20180509 Into the Depths
20180509 Into the Depths
20180509 Into the Depths
Make a PC Adventuring
1) Choose a name and description. You start at level 1 and 1) Time: Ten seconds make a round. Six rounds make a
have 1 hit die. Roll 1d8 for your hit points (HP). minute. Ten minutes make a turn. Six turns make an hour. Six
hours make a shift. Four shifts make a day.
2) Roll 1d4 or pick a starting armour type to wear. You also
have 3d6 SP and a backpack. 2) Difficult / Tricky / Risky Actions: Roll 1d6 +/-
Roll Armour Type AC Move Mod. Armour Mod. On a result of 5+ you succeed. If one PC helps
1 None 11 8m +1 one another, they roll 1d8 +/- the worst Armour Mod. Only
2 Light 13 6m 0 one player of the pair rolls.
3 Medium 15 4m -1
4 Heavy 17 2m -2 3) Saves: Saves protect you when nothing else might. Roll
1d20 + ½ level (round down). If the result is 16+, you
3) Roll 1d6 twice or choose two weapons: succeed and are safe from harm.
Roll Weapon Notes Dmg.
1 Small Easily hidden 1d4 4) Perception: Hidden and unknown things have
2 Ranged 40m range 1d6 concealment scores. Casual observation uncovers things with
3 Torch Shines in 2m radius 1d6 scores lower than the # of PCs. Searching uncovers things
4 Melee - 1d8 with scores lower than the # of PCs + 1d6.
5 Great Needs 2 hands to use 1d10
6 Shield +1 AC / -1 Mod. - 5) Chases: Each side rolls 2d6. Fugitives roll an extra +1d6 if
they’re slower than the pursuers. If all the fugitives’ dice
4) Pick one thing you’re good at doing and write it down on results match, they get away. If all the pursuers’ dice match,
your character sheet. Add +2 to your roll whenever you do they corner the fugitives. If some of the pursuers’ dice match
the thing you’re good at (no stacking). with some of the fugitives’, they can trade ranged attacks. If
either side rolls a “7” they can launch melee attacks at the
5) Optional: Pick one thing you’re bad at doing and write it other. Repeat until the fugitives get away or are cornered.
on your character sheet. Subtract -2 from your roll whenever
you roll to do it. Pick a second thing to be good at. 6) Socialising: Roll 2d6 to get people to trust you. On a 9+
you succeed. 5 to 8 means they’re wary. 4- means they despise
Fighting you. If you’re not sure if you know a language, roll 1d6. On a
1) Initiative: Each side rolls 1d6 each round. The higher roll 6+ you can speak it OR read & write it.
chooses whether to move and attack first or second. Even
ties go to PCs, odd ties to their enemies. If either side rolls 5+ 7) Healing: After a fight, one person can try to heal you. If
in the first round, their opponents are surprised and can’t take they succeed, you gain 1d4 HP. You gain 1 HP back each
actions for 1d4 rounds. shift you rest. This can be improved with gear.
2) Attack: Roll 1d20 + ½ level (round down). Roll equal to 8) Sneaking: Roll 1d6 - # of PCs sneaking. This is your
or over the target’s AC to hit. To trip, disarm, shove, etc. a concealment score when you sneak around. You can break up
target, hit them successfully. They choose to either take into smaller groups and roll separately.
damage or suffer the effect.
9) Random Encounters: Roll 1d6 each turn in the dungeon
3) Damage: Roll the damage die and subtract it from the or each shift (6 hrs) in the wilderness.
target’s HP. At 0 HP, a target is helpless and dying. They will Roll You find
die in 2d6 rounds without help. Targets using shields can 1 Lair of an enemy
choose to sacrifice them to avoid all damage from one attack. 2 Wandering enemy
3 Spoor of an enemy
4) Grappling: The attacker rolls to hit their target. Then each 4 Noises of an enemy
side rolls their hit dice. The higher result wins. The loser is 5 Tracks of an enemy
helpless for 1d4 rounds and can be thrown, shoved, etc. 6 Traces of an enemy
4) Moving: You can move your Move score in a single round 10) Traveling: It takes one shift (6 hrs) to move from the
and do something else, double it if you don’t. Move your centre of one hex to another (10km). They notice sites with
Move score x 30m per turn exploring carefully. concealment scores lower than # of PCs. PCs can search a
hex in one shift, noticing sites with concealment scores lower
5) Morale: Each round the PCs have significant advantage than # of PCs + 1d6. PCs require one ration of food and one
over enemies, they roll 2d6. If it’s equal to or higher than the ration of water per day.
enemy’s morale score, the enemy flees or surrenders.
