Urban Agric Regnl Food Sys - 2024 - Bagga - Image‐based detection and classification of plant diseases using deep
Urban Agric Regnl Food Sys - 2024 - Bagga - Image‐based detection and classification of plant diseases using deep
Urban Agric Regnl Food Sys - 2024 - Bagga - Image‐based detection and classification of plant diseases using deep
DOI: 10.1002/uar2.20053
Special Section: Im proving Livability in Urban Areas: Exam ining Urban and Peri-Urban Soil and Plant
Managem ent
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© 2024 The Authors. Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society of Agronomy and Crop Science Society of
2.3 Architectural emergence of CNN
One of the most fundamental and crucial agricultural tasks
is the identification of diseases in plants. The recognition of When threshold logic was proposed in 1943 (McCulloch &
agricultural diseases traditionally relies primarily on arbitrary Pitts, 1943) to create a computer architecture exactly mimick-
human judgment using serological and molecular testing or ing the biological ways of human beings, the deep learning
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TA B L E 1 Set benchmark to include and exclude papers specified in the literature review.
Serial Benchmark
No. Included Excluded Description
1 ✓ Reviewed articles about neural network approaches currently used
2 ✓ Papers that use CNN as a tool to identify plant diseases
3 ✓ Papers that introduce novel convolutional network models or architectures
4 ✓ Papers outlining techniques for spotting plant diseases using CNNs
5 ✓ Papers with limited text availability
6 ✓ Numerous sources publishing the same thing twice
7 ✓ Papers that do not primarily employ CNN methodology
8 ✓ Include scientific studies and papers that have been referenced in other works
recognize plant diseases. So, 7 years’ worth of publications The many data sources that the current literature has used
(from 2016 to 2023) were chosen. This led to the production to assemble its input image datasets have been reviewed and
of a significant number of articles, out of which we chose the identified throughout this phase. Figure 2 shows the two main
most pertinent ones based on the factors listed in Table 1. ways to obtain images, which are real-world data and public
Although various indexed research libraries specify their datasets.
own style for creating search characters, we initially generated By using a fine-tuned CNN from a pre-trained GoogLeNet,
the following general phrase that was then tailored for each 1200 Litchi images divided into 600 healthy and 600 dis-
search engine (“Crop disease detection using Deep Learn- eased images were acquired from smartphones to identify
ing,” “Plant disease detection using CNN Models,” and “Deep Podosphaera pannosa disease (K. Zhang, Zhang, et al.,
Learning in Agriculture”). Using the abovementioned search 2019). CNN is used to help with the diagnosis of Litchi
term, a total of 1895 studies were located, of which 94 arti- fruit disease, and over 9930 augmented images (based on
cles were selected for this state-of-the-art evaluation based 3,310 real images) of both healthy as well as unhealthy leaf
on the criteria given in Table 1 and some qualitative crite- images are collected from various rural places (Haque et al.,
ria (“Includes scientific research and studies that have been 2022). A total of 8438 images of grapes and mangoes were
referenced in other works,” “Are the key findings’ validity, gathered from various sources, including PlantVillage and
reliability, and legitimacy clearly stated?”, “Are the research’ self-acquisition, and were sorted into seven categories, six
limitations spelled out in detail and supported by evidence?”, of which were infected and one of which was healthy (Rao
and “Are the inferences plausible and in line with the stated et al., 2021). A deep CNN (DCNN) was then trained to recog-
results?”). Figure 1 depicts the procedures used to carry out nize diseases in plant leaves. A total of 1200 images are taken
the literature review and provides a summary of the findings. with a digital camera under difficult conditions, and a DCNN
technique is used to automatically identify leaf illnesses in
mango plants (Arivazhagan & Ligi, 2018). A total of 18,222
4 RESULTS maize crop images were acquired from a publicly accessible
repository on Open-Source Framework across three datasets.
This part contains the continuous and discontinuous statistical Lachgar et al. (2022) presented a group of 5571 images of
information that was pulled from a variety of sources to help olive leaves that were laboriously gathered under actual field
with formulating the answers to the six research questions occurrences, and the collected information was then used for
mentioned previously. analysis (DeChant et al., 2017). To test and train the CNN,
an image dataset made up of 3400 olive leaves was collected
using mobile devices (Uğuz & Uysal, 2021). The dataset also
4.1 Discussion on research question 1: includes healthy leaves. DCNN is employed for additional
What main resources are used to collect data analysis of 14,208 symptom images that were taken in the
pertaining to plants? field to help in cucumber leaf disease detection (Ma et al.,
2018). A total of 8927 images were taken in the real field using
By separating studies based on the sources used for data col- diverse camera equipment, and a DCNN framework is sug-
lection, several publications were found for this section. To gested for effective real-time disease and pest recognition on
specify every step of an object, including the training step and tomato plants (Fuentes et al., 2018). Table 2 represents some
the testing step, a suitable and sufficient dataset is required. of the additional literature that was taken into account.
