Physics BS PH 101 Question Bank 24-25
Physics BS PH 101 Question Bank 24-25
Physics BS PH 101 Question Bank 24-25
Unit I
(i) For a particle executing SHM, the phase difference between displacement and velocity is
a) 0 b) π c) π/2 d) 2π
(ii) If the velocity of a particle executing SHM is maximum, then displacement will be
(vi) Which force makes up for the loss of energy due to damping in forced vibration?
(vii) ω is the natural frequency of an oscillator and b is the damping factor (b =β / 2m) where
β per unit velocity, the quality factor of the oscillator is given by
a) ω/b b) ω/2b c) 2 ω/b d) b/ω
(viii) The relation between the sharpness (S) and the quality factor (Q) in case of forced
vibration is given by
a) Q= 2S b) Q= 1/S c) Q= 1/S d) Q= S
(ix) The resonant frequency of an electrical oscillator is given by
a) 2π√(LC) b) 1/2π√(LC) c) 2π/√(LC) d) √(LC)/ 2π
(x) if ω is the natural frequency of vibration and b is the damping constant in cases of a
damped vibration, then motion would be overdamped if
a) b b) b c) = b d) = 0
(xi) Divergence and Curl of a vector field are:
a) Scalar & Scalar b) Scalar & Vector c) Vector & Vector d) Vector & Scalar
(xii) Del operator is also known as
a) Divergence operator b) Gradient operator c) Curl operator d) Laplacian operator
(xiii)Dissipated force in damped harmonic oscillation is proportional to
a) velocity b) displacement c) force d) angular frequency
(xiv) In damped harmonic oscillation, mass is electrically equivalent to
a) inductor (b) resistance (c) transistor (d) capacitor
(xv)Choose the phase difference between the driving force and the velocity of the forced
oscillator at velocity resonance.
a) zero b) π/4 c) π/2 d) π/3
(xvi) Choose the condition of velocity resonance, if the natural frequency of forced system is
‘w’ and the frequency of the applied force is ‘p’.
a) p = w+1 b) p = w2 c) p= 2 w d) p = w
(xvii) Select the correct answer: Band width of a curve is
a) large for large value of damping b) large for small value of damping
c) Independent of damping d) none
(xviii) For a undamped SHO, phase difference between displacement and acceleration is
a)0 b)90 c)180 d)none
(xix) At resonance, LCR circuit behaves as
a) Inductance b) Resistive c) capacitance d) Inductance
(xx) In LCR circuit, which component is responsible for damping? a) 𝐿
b) 𝐶 c) 𝑅 d) 𝐿 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐶
(xxi) The velocity of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is minimum at a point
where potential energy is
a) minimum b) maximum c) intermediate d) midpoint Ans:- minimum
(xxii) The relaxation time is defined as the time during which the energy (Eo) of a damped
a) decrease to 1/ Eo b) increase to eEo c) decrease to Eo/e d) increase to eEo
(xxiii) In logarithmic decrement concept the damping force constant can be determine if
a) all displacements are known b) successive displacements are known c) any
displacements are known d) Successive displacements of same sides are known
(xxiv) Choose the phase difference between the driving force and the velocity of the forced
oscillator at velocity resonance.
a) 0o b) 90o c)180o d)45o
Unit II
(i) The nature of fringe pattern formed in Young’s double slit experiment is
(iii) In the Newton’s ring experiment with reflected light, given n is natural number, the
diameter of the dark rings is proportional to
a) n b) n2 c) n-1 d) n1/2
(iv) ) A Nicol prism is made from __________ crystal
a) 1/N b) N2 c) N3 d) 1/N2
(vi) Wavelength of He-Ne laser is
a) ⃗𝛁
⃗ × 𝐀
⃗ ≠𝟎 b) ⃗∇ × ⃗A = 0 c) ⃗∇ . ⃗A ≠ 0 d) ⃗∇ × ⃗A ≠ 0
(vi) Dielectric materials do not have
a) less than one b) more than one c) more than 10 d) more than 100 or 1000
a) 9.27 × 10‒14 A−m2 b) 9.27 × 10‒24 A−m2 c) 6.27 × 10‒14 A−m2 d) 6.27 × 10‒24 A−m2
(x) The material which exhibits hysteresis is
a) O2 b) CO2 c) H2 d) NaCl
(xv) A paramagnetic material had a magnetic field intensity of 104 A/m. If the permeability of
the material at room temperature is 3.7×10-3. Henry/m. Calculate the magnetisation in the
Unit IV
(i) In a blackbody radiation spectrum, the Wein’s distribution law is applicable only for
h h h2 h
a) b) c) d)
mo c mo c 2 mo c 2
mo c
(iii) What discrepancy between experiment and theory helped lead Max Planck to his
quantum theory?
