Instant Access to Transcriptional Regulation Methods and Protocols 1st Edition Xiao-Yong Li ebook Full Chapters
Instant Access to Transcriptional Regulation Methods and Protocols 1st Edition Xiao-Yong Li ebook Full Chapters
Instant Access to Transcriptional Regulation Methods and Protocols 1st Edition Xiao-Yong Li ebook Full Chapters
Post Transcriptional Gene Regulation 3rd Edition Erik
Transcriptional Regulation Methods and Protocols 1st
Edition Xiao-Yong Li Digital Instant Download
Author(s): Xiao-Yong Li, Mark D. Biggin (auth.), Ales Vancura (eds.)
ISBN(s): 9781617793769, 1617793760
Edition: 1
File Details: PDF, 9.81 MB
Year: 2012
Language: english
Series Editor
John M. Walker
School of Life Sciences
University of Hertfordshire
Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB, UK
Edited by
Ales Vancura
Department of Biological Sciences, St. John’s University, Queens, NY, USA
Ales Vancura, Ph.D
Department of Biological Sciences
St. John’s University
Queens, NY, USA
[email protected]
In the last 20 years, the methodologies used in the field of transcriptional regulation have
undergone remarkable changes. Perhaps the most significant advancements are the devel-
opment of genome-wide approaches for measuring gene expression, exemplified by gene
chips (chip), and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays (ChIP) for measuring in vivo
protein–DNA interactions at any genomic loci. The combination of genome-wide
approaches and chromatin immunoprecipitation culminated in developing methods for
measuring protein–DNA interactions at a genome-wide scale, such as ChIP–chip and
ChIP–Seq. The regulatory role of chromatin and histone modifications also came to the
forefront during the last 20 years, adding new layers of complexity to our understanding of
transcriptional regulation. In addition, mass spectrometry methods identified an array of
accessory proteins involved in all stages of RNA synthesis and its regulation.
This volume is divided in four parts: (1) Promoter elements, transcription factors, and
preinitiation complex (PIC) assembly, (2) Chromatin structure, (3) Chromatin modifying
complexes, and (4) RNA synthesis and regulation. Strict classification of the described
methods into these four parts, however, is very difficult. For example, ChIP methods are
used for studies of transcription factors binding to promoter elements as well as for the
characterization of chromatin structure and histone modifications.
Most of the protocols presented in this volume have been developed using mammalian,
yeast, or Drosophila cells and tissues, but most methods can be applied across the species
and cell types. The methods in all four parts have been chosen to represent both classic and
cutting-edge techniques to study transcriptional regulation. The reliability of all the proto-
cols has been tested in laboratories around the world. Each chapter is appended by notes
that navigate through the protocol and serves as a troubleshooting guide. It is our hope
that this book will be useful not only to senior researchers and scientists experienced in
transcriptional regulation, but also to graduate students and scientists who want to study
transcriptional regulation for the first time.
I would like to thank all the authors for their enthusiastic help and support in assem-
bling this volume; I fully realize that in the highly competitive environment of academic
research, many scientists are reluctant to commit their time to writing book chapters and
review articles. I also want to thank Dr. Ivana Vancurova for her significant help in editing
this volume. Last, but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to the series editor,
Dr. John Walker, and the outstanding staff of Humana Press for their support, help, and
Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Contributors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
viii Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623
xii Contributors
JING HU • Center for Eukaryotic Gene Regulation, and Genetics Graduate Program,
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA
ASHISH JUVEKAR • Department of Biological Sciences, St. John’s University,
Queens, NY, USA
DHAN V. KALVAKOLANU • Department of Microbiology & Immunology,
Greenebaum Cancer Center, University of Maryland School of Medicine,
Baltimore, MD, USA
STEVEN KENNEDY • Department of Biological Sciences, St. John’s University,
Queens, NY, USA
ANDREW J. KUEH • The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research,
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
RIKI KUROKAWA • Division of Gene Structure and Function, Research Center
for Genomic Medicine, Saitama Medical University, Saitama-Ken, Japan
PINGXIN LI • Center for Eukaryotic Gene Regulation, University Park, PA, USA;
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA, USA; Genetics Graduate Program, Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, PA, USA
XIAO-YONG LI • Genomics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Berkeley, CA, USA
EMILIE LOUVET • Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Karolinska Institutet,
Stockholm, Sweden
SUBRATA MANNA • Department of Biological Sciences, St. John’s University,
Queens, NY, USA
ERNEST MARTINEZ • Department of Biochemistry, University of California,
Riverside, CA, USA
CHARLES E. MASSIE • CRUK Cambridge Research Institute, Cambridge, UK;
Department of Haematology, Cambridge Institute for Medical Research,
Cambridge, UK
TAMARA MCLENNAN • The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research,
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
PABLO MENENDEZ • Stem Cells, Development & Cancer Laboratory GENyO: Centre
for Genomics and Oncology Pfizer-University of Granada-Andalusian Govermment,
Parque Tecnológico de Ciencias de la Ilustración, Granada, Spain
ERAN MESHORER • Department of Genetics, Institute of Life Sciences,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
IAN G. MILLS • CRUK Cambridge Research Institute, Cambridge, UK;
Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway, Nordic European Molecular Biology
Laboratory Partnership, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
NUNO P. MIRA • Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering,
Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
