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Manual ITH System Integrator’s




9-32 Nakacho 2-chome,
Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-8750, Japan
©Copyright July 2019

Tel: +81-422-52-5616
Email:GSC [email protected]
© Yokogawa Electric Corporation
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not
be construed as a commitment by Yokogawa.

Yokogawa assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this

The software described in this document is furnished under license and may only be
used or copied in accordance with the terms of such license.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

0 Preface ...................................................................................0-1
0.1 Objectives ..................................................................0-1
0.2 Intended Audience .....................................................0-1
0.3 Structure of this Document ........................................0-1
0.4 Associated Documents ..............................................0-1
0.5 Conventions and Abbreviations .................................0-2
1 Introduction ..........................................................................1-1
1.1 Relation to other TOOLS ..........................................1-1
1.2 Process decomposition ..............................................1-2
1.3 Process description ....................................................1-4
1.3.1 ITHSER .................................................................... 1-4
1.3.2 ITHSTX .................................................................... 1-5
1.3.3 ITHSIX ..................................................................... 1-5
1.3.4 ITHEEX .................................................................... 1-6
1.3.5 ITHSDE .................................................................... 1-6
1.3.6 ITHSDI ..................................................................... 1-6
1.3.7 ITHRTT .................................................................... 1-7
1.3.8 ITHRTI ..................................................................... 1-7
1.3.9 ITHRTE .................................................................... 1-7
1.3.10 ITHRDE .................................................................... 1-7
1.3.11 ITHRDI ..................................................................... 1-8
1.3.12 ITHDBG ................................................................... 1-8
1.3.13 ITHRECOVER ......................................................... 1-8
1.4 Data description .........................................................1-8
1.4.1 Item directory ............................................................ 1-8
1.4.2 Group description ..................................................... 1-8
1.4.3 Unit description ......................................................... 1-9
1.4.4 Unit data .................................................................... 1-9
1.4.5 Relation between group description, unit
description and unit data databases ......................... 1-10
2 Process configuration ...........................................................2-1
2.1 Setup files ..................................................................2-1
2.1.1 ITHSER .................................................................... 2-1
2.1.2 ITHSTX .................................................................... 2-2
2.1.3 ITHSIX ..................................................................... 2-4
2.1.4 ITHEEX .................................................................... 2-5
2.1.5 ITHSDE, ITHSDI ..................................................... 2-6

ITH System Integrator’s Manual iii

Table of Contents

3 Recover utility ...................................................................... 3-1

3.1 ITHRECOVER ......................................................... 3-1
4 Debugger ............................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Debug utility ............................................................. 4-1
4.1.1 Help ........................................................................... 4-1
4.1.2 Display contents group .............................................. 4-2
4.1.3 Display contents item directory ................................ 4-2
4.1.4 Display contents of a history data file ....................... 4-2
4.1.5 Display global or group info of an ITH process ....... 4-2
4.1.6 Stop a process ............................................................ 4-3
4.1.7 Specify log file .......................................................... 4-3
4.1.8 Exit ............................................................................ 4-3
5 History loader ....................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Loading history ......................................................... 5-1
5.2 Mechanism ................................................................ 5-1
5.2.1 General ...................................................................... 5-1
5.2.2 Prerequisites .............................................................. 5-2
5.3 File format ................................................................. 5-2
5.3.1 General ...................................................................... 5-2
5.3.2 Multiple samples per timestamp (SCAN) ................. 5-3
5.3.3 Individual samples (EVENT) .................................... 5-3
5.4 Command line syntax ............................................... 5-4
5.5 Migration from other systems ................................... 5-5
5.5.1 Introduction ............................................................... 5-5
5.5.2 Prepare the input files ............................................... 5-5
5.5.3 Modify the ITHEEX/ITHEIX setup files .................. 5-5
5.5.4 Create storage groups and add items ......................... 5-6
5.5.5 Create storage unit files ............................................. 5-6
5.5.6 Expand the item storage time .................................... 5-9
5.5.7 Import historical data .............................................. 5-10
5.5.8 Restore ITHEEX/ITHEIX setup file settings .......... 5-10

iv ITH System Integrator’s Manual

Objectives Preface

0 Preface

0.1 Objectives
The manual has the following objectives:
• To provide application programmers and system integrators with
an overview of the functionality of configuration possibilities for
the ITH-brick.
• To provide an overview of ITH related tools
- ITH recover utility
- ITH debugger

0.2 Intended Audience

This manual is intended for system integrators an programmers. The
reader is assumed to have a general understanding of BUS/FAST and the
functionality of ITEM/FAST and HISTORY/FAST.

0.3 Structure of this Document

This manual contains 5 chapters:
• Chapter 0 (this chapter) is an introduction to this document.
• Chapter 1 supplies a general overview of ITH.
• Chapter 2 explains about the ITH related setup files
• Chapter 3 contains a description of the ITH recover utility
• Chapter 4 contains a description of the ITH debugger

0.4 Associated Documents

1 ITEM/FAST Programmer’s Guide
This manual contains information about the ITEM/FAST
programmers interface.

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 0-1

Preface Conventions and Abbreviations

2 HISTORY/FAST Programmer’s Guide

This manual contains information about the HISTORY/FAST
programmers interface.
3 HISTORY/FAST System Integrator’s Manual
This manual contains information for the System Integrator about
4 FAST/CONVENTIONS Reference Guide.

0.5 Conventions and Abbreviations

This manual makes use of the following conventions:
() Parentheses used in routine syntax to
indicate a list of arguments that need to be
[] Brackets indicate that the enclosed item is
[,...] Indicates that the previous item may be
repeated at least once.
... Indicates that not all statements are shown
UPPERCASE Indicate reserved words and predefined
names, e.g. NULL, TRUE,
(I) Indicates that the specified parameter is
(M) Indicates that the specified parameter may
have been modified when the routine
(O) Indicates that the specified parameter is
(R) Indicates that the return value is a routine.
(M)DUR Indicates that the description is valid for
both DUR and MDUR usage.
"" Used in format descriptions. Double quotes
indicate that the character is to be taken

0-2 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

Conventions and Abbreviations Preface

<name> Used in format descriptions. <name>

indicates a variable.
<file_name>+ Used in syntax descriptions. One or more
file names may be entered.
n.u. not used.
output This typesetting is used to indicate output on
a terminal.
input This typesetting is used to indicate input
from the user.

