Prepared By:
June 2018
This report has been prepared for the use of the client for the specific purposes identified in the report. The conclusions, observations and
recommendations contained herein attributed to Coker Composting and Consulting (CC&C) constitute the opinions of CC&C. To the extent
that statements, information and opinions provided by the client or others have been used in the preparation of this report, CC&C has relied
upon the same to be accurate, and for which no assurances are intended, and no representations or warranties are made. CC&C makes no
certification and gives no assurances except as explicitly set forth in this report. i
Executive Summary _________________________________________________________________ 1
Introduction _______________________________________________________________________ 1
About the authors _______________________________________________________________________________ 2
Acknowledgements ______________________________________________________________________________ 3
List of Tables
Table ES-1. Summary of Initial Capital Cost Estimates..................................................................................................................1
Table ES-2. Pro forma assumptions for composting ....................................................................................................................2
Table ES-3. Summary of windrow composting pro forma analysis ...............................................................................................2
Table ES-4. Summary of ASP composting pro forma analysis .......................................................................................................3
Table ES-5. Summary of rotary drum composting pro forma analysis .........................................................................................3
Table ES-6. Factors Affecting Financial Analysis ...........................................................................................................................3
Table 1. Estimated food waste generation ...................................................................................................................................6
Table 2. Daily Compost Recipe Summary ......................................................................................................................................7
Table 3. Summary of Area Needs ............................................................................................................................................... 10 ii
Table 5. Summary of Initial Capital Cost Estimates.................................................................................................................... 15
Table 6. Annual Composting Operational Expenses ................................................................................................................... 16
Table 7. Pro forma assumptions for composting ...................................................................................................................... 18
Table 8. Timing of Sales and Expenses ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Table 9. Summary of windrow composting pro forma analysis ................................................................................................. 19
Table 9. Summary of ASP composting pro forma analysis ......................................................................................................... 19
Table 11. Summary of rotary drum composting pro forma analysis ......................................................................................... 19
Table 12. Factors Affecting Financial Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 20
List of Figures
Figure 1. Straddle Windrow Turner Composting ...........................................................................................................................8
Figure 2. ASP Composting..............................................................................................................................................................9
Figure 3. Rotary Drum Composting ...............................................................................................................................................9
Figure 3. SAFE pre-processing system ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 4. SAFE feed production system ...................................................................................................................................... 12 iii
Executive Summary
Massachusetts’ food waste ban went into effect October 1, 2014. In response to this ban, the Martha’s
Vineyard Vision Fellowship funded an Island-wide organic waste management feasibility study which
was finalized in May 2017. That study assessed various technologies and approaches to managing food
waste on the Island and made specific recommendations for next steps. This report was commissioned
by the Island-Wide Organics Waste Management Study Oversight Committee in order to begin to
understand the magnitude of the infrastructure investment needed to process food waste on Martha’s
Vineyard, rather than to ship it back to mainland Massachusetts for processing at a landfill or
combustion facility as is currently the practice.
This business plan examines three composting alternatives and a proprietary animal feed production
technology. The composting alternatives are turned windrow, aerated static pile and in-vessel rotary
drum. This plan includes capital, operating and cash flow forecasts for the three composting
alternatives which are summarized below. As the animal feed technology would be provided and
operated by a private company, only estimated capital costs are provided, with their proposal included
in the Appendix.
The economic evaluation in this study is based on a facility sized to process 4,000 tons/year of food
wastes. For the composting alternatives, to meet the desired process design criteria, another 6,000
tons/year of brush, leaves, grass clippings and old corrugated cardboard were included in the compost
recipe (Appendix A). The footprint analysis (Appendix B) was based on total incoming compostables of
10,600 tons/year. The rotary drum composting and animal feed production technologies were sized for
15,600 tons/year due to the inability to scale down the technologies below a certain point 1.
No site has yet been selected for the proposed organics recycling facility. The composting alternatives
will need a site in the range of 6-8 acres. The animal feed alternative will only require 1.5 – 2 acres. The
economic evaluation includes proposed land acquisition, but if the implementing entity is a public-
sector government, that expense may not be needed.
A summary of the capital cost estimates is provided in Table ES-1 and detailed cost estimates are in the
Appendix E.
Table ES-1. Summary of Initial Capital Cost Estimates
Windrow ASP Rotary Drum Animal Feed
Cost Element Composting Composting Composting Extrusion
Site development &
$2,871,500 $2,779,953 $2,856,500 $2,725,000
Equipment $1,101,000 $917,444 $3,040,500 $8,700,000
Total $3,972,500 $3,697,397 $5,897,000 $11,425,000
1Rotary drum technology is available in either small (< 60 CY capacity) or large (> 750 CY capacity), if using the smaller
drums, eight units would be required to handle expected daily throughputs. 1
Estimated operating costs for the three composting options were prepared by using a “time-and-
motion” prediction of the steps in the volumetric compost production process, which resulted in
estimates of labor needed, and equipment costs for operations. Production in the turned windrow and
rotary drum alternatives would need 2 full-time equivalents (FTEs) while the aerated static pile
alternative would require 2 FTEs and 1 part-time equivalent. The pro forma analysis assumed 2 FTEs
for the windrow and drum composting and 3 FTEs for ASP composting to account for housekeeping,
recordkeeping and process monitoring, along with sales support. Annual operating costs per ton are
estimated to be $32.70/ton for turned windrows, $33.30/ton for rotary drum and $45.10/ton for ASP.
The primary differences between them are higher processing costs for active composting with
straddle-turned windrows and higher processing costs for curing with the rotary drum, along with
mixing and electricity costs for rotary drum and ASP. The operating costs for the animal feed
production alternative were estimated at $87/ton by the technology provider.
Financial pro formas, projections of monthly profit or loss over a three-year period (2019 – 2021), were
prepared. For all composting approaches, the assumptions used are shown in Table ES-2. It was
assumed that operating costs and tip fees would go up 3% per year. Timing of compost sales was based
on experiences from other compost producers and the timing of production expenses was proportional
to the tonnages collected by IGI in 2017. Capital cost recovery factors used were 3.75% per year for
equipment with less than a 12-yr anticipated life and 5.5% per year for site improvements and
infrastructure, assuming a 20-year life. As the implementing entity is not yet known, it is unknown how
financing would be arranged, so the pro forma analysis does not include any cost of capital.
Table ES-2. Pro forma assumptions for composting
Parameter 2019 2020 2021 Notes
Tip fee $50.00 $51.50 $53.00 $ per ton
Tip fee tonnage Tons 2,215 2,900 4,000 No tip fee for carbon materials
Compost sales price Commercial $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $ per CY
Residential $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $ per CY
Annual sales volume 10,500 13,775 19,000 CY
The results of the pro forma analysis are summarized in Tables ES-3, ES-4 and ES-5. Detailed
spreadsheets are in Appendix F. All options are similar in terms of predicted financial performance.
The facility can be profitable within three years if the tonnages go up year-over-year as shown, and all
the compost is sold at the assumed price points. These estimates do not include any collection costs or
revenues, nor any corporate or governmental overhead allocations.
Table ES-3. Summary of windrow composting pro forma analysis
2019 2020 2021
Revenues $399,500 $528,163 $734,500
Expenses $589,500 $579,653 $590,388
Net income ($190,000) ($51,491) $144,112 2
Table ES-4. Summary of ASP composting pro forma analysis
2019 2020 2021
Revenues $399,500 $528,163 $734,500
Expenses $687,111 $701,484 $716,287
Net income ($287,612) ($173,322) $18,213
Table ES-5. Summary of rotary drum composting pro forma analysis
2019 2020 2021
Revenues $399,500 $528,163 $734,500
Expenses $659,908 $643,650 $654,826
Net income ($260,408) ($115,488) $79,674
Of the four alternatives evaluated, the animal feed production is the most expensive, in part because it
is sized for 50 tons/day and would require inputs from off-island for the economics to work out. Rotary
drum composting is well-practiced in Massachusetts (Marlborough and Nantucket) but would also be
sized larger than needed. Windrow composting is the most widely practiced composting approach and
is the least expensive and most flexible to changes in quantities of feedstocks. ASP composting is
becoming more common as it offers better process and odor control but has the least favorable
financial performance projection.
There are a number of factors that could influence these calculations, as outlined in Table ES-6.
Readers should consider these factors before drawing any conclusions.
Table ES-6. Factors Affecting Financial Analysis
The next steps in the process should be to find one or more candidate sites, identify who the
implementing entity will be, quantify the real market potential for compost sales on the Island, and
refine this preliminary sizing analysis and estimates of costs. 4
Massachusetts’ food waste ban was proposed in July 2013, accepted to update the state’s Solid Waste
Facility Regulations (310 CMR 19.006) in January 2014, and went into effect October 1, 2014. The
regulatory body responsible for enforcing the ban is the Massachusetts Department of Environmental
Protection (MassDEP). Under the ban, generators of food wastes are prohibited from disposing,
transferring for disposal, contracting for the disposal, or transporting commercial organic material.
“Commercial Organic Material” means food material and vegetative material from any entity that
generates more than one ton of those materials for solid waste disposal per week but excludes
material from a residence.
MassDEP’s guidance materials for the Commercial Organics Waste Ban give the following guidelines for
some of the commercial and institutional generators who may be affected by the ban, based on
generic sector-based estimates:
• Residential Colleges or Universities with ≥ 730 students
• Non-residential Colleges or Universities with ≥ 2,750 students
• Secondary Schools with ≥ 4,000 students
• Hospitals with ≥ 80 beds
• Nursing Homes with ≥ 160 beds
• Restaurants with ≥ 70 or more full time employees
• Resort/Conference Properties with ≥ 475 seats
• Supermarkets with ≥ 35 full time employees.
In response to this ban, the Martha’s Vineyard Vision Fellowship funded an Island-wide organic waste
management feasibility study which was finalized in May 2017. The study’s oversight committee
members were chosen for their knowledge of and experience with food waste diversion, waste
management and/or their unique perspectives on how to introduce new projects/programs to the
Island community. The committee members currently are: Don Hatch, Director of the Martha’s
Vineyard Refuse Disposal and Resource Recovery District; Michael Loberg, chairman of the Tisbury
Board of Health; Chris Murphy, Chilmark Conservation Commission and former MV Commission
member; Jon Previant, Agricultural Consultant; Richard Toole, Vineyard Conservation Society board
president; Matt Poole, Edgartown Board of Health Agent and Rebecca Haag, Executive Director at
Island Grown Initiative.
The study assessed various technologies and approaches to managing food waste on the Island and
made specific recommendations for next steps. The Committee applied for and received funding from
the Vision Fellowship for a Phase II, the purpose of which is to lay the groundwork for community and
investor commitments to specific organic waste management for the Island. 1
The precursor study to this report, “Island-Wide Organics Feasibility Study Final Report”2 concluded
that two composting technologies and one animal feed manufacturing technology should be
considered for implementation to help Island businesses comply with the new rules. The composting
technologies selected were open-air turned windrow and an in-vessel composting system. The project
team has based its analysis in this report on the rotary drum composting technology, due to its years of
experience in recycling organic wastes (particularly in Marlborough and Nantucket, MA) and its proven
capability for handling food wastes. This report also evaluates an aerated static pile (ASP) composting
approach. The animal feed manufacturing technology suggested in that report was based on the use of
a proprietary dry extrusion system.
This report was commissioned by the Island-Wide Organics Waste Management Study Oversight
Committee in order to begin to understand the magnitude of the infrastructure investment needed to
process food waste on Martha’s Vineyard, rather than to ship it back to mainland Massachusetts for
processing at a landfill or combustion facility as is currently the practice. This plan was prepared from
the perspective of a private-sector company opening an organics recycling facility on the Island and
handling all compost sales and marketing. It is possible that a public-sector entity would develop and
operate the facility.
This report was prepared by Coker Composting & Consulting, with the assistance of Robert L. Spencer,
Environmental Planning Consultant.
Coker Composting & Consulting is a sole proprietorship consulting operation run by Craig S. Coker. Mr.
Coker has over 40 years’ experience in the planning, permitting, design, construction and operation of
organics recycling facilities processing animal manures, animal mortalities, food wastes, biosolids, yard
trimmings and source-separated organic solid wastes. He has planned, permitted, built and/or
operated twelve ASP facilities in eight states. He is a licensed Waste Management Facility Operator, a
certified Nutrient Management Planner (both Agriculture and Turf/Landscape) and a USCC/SWANA
Certified Compost Systems Manager. He holds an undergraduate degree in Environmental Science
from the University of Virginia and a graduate degree in Environmental Engineering from George
Washington University.
Robert L. Spencer is an Environmental Planner with extensive experience in Massachusetts and in the
previous evaluations of food wastes on Martha’s Vineyard. His experience working with Martha’s
Vineyard started in the fall of 2014 when he was retained by Bruno’s Roll-Off Inc. to assist the company
in identifying options for complying with the Massachusetts Food Waste Ban that took effect in
October 2014. Spencer was then retained by the Martha’s Vineyard Vision Fellowship in December
2015 for a 12-month feasibility study of food waste recycling options. Spencer has also been retained
by the Massachusetts DEP’s RecyclingWorks technical assistance program to assist the following
Martha’s Vineyard farms with composting food waste: Whippoorwill Farm, Beetlebung Farm, and
Thimble Farm.
