Political science
Political science
Political science
Project submitted to
Project submitted by
Shalki Tiwari
Semester six
Acknowledgements ……………………………………………………………3
References …………………………………………………………………………19
At the outset, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and thank my teacher, Dr. Avinash
for putting his trust in me and giving me a project topic such as this and for having the faith in
me to deliver. Sir, thank you for an opportunity to help me grow.
My gratitude also goes out to the staff and administration of HNLU for the infrastructure in the
form of our library and IT Lab that was a source of great help for the completion of this project.
- Shalki Tiwari
(Semester one)
Research methodology
This Doctrinal research is descriptive and analytical in nature. Secondary and Electronic
resources have been largely used to gather information and data about the topic.
Books and other reference as guided by Faculty of Political Science have been primarily helpful
in giving this project a firm structure. Websites, dictionaries and articles have also been referred.
“Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacities. She has the right to
participate in the minutest details in the activities of man, and she has an equal right of freedom
and liberty with him. She is entitled to a supreme place in her own sphere of activity as man is in
his. This ought to be the natural condition of things and not as a result only of learning to read
and write. By sheer force of a vicious custom, even the most ignorant and worthless men have
been enjoying a superiority over woman which they do not deserve and ought not to have. Many
of our movements stop half way because of the condition of our women.”1
According to the report of United Nations Publication 1980 “women constitute half of world
population, perform nearly two third of work hours, receive one tenth of the world income and
own less than one hundred percent off world’s property”. 2 Women always being an important
part of society but unfortunately they are suffering with so many problem worldwide and due to
these all measures Some historians believe that the history of violence against women is tied to
the history of women being viewed as property and a gender role assigned to be subservient to
men and also other women.3
In context of India, there is a glorious history of women and these were Indian who made a lady
prime minister in childhood of our nation named Indira Gandhi and placed the Mother before the
Father in priority for reverence. “Matra Devo Bhava” concept was only in our culture. Hinduism
is the only religion whose symbolism places the Feminine on a par with the Masculine in the
profound concept of Siva-Sakthi culminating in the image of Ardharnari-Isvara. We have
honored our country as our Motherland "Bharat Mata" and our nationalism has grown up from
the seed Mantra "Vande Mataram".
Mahatma Gandhi, Verma Committee Report, 1
Pandeya Rameshvari (2007), Women in India:Issues, Perspective and Solutio, New Century Publication, New
Delhi Pg. No.14
Harvey Penelope & Gow Peter (1994) ,Sex and Violence : Issues in Representation and Experience, Routledge
Publication U.K.ISBN 0-41505734-5, Pg No.36
But unfortunately country like India which have a glorious history of women, is going through
the worst time of women status. Violence against women has increased by 4.3 to 17.4 within last
20 years.4 The growing crime rate against women needed attention toward the problem and
analysis of legal framework of women protection and empowerment.
NCRB Report-2009 www.ncr.nic.in
Rayprol Aparna and Ray Saumya Understanding of Gender Justice (2010), Indian Journal of Gender Justice Vol.
7, October, Sage Publication New Delhi ,Pg. No. 341,
Patricia Tjaden, Defining and measuring violence against women: Background, issues, and recommendations,
NCRB-2009 shows that crime against women going with tremendous speed for instance
crime rate against women has increased from 4.3 to 17.4 within last 20 years. 8 Violence against
women takes a dismaying variety of forms, from domestic abuse, rape to child marriages and
female circumcision. However, it is important to mention here that data presented here is only a
partial reflection of the extent of crimes against women as most incidents of violence go
There has been policies for women empowerment in India 10 and such polices also aim in
promoting women in all the spheres, economically, socially, politically and legally. However,
one may see clear absence of any policy that is even remotely related with protection of women
against the sexual violence. There have been policies that dealt with development of women but
there has been explicit failure in the execution part. Also, the said policies did mentioned the
need for women empowerment but fails to determine the factors that are resulting in the sad
status of women in India and therefore such policies are not effective as the first step of policy
making is missing and the policy makers are not able to actually determine the reasons for
disparity between status of man and women in India.
In India, though, we did not need special antidiscrimination legislation or for that matters
special courts to deal with complaints relating to discrimination because of the presence of a
written Constitution. However, it may not be irrelevant to incorporate the principles of
promotion of equality and prevention of unfair discrimination, which have in fact been the
subject matter of special legislation in some jurisdictions.11
If true empowerment of women were to mean anything, it is necessary that law, as well
as public policy, must be capable of engaging substantially with women’s rights, opportunities,
acquisition of skills, the ability to generate self-confidence and insist on total equality in
relationships, both with society and the State. It is the inability of women to claim equality in
society which has led to a slant against women as a consequence of which there has been a latent
bias against women in the prosecution of crimes including its prevention.