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 0-3

Preface Conventions and Abbreviations

0-4 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

Relation to other TOOLS Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 Relation to other TOOLS

The tool ITEM/FAST contains the brick ITH, which maintains a history
database with process signal data. The data is gathered periodically or
on an event basis from the ITEM/FAST brick ITM and stored in the
history databases. On request history from the databases is returned to
the interrogating client. In Figure 1-1 the relationship between ITH and
the other TOOLS is depicted.




Figure 1-1 Relationship between ITH and the other TOOLS

The relationship is:

• ITEM/FAST (ITM brick).
ITM supplies real time item values, item limits and item statuses to
ITH when ITH requests. ITH may request this information with a
regular interval (scan based gathering) or on an event basis (event
based gathering). Both (M)DUR (message) and routine interface to
ITM is used by ITH.
This standard user interface to the FAST/TOOLS is used to
configure so called history groups. A history group is a collection
of items with the same history gathering and storage characteristics.
In addition historical item data can be inspected using USER/
FAST. Only the (M)DUR interface is used between USER/FAST
and ITH. The interface between USER/FAST and ITH is an open

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 1-1

Introduction Process decomposition

interface. Any application process can configure history groups and

retrieve historical item data.
There is a close interaction between HIS and ITH. HIS
administrates the databases used by ITH to store historical data. In
addition HIS informs ITH when a storage for a certain history
group must start and stop, when ITH has to continue storing
information in a new database file and when ITH has to stop access
to certain history databases.
Both tools access ITH, retrieving historical item data for
presentation in graphs in COLOUR/FAST and tables for reports.
The interface to ITH is an open interface. Any application process
may configure history groups or request historical item data.

1.2 Process decomposition


ITHSTX description
group ITHSIX
descriptions ITHEEX
ITHSDI unit data

ITHRDI to all
processes set up
item directory


Figure 1-2 Relation between ITH processes

In Figure 1-2 the processes making up ITH are depicted. For clarity the

1-2 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

Process decomposition Introduction

related TOOLS are also depicted. ‘Client’ represents USER/FAST,

APPLICATION is mentioned by ITEM/FAST in the figure, this is only
applicable to the ITHSDI and ITHSDE processes.
The following processes belong to ITH:
This process takes care of group definition and historical retrieve
actions. All clients talk to this process using the (M)DUR interface.
Group configuration actions are performed by this process in close
interaction with HISTORY/FAST. The historical retrieve requests
are pre-processed by ITHSER and after that the request is passed to
one of the retrieve processes (ITHRTI, ITHRTT, ITHRTE).
This process takes care of gathering item data on a scan basis and
stores it on time basis.
This process takes care of gathering item data on a scan basis and
stores it on an item basis.
This process takes case of gathering item data on an event basis and
stores it on event basis.
This process handles the storage of historical information sent
directly from an application on an event basis.
This process handles the storage of historical information sent
directly from an application on an item basis.
This process takes care of retrieving event based item history stored
directly by an application.
This process takes care of retrieving time based item history stored
directly by an application.
This process takes care of retrieving item history which was stored
on a time basis.
This process takes care of retrieving item history which was stored
on an item basis.
This process takes care of retrieving item history which was stored
on an event basis.

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 1-3

Introduction Process description

This process is the general ITH information and debugger process.
It is used to obtain information about ITH performance and to
obtain information which may lead to the source of a problem.
This process is able to recover from any inconsistency between the
databases involved in history management.

1.3 Process description

1.3.1 ITHSER

ITHSER performs two tasks. It takes care of history group definition and
the retrieval of historical data. Only one ITHSER process may run on a
node. In most cases ITHSER runs on the host node.

Group definition
The client (default USER/FAST) requests group creation, modification
and deletion. Common group data is maintained by HISTORY/FAST.
ITH specific data is maintained by ITH.
ITHSER maintains a list of clients currently busy with group

Retrieval of historical data

ITHSER receives historical data retrieve requests from clients. It does
the following pre-processing of these requests before passing them to
one of the retrieve processes:
• It searches all known history groups for the groups containing this
• It selects the group from the considered groups with the highest
priority. When more groups have the same highest priority a group
is arbitrarily selected.
• It searches the list of units in the group to find the first unit in the
specified time window.
This information is added to the initial request and directed to one of the
retrieve processes. The retrieve process addressed is derived from the
history group selected. The retrieve process continues processing the

1-4 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

Process description Introduction

retrieve request and returns the gathered historical data to the client.
ITHSER maintains information in memory to speed up the above
described pre-processing. In addition it maintains the ‘item directory’
database which lists all items for which history is available and the
history groups in which they are defined.

1.3.2 ITHSTX

ITHSTX must always run on the same node as ITHSER. It gathers item
data on a scan basis and stores the gathered information on a time basis.
For example, each record within the historical database contains
gathered information of more items scanned at the same time. All history
groups of type ‘SCAN/TIME’ are handled by this process.
More than one ITHSTX processes may be active concurrently. The first
process activated must have the name ‘ITHSTX’. All subsequent
invocation are numbered as ‘ITHST2’, ‘ITHST3’, etc. The files
‘item_start’ and ‘item_stop’ on the TLS command directory must be
extended for that purpose. Each ITHSTX process expects a setup file
with the same name as the process. Each setup file must have specified
the ‘task’ keyword which specifies the history groups handled by this
process invocation (during history group definition the task can be
More invocations are used when the system has to gather a lot of
historical data. Spreading the gathering over more processes increases
the disk throughput.
When no history groups of type ‘SCAN/TIME’ exist this process can be
removed from the ‘item_start’ and ‘item_stop’ command files.

1.3.3 ITHSIX

ITHSIX runs on the same node as ITHSER. It gathers item data on a

scan basis and stores the gathered information on item basis. E.g. each
record within the historical database contains gathered information of
one item scanned at subsequent interval times. All history groups of type
‘SCAN/ITEM’ are handled by this process.
More than one ITHSIX processes may be active concurrently. The first
process activated must have the name ‘ITHSIX’. All subsequent
invocations are numbered as ‘ITHSI2’, ‘ITHSI3’, etc. See also the
previous sub-section.