JOHN MOON • Department of Biological Sciences, St. John’s University,
Queens, NY, USA
MAGDALENA MURAWSKA • Institut für Molekularbiologie und Tumorforschung (IMT),
Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany
xiv Contributors
KEZHI YAN • Department of Biochemistry, The Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer
Research Centre, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada
JUN YANG • Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, TX, USA
TEDDY T. C. YANG • Department of Molecular Pharmacology, Albert Einstein College
of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA
XIANG-JIAO YANG • Department of Biochemistry, The Rosalind and Morris Goodman
Cancer Research Centre, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada;
Department of Medicine, The Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer
Research Centre, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada
STEPHEN J. YARWOOD • Institute for Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology,
College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow,
Glasgow, Scotland, UK
ADEEL ZUBAIR • Department of Biological Sciences, St. John’s University,
Queens, NY, USA
Part I
Immunoprecipitation of cross-linked chromatin in combination with microarrays (ChIP-chip) or ultra
high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) is widely used to map genome-wide in vivo transcription factor
binding. Both methods employ initial steps of in vivo cross-linking, chromatin isolation, DNA fragmentation,
and immunoprecipitation. For ChIP-chip, the immunoprecipitated DNA samples are then amplified,
labeled, and hybridized to DNA microarrays. For ChIP-seq, the immunoprecipitated DNA is prepared for
a sequencing library, and then the library DNA fragments are sequenced using ultra high-throughput
sequencing platform. The protocols described here have been developed for ChIP-chip and ChIP-seq
analysis of sequence-specific transcription factor binding in Drosophila embryos. A series of controls establish
that these protocols have high sensitivity and reproducibility and provide a quantitative measure of relative
transcription factor occupancy. The quantitative nature of the assay is important because regulatory transcrip-
tion factors bind to highly overlapping sets of thousands of genomic regions and the unique regulatory
specificity of each factor is determined by relative moderate differences in occupancy between factors at
commonly bound regions.
1. Introduction
Ales Vancura (ed.), Transcriptional Regulation: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 809,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-61779-376-9_1, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
4 X.-Y. Li and M.D. Biggin
Formaldehyde crosslinking
Chromatin immunoprecipitation
DNA sample
DNA amplification
and labeling DNA sequencing library
Hybridization to
genomic DNA tiling Ultra-high throughput
array sequencing
introduce this bias (Fig. 2) (13, 14). Finally, another major difference
between protocols is the approach used to amplify the immuno-
precipitated DNA for ChIP-chip analysis. We have found that this
step must be carefully optimized to reduce as much as possible
stochastic experimental noise. Our amplification protocols have
been optimized to give high reproducible between replicas and to
faithfully preserve the relative levels of enrichment of different
DNAs even when sub-nanogram amount of genomic DNA is used
in either our ChIP-chip protocol (15) (Fig. 2).
For successful ChIP-chip or ChIP-seq experiments, it is critical
to have first rate antibodies. In our experience, affinity-purified
polyclonal antibodies are highly effective. We have been successful
in obtaining ChIP quality antibodies for nearly every factor
attempted, with good data being obtained for 21 proteins (16).
Monoclonal antibodies or antibodies raised against a short protein
sequence, in contrast, tend to be less effective; potential epitope
masking may not only affect the general effectiveness, but may also
cause bias in which genomic regions are detected. It is important
that the portion(s) of the protein chosen for affinity purifying
antibodies do not share homology with other proteins in the
organism. Suitable nonhomologous regions can be identified using
NCBI blast. Regions of approximately 100 amino acids in length
are generally effective. To further ensure that the antibodies do not
cross-react with other proteins, ideally, for each factor two ChIP
experiments should be performed using affinity-purified antibodies
against nonoverlapping parts of the same protein. We have found
that the results between such antibody pairs are strikingly similar
for the same factor, whereas data for different factors is, of course,
different (15, 17) (Fig. 2).
6 X.-Y. Li and M.D. Biggin
ChIP-chip Anti-HB1/Input
Bound region
Boung region
Fig. 2. The ChIP-chip score profile (top half ) or ChIP-seq tag-density profile (bottom half ) for anti-HB or normal rabbit IgG
control chromatin immunoprecipitation. In each case, two ChIPs were performed using two different anti-HB antibodies
against nonoverlapping epitopes (HB1 and HB2). The ChIP-chip score was calculated as log2 (mean Factor IP/mean input
DNA) for the Factor IP track, and log2 (mean IgG control IP/mean input DNA) for the IgG control track, and a moving average
with a window size of 675 bp was calculated. Shown in the figure are the unlogged window scores. The bound regions
detected by TiMAT are marked underneath the binding profiles. For ChIP-seq, the short sequence tags aligned to the
genome were extended by the average size of the fragments in the DNA library to generate the tag-density profiles, as
shown. The signals shown for the different samples were scaled to the same total number of tags. The bound regions
identified by MACS are shown underneath the profiles.
2. Materials
2.3. Chromatin All solutions and buffers for this step should be of high quality,
Immunoprecipitation especially for applications near end of the immunoprecipitation
procedure and the subsequent processing of the samples for ChIP-
chip and ChIP-seq. Preferably, the following solutions should be
purchased from commercial resources: molecular grade water, 1 M
Tris–Cl, pH 8.0, 0.5 M EDTA, 3 M sodium acetate.
