruIT® €768, e]SQgITcod5cOu d5IT6in.

(A) € 1,00,000 (8) ¥ 1,10,000

(cyf¥ 1,2o,ooo (D) € 1,70,000
(E) Answer not known
6ncoL Q§flu6flchco60

87 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
190. In a certain time a sum of Rs.1,25,000 amounted to Rs.1,48,877 at the
rate of 6% p.a. compounded annually.
®® ©FL]LflLL d5IT60S9ch thL® 6uL+uflch a.1,25,000 qb6FT5| a.1,48,877 go5 6%
±6in® owl+ Of§§9ch flcoLd;chpg|, 6T6flch a§®© qb©Lb dsrT6DLb

(A) 2years

3 6u®Lrild5dr

(C) 4years
4 6H®Lrfu05dr

(D) 5years
5 6H®Lrijd5dr

(E) Answer not known

6ncoL Q§flu6flchcoco

191. Aravind borrowed a sum of Rs. 8,000 from Akash at 7% per annum. Find
the interest and amount to be paid at the end of two years.

GOudr+u 6uL+cOuuLb, G\§ITcod5cOuuiLb d5IT6drd5.

(A)V#s.1120, Rs. 9,120

q5.1120, e5. 9,120
(8) Rs.1020, Rs. 9,020
a. 1020, a. 9,020
(C) Rs.1,000,Rs. 9,000
a. 1'000, q5. 9,000
(D) Rs. 920, Rs. 8,920
a. 920, a. 8,920
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6o

EOIGS/2024 88
192. In a simple interest, a sum of money amounts to Rs. 6,200 in 2 years and
Rs. 6,800 in 3 years. Find the principal.
®® Q§ITcod5 ®® ©FL]LgLl §6fl6uL+ of§§9ch 2 qbdr®85oflch a. 6,200 6T6FTQiLb,
3 qb6in®d5ofch c5. 6,800 6T6uT6HLb 2_ufrchpg| 6T6flch eiS?§ Q§ITcodscou d5IT6drd5.

(Arfs. 5,ooo
a. 5,000
(8) Rs.5,800
a. 5,800
(C) Rs. 5,400
a. 5,400
(D) Rs. 4,800
a. 4,800
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§fl u6flchcoco

193. An aircraft can accommodate 280 people in 2 trips. It can take

trips to take 1400 people.
280 fbL]frd5dr 82® oflLDIT6FT§gch 2 (!pcOp Llu6mLb G\d=ulch6irp6FTfr 6T6fld>
achoflLDIT6FTsgch i4OO f5L]fr05dr (!pcop Llu6mLb Qo=ulu6DITLb.

(D) 12
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6D

89 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
194. A heater uses 3 units of electricity in 40 minutes. How many units does
it consume in 2 hours?
®® ©GL®P 4o PL6\Lri]05Ofch 3 a6o©d5dr Lflcho=ITITSco§L] uuchu®§giflp5]. @ITdr®
LDofl cfbFT§pd) 6TS§cO6FT ei6D©85dr LflchdITFT§cO§ e+gH LluchLI®§gbLb?

(A) 80/3
(8) 3/20

(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6o

195. L.C.M of £2 -|3£ + 42, £2 -36, (£ -7)3 is

£2 _i3€ + 42, £2 _ 36, (£ -7)3 dr L8.a.LD


(A) (f -6)('+6)¢-7)
(8, (,-6)¢+6)¢-7)2
(D) ¢-6)(!+6)¢-7)4
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6D

EOIGS/2024 90
196. What is the greatest possible volume of a vessel that can be used to
measure exactly the volume of milks in cans (in full capacity) of 100
litres, 120 litres and 1601itres?
cp®6u8iLDIT65 FITL]L]L]uL®dron loo GflLLfr, i20 6flLLfr, i60 6flLLfr Q05ITdron6IT6H
8Ldr6IT di6Dchc5oflch LIIT6§\cO6cTJ d=fluIT05 a6ITdsd5d; din+u LIIT§gFT§g6ir eipd5LILd=
Q95ITdr6ITonqu 6Tch6FT?

(A) 10 (Brfo
(C) 40 (D) 4800
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§flu6fld)co6o

197. The LCM of two numbers is 630 and their HCF is 9. If the sum of the
numbers is 153, their difference is
©® 6T6ind5oflch Ls.fl.Llj 630 L[j®grLb L8.QLjIT.6tl 9. GL[]guLb eiS§ 6T6ird5oflch th®§ch
153 6T6fld> e]6u®F6ir oflsguITO=Lb

(8) 23
(€#2: (D) 33
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6o

198. The Highest Common Factor (HCF) of two numbers is 2 and their
Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) is 154. If the difference between the
numbers is 8, then the sum is
@® 6T6ind5ofch LBLIG`u® G\unoid5ITITofl 2 LD®9iLb LBsflgj Qungu LDLrfu© 154. eichofl®
6Tdrd5(9ds@cOLGu adron GOu9|LIIT® 8 6T6flch, e|£6H®Fdr dh®?ch

(A) 26 (8#
(C) 46 (D) 56
(E) Answer not known
6flcoL Q§flu6flchco6o

91 EOIGS/2024
[Turn over
199. Kavin scored 15 out of 25 in a test. The percentage of his marks is
d5ofl6dr 25 d;© 15 LDgL]QL]drd5dr QL]®pITch ei§dIT 0:§of§Lb
(Arfo% (8) 15%

(C) 25%

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6D

200. Each day the workers drill down 22 feet further until they hit a pool of
water. If the water is at 110 feet, on which day they will hit the pool of
ifeE9glco6ITds fl6ng G§ITdr®Lb G6Llco6DUITLd5dr, 22 di+05dr
gi6u>6TTufl®@pITfr05ch 6T6flch, ilo a+d5dr gp§?epr£# SpGITIT#LchL§cO§ a6nLu
6T§§cO6FT pITLd5dr ±©Li] 7

(A) 2days (8) 3 days

2 f5ITL05dr ITLd5On

(C) 4days
4 pITLCBdr
D# ays 5 f5ITLd5dr

(E) Answer not known

6flcoL Q§fl u6flchco6D

E0IGS/2024 92

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