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Case Reports in Infectious Diseases

Volume 2018, Article ID 2318539, 2 pages

Case Report
A Rare Culprit of Spontaneous Abortion, Latent Tuberculosis
Complicated by Disseminated Peritoneal TB

Christoph Sossou ,1 Chaitanya Pal,1 and Jose R. Bustillo2

Resident Physician, Internal Medicine, Newark Beth Medical Center, Department of Medicine, Newark, NJ, USA
Associate Residency Program Director, Newark Beth Medical Center, Department of Medicine, Newark, NJ, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Christoph Sossou; [email protected]

Received 15 July 2018; Accepted 11 October 2018; Published 28 October 2018

Academic Editor: Paul Horrocks

Copyright © 2018 Christoph Sossou et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This is a case of a 38-year-old female with latent TB complicated by disseminated peritoneal TB with associated spontaneous
abortion, who was initially thought to have an ovarian neoplasm, prompting extensive workup. Laparoscopy with biopsy later
confirmed the patient’s condition; she was initiated on the appropriate therapy and had a full recovery.

1. Case Introduction pleural effusion, low-grade fever, progressive worsening

abdominal pain, and spontaneous abortion. Non-contrast-
Medical awareness of peritoneal tuberculosis (TB) is still enhanced computed tomography of the chest (Figure 1)
lacking, and many women with this disease are initially revealed large right-sided pleural effusion, and contrast-
thought to have ovarian neoplasm [1] and undergo un- enhanced computed tomography of the abdomen and
necessary extensive workup and, at times, invasive sur- pelvis (Figure 2) revealed bilateral hilar adenopathy, ascites,
gical procedures [2]. Gastrointestinal extrapulmonary thickening and enhancement of the peritoneum, and mot-
tuberculosis (TB) is extremely rare [1], and its association tled nodular-appearing soft tissue consistent with omental
with miscarriages has rarely been reported in the litera- caking suspicious for peritoneal carcinomatosis. She un-
ture. This is a case of a 38-year-old Liberian female with derwent extensive workup including surgical and oncologist
untreated latent TB who subsequently developed dis- consultations for possible exploratory laparotomy and dis-
seminated peritoneal tuberculosis, complicated by spon- cussion of treatment options for presumed ovarian neo-
taneous abortion. plasm. Blood work revealed elevated carbohydrate antigen
(CA) 125 and positive QuantiFERON-TB Gold, but aden-
2. Case Description osine deaminase, CA 19, alpha-fetoprotein, and inhibin B
were within normal limits. Diagnostic laparoscopy with
A 38-year-old Liberian female with a 12-week gestation biopsy revealed significant pelvis ascites and diffuse miliary
presented to the emergency department with a 3-week lesions throughout the peritoneum. She underwent di-
history of low-grade subjective fever, night sweats, un- latation and curettage; histopathologic examination showed
intentional weight loss, gradually worsening abdominal chronic granulomatous inflammation with no evidence of
pain, and intermittent spotting. Vital signs were stable on neoplasm. Special stains on tissue sections and ascitic fluid
presentation, physical exam noticeable for gravida abdomen, stain revealed rare acid-fast bacilli, suggestive of mycobac-
otherwise unremarkable. Laboratory examination revealed terial granulomatous peritonitis. Additional questioning
beta hCG 118471, which was otherwise unremarkable. Pelvic indicated a history of positive PPD skin test a year prior
ultrasound confirmed a 12-week viable intrauterine preg- without follow-up treatment. The patient was placed on
nancy. The patient was admitted to the hospital for close four-drug anti-tuberculous therapy and had a complete
monitoring. Hospital course was complicated by massive recovery.
2 Case Reports in Infectious Diseases

Figure 1: Computed tomography of the chest without contrast. Moderate right pleural effusion with passive atelectasis of the right middle
and lower lobes; bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy; perihepatic ascites.

(a) (b)

Figure 2: Computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis with contrast. Diffuse mesenteric enhancement in the left upper quadrant
suspicious for carcinomatosis (a) and multiloculated cystic mass adjacent to the right adnexa suspicious for ovarian neoplasm (b).

3. Case Discussion Conflicts of Interest

Gastrointestinal extrapulmonary TB is extremely un- The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
common [2]. Clinical manifestations are nonspecific and
protean, but fever, abdominal pain, night sweats, anorexia, References
weight loss, pleural effusions, and ascites should raise the
suspicion of tuberculous peritonitis especially in a patient [1] J. B. Sharma, S. K. Jain, M. Pushparag et al., “Abdomi-
no—peritoneal tuberculosis masquerading as ovarian cancer:
such as the one in this case report from an endemic area. This
a retrospective study of 26 cases,” Archives of Gynecology and
is a unique case as it is the first known case in the literature of Obstetrics, vol. 282, no. 6, pp. 643–648, 2010.
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raises the vital question of how we should proceed with 22 cases,” Gynecologic Oncology, vol. 103, no. 2, pp. 565–569,
management of latent TB in women of reproductive age. 2006.
Our case presents three important points. First, medical [3] D. L. Kasper, A. S. Fauci, S. L. Hauser, D. L. Longo, J. Jameson,
awareness of peritoneal TB is lacking [3]. Second, routine and J. Loscalzo, Harrison’s Principle of Internal Medicine,
diagnostic methods such as direct acid-fast bacilli smear and McGraw-Hill, Vol. 19e, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, USA,
cultures are of relatively low diagnostic yield in peritoneal 2015.
TB [3]. Finally, laparoscopy with biopsies is a safe and ef- [4] F. M. Sanai and K. I. Bzeizi, “Systematic review: tuberculous
peritonitis–presenting features, diagnostic strategies and
fective method to diagnose peritoneal tuberculosis [4, 5].
treatment,” Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics,
Early diagnosis would aid in avoidance of unnecessary ex- vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 685–700, 2005.
tensive workup and surgery, permitting prompt initiation of [5] D. K. B. Shriniwas, P. Chopra, S. Nijhawan, S. Dasarathy, and
appropriate therapy. This would shorten hospital length-of- A. K. Kushwaha, “Peritoneal tuberculosis: laparoscopic pat-
stay, reduce resource utilization, and increase overall pa- terns and its diagnostic accuracy,” American Journal of Gas-
tients’ satisfaction. troenterology, vol. 87, no. 1, pp. 109–112, 1992.

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