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 1-5

Introduction Process description

When no history groups of type ‘SCAN/ITEM’ exist this process can be

removed from the ‘item_start’ and ‘item_stop’ command files.

1.3.4 ITHEEX

ITHEEX runs on the same node as ITHSER. It gathers item data on an

event basis and stores this gathered information on an event basis. For
example, each record within the historical database contains event
information of one item with one value and status. All history groups of
type ‘EVENT/EVENT’ are handled by this process.
More than one ITHEEX processes may be active concurrently. The first
process activated must have the name ‘ITHEEX’. All subsequent
invocations are numbered as ‘ITHEE2’, ‘ITHEE3’, etc. See also the
previous sub-section.
When no history groups of type ‘EVENT/EVENT’ exist this process can
be removed from the ‘item_start’ and ‘item_stop’ command files.

1.3.5 ITHSDE

This process runs on the same node as ITHSER. Unlike the other storage
processes, ITHSDE does not receive item history from ITEM/FAST but
from an application. This mechanism is required in case the historical
information is already available from outside FAST/TOOLS. The most
common example of this is an equipment manager that can read
historical process variable data from field equipment.
The ‘DIRECT/EVENT’ history storage type is handled by this process.
A separate record is stored for each sample on a time basis, according to
the timestamp contained in the request.
If this type of storage is required, then this process should be included in
the ‘item_start’ and ‘item_stop’ command files: it is not started by

1.3.6 ITHSDI

This process operates in a similar way to ITHSDE, by receiving

information directly from an application. ITHSDI handles item history
storage of the type ‘DIRECT/ITEM’. In this case samples are stored on

1-6 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

Process description Introduction

a per item basis. This can make history retrieval more efficient
depending on the application.
If this type of storage is not required, then this process should be added
to the ‘item_start’ and ‘item_stop’ command files; it is not started by

1.3.7 ITHRTT

ITHRTT takes care of the retrieval of historical information stored on

time basis. The process runs on the same node as ITHSER. Only one
ITHRTT process may be active.
When no history groups of type ‘SCAN/TIME’ exist this process can be
removed from the ‘item_start’ and ‘item_stop’ command files.

1.3.8 ITHRTI

ITHRTI takes care of the retrieval of historical information stored on

item basis. The process runs on the same node as ITHSER. Only one
ITHRTI process may be active.
When no history groups of type ‘SCAN/ITEM’ exist this process can be
removed from the ‘item_start’ and ‘item_stop’ command files.

1.3.9 ITHRTE

ITHRTE takes care of the retrieval of historical information stored on a

time basis. The process runs on the same node as ITHSER. Only one
ITHRTE process may be active.
When no history groups of type ‘EVENT/EVENT’ exist this process can
be removed from the ‘item_start’ and ‘item_stop’ command files.

1.3.10 ITHRDE

ITHRDE takes care of retrieving direct history stored on an event basis.

The process runs on the same node as ITHSER. Only one instance of the
ITHRDE process may active be at one time.
When ‘DIRECT/EVENT’ storage is required, this process can be added

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 1-7

Introduction Data description

to the ‘item_start’ and ‘item_stop’ command files.

1.3.11 ITHRDI

ITHRDI takes care of retrieving direct history stored on an item basis.

The process runs on the same node as ITHSER. Only one instance of the
ITHRDI process may be active at one time.
When ‘DIRECT/ITEM’ storage is required, this process can be added to
the ‘item_start’ and ‘item_stop’ command files.

1.3.12 ITHDBG

This process is described in detail in one of the following chapters.


This process is described in detail in one of the following chapters.

1.4 Data description

1.4.1 Item directory

The item directory database ‘ith_itmdir.dat’ on the TOOLS data

directory contains a list of all items for which there is historical data
available. For each item it contains the item name, its id, the time
window of available history, the history group it belongs to and the
priority of this history group. More records of the same item may exist
because an item can be defined in more history groups. This file is used
as an index to the history group. It should not be deleted.

1.4.2 Group description

Each history group has its own database file in which the group is
described. This file contains record with general group information. For
each item that is inserted into the group there is an entry which describes

1-8 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

Data description Introduction

the record.The name of the files are determined by HISTORY/FAST.

They have the following format ‘hnnggg000000.dat’. Where ‘nn’
represents the node identification of the history group and ‘ggg’ the
group identification of the history group. All other characters are literal.
These database files should not be deleted.

1.4.3 Unit description

A history group can be modified. For example, item ‘a’ exists for some
time in a history group. Then it is deleted from the history group. It must
still be possible to obtain history of item ‘a’ even when currently no
history is gathered. History of the group composition itself must be
maintained. For this purpose the unit description is introduced. Each
time the history group is reconfigured, a new unit description is created,
which is a copy of the group description. The previous unit descriptions
are not deleted because they describe the history group prior to the
The name of the files are determined by HISTORY/FAST. They have
the following format ‘hnnggguuu000.dat’. Where ‘nn’ represents the
node identification of the history group, ‘ggg’ the group identification of
the history group and ‘uuu’ the unit sequence. Each time a new unit
description is created from the group description the unit sequence is
incremented. All other characters are literal. These database files should
not be deleted.

1.4.4 Unit data

The actual item historical data is stored in the unit data databases. On
each start and rollover of the history group a new unit data file is created.
The name of the files are determined by HISTORY/FAST. They have
the following format ‘hnnggguuuddd.dat’. Where ‘nn’ represents the
node identification of the history group, ‘ggg’ the group identification of
the history group, ‘uuu’ the unit sequence and ‘ddd’ the data sequence.
Each time a new unit data file is created, due to a start or rollover of the
history group, the data sequence is incremented. These database files
should not be deleted.
The layout of the unit data depends on the storage characteristics of the
history group.

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 1-9

Introduction Data description

Time based storage

Each record within the unit data file contains a file group identification.
A stamp representing the scan time of the data in the record and for a
number of items the scanned data (item value or limit and item status).
The number of items in a single record depends on the number of items
defined in the history group and the maximum record size allowed.
When the number of items in the history group exceeds the maximum
record size in the unit data file the items are grouped in so called file
groups. Thus items are spread over more records than where each record
is represented by a file group. The unit description describes the layout
of the records (where data of each item is stored).