(vi) The total probability of finding the particle in space must be __________
(xiv) Which of the following functions is an eigen function of the operator -iħ ∂/∂x
a) higher than incident photon, b) lower incident photon, c) equals to incident photon, d)
independent of incident photon
(xvi) What is the degeneracy of nth excited energy state of a particle moving in 1D potential
(xviii) Which of the following colours indicates a heated black body is at comparatively at
lower temperature respective to others.
a) Blue b)Magenta c) Yellow d) Red
(xix) The degeneracy of the state E211 of a particle in 3-D potential box would be
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 3
Unit V
1. (i) The degrees of freedom of a phase space are
a) 1 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6
(iv) For T> OK, the probability of occupancy of an electron at Fermi energy level is
a) 1/2 b) 1 c) 0 d) 1/3
(v) Spin angular momentum of photon
a) 0 b) c) 2 d) 1/2
(vi) The difference between fermions and bosons is that bosons do not obey
a) Fermions possess integral spin but boson are half spin particles
b) Bosons possess integral spin but Fermion are half spin particles
c) Fermions and bosons both spin less particles
d) Fermions and bosons both possess negligible spin
Module- I (Oscillations)
1. Derive the expression for total energy of a simple harmonic oscillator and show that it is
constant and proportional to the square of the amplitude. Also, plot kinetic energy, potential
2. At what displacement the kinetic energy is half to that of potential energy in simple harmonic
3. Establish the differential equation of SHM.
4. A cubical block of side L cm and density d is floating in a water of density ρ (ρ>d). The
block is slightly depressed and released. Show that it will execute SHM and hence determine
the frequency of oscillation. Or Show that the motion of a body floating in a liquid is SHM.
Hence find its time period.
5. Find the frequency/time period for oscillation of liquid in a U-tube of length L.
6. Write down the differential equation of a series L-C circuit and hence establish the expression
for time period.
7. What do you mean by damped harmonic oscillation? Establish the differential equation for
the damped harmonic oscillator and explain each term. Define various type of damped
harmonic oscillation along with the condition.
8. Define the following terms in connection with the damped simple harmonic motion of a
particle: (a) relaxation time (b) logarithmic decrement, and (c) quality factor.
9. Define logarithmic decrement and relaxation time. Find the relation between them.
10. Give a graphical comparison among underdamped, overdamped and critically damped
harmonic motion.
11. Solve the equation for light damping and prove that the amplitude of vibration decreases
exponentially with time
12. What do you mean by forced vibration? Write the differential equation of a forced harmonic
oscillator and explain each term. Write down the differential equation of a series L-C-R
circuit driven by a sinusoidal voltage. Identify the natural frequency of the circuit.
13. Write down the differential equation of a series L-C circuit and hence establish the expression
for time period.
14. What is resonance? Establish the condition of amplitude of resonance
15. Obtain the condition of energy resonance in for force vibration system
16. Define quality factor (Q) and sharpness of resonance (Sr). Write down the relation between
17. The displacement of any particle at any instant t is given by x = 3 cos 𝜔t + 4 sin 𝜔t. Show
that the motion is simple harmonic. What is the amplitude of this oscillation? Show that its
kinetic energy oscillated with angular frequency 2𝜔.
18. The displacement equation of a simple harmonic oscillator is given by x=10sin(100t+π/6)
cm. Calculate the frequency of oscillation, time period and epoch?
19. Calculate the value of frequency (in Hz), relaxation time and Q-factor of L-C oscillation with
L = 100 mH and C= 50μF, R = 0.5 ohm..
20. A vibrator mass 10 gm is acted on by a restoring force of 5 dyne/cm and a damping force
2dyne-sec/cm. Find whether the motion is overdamped or oscillatory
21. A mass of 0.01 Kg is acted upon by a restoring force of 0.01 N/m and a restoring force of
2 × 10−3 Nsm−1 . Find out whether the motion is oscillatory or non oscillatory. Find the
resisting force per unit velocity which will make the motion critically damped
22. Calculate the displacement to amplitude ratio for a SHM when the kinetic energy is 90% of
the total energy.