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F I G U R E 3 The specific quantity of research publications that use convolutional neural network (CNN) models. ANN, artificial neural
network; BPNN, back propagation neural network; CAE, convolutional autoencoder; ROI-CNN, region of interest-convolutional neural network;
YOLO, you only look once.
symptoms of leaf disease first occur (Yu & Son, 2019). An tions, the system has demonstrated its performance (Yadav
ideal DL model has demonstrated astounding efficiency in et al., 2021), and Hang et al. (2019) also focused on the ben-
the identification of diseases. An automated image recogni- efits of using an NN to identify diseased components and
tion system that surpassed ML techniques used an adaptive classify the target locations of the disease. In order to catego-
genetic algorithm to choose the best parameters (Alshammari rize plant diseases, the L2MXception network, an upgraded
et al., 2022). For image segmentation and instinctive recog- version of Xception, is suggested. The architecture used is a
nition of blights (bacteria spot) in plants, gray-level slicing simple and quick method for early detection by using differ-
is used to create an integrated system employing CNN and ent CNN models (Yao et al., 2021). The diseases in grape
an image technique. Even in normal communication situa- and mango fruit were proposed to be examined using a
25751220, 2024, 1, Downloaded from https://acsess.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/uar2.20053 by Cochrane Colombia, Wiley Online Library on [27/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
web-based model called JIT CROPFIX. In order to automat- values of the pixels were also normalized (Haque et al., 2022).
ically extract features and classify them in order to identify The dataset was produced by taking pictures with a digital
infections, if any, a pre-tuned CNN-based architecture called camera in difficult lighting, size, stance, and orientation sit-
AlexNet is designed (Rao et al., 2021). Different CNN mod- uations. The photos are downsized from 4608 × 3456 to 256
els with transfer learning approaches are utilized to recognize × 256 in order to lower the complexity of computation time
and categorize the diseases of the mango fruit by facilitat- (Arivazhagan & Ligi, 2018). In order to improve the dataset
ing the DL principles. Anthracnose fungal disease, crown images, the median noise filtering technique is used (Alsham-
gall, dusty splotches of powdery mildew, and rusts are four mari et al., 2022). All of the images of the dataset were shrunk
distinct illnesses that the model can recognize (Rajbongshi to 224 × 224 in order to suit the required dimensions. In
et al., 2021). The study also conducted experiments using order to obtain a more enhanced image, contrast enhancement
Adam and stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimization and image normalization were done to adjust the pixel inten-
algorithms to produce better results. The proposed DCNN sity’s value (Ksibi et al., 2022). The acquired images are then
architecture illustrates the effects of data augmentation to enhanced in terms of color, brightness, rotation, and so on,
obtain high accuracy by using transfer learning mechanisms after being resized into the essential pixels for the dataset’s
on Olive leaf (Uğuz & Uysal, 2021). A lightweight and effec- training (Yadav et al., 2021). To cut down on training time,
tive CNN model was developed by concentrating on network the original RGB images were shrunk to 128 × 128 pixels,
depth with fewer parameters in order to achieve the highest and the RGB coefficients were scaled between 0 and 1 (G. B.