Item based storage

Each record within the unit data file contains an item identification, a
stamp representing the scan time of the first data in the record and for a
number of subsequent scans the scanned data (item value or limit and
item status).
The number of values in a single record depends on the buffering
capacity of the ITHSIX process and the maximum record size allowed.
The unit description describes the layout of the records.

Event based storage

Each record within the unit data file contains an item identification, a
stamp representing the time of the event and the event data (item value
or limit and item status).
Note: Storage of this type uses the time stamp to
determine in which unit the event should be
recorded. It is not possible to store an event
with a time stamp that is older than 60
The unit description describes the layout of the records.

1.4.5 Relation between group description, unit

description and unit data databases

In Figure 1-3 the relationship between the group description, unit

description and unit data databases is depicted. The first unit description
describes the data stored in the unit data from t1 up to t2, the second unit

1-10 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

Data description Introduction

description for t2 up to t3 and the last unit description from t3 up to now.

group unit
time descriptions descriptions unit data
t1 start of group


group modification
t2 rollover





group modification
t3 rollover


Figure 1-3 Relationship between some databases

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 1-11

Introduction Data description

1-12 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

Setup files Process configuration

2 Process configuration

2.1 Setup files

As mentioned before ITH is a collection of several processes. Some of
those processes can be configured using setup files:
• ITHSER - The general server.
• ITHSTX - The process that is responsible for the scan based
gathering and time based storage.
• ITHSIX - The process that is responsible for the scan based
gathering and item based storage.
• ITHEEX - The process that is responsible for the event based
gathering and event based storage.
• ITHSDE - The process responsible for event based storage of
information gathered from an application.
• ITHSDI - The process responsible for item based storage of
information gathered from an application.
• ITHRTT - The process that handles the time based retrieval.
• ITHRTI - The process that handles the item based retrieval.
• ITHRTE - The process that handles the event based retrieval.
• ITHRDE - The process that handles direct event based retrieval.
• ITHRDI - The process that handles direct item based retrieval.

2.1.1 ITHSER

When ITHSER is started, it will look for the setup file ‘xxxxxx.sup.
where ‘xxxxxx’ is the process name of ITHSER. The default name is
‘ithser’. If the file is not found an error will be output to UMHLOG. The
following setup parameters can or must be specified in the setup file:
• his
ITHSER communicates a lot with the HISTORY/FAST process
HIS. The process name of the history manager can be specified.
The default (if his is not specified) will be ‘HIS’ on the same node
• con_timeout
While configuring a storage group, this group is locked for other
actions (like rollover). This configuration is normally interactive.
So the configuration can take a long time. This configuration time

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 2-1

Process configuration Setup files

will be limited by ITHSER. This means, when a group

configuration is active and there is no action (like insert item, delete
item or end modification) within the time-out, ITHSER will cancel
the group configuration when a creation or deletion is active. Or
ITHSER will end the group configuration when a modify is active.
The configuration time-out can be specified in the setup file. The
default time-out is 10 minutes.
• his_path and sh_path.
When a group configuration (to create a new storage group) is
started, ITHSER returns some default group parameters. The
default history file paths on where the group description and the
history units will be saved can be specify in the setup file. When
his_path is not specified there will no default path. If sh_path is
omitted there will be no default shadow path. No shadow path
means, no history shadow recording.
• his_mod
The ITH get-put interface can be eneabled/disabled via this
keyword. If disabled then it is not possible to modify esisting
histpory. The dataset ITEM_HISTORY uses the get-put interface
to modify history.

2.1.2 ITHSTX

When ITHSTX is started, it will look for the setup file ‘xxxxxx.sup’
where ‘xxxxxx’ is the process name of ITHSTX. If the file is not found
an error will be output to UMHLOG. The following setup parameters
can or must be specified in the setup file:
• his
ITHSTX communicates with HIS. The process name of the history
manager can be specified. The default (if his is not specified) will
be HIS on the same node as ITHSTX.
• task
There can be more than one ITHSTX started in the system. An
ITHSTX will handle those storage groups which have specified the
same task number as the one specified in the setup file. This facility
is used to spread the handling of a lot of groups to more processes.
The default task number is zero. Normally an ITHSTX process is
started with the name ITHSTx where x reflects the task number
specified in the setup file.
• run_interval
ITHSTX periodically handles the gathering and storage of data.
The interval of this period must be specified in the setup file. This

2-2 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

Setup files Process configuration

run_interval must always be lower than the lowest scan interval of

all groups handled by this ITHSTX. A good value is a tenth of the
lowest scan interval of all groups. Lowering the value more will
increase the CPU time used by ITHSTX a little. See also the
following setup items.
• max_recsize
ITHSTX will create unit data files with a certain record size. The
maximum record size (in bytes) must be specified. When a record
size smaller than 36 bytes is specified then 36 will be used. When a
record size larger than ISF_MAX_REC_SIZ is specified,
ISF_MAX_REC_SIZ will be used (see the DATABASE/FAST
Programmer’s Guide).
If the scan values of a single scan for a group cannot be stored in a
single record, those values will be divided over more records.
Making the maximum record size smaller, decreases retrieve action
speed but increases the CPU load a little.
• itms_a_rscan and itms_a_dscan.
ITHSTX locks the ITM-common (see the ITEM/FAST
Programmer’s Guide), scans items in the common and unlocks the
common. The number of items ITHSTX may scan in such cycle
must be specified. The larger that number, the longer ITM-common
is locked, blocking other actions on the common by other
processes. A typical value is 50 items/cycle.
While configuring a group, it can be specified that ITHSTX has to
use the ITEM/FAST routine interface (only on the local node) or
the ITEM/FAST (M)DUR interface to scan items for that group.
itms_a_rscan specifies the maximum number of items in a single
ITEM/FAST routine scan and itms_a_dscan specifies that number
for a single ITEM/FAST (M)DUR interface scan.
• itms_a_rrun and itms_a_drun
With run_interval the heartbeat interval i specified on which
ITHSTX does scanning. With itms_a_rrun (for ITEM/FAST
routine interface) and itms_a_drun (ITEM/FAST (M)DUR
interface) the maximum number of items ITHSTX may scan within
such a run interval is defined. With this item the CPU peak load of
ITHSTX can be limited. The smaller the number the lower the CPU
peak load but the scanning of a single storage group can be spread
over more runs introducing a phase shift. However, the number
must be large enough that all items for all groups can be scanned
within their scan interval.
• itms_roverhead and itms_doverhead
The overhead of an ITEM/FAST routine and (M)DUR call is

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 2-3

Process configuration Setup files

defined using these keywords. Normally this number has not to be

The above items interact on each other and are used to tune ITHSTX.
Normally the values in the standard setup files need not to be changed.
Standard, ITHSTX is tuned to the best mean performance.

