Get Recent Advances in Marine Biotechnology Vol 8 Bioremediation 1st Edition Milton Fingerman (Editor) free all chapters
Get Recent Advances in Marine Biotechnology Vol 8 Bioremediation 1st Edition Milton Fingerman (Editor) free all chapters
Get Recent Advances in Marine Biotechnology Vol 8 Bioremediation 1st Edition Milton Fingerman (Editor) free all chapters
Ultrasound in Food Processing Recent Advances 1st Edition
Mar Villamiel
Recent Advances in Marine Biotechnology Vol 8
Bioremediation 1st Edition Milton Fingerman (Editor)
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Author(s): Milton Fingerman (Editor)
ISBN(s): 9781578082452, 1578082455
Edition: 1
File Details: PDF, 31.49 MB
Year: 2003
Language: english
Recent Advances in
M ilton Fingerm an
Rachakonda N agabhushanam
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Tulane University
New Orleans, Louisiana 70118
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
Boca Raton London New York
W e ta k e p le a s u r e in th a n k in g th e a u th o r s fo r th e ir c o o p e r a tio n a n d
e x c e lle n t c o n trib u tio n s , a n d f o r k e e p in g to th e p u b lic a tio n s c h e d u le . T h e
e ffo rts o f th e se in d iv id u a ls m a d e o u r ta s k m u c h less d iffic u lt th a n it m ig h t
h a v e b e e n . A ls o , w e e s p e c ia lly w is h to th a n k o u r w iv e s , M a r ia E s p e r a n z a
F in g e r m a n a n d R a c h a k o n d a S a ro jin i, fo r th e ir c o n s ta n t a n d u n d im in is h in g
e n c o u r a g e m e n t a n d s u p p o r t d u r in g th e p r o d u c tio n o f th is s e rie s . W e tr u s t
th a t y o u , th e r e a d e r s , w ill a g r e e w ith u s th a t th e e ffo rts o f th e a u th o r s o f th e
c h a p t e r s in th is v o lu m e w ill s e r v e c o lle c tiv e ly to p r o v id e a m a jo r th r u s t
t o w a r d s a b e tte r u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f e n v ir o n m e n ta l b io r e m e d ia tio n a n d
w h a t m u s t b e d o n e to i m p r o v e th e h e a lth o f o u r o c e a n s .
M il to n F i n g e r m a n
R ach ak on d a N agab h u sh an am
Preface iii
The Contributors v ii
C o ld -A c tiv e E n z y m e s fr o m C o l d -A d a p te d M ic r o o r g a n is m s : 1
T h e ir P o s s ib le A p p lic a tio n s a n d S tr u c tu r a l R e la tio n s h ip s w ith
M e s o p h ilic a n d T h e r m o p h ilic C o u n te r p a r ts
Andrey Galkin, Ljudmila Kulakova, Toru Nakayama,
Tokuzo Nishino and Nobuyoshi Esaki
E n g in e e rin g o f M ic r o b ia l D io x y g e n a s e s fo r th e D e g r a d a tio n 29
o f X e n o b io tic C o m p o u n d s