8 X.-Y. Li and M.D. Biggin
2.5. Array 1. 12× MES buffer: dissolve 70.4 g MES free acid monohydrate
Hybridization (Sigma, #69889), and 193.3 g MES-Na (Sigma, # M3058) in
and Scanning ddH2O, adjust to 1 l. Filter sterilize and store at 4°C.
2. 3 nM B2 oligo (Affymetrix, #900301).
3. 2× MES-Triton solution: mix 1.66 ml 12× MES, 3.44 ml 5 M
NaCl, 0.8 ml 0.5 M EDTA, 0.2 ml 1% Triton X-100, and
3.9 ml H2O. Filer sterilize, store at 4°C, shield from light.
4. Hybridization cocktail: for each chip, prepare 200 μl cocktail
by mixing 20.83 μl 12× MES, 150 μl 5 M TMAC (Sigma,
#T3411), 3 μl 3 nM B2, 2 μl herring sperm DNA (10 mg/ml),
and 18.67 μl H2O.
5. Wash buffer A: for 1 l, mix 300 ml 20× SSPE, 1 ml 10% Tween-
20, and 700 ml H2O. Filter sterilize and store at room
6. Wash buffer B: for 500 ml, mix 41.6 ml 12× MES, 2.6 ml 5 M
NaCl, 0.5 ml 10% Tween-20 (Pierce, #28320), and 455.2 ml
H2O. Filter sterilize and store at 4°C, shield from light.
7. 2× stain buffer: for 50 ml, mix 8.35 ml 12× MES, 18.5 ml 5 M
NaCl, 0.5 ml 10% Tween-20, and 22.65 ml H2O. Filter sterilize
and store at 4°C.
8. R-phecoerythrin streptavidin (SAPE) solution: 1,200 μl each chip,
mix 600 μl 2× MES stain buffer, 48 μl 50 mg/ml BSA, 12 μl
1 mg/ml SAPE (Molecular Probes, #S866), and 540 μl ddH2O.
9. Ab solution: 600 μl each chip, 300 μl 2× MES stain buffer,
24 μl 50 mg/ml BSA (Invitrogen, #15561-020), 6 μl 10 mg/ml
normal Goat IgG (Sigma, #I5256), 3.6 μl 0.5 mg/ml biotiny-
lated anti-streptavidin (Vector Laboratories, #BA-0500), and
266.4 μl H2O.
10. Affymetrix Fluidics Station 450.
11. GeneChip Scanner 3000 7G.
2.6. Solexa Sample 1. The Illumina ChIP-seq sample preparation kit (#IP-102-1001)
Preparation provides all reagents needed. However, all reagents with the
exception of adaptor and PCR primers for enrichment of
adaptor ligated DNA fragments, both of which should be
ordered as Genomic DNA Sample Prep Oligo Only Kit from
Illumina (#FC-102-1003), can be purchased individually or as
a kit, e.g., the NEBNext DNA Sample Prep Reagent Set 1
(#E600S or E6000L) from NEB, or from other sources (in
particular, the ligase from enzymatics has been recommended
based on a previous study (18)).
10 X.-Y. Li and M.D. Biggin
3. Method
3.1. Embryo Collection 1. Maintain flies in large population cages in a chamber or incubator
and Fixation set at the proper temperature, humidity, and light cycle (see
Note 2). For Drosophila melanogaster, we use 25°C and 50%
humidity with a 14 h on, 10 h off light cycle.
2. On the day of embryo collection, the old molasses/yeast plates
are replaced with fresh new plates covered with yeast, which is
repeated twice for 1 h each to clear away the aged embryos
retained by the mother flies.
3. For embryo collection, a molasses plate streaked lightly with
yeast paste is placed in each cage for a certain time, usually 1 h.
4. Remove the plates with embryos and set them aside in the
incubation chamber to let the embryos to age to the desired
developmental stage.
5. Harvest the embryos on double Nitex mesh, with a coarse
mesh on top to remove dead crushed adult flies, and a bottom
fine mesh to retain embryos.
6. Wash away yeast, transfer embryos to a beaker containing 50%
bleach, mix. Dechorionate the embryos for 2 min, then pour
embryos back to the lower layer mesh, and rinse extensively.
7. Transfer embryos to a cup with mesh on the bottom, dry the
embryos by placing paper towels beneath the mesh. Completely
immerse the embryos in isopropanol in a beaker and disperse
embryos well by using a narrow metal spatula. Remove cup
and dry embryos quickly with paper towels beneath the mesh.
8. Transfer embryos to a 50-ml falcon tube and add 10 ml form-
aldehyde/hexane fixing solution per gram of embryo. Shake
briefly, and rotate for 5 min at room temperature. Allow the
embryos to settle, and pour off the fixative to a hazardous
waste bottle.
9. Add embryo washing buffer to the embryos (use >10 ml per
gram of embryos), shake vigorously, and then rotate at room
1 Genome-Wide In Vivo Cross-linking of Sequence-Specific… 11
temp for 5 min. Pour onto a cup with mesh on the bottom to
drain the buffer. Transfer the embryos to a new tube and repeat
the wash with fresh buffer. Embryos should clump at first but
then eventually become monodispersed.
10. Dry embryos and transfer them to plastic tubes. Flash freeze
embryos in liquid nitrogen and store at −80°C.