2S. Abrams and R.L. Spencer, “Island-Wide Organics Feasibility Study”, Martha’s Vineyard Vision Fellowship, May 2017 2
The project team would like to acknowledge the invaluable assistance provided by the following
people during this project:
• Rebecca Haag, Executive Director, Martha’s Vineyard Island Grown Initiative
• Jon Previant, Island-Wide Organics Waste Management Oversight Committee
• Sophie Abrams Mazza, Food Equity and Recovery Director, Island Grown Initiative 3
Compost Facility Sizing
Composting, at any scale, is a biological manufacturing process, where the inputs to the process are
compostable materials (feedstocks), air and water, and the outputs are compost, heat, water vapor
and carbon dioxide. Compost production requires a medium dry enough to provide pore spaces with
free air but wet enough to sustain biological activity (around 50% to 55% moisture). Porosity (around
35% to 50%) typically is provided by mixing organic wastes with a structural bulking agent or
amendment, such as wood chips. The addition of woody materials as amendments also serves to raise
the carbon-to-nitrogen (C:N) ratio of the organic waste materials into the preferred range of 20% to
35%. Other carbon-adjusting amendments include leaves, sawdust and horse manure and bedding.
Composting is also a batch-type volumetric materials handling process. The steps in this process are
feedstock receipt and storage, mixing, active composting, curing (also known as maturation), screening
(needed to recover oversized bulking agent), and product storage. Each of these process steps is sized
individually, then summed to determine the total area needed. For this project, sizing was done for
turned windrow and rotary drum composting methods. For the animal feed alternative, the technology
vendor offered sizing suggestions.
Once estimates of compostable feedstocks are determined, a compost recipe can be prepared.
Compost recipes are developed on a mass, or weight, basis to ensure that the mix conforms to desired
process design criteria, but the feedstocks are commingled on a volumetric basis (i.e. so many cubic
yards [CY] of Feedstock A mixed with so many CY of Feedstock B, etc.). Incoming source-separated
organic materials (SSO) would be processed by grinding/shredding/mixing to achieve a consistent
particle size, and to combine the SSO with fresh bulking agent, oversized bulking agent from the
screening process, and finished compost (used as a microbial inoculum).
Feedstock Estimates
Food Wastes
The 2017 Abrams and Spencer report estimated potential food waste diversion on Martha’s Vineyard
at 6,500 tons per year. That estimate was based on a combination of visual observations by Mr. Don
Hatch of the Martha’s Vineyard Refuse Disposal District of the percentage of food (45%) in the
municipal solid waste stream shipped off-island for disposal (19,000 tons/year), supplemented with
Mr. Spencer riding with a commercial hauler collecting trash in Edgartown in the fall of 2014 to inspect
loads tipped at the Oak Bluffs transfer station.
Industrial/Commercial/Institutional (I/C/I) sources
Tables 3 and 4 in the 2017 Abrams and Spencer report list the 26 establishments that are, or might be,
subject to the MassDEP food waste ban which applies to generators of 1 tons per week or more of
food waste. This list included 16 establishments open only 20 weeks per year, one open 40
weeks/year, two open 48 weeks/year and 7 open 52 weeks/year, so it reflects the higher waste
generation of the spring/summer/fall tourist seasons. Estimates of waste generation for those 4
establishments were developed based on MassDEP Recycling Works methodology, which is a
reasonable method of estimation. Based on the Spencer and Abrams calculations, the total expected
annual waste generation from those MV establishments is approximately 1,006 tons/year. Those
estimates were compared to estimates from a “State List” which consists of a spreadsheet of food
waste sources by community in Massachusetts prepared in 2002 by Draper/Lennon, Inc. It is
reasonable to assume that all 1,006 tons/year will be available to the organics recycling facility.
Abrams and Spencer calculated potential tonnages from another 89 food waste generators on MV, not
necessarily subject to the ban, who might be producing another 740 tons/year. If any of those
establishments produce 1 ton per week for any portion of the year, they are subject to the ban. As
many of these generators are small, it is reasonable to assume that 50% of this tonnage (370
tons/year) will be available to the facility.
As part of this current project, Mr. Spencer confirmed that there have been no major new food waste
generators (i.e. restaurants or grocery stores) built since the previous calculations were done in Nov.
2016, through interviews with health agents in all six towns. Food service establishments must have a
permit from the Board of Health, and that permit lists the number of seats in the establishment, which
can then be used to estimate the amount of food waste per establishment.
Residential Sources
The 2017 report estimated a total yearly residential food waste stream of 4,844 tons, with 1,963 tons
coming from year-round residents and 2,881 tons coming from summer visitors. This was based on an
estimate of year-round population of 16,500 producing 238 lbs. of food waste per year and a summer
population estimate of 98,500 producing 0.65 lbs./day for 90 days. This is a reasonable method of
As there is no mandate for residential diversion of food wastes, then any residential diversion program
must be a voluntary participation model, paid for either by usage fees or public funds subsidies. In
either case, voluntary programs are characterized by participation rates (the percentage of households
participating in the program) and setout rates (the percentage of households that actually set their
organics out for collection on their assigned collection day, or who actually take their organics to a
drop-off station weekly). For this study, assumed participation rates were 30% in 2020, rising 10% per
year to 50% by 2022. Of those participating, a setout rate of 75% was assumed (based on data from a
Vermont residential diversion program). 5
Table 1. Estimated food waste generation
Food waste (tons/year)
Source 2020 2021 2022
I/C/I subject to ban 1,000 1,200 1,500
I/C/I not subject to ban 125 250 370
Residential (year-round) 442 590 736
Residential (visitor) 648 864 1,080
Totals 2,215 2,904 3,686
The economic evaluation in this study is based on a facility sized to process 4,000 tons/year of food
Carbon sources
Although food-soiled paper is often included in the food wastes collected in SSO diversion programs (as
they are not recyclable elsewhere), they alone rarely provide enough biodegradable carbon to satisfy
the recipe criteria. Other sources of carbon amendments on Martha’s Vineyard were identified in a
2014 study 3. That study estimated that 5,699 cubic yards (CY) of wood chips, 4,868 CY of leaves, and
117 CY of sawdust could be available to a composting facility. Those estimates were used to develop
the compost recipe.
In addition, the Martha’s Vineyard Refuse District (MVRD) in West Tisbury reports they collect
approximately 1,980 CY of brush and 1,600 CY of leaves annually that is diverted to the Keene
Excavating Compost Facility. Those quantities were included in the recipe.
3 Abrams, S., “Closing the Loop on the Thimble Farm Slaughterhouse: A Waste Composting Feasibility Study”, Marlboro
Graduate School, July 2014
4 Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection, “Massachusetts Waste Characterization Data, Material Category
A mass-based compost recipe was developed for the estimated quantities above. The recipe was
based on the food waste plus leaves, sawdust, wood chips, OCC, yard waste, compost inoculant and
overs from the product screen. The recipe is based on the four key process design criteria for good
• Carbon:Nitrogen (C:N) ratio of more than 20:1
• Mix moisture content of 50% - 65%
• Volatile solids content greater than 80%
• Predicted (based on bulk density) free air space content of 40%-60%
Compost recipes should be adjusted to reflect the fact that not all carbon in compostable materials is
available to the bacteria responsible for primary decomposition in active composting. This is because
some carbon is contained within lignin molecules in wood, carbonaceous and paper products.
Lignaceous carbon is biodegraded by fungi in curing/maturation. Carbon content is adjusted for the
lignin content using a methodology by Chandler (1980)5:
A summary of the recipe is in Table 2 and the detailed recipe and calculations are in the Appendix.
Table 2. Daily Compost Recipe Summary
Parameter Targets Values
Average Daily Compostables Volumes (CY/day) 121
Carbon:Nitrogen Ratio > 20:1 20
Moisture Content 50%-65% 53%
Volatile Solids > 80% 85%
Predicted Free Air Space 40% - 60% 70%
The only recipe model parameter outside the recommended range is predicted free air space (FAS).
FAS is defined as pore space minus the pore space volume occupied by water. The equation predicting
FAS is based on Alburquerque (2008)6 and is a function of bulk density. So, materials with low bulk
densities have higher predicted FAS and vice-versa. Compost piles with high FAS may have difficulty
retaining heat during active composting and can be mitigated by covering piles with finished compost
or a fabric cover. This will be monitored by the facility’s operating staff, so is not considered
problematic at this early stage.
5 Chandler, J.A., “Predicting Methane Fermentation Biodegradability”, Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, 10,
93, 1980
6 Alburquerque, J.A., et. al., "Air Space in Composting Research: A Literature Review", Compost Science and Utilization, Vol.
The technologies initially under consideration by the Oversight Committee include three composting
approaches and a dry extrusion animal feed facility. The three composting approaches modeled were
turned windrow composting and curing, aerated static pile (ASP) composting with windrow curing and
rotary drum composting followed by windrow curing.
The sizing models used are based on the volumes determined by the recipe model due to the
volumetric materials handling nature of composting. Windrow systems are more flexible in terms of
changing quantities of feedstocks (to be expected on Martha’s Vineyard given seasonal tourism) where
in-vessel systems have fixed volumetric capacities.
For the windrow alternative, the sizing analysis was based on the use of a straddle windrow turner with
a 6’ H x 12’ W drum (Figure 1). The ASP alternative was based on the use of concrete block bunkers
and Fuji ring compressors (Figure 2). For the rotary drum alternative (Figure 3), the sizing was based on
the use of a single 12’ diameter, 185’ long rotary drum with mixer 7.
Figure 1. Straddle Windrow Turner Composting
7Rotary drum technology is available in either small (< 60 CY capacity) or large (> 750 CY capacity), if using the smaller
drums, eight units would be required to handle expected daily throughputs. 8
Figure 2. ASP Composting 9
A summary of area needs is shown in Table 3. Detailed calculations are in the Appendix.
Table 3. Summary of Area Needs
Windrow Composting ASP Composting Rotary Drum Composting
Area Summary Area Area Area
(sq. ft.) (sq. ft.) (sq. ft.)
Feedstock Receipt 1,600 1,600 1,600
Feedstock Storage
Food wastes 400 400 400
OCC 400 400 400
Leaves 19,900 19,900 19,900
Wood chips 8,400 8,400 8,400
Yard wastes 6,000 6,000 6,000
Overs from Screen 750 750 750
Composting Area 87,500 26,250 24,000
Curing Area 75,000 95,625 115,500
Screening Area 4,500 4,500 4,500
Product Storage Area 24,000 24,000 24,000
Retail sales area 6,400 6,400 6,400
Subtotal 234,850 194,225 216,650
Equip storage, etc. @ 25% 58,713 48,556 54,163
Total square feet needed 293,563 242,781 270,812
Total acreage needed 6.7 5.8 6.2
As much of the space needs are taken up by non-composting/curing activities, the key differences are
in the composting and curing footprints. While rotary drum composting takes up the least space, it
requires the largest curing (maturation) footprint. Essentially, all alternatives will require a 6-8 acre
site. 10
Animal Feed Extrusion Facility
The animal feed manufacturing process recommended for further evaluation in the 2017 study is a dry
extrusion process, patented by Sustainable Alternative Feed Enterprises ( which
has a 100 ton/day facility operating in Santa Clara, CA.
Description of Operation
The Santa Clara facility operated by S.A.F.E. consists of a pre-processing step to remove contaminants
and make the food waste compatible with the feed production system, which consists of a dehydrator,
a sterilizer, and an extruder press to recover oils from grease trap wastes.
The pre-processing system Is shown in Figure 3 and consists of a shredder, a screw press, a filtering
screen, and mash storage tanks. The screw press is the primary contaminant removal mechanism,
producing a high-solids thick liquid, called mash.
Figure 3. SAFE pre-processing system
The feed production system is shown in Figure 4. Company officials have indicated that, in future
installations, they plan to move the Fats/Oils/Greases (FOG) press between the mash storage tanks and
the dehydration system. The extruder technology (labeled Sterilization in Figure 4) is based on Insta-
Pro International dry extruders, which generate heat through friction to accomplish numerous
processes including: cooking, expanding, sterilizing, stabilizing, dehydrating and texturizing. The
extruders can be either high or medium shear which create various pressures and temperatures. 11
Figure 4. SAFE feed production system 12
A key advantage to a SAFE system on Martha’s Vineyard is that it is a compact processing system. The
Santa Clara plant takes up about 15,000 square feet of processing area. However, as the 2017 study
noted, “Only food waste would be processed. The technology does not process other organics like leaf
and yard waste, cardboard or soiled paper, meaning either a missed opportunity to recycle those
materials locally, or the need for a separate composting facility.” Company officials have estimated the
facility will need approximately 11,000 SF of processing area, and this study assumes this to be done
inside a building on a 0.5 acre site
Company officials have indicated that it may be difficult to downsize some of the system components
to meet the projected 12.8 ton/day food waste diversion rate (based on 4,000 tons/year over a 312-
day year), so there may be interest in bringing in other material off-island for processing.
Neither the 2017 study or this evaluation has assessed the on-island market(s) for animal feed
produced by a SAFE system.
SAFE provided a preliminary budgetary design-build proposal for their technology, consisting of a pre-
processing system to produce the food mash and an animal food production system consisting of a
dryer, decanting centrifuge, pumps, tanks, the extrusion system, and a suspended air flotation system
for pretreating the decanted wastewater prior to sewer discharge. Their proposal is included in the
As a site has not been selected yet for any organics recycling facility, it is not known whether adequate
3-phase power is available nearby, nor if any one of the island’s five wastewater treatment plants can
accept the pretreated wastewater. 13
Cost Estimates
Cost Factors Used
In the absence of any island-specific construction cost factors, this analysis used cost factors from two
sources: a general contractor’s Schedule of Values for a composting facility under construction in the
northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C., and from construction estimating software I use
(Craftsman National Construction Cost Estimator), adjusted for costs in Zip Code 02575 (materials +4%,
labor +36%, equipment +1%).