NCRB Report-2009 www.ncr.nic.in
Source: NCRB :Crime in India, 2002; Through the www.swayam.info
National Policy for Empowerment of Women 2001
J.S. Verma Committee
The Justice Verma Committee was set up by the Government of India after the gruesome
gang rape incident that occurred in Delhi on December 16, 2012. The Committee was asked to
review existing laws and suggest amendments to criminal law to effectively deal with instances
of sexual violence. The Committee, however, did not view its mandate as only drafting new
laws. It placed its mandate within the framework of the Constitution. The Committee grounded
its report in the State’s obligation to secure the fundamental rights of its citizens, which includes
the right of every person to assert one’s individual autonomy. In the context of women, if they
are denied autonomy, even by actors other than State, the duty of the State does not diminish
only on that ground. The failure to secure rights of women results in the State denying the right
to equality and dignity that women are guaranteed under the Constitution. 12 The Committee’s
report, including the new offences that have been created, and modifications suggested of the
existing ones need to be viewed within this Constitutional framework.
The Justice Verma committee has made wide ranging recommendations for changes to
various laws that impact upon women’s right to equality and right to dignity. The report put-forth
the set of new offences recommended by the Committee, including stalking and voyeurism. The
modifications were also suggested to Section 354 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), which defines
the offence of “outraging the modesty of a woman". The offence has been re-christened as
“sexual assault” and the terminology has been changed from archaic concepts of “modesty” to
recognition of sexual autonomy, dignity and freedom. We also discuss amendments suggested to
the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Cr.P.C.) and the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (IEA). The
recommendation to introduce a new offence of trafficking, as also issues relating to medical
examination of rape survivors was also made.13
The said committee has also severly criticized and questioned the validity and authority
of the Khap Panchayats and Honor Killing to declare Marriage void and punish the girl and
boy doing so. The report has clearly stated that such activities shall be completely prohibited by
See Verma Committee Report, pg.65-67.
Pg. 228 of the report
the state and the required legislation, The Prohibition of Unlawful Assembly (Interference with
the Freedom of Matrimonial Alliances) Bill, 2011.15
The report also blamed failure of good governance is to be blamed for breakdown of rule of law
and violence against women. Deficiency of gender bias, that cannot be overcome by laws, has to
be overcome by administration.16
Report, pg. 234
6. Punishment for causing death or a persistent vegetative state in the course of committing rape
shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term, which shall not be less than twenty
years, but may be for life. Gang-rape will entail a punishment of not less than 20 years, but
which also may extend to life. Gang-rape followed by death shall be punished with not less
than life imprisonment. A special procedure for protecting persons with disabilities from
rape, and requisite procedures for access to justice for such persons is also an urgent need.
Amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure, which are necessary, have been suggested.
The protocols for medical examination of victims of sexual assault have also been
7. Recognition of Marital Rape: The Committee recognizes marital rape. Recommends
removing of ‘marital rape exception’.
8. Sexual violence by members of the Armed Forces: Sexual violence against women by
members of the armed forces or uniformed personnel must be brought under the purview of
ordinary criminal law. There is an imminent need to review the continuance of Armed Forces
(Special Powers) Act 1958. The panel recommends amendment to Section 6 of AFSPA.
9. All marriages in India (irrespective of the personal laws under which such marriages are
solemnized) should mandatorily be registered in the presence of a magistrate, which
magistrate will ensure that the marriage has been solemnized without any demand for dowry
having been made and that the marriage has taken place with the full and free consent of both
10. Authentic figures of missing children in India are not available for obvious reasons of the
complicity of law enforcement agencies. Children have been driven into forced labour, sex
abuse, sexual exploitation as well as made victims of illegal organ trade. Our report includes
the testimonies of children (whose identities have been concealed for their safety) to verify
facts from their personal experience. As a small gesture, this Committee has (at its own cost)
taken necessary steps for proper rehabilitation and education of one of these children,
payment of the minimum wages due to the said child, her safe passage and reintegration with
her family, psychotherapeutic intervention, and to fulfil her educational aspirations.The
Committee expects similar treatment by the State of all such deprived children.
11. To augment the police force, there is a need to develop community policing by involving
the local gentry, which would also motivate them to perform their duty as citizens.
Respectable persons in each locality could also be appointed Special Executive Magistrates
under Section 21, Cr.P.C. and invested with powers to deal with the traffic offences and other
minor offences. In addition, to assisting the maintenance of law and order in the locality,
their presence would inspire greater confidence of safety in the locality.
