Frontend developer interview Q
Frontend developer interview Q
Frontend developer interview Q
Er Kishan Kumar
II) CSS Interview Questions
Er Kishan Kumar
8. Can you explain how to destruct an object or an array?
9. Build a comments section that has the following properties:
1. The user can add comments directly.
2. The user can add a reply to any comment.
3. The user can add a reply to any comment which is
a reply.
Er Kishan Kumar
HTML CSS and JavaScript Interview Questions Entry-Level Candidates
Er Kishan Kumar
III) JavaScript Interview Questions
1. What are the differences between the =, ==, and === operators?
2. How would you use escape characters to log quotes in a string
correctly? For example, “We are “good” friends.”
3. Write a loop that prints every number divisible by three from 1-
4. What are the .slice() and .splice() methods, and how do they
differently affect arrays?
5. How would you submit a form in JavaScript?
6. How would you write an object for a database containing the
following person’s details: Jack, age 45, with hazel eyes and ID
number 5000.
7. What is the DOM? And what does it do?
8. What are the various Data Types in JavaScript?
9. What is Scope in JavaScript?
Er Kishan Kumar