Improving the Management of Acutely Agitated Patients BETA
Improving the Management of Acutely Agitated Patients BETA
Improving the Management of Acutely Agitated Patients BETA
DOI: 10.1002/emp2.12138
Injury Prevention
Lynn P. Roppolo MD1 David W. Morris PhD2 Fuad Khan MD, MBA2
Rohini Downs PharmD3 Jeffery Metzger MD1 Tiffany Carder RN, MSN4
Ambrose H. Wong MD, MSEd5 Michael P. Wilson MD, PhD6
University of Texas Southwestern Medical
Center, Department of Emergency Medicine, Abstract
Dallas, Texas, USA
Agitated patients presenting to the emergency department (ED) can escalate to
University of Texas Southwestern Medical
aggressive and violent behaviors with the potential for injury to themselves, ED staff,
Center, Department of Psychiatry, Dallas,
Texas, USA and others. Agitation is a nonspecific symptom that may be caused by or result in a
Parkland Memorial Hospital, Pharmacy life-threatening condition. Project BETA (Best Practices in the Evaluation and Treat-
Services, Dallas, Texas, USA
ment of Agitation) is a compilation of the best evidence and consensus recommenda-
Parkland Memorial Hospital, Emergency
Services Department, Dallas, Texas, USA tions developed by emergency medicine and psychiatry experts in behavioral emergen-
Yale School of Medicine, Department of cies to improve our approach to the acutely agitated patient. These recommendations
Emergency Medicine, New Haven, focus on verbal de-escalation as a first-line treatment for agitation; pharmacother-
Connecticut, USA
apy that treats the most likely etiology of the agitation; appropriate psychiatric eval-
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences,
Department of Emergency Medicine, Little uation and treatment of associated medical conditions; and minimization of physical
Rock, Arkansas, USA
restraint/seclusion. Implementation of Project BETA in the ED can improve our abil-
Correspondence ity to manage a patient’s agitation and reduce the number of physical assaults on ED
Lynn Roppolo, MD, Professor, University of staff. This article summarizes the BETA guidelines and recent supporting literature for
Texas Southwestern, Department of Emer-
gency Medicine, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., managing the acutely agitated patient in the ED followed by a discussion of how a large
Dallas, TX 75390-8579, USA. county hospital integrated these recommendations into daily practice.
Email: [email protected]
Funding and support: By JACEP Open policy,
agitation, physical assault, Project BETA, workplace violence
all authors are required to disclose any and all
commercial, financial, and other relationships
in any way related to the subject of this article
as per ICMJE conflict of interest guidelines (see The authors have stated that
no such relationships exist.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2020 The Authors. JACEP Open published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of the American College of Emergency Physicians.
the past year.8 A survey of 119 emergency medicine residents in 2016 Toxicologic Adverse drug reaction (including serotonin
syndrome, neuroleptic malignant
reported that 66% had been physically assaulted by patients and only
syndrome, and steroid-induced psychosis)
16.8% confirmed prior training in violence prevention.7
Overdose or intoxication
Until recently, these violent behaviors by agitated patients in the ED
were considered to be “part of the job” with seemingly one solution—to Sedative-hypnotic agent withdrawal
“restrain and medicate,” referring to the simultaneous use of physical Respiratory Hypoxia
restraints and chemical sedatives to control the patient’s behavior. In Hypercarbia
2012, the American Association of Emergency Psychiatry (AAEP) pub- Cardiovascular Shock
lished Project BETA (Best Practices in the Evaluation and Treatment Hypertensive encephalopathy
of Agitation).9–14 These guidelines detail methods for a noncoercive,
Thermoregulation Hypothermia
collaborative approach to managing acutely agitated patients based on
both the best available evidence and expert consensus recommenda-
Metabolic/endocrine Acidosis
tions. The purpose of this article is to review these guidelines and dis-
Hyper- or hypo-glycemia
cuss their implementation in the ED of a large county hospital.