3.2. Chromatin The amount of embryos used to set up each gradient, and the
Purification amount of chromatin obtained depend on the age of the embryos
and Sonication used. In the procedure described below, usually 5–7 g embryos at
stage 5 are used for each gradient, and an SW28 rotor is used for
3.2.1. Chromatin
ultracentrifugation (see Note 3). About 3 ml of purified chromatin
at concentration of 75 μg/ml is obtained. For older embryos,
adjust the amount of embryos according to their developmental
stage (e.g., 4 g for stage 10 or 11, and 2.5 g for stage 14).
1. Thaw the frozen embryos, add 35 ml of cold embryo
homogenization buffer + 0.5 mM DTT + 1 mM PMSF. Shake
hard to break the clumps. Immediately transfer to a 40-ml glass
dounce tube.
2. Dounce the embryos at 8,000 rpm for one stroke and two
strokes at 7,000 rpm using a motor – drive homogenizer
system (see Note 4).
3. Transfer to a 40 ml hand-held glass dounce and homogenize
using five strokes with an A size pestle.
4. Pour into an SS34 tube and add 0.5 ml 20% Triton X-100 to a
final concentration of 0.3%. Rock for 10 min at room temperature.
This step removes remaining cell membranes, leaving largely
nuclei suspended in cytosol and egg yolk. Spin down nuclei at
4,000 rpm (1,251 ´ g) for 15 min in an SS34 rotor at 4°C.
5. Pour off supernatant and add 5 ml nuclear lysis buffer.
Resuspend pellet by pipetting up and down a few times.
6. Transfer to a small dounce and completely homogenize by ten
strokes using a B size pestle.
7. Transfer homogenate to a 15-ml falcon tube, sonicate 20 s at
low output setting using a Branson sonifier 450, or a Bioruptor,
to partially fragment chromatin. This sonication step is not to
reduce the chromatin fragment to sizes desired for ChIP, but
rather to decrease viscosity of the sample. The DNA should be
>20 kb is size after this step. Several samples may be combined
at this step, with the sonication time increased accordingly.
8. Transfer to a clean SS34 tube. Add 1.8 ml 20% SDS (to final
concentration of 3%) and quickly vortex.
9. Add 1.2 ml 20% N-lauroylsarcosine and 1.2 ml 20% Triton
X-100. Incubate on a rotator at room temperature for 10 min.
12 X.-Y. Li and M.D. Biggin
10. Spin at 4,000 rpm (1,251 ´ g) for 10 min in an SS34 rotor. Transfer
the cleared lysate to a new tube. Avoid the lipid layer on top that
sometimes is present and the pellet, which may be loose.
11. Set up CsCl gradients by gently layering 8.5 ml of each of the
three CsCl solution on top of one another in the order of 1.5,
1.4, and 1.3 g/ml. Finish by layering the nuclear lysate on top
of the gradient.
12. Carry out ultracentrifugation in an SW28 rotor at 121,569 × g
(26,000 rpm) for 40 h at 20°C.
13. After centrifugation, remove tubes and secure each with a
clamp. Locate the chromatin, which usually does not form a
uniform layer, but rather is fibrous and clumpy and differs from
a band located about 0.5–1 cm above it that is more whitish.
Gently insert an 18 1/2 gauge needle attached to a 5-ml
syringe 0.5–1 cm below the chromatin band. Slowly pull the
plunger and until all the chromatin is drawn into the syringe,
yielding about 3 ml of chromatin for each gradient.
14. Dialyze the chromatin sample in a medium Spec 2 dialysis bag
against dialysis buffer at a volume that is >100× the volume of
the chromatin sample at 4°C for a total of 6 h, with two buffer
changes during this time.
15. Recover the chromatin, which is partly insoluble at this stage
but will go completely into solution after sonication. Flash
freeze and store at −80°C.
3.2.2. Chromatin Prior to being used for ChIP reactions, the chromatin needs to be
Sonication fragmented to the desired size range by sonication. For our ChIP-
chip experiment, we use a Branson sonifier 450. With this system,
we usually sonicate 5 ml of chromatin at a time in a 15-ml falcon
tube placed in an ice/water bath. With the power output set at 2.5,
we carry out six cycles of sonication with 30 s on and 3 min off for
each cycle, which produces chromatin fragments averaging about
500 bp, suitable for ChIP-chip. For ChIP-seq, we routinely use a
Bioruptor, which can produce short fragments, ranging from 100
to 300 bp. Below is the detailed procedure for chromatin fragmen-
tation using bioruptor.
1. First add N-lauroylsarcosine to 0.5%.
2. Aliquot 200–300 μl chromatin samples into 1.5-ml TPX hard
plastic tubes (see Note 5).
3. Put samples in the Bioruptor. During sonication, the samples
need to be kept cold. This is done by using a cold water circu-
lation system attached to the bioruptor. Alternatively, it can be
done by adding ice to the water bath, which needs to be replaced
periodically, e.g., every 10 min. Adjust the amount of ice added
so that at the end of each 10 min there is still small amount of
ice remaining.