classification accuracy results. This model is also appropri- Singh et al., 2021). Scripts of Python built on the Open-Source
ate for mobile devices (Xing et al., 2019). To identify plant CV library automatically computed input images to 224 × 224
leaf diseases, a new automated DCNN architecture based on pixels and 32 × 32 dpi (X. Zhang et al., 2018). Plant images
transfer learning is suggested. Both photographs from pub- are adjusted to 224 pixels per inch in height and width with
licly available databases and images taken in the field can three RGB channels for improved visibility (A. Singh, Son-
be used by the system to identify diseases (DeChant et al., parote, et al., 2020). Rescaling is used to reduce the original
2017; Geetharamani & Pandian, 2019; Kaya et al., 2019). image’s resolution to a more manageable 256 by 256 pixels
Using extremely high-resolution spectral imaging acquired (Pham et al., 2020). Each olive’s hyperspectral imagery was
with unmanned aerial vehicles, a novel DL-based method for saved using a pickle module of Python, which is a quick and
the automatic detection of pathogenic fungi (rust) disease is easy approach to serialize in a Python-oriented pipeline. The
proposed. It had numerous Inception-Resnet multiple layers olives were separated out and scaled to a size of 224 × 224 pix-
for extracting features for a suitable network (X. Zhang, Han, els, which is typical for many CNN architectures (Fazari et al.,
et al., 2019). 2021). In order to reduce the image’s resolution from 3096 ×
3096 to 256 × 256, a scale reduction work is carried out. The
initial action in data pre-processing is to span the data points,
4.3 Discussion on research question 3: How and the second action is to split the data using 80 photos for
can the performance of automatic recognition train set and 20 for test set. Additionally, methods for improve-
systems be enhanced by deep learning models? ment were used to update the distribution of pixels throughout
a wide range of intensities (Lachgar et al., 2022). The noise
Papers were selected for this section by screening them based in leaf images is first removed using a small window median
on the accuracy of automated systems in identifying and cat- filter, and after that the images are reduced to 256 pixels by
egorizing plant diseases. The performance of DCNN with 256 pixels (Cruz et al., 2017). The plant images are reduced
image recognition and categorization has made tremendous in size from 4608 × 3456 to 256 × 256 in order to lower the
advancements in recent years. Working with traditional meth- computational time complexity of the proposed CNN model,
ods is entirely based on specified features. The technique of which consists of one input layer followed by three hidden
pre-processing is employed to improve the image data. The layers (Mia et al., 2020). Before resizing the photos to 224
DL model can increase the algorithm’s recognition accuracy × 224, the images were manually trimmed to the ROI during
and avoid overfitting by being trained on improved images (B. pre-processing. Histogram equalization for contrast enhance-
Jiang, He, et al., 2019). Reducing and transforming the images ment was then applied (Balaji et al., 2023; Nithya et al., 2022;
to ensure they are all identical in both size and type are partic- Rao et al., 2021; Sharma et al., 2022). Image segmentation,
ularly important during the preliminary processing stage. The which further reduces the images to 256 by 256 pixels in size,
most typical type of picture preparation involves shrinking the is a technique used to represent an image in a way that is more
size of the image so that DL models can use it (Kamilaris & meaningful and simpler to analyze. Each cherry leaf image
Prenafeta, 2018). had 100 features that were retrieved using the scale-invariant
Since the NN cannot work with images of different sizes, feature transform technique (K. Zhang, Zhang, et al., 2019).
photos were scaled to a set height and width, and the RGB Image segmentation, which further reduces the images to 256
25751220, 2024, 1, Downloaded from https://acsess.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/uar2.20053 by Cochrane Colombia, Wiley Online Library on [27/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
FIGURE 4 Crops that received the most noticeable consideration in the 94 studies that use convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to find
by 256 pixels in size, is a technique utilized to convey an image 4.5 Research question 5: What kinds of
in some way that is more consequential and simpler to analyze plant diseases are most thoroughly researched
(Rao et al., 2021). One of the common techniques is image utilizing CNN methods?
segmentation, which helps the DL process by identifying the
diseased regions (Min et al., 2023; Sa et al., 2016). Finally, it Plant diseases are a threat to global food security, and they can
was realized that using images of a lower size might speed up also have devastating effects on smallholder farmers whose
the training and testing of CNN models. livelihoods depend on producing healthy crops. Plant diseases
are to blame for 35% of India’s annual crop production loss
(D. Singh, Jain, et al., 2020). More than 80% of agricultural
4.4 Research question 4: What types of production in developing countries is generated by small-
cultivated plants are the subject of the most scale cultivators (Ifad, 2013), and claims of yield reductions
research employing CNNs? of over 50% resulting from pests and diseases are common
(Harvey et al., 2014). Smallholder farmers are also dispro-
A summary of current studies on agricultural disease and portionately exposed to disruptions in the food supply caused
pest detection using DL is given in Table 3. It is straightfor- by pathogens because they make up 50% of the world’s
ward to understand that the major part of the table focused hungry people (Sanchez & Swaminathan, 2005). These ele-
on one type of crop. Additionally, “Multiple” categories clas- ments make prompt disease and pest recognition a top priority
sify all research that employ a database with a variety of plant assignment for farmers. Aside from contacting their fellow
phenotypes as well as the disease associated. Each study’s farmers or calling government-funded helplines, farmers do
datasets are briefly described, along with the research’s poten- not have many other options. Public datasets such as PlantVil-
tial future directions. The most often used dataset in this lage, PlantDoc, and Cornell University dataset (Alruwaili
area is the PlantVillage dataset. Other datasets that have been et al., 2019), as well as self-acquired data from various field
gathered and utilized for certain studies have not been relied instances, enabled for advancement in the field of disease and
upon by other researchers. For the training of CNNs, huge pest identification.