Electrolyte abnormalities
Hyper- or hypo-cortisolism
Hepatic or uremic encephalopathy
Nutritional deficiency (eg, Wernicke’s
2.1 General approach
Thyroid disorders (eg, thyroid storm,
Project BETA was an interdisciplinary effort in 2012 led by the AAEP
myxedema coma)
that brought together experts in psychiatry, emergency medicine, nurs-
Nervous system Stroke
ing, psychology, and social work.9 The 5 workgroups articulated the
following principles: verbal de-escalation as a first-line treatment for
agitation; pharmacotherapy that treats the most likely etiology of
the agitation; appropriate psychiatric evaluation; appropriate treat- Vasculitis
FIGURE 1 Violence/agitation severity leveling and initial course of action. IM, intra-muscular injection
TA B L E 2 Diagnostic studies that may be indicated in the evaluation of the agitated patient
benzodiazepines are added if agitation symptoms persist after the ini- 2.6 Restraint and seclusion
tial dose of antipsychotic. Second generation antipsychotics (SGA) have
less extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) than the first generation antipsy- Project BETA strongly opposes the practice of restraint and seclu-
chotics. Benzodiazepines or antihistamines are often co-administered sion. Seclusion is less commonly used in the ED setting.10 Although
with first generation antipsychotics to counteract these effects. restraints are thought to be an effective method to temporarily halt
Benzodiazepines are given for agitation symptoms due to intoxi- violent behaviors, restraints carry an elevated risk of injury to patients
cation, especially stimulants but antipsychotics are preferred for and staff,15,33,53 are experienced as coercion or aggression, and can
intoxications due to central nervous system depressants such as lead to psychological trauma.34 For these reasons, the Center for
alcohol. Patients with agitation due to alcohol or benzodiazepine with- Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) established guidelines regard-
drawal are treated with benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines are also ing restraint and seclusion for healthcare professionals emphasiz-
recommended for patients with undifferentiated agitation; however, ing that patients cannot be restrained only for refusal of care or as
antipsychotics may help if psychotic symptoms are present. Low-dose punishment.54
antipsychotics are also the drug of choice in agitated patients with The patients’ privacy and dignity need to be maintained during
delirium if symptoms persist despite attempts to treat the underlying restraint application.55 If possible, five trained individuals need to
etiology and nonpharmacological interventions are insufficient.11 apply the physical restraints with one person at each extremity and
Table 3 summarizes medications most commonly used for agitation in one person at the head of the bed, being careful to avoid bodily
the ED. injury due to excessive use of force or compromise the patient’s
FIGURE 2 Pharmacology algorithm: medication recommendations depend on most likely etiology of the patient’s agitation11,56
Droperidol Inapsine Severe: 5 mg IM or IV 15 ∙ Increased risk for EPS and QTc prolongation
∙ Administer with 5 mg of midazolam. MAX: 10–20 mg/day
Second generation Olanzapine Zyprexa Mild: 5 mg ODT ≤60 ∙ Avoid concomitantly use of benzodiazepines within 1 h
antipsychotic Moderate: 5–10 mg ≤60 ∙ MAX: 20 mg/day
ODT 15–45
Severe: 10 mg IM
Risperidone Risperdal Mild: 1 mg ODT ≤60 ∙ Works best in patients with undifferentiated agitation or
Moderate: 2 mg ODT ≤60 substance use related agitation (except for CNS depressant
∙ Highest risk for EPS of SGAs. Can cause orthostatic
∙ May repeat every 4–6 h. MAX not established but caution
above 10 mg/d.
Ziprasidone Geodon Severe: 10–20 mg IM 15–30 ∙ Highest risk of QTc prolongation of SGA, likely exceeds
haloperidol. Avoid use in patients with cardiac disease or
pre-existing QTc prolongation.
∙ Needs to be reconstituted
∙ May repeat dose in 4 hours. MAX: 40 mg/d
Benzodiazepines Lorazepam Ativan Mild: 2 mg PO 20–30 ∙ Slowest onset and longest duration of all benzos.
Midazolam Versed Mild: 13–18 ∙ Used for undifferentiated agitation but use with caution in
Moderate: 5 mg IM or 15 (IM) patients with CNS depression (eg, ethanol intoxication).
2.5 mg IV 5 (IV) ∙ For severe agitation, can give midazolam 5 mg IM with
Severe: 10 mg IM or 15 (IM) haloperidol or droperidol 5 mg IM.
5 mg IV 5 (IV)
Dissociate Ketamine Ketalar 1–2 mg/kg IV or up to 1–2 (IV); 3 ∙ Can cause emergence reaction, bronchorrhea and
anesthetic 5 mg/kg IM (IM) laryngospasm (rare). May increase intubation rate.
∙ Typically used for severely agitated patients such as excited
delirium. Can increase HR, CO, BP
Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; CO, cardiac output; EPS, extrapyramidal symptoms; HR, heart rate; IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous; ODT, orally disinte-
grating tablets.
2. All ED nurses receive training in de-escalation and self-defense 4. Cameras are located throughout the ED and worn by police to
training. record events.