1 Genome-Wide In Vivo Cross-linking of Sequence-Specific… 13
a c d
b Input T
M IgG An
Fig. 3. Expected results at each step of the ChIP-seq procedure. (a) DNA isolated from sonicated chromatin. (b) PCR results for
the ChIP and IgG control IP samples along with samples from serial dilution of input DNA. (c) DNA obtained following Solexa
ChIP DNA sample preparation, arrow points to adaptor dimer by-products. (d) The amplification curve and dissociation curve
from a Q_PCR analysis of a Solexa DNA library sample, a peak pointed to by an arrow corresponds to primer–dimer. (e) The
electrophoregram of a library sample from an analysis on a Bioanalyzer, again, the arrow indicates the adaptor dimer.
3.4. DNA Amplification For ChIP-chip, the DNA samples from the ChIP experiment (factor
and Labeling IP, IgG IP, and input) are amplified, labeled, and hybridized to an
for ChIP-Chip affymetrix tiling array. We have modified a commonly used random
prime-based amplification method to improve the efficiency and
16 X.-Y. Li and M.D. Biggin
3.4.1. ChIP-DNA 1. Set up the first round reaction with a total volume of 18.5 μl as
Amplification (see Note 7) follows: 10.5 μl DNA (from factor IP, IgG control IP, or 2 ng/μl
input) , 4 μl 5× sequenase buffer, 4 μl 200 μM primer A.
2. Prepare dNTP solution by mixing (for each reaction): 0.1 μl
20 mg/ml BSA, 1 μl 0.1 M DTT, 0.5 μl 25 mM dNTPs.
3. Dilute sequenase by mixing each 1 μl with 6 μl of sequenase
dilution buffer.
4. Set up the following program that consists of four cycles each
containing the following three segments on a thermocycler
(typically a Perkin Elmer 9600 or 9700): (1) 95°C 4 min, (2) 10°C
5 min, (3) 37°C hold for 8 min. Set the ramp rate such that
it takes about 10 min to ramp from 10°C from the previous
step to 37°C.
5. Put the samples in the thermocycler. Start the reactions.
6. During each cycle, after the 4 min incubation at 94°C, pause
the program, transfer the samples to ice, close the lid, and
resume the program.
7. After the temperature reaches 10°C, transfer the samples back
to the thermocycler, and add 1.6 μl dNTP mix (only for the
first of the four random priming cycles) and 1 μl of 6× diluted
sequenase (USB Corp). Make sure to add the solutions to all
samples within the 5 min incubation time. Close thermocycler.
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 till all four random-prime synthesis cycles
are complete.
9. Purify the DNA as follows to remove the primers: take an
Amersham microspin S-300 HR column; remove the buffer
from the column by spinning at 3,000 rpm (735 ´ g) for 1 min
1 Genome-Wide In Vivo Cross-linking of Sequence-Specific… 17
3.4.2. DNA Fragmentation, 1. Dilute DNase I (1 U/μl; Epicentre) 15× into 1× One-Phor-All
Labeling buffer (Roche).
2. Set up reactions as follows: mix 2.5 μg amplified DNA, 3.28 μl
10× One-Phor-All buffer, 2.2 μl diluted DNase I, and ddH2O
to total volume of 35 μl.
3. Incubate for 5 min at 37°C.
4. Inactivate DNase I at 99°C for 10 min, then place on ice.
5. Check 10% of the reaction by running it on a 1.5% agarose gel.
The bulk of DNA should be 50–100 bp.
3.5. Hybridization to We use the Affymetrix Drosophila genomic DNA tiling array.
Genomic DNA Tiling All the hybridization to chip, chip washing and staining, as well
Array and Scanning as scanning are performed according to the manufacturer’s recom-
mendation. Consult the manufacturer if different versions of the
instruments are used.
18 X.-Y. Li and M.D. Biggin
3.5.1. Hybridization 1. Dilute 2× MES-Triton to 1×. Inject 200 μl into each chip.
2. Prehybe for ~1 h in the Affymetrix hybridization oven at
45 rpm and 45°C.
3. Mix 200 μl hybridization cocktail with 50 μl of the sample
from TdT reaction.
4. Boil sample for 10 min, transfer to a 45°C TempBlock, and
incubate for 10 min.
5. Spin in a microcentrifuge at maximum speed for 3 min.
6. Inject 200 μl of the sample into the chip.
7. Carry out the hybridization in the hybridization oven at 45 rpm
and 45°C for 18 h.
3.5.3. Scanning the Chip Scan chips using Affymetrix GeneChip scanner, following the
manufacturer’s instruction.
3.6. ChIP-Seq Sample The ChIP-seq sample preparation is carried out according to the
Preparation “Illumina protocol for sample preparation for chip-seq” with some
modifications. One major change is that the PCR amplification
step is carried out before instead of after DNA size selection. This
helps to decrease the loss of DNA complexity in the sample, which
can be an issue since the amount of DNA in the ChIP sample is
low. We have found that this modification leads to higher DNA
yield. We also keep the number of PCR amplification cycles to a
minimum to limit uneven amplification of different genomic
regions, see Note 9.
3.6.1. Perform End Repair 1. Dilute Klenow DNA polymerase 1:5 with ddH2O to a final
Klenow concentration of 1 U/μl. An excess amount of enzyme
may lead to DNA degradation when the amount of DNA
sample is low.
2. Prepare the following reaction mix with a total volume of
50 μl: 10 μl DNA sample from ChIP, mock IP, or 0.1 ng/μl
input DNA; 30 μl ddH2O; 5 μl T4 DNA ligase buffer with
10 mM ATP; 2 μl dNTP mix; 1 μl T4 DNA polymerase; 1 μl diluted
Klenow DNA polymerase; 1 μl T4 polynucleotide kinase.