For windrow composting operating costs, we assumed a labor rate of $22.50/hour, a machine rate for
loaders/trucks of $55/hr, for grinder at $110/hr, and for a windrow turner at $450/hour. The rotary
drum vendor (Waste Options) and SAFE provided estimates of equipment and operating costs for
those equipment alternatives. We assumed all alternatives to be open 6 days/week.
The ASP alternative was based on the generic positive (forced) aeration design, with one blower per
bunker. The capital cost estimate assumed a concrete bunker floor with aeration trenches and
aeration pipe covered with galvanized steel trench covers, concrete block bunker walls, and a sliding
timber panel end wall (so that bunkers could be filled to capacity). During this project, two technology
providers (AgriLabs in VT and Engineered Compost Systems in WA) offered possible ASP facilities based
on their technologies. This information has been included in Appendix C. If ASP composting is the
selected alternative, these vendor offerings should be investigated in more detail.
The rotary drum capital cost estimate also included two buildings, one for waste receipt and drum
loading and one for product discharge and screening, a mechanical mixer and a biofilter. The estimate
was based on a March 2017 preliminary layout prepared for the Martha’s Vineyard Refuse District by
Structor Engineering. 14
The equipment included in the cost estimates was a well pump and pressure tank, a horizontal grinder
(Morbark 2600 wood hog), a straddle windrow turner (Scarab 612) or a rotary drum (Citic 12’ x 165’)
with a Luck mechanical mixer, Vortron TX 714 fabric windrow covers with punched tire hold-downs,
Fuji ring compressor blowers with Intermatic timers, a yard truck (10 CY dump) for moving materials
through the production process, a rubber-tired front-end loader (John Deere 524K with 2 – 3CY
buckets, one for waste and one for product), and a TROM 406 trommel screen.
A summary of the capital cost estimates is provided in Table 5 and detailed cost estimates are in the
Appendix E.
Table 5. Summary of Initial Capital Cost Estimates
Windrow ASP Rotary Drum Animal Feed
Cost Element Composting Composting Composting Extrusion
Site development &
$2,871,500 $2,779,953 $2,856,500 $2,725,000
Equipment $1,101,000 $917,444 $3,040,500 $8,700,000
Total $3,972,500 $3,697,397 $5,897,000 $11,425,000
Production in the turned windrow and rotary drum alternatives would need 2 full-time equivalents
(FTEs) while the aerated static pile alternative would require 2 FTEs and 1 part-time equivalent. The
pro forma analysis assumed 2 FTEs for the windrow and drum composting and 3 FTEs for ASP
composting to account for housekeeping, recordkeeping and process monitoring, along with sales
support. Annual operating costs per ton are estimated to be $32.70/ton for turned windrows,
$33.30/ton for rotary drum and $45.10/ton for ASP. The primary differences between them are higher
8SAFE based their estimates on late 2017 materials prices but noted that pending tariffs on Chinese steel would require
that the estimates be revisited before placing an equipment order. 15
processing costs for active composting with straddle-turned windrows and higher processing costs for
curing with the rotary drum, along with mixing and electricity costs for rotary drum and ASP.
Table 6. Annual Composting Operational Expenses
Turned Windrow
Process Hours per day Labor Cost Machine Cost
Waste Receipt 0.7 $4,734 $11,572
Grinding/shredding 0.7 $7,020 $34,320
Transport to Pad 2.4 $16,569 $40,503
Building Windrows 2.0 $14,202 $34,717
Windrow Mixing/Turning 1.1 $7,898 $19,305
Moving Compost to Curing 1.4 $9,942 $24,302
Managing Curing Piles 1.3 $9,042 $22,103
Screening Compost 1.5 $11,504 $28,121
Moving Compost to Storage 1.0 $7,158 $17,497
Moving Overs to Storage 0.3 $2,193 $5,360
Product Marketing & Sales 0.8 $5,616 $13,728
Total Workhours 13.2 Totals $347,406
FTEs needed* 1.93 Annual Tonnage 10,623
Cost per ton $32.70
Rotary Drum
Process Hours per day Labor Cost Machine Cost
Waste Receipt 0.7 $4,734 $11,572
Grinding/shredding 0.7 $7,020 $34,320
Transport to Pad 2.4 $16,569 $40,503
Loading Rotary Drum 0.4 $5,616 $13,728
Electricity for Rotary Drum -- -- $28,852
Moving Compost to Curing 1.7 $11,599 $28,352
Managing Curing Piles 3.0 $21,304 $52,076
Screening Compost 1.5 $12,079 $29,527
Moving Compost to Storage 1.5 $10,439 $25,517
Moving Overs to Storage 0.3 $2,244 $5,485
Product Marketing & Sales 0.8 $5,616 $13,728
Total Workhours 12.1 Totals $353,771
FTEs needed* 1.78 Annual Tonnage 10,623
Cost per ton $33.30
Aerated Static Pile
Process Hours per day Labor Cost Machine Cost
Waste Receipt 0.7 $4,734 $11,572
Grinding/shredding 0.7 $7,020 $34,320
Mixing 4.2 $18,937 $72,029
Transport to Pad 2.1 $14,913 $36,453
Building ASPs 2.4 $17,043 $41,660
Electricity for blowers -- -- $78,122
Moving Compost to Curing 1.5 $10,439 $25,517
Managing Curing Piles 1.3 $9,326 $22,797
Screening Compost 1.5 $12,079 $10,410 16
Moving Compost to Storage 1.1 $7,516 $18,372
Move Overs to Storage 0.3 $1,879 $4,593
Product Marketing & Sales 0.8 $5,616 $13,728
Total Workhours 19.5 Totals $479,075
FTEs needed* 2.44 Annual Tonnage 10,623
Cost per ton $45.10
*Assumes 85% productivity of on-site staff
They estimated the pre-processing system would add another $25/ton to the operating cost, for a
grand total of $87/ton. This is based on processing 15,600 – 16,800 tons/year, which is considerably
more than is available on Martha’s Vineyard. Generally speaking, lower-capacity systems have higher
operational costs due to a lack of economies of scale.
Capital cost recovery factors used were 3.75% per year for equipment with less than a 12-yr
anticipated life and 5.5% per year for site improvements and infrastructure, assuming a 20-year life.
Table 7. Pro forma assumptions for composting
Parameter 2019 2020 2021 Notes
Tip fee $50.00 $51.50 $53.00 $ per ton
Tip fee tonnage Tons 2,215 2,900 4,000 No tip fee for carbon materials
Compost sales price Commercial $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $ per CY
Residential $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $ per CY
Annual sales volume 10,500 13,775 19,000 CY 65
Pro Forma Summary
The results of the pro forma analysis are summarized in Tables 9, 10 and 11. Detailed spreadsheets are
in Appendix F.
All options are similar in terms of predicted financial performance. The facility can be profitable within
three years if the tonnages go up year-over-year as shown, and all the compost is sold at the assumed
price points. These estimates do not include any collection costs or revenues, nor any corporate or
governmental overhead allocations.
Table 9. Summary of windrow composting pro forma analysis
2019 2020 2021
Revenues $399,500 $528,163 $734,500
Expenses $589,500 $579,653 $590,388
Net income ($190,000) ($51,491) $144,112
Table 9. Summary of ASP composting pro forma analysis
2019 2020 2021
Revenues $399,500 $528,163 $734,500
Expenses $687,111 $701,484 $716,287
Net income ($287,612) ($173,322) $18,213
There are a number of factors that could influence these calculations, as outlined in Table 12. Readers
should consider these factors before drawing any conclusions. 65
Table 12. Factors Affecting Financial Analysis
The next steps in the process should be to find one or more candidate sites, identify who the
implementing entity will be, quantify the real market potential for compost sales on the Island, and
refine this preliminary sizing analysis and estimates of costs. 65
A. Compost Recipe
B. Footprint Analysis
Windrow composting
Aerated Static Pile composting
Drum composting
C. Aerated static pile system information from AgriLabs and Engineered Compost Systems
D. Rotary drum layout and quote
E. Cost Estimates
Capital costs
Operating costs
F. Pro Forma Analyses
Windrow composting
Aerated static pile composting
Rotary drum composting
G. SAFE proposal 21
Appendix A - Compost recipe 22
Martha's Vineyard Organics Composting Business Plan
Composting facility open 6 days/week (312 days/yr)
Food waste tonnage based on 4K ton/year; 50% comm'l, 50% residential
Carbon amendments based on 2014 Abrams study: Wood chips - 5,699 cy, Leaves - 4,868 cy, Sawdust - 117 cy
Additional carbon amendments from MVRD: 1,980 CY brush & 1,600 CY leaves & grass
OCC & Waxed = 9.7% (Source: MassDEP, 2011) of 19,000 tons/year sent off-island, assume 25% captured
Compost recycle added at 10% by volume
DENSITY (LBS/CY) 800 500 350 275 573 523 259 1184 600 561.0
POUNDS OF BIODEG. CARBON 4,026 4,692 1,660 42 3,475 2,062 1,007 2,697 2,891 22,553
POUNDS OF NITROGEN 705 87 44 0.2 84 54 1 135 28 1,138
BIODEGRADABLE C:N RATIO 6 54 38 205 42 38 682 20 104 20 20 TO 30
POUNDS OF MOISTURE 9,128 4,897 3,249 41 6,448 2,404 236 3,768 5,877 36,050
NUMBER OF UNITS 12,821 12,821 5,461 103 10,468 5,995 2,954 7,933 9,540 68,095
DENSITY (LBS/CY) 800 500 350 275 573 523 259 1184 573
DENSITY (KG/M3) 474.6 296.6 207.6 163.2 340.0 310.0 153.7 702.4 340.0
% AIR SPACE 57.28 73.30 81.31 85.32 69.40 72.10 86.17 36.78 69.40
FEEDSTOCK VOLUME (CY) 16.03 25.64 15.60 0.38 18.27 11.47 11.40 6.70 15.90 121.4
AIR VOLUME (CY) 9.2 18.8 12.7 0.3 12.7 8.3 9.8 2.5 11.0 85.3
Data Sources:
I/C/I food wastes - March 2012 lab analysis of dining hall pre-consumer food wastes, Culver, IN
Residential food wastes - Jan. 2012 lab analysis of cafeteria post-consumer food wastes, Smyrna, TN
Bulk densities for food wastes from Brattleboro (VT) comm'l and curbside collection programs
Leaves - March 2012 analysis of fallen leaves, City of Richmond, VA
Sawdust - April 2012 analysis of hardwood sawmill sawdust, Smith Mountain Lake, VA
Wood chips - Jan. 2014 analysis of wood chips, Royal Oak Farm, Evington VA
Yard waste - June 2011 lab analysis of mixed yard waste, Prince William Co., VA
OCC - On-Farm Composting Handbook, NRAES-54, 1992
Compost recycle - April 2017 analysis of 3/8" screened yard waste compost, Prince William Co., VA
Overs C,N, Moisture - Jan. 2014 lab analysis from Royal Oak Farm in VA; other from literature
Predicted Free Air Space equation from Alburquerque, J.A., et. al. , "Air Space in Composting Research: A Literature Review"
Compost Science and Utilization , Vol. 16, No. 3, 2008, p. 159-170
Lignin e Fraction Volatile Biodegradabl
Feedstock Carbon (%) Content (%) (B.F.) Solids (%) e Carbon (%)
Example: Yard Trimmings 49.2% 4.1% 82.89% 98.3% 40.1%
Sawdust 49.8 12.7 47.44% 99.6 41.0
I/C/I food waste 39.3 0.4 81.88% 96.2 31.4
Residential food waste 45.9 0.4 81.88% 96.2 36.6
Leaves 37.6 18.1 32.32% 98.0 30.4
Wood chips 44.8 12.7 47.44% 89.6 33.2
Yard waste 49.2 4.1 71.52% 84.2 34.4
OCC 44.0 17.4 34.28% 94.0 34.1
Cleaned overs 38.6 12.7 47.44% 95.0 30.3
Biodegradable Fraction & Carbon equations from Chandler, J.A.,, "Predicting Methane
Fermentation Biodegradability", Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, 10,93, 1980
Lignin content data sources:
Sawdusts- Richards, T. "Effect of Lignin on Biodegradability", Cornell University, 1996
Food waste - Das, K.C., "Odor Related Issues in Commercial Composting", University of Georgia, 2000
Leaves- Quarles, R.G., "Long-term decomposition rates of forest floor litter", Forests 2016, 7, 231
Wood chips- Richards, T. "Effect of Lignin on Biodegradability", Cornell University, 1996
Yard waste - Das, K.C., "Odor Related Issues in Commercial Composting", University of Georgia, 2000
OCC - Gonzalez-Estrella, J.,, “A review of anaerobic digestion of paper and paper board waste”, Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology 16.3 (2017): 569-590.
Cleaned overs - assumed the same as woodchips 23
MV Food Waste Composting - windrows - straddle turners
1. Facility is open 6 days/week (312 days/year)
2. Facility will use open-air turned windrows turned with straddle turner
Feedstocks Receipt
Assume landscape/carbon delivery once/week (except leaves)
Assume food wastes delivery daily
Size receipts area for 2.0x average daily volume = 242.8 CY/day
to allow equipment to move feedstocks into storage = 6,555 CF/day
Assumed pile height = 6 ft
Pile footprint = 1092 SF
Plus equipment access/movement = 546 SF
Receipt area needed = 1639 SF
Proposed dimensions = 40 ft. W
40 ft. L
Feedstocks Storage
Assume storage of food wastes, OCC in rectangular concrete block bunkers, rest in open piles
Food Wastes
Food wastes in recipe daily = 42 CY
Assume a maximum storage period prior to use = 2 days
Storage volume needed for food wastes = 90 CY
= 2,430 CF
Assume bunker depth = 4 ft
Bunker footprint = 608 SF
Proposed dimensions = 20 ft W
= 30 ft L
OCC in recipe daily (on average) = 11.4 CY
Assume a storage capacity = 7 days
Storage volume needed for paper/OCC = 80 CY
= 2,160 CF
Assume bunker depth = 6 ft
Bunker footprint = 360 SF
Proposed dimensions = 20 ft W
= 20 ft L
Leaves Assume stored in trapezoidal piles outdoors
Annual volumes of leaves to be handled = 4,868 CY/yr
Assume all come in Nov - Jan. = 131,436 CF
Assume maximum storage pile height = 10 ft
Assume pile base width = 30 ft
Volume per linear foot (trapezoidal - V=1/2(B1+B2)*H*L) = 7.41 CY/LF
Total linear footage of storage piles needed = 660 LF
Assume pile length = 200 ft.
