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P E 0 3 P H Y S I C A L A C T I V I T I E S T O WA R D S H E A LT H A N D

F I T N E S S 1 ( P E )
N o t e s / R e v i e w e r
TOPIC 1: INTRODUCTION TO DANCE PHILIPPINE Joy and sa sfac on – person’s physical well-being
FOLKDANCE improves when they par cipate in dancing ac vi es;
as s/he completes the phasing of dance, one can feel
 Dance
sa sfied
 Benefits of Dance
 Dance Literature Grace and coordina on – it boosts your ability to
 Dance Terms Used in Haplik respond to rhythmic pa erns; consistent
 Dance Steps Used in Haplik par cipa on will strengthen one’s neuromuscular
coordina on and aid in the development of
DANCE precision grace
Dance – consistently been an integral part of human Self-expression – improves poise and posture; with
existence elegance and poise, one may communicate socially,
 Mode of physical manifesta on adheres to emo onally, and intellectually through physical
musical accompaniment and structured expression
rhythmic sequences DANCE LITERATURE
Art of dance – evolved from early human Haplik
civiliza ons u lizing movement to express a range of
emo on at significant life events, including but not Source: Philippine Folkdances - Vol. 2 Francisca
limited to birth, death, marriage and warfare Reyes Aquino “Mother of Philippine Folk dance”
(Na onal Ar st in Dance)
 This progression has led to the development of
contemporary styles of social dancing Meaning: named a er the dance step Haplik

Indigenous people – perform folk dances in the Dance Culture: Chris an Lowland
context of cultural gatherings and fes vi es while Place of Origin: Iloilo, An que
wearing tradi onal a re and using customary music
Ethnolinguis c: Kinaray-a and Ilonggo
Folk dances in PH – showcased on many social
occasions, including in mate ceremonies such as Classifica on: Social Dance
weddings and joyous gatherings like fes vals Background: this lively dance is popular in Iloilo and
 Philippines possesses a wealth of cultural legacy, An que. Named a er the step Haplik, which is used
with each tradi onal dance accompanied by its in Fig. III. This step is found also in some other
unique origin narra ve dances
 Ar facts embody their respec ve places’ Dance Proper es:
cultural, standard, and historical aspects
 Female – Patadyong, Camisa, and so panuelo
Francisca Reyes-Aquino – mother of Philippine over the L shoulder.
Dancing and inaugural recipient of the esteemed  Male – Barong Tagalog and White Trousers
tle of Na onal Ar st for Dance  Music – 2/4 Time Signature Composed music A,
 Count – One, Two; One, and, Two; One, and,
Fitness – dancing is one of many enjoyable and Two, and to a measure.
diverse hobbies that can be done as a form of
expression, leisure, or exercise to improve fitness


P E 0 3 P H Y S I C A L A C T I V I T I E S T O WA R D S H E A LT H A N D
F I T N E S S 1 ( P E )
N o t e s / R e v i e w e r
Forma on: sets of two pairs - Partners stand (d) repeat (b), hopping on the R and swinging the L
Opposite each other about six feet apart. Boys and foot...........(1M)
girls alternately. (e) repeat (c) turning le , star ng with the le
(f) repeat (b).................1M
Tap – to rap (hit) slightly with the ball or toe of the (g) take two steps backward (R, L) (cts. 1,2).........1M
free foot, flexing the ankle joint keeping the weight (h) close R foot to L foot in first Posi on (ct. 1), pause
of the body on the other foot; no transfer of weight (ct. 2)