1 Genome-Wide In Vivo Cross-linking of Sequence-Specific… 19
3.6.2. Add “A” Bases 1. Prepare the following reaction mix with a total volume of
to the 3 ′ End of the DNA 50 μl: 34 μl DNA from Subheading 3.6.1, 5 μl Klenow buffer,
Fragments 10 μl dATP, 1 μl Klenow exo (3′–5′ exo minus).
2. Incubate for 30 min at 37°C.
3. Follow the instructions in the MinElute PCR Purification Kit
to purify samples each on one MinElute column, eluting in
10 μl of EB.
3.6.3. Ligate Adapters 1. Dilute the adapter oligo mix 1:20 with water (see Note 9).
to DNA Fragments 2. Prepare the following reaction mix with a total volume of
30 μl: 10 μl DNA from Subheading 3.6.2, 15 μl DNA ligase
buffer, 1 μl diluted adapter oligo mix, 4 μl DNA ligase.
3. Incubate for 15 min at room temperature.
4. Follow the instructions in the MinElute PCR Purification Kit
to purify samples, each on one MinElute column, eluting in
10 μl of EB.
3.6.4. Enrich the 1. Set up the PCR reaction with total volume of 25 μl: 10 μl
Adapter-Modified DNA DNA, 7 μl ddH2O 10 μl 5× Phusion buffer, 1.5 μl dNTP mix,
Fragments by PCR 1 μl PCR primer 1.1, 1 μl PCR primer 2.1, 0.25 μl Phusion
2. Amplify using the following PCR protocol: 30 s at 98°C; then
12–15 cycles (see Note 10) of 10 s at 98°C, 30 s at 65°C, and
30 s at 72°C; finally 5 min at 72°C.
3.6.5. Size Select 1. Prepare a 1.5% agarose gel in 1× TAE or 0.5× TBE.
the Library 2. Load 500 ng of a 100 bp DNA ladder per lane of the gel.
3. Add loading buffer to the PCR product. Load the sample to
the gel. Leaving at least one lane empty between the 100 bp
ladders, load ladders on both sides of each sample lane. Be very
careful to avoid sample escaping from the wells which will
lead to cross-contamination. Minimize the number of samples
(maximum three) purified on each gel.
4. Run gel at 100 V for 1.5 h.
5. Stain the gel with SYBR-gold for 10 min or longer until the
DNA smear is clearly visible.
6. Place the gel over a blue-light transilluminator; the DNA ladder
and the DNA smear in the sample lanes should be easily visible.
In the sample lanes, besides the continuous DNA smear >150 bp,
there is sometimes a band of about 140 bp, which corresponds
20 X.-Y. Li and M.D. Biggin
3.6.7. Sequencing The sequencing step is usually carried out by a core facility. Consult
of ChIP-Seq Samples with the person in charge of the sequencing about the amount
sample to use. Based on standard sequencing protocols, 1 μl of a
20 nM library is sufficient. The details about the technology and
work flow can be found from the Illumina company website.
Briefly, sequencing a DNA library can be divided in two main steps.
The first is cluster generation on a cluster station. At this step, clusters
of DNA are generated on the surface of a flow cell through a clonal
bridge amplification technology from each molecule in the library.
The next sequencing step is performed on a Solexa Genome Analyzer.
The sequencing process involves rounds of synthesis with the DNA
molecules in the clusters as template and fluorophor-dNTPs
as substrates. In each round of this sequence though synthesis
process, the incorporation of each of the four bases coupled with a
distinct fluorescence dye is captured by an imaging system, which
is followed by the cleavage release of the fluorescence dye before a
new round of sequencing is performed. The stacks of cluster images
thus produced represent the raw data, which, after the sequencing
process is finished, are processed by a suite of software, producing
the actual sequence reads.
3.7. Data Analysis We use the program, TiMAT, developed by BDTNP, for our ChIP-
chip data analysis (see ref. 15 for details). The data analysis includes
3.7.1. ChIP-Chip Data
the following main steps: (1) The complete set of six arrays from
an experiment (Factor IP replicates, IgG control IP replicates, and
input DNA replicates) are scaled to a common median value and
then quantile normalized against each other; (2) Replicates are
averaged and log (base 2) ratio scores are calculated for Factor IP
and IgG control IP arrays: log2 (mean Factor IP/mean input DNA)
and log2 (mean IgG control IP/mean input DNA). These scores
are then smoothed using a sliding 675 bp window of trimmed
means; (3) False discovery rate (FDR) estimates are calculated by two
methods: a symmetric null distribution method, and IgG control
22 X.-Y. Li and M.D. Biggin
3.7.2. ChIP-Seq Data The first step of ChIP-seq data analysis is to align the reads to the
Analysis genome. This can be done using ELAND as part of the Illumina
Analysis Pipeline which also includes cluster image processing and
base calling, or using one of the several other programs, such as
MAQ (20), Bowtie (21), etc. From the aligned reads, a tag-density
profile can be generated by extending the short sequence tags by
the average length of the DNA fragments in the library. The resulting
files, in .sgr or wig format, can be viewed with a genome browser
as described above. To identify the bound regions, a range of pub-
lished software are available, among more recently released ones
are CisGenome (22), Peakseq (23), SISSRs (24), MACS (25),
GLITR (26), and Sole-Search (27). These programs usually use a
local background model and at least one control (usually the input
DNA) to calculate the statistical significance of each enriched peak,
and/or determine FDRs.