Jun Hirose and Kensuke Furukawa
P ie z o p h ilic B a c te ria in th e D e e p -S e a : Is o la tio n , T a x o n o m y , 47
D iv e rs ity , M o le c u la r A d a p ta ti o n a n d B io te c h n o lo g ic a l P o te n tia l
Jiasong Fang and Chiaki Kato
M ic r o b ia l C o n tr o l o f H e a v y M e ta l P o llu tio n : A n O v e r v i e w 81
Tomas Ruml and Pavel Kotrba
M o le c u la r C h a r a c te r iz a t io n o f P h e n o l-D e g r a d in g B a c te ria 155
in A c tiv a te d S lu d g e
Kazuya Watanabe
C a d m iu m a n d M a n g a n e s e T r a n s p o r t G e n e s in B a c te r ia 171
Zhiqi Hao, Shaolin Chen and David B. Wilson
M e r c u r y R e m e d ia tio n U s in g N a t u r a l a n d R e c o m b in a n t M ic r o b e s 189
Irene Wagner-Dobler
A p p lic a tio n s o f M o le c u la r T e c h n o lo g ie s in E n v ir o n m e n ta l 203
B io te c h n o lo g y fo r M o n ito r in g B a c te ria
Jacques Theron and Thomas E. Cloete
B io te c h n o lo g ic a l T r e a tm e n t o f S u lfu r-C o n ta in in g W a s te w a te r s 233
Marcus V.G. Vallero, Jan Sipma, Ajit Annachhatre, Piet N.L. Lens
and Look W. Hulshoff Pol
P h y to r e m e d ia tio n o f H e a v y M e ta ls : A n O v e r v ie w 269
Alexander A. Kamnev
A jit A n n a c h h a tre
S u b -d e p a r tm e n t o f E n v ir o n m e n ta l T e c h n o lo g y
W a g e n in g e n U n iv e r s ity
" B io te c h n io n " -B o m e n w e g / 2
P.O . B o x 8 1 2 9 ,
6 7 0 0 E V W a g e n in g e n
T h e N e th e r la n d s
S h a o l in C h e n
D e p a r tm e n t o f M o le c u la r B io lo g y a n d G e n e tic s
C o rn e ll U n iv e r s ity
I th a c a , N e w Y o rk 1 4 8 5 3
T h o m a s E . C lo e te
D e p a r tm e n t o f M ic r o b io lo g y a n d P la n t P a th o lo g y
U n iv e r s ity o f P r e to r ia
0 0 0 2 P r e to r ia
S o u th A f r ic a
N o b u y o sh i E sak i
In s titu te f o r C h e m ic a l R e s e a r c h
K y o to U n iv e r s ity
U ji, K y o to -F u 6 1 1 , J a p a n
Jia so n g F an g
D e p a r tm e n t o f G e o lo g ic a l a n d A tm o s p h e r ic S c ie n c e s
Io w a S ta te U n iv e r s ity
A m e s, Io w a 5 0 0 1 1 -3 2 1 2
K en su k e F u ru k aw a
D e p a r tm e n t o f B io s c ie n c e a n d B io te c h n o lo g y
F a c u lty o f A g r ic u ltu r e
K y u s h u U n iv e r s ity
F u k u o k a 8 1 2 -8 5 8 1
Ja p a n
A n d re y G a lk in
In s titu te fo r C h e m ic a l R e s e a r c h
K y o to U n iv e r s ity
U ji, K y o to -F u 611
Jap an
Z h iq i H ao
D e p a r tm e n t o f M o le c u la r B io lo g y a n d G e n e tic s
C o r n e ll U n iv e r s ity
I th a c a , N e w Y o rk 1 4 8 5 3
U .S .A .