3. The hospital has its own police force with officers at all public 5. Nurses in triage screen patients with the violence screening tool
entrances to the ED where they screen all patients and visitors with STAMP (Staring and eye contact, Tone and volume of voice, Anxi-
metal detectors. One of the officers on duty is designated to be ety, Mumbling, and Pacing)61 and document this in the electronic
the LIFE (Law Enforcement Intervention for Environmental/Patient medical record where it is easily visible on the patient tracking
Safety) officer who has advanced training in communication and de- board. A special wrist band is placed on the patient, and a sign is
escalation skills. This specially trained officer may familiarize them- placed on their doorway to alert all healthcare workers of the vio-
selves to the potentially violent patient and can easily return if a lence risk. Prior history of violent behavior is also highlighted in the
patient starts to escalate. ED staff can contact the Parkland police electronic medical record.
by radio, phones, or use of a panic button located in each patient 6. Any patient who is a danger to themselves or others is typi-
care area. Parkland police aid in physical restraint when indicated, cally assigned a sitter who removes all objects from the patient’s
allowing ED staff the ability to safely medicate, evaluate, and treat room and does continuous observation, usually from the door-
the patient. way. These patients are dressed in green hospital gowns with
Triage Behavioral Activity Rating Scale ∙ BARS 5 = mild agitation (eg, pacing, restless, intrusive behavior, easily annoyed or
(BARS)19 angered, confused, physically distressed but is redirectable)
∙ BARS 6 = moderate agitation (eg, signs of aggression but no violent, continuously
pacing/restless, confused/unable to cooperate, needs continuous redirection )
∙ BARS 7 = severe agitation (eg, striking staff or other patients, harming or
repeatedly threatening to harm self or others, violence, destroying property, not
redirectable and not responding to de-escalation
Psychiatric evaluation Psychiatry contact information Direct phone number for Parkland emergency psychiatry attending listed
Pharmacotherapy ∙ Medications for agitation ∙ Medications for agitation due to a psychiatric etiology
∙ Includes post-sedation 1. Mild: ORAL haloperidol/lorazepam, haloperidol/diphenhydramine, risperidone,
monitoring and alerts included OR olanzapine
for elderly dosing and when to 2. Moderate: ORAL haloperidol/lorazepam, haloperidol/diphenhydramine, OR
avoid antipsychotic olanzapine
administration 3. Severe: IM haloperidol/lorazepam, haloperidol/diphenhydramine, OR
∙ Medications for undifferentiated agitation
1. Mild: ORAL lorazepam
2. Moderate: IV or IM midazolam
3. Severe: IM haloperidol/midazolam OR IM/IV midazolam
Restraint Restraint orders Specific order sets for either violent or non-violent restraints
Abbreviations: BARS, Behavioral Activity Rating Scale; Project BETA, Best Practices in the Evaluation and Treatment of Agitation; IV, intravenous; IM intra-
yellow socks for easy identification and their belongings are distance for medical concerns requiring immediate attention. There is
secured. The observers carry radios to rapidly call for help. Offi- a low threshold to call for security assistance early, even for milder
cers remain in the room for patients in jail or have a high violence forms of agitation due to the potential for escalation. One study found
risk. that health care workers who had experienced non-physical violence
7. There is an ED Violence Prevention Response Team, composed of (eg, verbal threats) were 7.17 times more likely to experience physical
ED leadership, nurses, and police officers, who round on potentially violence.62
violent patients and are called to the bedside during any escala- Severely agitated patients are triaged to the critical care area of
tions. After an event, the Violence Prevention Response Team does the ED where there are computers in each room. The physician’s role
a debriefing to prevent recurrences. All events are tracked in the is to quickly enter orders and be the team leader regarding how the
Parkland safety system for aggregate analysis. If a physical assault patient is managed. If the patient requires forced medication and phys-
occurs, the victim can press charges. ical restraint, the officers safely restrain the patient and the nurse
8. The SPARKS program (“Supporting PARKland Staff”) was created administers the intramuscular injection once safe to do so.
for post incident support, and is a team specially trained to pro- At the time of this work, 18 months after implementation, there
vide confidential support for staff victims. These employees have have been violent physical assaults by patients on 5 of our 66 emer-
the option to take 3 days of workplace violence leave. gency medicine residents in the Parkland ED, only one of these
occurred during the last 12 months. Fortunately, there were no signif-
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who attempt de-escalation while evaluating the patient from a safe guidelines were strictly followed.
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