databases with millions of images are needed. Unfortunately, It can be seen from Table 3 that the majority of researchers
such extensive and varied datasets are still being assembled trained and tested their DL models using the same dataset.
and made available for usage by academics in the field of plant The number of studies on the detection of plant diseases with
disease detection. A compilation of the plants/crops that have various diseases on an individual leaf is likewise evidently
been taken into account in studies looking at disease detection few. The chart also includes future work and testing accuracy
utilizing CNN is shown in Figure 4. for extending the research.
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TA B L E 3 Image-based disease detection and identification in diverse crops (year-wise from 2016 to 2023).
Training and
testing data
are from the Accuracy on
same testing field
Reference Disease type Plant Dataset size database? images (%) Future prospects
Geetharamani Multiple Multiple Very Large Yes 96.46 Objective from plant leaves to
and Pandian other parts of the plants, such as
(2019) flowers, fruits, and stems.
Zeng et al. (2022) Powdery mildew and Rubber tree Small Yes 86.5 and 86.8 To enhance the network’s capacity
anthracnose of the rubber tree disease
identification model, the
model’s network architecture
will be further optimized.
Yan et al. (2020) Scab, frogeye spot, Apple Large Yes 99.01 Collect more apple disease images
and cedar rust to train better models and train
other DL models for real-time
Ksibi et al. (2022) Olive leaf spots, olive Olive Small Yes 97.08 Mobi-Res-Network model might
leaf scab, peacock be put in a processor with
spot Field-Programmable Gate Array
to integrate with drone
monitoring system.
Divyanth et al. Gray leaf spot, Corn Small Yes 92 More robust disease management
(2023) northern leaf blight, system can be developed with
northern leaf spot more classes of disease.
K. Zhang, Zhang, Powdery mildew Cherry Small Yes 99.6 This work’s practical investigation
et al. (2019) can readily be applied to various
crop’s disease identification
Haque et al. Leaf blight, leaf mite, Litchi Small Yes 95.29 By increasing the number of
(2022) and red rust images and classes, accuracy
can be improved.
Li et al. (2022) Downy blight Litchi Small Yes 90.7 This work can be referred for its
application in practical
Rao et al. (2021) Multiple Grapes, Small Yes 99, 89 To help the farmer address that
mango disease, a recommendation
system will be developed that
may provide a sequentially
action plan.
Arivazhagan and Leaf blight, early Mango Small Yes 96.67 Adding more images will help
Ligi (2018) blight spots improve the classification
Sphaeropsis gall, accuracy even more.
leaf webber, leaf
Rajbongshi et al. Anthracnose, gall Mango Small Yes 98.00 Can get better accuracy for those
(2021) machi, powdery targeted diseases in future.
mildew, red rust
Pham et al. (2020) Anthracnose, gall Mango Small Yes 89.41 The method for choosing features
midge, powdery for a whole disease monitoring
mildew system needs to be fine-tuned.
Sharma et al. (2022) Anthracnose Mango Small Yes 96.16 IOT applications that can be used
to monitor mango leaves can
employ the proposed paradigm.
25751220, 2024, 1, Downloaded from https://acsess.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/uar2.20053 by Cochrane Colombia, Wiley Online Library on [27/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
TA B L E 3 (Continued)
Training and
testing data
are from the Accuracy on
same testing field
Reference Disease type Plant Dataset size database? images (%) Future prospects
Trang et al. (2019) Anthracnose, gall Mango Small Yes 88.46 Accuracy can be further enhanced
midge, powdery by augmenting the dataset and
mildew optimizing parameters of deep
Fazari et al. (2021) Anthracnose Olive fruit Small Yes 91.8 If employed in postharvest
processes, it might ensure a
decent and exact control of olive
anthracnose while retaining the
integrity and financial worth of
olive and oil from olives.
