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Finite Element Modeling for Engineering

Analysis, Structural Mechanics Problems

Mohammed Asif Kattimani1, Mahesh G.S.2
Post graduate Student, 2Associate Professor
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangaluru, India

International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering

Volume 4, Issue 2, March-April, 2016, pp. 32-44
ISSN Online: 2347-5188 Print: 2347-8772, DOA: 04032016
© IASTER 2016 www.iaster.com


The finite element method in general and commercial finite element analysis software in particular
implemented on a computer offers a unified approach for engineering analysis.

Finite element modeling is defined here as the analyst’s choice of material models (constitutive
relations and failure criteria), elements (type/shape/order), meshes, constraint equations, analysis
procedures, governing matrix equations and their solution methods, specific pre and post processing
options available in a chosen commercial Finite Element Analysis software for the intended analysis
of candidate components and structures.

The focus in this paper is on the ANSYS software and some unique structural mechanics problems.
Specifically modal analysis of a 26-storey building frame, Bending stress analysis of Morley skew
plate, Stress analysis of cylindrical pressure vessels with hemi-spherical enclosures with focus on
junction stresses, Bending of a slit tube to demonstrate coupled bending and torsion, Numerical
simulation of four-point bending test of heated I-section beam and co-relation with test data.

Keywords: ANSYS, 26-Storey Building Frame, Morley Skew Plate, Junction Stress, Coupled Bending
And Torsion.


Finite element analysis (FEA) is a powerful computational technique used for solving engineering
problems having complex geometries that are subjected to general boundary conditions. While the
analysis is being carried out, the field variables are varied from point to point, thus, possessing an
infinite number of solutions in the domain. So, the problem is quite complex. To overcome this
difficulty FEA is used; the system is discretized into a finite number of parts known as elements by
expressing the unknown field variable in terms of the assumed approximating functions within each
element. For each element, systematic approximate solution is constructed by applying the variation
or weighted residual methods. These functions (also called interpolation functions) are, included in
terms of field variables at specific points referred to as nodes. Nodes are usually located along the
element boundaries, and they connect adjacent elements. Because of its flexibility in ability to
discretize the irregular domains with finite elements, this method has been used as a practical
analysis tool for solving problems in various engineering disciplines.

International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering (O) 2347-5188
Volume-4, Issue-2, March-April, 2016, www.iaster.com (P) 2347-8772

I. Space Frame; Modal Analysis

A. Problem Statement

Figure 2.1 shows a 26-storey building frame where the details of walls and slabs are omitted. Natural
modes of vibration of this frame are sought from the analysis. 3D BEAM elements are appropriate for
modeling this space frame. A coarse mesh will model each member (column or beam) as an element
and each joint as a node. The boundary conditions include suppressing all the degrees of freedom at
each node at the foundation level.

Figure2.1 also shows the relative amplitudes of vibration corresponding to the first two modes
predicted using NISA, a commercial FEM system.

B. Finite Element Modeling Using ANSYS Software

a. Geometric details
As shown in Fig.2.2 a square cross section is selected for each element with

Fig.2.1 Vibration Mode of a 26- Storey Building

Width B = 0.2 m and Depth H = 0.2 m

Height of column = 3.6 m Length of beam = 3.6 m
b. Material properties and real constant
Material is structural steel with
Young‟s modulus E = 210 GPa
Poison‟s ratio ɤ = 0.27
Density ρ = 7890 kg/m3

Fig.2.2 Geometric Model

c. Meshed Model
Discretized model of space frame is shown in Fig.2.3 and its details are
Element type: 3D beam elements (ANSYS BEAM188)
Number of elements : 4732
Number of nodes : 4353
Number of d.o.f per node :6

International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering (O) 2347-5188
Volume-4, Issue-2, March-April, 2016, www.iaster.com (P) 2347-8772

d. Boundary Condition

The boundary condition includes suppressing all the degrees of freedom at each node at the
foundation level as Shown in Fig.2.4. Block lanczos, method is used to solve the Eigen value

C. Results Presentation and Discussion

The predicted natural frequencies and relative amplitude of corresponding modes of vibration are
displayed in Table I and Fig.2.5.These results are quite accurate from convergence view point.
However an experimental investigation on scaled down model is recommended to verify the same.

The related work of modeling and analysis of a reinforced concrete frame with integral floor panels
and walls with windows and door openings is a challenging job to the analyst. However ANSYS has
the capabilities to handle this.