J u n H ir o s e
D e p a r tm e n t o f A p p lie d C h e m is tr y
F a c u lt y o f E n g in e e rin g
M iy a z a k i U n iv e r s ity
M iy a z a k i 8 8 9 - 2 1 9 2
Jap an
L o o k W . H u ls h o ff P o l
S u b -d e p a r t m e n t o f E n v ir o n m e n ta l T e c h n o lo g y
W a g e n in g e n U n iv e r s ity
" B io te c h n io n ' -B o m e n w e g , 2
P.O . B o x 8 1 2 9
6 7 0 0 E V W a g e n in g e n
T h e N e th e r la n d s
A le x a n d e r A . K am n ev
L a b o r a to r y o f B io c h e m is try o f P la n t-B a c te r ia l S y m b io s e s
I n s titu te o f B io c h e m is try a n d P h y s io lo g y
o f P la n ts a n d M ic r o o r g a n is m s
R u s s ia n A c a d e m y o f S c ie n c e s
1 3 P r o s p . E n tu z ia s to v
4 1 0 0 1 5 S a r a to v
R u s s ia
C h i a k i K a to
T h e D E E P S T A R G ro u p
J a p a n M a rin e S c ie n c e a n d T e c h n o lo g y C e n t e r
2 - 1 5 N a ts u s h im a -c h o
Y o k o s u k a 2 3 7 -0 0 6 1
Jap an
M asaak i K od am a
S c h o o l o f F is h e r ie s S cie n ce s
K ita s a to U n iv e r s ity
O f u n a to
I w a te 0 2 2 -0 1 0 1
Jap an
P a v e l K o tr b a
R e s e a r c h In s titu te o f In n o v a tiv e T e c h n o lo g y
fo r th e E a r t h
9 - 2 K iz u g a w a d a i
K iz u -c h o , S o r a k u -g u n
K y o to 6 1 9 - 0 2 9 2
Jap an
L ju d m ila K u la k o v a
In s titu te fo r C h e m ic a l R e s e a r c h
K y o to U n iv e r s ity
U ji, K y o to -F u 611
Jap an
P ie t N .L . L e n s
S u b -d e p a r t m e n t o f E n v ir o n m e n ta l T e c h n o lo g y
W a g e n in g e n U n iv e r s ity
" B io te c h n io n " -B o m e n w e g / 2
P.O . B o x 8 1 2 9
6 7 0 0 E V W a g e n in g e n
T h e N e th e r la n d s
T o ru N a k a y a m a
D e p a r tm e n t o f B io m o le c u la r E n g in e e r in g
G r a d u a te S c h o o l o f E n g in e e rin g
T o h o k u U n iv e r s ity
A o b a -y a m a 0 7
S e n d a i, M iy a g i 9 8 0 - 8 5 7 9
Jap an
T o k u z o N ish in o
D e p a r tm e n t o f B io m o le c u la r E n g in e e r in g
G r a d u a te S c h o o l o f E n g in e e rin g
T o h o k u U n iv e r s ity
A o b a -y a m a 0 7 , S e n d a i, M iy a g i 9 8 0 - 8 5 7 9
Jap an
T om as R um l
D e p a r tm e n t o f B io c h e m is tr y a n d M ic r o b io lo g y
a n d C e n te r f o r I n te g r a te d G e n o m ic s
In s titu te o f C h e m ic a l T e c h n o lo g y
T e c h n ic k a 3 ,
1 6 6 2 8 P rag u e
C z e c h R e p u b lic
S h i g e r u S a to
S c h o o l o f F is h e r ie s S c ie n c e s
K ita s a to U n iv e r s ity
O f u n a to ,
I w a te 0 2 2 -0 1 0 1
Jap an
J a n S ip m a
S u b -d e p a r tm e n t o f E n v ir o n m e n ta l T e c h n o lo g y
W a g e n in g e n U n iv e r s ity
" B io te c h n io n ”-B o m e n w e g , 2
P.O . B o x 8 1 2 9
6 7 0 0 E V W a g e n in g e n
T h e N e th e r la n d s
Ja cq u e s T h ero n
D e p a r tm e n t o f M ic r o b io lo g y a n d P la n t P a th o lo g y
U n iv e r s ity o f P re to ria
0 0 0 2 P r e to r ia ,
S o u th A f ric a
M a r c u s V .G . V a lle ro
S u b -d e p a r tm e n t o f E n v ir o n m e n ta l T e c h n o lo g y
W a g e n in g e n U n iv e r s ity
" B io te c h n io n " -B o m e n w e g , 2
P.O . B o x 8 1 2 9
6 7 0 0 E V W a g e n in g e n
T h e N e th e r la n d s
I r e n e W a g n e r - D o b le r
G e s e lls c h a ft fu r B io te c h n o lo g is c h e F o r s c h u n g m b H
M a sch e ro d e r W eg 1
D -3 8 1 2 4 B ra u n s c h w e ig
G erm an y
K a z u y a W a ta n a b e
M a r in e B io te c h n o lo g y In s titu te
3 -7 5 - 1 H e ita , K a m a is h i
I w a te 0 2 6 -0 0 1
Jap an
D a v id B . W ils o n
D e p a r tm e n t o f M o le c u la r B io lo g y a n d G e n e tic s
C o r n e ll U n iv e r s ity
I th a c a , N e w Y o rk 1 4 8 5 3
U .S .A .