Number of storage piles needed = 3
Space allowance around piles for equipment, etc. = 25 ft
Needed storage area footprint = 19900 SF
Proposed dimensions = 250 ft L
= 80 ft W
Wood chips Assume stored in trapezoidal piles outdoors
Wood chips in recipe daily (on average) = 18 CY/day
Assume a storage period prior to use = 30 days
Storage volume needed for wood chips = 550 CY
= 14,850 CF
Assume maximum storage pile height = 10 ft
Assume pile base width = 30 ft
Volume per linear foot (trapezoidal - V=1/2(B1+B2)*H*L) = 7.41 CY/LF
Total linear footage of storage piles needed = 80 LF
Assume pile length = 80 ft.
Number of storage piles needed = 1
Space allowance around piles for equipment, etc. = 25 ft
Needed storage area footprint = 2450 SF
Proposed dimensions = 105 ft L
= 80 ft W
Yard waste Assume stored in trapezoidal piles outdoors
Yard waste in recipe daily (on average) = 11 CY/day
Assume a storage period prior to use = 30 days
Storage volume needed for yard waste = 350 CY
= 9,450 CF
Assume maximum storage pile height = 10 ft
Assume pile base width = 30 ft
Volume per linear foot (trapezoidal - V=1/2(B1+B2)*H*L) = 7.41 CY/LF
Total linear footage of storage piles needed = 50 LF
Assume pile length = 50 ft.
Number of storage piles needed = 1
Space allowance around piles for equipment, etc. = 25 ft
Needed storage area footprint = 1550 SF
Proposed dimensions = 75 ft L
= 80 ft W
Overs from screening Assume stored in trapezoidal piles outdoors
Screen overs in recipe daily (on average) = 16 CY/day
Assume a storage period prior to use = 7 days
Storage volume needed for screen overs = 120 CY
= 3,240 CF
Assume maximum storage pile height = 10 ft
Assume pile base width = 30 ft
Volume per linear foot (trapezoidal - V=1/2(B1+B2)*H*L) = 7.41 CY/LF
Total linear footage of storage piles needed = 20 LF
Assume pile length = 20 ft.
Number of storage piles needed = 1
Space allowance around piles for equipment, etc. = 25 ft
Needed storage area footprint = 650 SF
Proposed dimensions = 30 ft L
= 25 ft W
Feedstock Mixing
Assume all feedstock mixing done by windrow turner on pad
Active Composting
Assume use of a straddle turner with a 6' x 12' tunnel
Assume trapezoidal windrow shape
a. Volume per linear foot of windrow:
A = (H x (B-H)), where H = height, B = width at base
Height = 6 ft
Base = 12 ft
Cross-sectional area per linear foot = 36 SF
Volume per linear foot = 1.3 CY/ LF
Average linear footage of new windrows daily
Daily volume from mixing / volume per linear foot = 91.0 LF / day
Total volume of material in windrows during 45-day active composting = 5,462 CY
Total linear footage of material in windrows = 4,097 LF
Total area occupied by windrows = 49,162 SF
Assume each windrow holds 2 days worth of mixed material/3 built per week
94 LF / day x 2 days = 182 LF
Volume of material in each windrow = 243 CY
Number of windrows in active composting = 23 windrows
Assume 3' spacing between windrows and 25' turning radius at each end
Each windrow is
Length 189 ft + 25 ft + 25 ft = 232 ft
Width 12 ft + 3 ft = 15 ft
Area of each windrow (gross) = 3,481 SF Avg Month Rain
Area of all windrows (gross) = 78,328 SF 0.25
Assume pad length is equal to gross windrow length = 250 ft. L
Pad width is 23 windrows @ 15' ea = 338 ft. W
Composting Pad = 350 ft. W
250 ft. L
Assume same size windrows as in active composting
Assume 30% volume shrink during composting
Avg. daily volume to composting = 121 CY/day
Avg. daily volume to curing = 85 CY/day
Average linear footage of new windrows daily
Avg. daily volume from composting / volume per linear foot = 64 LF / day
Total volume of material in windrows during 60-day curing period = 5,098 CY
Total linear footage of material in windrows = 3,824 LF
Total area occupied by windrows = 45,885 SF
Assume each curing windrow holds 1.5 composting windrows
1.5 x 755 CY/windrow x 30% shrinkage = 255 CY
Number of windrows in curing = 20 windrows
Length of each windrow = 191 ft
Assume 3' spacing between windrows and 25' turning radius at each end
Each windrow is
Length 595 ft + 25 ft + 25 ft = 241 ft
Width 12 ft + 3 ft = 15 ft
Area of each windrow (gross) = 3,618 SF
Area of all windrows (gross) = 72,356 SF
Assume pad length is equal to gross windrow length = 241 ft
Pad width is = 300 ft
Curing Pad = 300 ft. W
250 ft. L
MV Food Waste Composting - Aerated Static Piles
1. Facility is open 6 days/week (312 days/year)
2. Facility will use aerated static piles (positive air) with loader-turned curing piles
Feedstocks Receipt
Assume landscape/carbon delivery once/week (except leaves)
Assume food wastes delivery daily
Size receipts area for 2.0x average daily volume = 242.8 CY/day
to allow equipment to move feedstocks into storage = 6,555 CF/day
Assumed pile height = 6 ft
Pile footprint = 1092 SF
Plus equipment access/movement = 546 SF
Receipt area needed = 1639 SF
Proposed dimensions = 40 ft. W
40 ft. L
Feedstocks Storage
Assume storage of food wastes, OCC in rectangular concrete block bunkers, rest in open piles
Food Wastes
Food wastes in recipe daily = 42 CY
Assume a maximum storage period prior to use = 2 days
Storage volume needed for food wastes = 90 CY
= 2,430 CF
Assume bunker depth = 4 ft
Bunker footprint = 608 SF
Proposed dimensions = 20 ft W
= 30 ft L
OCC in recipe daily (on average) = 11.4 CY
Assume a storage capacity = 7 days
Storage volume needed for paper/OCC = 80 CY
= 2,160 CF
Assume bunker depth = 6 ft
Bunker footprint = 360 SF
Proposed dimensions = 20 ft W
= 20 ft L
Leaves Assume stored in trapezoidal piles outdoors
Annual volumes of leaves to be handled = 4,868 CY/yr
Assume all come in Nov - Jan. = 131,436 CF
Assume maximum storage pile height = 10 ft
Assume pile base width = 30 ft
Volume per linear foot (trapezoidal - V=1/2(B1+B2)*H*L) = 7.41 CY/LF
Total linear footage of storage piles needed = 660 LF
Assume pile length = 200 ft.
Number of storage piles needed = 3
Space allowance around piles for equipment, etc. = 25 ft
Needed storage area footprint = 19900 SF
Proposed dimensions = 250 ft L
= 80 ft W
Wood chips Assume stored in trapezoidal piles outdoors
Wood chips in recipe daily (on average) = 18 CY/day
Assume a storage period prior to use = 30 days
Storage volume needed for wood chips = 550 CY
= 14,850 CF
Assume maximum storage pile height = 10 ft
Assume pile base width = 30 ft
Volume per linear foot (trapezoidal - V=1/2(B1+B2)*H*L) = 7.41 CY/LF
Total linear footage of storage piles needed = 80 LF
Assume pile length = 80 ft.
Number of storage piles needed = 1
Space allowance around piles for equipment, etc. = 25 ft
Needed storage area footprint = 2450 SF
Proposed dimensions = 105 ft L
= 80 ft W
Yard waste Assume stored in trapezoidal piles outdoors
Yard waste in recipe daily (on average) = 11 CY/day
Assume a storage period prior to use = 30 days
Storage volume needed for yard waste = 350 CY
= 9,450 CF
Assume maximum storage pile height = 10 ft
Assume pile base width = 30 ft
Volume per linear foot (trapezoidal - V=1/2(B1+B2)*H*L) = 7.41 CY/LF
Total linear footage of storage piles needed = 50 LF
Assume pile length = 50 ft.
Number of storage piles needed = 1
Space allowance around piles for equipment, etc. = 25 ft
Needed storage area footprint = 1550 SF
Proposed dimensions = 75 ft L
= 80 ft W
Overs from screening Assume stored in trapezoidal piles outdoors
Screen overs in recipe daily (on average) = 16 CY/day
Assume a storage period prior to use = 7 days
Storage volume needed for screen overs = 120 CY
= 3,240 CF
Assume maximum storage pile height = 10 ft
Assume pile base width = 30 ft
Volume per linear foot (trapezoidal - V=1/2(B1+B2)*H*L) = 7.41 CY/LF
Total linear footage of storage piles needed = 20 LF
Assume pile length = 20 ft.
Number of storage piles needed = 1
Space allowance around piles for equipment, etc. = 25 ft
Needed storage area footprint = 650 SF
Proposed dimensions = 30 ft L
= 25 ft W
Feedstock Mixing
Assume all feedstock mixing done by mechanical mixer
Assumed mixer dimensions: 20.4' L x 9.2' W
Allow 20' on long axis sides for tractor/equip access
Assumed dimensions = 30 ft. W
= 22 ft. L
Total Feedstock Mixing Area = 660 SF
Active Composting
Composting residence time = 28 days/cycle
ASP sizing = 4.0 weeks/cycle
a. Total volume each cycle = 3,059.0 CY
b. Assume ASP height (w/o 6" compost cap) = 8.0 ft. H
c. Assume ASP width = 21 ft. W
d. Assume maximum ASP length = 36 ft. L
6" Compost Cap
End boards
in U-
Assume two rows of 7 bunkers each separated by 50' wide access aisle
and 20' wide utility aisle behind each row
● ASP # 1 ASP # 8 ●
● ASP # 2 ASP # 9 ●
● ASP # 3 18' ASP # 10 ●
● ASP # 4 ASP # 11 ●
● ASP # 5 ASP # 12 ●
● ASP # 6 ASP # 13 ●
● ASP # 7 50' ASP # 14 ●
36' 36'
Width = (7 ASPs x 21' / ASP) + (8 walls x 2' each) = 163 ft
Length = (2 rows x 36' / ASP) + ( 1 aisle x 50' ea) + (2 utility x 20' ea) = 162 ft
Composting Area Dimensions = = 150 ft W
175 ft L
Composting Aeration System
Volume of each pile = 238 CY/bunker
Assumed bulk density of each pile = 900 lbs/CY
Wet tonnage in each pile = 107.1 wet tons
Assumed pile moisture content at beginning = 62 %
Dry tonnage in each pile = 66.4 dry tons
Aeration rate = 600 CFH / dry ton
Aeration needed for each pile = 39,841 CFH
Fan Air Flow needed = 664 CFM
Assume one blower for each ASP bunker
Maximum Air Flow @ 6" W.C. = 600 CFM
Curing System
Assume curing is windrows turned with front end loader
Assume 30% volume shrink during composting
Total volume of material in piles during 60-day curing period = 4,588 CY
Assume high parabolic windrow shape (NRAES-114, p. 13)
Volume per linear foot of windrow:
A = 0.667 x (b) x (h), where h = height, b = width at base
Height of loader reach without driving up on pile = 9 ft
Base of parabolic pile = 18 ft
Cross-sectional area per linear foot = 108 SF
Volume per linear foot = 4.0 CY/ LF
Linear footage of new windrows weekly
Avg. weekly volume from composting / volume per linear foot= 115 LF / week
Total linear footage of material in windrows = 1,147 LF
Assume each windrow holds 3 ASP bunker volumes
204 CY/bunker x 30% shrink
Volume of material in each windrow = 500 CY
Number of windrows in curing = 9 windrows
Assume each windrow is 225' long 225 ft
Assume 20' spacing between windrows and 15' at each end (turning radii + pile displacement)
Each windrow is
Length 225 ft + 15 ft + 15 ft = 255 ft
Width 18 ft + 20 ft = 38 ft
Area of each windrow (gross) = 9,690 SF
Area of all windrows (gross) = 88,960 SF
Assume curing area length is equal to gross windrow length = 255 ft. L
Curing area width is = 349 ft W
Curing area = 225 ft. W
425 ft. L
Screening & Product Storage Sizing and Layout Calculations
Assume use of trommel screener with 3/8" screen
Assume approximately 80%/20% fines/overs split
Plan on four months finished compost storage
Daily volume going to screening = 69 CY/day
Daily volume going to storage = 55 CY/day
Daily volume of overs recycled as bulking agent = 14 CY/day
Screen size Length 24.5 ft
Width 6 ft
Allow 25 ft all sides for equipment movement
Screening Area = 60 ft. W
75 ft. L
Total Volume in Storage Pile
Daily volume x 6 days/week operation x 4 months capacity 5,286 CY
= 142,720 CF
Assume maximum storage pile height = 10 ft
Assume pile base width = 30 ft
Volume per linear foot (trapezoidal - V=1/2(B1+B2)*H*L) = 7.41 CY/LF
Total linear footage of storage piles needed 720 LF
Assume pile length 200 ft.
