DDD SF - Topic
DDD SF - Topic
DDD SF - Topic
Key points
Drug development follows a
structured sequence of different
steps ensuring safety and aiming at
therapeutic progress.
The process is structured by the
successive conduct of phase I, II, PHASES OF CLINICAL TRIALS
and III clinical trials.
Appropriate interpretation of I. PHASE 0: CLINICAL TRIAL
clinical trial results is paramount Phase 0 implicates investigative,
The forms and the methods of drug first-in-human (FIH) trials conducted
development are evolving in the era according to FDA guidelines.
of targeted agents . Phase 0 trials besides being termed
as human microdose studies, have
Clinical Trial single sub-therapeutic doses given
A clinical trial is a research study to 10 to 15 volunteers and give
conducted in patients, with patients, pharmacokinetic data or help with
and for patients, to answer specific imaging specific targets without
questions about their treatment, exerting pharmacological actions.
diagnosis, or follow-up. Pharmaceutical industries perform
Clinical trials (also called Phase 0 studies to pick which of
interventional studies) are used to their drug applicants has the
determine whether new biomedical preeminent pharmacokinetic
or behavioral interventions are both parameters in humans.
safe for patients and effective at
treating their disease II. PHASE 1: SAFETY AND DOSAGE
Non-interventional clinical study is a Phase I trials are the first tests of a
study where the medicinal drug with a lesser number of
product(s) if given, are prescribed healthy human volunteers.
as per current practice. In most cases, 20 to 80 healthy
The objectives may be to collect volunteers with the
additional data relating to the disease/condition participate in
disease or its treatment such as Phase 1.
cognitive function and long term Patients are generally only used if
toxicity profile. the mechanism of action of a drug
Drug development process is a indicates that it will not be tolerated
generic term for the process by in healthy people.
which an investigational drug Phase 1 studies are closely
advances from preclinical studies to monitored and collect information
clinical trials, through to approval about Pharmacodynamics in the
for marketing after review by human body.
regulatory agencies. Researchers adjust dosage
regimens based on animal study
data to find out what dose of a drug
can tolerate the body and what are
its acute side effects.
As a Phase 1 trial continues,
researchers find out:
the research mechanism of
the side effects accompanying
with increase in dosage
information about effectiveness.
Almost 70% of drugs travel to the
next phase
III. PHASE 2: EFFICACY AND SIDE New Drug Application
EFFECTS A New Drug Application (NDA)
Phase II trials are conducted on expresses the full story of a drug
larger groups of patients (a few molecule.
hundred) and are aimed to evaluate Its purpose is to verify that a drug is
the efficacy of the drug and to safe and effective for its proposed
endure the Phase I safety use in the people studied.
assessments. A drug developer must include all
These trials aren‘t sufficient to about a drug starting from
confirm whether the drug will be preclinical data to Phase 3 trial data
therapeutic. in the NDA
Phase 2 studies provide additional Developers must include reports on
safety data to the researchers. all studies, data, and analysis.
Researchers use these data to:
refine research questions Besides clinical trial outcomes,
develop research methods developers must include:
design new Phase 3 research Proposed labeling
protocols Safety updates
Around 33% of drugs travel to the Drug abuse information
next phase. Patent information
Most prominently, Phase II clinical Institutional review board
studies aid to find therapeutic doses compliance information
for the large-scale Phase III studies. Directions for use
It is normally used:
where literacy is a problem
where there are cultural or political
concerns with signing contract-like
where either the researcher and/or
the participant could be put at risk
by the existence of a paper record
where time for consent is limited,
e.g. a chance interaction between
researcher and participant
(although you should not use an oral
process merely to correct poor
planning of research)
for research conducted via remote
video conferencing software