Theiortical of TB immunity
Theiortical of TB immunity
Theiortical of TB immunity
Florence B. Seibert
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from heat-killed BCG and other organisms with or without the addition
ofan adjuvant (5). Antibodies so induced by tuberculoproteins which had
been isolated from unheated culture filtrates, and designated as A, B, and C
proteins because oftheir different physicochemical properties, were specific
for the antigens injected (6). There were, however, some cross-reactions
between the proteins, possibly due to the great difficulty of their clean
separation (7, 8).
By repeated injections with the large protein-free tuberculopolysac-
charide II, specific antibodies to it were also induced (9). However, the
smaller molecular polysaccharide I was never able to elicit antibodies but
acted only as a haptene. It readily precipitated antibodies in sera from rab-
bits sensitized by vaccine made from the whole bacillus. Sera from such
rabbits usually reacted with both types of polysaccharide.
3. Detection.—The most direct method for detecting tuberculous anti-
bodies was by the precipitin reaction. A very simple and practical qualita-
tive test involving the use of only about 0.5 cc. of serum has been em-
ployed (1). Added to each of four tubes of 0.1 cc. serum was 0.1 cc. of
purified protein antigen containing decreasing amounts of antigen—re-
spectively, 50, 10, 5, and ? gamma. To a fifth control tube 0.1 cc. saline
was added. Decreasing amounts of precipitate were obvious with this
range ofdilutions. The method can, ofcourse, be made more sensitive by
using closer decrements ofantigen, and even to the limit of antigen dilu-
tion where no precipitate occurs. However, until the protein antigens are
isolated in even purer state than they now exist (6), the quantitative tech-
nique ofHeidelberger (10), as it is applied to pure egg or serum-albumin
antigen-antibody systems, cannot be used, because precipitation often
occurs indefinitely on repeated additions of antigens.
Precipitation of antisera with tuberculopolysaccharide occurred usually
with a much higher antigen dilution, there being no precipitate on the
addition of 50 gamma, but increasing amounts of precipitate with de-
creasing amounts ofantigen. Thus the heaviest precipitate was given by 1
gamma or less of antigen (11). The same effect—solubility of polysac-
charide antigen-antibody complex in antigen excess—was conspicuous in
the case of the polysaccharide antigen in contrast to the protein antigens.
Differentiation could be made between the presence of antibodies to
tuberculoprotein and to tuberculopolysaccharide by this simple four-tube
test with these antigens. It is possible that a quantitative precipitin tech-
globulin peak, indicating that antibodies had been removed from them.
Furthermore, when the gamma globulin was isolated from these antisera
by electrophoresis or by method io of Cohn's procedures (14), it gave a
heavy antigen-antibody precipitate with the specific antigen.
4.Correlation with resistance.—One of the most significant results ob-
served was that not all rabbits reacted similarly to repeated injections with
BCG vaccine (1). Practically all rabbits were ultimately able to elicit de-
tectable antibodies to tuberculoprotein, although some more readily than
others. Some rabbits also exhibited high concentrations of antibodies to
tuberculopolysaccharide following repeated injections with BCG, while
others showed none or only low concentrations of these antibodies (11).
Resistance to subsequent infection with virulent Ravenel strain of bovine
tubercle bacilli appeared to be greatest in those rabbits which had been
able to produce antibodies to tuberculopolysaccharide and least in those
not able to develop them.
Those rabbits able to produce antibodies only to tuberculoprotein could
be made to produce even more ofthem following repeated injections with
protein, but, when they were challenged with virulent tubercle bacilli,
they developed massive caseation and died more quickly than untreated
rabbits. This was observed frequently (11,15) and, at first, posed one ofthe
puzzles concerning the relationship of antibodies to resistance. For ex-
ample, it was shown by Emmart and Seibert (16) that a gamma globulin
fraction, isolated from sera ofrabbits sensitized with tuberculoprotein and
shown to contain antibodies, inhibited the development of tubercles on
the chick membrane. It also inhibited the growth oftubercle bacilli in the
test tube, while the albumin fraction stimulated growth. However, the
same rabbits from which the sensitized sera were taken were not resistant
to challenge with virulent organisms, in spite ofthe presence ofantibodies
in their sera. Now it can be argued that, since these antibodies were mainly
antiprotein antibodies, it is evident that resistance was associated not
merely with the fact that antibodies were produced but with appearance
of the right kind of antibodies—namely, antipolysaccharide antibodies.
