, 42:705–715 (2002)
SYNOPSIS. We review here factors that control the excitability of the giant neuron-mediated tail-flip escape
behavior in crayfish, focusing especially on recent findings concerning serotonergic modulation. Serotonin
can either facilitate or inhibit escape depending on concentration and pattern of application. Low concen-
trations facilitate while high ones inhibit; however, if high concentrations arise gradually they facilitate
instead of inhibiting. The effects of serotonin can also be altered by social experience, with application
regimens that cause facilitation in social isolates coming to produce inhibition after an extended period of
living as a subordinate. Attempts to understand both the possible physiological basis of some of these com-
For most neurobiologists it is an article of faith that unique opportunities: (1) The connection between cel-
the behavior which emerges from nervous systems is lular phenomena and behavior is often much clearer in
the product of a neural machine. But the machine is invertebrates due to the relative simplicity of some of
one in which a given neural circuit does not always their behavior-producing neural circuitry; thus, we can
work the same way. Operational properties of a circuit discover the natural uses made of instances of plastic-
can change due to learning and due to modulation by ity and modulation. (2) The very diversity of inverte-
other circuits, imparting to the behavior of a given brates inevitably exposes us to a wider array of phe-
individual the great variety and irregularity that makes nomena than we would see from studying mammals
the behavior of animals and ourselves interesting and alone; thus it helps us distinguish what is general from
a challenge to our understanding. To a great degree, what is not.
though not entirely, changes in the properties of neural We review here work on plasticity seen in the neural
circuits are due to changes in the functional properties circuitry which mediates escape behavior in crayfish,
of their synapses. with a focus on recent surprising findings on seroto-
The last several decades have seen remarkable pro- nergic modulation, and their possible functional sig-
gress in uncovering various forms of synaptic plastic- nificance.
ity induced either by activity or by chemical modula-
tors. Some of the first forms of synaptic plasticity to THE NEURAL CIRCUITRY UNDERLYING
be described and related to behavioral plasticity were ESCAPE BEHAVIOR
in invertebrates—specifically in Aplysia (see articles Escape can be mediated in two rather different ways
by Sutton and Carew, 2002, and Sherff and Carew, as indicated separately on the left and right of Figure
2002 [this issue]; Kandel, 1976) and also in crayfish 1A (for a review see Edwards et al., 1999). The cir-
(Krasne, 1969; Zucker, 1972; Zucker et al., 1971). In cuitry on the left produces either of two distinct types
parallel with these studies on invertebrates were dis-
of response, depending on locus of stimulation. Each
coveries beginning at roughly the same time on mam-
response type is associated with a giant command neu-
malian hippocampal LTP (Bliss and Collingridge,
ron. The medial giants (MGs) sum input from anterior
1993), which is now widely regarded as a possible
sensory channels and make output connections with
mechanism of associative learning. This latter line of
giant flexor motor neurons (motor ‘‘giants’’—MoGs in
work has led to a veritable frenzy of activity directed
both at working out cellular and molecular mecha- Fig. 1) that cause a dart backwards when the excitation
nisms of long-term potentiation (LTP) and at trying to produces even one spike in the MGs. The lateral gi-
fathom what might be its actual roles visa vi behavior. ants (LGs) sum input from posterior channels and
Research on LTP has somewhat eclipsed invertebrate cause an upward rotation that distances the hind end
research, but invertebrate systems continue to provide of the animal from the disturbing stimulus. MG and
LG responses are often referred to as ‘‘reflex’’ respons-
1 From the Symposium Recent Advances in Neurobiology pre-
es or as ‘‘giant fiber (GF)’’ responses for the giant
sented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and
axons of the MGs and LGs, which run the length of
Comparative Biology, 2–6 January 2002, at Anaheim, California. the nerve cord. GF responses are very prompt (muscle
2 E-mail: [email protected] potentials can begin within 3 msec) and are good at
getting the crayfish moving away from the source of sophisticated responses of the non-G circuitry come at
stimulation rapidly. a price: They are far from prompt (latencies are about
The circuitry on the right has no giant neurons (non- 100 msec).