Cold-Active Enzymes from Cold-Adapted
Microorganisms: Their Possible Applications and
Structural Relationships with Mesophilic and
Thermophilic Counterparts
'Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto-Fu 611, Japan
’Department of Biomolecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku,
University, Aoba-yama 07, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8579, Japan
T h e m ic ro o rg a n is m s in h a b itin g e x tr e m e e n v iro n m e n ts a re c a lle d
" e x tr e m o p h ile s ." T h e y c a n s u r v iv e a n d e v e n g r o w u n d e r h a r s h c o n d itio n s
s u c h a s e x tr e m e te m p e r a tu r e s , e x tr e m e p H s , h ig h s a lt c o n c e n tr a tio n s , a n d
h ig h p r e s s u r e s , in w h ic h th e m a j o r ity o f o r g a n is m s c a n n o t s u r v iv e .
E x tr e m o p h ile s a r e im p o r ta n t s o u r c e s o f in d u s tr ia l e n z y m e s th a t c a n b e
u s e d u n d e r s u c h e x tr e m e r e a c tio n c o n d itio n s in b io te c h n o lo g y . S o far,
th e r m o p h ile s , a c la s s o f e x tr e m o p h ile s th a t c a n g r o w a t h ig h te m p e r a tu r e s
(> 5 5 ° C ), a s w e ll as th e ir e n z y m e s and p ro te in s , h a v e a ttr a c te d
b io te c h n o lo g is ts ' a tte n tio n b e c a u s e th e e n z y m e s fro m th e rm o p h ile s a re
g e n e r a lly m o r e "ro b u s t" th a n th o s e o f m e s o p h ilic o rig in , a llo w in g th e
e f f ic ie n t a p p l ic a ti o n o f e n z y m e s in b io te c h n o lo g y . T h e u s e f u ln e s s o f
th e rm o s ta b le e n z y m e s fro m t h e r m o p h i l i c m i c r o o r g a n i s m s is w e l l
d o c u m e n t e d b y th e a p p lic a tio n o f th e r m o s ta b le D N A p o ly m e r a s e s fr o m
e x tr e m e th e rm o p h ile s in P C R te c h n o lo g y .
D u r in g th e p a s t d e c a d e , in c r e a s in g a tte n tio n h a s a ls o b e e n p a id to th e
a p p lic a tio n o f th e o th e r c la s s o f e x tre m o p h ile s , c o ld -a d a p te d
m ic r o o r g a n is m s w h ic h c a n g r o w a t lo w t e m p e r a tu r e s (b e lo w 1 5 ° C ), a n d
th e ir c o ld -a c t iv e e n z y m e s in b io te c h n o lo g y . T h is r e v ie w s u r v e y s c u r r e n t
k n o w le d g e o n c o ld -a c t iv e e n z y m e s f r o m c o ld -a d a p te d m ic r o o r g a n is m s ,
m a in ly in te r m s o f th e ir a p p lic a tio n s in b io te c h n o lo g y a n d th e m e c h a n is tic
a s p e c ts o f th e ir c o ld a d a p ta tio n .
‘ Corresponding author Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto-Fu 611,
'Today the largest publicly accessible source of cold-adapted bacterial strains is the Australian
Collection of Antarctic Microorganisms (ASAM), holding about 300 isolates of heterotrophic
Antarctic bacteria. A private collection that of AMRAD Discovery Technologies Pty Ltd.,
which works with ASAM, consists of several thousand isolates of Antarctic bacteria and
fungi, but the strains collected are not publicly available (Nichols et al. 1999).