2.1.3 ITHSIX

When ITHSIX is started, it will look for the setup file ‘xxxxxx.sup’
where ‘xxxxxx’ is the ITHSIX process name. If the file is not found an
error will be output to UMHLOG. The nature of ITHSIX is almost the
same to ITHSTX. The setup file also specifies all items mentioned in
ITHSTX. Only modified or new setup items are discussed here:
• max_recsize.
ITHSIX will create unit data files with a certain record size. The
maximum record size (in bytes) must be specified. If a record size
smaller than 88 bytes is specified, then 88 will be used. If a record
size larger than ISF_MAX_REC_SIZ is specified,
ISF_MAX_REC_SIZ will be used (see the DATABASE/FAST
Programmer’s Guide).
• max_total_size.
ITHSIX allocates memory to store scanned item values. The total
amount of memory, ITHSIX may allocate for this purpose, must be
specified. The value is expressed in blocks. The size of a block is
28 bytes and two or three (depending on the item representation)
item values can be saved in such a block. If zero is specified,
ITHSIX allocates the amount of memory required by all history
If the limit is reached, ITHSIX will still continue to allocate
memory, but in such a small amounts that the group can be handled
by ITHSIX. In this case item values will be saved in memory for a
very short period of time.
• max_grp_size.
ITHSIX allocates memory to store scanned item values. The total
amount of memory, ITHSIX may allocate for this purpose, for a
single group must be specified. The value is expressed in blocks.
The size of a block is 28 bytes and two or three (depending on the
item representation) item values can be saved in such a block. If
zero is specified, ITHSIX allocates the amount of memory required
to store the item values in memory as specified by the ‘Save time’
during history group definition.

2-4 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

Setup files Process configuration

If the limit is reached, ITHSIX will still continue to allocate

memory, but in such a small amounts that the group can be handled
by ITHSIX. In this case item values will be saved in memory for a
very short period of time.
The standard delivered setup file contains values useful for most

2.1.4 ITHEEX

When ITHEEX is started, it will look for the setup file ‘xxxxxx.sup’
where ‘xxxxxx’ is the process name of ITHEEX. If the file is not found
an error will be output to UMHLOG. The following setup parameters
can or must be specified in the setup file:
• his.
The name of the history manager (default ‘HIS’).
• task.
The task number for this process (default ‘0’).
• buffer_size.
Occurring events can be sent immediately or buffered by ITEM/
FAST. Whether or not event buffering must be used is defined by
this keyword. If a buffer size of zero is specified no buffering is
performed otherwise the specified number gives the number of
event ITEM/FAST is allowed to buffer.
• event_timeout.
When event buffering is specified then the event buffering time-out
has to be defined. If zero is entered, the buffer is only sent by ITEM/
FAST if it becomes full. Otherwise the buffer is sent when the time-
out is reached and there is something in the buffer.
• gap_time.
The maximum time (in minutes) between the stop time of one unit
and the start time of the following unit, where the closing of the
time gap is to be applied when the unit is started.
• queue_size.
The DUR queue size of the process (in Kbytes) is specified. Default
the queue size is 20 Kb.
• overflow_item.
The ITHEEX queue overflow errors are presented by this item. If
an overflow on the queue of ITHEEX is detected, this item is
incremented with 1. In case of a BOOLEAN item, the value is
toggled between TRUE and FALSE. The item must be specified

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 2-5

Process configuration Setup files

using a comma separator (not a dot!) between the installation, unit

and tag names. E.g. “overflow_item = installation, unit, tag”.


The setup file keywords for both these processes are the same and are
described together in this subsection. When ITHSDE or ITHSDI is
started, it will look for the setup file ‘xxxxxx.sup’ where ‘xxxxxx’ is the
name of the process. If the file is not found an error will be output to
UMHLOG. The following setup parameters can be specified in the setup
• his.
The name of the history manager (default ‘HIS’).
• task.
The task number for this process (default ‘0’).
• max_recsize.
ITHSDE will create unit data files with a certain record size. The
maximum record size (in bytes) must be specified. If a record size
smaller than 88 bytes is specified, then 88 will be used. If a record
size larger than ISF_MAX_REC_SIZ is specified,
ISF_MAX_REC_SIZ will be used (see the DATABASE/FAST
Programmer’s Guide).
• max_open_files.
Indicates the maximum number of unit files that ITHSDE can have
open at one time. It is more efficient to hold a number of files open
for access because opening and closing files is a relatively time
consuming task. The default value is 10.
• gap_time.
The maximum time to wait (in minutes) before closing a unit file
after the following unit has been opened. This is useful in case a
rollover has occurred but there is still the possibility that history for
an older unit file may arrive. Default is 60 minutes.


When the retrieve processes are started they will look for their respective
setup files, ‘xxxxxx.sup’, where ‘xxxxxx’ is the process name. The
following setup parameter can be specified in the setup files:
• his.
The name of the history manager (default ‘HIS’).