Into the Depths by John Bell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Into the Depths by John Bell
Resources Levelling Up
1) Money: Money comes in copper pieces (CP), silver pieces When a PC levels, they gain a hit die and reroll all their hit
(SP), gold pieces (GP), and platinum pieces (PP), each form dice for their new HP total. A PC can have as many levels of
converting at 10:1 to the next higher type. 1000 coins of any initiation into a mystery cult as they have character levels. A
type can be bundled up into a single item for encumbrance PC can have ½ as many hirelings as their character’s level.
using a sack.
At every odd-numbered level, PCs pick another thing they’re
2) Costs: The cost of anything the characters need is good at doing. At every even-numbered level, PCs’ bonuses
calculated as the sum total of the # of letters in its in-world to attacks and saves increase by 1.
description, in whatever unit seems most appropriate.
A PC gains ½ a level each time they…
3) Encumbrance: PCs can carry 8 items +/- their Armour 1) Slay a famous monster (e.g. dragon or demigod)
Mod., not counting their backpack. Carrying more counts as 2) Recover a priceless treasure
wearing armour one type heavier. 10 small items can be 3) Discover a world-changing artifact, enchantment,
bundled up into a single item using sacks or waterskins. or secret
4) Resolve a situation scourging a town or more’s
4) Hirelings: NPCs who will accompany PCs on adventures. worth of people (10,000+)
They have their cost calculated like equipment based on their 5) Foil the plans of a powerful villain well enough to
names, but the cost must be paid weekly. Hirelings have a permanently stop those plans
morale of 7 +1 per adventure survived. They make morale 6) Behold an incredible sight never to be seen again
checks when the enemies have significant advantage. (e.g. birth of a demigod)
Hirelings don’t act independently, but instead give PCs a +1 7) Reveal a dangerous or shocking secret publicly
to their attacks or damage per hireling helping. PCs can 8) Make something lasting (e.g. write a book, build a
sacrifice a hireling to avoid a hit as if they were a shield. castle, found a town, create a magical artifact)
9) Referee’s choice of game-specific goal
Training 10) Help another PC accomplish their self-defined
1) PCs each can learn up to two kinds of special fighting game-specific goal.
techniques. It takes 1000 SP and 1 month per technique to
learn them from a master. Once during a PC’s career, they gain ½ a level when they…
Technique Effect 1) Stop a wicked social custom in a region (Stop it
Blind Fight No penalty to attacks for being unable to see everywhere for another)
your opponents. 2) Obtain an official title with real powers and
Cleave Make an extra attack against an adjacent responsibility from a powerful government
opponent in the round you drop an enemy. 3) Make a lifelong enemy of a powerful foe (Exact
Diehard You can still act when at 0 HP. You still die revenge on them for another)
2d6 rounds after reaching 0 HP and cannot 4) Blow 1,000 SP or more on a single bout of
test to heal yourself. carousing and gallivanting (Blow 10,000 SP for
Hard-hitting Reroll results of 1 on damage die. another)
Keen Aim Double damage on roll of natural 20. 5) Swear allegiance truthfully to a mentor or patron
Ranged Double range for ranged weapons; deal 1d8 6) Train at least 3 followers or apprentices until they
Expert damage instead of 1d6. gain a level
Two- Make a bonus attack with a second weapon in 7) Survive an event that slays everyone else in the
Weapons your offhand if the first hits. party
8) Assemble an astounding library, trophy case, or
2) PCs can become good at doing one extra thing. It takes tomb to commemorate your deeds
1000 SP and 1 month to learn it from a master. 9) Referee’s choice of game-specific goal
10) Player’s choice of game-specific goal
3) PCs can be inducted into a mystery cult or magical
tradition. This takes 3 months of training under a master, Each 2 of these a PC completes increases their level by 1.
10,000 SP, and completion of an initiatory task to be
determined by your master. Gaining more levels of initiation Referees should feel free to modify this as desired. Once a PC
requires a PC to complete more tasks, and to spend 1 month completes one or both of their game-specific goals, they can
training, and pay an additional 5,000 SP each time. choose replacements. These should be complex enough to
require at least several sessions of work.
4) It takes 1 month and 2,000 SP to develop a new magic
word of the PC’s choice, if a PC is capable of casting spells.