Table 1. Antarctic and Siberian bacterial isolates and their most similar organisms on the
basis of 16S rDNA sequences
40 50 60 70 80 90
Temperature (°C)
Formate NAD* • L-Alanine ^ S D-Alantne a-Keto acids
electrostatic potentials for substrate binding at and near the active site
region and the reduced intersubunit ion-pair interactions (see above). The
local flexibility of each MDH in an equivalent scale of thermal parameters
has been compared by introducing the "relative B-factor,” which has been
obtained by dividing the B-factors of all atoms in each enzyme by an
average B-factor of a whole molecule, considering the fact that
crystallographic temperature B-factors are sensitive to the difference in
resolution, packing, solvent content, and quality data. All main-chain and
most of the side-chain atoms interacting with NADH and oxaloacetate in
the AaMDH show up to 2-fold increased relative B-factors, reflecting their
increased relative flexibility. Two different methods have been used to
compare the relative flexibility of the active site regions in both MDHs. In
either case, the values that may represent the relative local flexibility for the
MDHs are higher in AaMDH than in TfMDH, suggesting that the active site
of the cold-active enzyme is relatively more flexible, which could facilitate
catalytic action at low temperatures. However, again as in the case of the
cold-active citrate synthase, the overall average B-factor for AaMDH is
significantly lower than that of its thermophilic counterpart. Nevertheless,
an increased local flexibility, estimated from crystallographic temperature
factors, has been experimentally observed for two cold-adapted proteins:
the higher relative flexibility of the small domain of citrate synthase and the
relatively flexible active site region of malate dehydrogenase.
Triose-phosphate isomerase—The three-dimensional structures of triose-
phosphate isomerase from the psychrophilic bacterium Vibrio marinus
(vTIM) in a complex with sulfate and with 2-phosphoglycolate have been
solved with 2.7 A resolution (Alvarez et al. 1998). They are the first
published experimental X-ray crystal structures of a cold-adapted enzyme.
vTIM is a very unstable protein with a half-life of only 10 min at 25°C,
showing the intrinsic characteristic of cold adaptation. The vTIM sequence
is most closely related to the sequence of mesophilic triose-phosphate
isomerase from Escherichia coli (eTIM) with 66% of sequence identity. The
catalytic activity of vTIM at 10°C is very similar to that of eTIM at 25°C.
Although the three-dimensional structures of both enzymes are similar, no
exhaustive structural comparison has been made in an attempt to find out
the structural factors of vTIM related to cold adaptation. Nevertheless, a
careful comparison of all known 45 sequences of TIM revealed that cold-
adapted vTIM has a unique residue in the phosphate binding helix,
Ala238, which is replaced by serine in all other TIM sequences. To find out
the implications of this unique sequence feature, Ala238 has been replaced
by serine, and the resultant mutant, the A238S mutant, has been
characterized. It turns out that this point mutation resulted in a decrease
in the catalytic efficiency at 10°C and an increase in the thermostability, as
evidenced by calorimetric studies. Therefore, alanine at this position should
“Abbreviations: Psy, P sy ch ro ba cter sp. Ant300; Eco, Esch erich ia coli; Car, C a m o b a d e r iu m sp. St2;
Bpu, B acillus p u m ilu s.
bAmino acids are shown by one-letter notation.
‘Grand average of hydropathidty.
‘‘In comparison with mesophilic counterpart.
'N-terminal extension plays an important role for the regulation of Eco glutamate recemase
and is also present in the Psy enzyme. The Eco enzyme is strongly activated by the
presence of UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine, the precursor of a peptidoglycan. In contrast,
the enzymes from Gram-positive bacteria are not activated at all.