Number of storage piles needed = 4
Space allowance between piles for equipment, etc. = 25 ft
Needed storage area footprint = 21750 SF
Assume open storage pile with 30' access in front for equipment/trucks
Width (depth) of storage area = 120 ft
Length of storage pile = 181 ft
Product Storage Area = 120 ft. W
200 ft. L
Retail Sales Area
Assume 90% of production goes out in transfer trailers, 10% is small truck retail sales
Truck loading area:
Dump trailer dimensions with 30' on either side for loading: = 68.5 ft W
53 ft L
Retail sales:
Pick up truck dimensions with 30' on either side for loading: = 64 ft W
20 ft L
Area needed = 4911 SF
Add another 25% for vehicle queuing = 1228 SF
Total 6138 SF
Dimensions: = 80 ft. W
= 80 ft. L
Feedstocks Receipt
Assume landscape/carbon delivery once/week (except leaves)
Assume food wastes delivery daily
Size receipts area for 2.0x average daily volume = 242.8 CY/day
to allow equipment to move feedstocks into storage = 6,555 CF/day
Assumed pile height = 6 ft
Pile footprint = 1092 SF
Plus equipment access/movement = 546 SF
Receipt area needed = 1639 SF
Proposed dimensions = 40 ft. W
40 ft. L
Feedstocks Storage
Assume storage of food wastes, paper & OCC in rectangular concrete block bunkers, rest in open piles
Food Wastes
Food wastes in recipe daily = 42 CY
Assume a maximum storage period prior to use = 2 days
Storage volume needed for food wastes = 90 CY
= 2,430 CF
Assume bunker depth = 4 ft
Bunker footprint = 608 SF
Proposed dimensions = 20 ft W
= 30 ft L
OCC in recipe daily (on average) = 11.4 CY
Assume a storage capacity = 7 days
Storage volume needed for paper/OCC = 80 CY
= 2,160 CF
Assume bunker depth = 6 ft
Bunker footprint = 360 SF
Proposed dimensions = 20 ft W
= 20 ft L
Leaves Assume stored in trapezoidal piles outdoors
Annual volumes of leaves to be handled = 4,868 CY/yr
Assume all come in Nov - Jan. = 131,436 CF
Assume maximum storage pile height = 10 ft
Assume pile base width = 30 ft
Volume per linear foot (trapezoidal - V=1/2(B1+B2)*H*L) = 7.41 CY/LF
Total linear footage of storage piles needed = 660 LF
Assume pile length = 200 ft.
Number of storage piles needed = 3
Space allowance around piles for equipment, etc. = 25 ft
Needed storage area footprint = 19900 SF
Proposed dimensions = 250 ft L
= 80 ft W
Wood chips Assume stored in trapezoidal piles outdoors
Wood chips in recipe daily (on average) = 18 CY/day
Assume a storage period prior to use = 30 days
Storage volume needed for wood chips = 550 CY
= 14,850 CF
Assume maximum storage pile height = 10 ft
Assume pile base width = 30 ft
Volume per linear foot (trapezoidal - V=1/2(B1+B2)*H*L) = 7.41 CY/LF
Total linear footage of storage piles needed = 80 LF
Assume pile length = 80 ft.
Number of storage piles needed = 1
Space allowance around piles for equipment, etc. = 25 ft
Needed storage area footprint = 2450 SF
Proposed dimensions = 105 ft L
= 80 ft W
Yard waste Assume stored in trapezoidal piles outdoors
Yard waste in recipe daily (on average) = 11 CY/day
Assume a storage period prior to use = 30 days
Storage volume needed for yard waste = 350 CY
= 9,450 CF
Assume maximum storage pile height = 10 ft
Assume pile base width = 30 ft
Volume per linear foot (trapezoidal - V=1/2(B1+B2)*H*L) = 7.41 CY/LF
Total linear footage of storage piles needed = 50 LF
Assume pile length = 50 ft.
Number of storage piles needed = 1
Space allowance around piles for equipment, etc. = 25 ft
Needed storage area footprint = 1550 SF
Proposed dimensions = 75 ft L
= 80 ft W
Overs from screening Assume stored in trapezoidal piles outdoors
Screen overs in recipe daily (on average) = 16 CY/day
Assume a storage period prior to use = 7 days
Storage volume needed for screen overs = 120 CY
= 3,240 CF
Assume maximum storage pile height = 10 ft
Assume pile base width = 30 ft
Volume per linear foot (trapezoidal - V=1/2(B1+B2)*H*L) = 7.41 CY/LF
Total linear footage of storage piles needed = 20 LF
Assume pile length = 20 ft.
Number of storage piles needed = 1
Space allowance around piles for equipment, etc. = 25 ft
Needed storage area footprint = 650 SF
Proposed dimensions = 25 ft L
= 30 ft W
Feedstock Mixing
Assume all feedstock mixing done by windrow turner on pad
Active Composting
Assumed dimensions of rotary drum = 12 ft diameter
= 165 ft long
Volume of drum at 60% full (V= π x2r x L) = 44,787 CF
= 1,659 CY
Assumed residence time in drum = 5 days
Total volume to be composted during residence time = 607 CY
Number of drums needed = 3
Dimensions of drum = 12 ft. W
= 165 ft. L
Mixing building (per Hall's layout) 50' x 35'
Discharge building (per layout) 35' x 40'
Biofilter (per layout) 35' x 110'
Composting Area = 100 ft. W
240 ft. L
Assume curing in loader-turned windrows
Windrow dimensions: = 8 ft H
= 16 ft W
Assume high parabolic windrows (NRAES-114, p. 11): A= 2/3 x b x h
Cross-sectional area of windrow = 85 SF
Volume per linear foot of windrow = 3.2 CY/LF
Assume 30% volume shrink during composting
Avg. daily volume to composting = 121 CY/day
Avg. daily volume to curing = 85 CY/day
Average linear footage of new curing piles daily
Avg. daily volume from composting / volume per linear foot = 27 LF / day
Total volume of material in windrows during 90-day curing period = 7,647 CY
Total linear footage of material in windrows = 2,418 LF
Total area occupied by windrows = 38,696 SF
Assume each curing windrow holds 6 days (1 built/week)
6 days x 88 CY/day coming in = 510 CY
Number of windrows in curing = 15 windrows
Length of each windrow = 161 ft
Assume 20' spacing between windrows and 20' working space at each end
Each windrow is
Length 167 ft + 20 ft + 20 ft = 201 ft
Width 16 ft + 20 ft = 36 ft
Area of each windrow (gross) = 7,244 SF
Area of all windrows (gross) = 108,666 SF
Assume pad length is equal to gross windrow length = 201 ft
Pad width is = 540 ft
Curing Pad = 550 ft. W
210 ft. L
Appendix C - Aerated Static Pile information from AgriLabs & Engineered Compost Systems 35
The Compost Hot Box 250R™
The Compost Hot Box 250R™ is a mobile plug and play compost aeration and heat recovery system with recirculation
capability, featuring Agrilab InsideTM technology designed for negatively aerated or enclosed composting systems on medium to
large scale farms and commercial/municipal compost operations.
Aerated Static Pile processing means minimal mechanical tumbling of material is required to aerate and break down the
material into stable compost.
It includes remote data monitoring, computerized controls, hot water, and condensate recirculation systems. Aeration exhaust
can be automatically vented back into the compost for moisture and heat retention, or directly into a bio-filter for odor control.
Everything is assembled in a standard 20ft intermodal cargo container for easy setup alongside existing structures or other
enclosures. Data captured is used to optimize compost production efficiency and quality. System documents temperature and
oxygen level tracking to meet Process for Further Reduction of Pathogens (PFRP) quality standards, and maximize renewable
thermal energy captured.
Annual Maximum Compost Volume Processing Capacity: 700 CY/month or 8,400 CY/year
Annual Maximum Energy ROI when heating water to 120F based on $15 per million Btu energy prices: $30,000+
Modified 20’
shipping container
Flow, O2 sensors
Clamp-together stainless
ducting with 6” flex-hose
Dimensions, Customized metal shipping container; 8’ wide by 20’ long by 8’ high, ~6,000 lbs.
Installation: 6” hoses for compost aeration and exhaust connections.
3 Horsepower blower, speed controlled, 100 to 350 CFM range adjusted manually or with feedback controls.
Aeration: Four compost and exhaust zones with fresh air intake.
Exhaust from any compost zone can be injected into another zone. This conserves heat and moisture, and can
Recirculation: jump-start cold or frozen material.
With 250 CFM of saturated 140F compost exhaust:
• 124,000 Btu heating loop: 9 GPM heated from 100F to 128 F
Sample Heating • 160,000 Btu water pre-heating: 5 GPM heated from 55 to 120 F
Output: With 350 CFM of saturated 140F compost exhaust:
• 151,000 Btu heating loop: 12 GPM heated from 100 to 125 F
• 237,000 Btu water pre-heating: 8.75 GPM heated from 55 to 110 F
Parameters can be used to optimize composting and heat recovery, linked to SCADA system:
• Oxygen level of compost vapor
Monitoring: • Temperatures at all critical points
• Air and water flow rates
Actuated dampers
modulate air flow
At full build-out of 121 cy/day, assuming 600 cy/week inputs, 3 modular units would provide 3-4 weeks capacity. Depending on the
bulk density and oxygen demand of the "standard recipe", each modular system could have 4 aeration bays of 150 cy each. Actual
capacity could be up to 200 cy per bay but this provides some margin of safety. 3 modular systems would then have a total 12
aeration bays of 1800 cy aeration capacity (and up to 2400 cy with more porous/lower bulk density blends). Typical batches would
have a 3 week aeration retention time before being moved to windrows for further composting and curing.
As the facility would likely take months or years to achieve full capacity, the modular systems could be built out in phases, spreading
out capital costs for the operator.
Oxygen levels are targeted for 5-15% and are achieved through adjusting fan speed, and length of aeration cycle. On-board oxygen
sensors provide the operator and remote support staff trending graphs to adjust settings to achieve desired oxygen and temperature
We have primarily used NY Blowers and would expect a project of this scale to use 2 to 3hp fans. Actual sizing would depend both on
targeted batch size and length (and diameter) of pipe runs.
Biofilter sizing matches the "neighbor sensitivity" of the site, but generally with typical operation of a system of this size having 3 bays
under aeration at one time, in a rotating schedule, a biofilter would need roughly 500-600 cy of carbon-rich media to match the
vapor/air handling on the incoming aeration side. A secondary booster fan can be evaluated based on predicted resistance. Leaving
space to expand biofilter cells is recommended if observed odors exceed desired levels.
We do not typically specify number of air exchanges per hour as we recommend composting building have ample passive ventilation
through exaggerated ridge vents in metal-sided pole barn structures or mesh gable end vents in coverall type buildings. We do not
recommend insulated buildings for several reasons - initial cost and need to included active ventilation. We have seen systems in
operation up to 12 years without moisture condensation and rusting issues on hardware, trusses and roofs using these passive
ventilation approaches. With primarily negative aeration, less vapor is released into the building head space versus positive aeration.
If active ventilation was absolutely necessary at a facility, we would consult with other building professionals. We see the primary
benefits of enclosures to be stormwater management, and avoiding direct wind on windrows wicking away heat.
While I am unfamiliar with your proposed location and possible heating loads I can share applications of recovered compost thermal
energy that have been implemented or considered. Product drying to reduce screening costs could likely justify the investment. A
quick economic assessment can be completed for one or more of these energy off-takes:
Building heating - office, shop (radiant floor, baseboard or hydronic modine-style heaters)
Greenhouse heating - in floor or under-bench, or modine-style heaters for product testing or diversification of plant/crop sales
Wash water - food scrap totes, trucks and equipment
Product drying - used for drying down finished compost prior to screening (can significantly increase screening yields/hour) and
bagging. Also applied to some feedstocks such a green (non-kiln dried) sawdust, short paper fiber or wood chips to increase
Recovered thermal energy is also applied to the composting process via recirculated hot vapor to new batches of cold feedstocks or
reheating overcooled compost batches. This capability also acts to accelerate decomposition rates, given it achieves reversing
aeration, primarily negative but also positive.
We can add more detail to several of these responses as needed for this phase to rough in estimated costs. We would not complete
detailed engineering calculations until engaged in a technical services agreement or other design contract.
Thanks again for the interest.I have a site visit this afternoon but can follow up on additional details as needed tomorrow. I've copied
Jason and Jaime on our team in case they can also respond while I'm out of the office.
On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 9:21 AM, Bob Spencer <[email protected]> wrote:
Bob Spencer
Environmental Planning Consultant
15 Christine Court
Vernon, Vermont 05354
Vernon, Vermont 05354
-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Coker <[email protected]>
To: Robert Spencer <[email protected]>
Cc: Brian Jerose <[email protected]>
Sent: Thu, Mar 29, 2018 8:43 am
Subject: Re: ASP for MV
Bob/Brian - enclosed is the recipe for MV; at build-out, it projects daily incoming compostables at 121
CY/day. Please modify your concept design below to reflect this incoming volume. What is the
oxygen loading rate for your proposed aeration system, what blowers are you recommending, what
size biofilter are you recommending, how many building air exchanges per hour are you
As there is no identified market for the recovered heat at this time, what would the cost be without
heat recovery?
Craig Coker
Coker Composting & Consulting
[email protected]
I met with Brian Jerose, President of Agrilab Technologies yesterday to discuss ASP/heat recovery for our MV
See current issue of BioCycle for my article on the Agrilab system at Vermont Natural Ag Products.