In our studies (17), first we aligned the reads to the genome
using bowtie. We used MACS (25) for peak finding. The output
from MACS is a BED file containing a list of identified peak regions
and an Excel file containing several types of information about
the bound regions. The regions can be sorted based on the
number of sequence tags in the identified regions, the fold enrich-
ment, or FDR.
Figure 2 shows the tag-density profile around the eve gene
for two IPs using different hunchback (HB) antibodies, and the
input DNA sample. The enriched regions identified by MACS
at 5% FDR are marked by horizontal bars underneath the tag-
density tracks. A comparison with ChIP-chip results in Fig. 2 shows
how ChIP-seq excels in resolution (and we note higher resolution
can be achieved by selecting even smaller fragments for sequencing).
Nevertheless, the bound regions identified by the two methods
are highly correlated.
1 Genome-Wide In Vivo Cross-linking of Sequence-Specific… 23
3.8. Expected Results As shown in Fig. 2, the ChIP-chip and ChIP-seq results from our
studies show strong enrichment at strongly bound regions and
low background noise, which allows detection of not only the
strong, but also fairly low levels of binding. The results are highly
reproducible between biological replicate or between IPs using
different antibodies. In our studies, the enrichment of known
transcription factor targets in the ChIP step often exceeds 100-
fold (see Note 11). For ChIP-chip, our optimization of the DNA
amplification step significantly reduced the data noise, which leads
to very high detection sensitivity of binding. As shown previously,
we were able to detect >90% of the regions enriched by threefold
at 1% FDR cutoff in a BAC spike-in experiment carried out based
on our standard DNA amplification and hybridization procedure
in the ChIP-chip protocol (15).
In our ChIP-chip and ChIP-seq studies, we found that the
transcription factors often bind over a quantitative continuum to
thousands of regions throughout the genome (15–17), in support
of the widespread binding observed in our early studies (28). Such
widespread binding has increasingly been seen by others and
appears to be a common phenomenon for transcription factor
binding in animal cells. In addition, we found that biochemically
and functionally unrelated factors bind to highly overlapping sets
of regions (15–17, 28). This widespread and highly overlapping
binding is unlikely to be driven primarily by function. Instead, our
analysis showed while the most highly bound regions are much
more likely to be functional, many thousands of weakly bound
regions are mostly likely nonfunctional (15–17, 28), and for each
cis-regulatory element, where many factors bind, combinatorial
regulatory output is determined by the relative levels of occupancy
of each factor (16). Our more recent study indicates that wide-
spread overlapping pattern of binding may be attributed to chroma-
tin accessibility (13). In all, our studies demonstrate the importance
of interpreting the genome – wide binding data in a quantitative
4. Notes
3. For samples from fewer embryos (as little as 0.1 g embryo has
been used successfully), use a SW41 rotor. In this case, reduce
the amounts of all reagents, including buffers, detergents, and
CsCl solution, as well as sonication time for the lysate, by three
times compared to that described for an SW28 rotor. In addition,
carry out the ultracentrifugation at 234,116 × g (37,000 rpm)
for 24 h.
4. If no motor-drive available, go to next step, dounce the
embryos a few more times while carrying out the homogeniza-
tion using A pestle.
5. It is important to keep the volumes of different samples the
same to achieve similar extent of sonication. In addition, sonica-
tion is more efficient and smaller fragment size can be achieved
by carrying out the sonication in small volumes in a 1.5-ml
tube than carrying out the sonication in a larger volume in a
15-ml plastic tube.
6. Good ChIP results have been obtained with ten times less
chromatin (in this case, use low retention microcentrifuge tubes),
but will likely produce noisier data in ChIP-chip and ChIP-seq.
7. The efficiency of random prime amplification methods is
dependent on the average length of the DNA fragments in the
sample. The method works well for ChIP-chip samples that
contain DNA fragments averaging more than 500 bp. With
DNA fragments <300 bp, the results become less reproducible.
For the procedure described here, make sure to pipette
accurately and use P2 pipettor for small volumes. If the ampli-
fication goes well, the amplification products will be smaller in
size compared to starting material, as expected for frequent
internal random-priming.
8. It is important not to use more than 35 μl for each 100 μl reac-
tion; the residual amount of primer A remaining can inhibit
the PCR reaction.
9. Diluting the adaptor is important to avoid or at least reduce an
adaptor dimer ligation artifact. A 10–50× dilution is often rec-
ommended, but we have found that a dilution of 50× may lead
to low yield of ligation products and lower reproducibility.
10. Based on the amount of chromatin we usually use (50 μg in
each ChIP), 12 cycles produce just enough DNA to be sequenced
if the standard Illumina presequencing sample preparation
procedure is followed. Adjust the cycle number based on the
amount of starting material or determine the cycle numbers
empirically. The goal is to minimize the number of cycles as
each cycle increases the amount of experimental noise.
11. The 100× enrichment was based on PCR, or the peak height
in ChIP-seq. In ChIP-chip, the corresponding enrichment is
about tenfold, which was seen for most factors in our ChIP-
chip analysis (16).