23. Show that the solution of differential equation of SHM is oscillatory.
24. Plot the variation of the displacement of a particle with time for underdamped, overdamped,
and critically damped harmonic motion and compare them.
25. An AC voltage having maximum value Vmax = 100 volts and frequency 50Hz is applied to a
series circuit with resistance R = 10 ohms, inductance L = 10 mH and capacitance C = 1mF.
Calculate maximum current (not in resonance) in the circuit
26. A Simple harmonic oscillator of mass 4 gm has amplitude of 2 cm and velocity at zero
displacement is 100 cm/sec. Calculate the time period of oscillation and energy of the
Module – II (Optics)
1. What do you mean by interference by division of amplitude and interference by division of
wavefront? Give examples.
2. What are the conditions of maxima and minima for interference of light reflected from a thin
3. Show that the radius of the dark ring in Newtons ring is proportional to the square root of
natural number.
4. From Newton’s ring experiment show that, λ = (D2m+n – D2m) / 4nR, where, Dm+nandDm is the
diameter of the (m+n)-th and n-th order ring and R is the radius of curvature of the plano –
convex lens, λ is the wavelength of light used.
5. Explain briefly why Newton's rings are circular.
6. How will the Newton’s rings change if some oil is placed between the lens and the glass
7. Why the central fringe is dark in Newton's rings experiment in reflected mode? What will
happen to central fringe if we replace air by water?
8. What would be the radius of the fringes in Newton’s rings if the experiment is done in
mustard oil
9. What are absent spectra and ghost lines? Write down the differences between normal light
and laser lights. What would happen to the width of the diffraction minima if the wavelength
of light is increased?
10. Write down the differences between interference and diffraction.
11. Distinguish between Fraunhoffer and Fresnel diffraction.
12. Describe the differences between interference and diffraction phenomena.
13. Derive the expression for intensity pattern for single slit diffraction. Find out the maxima and
minima condition. Show the intensity pattern graphically.
14. Write down the expression for intensity of double slit diffraction pattern and plot it. Show the
condition for maxima and minima.
15. For N-slit (or grating) Fraunhofer diffraction write the intensity formulae. Hence find the
condition for principal maxima in the diffraction pattern.
16. Write down the grating equation. What is grating element.
17. What is missing order in case of double slit diffraction?
18. What are absent spectra and ghost lines?
19. Define birefringence. What are O-ray and E-ray? How does the Nicol prism act as polariser
and analyser?
20. Define Brewster’s law in polarization. Hence prove that the angle between the reflected and
refracted rays is 900.
21. What is retardation plate? What are the uses of quarter and half wave plates?
22. What are positive and negative crystals? Give examples. Also give examples of uniaxial and
biaxial crystals.
23. How can you detect the following: Plane polarized light, circularly polarized light and
elliptically polarized light.
24. What is optic axis and principal section in polarizing crystal? Define plane of vibration and
plane of polarization.
25. How Nicol prism can be used to detect circularly polarized light distinctively
26. Define isotropic crystal and anisotropic crystal and birefringent crystals with example.
Describe the properties of O-ray and E-ray?
27. What is uniaxial crystal
28. Name some properties, which make laser light different from ordinary light.
29. Define metastable state and population inversion.
30. Describe spontaneous and stimulated emission.
31. What is Einstein’s ‘A’ and ‘B’ coefficient? Derive Einstein’s A & B coefficient in laser from
steady state condition. Show that spontaneous emission dominates stimulated emission at room
32. Describe the working of RUBY laser and He-Ne laser with energy diagram.
1. In a Newton’s ring experiment, the diameter of 5th dark ring is 0.336 cm and the diameter
of the 15th dark ring is 0.590 cm. Find the radius of the plano-convex lens if the wavelength
of the light used is 5890 Å.
2. In a Newton’s rings experiment, the diameter of the 4th and 12th rings are 0.4 cm and 0.7
cm respectively. Find the diameter of the 20th dark ring.
3. In a double slit experiment if the slit width is 2 mm and the separation between the slits is
4 mm then find the missing orders. Derive the formula that you use.
4. In a double slit experiment, the slit width is 0.16 mm and spacing between the two slits is
0.8 mm. What are the missing orders in the diffraction pattern
5. What be the result if two plane polarised lights along two mutually perpendicular
directions given by X = 4 sin (ωt+π/4), Y = 5 sin (ωt+3π/4) superpose to each other?