2-6 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

Setup files Process configuration

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 2-7

Process configuration Setup files

2-8 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

ITHRECOVER Recover utility

3 Recover utility

Configuration data in relation to item history is spread over a number of
databases. These databases are:
• Item definition
Here the relation between item name and item id is stored.
• Item directory
In here the relation between item name, item id and history group
are stored. This database is introduced to speed-up the search
process when retrieving item history and to store configuration
history. It is possible, for example, to retrieve history about an item
which does not exists any more.
• Group descriptions
In this database the item names and id’s belonging to a certain
history group are stored.
• Item in use
In this database all items are listed which are in use by item history.
This database prevents from deleting items the system which are
members of a history group.
It is imaginable that an inconsistency between one or more of the above
described databases may occur. For example, the disk has become full
or a database has been deleted by accident.
The ITHRECOVER utility can be used to recover from many
inconsistencies. It assumes that the item definition database is correct
and that the group description is correct. When invoked it performs the
following checks and repairs any inconsistency found during these
• Group description/item definition relation
It reads all the items names from the group description database. It
searches the item by name in the item definition. When not found
the item is deleted from the group definition. When found and its
item id differs from the one found in the group definition, the group
definition is updated with the correct item id.
• Group description/item in use relation
It reads all the items from the group description database. It
searches the item in use database for the items. The ones not found

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 3-1

Recover utility ITHRECOVER

are inserted in the item in use database. All the items found in the
item in use database but which are not found in the group
description are deleted from the item in use database.
• Group description/item directory relation
It reads all the items from the group description database. It
searches the item directory database for the items. The items not
found are inserted in the item directory database. All the items
found in the item directory database but which are not found in the
group description are deleted from the item directory database.
ITHRECOVER is invoked by the following command:
ithrecover <group> [-v] [-p]
• <group> is the name of the history group to recover. To recover all
item history groups specify ‘*’. The ‘*’ (asterix) must be placed
between double quotes on UNIX based systems.
• -v switch lets ITHRECOVER display its actions and recover
• -p switch tells ITHRECOVER to update the item directory
administration to extend history into the distant past and allow
insertion of history samples into a group beyond its current lifetime.
This is an advanced option as part of a history migration activity
and should only be used in consultation with FAST/TOOLS
product support.
ITHRECOVER accesses the item directory file without intervention of
other ITH processes. This implies that the ITHSER process should be
active (it may be running, but no group configuration may be performed
at this moment) at the time ITHRECOVER is running.
ITHRECOVER requires that HISTORY/FAST is active.

3-2 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

Debug utility Debugger

4 Debugger

4.1 Debug utility

The debug utility (ITHDBG) can be used to examine the contents of the
databases. Also information about an active ITH process can be
When ITHDBG is started (just type ITHDBG) it will prompt for an
option. The following sections discusses the available options.

4.1.1 Help

Option 0 will display a list of all available options:

Action (0 = help) : [0] <Enter>
Available actions :
1 - Display contents group
2 - Display contents item directory
3 - Display contents of a history data file
4 - Display global info of ITHSER
5 - Display global info of ITHRTx
6 - Display global info of ITHSTx
7 - Display group info of ITHSTx
8 - Display global info of ITHSIx
9 - Display group info of ITHSIx
10 - Display global info of ITHEEx
11 - Display group info of ITHEEx
12 - Display global info of ITHSDE
13 - Display group info of ITHSDE
14 - Display global info of ITHSDI
15 - Display group info of ITHSDI
16 - Display global info of ITHRDx

80 - Stop a process
90 - Specify log file
-1 - exit
Action (0 = help) : [0]

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 4-1

Debugger Debug utility

4.1.2 Display contents group

This option is used to dump the contents of a group description database.

It prompts for the name of the group. Be aware that the group name is
case sensitive. After this it asks for the node number of the HIS process.
Just type 0 if it resides on the current node. Also the HIS name is
requested. ITHDBG will display the group definition. It also displays
the name of the group description file. In addition all items defined in
the group are displayed in alphabetical order including item name,
internal item id, attribute number and event criterion. The criterion is
displayed as a hexadecimal number and is only meaningful when
storage type is event oriented.
This ITHDBG option is useful while creating programs to configure
storage groups.

4.1.3 Display contents item directory

The item directory database is maintained by ITH and contains a list of

all items of which history data can be available. When a retrieve request
is performed, this file is searched for the item to find in which group it
is defined.
When selection criteria is entered, all selected items are displayed
including item id, attribute, insert and remove time stamps, group id,
priority of the item in the group and a modify flag.

4.1.4 Display contents of a history data file

This option is used to dump the contents of a unit data file. It accesses
files without intervention of other ITH processes. Group and unit
numbers and the history directory must be entered. These numbers can
be retrieved with other ITHDBG options.

4.1.5 Display global or group info of an ITH process

These options can be used to see the activity of ITH processes. The node
and process name are prompted if requesting global info and also a
group order number is prompted if requesting group info. This order
number is the order in which an ITH process has internally stored
information for a group. The number starts with zero. The group info can

4-2 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

Debug utility Debugger

only be requested from processes dealing, gathering, storing (ITHSTX,

ITHSIX, ITHEEX and ITHSDE ) and giving information about a group
which is handled by such a process.

4.1.6 Stop a process

This option is used to stop an ITH process gracefully. Also DURSTP

could be used to do this.

4.1.7 Specify log file

Default the debug information is output to the current terminal. This

output can be directed to a file.

4.1.8 Exit

Exit the debug utility.

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 4-3

Debugger Debug utility

4-4 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

Loading history History loader

5 History loader

5.1 Loading history

Normally item history is stored based on the current item values, either
on an event-basis in case of an item value change or polled on a scan
basis at regular time intervals. However there may be situations where
it is necessary to load historical item data from an external source.
Consider the following examples:
• Loss of equipment connection. If the field device is capable of
storing historical values locally while there is no connection to the
server machine then this information could be made available once
access to the device has been restored. In this case the file
containing the historical values needs to be imported in FAST/
TOOLS to fill the gap in historical data created while the device
was away.

• Migrating from other systems. If history data from an existing

system needs to be preserved after an upgrade or migration then this
facility can be used to get historical data into the new system.

• Historical data from external systems that needs to be presented

using FAST/TOOLS trending or reporting facilities. In this case
there is no field connection, but it is necessary to import this
information into FAST/TOOLS item history in order to make use
of it.
The item history loader utility is intended to be used in cases where his-
torical item data can be provided in a comma-separated value (CSV)
format and needs to be imported into FAST/TOOLS item history.