Based on the design at VNAP, Brian proposes the following modular ASP approach for MV:
Agrilab would charge $6,000 - $10,000 for construction plans (no PE stamp), and provide construction oversight
for $5,000.
For MV, the Agrilab system qualifies for funding from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center as renewable
energy, and was recently awarded feasibility study funding, and construction funding at Dave Smith's Black Gold
Compost facility which you designed with Andrew Carpenter.
We can set up a time to talk with Brian on Friday this week. He's hosting an open house at a new installation in
CT today (see attached).
Bob Spencer
Environmental Planning Consultant
15 Christine Court
Vernon, Vermont 05354
<Compost-Hot-Box-250R-SpecSheet-March2017.pdf><Collins Powder Hill Dairy Farm-
Compost Aeration and Heat Recovery Open House.pdf>
Brian Jerose, President/Co-founder
Agrilab Technologies Inc.
(802) 933-8336 office
(802) 370-4774 mobile
[email protected]
ECS Multi-Use ASP Pilot System
ECS ASP pilot systems allow operators to run
simultaneous batches with different control settings,
aeration types (positive, negative, and reversing),
retention times, pile geometries and
configurations. The ECS Pilot System mechanical
components and skid-mounted controls are pre-tested
at our shop. They typically have 4 compost
piles/zones each holding around 200 yd3. The zones
can be configured as three sided bunkers, in a mass-
bed or as individual piles. The pilot can also be
placed within a fabric building with building air
capture and scrubbing through a biofilter to best
simulate an in-vessel facility. Each zone is individually and automatically monitored and
controlled and can be run in a specific way to test a design hypothesis prior to investing in a
major infrastructure project. The pilot system can include a controlled and monitored biofilter to
scrub the air from piles when zones are in negative mode or when building air above the piles
needs to be filtered.
The four individual compost zones are approximately 21’ wide by 57’ long (see attached
drawing 261-M01). Each zone or pile requires two 6” HDPE aeration sparger pipes that are
approximately 60’ long. ECS supplied sparger pipes include specially reinforced ends with pull
cables so they can be removed with a FEL prior to breaking the pile down. In addition to the
zone sparger pipes, the pilot system uses pipe on grade sparger pipes for the 30’ x 40’ odor
scrubbing biofilter.
The negative aeration plenum (suction), and the biofilter plenum, are made of 304 stainless-steel
since it handles wet corrosive compost exhaust air. The exhaust fan is made of corrosion
resistant aluminum for this same reason. The positive aeration plenum is made of standard
galvanized steel duct since it handles ambient air. Both plenums are connected to the zone
spargers via motorized dampers. The CompTroller™ system controls the motorized dampers to
automatically match the air flow to the ever-changing process conditions, and can alternate
between positive and negative aeration modes without operator input.
C. Control System
1. CompTroller™ Software
2. Control Server
3. Zone Controller in J-Box (1 per zone)
4. Aeration Panel
5. Compost Temp Probes
6. Ambient Temp Probe
7. Pressure Sensor
E. Technical Services NOT included with the Pilot and available on a Time and Expenses
1. Pilot trial planning
2. Data collection planning
3. Data collection
a. Odor concentration and flux rate
b. Stability
c. Oxygen
d. pH
4. Odor dispersion modelling
5. Data analysis and report writing
Basis of Design: Four (4) zone pilot system. Each zone capable of Positive, Negative, or
Reversing aeration. Compatible with in-floor aeration or pipe-on-grade aeration floor.
ECS Pilot System Design Data
Nominal Throughput tpy 5,000 - 6,000
Total Number of Zones # 4
Zone Length ft 56
Zone Width ft 21
Standard Initial Pile Depth ft 8
Zone Capacity cy 220
Standard Bio-cover Layer Depth ft 1
Installed Fan Power Hp 22.5
Nominal Biofilter Size ft2 1,300
Rental Terms
Down Payment with order $25,000
Monthly Rental Payment month $6,000
Minimum Rental Duration months 9
Rental Months to Ownership months 18
Purchase Terms - Optional
List Price $155,000
Discount (some components used previously) 19%
Purchase Price (instead of rental) $125,000
Includes: Installation drawings and technical support; Pre-Assembled aeration and control
skid; CompTroller automated controls; Aeration system; Biofilter mechanical components;
Start up; Operator training; O&M Manual; and Allowances for freight FOB site & ECS staff
travel expenses.
Does not include: Permits, civil engineering, ECS equipment installation, construction,
utilities, electrical connections, biofilter media, HDPE pipe on grade aeration with pulling ends
and drilled holes, specialized transition pipes to use existing in-floor aeration; HDPE biofilter
pipes with drilled holes, surface water & leachate storage and treatment, access roads and
storage pads, lights, utilities, buildings, pre-processing design, taxes -- Post rental equipment
cleaning, demobilization, crating and shipping back to Seattle. 46
From: CITIC HIC Engineering & Technology CO., LTD.
Phone: +86 0379 64087625
Fax: +86 0379 64086016
To: Mr. Pearse Okane
Subject: Quotation for supply of one 12×185 feet Digester
April. 11th, 2018
We are very happy to receive your enquiry for the digester; we hereby take great
pleasure to quote one digester according to your requirement by email as follows:
Design 120,000
Total 1,699,000
1) The quotation is based on the following materials.
Description Material
Shell ASTM A-36
Tyre ZG42CrMo
Girth Gear GS42CrMo
Pinion 34CrNiMoA
Pinion shaft 35CrMo
Supporting roller 42CrMo
Supporting roller shaft 35CrMo
4. Delivery
240 consecutive calendar days after drawing confirmation.
5. Warranty:
The warranty period for Products amounts to 18 months from FOB Shanghai shipping
date or twelve (12) months from the date of commissioning, whichever comes first.
6. Validity
The above quotation is valid for 30 days from the date hereof.
If any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards ,
Guo Tingting
CITIC HIC Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd
Appendix E - Cost estimates 50
Martha's Vineyard Composting Facility
Cost Estimates - Site Development
Straddle Turner ASP Rotary Drum Animal Feed
Item Unit Price Units Quantity Costs Quantity Costs Quantity Costs Quantity Costs
Land acquisition
Site purchase $ 75,000 Ac 7 $525,000 5.6 $418,012 7 $525,000 0.5 $37,500
Hardscape construction
Fine grading and subbase compaction $ 5.88 SY 33,880 $199,220 26,976 $158,620 33,880 $199,220 2,420 $14,230
Asphalt access roads (4" paving over 4" base) $ 44.60 SY 1,000 $44,600 1,000 $44,600 1,000 $44,600 1,000 $44,600
Assume 15' W x 600' L
Asphalt working surface (6" paving over 6" base) $ 58.45 SY 22,017 $1,286,880 17,419 $1,018,170 19,772 $1,155,690 -- --
Assume under composting, curing, screening, storage, retail sales
Concrete slab for recpt & storage (6" reinf.) $ 6.45 SF 1,600 $10,320 1,600 $10,320 1,600 $10,320 -- --
Area = 1,600 SF for receipt, FW/OCC storage bunkers
Concrete block bunkers for feedstock storage $ 148.76 Ea 90 $13,388 90 $13,388 90 $13,388 -- --
Assume 8' H walls, 2' x 2' x 6' tongue & groove concrete blocks
$74.38 ea in Oak Bluffs, assume 2x for shipping and installing
Concrete block ASP bunkers
Formwork for aeration trenches $ 17.01 SF -- -- 667 $11,346 -- -- -- --
Concrete aeration floors (6" thick reinf slab) $ 3.83 SF -- -- 11,000 $42,130 -- -- -- --
Galvanized steel slotted trench covers (5"x 20") $ 37.95 Ea -- -- 1,120 $42,504 -- -- -- --
Concrete block bunker walls, installed $ 148.76 Ea -- -- 735 $109,339 -- -- -- --
End wall U-channel, 2" x 12" blocking boards $ 40.00 Ea -- -- 112 $4,480 -- -- -- --
Pre-engineered metal building on 6" concrete slab $ 75.00 SF -- -- -- -- -- -- 11,000 $825,000
Asphalt parking lot (4" paving over 4" base) $ 44.60 SY -- -- -- -- -- -- 2,500 $111,500
Water management
Run-on berm (8" high compacted earth) $ 2.00 LF 300 $600 300 $600 300 $600 300 $600
Runoff swales (24" W x 24" D) $ 3.00 LF 300 $900 300 $900 300 $900 300 $900
Solids separator $ 5,000 Ea Allowance $5,000 Allowance $5,000 Allowance $5,000 Allowance $5,000
Closed bioretention ponds $ 6.80 SF 40,910 $279,000 32,573 $222,000 40,910 $279,000 3,757 $26,000
Pond liner - 60 mil HDPE $ 1.19 SF 40,910 $48,683 32,573 $38,762 40,910 $48,683 417 $497
Extend 3-phase power $ 200 LF -- -- 500 $100,000 500 $100,000 500 $100,000
On-site well - assume 4" well, 60' deep $ 39.28 LF 60 $2,357 60 $2,357 60 $2,357 60 $2,357
On-site septic tank - assume 1K gpd capacity $ 2.75 gal 1,000 $2,750 1,000 $2,750 1,000 $2,750 1,000 $2,750
on-site drainfield - assume 1 gpd/sf of trench $ 13.77 SF 1,000 $13,770 1,000 $13,770 1,000 $13,770 1,000 $13,770
Site items
Construction trailer (8' x 24') $ 68.50 SF 192 $13,152 192 $13,152 192 $13,152 -- --
Landscaping inside facility Ea Allowance $500 Allowance $500 Allowance $500 Allowance $500
Perimeter vegetative screen (1000 units/acre) $ 250 Ea 620 $154,959 620 $154,959 597 $149,219
Assume 50' wide perimeter plantings
Subtotals $2,178,319 $2,098,078 $2,141,390 $1,187,024
Labor rate (loaded) per hour $22.50 per hour
Loader/yard truck machine rate (fuel + insurance + maintenance) $55.00 per hour
Grinder machine rate $110.00 per hour
Turner machine rate $450.00 per hour
Facility is open 6 days/week, 52 weeks/yr 312 days/yr
Operating cost estimate based on peak summer waste generation at full build out
Neglects any overlap of labor functions between tasks
Processing Volumes
Average Daily Volume
I/C/I food wastes 16.0 CY/day
Residential food wastes 25.6
Leaves 15.6
Sawdusts 0.4
Wood chips 18.3
OCC 11.4
Compost recycle 6.7
Overs from screen 15.9
Totals 109.9 CY/day
Materials Handling Assumptions
Assume wastes & products handled by two separate loaders
Bucket capacity of each loader 3 CY/loader
Grinding done by site staff
Mixing done by straddle or pull-behind turner
Materials moved to composting and curing with yard truck
Materials moved to storage (overs and compost) by loaders
Materials Handling - Waste Receipt & Storage
Daily volumes coming into facility 109.9 CY/day
Number of loader "bucket-movements" to keep bunkers & piles managed
Daily volume / capacity of loader bucket 37 buckets/day
Assume time spent per loader movement 1.1 minutes
Time spent handling feedstocks 40 minutes/day
Convert to hours 0.7 hours/day
Labor cost/year $ 4,734
Machine cost/year $ 11,572
Materials Handling - Grinding/shredding
Assume wood chips/OCC go through grinder 19 CY/day
Assume use of Morbark 2600 200 hp electric grinder
Assume grinder used one hour per day 1 hr/day
Labor cost/year $ 7,020
Machine cost/year $ 34,320
Materials Handling - Transport To Composting Pad
Avg. daily volume going to composting 110 CY/day
Number of loader bucket movements 37 buckets/day
Time to tear down, pick up, transport and load truck 2 min/bucket
Total time needed to move compost to transport truck 86.8 minutes/day
Assume volume capacity of transport truck 10 CY
Number of truck trips/day 11 trips/day
Transport time to curing area 5 minutes/trip
Total time needed to move compost by truck 55 minutes/day
Total time needed to load and move 142 minutes/day
Labor rate (loaded) per hour $22.50 per hour
Loader, mixer, yard truck & screen machine rate (fuel + insurance + maintenance) $55.00 per hour
Grinder machine rate $110.00 per hour
Facility is open 6 days/week, 52 weeks/yr 312 days/yr
Operating cost estimate based on peak summer waste generation at full build out
Neglects any overlap of labor functions between tasks
Processing Volumes
Average Daily Volume
I/C/I food wastes 16.0 CY/day
Residential food wastes 25.6
Leaves 15.6
Sawdusts 0.4
Wood chips 18.3
Paper 11.5
OCC 11.4
Compost recycle 6.7
Overs from screen 15.9
Totals 121.4 CY/day
Materials Handling Assumptions
Assume wastes & products handled by two separate loaders
Bucket capacity of each loader 3 CY/loader
Grinding done by site staff
Mixing done by straddle or pull-behind turner
Materials moved to composting and curing with yard truck
Materials moved to storage (overs and compost) by loaders
Materials Handling - Waste Receipt & Storage
Daily volumes coming into facility 121.4 CY/day
Number of loader "bucket-movements" to keep bunkers & piles managed
Daily volume / capacity of loader bucket 40 buckets/day
Assume time spent per loader movement 1 minutes
Time spent handling feedstocks 40 minutes/day
Convert to hours 0.7 hours/day
Labor cost/year $ 4,734
Machine cost/year $ 11,572
Materials Handling - Grinding/shredding
Assume wood chips/OCC go through grinder 30 CY/day
Assume use of Morbark 2600 200 hp electric grinder
Assume grinder used one hour per day 1 hr/day
Labor cost/year $ 7,020
Machine cost/year $ 34,320