Fig.2.3 Discretized Model Fig.2.4 Boundary Conditions

TABLE I. Natural Frequencies of a Space Frame

Set Time / Set Time /
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
1 0.27101 2 0.29643
3 0.34358

Fig.2.5 Vibration Shapes for Mode1, Mode2 and Mode3

II. Morley‟s Skew Plate

A. Problem Statement
To determine the bending stress distribution and deflections of a rhombic skew plate shown in Fig.3.1
with simply-supported edges, subjected to uniformly distributed load q. The plate has thickness h and
side length a. Bending stress resultants are singular at the obtuse vertices, varying asymptotically as r
.Where r is the radial distance measured from the point of singularity.

International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering (O) 2347-5188
Volume-4, Issue-2, March-April, 2016, www.iaster.com (P) 2347-8772

Fig.3.1 Morley’s Skew Plat

B. Finite Element Model
a. Geometric modeling

As shown in Fig.3.2 only one quadrant is modeled with side length a = 1000 mm, and thickness h
= 1 mm.

b. Material properties and real constant

Material is structural steel with

Young‟s modulus E = 210 GPa
Poison‟s ratio ɤ = 0.27

Fig.3.2 Geometric Model

c. Meshed model
Element type : Four nodded quadrilateral shell element (ANSYS SHELL181)
Number of elements: 5228
Number of nodes : 5448
Obtuse corner element is sub-modeled to obtain converged accurate solution is shown in Fig.3.3.

d. Boundary condition

Nodes along the side of length a are constrained against transverse displacement w in the z-
direction. Symmetric boundary conditions are enforced along the other two sides shown in Fig.3.4

e. Load
Uniform pressure of 100Mpa is applied to the plate surface as shown in Fig.3.4. The software
calculates and uses consistent nodal forces to be applied.

C. Results Presentation and Comparison

Transverse displacement W and bending stress resultants Mxx and Myy at the centre of the plate
obtained using ANSYS software are also included in Table II

International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering (O) 2347-5188
Volume-4, Issue-2, March-April, 2016, www.iaster.com (P) 2347-8772

Fig 3.6 shows the distribution of the bending stress resultant Mxx. It is clear from the zoomed view
that there is an asymptotical variation of bending stress at obtuse corner. Fig. 3.7 shows the similar
case for bending stress resultant Myy.

Fig.3.3 Discretized Model Fig.3.4 Constraint Model

TABLE II. Displacement Wc and stress resultants M xx and Myy obtained by ANSYS.

Quantity TRIPLT Analytical Hybrid Constraint Quad 4 element

element element method (ANSYS Shell 181)
WcD/qa4 x104 4.185 4.08 4.18 4.0785 4.102

MxxD/qa2x102 1.9242 1.91 1.94 1.905 1.90

Myy 1.104 1.08 1.11 1.086 1.04


The predicted deformation is presented in Fig 3.5

Fig.3.5 Deformation in a Rhombic Plate Fig.3.6 Distribution of Bending Stress Mxx

Significant results from this investigation are presented in Fig.3.8

Fig.3.7 Distribution of Bending Stress Myy

International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering (O) 2347-5188
Volume-4, Issue-2, March-April, 2016, www.iaster.com (P) 2347-8772

Fig. 3.8(A) Distribution of Bending Stress Resultants Mxx and Myy Along OC (B) Sub-Model Result of
Obtuse Corner Element Shows Asymptotically Variation of Resultant Bending Stress

III. Cylindrical Pressure Vessel with Hemi-Spherical Enclosures

A. Problem Statement

The problem shown in Fig.4.1 is recognized as shell of revolution subjected to internal pressure P. It
is discretized using axisymmetric shell elements. The meridional and hoop stresses at the inner and
outer surfaces of the pressure vessel are requested.

B. Finite Element Model

a. Geometric modeling
is shown in Fig.4.2
Radius of the hemispherical head R = 20 mm
Length of the symmetric cylinder considered L = 20 mm
Wall thickness h = variable

b. Material properties and real constant

Material is structural steel with
Young‟s modulus E = 210 GPa
Poison‟s ratio ɤ = 0.27

Fig.4.1 Cylindrical Pressure Vessel with Hemispherical Enclosure

Fig.4.2 Geometric Model Fig.4.3 Boundary Conditions To

Meshed Model

International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering (O) 2347-5188
Volume-4, Issue-2, March-April, 2016, www.iaster.com (P) 2347-8772

c. Meshed Model
Is shown in Fig.4.3
Element type: Two-node axisymmetric shell element (ANSYS SHELL208)
Number of elements: 40
Number of nodes : 41

d. Boundary Condition
Fig.4.3 shows the boundary conditions applied at the two key points are, At x = 20 mm and
y = 0 . Uy = Rz = 0
At x = 0 and y = 40 mm. Ux = Rz = 0
C. Results Presentation and Discussion

The hoop and meridional stress distributions of the cylinder with hemispherical head under internal
pressure for (R / h) = 20 is shown in Fig.4.4 and Fig.4.5.

