Adobe Scan Nov 30, 2024
Adobe Scan Nov 30, 2024
Adobe Scan Nov 30, 2024
T Standard XI Reg.No.:T
Time: 3.00 hrs. Marks: 90
20x1 =20
Answer all the questions.
A. Choose the most appropriate synonyms of the underlined words in the
following sentences.
1. That seemed quite absurd and undignified on her part.
a) impracticle b) illogical c) insensitive d) disloyal
2. He is and audacious perverter of the truth.
a) dangerous b) bold c) timid d) cowardly
3 hope unto the despondent anda new life unto everyone.
a) spirited b) joyful c) discouraged d) hopeful
B. Choose the most appropriate antonyms of the underlined words in the
following sentences.
4. We persuaded him to look at the saleroom.
a) compelled b) dissuaded c) implanted d) removed
5. The staff looked so prosperous and unsympathetic.
a) wealthy b) rich c) poor d) luxurious
6. A genuine mistake of such a kind would have been rectified at once.
a) fake b) dishonest c) natural d) honest
7. Froma new word by adding a suitable prefix. to the base word 'audible'
a) un b) ir c) in d) dis
8. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation NRI
a) Non Residential Indian b) Non Resident Indian
c) 'Net Residential-India d) New Resident Indian
9. Fillin the blank with a suitable determiner.
Ajay had (no/any) idea about the problem.
10. Find out the clipped a word for 'Cafeteria'
a) cafetia b) cafe c) ratia d) caft
11. Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition.
The students discussed the problem themselves. (among /between)
12. Choose.the correct verb for the sentence.
Measles (is/are) very serious.
13. One who specializes in skin problem
a) cardiologist b) neurologist c) dermatologist d) neonatologist
14. Choose the appropriate ldiomatic expression for the underlined skin of his teeth.
One man had been caught by the tide in Brittany and escape by the
a) a close escape b) a difficult trap
c) a normal one d) anarrow escape
single word.
15. Substitute the phrasal verb in the sentence with a
Never put offuntil tomorrow what you can do today.
a) continue b) postpone c) finish d) halt
16. Choose the correct meaning of the foreign word 'bonafide'
a) genuine b) relationship c) brief summary d) spoken exam
(2) XI English
17. A linguist is one who studies
a) languages b) earthquake c) bird d) insects
18. Add suitable question tag to the following sentence.
They have done the project.
a) are they ? b) have they ? c) haven'tthey ? d) don't they ?
19. Choose the word that can be used after 'water to form a compound word.
a) knob b) proof c) shield
20. Choose the plural form of the underlined word in the d) piece
a) loaves phrase loaf of bread.
b) loafs c) loafes d) loafi
Part - I
Section -| 4x2 =8
Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer any
21. But nowthey only laugh with their teeth four of the following.
While their ice-block cold-eyes
a) Explain ice-block cold eyes. b)
22. Macavity's a Mystery Cat; he's called ldentify the figure of speech used here.
The Hidden Paw ........
Answer any three of the following. him for the gift that he had sent from abroad.
31. Write an e-mail to your uncle vegetable salad.
38. Describe the process of making
the words given below :
39. Complete the proverbs using want, earn)
a) Waste not, not. (fight, place)
b) Time and waits for no man. (tide, chance,
c) Every cloud has a lining. (golden, siver, black)
answer the questions.
40. Study the pie-chart given and
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