Materials Handling - Mixing
Daily volumes coming into facility 121 CY/day
Number of loader bucket movements to load mixer 40 buckets/day
Assumed time spent per loading event 2 minutes/bucket
Assumed time to load yard truck 2 minutes/bucket
Time spent handling feedstocks 162 minutes/day
Convert to hours 2.7 hours/day
Mixer run time 1.5 hours/day
Total machine time 4.2 hours/day
Total labor time 2.7 hours/day
Labor rate (loaded) per hour $22.50 per hour
Loader/yard truck machine rate (fuel + insurance + maintenance) $55.00 per hour
Grinder machine rate $110.00 per hour
Turner machine rate $450.00 per hour
Facility is open 6 days/week, 52 weeks/yr 312 days/yr
Operating cost estimate based on peak summer waste generation at full build out
Neglects any overlap of labor functions between tasks
Processing Volumes
Average Daily Volume
I/C/I food wastes 16.0 CY/day
Residential food wastes 25.6
Leaves 15.6
Sawdusts 0.4
Wood chips 18.3
MVRD yard waste 11.5
OCC 11.4
Compost recycle 6.7
Overs from screen 15.9
Totals 121.4 CY/day
Materials Handling Assumptions
Assume wastes & products handled by two separate loaders
Bucket capacity of each loader 3 CY/loader
Grinding done by site staff
Mixing done by straddle or pull-behind turner
Materials moved to composting and curing with yard truck
Materials moved to storage (overs and compost) by loaders
Materials Handling - Waste Receipt & Storage
Daily volumes coming into facility 121.4 CY/day
Number of loader "bucket-movements" to keep bunkers & piles managed
Daily volume / capacity of loader bucket 40 buckets/day
Assume time spent per loader movement 1 minutes
Time spent handling feedstocks 40 minutes/day
Convert to hours 0.7 hours/day
Labor cost/year $ 4,734
Machine cost/year $ 11,572
Materials Handling - Grinding/shredding
Assume wood chips/paper/OCC go through grinder 30 CY/day
Assume use of Morbark 2600 200 hp electric grinder
Assume grinder used one hour per day 1 hr/day
Labor cost/year $ 7,020
Machine cost/year $ 34,320
Materials Handling - Transport To Composting Pad
Avg. daily volume going to composting 109 CY/day
Number of loader bucket movements 36 buckets/day
Time to tear down, pick up, transport and load truck 2 min/bucket
Total time needed to move compost to transport truck 72.8 minutes/day
Assume volume capacity of transport truck 10 CY
Number of truck trips/day 11 trips/day
Transport time to curing area 5 minutes/trip
Total time needed to move compost by truck 55 minutes/day
Total time needed to load and move 127 minutes/day
Convert to hours 2.1 hours/day
Labor cost/year $ 14,913
Machine cost/year $ 36,453 65
Martha's Vineyard Windrow Composting
1. Tip fees = $50.00 per ton
Tip fee tons per year = 2,215 tons/year
2. Compost sales price =
Commercial sales $ 25.00 per CY
Residential sales $ 35.00 per CY
Commercial = 75%
Residential = 25%
3. Compost sales distribution:
Annual quantity = 10,500 CY/year
Assume sales timing :
January 0.2%
February 4.4%
March 12.8%
April 15.3%
May 9.5%
June 9.1%
July 2.1%
August 4.2%
September 16.2%
October 14.0%
November 5.5%
December 6.7%
Cost of Compost Production
1. From spreadsheet "Windrow Opex Estimate"
Annual Costs
Waste Receipt $ 16,306
Grinding/shredding $ 41,340
Transport to pad $ 57,073
Building windrows $ 48,919
Windrow Mixing & Turning $ 27,203
Windrow Irrigation $ -
Moving Compost to Curing $ 39,951
Managing Curing Piles $ 34,406
Screening Compost $ 39,625
Moving Screened Compost to Storage $ 35,956
Moving Overs to Storage $ 7,552
Product Marketing & Sales $ 19,344
2. Assume costs are distributed through the year proportional to incoming loads:
January 1.5%
February 1.8%
March 1.6%
April 2.2%
May 7.4%
June 11.5%
July 19.5%
August 24.5%
September 10.2%
October 8.4%
November 5.7%
December 5.8%
1. Tip fees = $51.50 per ton
Tip fee tons per year = 2,900 tons/year
2. Compost sales price =
Commercial sales $ 25.00 per CY
Residential sales $ 35.00 per CY
Commercial = 75%
Residential = 25%
3. Compost sales distribution:
Annual quantity = 13,775 CY/year
Assume sales timing :
January 0.2%
February 4.4%
March 12.8%
April 15.3%
May 9.5%
June 9.1%
July 2.1%
August 4.2%
September 16.2%
October 14.0%
November 5.5%
December 6.7%
Cost of Compost Production
1. From spreadsheet "Windrow Opex Estimate"
Annual Costs
Waste Receipt $ 16,796
Grinding/shredding $ 42,580
Transport to pad $ 58,785
Building windrows $ 50,387
Windrow Mixing & Turning $ 28,019
Windrow Irrigation $ -
Moving Compost to Curing $ 35,271
Managing Curing Piles $ 32,079
Screening Compost $ 40,813
Moving Screened Compost to Storage $ 25,395
Moving Overs to Storage $ 7,779
Product Marketing & Sales $ 19,924
2. Assume costs are distributed through the year proportional to incoming loads:
January 1.5%
February 1.8%
March 1.6%
April 2.2%
May 7.4%
June 11.5%
July 19.5%
August 24.5%
September 10.2%
October 8.4%
November 5.7%
December 5.8%
1. Tip fees = $53.00 per ton
Tip fee tons per year = 4,000 tons/year
2. Compost sales price =
Commercial sales $ 25.00 per CY
Residential sales $ 35.00 per CY
Commercial = 75%
Residential = 25%
3. Compost sales distribution:
Annual quantity = 19,000 CY/year
Assume sales timing :
January 0.2%
February 4.4%
March 12.8%
April 15.3%
May 9.5%
June 9.1%
July 2.1%
August 4.2%
September 16.2%
October 14.0%
November 5.5%
December 6.7%
Cost of Compost Production
1. From spreadsheet "Windrow Opex Estimate"
Annual Costs
Waste Receipt $ 17,300
Grinding/shredding $ 43,858
Transport to pad $ 60,548
Building windrows $ 51,899
Windrow Mixing & Turning $ 28,859
Windrow Irrigation $ -
Moving Compost to Curing $ 36,329
Managing Curing Piles $ 33,042
Screening Compost $ 42,038
Moving Screened Compost to Storage $ 26,157
Moving Overs to Storage $ 8,012
Product Marketing & Sales $ 20,522
2. Assume costs are distributed through the year proportional to incoming loads:
January 1.5%
February 1.8%
March 1.6%
April 2.2%
May 7.4%
June 11.5%
July 19.5%
August 24.5%
September 10.2%
October 8.4%
November 5.7%
December 5.8%
1. Tip fees = $50.00 per ton
Tip fee tons per year = 2,215 tons/year
2. Compost sales price =
Commercial sales $ 25.00 per CY
Residential sales $ 35.00 per CY
Commercial = 75%
Residential = 25%
3. Compost sales distribution:
Annual quantity = 10,500 CY/year
Assume sales timing :
January 0.2%
February 4.4%
March 12.8%
April 15.3%
May 9.5%
June 9.1%
July 2.1%
August 4.2%
September 16.2%
October 14.0%
November 5.5%
December 6.7%
Cost of Compost Production
1. From spreadsheet "Windrow Opex Estimate"
Annual Costs
Waste Receipt $ 16,306
Grinding/shredding $ 41,340
Mixing $ 90,966
Transport to pad $ 51,365
Building ASPs $ 58,703
Electricity $ 78,122
Moving Compost to Curing $ 35,956
Managing Curing Piles $ 32,123
Screening Compost $ 22,489
Moving Screened Compost to Storage $ 25,888
Moving Overs to Storage $ 6,472
Product Marketing & Sales $ 19,344
2. Assume costs are distributed through the year proportional to incoming loads:
January 1.5%
February 1.8%
March 1.6%
April 2.2%
May 7.4%
June 11.5%
July 19.5%
August 24.5%
September 10.2%
October 8.4%
November 5.7%
December 5.8%
1. Tip fees = $51.50 per ton
Tip fee tons per year = 2,900 tons/year
2. Compost sales price =
Commercial sales $ 25.00 per CY
Residential sales $ 35.00 per CY
Commercial = 75%
Residential = 25%
3. Compost sales distribution:
Annual quantity = 13,775 CY/year
Assume sales timing :
January 0.2%
February 4.4%
March 12.8%
April 15.3%
May 9.5%
June 9.1%
July 2.1%
August 4.2%
September 16.2%
October 14.0%
November 5.5%
December 6.7%
Cost of Compost Production
1. From spreadsheet "Windrow Opex Estimate"
Annual Costs
Waste Receipt $ 16,796
Grinding/shredding $ 42,580
Mixing $ 93,695
Transport to pad $ 52,906
Building ASPs $ 60,464
Electricity $ 80,465
Moving Compost to Curing $ 37,034
Managing Curing Piles $ 33,087
Screening Compost $ 23,164
Moving Screened Compost to Storage $ 26,665
Moving Overs to Storage $ 6,666
Product Marketing & Sales $ 19,924
2. Assume costs are distributed through the year proportional to incoming loads:
January 1.5%
February 1.8%
March 1.6%
April 2.2%
May 7.4%
June 11.5%
July 19.5%
August 24.5%
September 10.2%
October 8.4%
November 5.7%
December 5.8%
1. Tip fees = $53.00 per ton
Tip fee tons per year = 4,000 tons/year
2. Compost sales price =
Commercial sales $ 25.00 per CY
Residential sales $ 35.00 per CY
Commercial = 75%
Residential = 25%
3. Compost sales distribution:
Annual quantity = 19,000 CY/year
Assume sales timing :
January 0.2%
February 4.4%
March 12.8%
April 15.3%
May 9.5%
June 9.1%
July 2.1%
August 4.2%
September 16.2%
October 14.0%
November 5.5%
December 6.7%
Cost of Compost Production
1. From spreadsheet "Windrow Opex Estimate"
Annual Costs
Waste Receipt $ 17,300
Grinding/shredding $ 43,858
Mixing $ 96,506
Transport to pad $ 54,494
Building ASPs $ 62,278
Electricity $ 82,879
Moving Compost to Curing $ 38,145
Managing Curing Piles $ 34,080
Screening Compost $ 23,859
Moving Screened Compost to Storage $ 27,465
Moving Overs to Storage $ 6,866
Product Marketing & Sales $ 20,522
2. Assume costs are distributed through the year proportional to incoming loads:
January 1.5%
February 1.8%
March 1.6%
April 2.2%
May 7.4%
June 11.5%
July 19.5%
August 24.5%
September 10.2%
October 8.4%
November 5.7%
December 5.8%
1. Tip fees = $50.00 per ton
Tip fee tons per year = 2,215 tons/year
2. Compost sales price =
Commercial sales $ 25.00 per CY
Residential sales $ 35.00 per CY
Commercial = 75%
Residential = 25%
3. Compost sales distribution:
Annual quantity = 10,500 CY/year
Assume sales timing :
January 0.2%
February 4.4%
March 12.8%
April 15.3%
May 9.5%
June 9.1%
July 2.1%
August 4.2%
September 16.2%
October 14.0%
November 5.5%
December 6.7%
Cost of Compost Production
1. From spreadsheet "Drum Opex Estimate"
Annual Costs
Waste Receipt $ 16,306
Grinding/shredding $ 41,340
Transport to pad $ 57,073
Loading Rotary Drum $ 19,344
Operating Rotary Drum $ 28,852
Moving Compost to Curing $ 39,951
Managing Curing Piles $ 73,379
Screening Compost $ 41,606
Moving Cured Compost to Storage $ 35,956
Move Overs to Storage $ 7,728
Product Marketing & Sales $ 19,344
2. Assume costs are distributed through the year proportional to incoming loads:
January 1.5%
February 1.8%
March 1.6%
April 2.2%
May 7.4%
June 11.5%
July 19.5%
August 24.5%
September 10.2%
October 8.4%
November 5.7%
December 5.8%
1. Tip fees = $51.50 per ton
Tip fee tons per year = 2,900 tons/year
2. Compost sales price =
Commercial sales $ 25.00 per CY
Residential sales $ 35.00 per CY
Commercial = 75%
Residential = 25%
3. Compost sales distribution:
Annual quantity = 13,775 CY/year
Assume sales timing :
January 0.2%
February 4.4%
March 12.8%
April 15.3%
May 9.5%
June 9.1%
July 2.1%
August 4.2%
September 16.2%
October 14.0%
November 5.5%
December 6.7%
Cost of Compost Production
1. From spreadsheet "Drum Opex Estimate"
Annual Costs
Waste Receipt $ 16,796
Grinding/shredding $ 42,580
Transport to pad $ 52,906
Loading Rotary Drum $ 19,924
Operating Rotary Drum $ 29,717
Moving Compost to Curing $ 37,034
Managing Curing Piles $ 68,022
Screening Compost $ 42,854
Moving Cured Compost to Storage $ 26,665
Move Overs to Storage $ 7,960
Product Marketing & Sales $ 19,924
2. Assume costs are distributed through the year proportional to incoming loads:
January 1.5%
February 1.8%
March 1.6%
April 2.2%
May 7.4%
June 11.5%
July 19.5%
August 24.5%
September 10.2%
October 8.4%
November 5.7%
December 5.8%
1. Tip fees = $53.00 per ton
Tip fee tons per year = 4,000 tons/year
2. Compost sales price =
Commercial sales $ 25.00 per CY
Residential sales $ 35.00 per CY
Commercial = 75%
Residential = 25%
3. Compost sales distribution:
Annual quantity = 19,000 CY/year
Assume sales timing :
January 0.2%
February 4.4%
March 12.8%
April 15.3%
May 9.5%
June 9.1%
July 2.1%
August 4.2%
September 16.2%
October 14.0%
November 5.5%
December 6.7%
Cost of Compost Production
1. From spreadsheet "Drum Opex Estimate"
Annual Costs
Waste Receipt $ 17,300
Grinding/shredding $ 43,858
Transport to pad $ 54,494
Loading Rotary Drum $ 20,522
Operating Rotary Drum $ 30,609
Moving Compost to Curing $ 38,145
Managing Curing Piles $ 70,063
Screening Compost $ 44,140
Moving Cured Compost to Storage $ 27,465
Move Overs to Storage $ 8,199
Product Marketing & Sales $ 20,522
2. Assume costs are distributed through the year proportional to incoming loads:
January 1.5%
February 1.8%
March 1.6%
April 2.2%
May 7.4%
June 11.5%
July 19.5%
August 24.5%
September 10.2%
October 8.4%
November 5.7%
December 5.8% 4
April 10, 2018
The following is not a formal proposal, but budgetary data and explanation of
project work required to construct a food recovery facility capable of handling
approximately 300 tons per day of post‐consumer food scraps from commercial
establishments. The flow of material, yield of recovered product, mass balance and
flow of material is based on this assumption.