5.2 Mechanism

5.2.1 General

The item history loader takes a comma-separated value (CSV) file in a

specific format and uses the records contained within it to update item

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 5-1

History loader File format

history. The layout of this CSV file is described later on and depends on
how sample data is organized. The utility can handle FAST/TOOLS
history groups of type EVENT-EVENT and EVENT-ITEM. Note:
SCAN-based item history groups are not supported. The utility can
write samples to history without updating the current value of the
related items, or “play” the values over the current item value. The last
option can be useful for forcing alarm generation or triggering of

5.2.2 Prerequisites

The history groups that will be loaded by the utility must already be
defined. The utility cannot be used to create history groups for populat-
ing with sample data.
Since FAST/TOOLS item history is based on items, the items referred
to in the sample data file must already be defined. This is of particular
note when importing history from external sources for which there is no
field connection and for which items would not normally exist.

5.3 File format

5.3.1 General

Samples for loading can be provided in one of two ways: scan-style or

event style. Scan style means that multiple samples can be provided for
a single timestamp. Event style means that each sample has its own
timestamp. Which mode to use is specified using a header record at the
start of the file. Which mode to choose depends on the source of the
history samples and what is easiest to export to CSV. In both cases
timestamps need to be provided for the sample values. These times-
tamps can be supplied in any of the support FAST/TOOLS time nota-
tions, for example:

Textual: 29-Apr-14 11:48:17.452

Numeric: 29-04-2014 11:48:18.452
UTC with optional milliseconds: 1398764953.452

5-2 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

File format History loader

5.3.2 Multiple samples per timestamp (SCAN)

Using the scan method means that multiple samples can be specified for
a single timestamp. This is most useful in case samples from the history
source are delivered based on regular time intervals. This mode is
defined by providing a single header record with the keyword “SCAN”
followed by the names of the items that each column in the sample
records represents. For example:

SCAN, gas_flow, H2O_flow

This record specifies that multiple values will be specified for each
timestamp and that first value in the sample records refers to the item
“gas_flow” and the second value refers to the item “H2O_flow”. The
header record is then followed by one or more sample records, consist-
ing of a timestamp in the first column and followed by one or more val-
ues in each successive column representing the values for that
timestamp. For example:

29-Apr-14 11:48:17.452 , 34.21, 12

29-Apr-14 11:48:18.452, 34.17, 14

Here two sample records are supplied, consisting of a timestamp fol-

lowed by two sample values. Assuming we use the header defined ear-
lier, this means that the values in the first column will apply to the item
“gas_flow” and the second column to “H2O_flow”. In cases where no
samples are available for a particular item at that timestamp then it is
allowed to leave that column blank. In that case no history sample will
be stored for that item for that timestamp. It is allowed to enclose any
column values with double quotes or spaces.

5.3.3 Individual samples (EVENT)

The event method is used when each sample value is defined with its
own timestamp. This is most applicable to historical values that have
been generated based on value change rather than polling. This mode is
defined by providing a single header record containing the keyword
“EVENT”. No other columns need to be specified in the header record.
For example:


The header record is followed by one or more sample records of the fol-
lowing format:

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 5-3

History loader Command line syntax

<timestamp>, <item>, <value>

Where <timestamp> is the sample time in one of the supported FAST/

TOOLS time formats, <item> is the name of the item to which the sam-
ple applies and <value> is the sample value. For example:

29-Apr-14 11:48:17.452, gas_flow, 34.21

29-Apr-14 11:48:18.452, H2O_flow , 14

In this example there are two sample records. The first applies the value
“34.21” to the item “gas_flow” on 29 April 2014 at 11:48 and 17.452
seconds. The second sample applies the value “14” to item
“H2O_flow” one second later. It is allowed to enclose any column val-
ues with double quotes or spaces.

5.4 Command line syntax

The item history loader command line options are described below:

ithloahis -f <file> [-v] [-l] [-i]

[-s <section>] [-t <time type>]

• -f <file>
The name of a command separated input file. This option must
always be supplied. The section “File formats” describes the layout
of the input file.
• -v
Show verbose output. Any errors are logged via standard output.
• -l
Log output via UMH
• -i
Updates the item value as well as adding the samples to history.
This can be used to force alarm generation for example.
• -s <section>
Assumes the items in the file belong in the specified section. This
is useful when all items are located in the same section and avoids
having to specify the section name in the input file.
• -t <time_type>
Specifies how the timestamps in the input file have been supplied.
Options are GMT, LST or LCT. By default GMT will be applied.

5-4 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

Migration from other systems History loader

5.5 Migration from other systems

5.5.1 Introduction

This section describes the steps to follow if you want to use the history
loader function for importing history from other systems or are
migrating to a new server environment and want to preserve the
historical item data from the previous system. In the case of importing
old history from a FAST/TOOLS system of a previous version, consider
using the ITHIMPORT utility instead.

5.5.2 Prepare the input files

Two types of format can be used for the input file, SCAN type and
EVENT type. You should use the one most appropriate depending on
how you obtained your values. Please refer to the section “File format”
above for more information and the examples below:
SCAN, C3_flow, C4_flow
29-Apr-14 11:48:17.452, 34.21, 12
29-04-14 11:48:17.452, 34.21, 12
1398764953.452, 3.425E01, 13
“1398764954.452”, “3.428E01”, “13.5”
1398764953.452, , 13

29-Apr-14 11:48:17.452, C3_Flow, 34.21
29-04-14 11:48:17.452, C4_Flow, 12
1398764953.452, C3_Flow, 3.425E01,
“1398764954.452”, C4_Flow, “13.5”

5.5.3 Modify the ITHEEX/ITHEIX setup files

The history loader supports history groups of types EVENT-EVENT or

EVENT-ITEM. The history configuration needs to be able to cope with
timestamps in the distant past so the setup files need to be changed
accordingly. For EVENT-ITEM history groups, change the “[Maximum

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 5-5

History loader Migration from other systems

sample delay]” and “[Gap time]” in ITHEIX.sup. For “EVENT-

EVENT” history groups change the “[Gap time]” in ITHEEX.sup. The
times should be set according to the time stamps of the import data. For
example, if you want to import data and its oldest timestamp is 5 years
ago, these parameters must be set to more than 5 years (2,628,000 min).
Make a note of the original settings before this change so they can be
restored later.
In order for these changes to take effect, restart FAST/TOOLS after
modifying the setup files.