Fig.4.4 Hoop Stress Distribution Fig.4.5 Meridional Stress Distribution

Significant results are summarized. The meridional and hoop stress indices at the inner and outer
surfaces are defined and their variation with (R / h) = 20, 10 are presented in Fig.4.6 to 4.7.

Fig.4.6 Stress Distribution of a Cylindrical Fig.4.7 Stress Distribution of a Cylindrical

Pressure Vessel with Hemispherical Head, For (R / Pressure Vessel with Hemispherical Head, For (R /
H) = 20 H) = 10

IV. Bending of Cylindrical Tube with an Axial Slit

A. Problem Statement

A thin-walled tube of circular cross section is fixed at one end and is loaded by transverse force P at
the other end (Fig.5.1) In order to distribute load around the end of the tube at z = L, a thin flat disk of
radius R is attached to the end. The tube is slit open lengthwise along one side. Deflection at the
loaded end and significant stresses are required.

International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering (O) 2347-5188
Volume-4, Issue-2, March-April, 2016, www.iaster.com (P) 2347-8772

Fig.5.1 Cantilever Slit Cylindrical Tube

B. Finite Element Model
a. Geometric model
The geometric models created for both cylindrical tubes with slit and without slit are shown in
Fig.5.2 with dimensions as follows.
Length (L) = 280 mm Radius (R) = 25 mm Thickness (t) = 2 mm
b. Material properties and real constant
Material is structural steel with
Young‟s modulus E = 200 GPa
Poison‟s ratio ɤ = 0.25

Fig.5.2 (A) Cylindrical Tube without Slit (B) Cylindrical Tube with Slit
c. Meshed model

Discretized model of a slit cylindrical tube is shown in Fig.5.3.

Element Type : Four nodded shell elements (ANSYS SHELL181)
Number of elements : 309
Number of nodes : 316
e. Boundary condition
All degrees of freedom at nodes of the end of the slit cylindrical tube (i.e. z = 0) are restrained.
As shown in Fig.5.4

Fig.5.3 Discretized Model of Slit Fig.5.4 Boundary Condition Cylindrical Tube

International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering (O) 2347-5188
Volume-4, Issue-2, March-April, 2016, www.iaster.com (P) 2347-8772

f. Load
P = 1N load is applied at the end (z = L) of the flat disk to distribute load around the tube.

C. RESULTS Presentation and Comparison

Significant results obtained by ANSYS for cylindrical tube with and out slit is presented and
compared with the analytical solutions in Table III and Table IV and in Fig.5.5 to 5.8.
TABLE III. Analytical and Numerical Results of Cylindrical Tube Without Slit
Quantity Analytical Numerical (ANSYS)
Deflection (V) -373x10 mm -406x10-6 mm
Axial stress (ϭz) 0.0713 Mpa 0.0753 Mpa

TABLE IV. Analytical and Numerical Results of Cylindrical Tube With Slit
Quantity Analytical Numerical (ANSYS)
Deflection (V) -933x10-6 mm -940.3x10-6 mm
Axial stress (ϭz) ±0.169 Mpa ±0.1274 Mpa
Rotation (θ) -11.2x10-6 rad -10.45x10-6 rad

Fig.5.5 demonstrates the deformation pattern of cylindrical tube without slit, when subjected to
transverse force P = 1 N at one end

Fig.5.6 demonstrates the bending stress distribution pattern of cylindrical tube without slit, when
subjected to transverse force P = 1 N at one end

Fig.5.5 Deformation of cylindrical Fig.5.6 Bending stress of cylindrical

tube without slit tube without slit

Fig.5.7 demonstrates the warping of cylindrical tube with slit due to bending torsion coupling. When
subjected to transverse force P = 1 N at one end
Fig.5.8 demonstrates that the maximum bending stress at the top surface of the slit tube appears near
the clamped boundary.

Fig.5.7 Warping of Cylindrical Tube with Slit Fig.5.8 Bending Stress Distribution of Cylindrical
Tube with Slit

International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering (O) 2347-5188
Volume-4, Issue-2, March-April, 2016, www.iaster.com (P) 2347-8772

V. I-Section Beam
A. Problem Statement

Fig.6.1 shows the I-section beam subjected to four point bending with the central section heated to
temperature 650 0C. Accurate deflection and stress analysis under combine thermal and mechanical
load is requested. The susceptibility of the structure to fail by buckling is to be investigated. Natural
frequencies and relative amplitudes of vibration modes are also of interest.