The cost data is representative of a system that is capable of handling the throughput you describe,
however no analysis for your specific site, your processing needs, operational constraints have been taken
into account. As such your costs could be significantly different. Also, equipment deliver lead times are
based on end of year 2017 estimates and may be longer now. Raw material costs are also expected to rise
based on steel tariffs not anticipated when this was generated.
The following is for budgetary and planning considerations only. Any work, service, or sale shall be
initiated and executed under the terms of a separate Purchase Agreement or Service Contract NOT
contained herein.
Page 1
Martha’s Vineyard
April 11, 2018
Dear Bob,
SAFE is pleased to offer this budgetary estimate for Martha’s Vineyard for a food recovery facility. We
appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with you and your team to design and implement what we
believe is the complete solution to food waste recovery.
This information is based on generic information from our experience building and operating our facility
in Santa Clara, CA as well as design work and research we have collected from engineers, contractors,
and vendors on constructing a facility to process up to 300 tons per day of raw food waste from post
consumer commercial entities, source separated to achieve less than 25% contamination. Our
operational projections are based on our experience processing food waste, processing logs, lab tests, at
our Santa Clara plant.
If asked to submit a proposal, we anticipate it would look similar to the following where we would map
out a design phase to get the project off on the right foot. This thorough exercise can focus on fully
developing detailed equipment specification first and expediting purchase agreements with suppliers to
secure our place in their supply chain.
The intent of the following is to establish a starting place from which to engage on this project, to provide
budgetary guidance, and get detailed information in your hands about the specific pieces of equipment
that make up the system. We envision a collaborative process with your team to dial in operational
parameters, equipment specifications, and pricing to meet your needs. Don’t hesitate to reach out with
any questions. We are excited by the prospect of working with you on this project and we look forward
to doing what we can to best serve you in this endeavor.
Creg Shaffer
President / CEO
Sustainable Alternative Feed Enterprises, Inc.
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Martha’s Vineyard
April 11, 2018
SAFE suggests a project to design, plan, build, and commission a food‐scraps recovery and processing
facility. The facility will house a system and processes designed and patented by Sustainable Alternative
Feed Enterprises, Inc. (SAFE) to accept source separated food scraps. Generate produced by SAFE pre‐
processing facilities (budgetary numbers for pre‐processing in separate document). The project
proposed is based on SAFE’s development, testing and experience building and operating similar
systems in Santa Clara, California.
Due to the complexity and the cost of such a project, SAFE encourages a two‐phase design approach that
begins with a rigorous planning and design phase conducted by experienced industrial contractors and
experts in plant design, The SAFE system, and the waste industry engaged by SAFE to work
collaboratively with knowledgeable staff in operational requirements.
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Martha’s Vineyard
April 11, 2018
At the conclusion of the Planning and Design Phase, outlined above, stakeholders will have detailed
information regarding the overall project, plant construction, equipment delivery and installation,
expected operating schedules, associated timelines, and finalized costs based on specific selections
relative to non‐required/ancillary equipment.
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Martha’s Vineyard
April 11, 2018
To ensure the highest degree of success we propose a preliminary engagement to complete the first two
phases. This level of effort and due diligence will produce significant and required insight into every detail
of the buildout and system implementation project. It will provide the complete design and budget for
the site improvements, the complete equipment and supply lists, and the budget for capital expenditures.
Phase One (Site Design & Planning) is expected to take approximately six weeks and achieve the major
milestones required for site selection, forecasting project costs, and stakeholder buy‐in for site prep &
Phase I: Site Design & Planning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Activity 1 Conceptual Design
Task 1.a Validate Site and Throughput Requirements
Milestone Site and Throughput Requirements:
Milestone Conceptual Design Complete: Required Payment for Phase I:
Task 1.b Analysis and Planning ‐ Project Specific
Task 1.c Refine Design
Task 1.d Refine Estimated Costs ‐ Corresponde to Updated Design
Milestone Updated Design & Costs: Stakeholder Sigh‐Off
Activity 2 Engineering
Task 2.a Document site specific engineering requirements
Task 2.b Draft Architectural Plans
Activity 3 Finalize Build Plan
Task 3.a Develop bid package
Milestone Final Bid Package: Stakeholder Sign‐Off
Phase Two, Construction Planning & Equipment Acquisition, will focus on selecting the general
contractor and industrial contractors for the site tenant improvements and the system implementation,
as well as generating the precise equipment specifications and generating purchase orders.
Timelines and milestones are heavily dependent on factors that are often beyond the control of the
project team. Our timelines, milestones, and costs assume typical turnaround times for site selection,
local enforcement agency approvals and availability of TDI staff. Activities will be completed by team
members assigned to project tasks as needed for hours required to meet deliverables and milestones.
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Martha’s Vineyard
April 11, 2018
John Pastusek
SAFE Chief Engineer
JDP Manufacturing specializes in vacuum vessels along with full extrusion line design and manufacturing.
His expertise has focused on the process planning and production design for D&J Technologies
engineering and manufacturing. John understands the full technical specifications of the SAFE system and
will guide the project team’s technical design efforts and system specifications.
IFS understands the system process requirements for manufacturing marketable feed products from
various food and feed by‐products and waste streams. On this project, IFS will analyze and monitor food
scrap samples from the generators covered by this project to ensure the sydstem and processes deliver a
product suitable for feed markets.
Bill Freeman
SAFE Partner for Finance, Accounting and Tax Matters
Nicole Rinauro
SAFE Project Process Manager
Nicole brings life‐long waste industry and project management experience to SAFE. Growing up in a family
business that included hauling, transfer, and landfill operations; she will assist with RFQ, RFI and bid
package assembly. She will ensure that effective training and operational hand‐offs are accomplished
including clear and relevant documentation.
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Martha’s Vineyard
April 11, 2018
The planning and design project will start immediately with verification of the project location for system
compatibility and continue through complete conceptual design, layout and construction project planning.
The design phase is expected to run approximately 12 to 16 weeks.
1. Project goal is to design a food recovery facility capable of taking food scrap mash from a SAFE
pre‐processing facility and delivered to the processing site via tanker truck or direct piping. Note:
this project is designed for food scraps processing only.
2. Mash delivered to the plant will be a pumpable consistency.
3. Project team members will have access to the site / area as needed for on‐site research, planning
and design activities.
4. Customer staff will be available to provide information about food scrap volumes available, and
ramp‐up estimates.
5. Documents and deliverables will be the property of Customer, but used only for the construction,
commissioning and operation documents for this site.
6. Buyerl will assign a project lead from the company to be the principal contact for the project.
The following is a conceptual layout based on a working floor plan for a system with similar required
through‐put. The system cost estimate detailed below is for budgetary planning based on this concept.
NOTE: The cost projections are as of year end 2017 and will need to be revised based on
manufacturing supply chain bottlenecks and effects of higher raw material costs specifically steel.
The SAFE dryer system is built and mounted on several equipment skids built by SAFE’s suppliers and
manufacturing affiliates. Each equipment skid will be integrated mechanically and operationally under
the supervision of SAFE’s technicians. Integrating product and thermal fluid piping, utilities, exhausting,
and discharge are all required to support the system. A cost estimate of on‐site installation and
integration of the system skids and components is provided, for budgetary planning. Actionable cost
quotes will be dependent on the design customized to meet the actual documented requirements, the
specific site’s constraints, and the safe and sustainable operation of the system. The Planning and Design
phase will detail all install and integration materials, structures and parts. Specifications of supply and
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Martha’s Vineyard
April 11, 2018
returns, required parts will be supplied by SAFE as well as startup, testing, commissioning, maintenance
instruction and training.
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Martha’s Vineyard
April 11, 2018
Designed to dry food waste mash produced by the SAFE pre‐processing system after passing through
the separation process where free water and FOG has been removed to a target moisture level near 75%.
Output moisture requirement is 12%. Dwell time, temperature, pressures are set and monitored by the
system control and user interface. Alarms and programmed system shut‐offs are programmed in to
protect the equipment in the case of operating parameters outside established thresholds.
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April 11, 2018
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April 11, 2018
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April 11, 2018
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Martha’s Vineyard
April 11, 2018
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Martha’s Vineyard
April 11, 2018
The items in this section are dependent on final design based on customer requirements. Below the
budgetary quote allows for the most effective flow of material and cleaning solutions to maximize the
useful life of the equipment, the safety of the operation and ability to maintain continual operations
through cleaning and maintenance cycles. The pumps must be able to move high volumes of product at
low pressures. This conceptual design allows for CIP of any tank or supply line without shutting down the
separation and dehydration functions.
The items in this section are dependent on final design based on customer requirements. The proposed
tank set focuses on providing adequate staging and storage capacity for operating 1‐dryer line. It does
not provide for surge capacity beyond the daily requirement. Recommended tanks below will meet safety
requirements for access, cleaning and permitting. Not included below is the valving and piping required
to integrate the various tanks with the processing and CIP equipment. Equipment integration costs are
estimated in the Equipment Install / Fabrication / Hook‐up line item.
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Martha’s Vineyard
April 11, 2018
Product exiting the extruder will be hot (about 300 degree F). Out of the extruder, the product will be
conveyed to the cooling drum via a vented conveyor in order to allow steam release and containment.
The cooling drum will manage up to 4,000 lbs per hour of material that is 10% moisture or less.
Item QTY Description Net Price
5-A Extruder with feeder 125 hp drive $ 75,703
1 125 hp (94 kW) main drive motor
Remote mount control panel w/digital readout
and A/C frequency drive
Variable speed feeder motor
5-B Wear Parts Package 6,332
Custom wear parts package of selected parts to
fit specific application
5-C Dry Meal Cooler 38,905
Gear driven main drive motor
1800 CFM fan motor
Cyclone and airlock assembly
Airlock motor
5-D Water Injection System 4,061
Water injection manifold, injector and flow meter
5-E Vendor Startup Service 7,280
A 5 day professional service by technology
specialist for operator use training and
5-F Mixer/Blender Pre-Extruder 127,400
304 stainless steel mixer clump breaker
50 cu. ft. capacity
Motor, gear box,
Feeder mechanism to extruder
Page 16
Martha’s Vineyard
April 11, 2018
SAFE proposes installing and integrating a fully functional cleaning system including a multi‐tank skid
with heat exchangers and solvent injectors to allow for CIP functions critical to maintaining sanitary
conditions, maximizing the longevity of the equipment, and conducive to feed production guidelines,
safety, and maximizing up‐time.
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April 11, 2018
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April 11, 2018
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Martha’s Vineyard
April 11, 2018
Below is the summary of SAFE’s equipment set for the conceptual layout provided. Included in the
summary below is SAFE’s costs for providing required technical configuration, monitoring equipment
acquisition and delivery, directing and conducting full scale unit, system, integration, and performance
testing. The budget shown allows for 120 man days on‐site.
Description Net Price
Dryer System (2 Lines) $ 3,094,000
Decanting System 869,440
Water Treatment System (SAF) 351,00
Tanks 154,700
Pumps/Filters 258,700
Clean-in-Place Utility Skid 162,500
Integrated Controls 520,000
Extruding System Including Cooling 259,682
Ancillary Equipment 533,471
Technical Configuration, Testing, Commissioning 216,000
Subtotal – Equipment Costs $6,419,492
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Martha’s Vineyard
April 11, 2018
**This is an estimate only. Any unforeseen increase in raw materials including material import fees, extraordinary costs
or fees beyond our control attributable to a change in law, or increases resulting from customization or a customer-
generated change order, if any, will be assessed at the time a purchase order is issued and will be reflected in final
contract documents. If SAFE does do the work, all work, including parts, will come under the same warranty provided
for other items in this sales order.
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April 11, 2018
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April 11, 2018
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April 11, 2018
Task 11.b Final Mechanical Docs & Inspection Mechanical Sign‐off / Certification
This estimate is for budgetary and planning considerations only. Any work, service, or sale shall be
initiated and executed under the terms of a separate Purchase Agreement or Service Contract not
contained herein.
Page 24
M ,
Note: Material cost are rising rapidly, these estimates will need to be formally quoted prior to an order.
C ( USD)
I . D M HP S
C ( USD)
I . D M HP S
PE C P E (S C D )
, .P
, .
N D ,
. S
Note: Material cost are rising rapidly, these estimates will need to be formally quoted prior to an order.