Lachgar et al. Anthracnose, Olive Small Yes 92.59 Create a drone-based, intelligent
(2022) cyclonium, method for diagnosing olive tree
fumigina, diseases.
verticilliose, knot,
Saissetia oleae
Uğuz and Uysal Aculus olearius and Olive Small Yes 95 Web-based application can be
(2021) olive peacock spot developed for further studies.
Bedi Gole Bacterial spot Peach Small Yes 98.38 Can extend work on more diseases.
Yadav et al. (2021) Bacteriosis Peach Small Yes 98.75 To function in actual farming
circumstances, this strategy
might be further connected with
the unmanned aerial vehicle.
K. Zhang, Xu, et al. Xanthomonas Peach Small Yes 99.39 This model may be expanded to
(2019) campestris handle more peach leaf disease.
Ahmad et al. (2020) Brown rot, shot hole Plum Small Yes 92 To increase the dataset’s size and
develop a highly effective object
detection model.
Hassan and Maji NLB lesions Maize Large Yes Not specified This restricts the data’s capacity to
(2022) be generalized because signs of
one particular disease in various
areas may manifest or progress
G. B. Singh Bacterial spot, early Tomato Large Yes 99.1 Need to work with images having
et al. (2021) blight, leaf curl, complex backgrounds.
Septoria blight,
mosaic virus,
tomato spider mite,
leaf mold, tomato
Liu et al. (2023) Multiple Red fuji apple Large Yes 96.2 Need to gather more dataset
images in order to enhance the
model’s recognition capabilities
and enable it to recognize apple
leaves in a range of settings.
D. Zhang et al. Multiple Apple Small Yes 93.765 Try different models and
(2021) optimization techniques in
future work to enhance the
algorithm’s performance.
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TA B L E 3 (Continued)
Training and
testing data
are from the Accuracy on
same testing field
Reference Disease type Plant Dataset size database? images (%) Future prospects
Ma et al. (2018) Powdery and downy Cucumber Large Yes 93.4 Prediction accuracy can be
mildew, leaf spots, improved.
Nagasubramanian Charcoal rot Soybean Small Yes 95.73 Can extend work of 3D CNN
et al. (2019) model on more diseases.
Ramesh and Vydeki Bacterial blight, Rice Small Yes 90.57 To improve the detection and
(2020) anthracnose, sheath categorization of plant diseases,
blight and rotten any improved approach can be
neck used to achieve the greatest
efficacy by reducing the error in
Dey et al. (2016) Leaf rot Betel Small Yes Not mentioned Can expand dataset.
Johannes et al. Rust, septoria, and Wheat Small Yes Not mentioned The next phases will measure how
(2017) yellow or tan leaf this initial phase identification
spot can assist the user in reacting
quickly and planning for various
precautionary operations, such
as crop protection spray.
Qin et al. (2016) Common leaf spot, Alfalfa Small Yes 94.74 Further investigation is required to
rust, assess the possibility of false
leptosphaerulina positives using the proposed
leaf spot, method with other leaf diseases.
Cercospora leaf spot
Zhu et al. (2017) TMV-infected Tobacco Small Yes 98 Data fusion is required and
encouraged in upcoming studies
since it can be done by utilizing
the spatial and spectral
information of hyperspectral
Kerkech et al. ESCA Grapevine Not Not mentioned 95.86 The UAV multispectral picture
(2018) mentioned database has to be expanded
with vineyard plots and new
samples of vine diseases in order
to improve the system.
Amara et al. (2017) Banana sigatoka and Banana Small Yes 98.6 Determining the disease’s
banana speckle seveverity automatically is
important because it can help
farmers decide what steps to
take to stop the disease from
Ramcharan et al. Brown leaf spot, red Cassava Large Yes 98 As background variations had little
(2017) spider and green impact on the classification
mites, brown streak, accuracy of the model, using
cassava mosaic many images to forecast the
virus disease in the future will
increase diagnostic precision.
Note: Images ≥50,000 equal very large database, where images between 10,000 and 49,999 indicate a large dataset, while images under 10,000 indicate a small database.
Abbreviations: DL, deep learning; IOT, internet of things; NN, neural network; TMV, tobacco mosaic virus; UAV, unmanned aerial vehicle.
25751220, 2024, 1, Downloaded from https://acsess.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/uar2.20053 by Cochrane Colombia, Wiley Online Library on [27/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
4.6 Research question 6: Which CNN 5.1 Not enough substantial datasets
algorithm dominates modern methods?