12. Street lighting everywhere would provide more safety since dark areas are more prone to
facilitate crimes. There is great wisdom in the words of the American Judge Louis Brandeis,
that "Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectant; electric light the most efficient
The Verma committee was formulated in quite haste, for dealing with such a
trivial issue of national issue, to calm down the clamor of the public. Time of just one month for
formulating a report on a trivial matter of protection of women, also, the report incorporates in
itself not just the matter of rape or sexual assault, but also the police reforms that may help in
protection of women in India hence for it should not have been made in such a hurry.
Also, the committee consists only 3 member, J. Verma, J. Leila Seth, and
Mr. Gopal Subhramanyam. In the matter of formulation of such a policy, that relates so closely
and affects women, the committee shall also include imperative Women Right Activist, who has
been involved and has been working in such matters since a long time. None of the members of
the committee was activist in this field.
The report is also completely silent on the law of prostitution. Since prostitution without
pimps and solicitation is legal in India, the practice of prostitution could curb rapes especially in
cities that are flooded with male migrant workers. One of the reasons why rape is fewer in
Mumbai, despite it being the glamour capital of India, is the widespread existence of red-light
areas. It is very important for any just society to address itself to the sexual needs of its people in
a thoughtful manner, taking the socio-economic constraints into consideration17.
Recommendations such as reviewing the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 can
have a demoralising effect of jawans fighting terrorists in places where few dare to tread. The
safeguards therein for prior sanction for prosecution are to curb motivated complaints by terrorist
elements to demoralise the police force.
The said report had not talk about the reformation of the convicts, rather they
have supported the deterrence theory of punishment. Reformation of such convicts are quite
important for the purposes of betterment of the society. Reforming these convicts should be the
aim of these punishments rather that merely punishing and retribution them.
The report also refuses to lessen the age of Juveniles from 18 to 16 merely on
the basis that the said juvenile may not be reformed during the term he will be in the prison. The
said basis is quite illogical as the committee is not believing in the reformative sysem of the
prison. Also, in the case because of which he said committee was established the juvenile
himself has assaulted the victim in the most draconian and brutal way. If he gets acquitted
merely on the ground that he’s a juvenile and has attained the age of 17.5 and not 18, it will be
absolute denial of justice! The committee should rather have recommended that for convicting,
mental status of juvenile should be taken into consideration and nothing else.
The report did not talk about the made up offence by women merely for the
purpose of accusing men and rapping them in the false charges. For example, maximum number
of cases in Dowry Prohibition Act are false and are merely are lodged to harass the in-laws.
Also, It has been history that that if actual facts and circumstances where the accused as well as
victims have been brought up should not be taken into consideration that may result in denial of
Further, the ordinance fails to provide for rehabilitation of victims/survivors by
the state, thereby, continuing a faulty approach wherein rape, acid attacks etc are viewed as
matters between individuals rather than a general phenomenon and State responsibility. The
language of “outraging the modesty of a woman” is retained in the new law, thereby, keeping the
onus of proving modesty and good character upon women. Through the ordinance, the
government has of course, denied urgency to issues of reforms in Constitution, governance,
policing and education.
S. 354, S. 354A and S. 354B have not been made gender neutral. One fail to
understand the difference between a man watching a woman naked or a woman watching a man
naked. Both are voyeuristic, unless the state want to attach value to women's modesty. So is for
sexual assault and disrobing.
“A society that is unable to respect, protect and nurture its women and children loses its moral
moorings and runs adrift.”18
The committee has also criticized the social scenario and has taken all such action
through educational reforms to change the male dominant mentality of the society. All hese
changes take their time. Certainly there is need for changes in the mentality of the men as well as
women as hey as always been seen as subordinate to women despite of all the developments.
The Hindu- Opinion; Sept, 15 2012
But the ball is again in the court of executive and it is all on them how they execute the
said reforms and the legislature to enact a proper law consistent with the recommendations made.
The committee has done a commendable job in such a short period of time all the facets of crime
against women has been looked into with all the possible scrutiny all that now required is for the
people to respect a women, change their mindsets and also reverse back to that society where
women had a dignified respected life and she can walk without fear equally to men.
Verma Committee Report, 2013
Rayprol Aparna and Ray Saumya Understanding of Gender Justice (2010), Indian Journal
of Gender Justice Vol. 7, October, Sage Publication New Delhi ,Pg. No. 341,
Patricia Tjaden, Defining and measuring violence against women: Background, issues,
and recommendations,
Pandeya Rameshvari (2007), Women in India:Issues, Perspective and Solutio, New
Century Publication, New Delhi Pg. No.14
Harvey Penelope & Gow Peter (1994) ,Sex and Violence : Issues in Representation and
Experience, Routledge Publication U.K.ISBN 0-41505734-5, Pg No.36