1 2 3
Crease the diagonal, flip Crease the halfway mark on Crease on the fourth, making
the paper over. adjacent edges, make the the line sharp only about
crease sharp only where halfway up the square.
4 5 6
Flip the sheet over. Crease the angle bisectors. Crease diagonally up to the
creases just made.
7 8 9
Flip the paper over. Crease the halfway mark on Crease from the
adjacent edges, making it indicated intersection.
sharp only where indicated.
10 11 12
Continue the crease from Crease diagonally from one Flip the paper over.
the intersection. intersection to the other.
13 14 15
16 17 18
Crease the diagonal only to Valley-fold from one Valley-fold vertically along
the indicated line. intersection to the other. the underlying crease.
19 20 21
22 23 24
Crease the angle Crease from the Fold the paper in half
bisectors. intersection to the edge. diagonally.
25 26 27
Fold the corner over Detail of the corner. Valley fold along the
on existing creases. underlying crease.
28 29 30
34 35 36
37 38 39
40 41
46 90° 47 48
49 50 51
52 53 54
Untuck the small corner. Fold one layer to the left. Fold the next layer to the left.
55 56 57
58 59 60
61 62 63
Detail of the tip. Untuck the small flap. Crease the edges toward
the center.
64 65 66
70 71 72
73 74 75
Fold the pair of pleated Fold the next pair of flaps Bring the creased
flaps up. up. The model will not edges to the center.
lie flat.
76 77 78 79
Bring the
raw edges
The model Spread- Crease the
will lie flat. squash. layer in half. Closed-sink..
80 81 82 83
Fold the steps 77-71 Valley-fold
Open-sink in layers back on the right the two leg
and out. over. side. flaps down.
84 85 86 87
Fold one
wide layer
Valley-fold and many
the two arm narrow Preacrease Fold the
flaps down. layers over. in half. layers back.
88 89 90
Fold the
head Flip over. Detail of
backward. head.
91 92 93 94
142 143
147 148