BpuGR are lower than those of any GRs from gram-negative bacteria;
therefore, a decrease in arginine contents could be essential as an adaptation
factor only for PsyGRbut not forCarGR. Thus, reasonable comparison can
be made only by studying a set of enzymes from organisms belonging to
similar taxonomic groups.
Alanine dehydrogenase studies—AlaDH catalyzes the reversible NAD+-
dependent deamination of L-alanine to pyruvate. In gram-positive bacteria,
AlaDH is of physiological importance for cell survival under extreme
conditions by participating in the sporulation process (Siranosian et al.
1993). On the other hand, AlaDH from non-spore-forming gram-negative
bacteria probably serves as a link between the carbon and amino acid
metabolism, providing the cell with both nitrogen and/or energy.
16 141210 8 6 4 2 0 0 5 10 15 20
Figure 3. (A) Comparison of phylogenetic trees constructed on the basis of amino acid
sequences of bacterial glutamate racemase (GR, right) and 16S rDNA sequences of bacterial
hosts (left). (B) Comparison of phylogenetic trees constructed on the basis of amino add
sequences of bacterial alanine dehydrogenase (AlaDH, right) and 16S rDNA sequences of
their source strains (left). Roman numerals indicate dustering of sequences into two major
categories of low G +C gram-positive bacteria (I) and y-subdivision of gram-negative
Proteobacteria (II). A balanced dadogram was constructed from a matrix of pairwise genetic
distances generated by the CLUSTAL W method by using the MEGAUGN program. The
scale indicates percentages of sequence divergence. Abbreviations of spedes names are as
follows: Bpu, B acillus p u m ilu s ; Bsu, B acillus su b tilis; Bee, B a cillu s c ereu s; Shm, S taph ylo co ccus
h a em o ly ticu s; Bsp, B a cillu s sp h a ericu s; Lbr, Lactobacillus brev is; Ppe, P ed iococcus p en to sa ceu s; Lfe,
L a cto b a c illu s f e r m e n t u m ; Car, C a r n o b a c t e r iu m sp. St2; Mle, M y c o b a c t e r iu m le p r a e ; Met,
M y c o b a c te r iu m t u b e r c u lo s is ; Cgl, C o r y n e b a c t e r iu m g lu t a m i c u m ; Eco, E s c h e rich ia c o li; Hin,
H a e m o p h ilu s in flu e n z a e ; Psy, P sy ch ro b a cter sp. Ant300; Nme, N e isseria m e n in g it id is ; Zmo,
Z y m o m o n a s m o bilis; Hpy, H elico b a cter p y lo ri; Aae, A q u ife x a eo licu s; Syn, S y n ech o cy stis sp. PCC
6803; Vpr, V ibrio p ro teo ly ticu s; and She, Shexvanella sp. AclO.
"Abbreviations are: Vpr, V ib rio p r o t e o ly t ic u s ; She, S h ew a n e lla sp. AclO; Bst, B a c illu s
Bsu, B a cillu s su b tilis; Car, C a m o b a c te riu m sp. St2.
slea ro th erm o p h ilu s;
'Temperatures at which the enzyme loses 50% of its original activity after 30-min incubation.
'At 25°C. See (Galkin e l al. 1999) for details.
dAmino acids are shown by one-letter notation.
"Grand average of hydropathidty.
Total numbers in hexamer.
'Ratio of buried apolar to polar surface area.
We found that the total numbers of salt bridges clearly decrease in the
order of thermophilic through psychrotrophic AlaDHs when we compared
the 3D structures of AlaDHs from the same bacterial subgroups with each
other (SheAlaDH and VprAlaDH; and CarAlaDH, BsuAlaDH, and
BstAlaDH; see Table 4). Therefore, salt bridges should play an important
role in the stabilization of AlaDHs, and a decreased number of salt bridges
is an essential factor for the cold adaptation of both CarAlaDH and
SheAlaDH. Specifically, a very clear correlation between the molar ratio of
basic residues Arg/(Arg+Lys) (see Section 4) and protein thermostability
(see also Fig. 1) could be identified with AlaDHs from gram-positive
the enzyme was found (see Section 4). Below, we will discuss the results
of comparative mutagenesis studies on cold-adapted lipases and
proteinases in an attempt to clarify the relationships between their cold
activities and thermostabilities.
