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6. Pure Visual 2D Mapping and Navigation

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Pure visual 2D mapping navigation

6. Pure visual 2D mapping navigation
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Use
6.2.1. Map construction
6.2.2. Controlling the robot
6.2.3. Map saving
6.2.4. Navigation
6.3. Topics and services
6.4. Configuration parameters
6.5, TF transformation

depthimage_to_laserscan: http://wiki.ros.org/depthimage_to_laserscan

depthimage_to_laserscan source code: https://github.com/ros-perception/depthimage_to_lasersca


6.1. Introduction
depthimage_to_laserscan takes a depth image (float encoded meters or preferably uint16
encoded millimeters for OpenNI devices) and generates a 2D laser scan based on the provided
parameters. depthimage_to_laserscan uses delayed subscription, which does not subscribe to
image or camera information until a user scans.

The depthimage_to_laserscan function package converts depth images into lidar data, and its
mapping and navigation functions are the same as lidar. Note: The scanning range of the depth
camera is not 360°.

6.2. Use
Note: Pure depth mapping navigation in this section does not work well and is not

Note: When building a map, the slower the speed, the better the effect (note that the
rotation speed should be slower). If the speed is too fast, the effect will be poor.

According to different models, you only need to set the purchased model in [.bashrc], X1 (normal
four-wheel drive) X3 (Mailun) Take X3 as an example

#Raspberry Pi 5 master needs to enter docker first, please perform this step
#If running the script into docker fails, please refer to ROS/07, Docker tutorial

Open the [.bashrc] file

sudo vim .bashrc

Find the [ROBOT_TYPE] parameters and modify the corresponding car model

export ROBOT_TYPE=X3 # ROBOT_TYPE: X1 X3 X3plus R2 X7

6.2.1. Map construction

Start command (robot side)

roslaunch yahboomcar_nav astrapro_bringup.launch

<PI5 needs to open another terminal to enter the same docker container

Mapping command (robot side)

roslaunch yahboomcar_nav yahboomcar_map.launch use_rviz:=false map_type:=gmapping

[use_rviz] parameter: whether to enable rviz visualization.

[map_type] parameter: Set the mapping algorithm [gmapping].

Turn on the visual interface (virtual machine side)

roslaunch yahboomcar_nav view_vision_mapping.launch

6.2.2. Controlling the robot

Keyboard controls robot movement

rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py # System integration

roslaunch yahboomcar_ctrl yahboom_keyboard.launch # Custom

Control the robot movement with the handle

There may be some scattered points during the mapping process. If the mapping environment is
well closed, relatively regular, and the movement is slow, the scattering phenomenon will be much

6.2.3. Map saving

rosrun map_server map_saver -f ~/yahboomcar_ws/src/yahboomcar_nav/maps/my_map #

The first way
bash ~/yahboomcar_ws/src/yahboomcar_nav/maps/map.sh # The second way

The map will be saved to the ~/yahboomcar_ws/src/yahboomcar_nav/maps/ folder, a pgm image

and a yaml file.


image: map.pgm
resolution: 0.05
origin: [-15.4,-12.2,0.0]
Negate: 0
occupied_thresh: 0.65
free_thresh: 0.196

Parameter analysis:
image: The path of the map file, which can be an absolute path or a relative path.

resolution: resolution of the map, meters/pixel

Origin: 2D pose (x, y, yaw) in the lower left corner of the map. The yaw here is rotated
counterclockwise (yaw=0 means no rotation). Many parts of the current system ignore the
yaw value.

negate: whether to reverse the meaning of white/black and free/occupied (the interpretation
of the threshold is not affected)

occupied_thresh: Pixels with an occupation probability greater than this threshold will be
considered fully occupied.

free_thresh: Pixels with occupancy probability less than this threshold will be considered
completely free.

6.2.4. Navigation

Start command (robot side)

roslaunch yahboomcar_nav astrapro_bringup.launch

<PI5 needs to open another terminal to enter the same docker container

Navigation commands (robot side)

roslaunch yahboomcar_nav yahboomcar_navigation.launch use_rviz:=false map:=house

[use_rviz] parameter: whether to enable rviz visualization.

[map_type] parameter: Set the mapping algorithm [gmapping].

Turn on the visual interface (virtual machine side)

roslaunch yahboomcar_nav view_navigate.launch

1. Single point navigation

Use the [2D Pose Estimate] of the [rviz] tool to set the initial pose until the position of the car
in the simulation is consistent with the position of the actual car.

Click [2D Nav Goal] of the [rviz] tool, and then select a target point on the map where there
are no obstacles. Release the mouse to start navigation. Only one target point can be
selected, and it will stop when it is reached.

2. Multi-point navigation

Same as the first step of single-point navigation, first set the initial pose of the car.

Click [Publish Point] of the [rviz] tool, and then select the target point on the map where there
are no obstacles. Release the mouse to start navigation. You can click [Publish Point] again,
and then select the point, and the robot will click on it. Cruising between points.

When using the [2D Pose Estimate] tool of the [rviz] tool to set the initial pose of the car, the
multi-point navigation function is automatically canceled.

6.3. Topics and services

Type Description

Input image. This can be in floating point or

raw uint16 format. For OpenNI devices,
uint16 is the native representation and is
more efficient to handle. This is usually
image sensor_msgs/Image /camera/depth/image_raw. If your image is
distorted, you should remap this theme to
image_rect. OpenNI cameras typically have
very little distortion, so correction can be
skipped for this application.

Camera information for the associated

camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo

Post Topic Type Description

Output laser scan. and will output a range

scan sensor_msgs/LaserScan
array containing NAN and +-INF.

Node view

6.4. Configuration parameters

Parameters Type Default value Description

Number of rows of pixels used to

generate the laser scan. For each
scan_height int 1 pixel column, the scan returns the
minimum value of the vertically
centered pixel in the image.

Scan interval time (seconds).

Typically, a rate of 1.0/frame. This
scan_time double 1/30.0Hz (0.033s) value is not easily calculated from
consecutive messages and is
therefore set correctly by the user.

The minimum range returned in

range_min double 0.45m meters. Ranges smaller than this
value will be output as -Inf.

The maximum range returned in

range_max double 10.0m meters. Ranges larger than this
value will be output as +Inf.

Laser scanning frame id. For point

clouds from Z-forward "optical"
output_frame_id str camera_depth_frame frames, this value should be set to
the corresponding frames in X-
forward and Z-up
6.5, TF transformation

Required TF

The transformation between the laser radar coordinate system and

laser-->base_link the base coordinate system is generally published by
robot_state_publisher or static_transform_publisher

Transformation between the map coordinate system and the robot

odometer coordinate system, estimating the robot's pose in the map

Released TF

Transformation between the map coordinate system and the robot's

odometry coordinate system, estimating the robot's pose in the map

View tf tree

rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree

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