5.Effect on growth of tubercle bacilli.—Since certain antibodies obviously
play an important role in resistance, what is the nature ofthis relationship?
Early experiments cited above, showing that growth of tubercle bacilli
and even tubercle formation on the chick membrane were interfered with
by addition ofBCG antisera and by antibody-containing gamma globulin
B. antigen-antibody complexes
stroyed. Such free antigen was actually demonstrated in suspensions of
caseous materials by the use of potent antisera (4).
If both antigen and antibody are present at the same time, it would be
logical to expect the presence ofantigen-antibody complexes. Such a com-
plex might well form a reasonable portion of white tuberculous caseous
material, along with cellular debris, etc. In support of this contention are
experiments (4, 15) showing that guinea pigs or rabbits which have been
repeatedly injected with tuberculoprotein either prior to and/or following
infection developed massive caseation ofthe lungs and died rapidly. Anti-
bodies to tuberculoprotein could always be demonstrated in their blood
stream. Moreover, Opie's classical work (22) showed that precipitation
of antibody by its specific antigen occurred locally at the site of entry of
antigen, causing a local inflammatory reaction. Therefore, there is no
reason to doubt that such precipitates are formed wherever antigen meets
antibody in the tissues, with deposition of white precipitates.
3. Role in liquefaction.—Precipitates consisting of tuberculopolysaccha-
ride and its antibody were resolved in vitro in excess polysaccharide as
mentioned above. The question whether such a resolution could also occur
in vivo was answered in the affirmative (4) when it was shown that the
density of a suspension of caseous material was decreased by addition of
extra tuberculopolysaccharide under controlled conditions. Resolution of
this nature, occurring locally in caseous material in the presence of excess
antigen coming from the breakdown of tubercle bacilli, could well repre-
sent part ofthe liquefaction process. Increased enzymatic digestion of cel-
lular debris accompanied by the release ofnucleic acid and toxic products
must also be considered as a contributing factor in liquefaction. However,
a counteracting influence was demonstrated by Weiss (23), who showed
that tuberculopolysaccharide inhibited the action of the endocellular en-
zyme, Cathepsin II, of tuberculous tissue, thus decreasing autolysis.
c. antimicrobial substances
Florence B. Seibert · Immunity in Tuberculosis
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine · Winter i960
fied as spermine phosphate, was isolated from extracts of beef kidney by
Hirsch and Dubos (27), but later (28) it was found to exert its effect on
tubercle bacini only in the presence ofa certain serum enzyme. Some basic
proteins such as histones and protamines and a basic polypeptide from
thymus (29) also inhibited growth oftubercle bacilli. Another inhibitor is
the carbohydrase lysozyme, shown to occur normally in serum, leuco-
cytes, and tissues (30-34). Recently a non-basic tuberculostatic protein has
been isolated by Myrvik and Soto-Figueroa (35) from bovine spleen.
Urine also contains an antimicrobial substance, according to Bjornesjö
(36), and there have been numerous other reports of similar but less well-
defined substances in many organ and tissue extracts.
A study of normal serum for its antituberculous activity revealed the
fact that the gamma portion of serum contained most, if not all, of this
activity, while the albumin portion had a stimulatory effect on growth of
tubercle bacilli (16, 17).
The inhibitory substance in gamma globulin was probably not proper-
din, since magnesium was not required in the reaction, and the activity
was not decreased at 56o C. Of all the antimycobacterial substances de-
scribed above, the one with an electrophoretic mobility similar to that of
gamma globulin is lysozyme. It is probable that this substance naturally
present in serum may be an important and accessible inhibitor for tubercle
bacilli. It is also possible that all the substances mentioned, and perhaps
many more still unidentified, play an important role in the body's defense,
depending upon where the tubercle bacillus lodges.
2. Mechanism of interference with growth.—While it is well recognized
that there are naturally occurring antimycobacterial substances in the body,
their modes of interfering with growth oftubercle bacilli are little under-
The effect of spermine or spermidine on growth oftubercle bacilli was
thought by Hirsch (28) to be due to some product released during the
reaction between spermine and an amine oxidase found in the alpha globu-
lin of serum. He also thought that the inhibitory effect of some basic pro-
teins and other basic substances was due to their ability to compete for
substances essential for growth of tubercle bacilli (25).
An oxidation product ofascorbic acid was believed by Myrvik and col-
leagues (37) to be the inhibitory substance found in urine by Bjornesjö
(36) and others.