1 Genome-Wide In Vivo Cross-linking of Sequence-Specific… 25
25. Zhang ,Y., Liu, T., Meyer, C.A., Eeckhoute, J., C.M., Ludäscher, B., Korf, I., and Farnham,
Johnson, D.S., Bernstein, B.E., Nussbaum, C., P.J. (2010) Sole-Search: an integrated analysis
Myers, R.M., Brown, M., Li, W., et al. (2008) program for peak detection and functional
Model-based analysis of ChIP-Seq (MACS). annotation using ChIP-seq data. Nucleic Acids
Genome Biol. 9, R137. Res. 38, e13.
26. Tuteja, G., White, P., Schug, J., Kaestner, K.H.. 28. Carr. A., Biggin, M.D. (1999) A comparison of
(2009) Extracting transcription factor targets from in vivo and in vitro DNA-binding specificities
ChIP-Seq data. Nucleic Acids Res. 37, e113. suggests a new model for homeoprotein DNA
27. Blahnik, K.R., Dou, L., O’Geen, H., McPhillips, binding in Drosophila embryos. EMBO J.
T., Xu, X., Cao, A.R., Iyengar, S., Nicolet, 18,1598–608.
Chapter 2
Transcription is the first step in the flow of biological information from genome to proteome and its tight
regulation is a crucial checkpoint in most biological processes occurring in all living organisms. In eukaryotes,
one of the most important mechanisms of transcriptional regulation relies on the activity of transcription
factors which, upon binding to specific nucleotide motifs (consensus) present in the promoter region of
target genes, modulate the activity of RNA polymerase II activating and/or repressing gene transcription.
The identification of binding sites for these transcription factors is crucial to the understanding of
transcriptional regulation at the molecular level and to the prediction of putative target genes for each
transcription factor. However, transcription regulation cannot simply be reduced to transcription factor-
gene associations. Frequently, the transcript level of a given gene is determined by a multitude of activators
and/or repressors resulting in intertwined and complex regulatory networks. Two case studies dedicated
to the study of transcriptional regulation in the experimental model Saccharomyces cerevisiae are presented
in this chapter. The computational tools available in YEASTRACT information system are explored in both
studies, to identify the regulatory elements that serve as functional DNA-binding sites for a transcription
factor (Rim101p), and to characterize the regulatory network underlying the transcriptional regulation
of a given yeast gene (FLR1). A set of easily accessible experimental approaches that can be used to confirm
the predictions of the bioinformatic analysis is also detailed.
Ales Vancura (ed.), Transcriptional Regulation: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 809,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-61779-376-9_2, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
28 N.P. Mira et al.
1. Introduction
ODYSSEUS (Neoptolemoshoz).
PHILOKTETES (a karhoz).
Első versszak.
Első ellenversszak.
Oh én nyomorult, nyomorult!
Megtörve a szörnyű kíntól,
Nem látva emberi arczot,
Elhagyatva kell ezután
Elvesznem nyomorultan!
Jaj, jaj, jaj, jaj!
Nem szerez élelmet
Többé az erős kéz
Szárnyas fegyvere által;
Mert elámíta az áruló,
Csalfa szavával eláltatá lelkemet.
Vajha e kínok
Gyötrenék a gonoszt oly hosszú időn át,
A mint engem gyötörnek!
Második versszak.
Második ellenversszak.
Oh repülő madarak, s ti
Csillogó szemű vadjai
Erdős hegyeimnek,
Nem fogtok futni ezentúl
Előlem; nincs a hatalmas
Nyíl többé kezeimben;
Oh nyomorult vagyok immár!
Nem védi senki e tájat,
Nincs több félni valótok;
Jertek előre hát,
Üssetek kedvtelve dús lakomát
Véres tagjaimon!
Hiszen úgy sincs messze halálom.
Mi táplálhatná életemet?
Ki él meg a levegőből,
Ha soha sem kap semmit a földtől,
A mi erőt és életet ád?
Az égre, maradjatok!
Miért kiáltasz?
Ne ródd bűnömül,
Ha viharos kínjaim között
Botor szót monda ki ajkam.
Szólj, mi e kérés?
Atyámat keresem.
És hol?
Mert nem látja már a napot,
Oh városom, drága hazám,
Oh ha viszont látnálak, én szegény!
Ki elhagyva szent habjaidat,28)
A gyűlölt Danaok frigyese
Levék; s ime most megsemmisültem.
(El a barlangba.)
Csak jóvá teszem,
A mit előbb alávalóan vétkezém.
(Philoktetes előlép.)
(Észreveszi Neoptolemost.)
Ez szándokod hát?
Hasztalan is szólanál.
Mert nem nyered meg jó szándékomat soha,
Te, a ki csalfán elraboltad éltemet,
És azután bölcs oktatással jösz elém,
Te, a legjobb atyának legrosszabb fia!
Átok reátok, Atridák! Átok reád
És Laërtes fiára!
Hagyd az átkokat!
Ime, fogadd el kezeimből íjadat.
Mit mondasz? Újra csalfaság játszik velem?
El nem bocsátom!
(Odysseus elfut.)
Oh, kedvesem, ne légy a balsorsban daczos!
Induljunk, ha tetszik.
Hagyd az aggodalmakat.
S ha országom elpusztítják?
S ezzel?
Én is megfogadom szavadat.
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