Lipase—Lipases catalyze the hydrolysis of acylglycerides and other
fatty acid esters and serve as versatile biocatalysts that are useful for a
wide variety of applications, for which enzyme thermostability is regarded
as one of the most important characteristics (Herbert 1992).
Recently, we have isolated lipase-producing cold-adapted
microorganisms from cold environments (Choo 1998, Kulakova 2000) and
cloned three distinct lipase genes. We successfully expressed these lipase
genes in E. coli cells, purified the recombinant enzymes to homogeneity,
and characterized them. They were found to be cold-active enzymes
because they exhibit high levels of activity at temperatures ranging from
5 to 25°C and low thermostabilities in comparison with their mesophilic
counterparts (Choo 1998, Kulakova 2000). One of these lipases, PsyLip
obtained from Antarctic Psychrobacter sp. strain Ant300, was found to be a
homolog of the hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) group of the lipase/
esterase family (Hemila et al. 1994). Using the PsyLip gene, we then carried
out the following rational mutagenesis studies in an attempt to enhance
the thermostability of this enzyme.
We constructed a modeled 3D structure of PsyLip on the basis of the
published 3D structure of brefeldin A esterase (Wei et al. 1999), which is
also a member of the HSL group (Choo 1998, Kulakova 2000). Comparisons
of the primary and modeled 3D structures of PsyLip with those of the
mesophilic and thermophilic members of the HSL group have revealed
parameters which should be possibly involved in cold adaptation: a lower
Arg/(Arg+Lys) ratio, fewer ionic and aromatic interactions, and an
essentially lower proline content (see also Section 4). Particularly, one
proline residue that is highly conserved among the mesophilic and
thermophilic members was found to be substituted by glycine in PsyLip.
This glycine, Gly244, is located near the active site in the turn connecting
the P-sheet and the a-helix (Fig. 4A). Thus, this glycine was replaced by
proline by site-directed mutagenesis (Fig. 4B), and the resultant PsyLip
mutant was biochemically characterized. The results showed that the
thermostability of PsyLip was enhanced by replacement of Gly244 by
proline: the mutant enzyme retained almost 95% of its original activity
after incubation at 40°C for 60 min, while the wild-type enzyme lost about
80% of its activity. Moreover, this amino-acid substitution resulted in 2.6-
fold diminution in the overall catalytic efficiency (kai/Km) for the hydrolysis
of p-nitrophenyl valerate, along with a shift of the enzyme's substrate
specificity toward a preference for short acyl-chain substrates at the active
site. Probably, the active site region might be rigidified by the introduction
Figure 4. (A) A modeled close-up view of an environment near the catalytic triad (Asp331, His361, and Ser216) and Gly244 of a lipase (PsyLip) from
Antarctic P sy ch ro ba cter sp. strain Ant300. (B) Active-site environment of an engineered PsyLip, where Gly244 has been replaced by proline.
K. V™ V '-./K n
(°C) (mg ml-1) ( s 1) (ml mg’1 s"1)
wild-type 45
4°C 0.21 1.7 8.6
20°C 0.29 5.8 20.8
N251*E 50
4°C 0.049 1.1 23.1
20°C 0.10 3.4 34.0
Azocasein was used as a substrate.
•Numbered on the basis of subtilisin BPN'.
Figure S. A modeled dose-up view of Arg247*-mediated salt bridges with Glu251* and Glul97*
in an engineered serine alkaline proteinase (SapSh) from an Antarctic bacterium Sh ew anella
sp. strain AclO. Asterisks indicate the residue number on the basis of alignment of amino add
sequences of SapSh and mesophilic subtilisin BPN'.