Cut – to quickly displace one foot with the other, TOPIC 2: AEROBICS
thus completely taking off the weight of the body
 Overview of Aerobic Exercises
from the displaced foot
 Benefits of Aerobic Exercises
Stamps – to bring down the foot forcibly and nosily  Components
on the floor with or without transfer the weight  Safety Measures
Hop – a spring (jump) from one foot landing on the  Example of Zumba Steps
same foot in place or in any direc on OVERVIEW OF AEROBIC EXERCISES
Swing - raise the foreleg lightly and move forward, Aerobic Exercise – exercise that involves or improves
backward, diagonally oxygen consump on by the body
Three-step turn Aerobic – means “with oxygen,” refers to the use of
Close – to place foot nearer to other foot oxygen in the body’s metabolic or energy-genera ng
 Type of moderate-intensity physical ac vity that
Contra-ganza - leap sideward right (le ) onto R (L) you can sustain for more than just a few minutes
foot (ct. 1), step L (R) across the R (L) in front (ct. with the objec ve of improving your
and), quickly step the R (L) foot in place (cts. 2); cardiorespiratory fitness and your health
commonly done sideward
Change step – (1 to a measure): Step R fwd (ct 1),
close L to R (ct &), step R again fwd Maintain physical fitness – combined with a healthy
diet, aerobic exercise helps you lose weight and keep
Rock step – rock fwd onto R raising L sharply it off
behind the calf of R leg, knee bent and turned out
slightly (ct 1); rock backward L (ct 2) Increase your stamina, fitness and strength –
strengthen cardio vascular and promotes good
Haplik step blood circula on results to stamina and reduces
(a) take two steps forward R, L (cts. 1, 2).........1M fa gue
(b) hop on L, raise the R knee in front and swing the Reduces health risks – obesity, heart disease, high
R foot to le (ct. 1), hop again on the L, and swing blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, metabolic
the R foot obliquely forward right (ct.2)..........1M syndrome, stroke and certain types of cancer
(c) make three- step turn right in place, star ng with
the R foot (cts. 1, and, Boost your mood – ease the gloominess of
depression, reduce the tension associated with
2) .........1M


P E 0 3 P H Y S I C A L A C T I V I T I E S T O WA R D S H E A LT H A N D
F I T N E S S 1 ( P E )
N o t e s / R e v i e w e r
anxiety and promote relaxa on; can also improve yourself, be ready on the sweat you are going to
sleep release and have some me to warm up your body
to avoid fa gue and muscle cramps
Ward off viral illnesses – ac vates immune system
in a good wat; may leave less suscep ble to minor Eat something light before your class – like nuts or
viral illnesses (colds and flu) fruits before you a end your Zumba class as you
need to charge up your body for workout; can eat a
Live longer – people who par cipate in regular
meal 2 hours prior to your Zumba class
aerobic exercise live longer than those who don’t
exercise regularly; may have lower risk of dying of all Warm up and cool down – good warm-up will help
causes, such as heart diseases and certain types of raise your body temperature, work your muscles,
cancer and reduce soreness a erward; brief cool-down
consis ng of lighter physical ac vity will help bring
down your heart rate, respiratory rate, and body
Low impact aerobic exercises temperature; Zumba instructors o en use music
with slower beat as the ini al and final song to
 Walking *rowing
accomplish those goals
 Swimming *cycling
Hydrate – likely to perspire a great deal and can
High impact aerobic exercises
become dehydrated quickly; so bring bo le of water
 Running *jumping rope and stop for frequent sips; humidity can add to your
 Zumba *performing high impact risk of passing out; watch for lightheadedness and
rou nes or step aerobics stop if you feel faint

Aerobics – workout type which involves jumping, Modify those moves – use common sense and avoid
running, skipping, dancing and exercises that dangerous moves, even if the teacher and neighbors
promotes cardio vascular endurance are doing it; good instructor will demonstrate lower-
intensity alterna ves and tailor the class to
Zumba exercise – workout dance in which you have par cipants level of performance
to involve the en re body for every movement;
based on La n dance movement which relays on Ditch the crowds – Zumba requires healthy amount
burning calories from the whole body of physical space so that people don’t injure others
with high-velocity movements like boxing punches
or chorus-line kicks; crowded classes can lead to
injuries, bumps, and falls; check out mul ple
facili es and various mes of the day to find which
classes are least congested
Consult your physician – as with any high-intensity
cardio exercise, its best to see your doctor before
you begin, especially if you have heart disease or
kidney disease, asthma or emphysema, high blood
SAFETY MEASURES pressure, arthri s, osteoporosis, or disk hernia ons
Prepare for class – includes tangible equipment like
shoes, dress and even tumbler or bo led water for
your hydra on; most important thing to prepare is