G circuitry), is much more complex, and is far from Before beginning to discuss forms of synaptic mod-
fully charted. Whereas the giant-containing circuitry ulation that have been studied in the GF circuitry it
produces only two very stereotyped forms of response should be noted that only the synapses between pri-
(‘‘back’’ and ‘‘upward rotation’’) and always single mary afferents and the sensory interneurons of the GF
flexions, the responses generated by the non-giant cir- circuitry are conventional chemical synapses. The re-
cuitry have a seemingly infinite variety of possible mainder are voltage-gated electrical synapses, which
forms and can occur in repetitive strings (‘‘swims’’). pass current effectively only when the presynaptic side
Using this circuitry crayfish can move directly away of the synapse is made positive relative to the post-
from an oblique stimulus, avoid obstacles, and move synaptic side by the arrival of a presynaptic spike (Ed-
toward specific locations. Unlike GF responses, which wards et al., 1991; Furshpan and Potter, 1959; Giaume
ordinarily occur only in response to abrupt and fairly et al., 1987; Jaslove and Brink, 1986). Qualitatively,
vigorous stimulation, non-G responses are often these voltage-gated electrical synapses have many of
prompted by gradually developing threats. The more the same properties as chemical synapses. These in-
might suppress it. This conjecture was soon verified. mission at the first synapse that leads to behavioral
Octopamine enhances transmission at the first synapse sensitization of GF escape (Krasne and Glanzman,
(Fig. 2, line 5; Bustamante and Krasne, 1991; Glanz- 1986); the possibility that this is mediated by octopa-
man and Krasne, 1983), and serotonin was initially mine is obvious, but it has not been established. Lim-
found to inhibit transmission (but see further below), ited evidence also suggests that serotonin might under
at least in part by an action at the level of the LGs some circumstances share with GABA a role in the
(Fig. 2, line 6; Glanzman and Krasne, 1983; Vu and tonic inhibition mentioned above (Glanzman and Kras-
Krasne, 1993). It was found soon thereafter that trau- ne, 1986, but see Vu and Krasne, 1993).
matic stimulation also causes a facilitation of trans-
Serotonergic modulation
Though the discovery of serotonergic inhibition was
consistent with the conjectures that had prompted the
first test of serotonin’s effects, it has recently become
clear that these effects are much more complex than
originally believed. Experiments done in the Edwards
lab by Shi-Rung Yeh, over a decade after the first ex-
periments showing an inhibitory effect, consistently
found serotonin to have a facilitatory effect on trans-
mission to the LGs (Yeh et al., 1996, 1997). After a
period of some confusion it eventually became clear
that the difference lay in the regimen of serotonin ap-
plication (Teshiba et al., 2001). When serotonin is in-
troduced as rapidly as possible (FAST in Fig. 4) and
left in place for only 10–15 min (SHORT in Fig. 4),
FIG. 4. Mean time course of b component EPSP amplitude during as was done in the original experiments, inhibition de-
and following 5-HT exposure. Beta component amplitudes were nor-
malized by their values on the last stimulation before the start of 5- velops over 5–10 min and washes out at the same rate
HT exposure. The EPSP amplitude on the last trial in 5-HT is taken (Fig. 4, solid triangles). However, when serotonin lev-
as the 0 time point for the washout graphs (Teshiba et al., 2001). els are allowed to increase only gradually (SLOW in
tate transmission to the LGs (as discussed above), after chloride conductance-increasing type of inhibition pro-
a crayfish has lived for 1–2 wk as a subordinate, se- duced by high 5-HT, but a hyperpolarizing, presum-
rotonin comes to inhibit transmission to the LGs (Fig. ably potassium conductance-increasing inhibition.
6; Yeh et al., 1996, 1997). This is not the depolarizing, Thus, whereas in isolates low concentrations of 5-HT
decrease potassium ion conductance, in subordinates
serotonin increases potassium ion conductance—a di-
rectly opposite effect (Fig. 2, line 8). Living as a dom-
inant causes a more subtle change: Whereas in isolates
prolonged exposure to serotonin causes facilitation that
persists after washout of serotonin, dominants do not
show this persistence of facilitation.
Preliminary pharmacological experiments suggest
that exposure to a vertebrate 5-HT2 receptor agonist
[a-methyl 5-HT] mimics the faciltatory effects of se-
rotonin, while a 5-HT1 agonist [1-(3-chlorophenyl) pi-
perazine] has little effect in isolates but has a large
inhibitory effect in subordinates (Fig. 7; Yeh et al.,
1997). This interesting observation suggests the pos-
sibility that the transformation of serotonin’s net effect
from facilitatory to inhibitory might be due to the in-
sertion of a species of 5-HT1 receptor into LG mem-
FIG. 7. Effects of serotonin and agonists on isolated and subordi- brane or to some alteration in such a receptor’s down-
nate crayfish (Data from Yeh et al., 1997). stream signaling effects. However, the effects of the
agonists in dominants belie this straight-forward inter- provide any obvious reason for the changes in sero-
pretation, since 5-HT1 agonists also produce an inhib- tonin’s effect as a function of social status. Indeed, if
itory effect in dominants, while 5-HT2 agonist effects one assumes that serotonin is released during agonistic
are not altered. The cloning of crayfish 5-HT receptors encounters, one is faced with the conundrum that se-
is in progress, and soon receptor antibodies will be rotonergic modulation should make subordinates less
used to look for changes in the amount of specific likely to escape during social interactions than are
receptor types on the LGs as the result of social ex- dominants!! Obviously some information on whether
perience (Spitzer et al., 2001). and how escape is in fact modulated during social in-
These are fascinating observations. The finding that teractions would help.
experience can alter the qualitative effect of a neuro-
modulator seems both new and remarkable. Moreover, NEUROETHOLOGY OF GF MODULATION DURING
when one considers that mental illnesses often seem SOCIAL INTERACTIONS
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when the dominant attacks the subordinate or when that could be used to directly test the excitability of
the subordinate bumps into the dominant while ex- the LG (Figure 10; Krasne et al., 1997). When the
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