7. Concluding Remarks
X-ray crystallography as well as site-directed mutagenesis studies have
provided strong evidence that the cold adaptation of enzymes from cold-
adapted organisms is based on altered intramolecular and intermolecular
interactions that may enhance the flexibility of their molecular structures.
The data presented here show that not ail cold-adapted enzymes necessarily
use the same strategy for adaptation of their structures to low temperatures.
Because there is a possibility that species-specific differences between
source organisms may be erroneously assigned as structural characteristics
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E n g i n e e r i n g o f M i c r o b i a l D i o x y g e n a s e s f o r th e
D e g ra d a tio n o f X e n o b io tic C o m p o u n d s
In tro d u c tio n
Over the past century, a large variety and a large quantity of hazardous
chemical compounds were produced in industry, and some of these were
released into the environment, resulting in serious environmental problems.
Bioremediation is one of the most promising approaches to cleaning up
such polluted soil, sediment or water, in which catabolic functions of
microorganisms are explored and engineered. Microbial degradation of
such xenobiotic compounds can often be initiated by oxygenation. In this
reaction, one or two atoms of molecular oxygen can be incorporated into
the substrates. The enzymes involved in such oxygenation are called
monooxygenase and dioxygenase (Dox), respectively. However, once
chlorines are substituted into the substrates, these compounds become
extremely resistant to microbial attack. Figure 1 shows the microbial
catabolic pathway of biphenyl/polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), which is
one of the best-characterized degradation pathways to date. In this reaction
two dioxygenases (Doxes) are involved; the first Dox introduces two
hydroxyl groups into the biphenyl ring and the second Dox cleaves the
hydroxylated ring. The former reaction requires NADH as an electron
donor, but the latter does not require an external reductant. Similar catabolic
pathways catalyzed by Doxes are also well documented with respect to
the degradation of benzene, toluene, naphthalene and phenanthrene. The
first Doxes involved in the initial oxygenation are of particular importance
because this reaction destabilizes the aromatic ring and initiates the
degradation of aromatic compounds. This review deals with the
engineering of the initial Doxes, focusing on the acquision of new and
novel degradation capabilities for PCB and trichloroethylene (TCE).
“The Council of the ‘Opera Nazionale di Patronato Regina
Elena,’ having known of the conspicuous offer of 1,300,000
lire made by the American National Red Cross in favor of the
children whom the recent earthquake has thrown into the
condition of orphans, has passed a vote of thanks to the
officers and to Your Excellency, to whose influential interest it
is due if so important a part of the funds collected in America
has been devoted to our institution.
“And I, interpreting the desire of the Council, warmly and
specially beg Your Excellency to kindly transmit to the
meritorious American Red Cross the expression of our
profound and heartfelt gratitude toward all the noble and great
American nation, not inferior to any other in all the
manifestations of human genius and solidarity.
“With the assurances of my highest consideration,
“The President,
Copyright, Harris-Ewing, ’08
“Mr. Ambassador:
“I have the honor to offer you the warmest thanks of the
Committee and Council of the ‘Opera Nazionale di Patronato
Regina Elena’ for the generous offer which you have made on
behalf of the Calabrian and Sicilian orphans.
“I beg you to be good enough to be interpreter of our very
grateful sentiments to the American Red Cross, which has
completed, with its splendid gift, its relief work in Calabria and
“The Agricultural Colony, which will be named American
Red Cross Orphanage,’ will perpetuate the remembrance of
this charity, and will contribute to render continually more
close the ancient ties of sympathy and friendship which unite
Italy with your mighty Republic, ties which you called attention
to in your brilliant speech on the occasion of the centenary of
the great President Lincoln.
“Accept, Mr. Ambassador, the assurances of my high
(Signed) “B. CHIMIRRI.
“To His Excellency,
“Hon. Lloyd C. Griscom,
“Ambassador of the United States of America, Rome.”
Copyright, Harris-Ewing, ’08