6. Find the state of polarization when the x and y components of electric field are given by Ex
= E0 Sin (𝜔t+kz) and Ey = E0 cos (𝜔t+kz)
7. Critical angle for refraction for glass to air is 40o. calculate the polarizing angle for glass.
8. What will be the thickness of a quarter wave plate made of quartz for wavelength 5000 A 0,
refractive index μe = 1.553 and μo = 1.543.
9. Calculate the polarizing angle for light travelling from water to refractive index 1.33 to
glass of refractive index 1.53.
10. Find the least thickness of quartz for which the ordinary and the extraordinary rays
combine to form circularly polarized light given that µo = 1.5442 and µe = 1.5533, λ = 5 x10 –
11. A plane polarized light of wavelength 600 nm changes to a circularly polarized light on
passing through a quartz crystal cut parallel to optic axis. Calculate the minimum thickness to
produce such effect. Given μe - μ0 = 0.005
12. Find the difference of energy between two energy levels of Ne atom if the transition
between these levels gives a photon of wavelength 632.8 nm.
1. What is Black-Body Radiation? Write down the Plank’s distribution law in black-body
radiation and hence derive the Wein’s and Rayleigh-Jean’s distribution law from it. What
is ultra-violet catastrophe?
2. Show graphically how the energy density versus frequency (or wavelength) plot of black
body radiations is changed if the temperature is increased.
3. Show graphically how the energy density versus frequency (or wavelength) plot of black
body radiations is changed if the temperature is increased.
4. What is Compton Effect? Write down the expression for Compton Wavelength in terms
of Compton Shift when a photon collided with an electron.
5. Why Compton Effect is not visible for ordinary light? Why does the unmodified line
appear in Compton Effect?
6. State and explain de Broglie’s hypothesis and hence find out the equation of wave particle
momentum and energy.
7. what is phase velocity and group velocity?
8. Define phase and group velocity and show that 𝑣𝑝 𝑣𝑔 = 𝑐 2 . Show that group velocity is
particle velocity. . Explain which one may larger
9. Define Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Relation.
10. Get the expression of energy and momentum operator. Show that position and momentum
operators do not commute.
11. Explain operator in quantum mechanics with an example.
12. What is operator in quantum physics? Find the operator expressions of linear momentum
and Kinetic energy.
13. Show that [𝑥̑ , 𝑝𝑥̑ ] = 𝑖ℏ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 [𝑦̑ , 𝑝𝑥̑ ] = 0 ; Show that ⌊𝑃̂𝑥 , 𝑥̂⌋ = −𝑖ħ
14. Explain de Broglie hypothesis. Write down time independent Schrödinger’s equation
explaining each and every term.
15. Write down the Schrodinger time dependent and time independent wave equation.
16. Find out the eigen functions and energy eigen values for a particle in
one dimensional potential box with rigid walls and side l characterized by V
(x) = 0, for 0 < x < l and V (x) = α, otherwise. What will be the energy
difference between two consecutive energy levels? Plot the wave functions and
probability for first three states. Find the position and linear momentum expectation value
of the particle in ground level. Calculate the energy difference between second and first
excited states.
17. What do you mean degeneracy of states in a three dimensional potential well? Explain it
with an example. Calculate the degree of degeneracy of (nx,ny,nz) for (1,2,3) states and
also write down the energy states and wave functions in case of a particle in a three-
dimensional infinite potential box.
18. Determine the degree of degeneracy for the energy 9ℎ2/8𝑚L2 in 3D potential box with a
dimension of L.
19. Write down the postulates of quantum mechanics.
20. write down the properties of wave functions in quantum physics.
21. What is expectation value in quantum mechanics
22. On an average, an excited state of system stays for 10-11 s. What is the minimum
uncertainty in the energy of the excited state?
23. What is the de Broglie wavelength of an electron which has been accelerated from rest
through a potential difference if 100 V.
24. Find out de-Brogile wave length of an electron accelerated through a potential difference
of 54 V
25. An electron and a proton have the same de Broglie wavelength. Prove that the energy of
the electron is greater than that of the proton.
26. X-rays of wavelength 2.00 Å are scattered at angle 60o from a block of carbon. Calculate
the Compton shift and the wavelength of the scattered X-ray.