The fundamental challenge in training CNN models for plant
Instead of starting from scratch, researchers might start creat- disease recognition is the lack of big, highly variable image
ing their models using a variety of effective and well-liked datasets with well-annotated labels (Ahmad et al., 2020; Alom
designs. These include Inception-ResNet, CaffeNet, VGG, et al., 2019; Arivazhagan & Ligi, 2018; Dey et al., 2016;
GoogleNet, AlexNet, and many others. As demonstrated in Haque et al., 2022; Ren et al., 2015; Trang et al., 2019; K.
Table 4, each design has distinct benefits and situations that Zhang, Zhang, et al., 2019). The only sizable openly acces-
is more suitable to be employed. It is also crucial to note sible datasets at this moment are the PlantVillage dataset
that nearly all of the NNs in the list have pre-trained weights, (Geetharamani & Pandian, 2019; Hernández & López, 2020;
which means their network has already been trained using a Rao et al., 2021) and PDDB database (Barbedo et al., 2018).
dataset and is capable of precise categorization for a specific In fact, Arivazhagan and Ligi (2018) and Trang et al. (2019)
domain. Additionally, there are numerous platforms and tools suggest that DL approaches are well adapted to plant disease
available that allow researchers to explore DL. TensorFlow, prediction difficulties as long as there is enough data avail-
Theano, Keras (which is an application programming inter- able. However, collecting field data is time-consuming and
face for application developers built on top of TensorFlow and expensive and demands subject-matter specialists for precise
Theano), Caffe, TFLearn, Pylearn2, PyTorch, and DL Matlab annotation. It has been suggested that one way to solve this
are the most widely used ones. Figure 5 shows how the stud- issue is to create standard databases in both lab and field
ies were distributed and organized according to the framework settings for accurate and efficient crop disease identification.
that was utilized to build the strategy. Popular designs such as
the ones listed above (AlexNet, VGG, GoogleNet) are incor-
porated into some of these tools (e.g., Theano, Caffe), either 5.2 Dominant strategies and automated
as libraries or classes. systems
Reference Crop type Architecture learning Framework Strength Weakness Principal strategy
Wang et al. (2017) Apple VGG No Theano Fully automated system that Accuracy still needs to be improved Hyper parameters and
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14 of 21
TA B L E 4 (Continued)
Reference Crop type Architecture learning Framework Strength Weakness Principal strategy
Trang et al. (2019) Mango Proposed Yes NA Simple and cost-effective Lower classification accuracy; an Contrast enhancement and
DCNN over-fitting possibility customizing layers
Fazari et al. (2021) Olive ResNet101 Yes TensorFlow Pre-processing increased efficacy Adapted to process only two classes of Customizing layers
61-band hyperspectral images
Lachgar et al. Olive MobileNet Yes TensorFlow Use of optimizer algorithms Accuracy and reliability are still a Fine-tuning and customizing
(2022) (Rmsprop) for effective and challenge layers
efficient results
Uğuz and Uysal Olive CNN based on Yes TensorFlow and Superior results by using Adam Compatible with RGB images only Customizing layers
(2021) VGG16, Keras and SGD optimization
VGG19 algorithms
Bedi and Gole Peach CAE + CNN No Keras Required lesser number of training Limited to only single disease detection Dimensionality reduction
(2021) parameters and customizing layers
Yadav et al. (2021) Peach Proposed CNN Yes TensorFlow These models are validated using Limited to only single disease detection Customizing layers
an unseen test dataset
Ahmad et al. (2020) Plum Optimized Yes TensorFlow, Improved performance of the Resource-constrained Fine-tuning and customizing
Inception-v3 MatLab inception network even with layers
background noise
G. B. Singh et al. Tomato Proposed CNN No TensorFlow and Cost-effective and efficient DL Erroneously divided the images into Customizing layers
(2021) inspired by Keras model several classifications as a result of
Alexnet stressful circumstances
Liu et al. (2023) Apple Improved No TensorFlow and Much fewer model parameters, Complex network structure Feature reuse
MobileNetV2 Keras model’s emphasis on infected
Network areas
D. Zhang, Yang Apple Restnet34 Yes Fastai No need to increase the training Challenging for larger datasets Customizing layers