Myrvik, Weiser, and Kelly (38) also believed from their studies that the
action of lysozyme on tubercle bacilli was dependent upon autolytic en-
zymes ofthe cell rather than upon its basic properties. On the other hand,
it was suggested by the author (17) that the polysaccharide shown by
Meynell (39) to be on the surface of the tubercle bacillus is the point of
attack by lysozyme, since Epstein and Chain (40) had previously shown
that polysaccharide was a vulnerable site for other bacteria, and Kaiser (41)
and Kerby and Eadie (42) demonstrated that the carbohydrate heparin in-
hibited lysozyme activity. In our laboratory recent studies (43) have shown
that lysozyme attacks tuberculopolysaccharide molecules. For example, in
the case of one type of polysaccharide, the effect was to depolymerize a
large non-dialyzable polysaccharide to a smaller dialyzable one. The other
polysaccharide, on the other hand, was precipitated to an insoluble
Perhaps the best evidence that the activity exerted on tubercle bacini by
the antimicrobial substance in normal gamma globulin is through the
polysaccharide constituent ofthe bacillus lies in the fact that the inhibitory
effect could be decreased by addition offree tuberculopolysaccharide (17),
This will be discussed in the next section.
D. polysaccharide antigens
When the tubercle bacillus is broken down and its antigens are released
into the body cells or fluids, responses of the body to such foreign sub-
stances can well be expected. It was noted above that one of the main re-
sponses of the body is an attempt to produce antibodies and that protein
appears to be most successful in this respect under all circumstances. Poly-
saccharide also is capable of such stimulation when it is in the form of a
large molecule (9) or associated with protein or as polysaccharide in a large
molecular complex, as in lipopolysaccharide (44).
Polysaccharide in culture filtrates exists chiefly as small molecules. Nev-
ertheless, they are large enough to be held back to some extent by ultra-
filters. In this form it is not able to stimulate the production ofdemonstrable
antibodies, but it is capable of acting as a haptene and thus of giving pre-
cipitates with antipolysaccharide antibodies.
i. Interference activities of tuberculopolysaccharide.—If more of the poly-
saccharide is added to a tube containing the precipitated polysaccharide-
antigen-antibody complex, as mentioned before (4), the precipitate dis-
disease activity and, in fact, a bad prognostic sign (49). It was increased
wherever there was tissue destruction. Certain antibodies were also located
in this serum fraction (3), and Cole and Favour (50) even thought an anti-
body involved in the allergic reaction may be present. Moreover, it was
found that a substance of polysaccharide or nucleic acid nature accom-
panied this alpha3 globulin, since it gave a reaction with tryptophane in
perchloric acid (49). It could readily be evaluated by means ofa simple test
based on this chemical reaction. Parallel with these changes the amount of
serum albumin was found to be reduced in proportion to the increase in
globulin fractions. This decrease could be expected to be of benefit in the
process of resistance, since albumin is a stimulant for growth of tubercle
been one of the chief causes of delay in beneficial therapy. Moreover, the
fact that antibodies may or may not be present at any particular time, de-
pending upon the state of balance of the immune factors enumerated,
would seem to prevent any hope for a specific and dependable serological
test for either diagnosis or prognosis. Is there, then, any other way ofdeter-
mining the prospects of the outcome of tuberculosis in a particular
V. Questions Raised by Hypothesis
The hypothesis presented raises many questions which experiments can
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29.R.J. Dubos andJ. G. Hirsch. J. Exper. Med., 99:55, 1954.
30.A. Fleming. Proc Roy. Soc, London, s.B. 93:306, 1922.
31.A. Fleming and V. D. Allison. Brit.J. Exper. Path., 3:252, 1922.
32.J. Smolens andJ. Charney. J. Bact., 54:101, 1947.
33.Q. N. Myrvik and R. S. Weiser. Am. Rev. Tuberc, 64:669, 1951.
34.Q. N. Myrvik, R. S. Weiser, and H. Agar. Am. Rev. Tuberc, 67:217, 1953.
35.Q. N. Myrvik and E. Soto-Figueroa. Am. Rev. Tuberc, 78:93, 1958.
36.K. B. Bjornesjö. Acta tuberc. scandinav., 25:425, 447, 457, 1951; 27:116, 126, 1952.
37.Q. N. Myrvik, R. S. Weiser, B. Houglum, and L. R. Berger. Am. Rev. Tuberc,
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38.Q. N. Myrvik, R. S. Weiser, and M. C. Kelly. Am. Rev. Tuberc, 68:564, 1952.
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