P E 0 3 P H Y S I C A L A C T I V I T I E S T O WA R D S H E A LT H A N D
F I T N E S S 1 ( P E )
N o t e s / R e v i e w e r
EXAMPLES OF ZUMBA STEPS  step your le foot out to the side
 bring your foot a step back and cross over it with
Basic step
your le foot; repeat mul ple mes
 start with your feet side by side, about hip-
distance apart
 step about two feet forward with your lead or  stand with your feet hip-width
dominant leg  to move to the right, step your right foot to the
 step back two feet with your lead leg and draw side
the other foot back to meet it  cross your le foot behind the right
 step your right foot again to your right and tap
your le foot next to it to switch direc ons
 stand with your feet hip-distance apart
 step forward with the right foot as wide as
possible, then step forward and out with the le  Origin of Taebo
foot as wide as possible  Benefits of Taebo
 step right foot and le foot back to hip-distance,  Basic Skills: Punches and Kicks
one count at a me; repeat for the designated  Taebo Workout
number of reps
Origin of Taebo
 leading with the right foot, step up on right
corner of the bench sideways  Considered the number one fitness system in the
 then bring the le foot up onto the bench to the
le corner as you turn  Invented in 1976 by performing moves in Tae
 step off the bench with the right foot, bring the Kwon style on music
le foot down next to the right foot  Developed as workout in 1980s in order to
provide boxing fighters with new methods of
Step touch muscle strengthening
 stand with your feet side by side and hip distance  Gained popularity during 1990s
apart Willy Wayne Blanks “Billy Blanks”
 step your lead or dominant leg to the side and
bring the other foot to meet it Defini on of Taebo
 switch the direc on as you alternate touching Tae – meaning foot or leg, to represent kicking and
the ground side to side lower body movements
 some mes, you might do two to four steps to
Bo – short for boxing, to represent the upper body
the right, and then an
striking and defense
Box step
Taebo – combina on of kickboxing, aerobics, and
 stand with your feet hip-width distance and dancing
parallel to one another
 Constant mo on set to a dance beat
 for a right leg lead, step your right foot slightly
forward and in front of your le foot


P E 0 3 P H Y S I C A L A C T I V I T I E S T O WA R D S H E A LT H A N D
F I T N E S S 1 ( P E )
N o t e s / R e v i e w e r
T – total knee forward and to a 90° bend and parallel to
the floor first, then push out as hard as you can
A – awareness
with your heel before bringing it back to the 90°
E – excellent posi on and returning your foot to the floor
 Side kick – bring near foot forward, even with
B – body
your front foot; shi to one side and keep the
O - obedience opposite foot parallel with the floor with your
knee at a 90° bend; push out as hard as you can
with your heel before bring it back to the 90°
 Muscle building and toning through punches and posi on and returning your foot to the floor
kicks  Back kick – shi forward, engage your core, bend
 Cardiovascular workout through combina on of your knee, and bring it forward, and then push
mar al arts, boxing, and dancing back and up with your heel
 Weight loss, the exercise program will burn
calories during the rou ne
 Self defense, kicking and punching done during a Taekwon-Boxing-Dancing
Tae Bo workout leads to a be er grasp of self-
defense methods
*Tae Bo is not a self-defense course and should not
a empt to use the techniques outside the workout

 Standard punch or cross – pivot your back foot

as you punch forward with your rear hand; make
sure to drive your power from your back foot all
the way through to your fist
 Jab – shi your weight forward ever so slightly as
you punch forward with the front fit; don’t push
forward so much that you lose contact with the
ground with your back foot
 Upper cut – as you drive from down to up with
your back arm, pivot with your back foot for
extra power
 Hook – keep the hand at shoulder height as you
swing across with the front arm, and pivot with
your front foot for extra power

 Front kick – bring fists up to just in front of your

face as you shi your weight back and kick
forward; kick with your rear foot by bringing the


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