et al. (2021) error percentage
Ma et al. (2018) Cucumber DCNN and Yes TensorFlow To detect the disease at its earliest Testing accuracy is still a challenge Image segmenting and
AlexNet stages, use infrared thermal and customizing layers
hyperspectral imagery
S. Zhang, Huang, Cucumber Three channel No Matlab Avoided the stage of intricate Dusty and noisy background may affect Novel approach with
et al. (2019) and Alexnet preprocessing such lesion the classification accuracy customized layers
tomato segmentation and feature
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TA B L E 4 (Continued)
Reference Crop type Architecture learning Framework Strength Weakness Principal strategy
U. P. Singh et al. Mango Mutilayer CNN No TensorFlow/ Computationally simple and Consistency issues that came up while Cutting edge design with
(2019) Alexnet Keras effective, with a classification using a real-time dataset customized layers
accuracy of 97.13%
Panchal et al. (2023) Multiple Improved CNN Yes pytorch0.4.1 Categorizes the extent of the Performance degraded for non-transfer Customized layers
ResNet-B disease into general and severe learning methods
so that appropriate preventive
measures can be chosen
Alruwaili et al. Olive Novel Yes TensorFlow Performs efficiently in contexts Model training takes up a lot of time Customized layers
(2019) DL-based that are more complicated, with
Alexnet a larger and richer dataset
B. Jiang, He, et al. Apple VGGNet No Caffe Achieved good accuracy even with Complex network structure Customized layers
(2019) Inception most complex diseased classes
Shoaib et al. (2023) Multiple Proposed CNN No TensorFlow/ Reduced parameters Limited to single class, accuracy needs Customized layers
Keras to be improved
Yu and Son (2019) Apple ROI-based Yes TensorFlow ROI-based analysis of images; Classification precision needs to be Customized layers
DCNN accuracy has significantly increased, complex structure
Geetharamani and Multiple Nine-layer No scikit-learn, Good classification accuracy with While working with larger datasets, the Customized layers
Pandian (2019) DCNN Keras, pillow, smaller datasets model’s performance and accuracy
and opencv must be enhanced utilizing some
fine-tuning strategies
Hang et al. (2019) Corn, Inception and No Caffe A smaller number of model Testing accuracy still needs to be raised Customized layers
cherry, SE module- parameters result in a significant
apple based reduction in training time and
improved less memory requirements of
CNN parameters
X. Zhang, Han, Wheat Inception- No TensorFlow/ Efficient and feasible solution for Higher training and testing run time; Customized layers
et al. (2019) Resnet-based Keras hyper spectral images high-performance h/w is required
Xing et al. (2019) Citrus Weakly No Keras with This model may be fitted to Network overhead due to feature reuse Customized layers
fruits DenseNet TensorFlow various datasets by network method
structure optimization
15 of 21
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16 of 21
TA B L E 4 (Continued)
Reference Crop type Architecture learning Framework Strength Weakness Principal strategy
Kaya et al. (2019) Multiple VGG 16, Yes TensorFlow/ When deep features and Limited to plants classification only Fine-tuning and customizing
AlexNet Keras fine-tuning are combined, the layers
model performs better
DeChant et al. Maize CNN Yes Theano Reliable automated system, good Limited to single disease prediction Customizing layers and
(2017) testing accuracy segmenting images
Zhu et al. (2017) Tobacco BPNN, ELM, No NA Infected leaves may be quickly and Accuracy still needs to be improved Customizing layers
LS-SVM painlessly identified using
hyperspectral imaging in a short
amount of time
Ramcharan et al. Cassava Improved Yes TensorFlow This approach bypasses the Performance degraded when leaflet is Customizing layers
(2017) Inception V3 difficult and time-consuming used instead of whole leaf
process of feature extraction
from images for model training,
and the model may be quickly
trained on a desktop and
deployed on a mobile device
Qin et al. (2016) Alfa-alfa K median No Matlab The four main types of leaf Accuracy still needs to be improved for Lesion segmentation
clustering diseases can be identified and other diseases
algorithm recognized with high testing
and linear accuracy
Abbreviations: DL, deep learning; NA, not available; RGB, red green blue; ROI, region of interest.