The FEM in general and ANSYS software in particular is demonstrated here to provide accurate
numerical solutions to the problems on hand. The results are co-related with reported test data.

Fig.6.1 (A) Four-Point Bending Test Of Heated I-Section Beam, (B) Cross-Section Dimensions.

B. Finite Element Model

a. Geometric model
The geometric model of an I-section beam is created in ANSYS for which the details are shown in

Fig.6.2 Dimensions Details of a Class4 I-Section Beam

Fig.6.3 shows the geometric model created in ANSYS for which the details are mentioned in above

Fig.6.3 Geometric Model of I-Section Beam

b. Material properties
The material properties of steel for the individual plate at high temperatures are considered as
Poison‟s ratio ɤ = 0.27

TABLE V. Young’s Modulus for Individual Plates

Plate S3 S5 S6
Elastic Modulus, E (MPa) 194375 209988 208900

International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering (O) 2347-5188
Volume-4, Issue-2, March-April, 2016, www.iaster.com (P) 2347-8772

c. Meshed model
Is shown in Fig.6.4
Element type : Four nodded shell element (ANSYS SHELL181)
Number of elements : 7184
Number of nodes : 7589

d. Boundary condition
For the simulation of the boundary conditions according to the static scheme (see Fig.6.1), the fixed
articulate support was chosen on the left side of the model (the point “a”) and the sliding articulated
support was chosen on the right side (the point “d”), see Fig.6.5. On the left side, shift in the direction
of the X, Y, Z axis and the rotations about the X axis are blocked, the rotation about the Z axis is not
restrained. On the right side, the shift in the direction of the Y, Z axis and rotation about the X axis are
blocked, the shift in the direction of the X axis and the rotation about the Z axis are not restrained. In
the point of the load application (the points “b”, “c”), shift in the direction of the Z axis is blocked,
shift in the direction of the X and Y axes is not restrained.

e. Load
Central plate of beam is heated to a temperature of 650 0C, and the concentrated loads of 250KN are
applied at loading points shown in Fig.6.5.

Fig.6.4 Discretized I-Section Beam Fig.6.5 Loading and Boundary Conditions for the
I-Section Beam
C. Results Presentation and Discussions

Significant results obtained for bending, linear buckling and vibration analyses of an I-section beam
are presented.

a. Bending analysis

Four point bending deformation is shown in Fig.6.6

Fig.6.7 shows the Von-Mises stress distribution and the maximum stress region. The value of Von-
Mises stress is 1453.75MPa

a. Buckling analysis

A linear buckling analysis is performed to obtain the critical buckling load of an I-section beam, in
ANSYS and it is compared with the value obtained from ABAQUS. Table VI indicates the values for
critical buckling loads obtained from the two different FEA softwares.

International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering (O) 2347-5188
Volume-4, Issue-2, March-April, 2016, www.iaster.com (P) 2347-8772

Fig.6.6. Bending of a Beam Fig.6.7 Von-Mises Stress in an I-Section Beam

TABLE VI. Critical Buckling Load Value for an I-Section Beam


Critical Buckling Load (KN) 201.22 201.301

Fig.6.8 shows the buckling mode shape of an I-section beam obtained from ANSYS.

Fig.6.8 Critical Buckling Mode in an I-Section Beam

b. Modal analysis
The natural frequencies and modes shape for an I-section beam under free boundary conditions are
obtained by using Block lanczos method.

Table VII shows the ten natural frequencies of an I-section beam.

TABLE VII. Natural Frequencies of an I-Section Beam

Set Time / Frequency Hz Set Time / Frequency Hz

1 0.28320 3 1.48675
2 1.01979 4 2.26223

From Fig.6.9 to 6.10 shows the four mode shapes of an I-section beam

Fig.6.9 Mode1 and Mode 2 Shape of an I-Section Fig.6.10 Mode3 and Mode4 Shapes of an I-
Beam Section Beam

International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering (O) 2347-5188
Volume-4, Issue-2, March-April, 2016, www.iaster.com (P) 2347-8772


The identified problems are so complex that analytical solutions are not possible. Experimental
investigation are prohibitively expensive however FE Modeling using ANSYS software is
demonstrated to provide accurate numerical solution over a wide range of parameters involved the
graphical post processing capabilities is exploited to display the results and animate vibration modes.
The solution clearly identified critical region where on set of failure take place.


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