5.5.4 Create storage groups and add items

Create storage groups for the history you want to import and add the
items to the group. The history groups and items you want to import
must be defined in the history groups before you can import, since the
loader will refer to the items defined in the import files.
Add all the items you require before starting the storage groups, then
check “Immediate” for the activation time and rollover time in the
scheduling parameters so that the group will be started immediately after
you have inserted the items.

5.5.5 Create storage unit files

Since the history to be imported lies in the past, the history

administration for the unit files must be prepared so that data files
correspond with this time period.
1 Get unit information

Open a command prompt and start hisdbg.

Get unit information with option 3 and specify the name of the
history group:

5-6 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

Migration from other systems History loader

In the file column, note the name of the first history unit file. The
first part of the filename should be noted, e.g. hnnxxx001001. This
part identifies the history group and unit to which the file belongs.
The steps below will add data files to the unit data from the past up
to and including the stop time for this unit.

In addition note the start time of the second successive unit file.
Be aware that this time is in GMT!

2 Create additional unit data files

Add space in the storage group by creating successive history unit

files. The history files have to be created in order so that the start
and stop times of successive units match.
Follow the steps below, using the “%TLS_HIS_PATH%\has” path
as working folder:

1 Copy hnnxxx001000.* and hnnxxx001001.* in


2 Delete unit 1,1 with hisdbg (command = 4) or the engineering


3 Copy hnnxxx001000.* and hnnxxx001001.* in


ITH System Integrator’s Manual 5-7

History loader Migration from other systems

4 Assign the start and end time to the unit storage file starting
from the period from which you want to import history using:

hisrecover <unit>.his <Start time 1> <End time 1>

Note: The start/end times for hisrecover are specified

in LCT!

For example :

hisrecover hnnxxx001001.his “01-Mar-2015 00:00”

“01-Apr-2015 00:00”

5 Create a new unit storage file in the folder

%TLS_HIS_PATH%\has using:

isfrename hnnxxx001001.his hnnxx001002.his.

6 Copy hnnxxx001002.* in %TLS_HIS_PATH%\has to


7 Assign start and end time to the unit storage file using

hisrecover hnnxxx001002.his <Start time 2> <End

time 2>.
Keep repeating steps 5-7 increasing the data file number of the copied
unit file each time and assign the start/end times, until till the end time
reaches the start time of the second unit file that was recorded in step 1.
The steps are shown schematically in the following diagram.

5-8 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

Migration from other systems History loader

5.5.6 Expand the item storage time

The steps above create new history units to hold data from before the
history group itself was created. The storage group administration now
has to allow samples to be defined for the items in the past. To do this
perform the following command:
ithrecover <group_name> -p
Restart your FAST/TOOLS server after this step.

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 5-9

History loader Migration from other systems

5.5.7 Import historical data

Now that the history group and history units have been prepared, it is
now possible to run the ithloahis to import the prepared history files
into the history administration. Refer to appropriate command line
switches as described above and run the command, for example as
ithloahis -f <input file>

5.5.8 Restore ITHEEX/ITHEIX setup file settings

The setup file settings for event based history storage were changed to
allow insertion of history samples in the distant past. These settings for
the “[Gap time]” and “[Maximum sample delay]” should be restored to
the original settings. Restart FAST/TOOLS after this step to apply the

5-10 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

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B ith_itmdir.dat 1-8
brick itheex.sup 2-5
ITH 0-1, 1-1 ithr*.sup 2-6
ITM 1-1 ithrde.sup 2-6
buffer_size 2-5 ithrdi.sup 2-6
C ithrte.sup 2-6
con_timeout 2-1 ithrti.sup 2-6
ithrtt.sup 2-6
D ithsde.sup 2-6
database ithsdi.sup 2-6
group description 1-8, 3-1, 4-2 ithser.sup 2-1
item definitoin 3-1 ithsix.sup 2-4
item directory 1-8, 3-1, 3-2, 4-2 ithstx.sup 2-2
item in use 3-1 ITM
unit data 1-9, 4-2 brick 1-1
unit description 1-9 itms_a_drun 2-3
itms_a_dscan 2-3
E itms_a_rscan 2-3
itms_doverhead 2-3
event buffering 2-5
event_timeout 2-5
G manual
gap_time 2-5, 2-6 intended audience 0-1
objectives 0-1
group description database 1-8, 3-1, 4-2
max_grp_size 2-4
H max_open_files 2-6
max_recsize 2-3, 2-4, 2-6
his 2-1, 2-2, 2-5, 2-6 max_total_size 2-4
his_path 2-2
hnnggguuu000.dat 1-9 O
hnnggguuuddd.dat 1-9
objectives 0-1
hnnnggg000000.dat 1-9
overflow_item 2-5
intended audience 0-1
item definition database 3-1
ITHDBG 1-4, 1-8, 4-1
item directory database 1-8, 3-1, 3-2, 4-
ITHEEX 1-3, 1-6, 2-5
item in use database 3-1
ITH 0-1
ITHRECOVER 1-4, 1-8, 3-1
brick 0-1, 1-1
ITHRTE 1-3, 1-7, 2-6

ITH System Integrator’s Manual 1


ITHRTI 1-3, 1-7, 2-6 task 2-2, 2-5, 2-6

ITHRTT 1-3, 1-7, 2-6 sh_path 2-2
ITHSER 1-3, 1-4, 2-1 task 2-2, 2-5, 2-6
ITHSIX 1-3, 1-5, 2-4
ITHSTX 1-3, 1-5, 2-2 U
unit data database 1-9, 4-2
Q unit description database 1-9
queue_size 2-5 utility
debug 4-1
R debugger 0-1
run_interval 2-2 recover 0-1, 3-1

setup file
buffer_size 2-5
con_timeout 2-1
event_timeout 2-5
gap_time 2-5, 2-6
his 2-1, 2-2, 2-5, 2-6
his_mod 2-2
his_path 2-2
itms_a_drun 2-3
itms_a_dscan 2-3
itms_a_rrun 2-3
itms_a_rscan 2-3
itms_doverhead 2-3
itms_roverhead 2-3
max_grp_size 2-4
max_open_files 2-6
max_recsize 2-3, 2-4, 2-6
max_total_size 2-4
overflow_item 2-5
queue_size 2-5
run_interval 2-2
sh_path 2-2

2 ITH System Integrator’s Manual

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