25751220, 2024, 1, Downloaded from https://acsess.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/uar2.20053 by Cochrane Colombia, Wiley Online Library on [27/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
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explorations that advanced practices for the detection and cat- cumulative table for research question 3 and 4. It is given that
egorization of diseases of plants using CNNs explored various both the training and testing images came from the identical
innovative methods to supply a dependable solution to the dataset, and diseases were initially detected with an accuracy
problem examined when we tried to address research ques- of 99.01%. But when the model was given test images from
tions 2 and 6 of Section 4. Regarding the development of a different dataset, the accuracy fell down poorly (DeChant
new architectures, three trends came to our attention. LeNet, et al., 2017). The present DL-based plant disease identifica-
AlexNet, and ResNet are a few examples of structurally tion methods need each user to build a DL model in their area
reformulated classic designs. Another development includes of expertise under predetermined or regulated image acquisi-
blocks from different architectures are being combined, as tion settings, necessitating a shift in strategy. Most research
seen in the (Tian et al., 2019) (Yolo Densely connected Net) evaluated so far effectively recognized diseases; however, the
and the (X. Zhang, Han, et al., 2019) (Inception-ResNet). trained models did not generalize well to images from other
The most recent trend includes recommendations for imple- datasets and circumstances. As a result, present techniques
menting models specifically created for the recognition and will be just as ineffectual as farmers’ field scouting. The main
categorization of crop diseases, with a focus on hyperspec- takeaway from Table 3 is to develop a reliable model for pre-
tral image-based models. The inherent connections among the cisely classifying diseases. Current DL-based systems also
three categories that have been identified (customizing lay- have trouble distinguishing between different types of dis-
ers, new structure, fine-tuning, and model’s hyperparameters) eases. The majority of research on the identification of plant
are another important aspect of the dominating techniques. diseases concentrated on training DL models to recognize a
The research under investigation falls into categories that face particular crop or a small number of diseases. It is important
similar difficulties, such as lowering the number of param- to ensure that a trained model is capable of global disease
eters in model, shrinking the model size, the necessity of identification from all datasets and conditions.
optimizing hyperparameters, and an increase in prediction
capability tuned at a computational cost that is reasonable.
When examining the classifications with customized layer 5.4 Utilizing methods of pre-processing to
structures and novel architectural designs, it becomes clear change the image’s size and data
that the created models follow a different path than conven-
tional structures when dealing with problems relating to the Preparing an image for use in further operations, such as
diagnosis of plant illnesses. While classic architectures such cropping, histogram equalization, contrast enhancement, and
as AlexNet, VGG16, and ResNet gained popularity for their decreasing the unpredictability of natural illumination, is
ability to generalize, the models under investigation have a known as image pre-processing and segmentation. Images
tendency to become more focused on a single type of plant. are uniformly resized and translated into a single image for-
mat before being stored in the database as demonstrated
in research question 3. De-correlation stretching is used
5.3 Type of crops and diseases to enhance downsized photographs in order to emphasize
the differences between the image’s color bands. In short,
The research revealed that in addition to methods that look the standardization of the described approaches has not yet
at a variety of crops, including apples, cucumbers, cherries, been set and realized because such techniques significantly
grapes, wheat, rice, corn, and tomatoes, mangoes, olive, betel, contribute to boosting accuracy.
cassava, and bananas are the subject of the most probes while
using CNNs investigative tools. The dearth of studies with
methodologies that focused solely on these crops was obvi- 6 CONCLUSION
ous given the assumption that grains and millets are the main
sources of energy consumed by people. In addition, there We have conducted a study of DL-based experiments used in
are plenty of studies on stone fruits such as mango, peach, the agricultural area in this publication. Ninety-four papers
and olive with smaller datasets. However, when we look at that are pertinent have been found, and we have examined
other varieties of stone fruits such as plum, apricot, cherry, the topic and issue they addressed in detail. The automated
litchi, and nectarines, there are relatively few papers. If fruit plant disease detection systems suggest identifying and cat-
wines are made, the increasing production of these fruits can egorizing plant diseases by fusing CNNs with the expertise
be employed profitably, leading to the creation of jobs and of phytopathology specialists and the capacity to extract
greater returns for the orchardists. Apricots, peaches, nec- symptomatic signals. The challenge of semantically cata-
tarines, plums, and cherries are planted on roughly 43,000 loguing the data in sets with enough labeled samples and
acres in India alone, and they produce about 0.25 million representative data is exacerbated by the variety of difficul-
tonnes of fruits in a year. It is shown in Table 3 which is a ties and the particularities of real-world settings. This issue
25751220, 2024, 1, Downloaded from https://acsess.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/uar2.20053 by Cochrane Colombia, Wiley Online Library on [27/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
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