Yub Je, Jong-Kyu Park, Haksu Lee, Dong hoon Yi, Wonkyu Moon
A new type of highly-directional ultrasonic range
An ultrasonic range sensor is generally installed in a sensor is proposed in this paper. To improve
robot for range detection and obstacle recognition. directivity, the parametric acoustic array, a nonlinear
Many researches of ultrasonic range sensors were effect of the media between two intensive waves is
conducted from the 1900s and many commercial used. As two high frequency (primary) waves of
products have been released (Murata; Polaroid). One sufficiently high amplitude propagate, the difference
of the most important reasons for using several tens frequency (secondary) wave is generated due to the
of kHz for the range sensor focuses on the directivity nonlinear effect of the media. Because the media acts
of the sensor. The half power beam width (HPBW) of like a mutual line source, a directional sound beam
the piston source with a diameter D can be can be generated in low frequency region. The
determined by this equation 1 (L. Kinsler, et al., secondary wave exhibits cumulative and fewer
1982). attenuation characteristics, therefore, only the
secondary wave remains in the far-field region
θ = Sin −1[1.22 × c /( f × D)] (1) making it suitable for long-range detection. Since
Westervelt (P.J.Westervelt 1963) first described this
Therefore, the increment of the piston area and the phenomenon, numerous studies have been conducted
frequency leads to higher directivity. However, the on underwater acoustics for sonar applications.
piston area is limited by its incorporation into a robot. The transducer design is also important for
Also, a frequency limit exists due to the high generating the high-amplitude primary wave.
absorption characteristic of high frequency. Due to Because the parametric acoustic array requires a
these conditions, directivity is limited in traditional highly intensive primary wave, the transducer should
methods. The general ultrasonic range sensor has a have a large radiation area. Generally, there are two
HPBW of 20° (Polaroid) or 40° (Murata) at 40 kHz . approaches for a large radiation area. One is using an
array of transducers and the other is using a thick Each functional requirement relates to the following
radiation plate. However, the array transducer is design parameters.
expensive to fabricate and the transducer with a thick DP111 – plate mass, type and size of
plate has low power efficiency. To improve on these mechanical amplifier (operating material
problems, the stepped-plate, which is less expensive and operating method)
yet has high power efficiency, is applied for the DP112 – position of steps, radiation area.
radiation plate. The steps that have a height of half DP12 – size of electrodes (operating material)
wavelength of sound in air compensate the flexural DP2 –primary and secondary frequency,
vibration of the plate. Therefore, a large and thin piston radius
radiation plate leads to high power efficiency. The DP3 – material (operating material)
base model proposed by Gallego-Juarez (Gallego- DP4 – natural frequency of each component,
Juarez et al., 1978) is suitable for only material (frequency band of modulating
monofrequency radiation. However, high amplitude signal)
radiation with two frequencies is required for
difference frequency generation. Therefore, a new
type of the stepped-plate that generates a high- 2.2 Parametric acoustic array design.
amplitude wave with two frequencies is proposed. The transducer design procedure can be divided into
In this manner, a new type of highly-directional two steps: design of the parametric acoustic array and
ultrasonic range sensor is proposed in this paper. The design of the stepped-plate. Firstly, the optimal
sensor can radiate a high-amplitude ultrasonic beam primary frequencies are determined by a simulation
with two frequencies for difference-frequency of the parametric acoustic array. Then, the transducer
generation. The difference frequency wave shows a is designed to operate for optimal primary
HPBW of 5° that is primarily directional. However, it frequencies.
has large side lobes in its directional pattern of The difference frequency is determined to be 40 kHz
difference frequency. Considering as the first model, that has been used generally in ultrasonic range
it can be better in the next model. Therefore, this type sensor. Under this condition, primary frequencies are
of transducer shows possibilities for improving the determined by parametric acoustic array simulation.
resolution of the ultrasonic range sensor. The optimal frequencies with respect to sound
pressure level and beam width are determined for
2. DESIGN METHOD difference frequency generation (B.K.Novikov et al.,
1987). Figure 2 shows the sound pressure level of the
difference frequency at a distance of 4 m with respect
2.1 Axiomatic design. to the first primary frequency. The peak appeared at
the first primary frequency of 78.1 kHz. Therefore,
The directional ultrasonic range sensor has the the transducer is designed to operate at the
following functional requirements. frequencies of 80 kHz and 120 kHz.
FR1 – high efficiency for ultrasonic 95
Diffrence frequency amplitudeHPaL
radiation plate 80
frequency generation 65
Figure 1 illustrates the schematic diagram of Fig. 2. Difference frequency generation with respect
functional requirements. to the first primary frequency
17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008
17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008
Fig. 8. Directional pattern of (a) the uniform plate,
(b) the Gallego-Juarez stepped-plate, and (c) the
new type of stepped-plate
17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008
SPL (d B)
Prim ary 74.9kH z
40 Prim ary 115.3kH z
Seco nd ary 40.4kH z
(a) 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
A xial d istance (cm )
17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008