Into the Depths by John Bell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Into the Depths by John Bell
This is a selection of possible equipment, not an exhaustive list.
Item What it Does
Auction Catalogue Determine the value of found objects on 4+ on 1d6.
Ammunition Fired by ranged weapons. Roll 1d6 after each fight. On a 1, it’s all used up.
Antitoxin Reroll failed poison saving throw. Small item.
Bandages Allows 1d6 damage to a single PC to be healed after a fight. Single-use
Bedroll Single PC gains back 1d6 HP back per shift of rest.
Block & Tackle Lift extremely heavy loads
Book Answers questions on a single topic on a 5+ on 1d6. Each book answers 1d6 questions before it’s used up.
Takes a turn of reading to find the answer. Cost is based on actual referee-generated title.
Booze +2 HP per hit die. The referee picks one extra thing you’re bad at while you’re drunk.
Butchering Kit Allows trophies, rations, and valuable materials to be harvested from monsters and beasts on 5+
Caltrops Pursuers reroll 1 die during chases and take whichever result is worse for them. Small item.
Cartographic & Allows accurate maps to be made while traveling overland and in dungeons. Allows accurate overland
Surveying Kit navigation without landmarks, trails, or other guides.
Chalk Makes marks on rough surfaces. Can be sticks or dust. Small item.
Climbing Gear Climb sheer surfaces on 5+ on 1d6.
Cold Weather Clothes +4 on saving throws vs. exposure in freezing conditions.
Compass Indicates direction of north.
Crowbar Breaks open chests and doors on 4+ on 1d6.
Cutlery Set Adds +1 to HP regained per day
Disguise Kit Disguise yourself as another person successfully on a 4+ on 1d6
Framepack Replaces backpack. Carry +3 items before becoming encumbered.
Fiddle Allows socialising rolls against unintelligent / unspeaking foes like animals & undead
Fire Blanket +4 to saving throw to extinguish object or character that is on fire.
Firestarter Allows fires to be rapidly lit in 1 round.
Hammer and Chisel Allows breaking, chipping and carving stone and metal
Heliograph Signals up to the horizon using light. Only works with sun or light source.
Holy Symbol Brandish to make undead and demons make a morale check
Holy Water Flask PC rerolls saves vs. curses when doused with it. 1d6 damage to undead and demons.
Iron Rations Preserved foods for travelling. Feeds one person for one day. Small item.
Iron Spikes and Mallet Seals door shut. Can be opened on roll of 6+ on 1d6. Small item.
Lantern Shines light in 4m radius for 8 hours.
Lock & Key Locks things shut. Burst on 6+ on 1d6.
Lockpick Set Pick locks on 5+ on 1d6.
Marbles Judge depths of pits, flatness of floors, etc. Small item.
Mechanical Tools Safely disarm or repair mechanisms on 5+ on 1d6.
Monster Call Immediately roll a new wandering encounter check when sounded
Mount Carries 8 additional items. Mov. of 16
Net On successful attack roll, target must save or be unable to move around.
Oil Flask 1d6 damage when lit. Target must save or catch fire (1d6 dmg. / rd.)
Pocketwatch Allows accurate tracking of the passage of time
Repair Kit Repair weapons and armour on a roll of 4+ on 1d6.
Rope No roll required to climb slowly after the first person makes it to the top with rope. 35m coil.
Sack Bundles up to 10 small items or 1000 coins. Small item itself when empty.
Saw Cuts wood or metal cleanly and carefully.
Sewing Bag Make, alter, or mend fabric objects.
Shovel Digs four times as quickly as without.
Snare Must be set. Target moving through area of trap must save or be immobilised.
Surgeon’s Trauma Bag Save dying PC on 4+; Heal 1d8 HP for injured PC after fight. After each use, roll 1d6. On a 1, it’s used up.
Telescope See distant things as if they were 20x closer.
Tent Allows up to 4 people to gain back 1d4 HP per shift of rest.
Tongs Safely handle dangerous materials.
Torch Shines light in 2m radius. Capable of being used as a weapon and starting fires. Lasts 4 hours.
Waterskin Bundles up 10 doses of the same type of liquid into one item or carries two rations of water.
Whistle Signals to others. Small item.
Writing Supplies Allows accurate production or copying of documents. Documents can be forged on a 5+ on 1d6.
Into the Depths by John Bell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Into the Depths by John Bell
Into the Depths by John Bell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.